The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 10, 1898, Image 7

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Tftn'n.' i-M* " He ##* mmm***m ** mm b*m «t m f*w* #**« «m* feinU mi «aMw tf'•*##* I IM* % mm m * mHi ** *%* in* ***** #*•»»» $- *••-* ***l ftfft* Hsi-lj' #"#ft r fillip t*» *#•■» #*>< *»-»>» —* • *—» Mi ggga***W *a to *1 PABaA MM» ftp dW'M—t *• BMfgft toft *•* g* HI ■I g -* Ml tft* TM—* MM* i g to-to— ad 4 p I*l*l MM* •P—W* *»#• *# M» «M*iM» —• «•* gyatoi— #to ftp ♦***» I*' * >«*gM !• —to **<* MW**—# »*BM> to«ft "B <MMOH W— «***■• »*• »*— ft* • #***•# ***** #%*■** MW ****** ■—♦ -»»l*4 *—4 Mm** gdgWMM** ***• I* •** —**— —,*4 •*** »■***<« m mtmm *a «*A Ita* *** —*»** «n •—» •#•-#* • *—* SftßPnft * B'AnP. ft l * *♦'»»' ||gf (| IHM* #m %mmh 9*#' tMM9» ®** M*tt • **♦ *** i*"*i*l limp ft# m#%9m wm** INI *"•4 l».#w »w* —«4 **** **P **s* M* WMI ************* If 44*1# jnp «m w mm 9 mm _ M 4 ft*##.*— I—* h—«h ——■* to Ap# I* m» *»<**i ft— a* *—•••**# m |Mhm», *| mtmm* Bto * >**•• m— * A*gw»ii« »*—** Ito a*d»a.»y —to *# ###%•«*»* •* MM UMiMrt #*«***t •t*. I—4 111 f— * M MRM| **' * ? *1 4 fc*o* #»P gg'*'MlM Mftß *4 Ml**# i«»Mg W* **•«*. id n,.g*<i mm mm »h# #*a iW #»*» la4g*4 •***♦* «f Mlftoh <••*»* •MB RMUM PM IB* MW* mm* ft CBm Mtg». «<M N» Twggl** • lIMH MlWf mnmms • *mß* m mbi **■ ft* I'M g IN WM *»'—»* M Miirßt • - g Mrm mm ■ t i.ti NMPMd M mt*m* > (4 M« ••* MM mBWMMM* mi MMiniMUgße ga4 Pmmmbb •• I #|HMI* MM«g mim** »im4 MM W •*.**t*WM R* *—* Mu BM »**•«• mn«M mm mm»n «bm* • MfM MMll PllOßli •# 8888, mBPB w MM mm 4 PM. iMMIM I* MlfcM IkM# hull W*m mmrrm* •* hmm W W *«»M •**»•» *- •«* <N ••• »**• Mflefty MPMWMgk BB «M BM» »M. *• W trnrnmm imM*4- ** MMM gwM P ••(»•*» • *«*» **• **** *». mi • to iimWMl* M tor* <>• <»«• f«t gto to*>«h B» »mm« * •*<«* |u. tto Ml* 111 Rim*, to MB* M**PP*BB *• 1-4 - g*l - l**M"MMf Ito |M**» , t'l elf* t< *•*•*»! Bum** to* »B» Mutoi Bnmm tv to Mgr • f tor*i«Ml— Mr# T*|C* • Vtl TMtolr*. m*. n* BM «w*M • * Itol VMM*. _ _ . ... omm tor to to*** mi mm to Mretoti • totfi. »n 4 to IM IWtot. •* *JMto trl»»4l< mgnniiiu*. ton to 4i#rMM*!** HU* miiiff tn *«■*» to mmtrr." T.igrl#* **l4 *Tli*t noMrll I* **ttt*<4 »"4 I ■ ■"to g to marry rUM •*«. to* l»* to •• lift g MW* to* I l*<4 to. Ml** B* *1 ■rr tm*. lm U*»m ißm* MwmlW •»«.. nr i*m Mto IW4. w»4 m • *f liltlnf to K4T l» •.** •«••* MMItMTM • .*r> ib«Mi *l*Ml to fco»** M *-m* •<* ■•Mr mb4 mill. Bertr 4«r I J*'«jr to r **tln« • Mir* I am Vartfig «to**r Bn t m g<* ng to marnr H*rk-I*. NW M t* Mk*i I'm gnlti* IM tnimr I* * g,»«*tl B ' "CBn*l liril anytoxty tof *uM* jtwmT* ll* k*4t »*k#4. * T#*. I ha. • l«* M«mr» In ml»4 " Tvrgtna r*t! *-4. "vNfear »f *»fcl*'h *'.aM g , vary Mali, t*Mt Ifcr qnrMUmi M Mfc»< k ISMEp^PMent ti( <ft Fnttfprhe, Ind.. July J0.'98 Mi;;*mb«f *. lowa. Jan. 31,1898. I P*<rkk. W. V*.. Nov. 14th . .TA ywJrEi&ft ; • h*v« taken t**o bottler ot Wine | have tried one bottle of Wine of | Nobody will ever know the terri l ftOC* ‘qBJ, -£<* It ha* done me g. ut CanU and one Tbdl* bk a jony that my wife has endured '• /*y' 4 MRS. ANNIE BARETTE. jneay the pain! I always kave £j» 03 N. 3rd St, >P MRS. A. REINIIART. u»inj McDrce's Wine of Cardui and |l 'J) HVv N \Vs..,, I I have uicd two bottler of Wine of Cardui Candeen. N. C. Feb. 2,1*9*. doM $Kt Mt relieved and to-day — J 7 ••* have been srcatly benefitted by it. ine. My wife hubun VtMyto h~ M{u the m I . -. | tend name* of tome lady friend* who have female yean and nothing but Wine of Car- thfee yejrj> Jx troubl °' MISS AGNES McCAMMON. d 'qeO. W. J. JENKINS. There are suffering women in this city to-day, almost at the point of death, who need not suffer—need not die. McElree’s Wine of Cardui makes weak women strong and sick women well. Thousands of tired, weak, sorrowing women who read these state ments can be robust and happy if they will take this medicine. Prom every city in the country women write letters telling how Vifine of Cardui has helped them. They say it quickly relieves leucorrhcea, falling of the womb, and irregular or painful men struation. Mothers tell how it bridged their daughters oyer the time of puberty and helped them form correct menstrual habits. Wives testify that it lessens their dis tress during pregnancy and takes away the worst pains of childbirth. These honest words of praise have made it plain that Wine of Cardui is just the medicine needed for every trying crisis in a woman’s life. You can get it at any drug store. Globe, Ind. Ter., Dec. 2nd. • Centre Mill*, Tex., Dec 10th, Rendville, Ohio, April 21, 1898. IS r*7ia' *ovitM» mpaiitmemtT' _ II ll k' I u*ed two bottle* of McElree’* Wine of 1 lam 44 year* old and my health be- Three week* ago I was so I could not ) "Si 4M\y-f Cardui and *ome Black-Draught last *un came so bad that I wa* in bed for a year, stand on my feet t but after taking one ( ‘ Tl ’ nn ' v£/ [KV\ mer, before, and one bottle after confine- I *aw your Wine of Cardui recommended bottle of Wine of Cardui 1 can go a* i *£*4* - 1 ? . m ©o a o (Ayi tTSV’ mcnt, and done better than ever before for the Turn of Life and I used six bottle* plea*e and do my work easily. have Jr ‘ ° \y it being my fourth child. lam in better of it, and now I am up and doing my helped many otner women by telling ( health now than I have been in year*, housework. them of Wine of Cardui. iJO*k-A " _ Vu Your medicine is all you claim for it JANE BAKER. MRS. SARAH L JONE.. o S<Zdl2et,. -Mlk V* \V ' MRS-ORA PAGE. 1 7A w TA 1 Parsons, Kansas, April 1898. % V *' ; Waycross. Ga., 25th, 1898. Minter City, Miss., March .'8,1898. Wine of Cardui is taking the lead here. I In August 1896 I began the use of I was sick in bed when I got your In several case* where doctors’medicines “ v fi Jgf J A McElree s Wine of Cardui and Black- medicine I have token nine doses of were, of no avail your Wine v fl : /rci Draught in accordance with your advice Wine of Caroui with Black-Draught as did the thing right. _—_ ■■s£&.' • vS^KrA and I have been taking it ever since when needed and I feel better than I have felt QUARLES c* CO.. Druggists. v~\\ // qW MLjLjt wB I felt the need of it. lam completely in twelve years. lam recommending the 1/ | mJm <ig|l& 'r \ cured, and expect to be confined in june. medicine to all sick and alfiided women, 0 | lpiirffiE* 1 \sr4 MRS. ROSA FULFORD. j JANE McLEMORE. V KYY ' | PktCUUAR TO OUH l«L FV #»»»♦« m «• ’ f** M*. *v"!**• l** mgfSpm M. *. *»f *♦» **«k * •**• MtoiM* iw — f i I *##♦**«» W 4 MMMMg *» M**h I W»* *(Mh»* «**#*%» Baaw* 'I ..IM rwa. flt **■ —m. * Q-* M fto tom m*p (atuto gfUialitoiMM* Bn# *» I IBB* . u iwga M I.♦» MM Mtoi **• M«* It o**r« k *•«***♦. Ml BaWal* «m. B*h •*«*« * *» | Wto»aw ffVrMM kM I-. —* II «Mt«g» B»*4» fßto *M bb4#-Am . *gi»* ** I fc*4 KOp Mall flMto Mil toiMy* A War f*mm I immA Ito «•*«*•* * tomk wltoA *th# ttt* «f Itoto * I Wall aaMMMIMMM •um/Nni* | A*k iw A*Mgg«** to* • ton* PtocM-MM ’ .limangr A m to wr MB* «mmi4 mmm mm* ih knag. ~Tmm (M l A* Mi. «B7* *k# I IM4I If I r*aM f M’ll l#l Iha r.mHMg i**i at IBM uma MMIMMM )* MNto." ~t ta» to tor* Itol*. Tv**** MM A* | yam m**4 '*sM*g »• *h*i «■ • i«im ,y«M haw hi mM *g immimii tm. ««h* *r lh*an la lh» WI4 *• MuN *to4 lh* nlhgg Ml Mna : fr*4tor4. Tto>» *** to4h Mk*4* •»* ? mam, fWHtntl *m4 I MMfeBBIB HNhag *4 , 'am * * «M mah* m* a *--*4 «lf* Tm I think that a in»,“ Mmfiati ■ at ggri i 4. i "TV ig *vr* ~ Tutrn amt *•. "m-h [of iham *<iman h*a tor MruM B'tota - ami h*r toltm > toil *k*« yum mm* to •la* *am vp and hghtM*a >m ttoy Mm lln to l*o«l • alao4-*4P •' **>**.] Man a la I I 4*m*t km* okkk of >oi f*A tottar tAlOft. M Mum WolTorJ la tto > «unga*t mni Imm InuUM •* tto IM«a’ Harhatt mu*- g*at*A. ! "Teg. and tor ag* I* a right amart In tor (ator." Tvggm# *al4. "but I Aunt. a toil am tonka.” “Wrß, If 1 «u gtong l« marry. TA 1 yrrfar a gtmA-tnnkln* woman to an I i uK.r amt," Itokifl rrmarkaA. -1 TTIH3 ATTOTTST-A HEHAI-.I) Intoag gi|M Wav* *l***l * "to Ann i *■»*• a*g ABtomi*** Bi th. ]*•.. «•»** * Ran* i igniiißii—« 'M* I - y* .n** vagi 4mm * « ■*** ** j*»*.«w« an • **» « *rnmt fW to*r»- llya.a. mrnttm* rug #**« Mto*g to m I*W ttog* ••** *# to to# IB *** •>*** pa**. Aka# *to k*. okn*am» an* PMC * —> **pa am** v*. Mm. •***». •* I amt Turin# tto taaato* taw. I amp •* * a *m.i*i a to* Mill to top#** *■** ****• mm imm Ba* VaiP »- PI kwaa P B*y% «p a>to* mb i afa*P •-«*« iw *«* laißw* Bmp to*mi# tto r.-P ft’ •fin f «*n : l W I Al. fWf •« to** gw Mato town# rto*n «f * toj* • »». ***#-. t«to tto «Mm» TMarn a haakh Mk Bag itoto. Baa t BP am ‘to* tomwt *a*4 wthtn# atom • -a*-* DM# triton m •mmm mm • *l*lll an *•»«% fito an Ito oto Wat* Ml* •**-<* **■ a#* idia~ai * *toaa a a**p »*-•%«# *w * a*M*i.A anal Par* *»■*■» • *■*—*» P to* *#• atom ••♦»■** •*■« toMi am* aPa* alkak- tot * *» to a*Mßw tto into 1. TVk— pi «b* Pto kP A—a> tto PMaa IP' to* »- i-m toart *•>*• BMP to ** atom •to amHigß* TBa, I mart., fa# aanaP mmm m mmm it** I #**» tapaM*4 «*** aag* I Mag »p I ma t «w aag way Am I Ami tap tom trito to tto «#*••»♦ * 'Math* Itrn aaw* awmaatom iMgto tot# to* am*,' ftotoal ***##*p»4 M-* r TtoBWP WAlißa* "Tto toamn aMt'4 Mlßag P ttop aw wtothag ah* «hmmA mntm yarn haw y«pf“ Tto“ Pto* magto to* P tto** Mtol *• 'TTmI! Vkl. hhat A* *to maoa. Itotoatf* t man* pp attot I Ml. P *tof** * Tpgiar HAT p Mark*it Mi MaPl a*, iiaknaiat* n* ttoapM to AM BP k*..* Mtottot tto MM# am* Map ■» «wty mat At lap to a*P. "Mam ytMi *m a* Pm. Itotott. ip •11 tor to* P ttot* IMM ****** M • M* tMtSI Bar* (Pf 'Da I nato aP.” khkttl rah'hA. TVt Mtoa* AM tom tot hPA P •** Pa* Itol to* P Bm mMBt Aarßto P BMWtT tßaf* •P, 1 imp thmpfct am P ttoan trngM Tto kto* am* worn** *m km 4 <4 mmm stop BW'B ttonga mm, ' li tot ttoHN* to** ***** itoy am j I mrkto W itoy P* f Mi ttoy m*m t t hr oar away tto rtoam P thto Bam.. Pml grr* ha WHIT. Mar Mat I. *htot ; i atttor P (torn **mw mfwto* t- mar-} IWr ll *ot rnfMa# mmPAtar- j tn* all I w *«• •* aftor -mm Itarr Uma itoy * tot. Thihh *4 my farm <ri all. (to work **A thing* I (|wt to lt( Wfc*. tto woman itol tow*** my aatfa alto*. right into yhniy P*m»ytkiag itot tto; to**t m AaPta.” tokAi am IIP far to amll to« to« moto gnP TuaaMia' artgw ha« g«11 from Pair fcaahaP • pnmmmi-m. W* wrpWA ho* tto (mat Mr*. Tugalnara, had haatt romtvllp to do tto a.oh Pj two a ration In and atom tto ko*a and hi addition tod lawn r..,u'ii .| in do ilmaM a man * Moth In Ito talalng of tto rnya. Mr ragnamtorrA. too. that «na rallro dtto rgary yaor. a h*lr of rhtog mlpl atom and an . ttwito imnart **» all ito g»P Itoy got 11 |to romili «f ttolr lab-#*. CASTOR IA yito KM tmm ••#** Alßaft nmmg*t, mm* PBftft to* to iw ftp mmm m fwito to* toffto ito mmnmtmm t 4 cCv&&£rL iSSaSSSisS AM PMUMtoks Imltoltoto **P PWHAmto Pt l i. pogftoirwfM I toil l.lAo BHk **p PMfcMMhMf IB# IwmMß «C Ihßkmt* ***4 l , MttM#Pk-tikP*toM*m b»b>imP to•*■#«***•. What is CAS"i OR!A CMafmtto ft • amtotilfp# tm «MPma> 00. I*wr*«<pto. l*mp •0.4 RaamOktop hltmito ll ft Hprtokam* M*P ITwawial. Ik faalaln* »P4torg OyAaima. k|P|riri«M> too* PBP Maftopl* ■■B ilaorn It* pr* ft IM ■«Mk#ttaftm. tl 4rP*«y« «•»»• gP atUt 4 fra 1 rkato—a. |« fgtr* INkttßdw m*4 « "ri («lb. |» TPirygm TrPfcftt Tmwi»4r*.«WßM ifttaPlfPlftM IMP nMMtoaaal. I* toaritolfcrtw* liar r-*P. »r«Mft»ra Ift Maamh MP IWmrft gltlip fttoMßr O.P to.lm-1 atomf* Tk* fftlMtoa* a (*PfM** Tto Kolkrf't frftgp. CCNUINK CASTORIA always yy Bear* tbc SiKnmtof of __ The Kind You Have Always Bought In Uso For Over 30 Years. j Toggina onl ft* ••*— tto— daayd* #h •MTtap P I hough! Ito* I- t-mr *»• «UfeMl ' llrkHl, gam** IH marry Ito |MM> am*. >|4 ctonr— H “ "Ml— WaP.-fAr* toMl #a— aktopd i "T«* I toll— |h*l. tab ng H *H • hr« ugh. ato II g*M ma a Mill* Ito I—•' |ra m swat *ld*> a*to a*d t»A to* Ihal I * gadag l*» marry ha#.* Ma w—naird hi# hnraa fnrlhnltß had roA* BmMM iha h»-» to ito AMwPMB <4 Ml— Wnffnrd-a tom— *» to J«g*-1 a>n*c to ni4M yar* 'to m«n#r, and ih* mar* to ttomgbt P M tto !«<•— i wonghly aallaha—l to— nlih Iha rhalra to had mad*. "•to will to a top. 4n— otodhNH wlfr." ha avid m him*. If. "and a |wA arnrtor. I'm glad I >h— tor* In Ito mna nt tin— to Mtaa Vi4<f#i town#, and akwi to had "hal tnaA* a Ito— nr t*« ato ram# to »h«* d«—. ; Ml Wofford." to told. "I ton— by I* IP ywa that I Bar* dnrtdaA In marry ...