The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 12, 1898, Image 2

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MONDAY fw" Here's Ee OoiH£? Te Oat a OOT, or ft Mftltrwft, •» M*;b» § MufeftJ UwtmMiL 0,1 L li«ctn Mao !• ♦lino l*. 1 A. Dna* 6.W (ft ♦*» (*» MtaiftHtt 150 (• 100 •tan 175 !• 75.00 VWI». Hse t* 115 Batj* l.Bh (• 55.00 Amriltt* Wf to liOO ♦c., ♦C*» 4f- EYerjifting in losic Timas & