The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 11, 1898, Image 15

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T « f- rn - TrM 6te*(*66(**** **o< «6«« E*ma s*"<»! >HN **♦ fSw** • f Imm» t%* *p**kiilMiMA *BHMI" fftMffi# ##♦•* up nf Pin imMMP pH Is* fpMl #W* **■#■» *w •PP** *■*"'* mmttt ip p iPi **■■ % p® ppp ip «-« *•& ••* -mm. ipn p** PPPPPiPpIP ** pppHpP * P*P* fPP *®*'P *!*(►♦ W«P'ml:; #rn» ppi mntun ■« r §** H###if. iim» ppppt ppiwpii* PI ppppppm i*®' pm ppm* p# mpp. Inp Mm p< mptif m Pm Pm«* Appiwfi pf ilm #mpmp''‘iiipimp Yi** pi tp «m tmm 4p#*p mi p#» m» pPMi nm «ppm iat «p m tip mm <m mm ftp* #* mm ipt ir j - ««f Ipm ppppmi Ami Mmp mmm pvmpp pf mmpd® m' s #^ H tew#* jf ** I §* :■-■ Ip P* ** P MPMfti# ®Hi9 It «EY fNf% £* 41 ••' l"H 41 Thoman A PiMen h»v* bought out Firgo You ihouM »«» tN btryab*! • hoy an offanni *n turn** tun AfHi Hounfurnithlnfi ■«*> ml H m« fp> <i f* Im* w, j j CM mi I MiiiPlt. * i * / Itr \s*|if*V J, m. CVtPlpimP W. A fc#* , > ■ / MAOENTA FRENCH CLOTH GOWN PUOK HARPER'S BAZAR . .. „ Another gown In which the bolero jacket no which Parisians 'Vrxt In spite of (he ready approach of lone coatllke eff..-elp), Is of light magenta French cloth, combined with aable trimming and rich green p.-au de aol un der a guipure lace. . _ , ~ . . ■“The cireular skirt «him» a Blight fulness at the back, and a decided deml traln The front breadth and border of the silk and guipure are outlined by narrow ribbon threaded through the net which forma an u:: btrualve but finish heading. The shirt la four and a half yards wide. , The lxdice la trimmed with a border of guipure, and the close leg-o mutton sleeve, fitted to the arm by an elbow dart. IB Heated corresponding ly The alight since gt the wrlat l» lined with black satin, which mat-rial forma the draped girdle. The revets of deep green peau de sole are covered with white ra::- i lace, which Is again employed over white silk for the collar an<l chemisette. ' With this bodlt • l» worn a French knotted fichu of silk gauge, the ends o' which pass under the Jeweled >:« ¥ p which fasten the bolero, and are caught under the latter ..t each side seam. The proper cut of this gown can t e obtained only with the use of the cut paper pattern furnished by Har- P It will require si* yards of French cloth flfty-four Inches wide to make this costume also six yards of silk and four and three quarter yards of sahie trimming. The quantity of lace required will vary according to the width of h "The* any Wt Is of dark green felt, with magenta velvet bands and b-w. and lighter gre»-i ostrich tips. FROM HARPERS BAZAR CUT PAPER PATTERN COUPON Cut off this coupon and mail it to the office of this newspaper, inclosing the required sum of money, Dear Sirs: Please forward to me j ideeve! ( wb-uh* )of pattern No. 121, for which I ( Dklrt J W wanted/ (25 Cents i / Cross out \ enclose <SO . [ t; iit the J Yours truly, (75 “ ) sum/ ■ 1 } .Yam* * * When ordering p-rtc*;-* - r ! wh*t |*Mt* nf ’ *'i -.r. wanted. E»rS -leere, c.ic!i v.»»■■■■ „ cue pric-~ttm .. *■ * ■ Street Ha tv .afriM. r- ’.H.a Oceyr.'. . h : ** €«k*; ’ A c-wr C'.t.rßftre : < - . - • - is 75 cents. -a ■- <:z*9niy~# bust. 34 wa:st.4» Tmm ; .. • * */“!** • **“ .■MSaafis:.. —K»*bi M MmMpp, tk M Pmmmhi. ** 1 t m p ** * fi- n %**N*§ I*' fJMp 6 * A m I | stppimp A A Mm oil *»« m tifen&H t t 1* tt \|»%% Hop'll mpnrpH THFTB3 -A.TJGHJST.A* SUNDAY HHTR-A.X-I> A%ME%Afti tk tt* Uteit MNm«> M I'tM Ml A 4* «|t «f|l* tt i & # *»* *g§ pm ? * i»ailW'l’fiPiH la# Mm mmi m «*•» «m •' pm f%® «#mp ipmpm#‘£ 1 * **•#* ** mp ’ I »AaPA M»^4P* ta ofQ*+mi9 pp p»: .ppt Mm ippptf’ MMi p# *p» I pH p # iMMm M* fPPilllP® MU 4-**t : Ntp4i?Y ip £f >iif r * wpr p*"wpmi fYiin ip Mm. tt» Cm vm* IU £ l*t|v <wft PP* itPiMWI m m|j s ~nrt| tfitai VtiP i > jtpgr-4 tp# VlitiPi P (pltiPWPi, iijri f| « f*|Mtl 4*»PIP l*f'i,'lPt. -1 ,1,^,; rmm f*-»Y CVtMnQti * • ,„ fc am .w - tk* Kqulrfrl. “H- 1 * **•* J ll * **t )‘ u dnn'l Ilka lhs»» If |ro» »•»« •>‘*•^l t IHiMI T* I 1 "Thai ’• true. !«." n**p>»d»4 llw 'TV* Iff • TlMI* liUl(lrt4lMf.“ «*M »Kr *.tulr»l, • unt-»* Ik* m* wko UU ikrm Ind* aa artlv# llfr." i 'lmi'i h<»lfc Ton lb* Hww of Wl <**tl in,’’ aald Ih* Co* alii* aid * *how of PrM*. “I ha»r soar W innrt«.“ [ < xlmmL h r*i*ad*d ih* HqulfTH. **y*m *inr r«t»r*»at>- l»olll f * <V«tniil». Tho |Trr* dlrollr >a<4 fr'on iw haa III* flu. >1 ninUnuU In thla W«d W* alll Uall*r aomr from lb* Ortnmd.'* Juai ikrß lb* r»‘|M>n <*f a fpiflmmi * gun Mas heard. “Pardon n**.“ aald lb* I bqulnrl, hwtllr. "1 bav* an Kn««*- I rr.-nl." and h* |mmoll»l*l)r dlaappoar **l ki the Vi»>d. Th . r. ». her < 'oirall jr amowd. found an (iprnltiK In ilia r*n*a and mndn brr way to Ih* Chealnut Tree. S**lni a lame, fkt-lookinir Burr on the i»tt»und at.- immedlaieljf awaUowed M Whole. The Burr aol only TVkled the t’ow'a * palate, hut Pytended lla prickly I’ae ' ruin« as to other IbiTtlwis of ItP Ihi vUo’s Anatomy In fact, auch i«fl eyhl- Idtlon of aifiund and lofty Tumallna »" : Has *lvcn by the Cow had n.#er be- I fore lieen a Itncaacd In the Woid After the Cow had stood on lift head jaevernl tlmea, had mn aroumj’ In a | Circle a whlla and had arteni|ll«d tin 1 [execution of numerous rhimeraaßtts. *U |in a wain effort to lUd heraelf of the I objectionable Burr, she made a I tec [line for the Bam. where ahe remained In much Torment and sullcrln* for .Three days. I Meeting the fhiulrrel aomellme afler luard. the lat'er r marked. “How did you like my friends, the Chestnuts?" "Not at all," said the Cow. darkly: -I don't think I can Stomach your Friends. The Burr la too nagrcsslve —he’s too mu«h of a Stickler.” ‘ You didn't take my friends the Chestnuts rlftht." said the Squirrel, warmly. "You should remove the Burr about them." “Well, the objectionable feature wns the First and only thlntr that atrttf k me." answered the Co'.v: "so l cut li e Che-tnut family's acquaintance from now on." And the Moral of this Tale JA-a n on has only himself to blame, tr folk* •'t}on't take him riKht.” y. on ly: Don't l ave friends for whom you must continually apologize. Under the Flag. T have seen the American flop: In many countries and clrcutnetanc 'S, says a writer In the Youth's'Compan ion. I have seen It floating wt the head o.' a great war squadron. I once saw It carried, ragged and wet wllh blood, but triumphant, from a battlefield which was strewn with the corpses of men who had died to defend it. Hut nov her has it seemed to me more 1 touching and Impressively used than in a homely little scene of which I hap pened to be a Witness during the civil , war. I In August. 1803, I was going from West Virginia to Philadelphia through Pennsylvania. The south-bound trains that summer were heavily loaded with troops and provisions for t hr- army, but going back they carried fen passeng ers. At Pittsburg, when the train rolled into (lie station, a great, silent crowd waited for it. A splendid funeral car stood In the background s urrounded by troops and the streets were filled by a long iln • r.f closed carriages. A volun teer officer In the union arm y, who bad been a man of influence anA high posi tion in Pittsburg, had l«?en killed In the last battle and now his native city mourned him and did him .honor. The cpffim, rich in decorations and covered with flowers, wtOfc reverently borne from the caThe “'troops pre sented armSF -tha, draped with black, -war*- VowerafT, and the air. war filled with the solemn’ music of j I t jferti# # *4w«#i H»-’*** *#*► »*»**!■ hmHMH - ■£♦»*« fl» •*#»*'* «> «M. *•» **<' \ . f -Jj ,■ | , ; A % If geWfwFW'rqaH B nil a i % nliifiKf'r «• Up pgafk. 4WtO 9ft ||M9 Carter Harrison'* Mtsbl, Say* lla Hid No! flay There Was llemg lokra IliSflst •>“ the Streets d Lbka.o I see. I> tam mar.r fj [f'bimgM |*ntt . a lid-rbMibff «It l*.«. j j f.>r«rf‘l advnraia lym h la* In I Picvrtit Ih# City round! from pulling' Ithrourk a atrv*i car Cnsarhu* *t*ai ta I nil rulitwh. I have M *uch idea* and (.eitalMr aald a>ibl|g <4 lhis anrt in i« it tnt«rvft*w • Thla la *h*t lliyg flarytaon aald In 'hr Journal Mtmr mdrsl thla after- J mi* when ask'd if hr at* curwtty ' j tsported In aaytnr I "ll la not Mle talk at all. and I will not l*r aurprlard lo am arm- banging done In the si reel* of Chicago. I d .n't mind aa lug tn<> that I ahall not send la n rl- I ot <«n when tl alarta.** I Thla radical statement waa printed In jan eveiUng paper and telegraphed all J over the country. It haa annoyed the mayor quite a little, th*»ugh lo Chicago, where Mayi-r Harrison la bo well i known 1.l was not regarded aa genu- Utr. j "Yeatcntay afternoon several n*-w*na-1 l»er man were In my office", aald the mayor. In further egpianatlnn of th inlcrvlgw. "and all wc(*» dim uaxlng the j Jalm l car franchise .ii.d joking about j what might bsptien nag' Monday night t [when the ordinance Will probably come, up for passage. One of the reporters I .jokingly auggeated that sunc of lh<» j 1 nldcrinen might get lynched liefnre the thing waa over, anil another In tbe samc vein aald that If auch a thing did . come »ff. the mayor wouldn't bolheri [himself ulsiut turning In a riot call. | These Joke* were pa; *ed around, and one of the reporters write It U|i as an' Interview given by me. That Is all j .there Is to It.” | The is*idlers who yesterday saw thdri way i learn to earn one nilllton five hundred thousand dollar* by passing i ! the street car expansion franchise, 'worth thirty million dollars, are hot so i sure of their ground today. They bad not counted on 16 votes | jattre, the number required to pass the; ordinance over the mayor's veto, but; today they find their strength ilwlnd- j ling. They protest to have no fears Of [ I lynching, but at the game time thev j ere comtrent of the fact that rhlcagoj Is more slim 1 up today than at nnv time In 11* history. While less than a doyen mass meet-. Incs were on the S"hedu'e Ins* night. I today 4ju> number has he m Increased 'to between f nr *y and fifty. 