The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 12, 1898, Image 1

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<m« • Limp, 40MRI ; a, iavikos N ft P* «—»» A** ***» ** J 'N wmt to‘i*« A SOLDIER FOR EVERY ONE THOUSANO PEOPLE Cm. IWr* Cm flMiWt TM» Iftfttttoi. Hu rmru-T*- fa* IN RsswtaMaaMaw «MNI*<M Rto—a A*M»T*-lIM tUmorf- Raw Wat* ipaa IN U—t t wnaaat Itoa • apahßt Wm»i«||*«. In* It •marM **N« >iiir»n l ** m MN** (In Nn* • mmm aa mmm »Ih»mi *—«« rateftn ta aw p> is»m» naipMtaaiiasi ip nn«M as a* nr. t»« min R* t»» ram— at* P-4ta«. «** 4raP* N ■** * !■* ****** W MN Haw— tom. M 4 a»«to*f HMoaNaat to tto* pm N Ckiinaia MAJOE OtWERAt mm Halt. rs ikr military eean'tM At tli* on'Kt Gearral lll'** illrtiMi h an' t to tla |tMrt) t«td of IterM log ikt imr. without rrltnar* to eltlnr b'lt Ho «*M ho had sNray* fa* 1 vorjd Ik* eatabl.ehment es a li(4 standard for the army. Til* experl«lie* jut yaar. be aald, kid demonatrated FEDERATION IK SESSION Tbs Eighteenth Anouil raartulM in Sfxsiun. The Program Arranged Tor the Open ing Day. Kansas City. Doc. 12. The 18th annual convention of the American Federation of Labor was called to or,- der at Stropea Hall today. One hun dred and fifty delegates from all parti of the country and two from across the water, namely. William Thorne and William Insklp of London, repre senting the British Tiade Union Con gress. are prerent. Delegate inakp’s mission It to plead for a closer alliance between the Uni ted Statea and Great Britain, along industrial as well as political lines. The work mapped out for the opening day Included the committee reports, era ling and rejection of contesting del egates. of whom there are several, and the annual address by President Gom pers. President Evans of the Kansas Citr Cox.netrial club welcomed the dele gates, President Gompers respond ing. The Trades Council. Kansas City. Dec. 12. Theodore S. Jones of Kansas City, president of the National Building Trades Council, called the second annual convention /of that organization to order to day. at labor headquarters. All parts of the country are represented. Th - conven tion will be in seaston about four days and tne of the most Important ques tions to be brought up will be the es tablishment of a joint board of arbi tration, composed of master builders, and members of the Building Trades Council, whose office shall be the set tlement by arbit: at ion of all disputes and grievances between employer and employe. No Consolidation There will be no attempt at consol idation with the American Federation of Labor, according to the statement of the General Secretary and Treasurer, gtelnbisß. (The Herald is informed by a gent'e jnan Identified with labor that the Au gusta labor trouble will be laid before the Federation in Its entirety.! Mr and Mi's H. K. Nicholson of Athene are at the Arlington. * irvE rouUAM * Vftß ft* C*Wl* A wvm / l ■■■■■ -- THI? AUGUSTA HERALD. ~ ft— a*. m J* •tow wm pm mtk*m —«*** I PIMM P —*■*•—**• lift —P »AM R*« | MINN M • SN*»-*Nm |—, I' PPN r? NPIMMI. at tom MM» ito— » •*« wNtol At | umi «a *Nm| •ft wPt n tto# tamto**to4 NNittoP ja—Nf IN ft—Ml PH>P *item Ttoft : ww, mP as MptotP >*—— Imp im wpp <1 o«hmc», •»< •ft<« I toft NIPI as IN NM 4p— — *P "ft—i»Nt*4, Ml PiM *• NptPwl TIN PP INPWP tom top atr*—4 «( tr»pt PMN On W» wp. •ml wMippfttft **»» pwtac ta ini Ep am p» sift Ml ifHNHf «f Itop iP| I to* Its— **»« Rop-Mat NT ttolft P-4M C*. I* P MM Nft'HUp ! thrrrft r*>, to witbdraw oar l irm fro— Cm froaUp m oa to Nora H— 4ft f—l-aa Ttoraa cons .Wrattooa. aai4 t Mllaa. led bin* to rftremm«a4 a stand i art t»f mm y*tiM» for 1 w** i*op*lPt"n at ha—, wllto B*iin* m;op« on tkr ba •la of two aativr aoMLcrn for every l.noo ropsitatibm. PARADING THE STREETS Anil-Drfvfus Pfmnnstration in Paris Tniij. ■ It Was Led by Members of the Chamber Paris, Dec. 12.—M. Mlllevoye and Comte D* Hamel, members of the chamber of depcales, headed an anti- Dreyfus demcnatration this afternoon. They marched to Cbe.ehe Midi prison, where Pioquart la confined, but were stopped by the police, and were bef.yjd to retire. Thereupon M. Millevoy made a speech. He said he did not desire conflict with these "brave fellows,” pointing to the policemen, adding that they hsd achieved their object In being abl< to sheut. "Spit upon Plcqnart!” who could hear them from the window of bis prison. Th© crowd then march ed to the official residence of General Zurllodcn, military governor of Paris, cheering for the army, end chanting monotonously "Spit upon Plcquart." This brought forth renewed cheers from the firmonstrdtors. The doors of (lererat Zurllnden’s residence were closed, but the crowd gathered outside cheering for the army, and M. Mille ivoye harrengued the followers, de nouncing the monsters of tbs court of cessation," and ending with calling for cheer* “for tbevallant Zurllndon. who command! the army.* IOOT MASHED OFF Rufus Timm Meets With a Severe Accident Tixfay At 2 p. m. Rufus Turner, aged 12. while Jumping on and off a moving freight, on railroad avenue, got his right foot caught .n a car truck. The foot was mashed so badly that ampula- , tion wss necessary when the lad was sent to tha hospital. Miss Pierce, a very charming young lady from Kentucky, is in the city, vieiting Miss Ruth Keener of upper Reynolds street. Mies Pie ce was here about two years ago and has many friends who arc- glad to see her In the city again. The English medical papers an nounce that the Prince of Wales has entirely recovered from the painful ac ejdant to his kn-re which he suffered last July. THE PRESIDENT ACCEPTS THE INVITATION TO AUGUSTA. He Could Not Resist the Representations Made to Him and Will be in Augusta Monday—The Committee Kindly Greeted and Given the As | surance They Sought-Grand News for the i -Camp Mackenzie Boys. ) BY W. H. STALLINGS. Waahln.i.n D. C.. D~. I!-T. «-«. “* „ Ailtu.ta, »' *» -» «»» *"• «"*• "*“» ~ mallin.. .... IM. m>M«, », Caonxn. I ”" i' York, .ok m.t . I—. «> M.» »• * . „ fWW , thß white House. The President quickly capitulated, prompt audience. There was no resisting our charge upon the ” bite I t ~ j in smiles hy our Impetuosity and i-arnesUteas. and we almost literally took him by stonn.. He was forced to amlles 9ay to the people of Augusta that he will be with them Monday. _ ... luetianf nxti psjjtt *abu sn jo gnnui The committee, of course, are v n q os sjo sn J« auiog 'POUW H PIW -a um , taqt ‘Xof «!« uoao *u„qqehoolbays. since we won the promise w* «»««■ , - M.'kensle Toll the troops that their President There 1* little more to te'l. Send the news out to Camp Ms. kensl tV. IT. STALLINGS. will be with them Monday. _______ . GEORGIA BOY TAKES HIS OWN lilfE Suicided Because He Feared Punish ment at the Hands of Ills Father. He Did Not Kill Himself Instantly and Bezgcd That He be Again Shot That He Might be Relieved From hia Suffering. Louisville. Ga., Pec. 12. Percy, the 19 year old son of Mr. E. E. Ponder, who live* nine miles cast of this place, siiickfrd Saturday morning by shdoting himself in the tight side of the body with a shot gun. Fearing punishment' from his father, he stayed ar the cotton house ail night, and v.-heu found in the movntne by bin Mr. Ca ter, he shot himself. He lived after the footing about an hour and a half, dying before surgical aid could be had. Before dying he begged his fa ther to kill him to relieve him from his suffering. OPERATIVES H El An Employment Bureau Establlshel at Roberts’ Hnll. At a meeting of ope ative- toila". it was decided to establish an employ ment. bureau at Roberts Hall, corner Crawford avenue and Ellis street. Those needing workmen will find there many eager to secure employ ment. X rhR -E HEN HURT A Brick Building Falls on Three Men in Hamburg- A brick building that was being torn down In Hamburg injured three col ored workmen Sy falling on them at about 1 o’clock today. Their names could cot be learned. None are hurt fatally, The kangaroocis a healthy looking animal—but if is nearly always on Its ts:d legs. 50LDIERS’ NIGHT. Hasonic Fair Given fiver to Ihem Tomorrow and Wednesday. The Masonic Fair has been such a splendid success that the managers have decided to postpone the closing night till Wednesday. After today no more dinners will he served, but delightful luncheons can b* had from 10 a. m. to 11 p. m. A large delegation of the military Is expected tonight, but tomorrow and Wednesday wilt be, strictly speaking, soldiers' day, as they will to paid off. Interest Is growing In the sword con test, and It Is rumored thnt the con test has now narrowed down to two. The flower booth has received anoth er lot of choice palms, which will he sold tonight at phenomenally low Pri ces. A handsome palrn and mahlen-hair fern will also be raffled off this even-- inz. A large delegation of the military is expected tonight, but military night 1 proper will be tomorrow, when they have been paid off. and with their char acteristic liberality they wilt largely patronize the Fair. T ick Rider and -treetCsr. -Abs. Rube shields, the trick rider, met with an accident yesterday. White cn his way to eemp he collided with a street car, and his wheel was smashed all to pieces. Mr. Shield got off with a .few small bruises. $175,000 10 BE PAID OUT HERE TOMORROW. Up Piipum Mitt Arrtrri »*4 *■ ht tit Vf* tWi» MMrtn Twpmi —MMMEBER » MM|. ft* ft MU' Wft—l •ttohft' pt lata*v« tpip. At PM (toft pir«MP*ft* MM to—toft< Aw im gtotoßv Nftifaa—t tor n— «M Pan aw 4 ttttoaa* *iik» toat* an** to* •m** aiift wpp* up tto* pup tout* rawto fro— tto* IPMMwr will pa tat* lUv Immm*h «4f Umi «• pM dM****** pm. raMMUI of Map* W i CM*4sa. Mfth* (Mwp T. H»Ho**r. *44- K W. Mftitord Est tar P* R tn>.«h<. M«toW M I. Mar Mpto M iwato. (Norm C. Wtotttototo •tot W. W Ram. I«tl AUaata «oWa is P*MUI. to— wtoteto pi«l IN pnr MpiMif. all top Stop HillN* Major mpkt m 4 Map* Mar PPM <«> rpawtoW. fww wtoNto r*iW ttoar nap tm AapaaM Tto* *hew MtoNal •.•ivsßft* m »• PaMawrailN Majofa Orwtoato, IPnifta, WtoHiror* •»< Bam ara iptolftiN as IN «»(• m a»4 Majnt HoUomy as ito* Arl;aa toa. Tfcft MNf oErm will P«*a Ihla ftftftraooo Ttoea* tom too twea Nsay all itoa Mornaia *.••« tin* nosA aamnir fw , paritoto ft* aa4 lto» arotk wilt Mto I mom* All •!« muanift <w*alrjr. I -vorpa. miiaftm. hoapliai «»«S awtoa- I taaca rarp. fti><t ft**f7 w*a *allUft4 to moftfty win b* givftß S<w»Nr !**• AN OPEN LETTER TO HON. CHARLES ESTES . Whit This I orrfspondFßt Sats »f. the til ia the Mills. He Ask* If the President of the Aaao. ; elation Wl.l (Entertain a Proposi tion. From the Proper Source, to Change the Scale of (be Cut Auguata. Ga.. Dec. 12th I*#s To Mr. Charles Estes, Pres. Msnf. Ass'n. District of Augusta Dear dir: In view of the much de- j plored differences between your assn-1 elation and your operatives, and th* ! very grave situation confronting all parties concerned entailed by aucb j differences, we hope and believe that a settlement of the vexed question can ’ be arrived at soon If a reasonable dls- ’ euaalon of the question can be bad. and we believe It can be at this time. It la a pertinent fact that the greatest objection by the operative* to the cut j I lies in the manner in which it was done. That is, that It is claimed that It was not adjusted, according to the understood rules of equity. In the al i leged fact that It does not bear pro- FOR THE SOLDIERS Important Resolution in the Sertate Today Washington. Dee. 12.-In the *<wato today Mr. Hoar and Mr. Hale presented j resolutions of the citizens of th< r states remonstrating against the exten sion of American sovereignty over the Philippine* Islands, and c-galcst the ac | quisitiou of foreign territory without | the consent of th" people In such terrl tmy. The resolution was referred to the committee on foreign relations. Mr. Pettigrew Introduced a bill au thorizing A. A. Bartlett to raise the battleship Maine and transport her to the United States. Mr. Hoar introduced the following resolution. "That the committee on military be instructed to Inquire, und report as soon as may be. whether some policy cannot be established by law by which the soldiers of the regu lar army whose families or parents are depending on them for support, or whose education or opportunities for business would be seriously interfered with by longer continuance in the mili tary service, and who enlisted for the war, or under smsurances that they would be held only while the war last ed, may be promptly discharged and ..their places, so far as necessary, fillod with new recruits. Indoor Baseball. otiiv two games remain to be played ; 0 £ indoor baseball between the C. L. V *s and Cad'-ts before the champion ship of the first series will end. The game tonight promises to be exciting. , c viAtb ieams are ready, and each ex iMCts to win The same Will be called I a o'clock at St, Patrick s hah A J. Ives, secretary and treasurer 1 at the savannah Guario company. J yesterday with Mr. J- Jones Gardiner. ! 