The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 10, 1898, Image 2

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baiuwoav gsE*4. ... i mt /■ I 1 1 P I Jr •Hpr \ j \ \ P *' * Wbere’s Be Going? Tit CM * OQT. «r * M*um». «• IU|)M * Mktfafci luMumii V. tk. OwiM lioo t* #t« (10 t’. l i Dtmm ion m ssi«i IM »• IGO ■run 173 to 75.00 rfeilM 05e to 115 |i»aj«i i.*» i# 36.UU Adrartiad' «Oe to KOO if.. If.. •*.. *f. ETerylliDi in Mnsic Tbomas & Barton, 710 Broadway, * Augusta, C«org»«- WEDIMNOS Orange Hwwwu bow* About fcfcay—.tofo fcaymlwv. Om.. Drc I*.—Atom ewrrr rhr#* year* a matrimonial epi demic lavad-* our bnrtor* and tto Hwitkdb I* np#u na o*c* more tor there are wedding* aad rnreora It M said, <■»* n*>i M'indsy on* of our coun ty ttlbi.r. win wend hit way to Hern don for tk* vote purpose of briefing htt»< a held# Hrpori says th* t»cn ty-gr*! wilt wttn#M anolher marrlaa* and toforr January 1* old enough to vote another very charming mipt# w It fw# the lead. Mr *nd Mr*. Oeorg* Kulrhee Cox returned from th#lr bridal trip, •, ms he a# will b# with Mr* Cox'* It Til r, Mrs. J. J. Jones, on Jones . I•'cotter' given by th* Indie* of the i r'.-iyitrlan church on Tuewlay even ing. at th# home of Mr*. Jim#* Ward waa a delightful affair. The program wa* artlatical y rendered and greatly a*Joyed by a large audience. Mtaa Margie Fielder wa* tb# honored guest at a charming taa on Wednaeday evening, given by Mr*. Annie R Mun kartyn. Hon. William H. Davl* rompllment «id Mlaa Marl# Wilklna and her gu#*t, Mia* Belle Walker, with a bird dinner at hi# country home on Thursday Mr. Davis la always rharming and aa a hrmt he exeat* tilniaclf. The day waa daltghtfully apent and one long to to remembered. To the regrwt of her many frleml*. Mlaa Bel.e Walker, who haa been vis iting Mlaa Marl# Wilkin*, left for her home In Augusta today. I- J- B- How tb« wind blow*. Keep out the cold. Save fuel, temper and doctor*' bill# Don’t let your next-door neigh bor hear you awrar. From Sto 8 cent# a toot. Thla I* done hy ualng WKATHER STRIPS. For sale by Augueta Mantel * Supply Co.. 921 Broad. Fortunately. Baltimore American. Emperor William la to write a book giving hi* impreaalona of the Ea»l. Fortunately, th* East la not In a po sition to retaliate by giving Ua im prfsaloua of William. For Whooping Cough us« CHENEY’S EXPEC TORANT. Soy Direct Fn 1 liiilw J AT MANUFACTURER’S PRICES. , HEADQUARTER* FOK- Tiunks B:tgs, Orcs> Suit Cases, Books, Purses, Etc. ' W THB CIITC-t--. _ „■ - v AARih'y iOE-aX-fEkt MMCieSS- Y - •••:•' ?-Yr.r Aipsia Trank Factory, M TWO MEMBERS OPPOSE THE BILL ill CttwtMg mm mi flag Iwit** Tito) 0% • totox tow *»#* a*«irtoix t*'-# •*•***.# »*«• uiw. a#« fcwM A*k* tto* tto 'I assr"* — gWHi#» *4 TM# W***»d A to# to#* : alto# I* a# ****** <4 fto (fe# '] *#it 4 ta»fc **»#*(## t* **•**#*•* ih# **•• i itfto to th* M«* to V, uu«t# f*# to I tom* iX*Mii *« <k* *»«#«*« to •• 1 1 » MtotM—f mk •# •**#*»« tot*# »*t» i . I I**<> *»'»# • **<.**• *■■«*>*»**• »i—to to’to fcaMKfcfc •*# »#*w a* *4 '{(•tag tfc* lut'tow to Jd» ' ***** i* tto ’ toattkf #»•* IM to****** i*»«‘ cm?