1 In fa ?, tonight a meeting of cltizcnß! j was held In every ward In Chicago tn| ’protest against 'he pageugc of the ob inoxloup onllnnnce. ! In addition to this. Col. Milton J j j Forer jyi, a prominent and wcnlthvj cltlxen, will open in room 323 Ashland Black, JWonday m< rnlng. headquarters es the citizens’ Antl-Boodllng A*»ooia-| tlon. la Indoor Bnpehall. The two remaining games of Indoor, baseball between the Cadets and C. D, I A.’s take plate on Monday and Thurs-; day nights of this week. As two games j only remain for ihe championship of, the first aeries and as both teams nrej j neck and neck for first place, the game; on Monday night will Is- well worth’ 'seeing, as the boys of the C. L. A. ' are determined on winning the first so rlcs. The C. In A.'a are considerably strengthened up since the last game, and have a surprise In store for the boys from uptown. The garni' will take place at St. Patrick’s halt and will be called at 9 o’clock sharp. Cadets- Mulherln, K.. catch; Fields, pitch: Sheron. first base: Costello, sec ond base; Mulherln. third base: Doyle, I p.*t shortstop: Armstrong, right: sliort j step; rualiaher, left fielder: Durban, i right fielder. I c. 1,. A.’s —Kversoti, catch: Nixon, pitch; Salvo, first base: Myers, second bare; Con well, third base: Sheaban. left sijfirtstop: Mahoney, right ffhort-' stnp; tTDonnell, left fielder; I.yop?. right /. It lsf enough to criticize, but 'tilt so easy to improve upon other persons; j | actions. [ B %|ft HIU ft IK IH) t CAP®* || tm *• t WH»H ■ HMIBH I tsp. H*«£| *m/0 f|• i* .mm* #0 hh- -gpirr Ip* IpffH ♦ ImpNl *,*4 mi |mnH iljlKL ft •**»* '*+ Mi ■f f. * flijgi* ■ « lit '*4 |9m» t»» *9f4B m*- I* *!***<«%‘n* «m# Hit }»Mll HOW Tt» OPi| ‘ M/r. \V liat |t»« Tcsllt# J*«ra»N Have la lay ml tk# ktatur Maavta- lie ** It* *d, ' *t-auw>wt I bar# of lb# IVatH# f»*'M ; • Th* 9HMI9 4>**«»*' t* ’ii• I atvlkl *i« | UfMCitflilrdi t—vs |fk | Hfr I AvTtll. W*Ml if 14 un4r*4* **f ■ ;h»imi<h i kHu h#tt* fep<rn ’Bt of emph y*wnl i*»f lnd*fla*l# & Irbsfak ami *b> bar* r»«-nia*’ly tew I ..Mtßrd IB anypt the will nf lb# «B»1 I; fltear, vtevll maka lb# Sasiteii air* ,1 j. railvt * no that aa teas aa they ar*. 'fabbfnl lu I heir task and do ml anUa , Mian tjtvlr employ#**, that lb#> w ill. j 'ta her toforv. I« ir#Bl,4 Bteat g*itrr* j ■iMy. aad that th# turn-- <-a* mt tb> #m- I |b<jr#r BM-Maa »b#lr am#**, white hw . •a I far# m#a« * suit*** to lira. Tic i ta aaa4 ava*c IB thaw wards. ' Th# adibv ira**H th#»« la la t«a#d J up*, a lb# known f»da regarding Ih# ~ utrs.nw* »*f i lanlrtllen In New KnP ! ’ bind and Ih# fvlnttena «f #mfd*»y#ra | [and employ#* In Ih# Nuuih. If Wnuth #m op#rallv#a mganla#. th#y will n*d *>■ amiaa la tnaklna ih# m*'tlv# nf ar ganlsatbai n«t antagonism of »mpl**y #ra. but co-rqstaunn with ih* m. The Folly of Avarice. A enriona mania, which I* not lnfr“- J quently developed among peraoaa of great wealth, aays The Kansas City ; Htar. Is revealed in the deteimlnatlan; | of Kiissell rtttgc. the New York mil- { lions I re, not to pay the Judgment I awarded by th# eourta lo ls*:dlow, the clerk who atoerd between Hag# and the] ' tomb of Ihe aaaasiiln, thereby suffering 1 permanent physical Injury. li would | be sappoted that Sage, with bla mul-j I ilplled million*, would have been *o> rejoiced lo get off with hla uuproflta i hie life that he would have b«>en glad to make a suitable rt waid to the msu who saved bint The public can I scarcely comprehend tht spectacle of 'thla rich old miner fighting a claim which ought lo appeal to his gratitude; ! —ls there I* any auch quality In hia ( makeup especially as the money which he Is so anxious to keep la not of the nllghteat use to himself or the source to him of any wholesome enjoy ment. Sage Is described by those who havej seen him as a little, withered old man. [ with a furtive expression of the eye, J Indicative of constant dread and ap- f prehension. A steadfast gase from; a harmless stranger will throw hint j Into trepidation, and if an Individual' whom he does not know should npenk to him In a casual way, he would be absolutely terrified. This sense of fear cay be due to the fact that men of Ms tamp must renlize that they are legitimate objects of resentment, ami that is ts only by suffemace that they are permitted to live In a world which they do absolutely nothing to make at tractive. To such persons wealth can be no thing but n curse. To worship money for itself alone renders it a care and j a source of concern that banishes all j the Joy from life. The miser cheats; himself und It does not soothe him to [ know as he ahvuys does that he is cordially hated by humanity. It is doubtful whether there Is a man with in the pale of the law in this country who enjoys to a less degree the sympa thy of hie fellow creatures than Hus sell Sage, who appears to have been willing to sacrifice the delights of friendship, the good will of eociety, the happy consciousness which pro ceeds from the performance of gener ous deeds for a vast sum of money which yields him no comfort and which he is afraid somebody will take from him. Russell Sage who is as mean to himself as he 1 to ot.h»rs exempli fies a type of the rich man which, happily for . the world, is becoming more rare wllh the diffusion of a higher civilization. Society has Come to regard with distinct disfavor the man who refuses to Contribute of his abupdance to those causes which make the world a better place to live in. Such-.a person, excites a mingled sen tHnent of aversion and pity aiVef •foft for the* imlcvSiy' WMch avarice andi pity for "tire, ler rible sacrifices H "mails. THE MARKETS. £t '-,*( #• t Wsr-Atff SHAtef 4t«MMh I*4 MMP §p * IKtilMk. MHM9£ V-. 5 * s*9 ffrifi ' . 99 9* * M i m * *■ 9 " 1 "I il#tki MH** £ 4hM p»4*l ** ** ■ #- a. , M'lfftl tl#* ! - t#na f t*** * <4 J|* lnffT V ter * «Mrn«Tl ffvralvrt* at »k# (vwta waa •:..