* R ton *l« M aall yn* tor m» I* ■ irh ll— agalra »*w to marry ***“ Mtoa K4a4 1-4—4 at Tuggta* la •atopahm—nl Tto a *—»«#< *•— **• i<— awrynaP la ay*ah. finally. •—*> •Y#r. al— told: "Wto’ A*. vwM m*an. dr. hy mmtog tor# to Inanr *—l* In.uii y«a* Why. I'm to aan— g*. I'm aar# going to marry y«a. Jaat nan— |to> day. will y<m?“ ~T#a I mIM IM nan— a day a (town—nd rrara afl r Ito- hkl of ih* world. So*, ynn «P P Ih—. yow haM-l—ailrd PA afw. hrfwr* I tofc ito dug on y•»*.■' Tnggln* tart—d a'id rod# away. ll# an# grrally pnaalrd al lha way Mlm Wnlford had r#r#l«P In* aanvanc—• nwit. ••! thought ato waa a arnalM# wo mu." I— m—4. "l»ul ato Puna wrak nm« aomrwhot# whrn ah* ihtona away a rhan... Ilk# that." SUNDAY’S HERALD “A Newspaper For Newspaper Readers." Something About Sunday’s Herald. More News Better News Quicker News All the News Exclusive News The Sunday Herald is the Best Newspaper published in Augusta. Give it a trial. * 10 Cents a month. 25 Cents 3 months 60 Cents 6 months* SI.OO 12 months. Postage prepaid or delivered to any ad dress in the city. Sign your name and address below and mail or send it to the Sunday Herald. Augusta, Ca. 1 o the Sunday Herald: Please deliver the Sunday Herald Months at the following address: No. and Street Name I Tugglns was tint greatly diaturlicd bv • the turn events had taken, however, llt mattered but little tu him that Mi»» Wofford »u blind to her am Interest. - Hho was not essential to his happiness jby a treat deal. Me went direct to the Widow Smart's 'und to her made the same announew i merit that he had made to Mt*s Wof iford. Sh • received It graciously. and with a smile and a smirk, htushlngly j named the day for the wedding. She jw as very shy and demure, and her 'manner was all honey and sugar. ■•I don't know,” Ttigglns thought, "but that It Is the best way It's turn ed out. I can see that Mies Wofford is kind of fiery, and the chances are she'd lie hard to manage. She'd llkelv want her own way. With the Widow- Smart It will be different. Hite was all mildness and gentlenesa, and f sn-.v right at once that she would never think of setting up her wilt against inline." I In time the wedding day arrived, and 1 Tugglna took Squire Beeson with him ; over to the residence of the Widow I smart, w here In short order the mar -1 rtnge ceremony was performed. I It was a month later when, one day, Ttigglns rode over to Beckett’s mill. He and Beckett, ns was their wont, fell Into a neighborly eonversatlon. Thev talked of the ctops, of the prices at w ]ih-h stock was selling .’-ml of a score of other things. Then at last Beckett made bold to speak of that which had been In hl» mind for the moment Tug gins had ridden up He suid: "Tugglns. something has gone wrong with you.” “How do you know’?" Tugglns asked. ‘•1 can hoc it In your looks and ac tions. You are not the man you have bei-n. Tugglns, nor near the man. You have a Had,- dejected Hppearance, and you impre*H me with the idea that you have bean having lota of trouble*.” Tugglns vvaited a moment, after which he replied earnestly: ! "Beckett, you are right. I have been having trouble, and-lots of It, too. I | am over my ears In trouble now.” j “What is the matter?” Beckett ask ■ cd. I ‘‘Kverylhlng Is the matter,” Tugglna ' answered. "But the chief thing that Is [ the matter is that I am a fool, and lhat I I have played the fool a little the big | gest of anybody In this part of the . country.” L “Why, Tugglna, how do you mean?” | "i'mean what 1 «ay. A whole con ' de-iseti; concenfraTeiTTuna'nc asylum .couldn’t he any more of a tool than I hove been.” “But what have you done?" r, -I've gone and made the mistake of marrying one wife too many. If you had took a gun and shot my I. rains out that day 1 was down here talking to you shout marrytng you would hava done tnc the greatest service you coukt have rendered me." ' Hasn’t the widow turned out to b« ns good a wife as you expectwl?" “She's turned out to be a regular »l«t I Harry," Tugglns snapped, "and I'm no longer boas In my own house. In I don't dare call anything my own, not even my soul.” "Can't you break her to your will? - “Break nothing! I>o you reckon you could break a cyclone or a streak o| lightning to your will? 1 want to tell you that that old woman Is a cyclona and a slreuk of lightning combined. Break her to my will? Humph! I'vo tried that once, and I ain't going to be fool enough to try It again. Do you see these knots on m.v head? Welt, that comes of trying to bfaUh" iter to my. Will. She wore a chair otjt on rnp. She won't work, and she spends money like water. Oh. I’ve got that old crit ter on my hands for life, and Til never see another minute of peace.” , , "It’s too bad.” Beckett remarked, soothingly. ”1 atn so sorry you made such a great mistake.” 'B'ad Isn't ,po name for It.” Tugglns replied with i disconsolate shake u&fcls head. “There ain't no word that will express what ii ir .Insi ihlnk, lleokagt. that I've had six wives, all good and mild, and ready to do my bidding at a moment's notice: then along comes the seventh and sets her will up against rntne,,und not only refuses to obey me, but smashes the furniture over my head If J don't toe the mark when sha speaks. It's Just awful, Beckett, to think of it.” "Beckett ofTered a little consoling language, hut he did not mean a word of It. He was of the opinion that Tug* gins had at lust got just what he de served. and was getting his account squared In his own coin. In this op inion Beckett was not alone, for all the neighbors fully concurred. —New Or leans Tlmes-Dern ocrat. Munkacsy, the noted' Hungarian ar tist, now confined In an insane asylum - near Bonn, has been spending his time lately before a mirrow painting hla own portrait, which Is said to be aa excellent likeness, He sent It In a let ter hah’ In French, half In German to his wife. He Is much oppressed with melancholy, which seldom leaves him. When he ta: free .-from his., temporary delusions Hie:-talk* quite -.rationally. HIS. St flic has been appointed Jt»s gdar dian, together with: a: frtead .* «*-? family. ” ■ r.-f. V. v w;=C