#—* 1 > to Urn tot# >■—to* t* fcagi**** «*i to • «fe. * «*# ditto* 1 |* IM ftm #Wt t*# fit# toto*. > tkmM ft i*# a*tU#to »w*toMWy I* ‘ tor tot *V* **•*>• fimto tM* #•*•'» t* pMiitm tfc# iMttoMto# t* r#*M**» ' Itom *ll to a# ditto#. #*# •** *ll dto «Mtir#i*R .I##### tfc# «*#•* *tto 1 wmUa to *wtl #to tto *> # mm. . I b*U*« * tfct wt itoXlMt afc*» #*r»- 1 tat* * t#rw I* *•##. Tto «*Mtto* l» •It afc—Ml ui r.UW* fc# «toU*#to I* (Mt m#***f * It I# put tin* «*'“ Ifc# m»«# to Ik# Mktott# what tk# majority W denied. Ik mu **tkl«*. 1 *• dttat* «fc#l4 fc# ttawllW. *tt» I Htoiißtkt* <>* a*# ntodrwrttoat tfcrww* I* fc t way ky HMdwtH to I**, #•«#*• H fc# (to ntt* it tkit «###«* l« tk# toad. *k# tM* •*to# k i* «tfc»r krtitUt to tk* mt #r*i*##i* Id i*» watt with tk* to**uw ■M »«**?»toll*. Judge* to ywwr aa pertor •«*<! rttjr mart*. atortff* and mart «*r*vw W* know tk#t mow of ih< ni #r* k*pt I* «•#* many MW.{ I* nwr owa *nw*«r. J«4g» *»• fcto b*** rowtlawallf I* office tm warty t***t# pawn. **d #tok and evary *r#mt jury aft*r tk* mom r#rto»«l in v**tlg*tton. r*w*tn* kti* tk tk* hlgh**t tento. Won Id to* «tMtokw tor m women < that from fct* tool *«#*'•*■* # k* »• f"* hoit#r ga*H(l*4 lo twin** *k# dutl*# „f hi* to*'* than #n# n*w man that rovtd ufc# hi# ptemf t’kaimUoatoiir no | Sam. Editor* th* writ** bto always wondered •by It *•» tk# 1 Id*# got into tb# b**d* of Miron* i» dlniualffr lb# waror **d m*ml«rii of cotincll fr«<t* bolilsn* off## '■«« ot»«* I mm. |f fc* I# a romp*t*ni ofßi'lal and glflng bit itin# and attantlon to th# ; affair# of th* dig. »a It not b#w to fcmp him If hi* Mlow r!tlt*n» #«nt him than to mak* It ln»po»alb!# for 1 him to tor** them on atrotint of *om# •illr law pa*tod that dl**oallfi## him It la (Imply rldlmloiw and no lnt#Hl- K*nt r*a*onln« ran b# produr*A In th* on* ran# thal will noi hold good In th# I oth*r ra**a m#ntlon*d no with th# p,,llrc romwitoionto. lama #*p#ri#m# In th* nfflr* t**tt#r quallf** him than any n*w man that could tak# th# of- j flc# I Th* wr!t#r haa not ih# r*mot*#t j doubt If It had not b##n for thla a*na#- Inui dlaouallfytn* Uw. making Captain Voting Indlulbl* lor holding offlr*. Ih*. p»K>pl* In tb# laat mayoralty *l#ction would hav# chonen him to pinslde over th* affair* of th# city, ami th#r#by *a»*d on# of tb# mo*t bitter and *acl- Unc campaigns thla city baa ever wlt *aaa*d. Thorefora H#pr#a#ntallv*a Calrin and Hammond ahould permit through any lack of aeal on their part the defeat of thla request of etty coun cil, even If It waa unanlmoua. R To Cure a Cold In One Day Take Laxative Rromo Quinine Tablet*. J All druggists refund the money If It rail* to cure. ttc. The genuine ha* L. B. Q. on each tablet. John Sherman's Lament Seattle Times. Old. retired, looking bitterly upon the triumph of those who deepotled and ousted him. John Sherman out: “I think that l hav# been used for a purpose." Tou can get a nn * " u,t cheap for cash at E. J. Henry & Co.'a. 21« and 218 Campbell atreet. If you enn’t have that what you like try to like what you have. Mattlard’e Eating and Cooking Choc olate at Clark'*. TJR 3K THETMTr-TflKf CARRIER BITS Ig Ik* |ad« \«# tiil tg«| tkHitft iW (liftM. WtotWig Kaktod Ikatra toga* fNwk Ik# Tk* **#>*» to tk# <#(vtto fc#** to : Tk* Atggatok H> '• 'd ac* gi»»* fc#.. # * Tk*n ga *>»#*# aato ik#' agamuM# to g*r ***# w*** i* Tk* Itamd jdwikaf tk* to aa# Id wad* #k# awato tk#* a* t*a*y card*, fcq. wmm to* | fct#r»d kg Tk* Htowtd aato *k# *aa , »#(|#t**di at Ik# auMMMi to m*m#v<pato ttaatoW* fto tfc# dtolxary to tk* a#**# Ji* ifc* ttoy. fc*# *»tod ■■ fc* gfv# tto * a*m*« to tkW fc##** to *«fc> k*att#<r» Hr. Oaatat* ami i* *>*#*#»# to *d ) ' r*t*ima III* aaMM* #«*. H# A H fffcry. 1 Hr f It ta t i.««mo* *#4 Hr W. T. j M'KMHk*# p. Tto *arv*#r toy* a*4 tkai# *Wkker* |aa*t I I, H •• •* tt'»* Aklg* 1». m . .Pdkar* Nit • ~Um MlSto • .. Hrkkt# faffc* I.„ ~ Hag##.* ffHU g , ~ . WIIM Lfdfc f „ ~ ..tM* Vra* I .. .. . JntinM. H#a;k • Mar*** »>« t* ..(kadi# toil It .. Haase*, todwtorake# U Motorn rwtk If lawkr T«#kg II .. .. •• . ffdl Aykto tt.« •• .. ..Fraafc Had* I* .. .. . Kranfc fclanfm IT -Rn. tornloy II .. .. .. '..Weigh* T#*o If. Ijtmmr H*«r'td#r f* .Laomard Vttoi 11,. ~ ~ ~()av# d*i*lee a .Edwin Hjwtk 51 ~.. ABdy VearH* *4 leeroy C#la li ~ . Robert Tharp y*. .. tonn • Weathrrabe# TT .. ~ WtEta H«>ea ft lernr Herderuan I* ~ . Prank Hardeman S» Frank MeAlllsf-r H*ff glma jj Willi# Parka SI ..Cummloa Hard* Sam Dullman Sleeplne Car Ll*« Via. bouthem Railway on Noy. Htk. the tk.uthem Railway Improved their pr-nent tin# *#rvlc* by tfc r addition of * through Cultman v##- j t»«il# ear between Augusta and New Torh lo be im#rnt#d on the Wnahtna* ton nod lk.uthne*«*m limited, leaving Augueta 2te b- m. y.»r full Informa tion and reeervtttloa call on «tr nddreea J. It, Heyward. T. P. A . <• Rtond , sirvet, Augusta, Oa. THE TAX RATE It Will be ft 3 Cent* on the Thousand Lower Next Ye»r Atlanta. Dee. I*. -The elate tax rate for the year* IKX9 and 1900 will be 85 rent* on $l 000. le*» than that for I*9*. The rate a* fixad by the bonne In considering the general tax blit thin morning I* to be 5.3* inllla. a« row- I pared with 6.21 mill* for the present year. It I* estimated that Ihere will be nearly half of a mill further reduction If the Brandon pension bill*, which have passed the House, lieeome laws The appropriation bill a* adopted by the committee of the whole house was passed with a few changes. The tax on bicycle manuafetnn rs or dealers and that or. commer#'. agencies were reduc'd from S2OO to SIOO a year. There was an aye and nay vote ta ken on the school Bind, and all but seven members who were In the House at the time approved the SBOO,OOO ap propriation. In the Senate there was an effort made to reconslA’r the bill cutting stenographers' pay. The motion to re- . consider was Indefinitely postponed There will be a joint session at 1 p. | m. on Bee. 14 to receive President Mc- Kinley. Our prices on suits only two-third* what others charge. E. J. Henry A Co., spot cash tailors. FUNERAL OF~nrT"pRONT AU T Occurs This Afternoon From »t. Pat rick’s Church Tho funeral of Mr. J. H. Prontaut occurs at four o’clock this afternoon from St. Patrick's church. The fol lowing gentlemen will act as pallbear ers: Active Pallbearers— Ij. C. Haytte, L. A. Dorr. Dr. A. G. Patrick, C. E. Clark, Richard Allen, James D. Cole. Honorary Pallbearers— Hon. Patrick Walsh, Maj. C. A. Withers. William Flynn. John Neely. Chas. D. Carr, J. J. Doughty. How tho wind blows. Keep out the cold. Save fuel, temper and doctors' bills. Don’t let your next-door neigh bor hear you swear. From 3 to 8 cents a foot. This Is done by using WEATHER STRIPS. For sale by Augusta Mantel & Supply Co., 921 Broad. Not Yet. Gmahn World-Herald. L'p to datir Mr. John, Sherman. .Its* hot otfyrkd ia tear tJutiast paet-from his “RecolTec{lons”-TOerely-!o* isli good will toward the administration's policy of Imperialism.' ' Fresh Velvet Molasses Candy at Chirk's. 13 GAMESTtRS TAKEI) IN TOW * jf" ll»t in? in Jffci it** *Ai • "Swill <*«ny ***** gfcmfki Hadwa tto Itmamfcr# leday iar Tdto j Thar* ••#* • felt ktot to g**w#ia ; awl* taa* a■#** M Ih# hato# to # *#•» ' ■##* tHgM I* W*#t Had ffeto* - *h* taa* • to»( t* tto *• <*• •#*# ’ Tm* Innatr >»_ tlt#o !#*§. tk* i Atkad I#*, ttdto* tor*##. U#t> iltw. mm. Will Hn*k(*. Jwk* (dWifwrd tln» tkttoafc Atom ilarto#. tfc tit ' Nm. a»tow—. Mtww* **4 fcfeaaa 1 *.--«• Ttoy a—* all Ikdatgta* tk a #»*# ; to "(klk,* Th* m*H alu Itva* t* Ik* ton#* i fV'porfdl ffe# **tatfcfe#ra fc* Ik# fewtfc##. i tof t*# that ah# nag gd tad* tfto ton## n* aerendi to th* 4mm fc* kg ■ami j* Jnhawn* a*| Wtumm ###t M tto to**# akd akeefck# eardtomr#** « mend** pady Thg khm# fewa* wn. towwcfct t» gtoH# • totb»fc Od to tto rrwwd Ink* ffcawtord #a# m*d* a *n ##*< to *1 court (hr* nwrwtsg All th# nttor* g«**d. I md g*f»* John Oawtorrfc itoto **at*m#*t to tk# cat ‘J*dg* I toll**# l har# w*a a fettl* gam# atoag «*. hat K ara* a *orlal *•■>#, **# Th# fcov* nmH Jwat dro* I* and do* mi. Wd*t *m# to ##a fcav* much tmmm. To# haw*. Jwd*#, tow *m#r* *r#„ Thag «**'*» fe*#* *”•* If they laws*. Ttoy taw** may to 'h# asm* a# to*g aa ttoy bad tk* «w*h, I tkiafe* a*##' to '#• had nv« judas fta#t#r looked tk* array atw awl roaawlted ik# a*d» ”T«a all may g*.' h# a*id. yo# will k#*r fr#« •# later *k" Th#y all looked aarprtod akd lef* tk# court tomm riwm what the reporter tom* Ih# law la tto cad# tk— am pruh.fc* •nmhUag is a hot— hwt am h tMfcfe, | pot be doae am tto atreet- Of r.mra* tber# |> a state law ag*<n*t indoor* *»d It cema thai tto artay to ggnwwitxra who were caught did vio late the at at# law, Hcyaver. that wa* Mt to the Jari#- dIeM.HI of th* reeoedet Th# ordlß**## la tto **w city canto on read* aa follow.: • tot turn IAS. Anv person found gambllkg om may atreet or to any pub lic place ahall to fln#d not exceeding ISS or to imprtaoned or eon fined at la bor not exceeding thirty day*." yv>r Xmas we have R.K-kers Oi.'d Chaim. T»Wm. Lampa. Rug* and riaaW. Muat to sold. Fleming * Hon lew. The Art to Conversation 1 Women who regard It a* their chief end In life to attrsrt ».In ration will apond hours before the looking glass . and devoting day* In dress, eat real- ■ tslng that one-half this time spent In cultivating their minds and In acquir ing tb# ability to talk welt would ac complish the same purpose in a far greater degree." write* Mrs. Slone F Handy, when dlarusaiwg "The Art of CanrwßMitton.” "In ike first places f n j nr tod Tfc ta'fc to have aomt thing to talk about. You ( cannot .draw water a well where 1 no water la, therefore you muat rultl- , vata T«ur mind ihrtiugh reading add j observation. Ac uatfcm yourself to j talk about what you aee and read. II la a mlntake net to Ulk to the people j of your own family: many a one has j grown taciturn from not considering It , worth whlla to entertain the home folk*. Let the habit of atory teiliu* to cultivated; you cannot lack for au- j dltors while you have children among j your acquaiolanreii. You will find that by ao doing your mental and Ungual faculties will be strengthened. Keep j yourself In touch with the questions of j the day: to