•** teunt again#* <1 M 2 '•*' w*. k aa»l HAte teat t#ar. te th# t###k . _ f t r 1 1»( it aI r mm 4.SU 3..7U l£»* ! yrmt. TMa* t rMpH «i II .» # ~» . K | «4 (tet.l laql VfHtf rmm~ nmmnnm mm £4 tm*m* OfNHi. On*®*. ! Truif **l ’*4y- MWkfMn* I ITII. Janiurf K.HI I KfftiriMry •• •• *• •» •* •• ••J JJ Mat* it •*•• aa •• *• •• • • • *•** Mav .. .1 * ® ~.. _ | u ; <. jun# „ •• •• •• •• •• •• July ** J-**, g#pt#mh#r * w J-" October • ■l® l K i XKW < iltl.KAN* STTl'ltlU*. New Orleans. I*a.* lA*c. la,—Cotton: future* atcady. t» January .. *• « •• •* •• T*® February *.!«al» Marrh .. •• •• I h April .. l.Ualt May ‘ •**“** Jun# .. .. .. n •• .. I b»* July August ».flats B«*pt«‘ralM*f •• #. .* •• •• I,IVRKPoOt. COTTON. Uvrrpoot, lb*'. ie.--«pot prlc#* qul-j **t, unchangml. American middling. 3 i-32d.; rntra of th<* day ware 7.000 bates, <>f which too were fur speculation ' njsl export and IncltMted 6,900 bab'S} American. Hccelpta, 2f.fd)o l.alea. In- j eluding is.soo hah* American. Futuve* opened quiet, with a moderate demand, nnd closed liarely steady. American middling, low middling clauae: Decemlrer 3.04a5.05 aellera. rk-'ember and January 3 <H buyer*. January and February 3.04a3.05 tell er*. February and March 3.06 buyers. March and April 3.06 buyer*. April nnd May 3.07 sellers. May nod June 3.07x3.06 buyers. June and July S.osaS.O# sellers. July and August I.O# buyers. August und Heptember 11.09a3.10 sell- j era. Bcptemls'r and October 3.00 buyers. October and November 3.00 aellera. DAILY COTTON. Middling. Galveston, firm N 'folk, firm Baltimore, nominal Boston, steady •’ u '' lß i Wilmington, firm ! Philadelphia, firm " !•*», Savannah, steady jj’* New Orelans. firm ■> * Mobile, firm “ J'J* I Memphis, firm “ “’!? Augusta, steady “J 1 " 1 " ; Chariest' n, steady Cincinnati, firm tgjulsvllle, steady J™ St. Louis, steady “2^ Houston, firm New York, linn 4 f"-* 8 CHICAGO PROVISIONS. Chicago, HI.. Dec. 10.—The leading futures ranged as follows: WHEAT — Open. Close. December Mav 8 “V»-% 6814 July B,, 'i «'* CORN— I'.cccraber May «•*%** :a % July OATS— December May PORK— January 9.22’i 9.. .'•! M.-iv 9.15 9.55 LARD— Jnuttry 5.1714 May • •- •• •• 5,25 ->-32/4 KHORT RIBS— Jdrujazy - ... stay. .*•-*. ... ..... 4 ' 7j . . *r¥* statrmrnt: "■ New York' "lbs*. lU.—Th* weekly WANT IDS. i MHI £ |Mr INK' ft®#MM w»i IMP £*#* •#»** A#* *i itiuM 4’inll A ****** mtk •'#*» 4NM***# f#-*- * ”-0 I tt& *»-# «## »i«*i «»*a*i mm #44 a# « i*o mi >nm| pmmUm ■ i 4 4 4a4< H «.«*• |>i m 90 •»* <4 * 4*4* *9o* ij I £>rf i|i *4*. |*4* VMI .lit.!# #*4 *w»a ■+S-..*' •**-*»§ ••* mm* *•»* m*m mt m)0 sf*m fMwMMMI WBtm. 19m M**» , '»l 4**H*Mi'4HMl IH *rn*wm§ IBMH 4M*i **4*|*m**oM| 44K#*»WM# fit ***** 4**n* «*m* 'mmmm * ““‘iMTUAtION WANT4O * 0 % wtwt* immrmm ah t jm. (tear t,t* .##« .«v*a* east pal mte w- •<•,>#• * iSiMaa *t wt* tvatMff . 0 *<*▼*#* ■•# HrateTWl* HI TM* ! tsaaite* Mfcwte J It . *»VTFJ» atn »Tt««N AH !•«»«*»* HiIVW ANTED 14 4 fm At'Mff* **MV •*►* * fttttlt f Ibawa awt •# a m*m» 0* «> #te<w» «• : m r-#.*k «#><. m* • » tt TO RENT pi | kT Two gl iNtMHWR 4R*nf **l. I* TI •*» W»**4P**l #a>» •«*«>! w>. U#vf rktewr. Ml Mm 44 . I**mf M FOR SALE .. r> n **%m a n<*t»ri# Wf**** ?♦ Hmra it u%»* mt mmm | mmt-* |mm m* mitm E«f4 *->«•* Mt A4* t#..* A ft C . m** #r Nil LOST and poundT %4 M*T A I*l VITO AMI* " it IT ft 9*HH> T*|,#4 4*o, f.|Nyf| UH EMIIBNI *C I til I * a> H urn N 4 %m* 11, •'*!?# •nf*iir ttt «l •* I n*°t t*«*r4. 1 4mm It tl U MISCELLANIOii* **^ 1 IB>A!tl > CAM UK BAD*Wt TWO panic* m prtVßt* tSSMU. •> «*<IH»A. MA [ a drslrahir I- IMIJ. A Idfyaa tt, Ik, , mrr Herald city, A## 16 II ~ FIANo TEACHKH--NFM MKTHtA* Mi*. 11. L. Hand. S 6? H<m6. dec 16 9] IWOKKKKPKR* - HfiQl BffT IN HTHHCTIVH rlrrutar* r- aa> Hag l»- pt»>y<-d loratmg trtnn ayat#m. short merit 'd* and nvchantval > l llhmette. Greatly r—lured priced. Is.-ourag# lm* Baton. H nry <. liman tovtator. Rn- I *n»k# building, Chicago. A## 16 : ovrt'KItJtMENT PoAITIoH*—DON’T : |r. pare for aay *lvll sert lcw rxaml natbta nil tout a#elßg our Illustrated vtiib mi# of Information, (b at fr#a. «•> lumt tan Correepondenr * C. it#**. Wa#hl«gt«n. D. C . A«* It Special Notices; Sped* Nolle* The National Kx> Itange Bank nf An gUFti * Aumifft*. o*.. i I***. THE ANNUAL MKKTINO of TUB Htoektold* r» of this Bank will bn held at It* Banking llo'iae on TtTEff* DAY, January 16'h. t*W. between thd hours of 12 and 7 i.’eliK tt p. m.. foe th# election rs reven d.rectorß to servo for the ensuing year. PERCY K. MAY. Cashier. Installmeßt Notice. Office of Mutual Real l-tetate Buildlnff and Loan A'aoi latlon. Augusta, (la., IF#. 10, 1668. TIIK HKGt'T.AIt MONTHLY INBTAL MENT of thla Association la due and payable MONDAY. DECEMBER lfth By ordat of the Prealilcnt. W. C. JONES, Kecretary. Installment Notice. Augusta Real Estate and Building Aa* aoclatloa, Augusta, (la.. I)#c. H and 12, I<®6. THE 1181* A L MONTHLY INBTAI#' MKNT due this Association will to payable to the tressurer at Ills iifflce, TUEPDAY. the 13th Inst. The rules of the Association respecting limn* will la* rlglilly enforced. By order of the Hoard of Director*. I;. |{. DERRY, Sfe. * Trea*. hunk statement shows the following rhnnse*: . ... Surplus reserve, decrease ....a 3.'t,aso Loans. Inc/ease iSS’SSt Specie, Increase C04..00 Legal t.-nders, decrease Deposits. Increase Circulation, decrease .. . “ a ww The bank now holds ..16.743,360 In ex cess of the requirements of the 25 per cent rule. FINANCIAL. New York, Dec. 10.—Money on call steady at 214 per cent. Prime mercan tile paper 314a4 per cent. Sterling ex chanae steady with actual business In bankers’ bills at 4.54Mu34 for demand and at 1.81Vju4.52 for sixty days. Post ed rates 4.*214*4.8514. Commercial bills 4.80%. fillver certificates 8914*6014. Bar silver 5914. Mexican dollars 4614. State bonds inactive; railroad bonds strong: government bonds steady. DRY GOODS. New York, Dec. 10.—The upward movement in print cloth continues, a further advance < f 1-16 being made to day— 28-Inch and Si-squares now- being 214 cents and other goods on a relative basis. The general demand for cotton goods was nrain cnsldorable. and the weeks business was quite satisfactory. . The forte bf 'tV rflarket at the close .. was very,firm. and,,Pfic,es wore a har-; denlng appearance R, most every di«»-' rev t ion.