1 Hit* mum ] PLANT?R« ‘ loan AND I lAVINOP I NANK Wh'SS? ■aaaaaatoapanj <—aap Map* ftap ftMtftW mm ttoas ito* maaiai at iin pat raMa aw wm saw*, torn tratoaMt »»«'—! to> MNM imam a paM pwt as •*.*»* •SR to* tar*** am ta ska Mtf Tto* smto «r sip .fttftirr Rw warn ! os aflumaaa *ll. toa HP aaam «f «h> i .’*» aa4 haato—Wa »m witswaa stoa w s »i (j f f t ,j ; fk jn ppi i iUftift* pa** aa tto* Rasa—ratMa Rsp Raw*—»• a*4!»aft «l itoa i ill—- stat to*** am —*• pMa. «M taw t*wi» •*• a«a ta >—Na» irHtot sawn rtoashp X WIN.—, Tnap tt TtooW nntrr. *••» tasaa —a tto* , — »a—tkMrt a— —— | a *4 as atop—w attkaaa maw is* aa< ft*:.— ta s«w —.-p-M toaM tatoar. • I*4 114 far f<wNlt*4 tow *ark aa—to. l.aa R Mftftks. o' r« —i—at I. *"**■ —it Mu—<■«« h— ttot*4 «4 «—N iwa as I Th» aa4 T 4 an *M» as ap. !• •U— 4i«rtoat—M fro— Ik* P* *tra as ito* I'atuM »tw aato all pt *MI aJto»w»w* a— Rw—*ft4 Kp*M C INN as Oft I. rt*M Marr iaa4. tiolaiwa «ito awl «M ftHtrtoa a# of asr aot *PW» ttotwaakoai aa4 ta •rpHtsf al*a»P aw 4 i—aral #w EM| )■ a*!— Pft—wrk of n— M»r*’aaE. for *.ni»!ioa of iTito torsi* - 1* "*a»mai !ta to* MEiunftolT Awtoai—A fsw— .*rrtr* and f'sfrß aR allowattm »a 4 par. ar4 m h-r pan*to« :b r«aisaa> itarr. toaatnrr apt—4 wiik sto# n mtlra of fmir —itoa pairs—. frail Rwata. ifft*. n— Map lan4. m*iH*4 ot nolailoa of tTito ar* Itrlft. —PrsA aaaiatora »• I— * cork portlnsutely npon all alike, hat that ihn araatest burdens fall h»av*eat «poc those least able to bear ihem. And we believe that public •enttmeat will ij*er u* out hi this opinion. Wo J*- I alts* the depressed financial condition of our cotmou country. We reallf the truth that the profit* accruing i ro.r any manufacturing t.uslna* are not uow that which obtained In year* gone ky probably, even nl the higher wage rate then paid. Upon the fore ! going conelusione. admitting that the cut tn the wage rate paid was neeea ; eary to put your mill* upon a payln* 1 competing basil with other mitt*, will you. air, entertain a proposition from a proper source to change the sca.c of the cut. ami bring it to bear more equitably upon all person* cony .ted? If a conference upon this questp n can 1 he arranged, there may be mi- nor questions brought up, dp-pon tyf ; rights of labor to organize^e . but *,,** we bei:\ve you have already expressed 1 yourself favorably to labor upon the I question. It would be easily adjusted. , believing that through public prints the best way to reach you. we await your answer through the valuable me dium. The Herald. O. C. WILLIAMS. WAR DEPARTMENT j Nominations Sent to the Senate This Astern on. Washington, Dec. 12.—The president lias sent these nominations to the sen ate- Wor—Regular army, revaly arm, to be majors, Charles A. I’hnttield, J. H. Kerr, J. Durst, George S. Anderson. Assistant surgtans, rank of first lieu tenants —Clyde M. Ford, West Virginia: James H ■' '. ’Clt. District of Colum bia; e a Tennessee; F. M. Usher, Ky. Treasury—Assistant surgeons marine hospital service: J. W. Kerr, Ohio; Gustav M. Corptit. Georgia ; Dana K Washington, Dec. 12.—-All doubt re specting the intentions of Colonel Win J Biyun have been removed by the receipt at the war department toila* of a telegram front hint stating ILat In had mailed his resignation of Itik com mission »s colonel of volunteers, and It wr.s approved by division end corps commanders. The war department, of course, cannot act upon the resignation until it comes formally to hand, but, there Is no doubt of Its acceptance. Tt Is supposed at the war department that the lieutenant colonel of Bryan's regi ment will succeed him In the colonelcy. HERALD~CHRISTMAS I REE Meeting of the Committee Wednesday at Library. g There will be at, important meeting of the commute - :u ehatge.pT The Her ald Christmas u« We drier day utter. ~ noon at four o’clock at the Library- All who have been notified and onv one interested in this most laudable un dertaking are requested to bt present oji tfiis r*ccH»ion. >