do this give a few momenta to the newspaper every morning. Al ways find out wiiether the person whom you are to entertain prefers to speak or listen, and govern yourself accordingly. Avoid as far as possible nil unpleasant subjects, and endeavor to discover what Is most Interesting to your companions. With some persons j this faculty amounts to Intuition, with others It Is laboriously acquired, but It Invariably grows by exercise. Talk of things and not of people; gossip Is not conversation. Never talk much of yourself nor of your own affairs: It la in tod form, nnd gonerally it bores your hearer. Avoid, also, unkind and censorious observations about other people, and never, If you l ’ nn hp, P '*• make personal remarks, unless they are something to the nature of a deli cate compliment: thus you will avoid (reading up your neighbor's corns. your order at once and avoid rush, floods cheaper than ever. E. J. Henry & Co., popular priced tailors, 218 and 218 Campbell street. It ia said that Lt. Hobson received an offer of five thousand dollars from each of two m a games simultaneously for an article descriptive of his exploit with the Merrimne at Santiago. The thrifty Mr. Hobson put the n(fair In the hands of a legal agent who suc ceeded in running the offered price up to six thousand dollars —at which fig ure, says The Kansas City Star, the bargain was conclude^. Cucumber and Almond ■ Oream f° r chapped, ..tough skin iS the most pop ular thing in town. ifTs sold'at Aiex .aailer Drug store. w * — ” , Beautiful line of Mahogany and wal nut Suits regardless of protit for cash Fleming jib Bowles. MT ADS. ' MMHp mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmrnm t n#* *t* m*rm n ** V £ rn.i * *«•»'* « tin* MAgfe 9 I ppt %f * A ' gMfcto #»«-• •# 41 #4 m# w|mi.« #♦* AN #<l4 BUM *** I owl #n n tm Mtof#..#- t* **♦ to*# m m mm mm *m m n, . g,f y, s , »ig t 1.% i #*# «M| «MW'|*»fciiy'<N> imiAawmml o>i»> •# IMI *xnmmb ** ' situation wantio VAktKh AlTt'tTPdt Ase Vt'fc»l mt’ %*■-*&*■ m*t n4i■ ♦# 99% bim A m 9?* j HELP VIANTED #»v|- 1:|» r'Wlt rTf wogAg Al I JUN V9m ttn #4AMN<Ni *Hin* a 4 4mm Mn» T J -• Hi)Tift|wy «#tw M** H*'«4 T I iNjAffTirm Al# N*B J An'inmtti nxnM** ami* fW t» «• trt «'*• **4 * 4P#to4 tmm** m*4 m*m •mm* NT N -e; I TOMR EN T ’ TO UT- TWO H UlfegoMg tW*t*HI.II Mk-*#, M t*g ?#* anentfc. *l» »«<#•** id**## >*##*#. I#*—##* Ffc'ntag. stfe ttr~ a # it r**!, t*e II TO HKNT -A «M ALL Brt*HMl*HOi to##* «a a *#•«<•! kviifc* «#»•#*•> ,«* •srfcangvi AAdrwa* E eat# Herald <4to#. If MK FOR SALE HKAT* FIHPT CLAIM AMD J* f’EK <*•< «<M >*y tsrrfcag tar tto r#*fc mm liu.fc m Fifth rr#*t. tor > U cm AM-< Itr-AM AT M lACtWJk FT. FOR BALE .FAWFF FT«H WMAt*- rtNO a«nw#»a. Cb##p*M la *ttg ' fc* r*nt a |io#n4 Afcfcly *i H*ralg Mka Uwtk wlttie and a#«a-*a*#v. • JVov t TOR lALfe-W-JKTII FARM. ONM ■tile from city limit*, a bargain Ap ply W. C. Job#* No. U< j*tfca m *t on 1 CHEAP PAPER FOR WRAPPING paqnwr t* cents a hnndtnd »H *t rkaiilH Whit* papav I #nt a ;<oi»aJ. Nov I LOST AND FOUND. HTHAYED KIIOM HOME kTRNT -1 TTKK company, 1112 lircad Mrtc-t .1 I igack horn*. » bit# *pot in for*fc,ad. Re turn to 1152 l»ru*4 atreet. #« 1# gTKATTTD OR KTOLKN -TAN j OWED Iratrfc anfet*. ■■»**«■ to n»mi fnf ’Tlcott ” Reward for hi* return to : Porter Fleming, it Jackwm *lr*#t. d#- 1# j MISCELLANEOUS I» PER CENT HAYED RY Rt'YINO your niefct from Buab for the ca*h. Meat* riml»f»i’tl-m guaranteed. 211 Fifth street. Come and •##. dec • l» ' Special Notices; Warning. AIX PKRBONB ARE WARNED | again*: hunting or trespassing on any i part 0 f niy land west of Lake Oltn * stead and north of the Washington ! Road. No permission given. All | dogs found running at large will be •hot. J H. ALEXANDER. i.-. i - - Special Notice The National Exchange Rank of Au , gueta, Augusta. Cla., Dec. 9. ISM. THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE Stockholder* of this Hank will he ) held at tts Ranking House on Tl'BS- I DAT. January 10th. 1*99. between the j hours of 12 and 2 o’clock p. m,, for the election of seven directors to serve for the ensuing year. PERCY R. MAY. Cashier. | Sun -in i ■i ■ " ' 1 Installment Notice, I Office of Mutual Real Estate Building I ami Loan Association. Augusta, (la., Dec. 10, 1899. iTHE REGULAR MONTHLY INSTAL MENT of this Association I* due and payable MONDAY, DECEMBER 12tli By order of the President. W. C. JONES. Secretary. AUGUSTA ‘TEAM CANDY FACTORY Is making the PRETTIEST, PUREST, WHITEST CANDIES in the market. 'When in need of Stick, Pea Nut, Broken nixture Taffy Candles Tele phone Bell ’Phone No. 2276. With Schley For Vice Admiral. St. Louis Republic. The president's message didn't name George Dewey for the proposed new rank ot admiral, but that doesn’t I make any difference. The people have already named him by acclamation. castouxa. Bear* the jf The Kind Yoa Have Always Bought s, :r ‘'You can fool all the people some time and can fool some of the people all the time, but you can’t fool all of the people all the time.” There are those in Augusta who are finding that out now. Art Squares from $4.50 to $15.00 at Fleming & Bowles. Why is it one's purse Is always shortest when the days are. olsof Toys! Toys! Th# lafyaii atodt ©f Tof* *»v#r hrotighi to Awtoife, Tlx* r»« utm th# >ow#ki *v#f p«i itptm mmumrjtomm. Do m»t for#*t my ©*#c# wh*n w» oft##. M> iHOfißHltt ot C#Atwi ** you fchOfcdMl t*ar il to h*io4. Cfekfer IrvMt Cfehfe *n«l Lltly F>n#«rm #r# my *o#c*#tl»#k- H. H. CLAUBBBN. 1002 Broad St. WliMiili Wkiels Tin 11 urn io Got om or iti mr. (4 Clev«Undi at $ 12. $ 14. S 1 5. Sl7. One of them* it a Ladies. I Gendrom at 517.50. I Rayt yc!t* at $ 14. On# Stearn*# fpftCtPil at $lB. 4 Model# 40Columbia# at s2l , $22, $23. $24. I Cre#ant at S2O. 2 Credenda# at 516.00. I Victoria at $24. 2 Ladb#* Fenton# at $1 5 and S2O. I Man*# Victor at $20.) DEVENET.HOODtCO, BICYCLE DEPARTMENT. Our Coal Promotes Health, Wealth and good Cheer Il hums Ihiough and through and leaves neither #tate nor cinder and hut very little ayh. OUR JELLICO AND CROSS MOUNTAIN Household Coah are unequalled tor cleanliness heating and lasting qualities and money is saved daily hy »h’ir un., Nut nnd steam Ccals of bc*t Oratics and at I OWf fct Price# Tdrpkcaa.- 1 FRASER & Ct'MMINO, LeMtes, Struaftr gjb Hell u« > CO-OI'IiRATIVF. COAL StPPLV CO., 1041 J*ck*o* St ~ ~ Christinas Offerings , \ , -i" 1 1 • In diamond# prcclon* atonr# and solid Q , V go’d Jewelry make th# ntoc: acc*rt*bl# 3 »’ ry gift* that yo# ran rboo## tar * lady. | - ' W# hav# ■ *ap#rb array of lac# pin*. pendant*, chatelaine*, watch#*. Uilet war* and novaltiaa that will adorn ' ' *%•**. • beauty, and pies** th* most fast Id -.. * Td>, ion*. In men * Jewelry eur hsntoom# vl - iT acarf pin*. #igo*t ring*. a!*#v# button*. V a T '/ ' . charm* and novrlt!** are exqulalta. A. J. RENKL. Jewe er, ?3t> Broad Street. MASONIC FAIR RESTAURANT OPEN FROM iO A M. TO 12 P. M. Everything choice can be obtained that the market affords. All dishes are prepared by a celebrated chef. A suppiy of Choice Oysters always on hend and served in fine style. A fine Lunch or Meal can be had at a small cost. The ladies in charge will carefully look after ail orders. NO BETTER 5c CIGAR ON THE MARKET R. C. NORRELL & CO., ItilMle Dealers. The Browses Bullied Him. Some of the hahitues of the Waldorf- Astoria are telling a good story at the expense of a young Englishman stop ping there and now <>n his way home after a tour of the West. It reiaiee to the American system of baggage checking, "such a simple thing, you know." that now the Britisher wonders why he did what he did. It was several tv celt* ago when the young man arrived here with a com panion who had looked out for him on the way over. At New York the friends separated, the young fellow going to Chicago. At the Grand Central station be found his way to the baggage room, with the Injunction to his employes to send his "hawses” to Chicago. To his surprise two baggage checks were thrust into his hand. "What are these for?” he asked in a surprised sort of way. The baggage man, being beset by , many persons didn't reply. “What am I to do with these?” the the young fellow Inquired, but no one j answered. i "Cawn't imagine," he soliloquized. Then he was struck by a bright idea. He walked into the lnctosure, strange- j ly enough no one pursuing him, opened ; one of his trunks, and carefully de- i posited the-cheeks therein. - After that he Telt consixteiabiy relieved: Twenty-si* hours later e much bc wildeceil-young, fereign£E_S3B|ro*ted a burly Chicago. "Send me bawxes to the auditorium.” he said, indicating his trunks. "Give us yer checks,” was the busi- j oectMiit* 10 ness like answer. "Me checks!” was the puzzled ejacu lation. "Checks? I don't owe anything. I paid me transportation. Besides. I cawn't draw a check here." "I didn't ssy nothin’ lemt payin no thin',” impatiently rejoined the bag gageman. "Show yer checks or yer don't get no trunks. Don't know what checks is? Must he gre.m. Here, see these ver brass things." And the man held a check up to view-. A light broke upon the Englishman* and he exclaimed. "Oh me brawses. It's me brawses yo\» want. Why, I locked them In one of th* bawxes." The baggageman looked startled. Then he broke into a laugh, and the claimant of the bawxes laughed. "Durned if that don't beat me. howled the baggageman. "You're a in* lu.” Presently the Englishman opened htf trunk and got his checks, while the baggageman explained the Americas checking system. "Now that I know your Ameri at ways better.” said the Englishman, at he told the tale with the joke on him< pelf, "it seems very funny. But I giv* you me wo,rd it took a long time to And out what the chap meant by. a ‘lulu.’ Not so many women are showing thg white feather. thls_ yee'r as. last.' Tbit does not indicate any great amount ot feminine bravery, hut simply (denotes thar blanched plumery is not so fash c*s it once n as, i>: i fLt „ , t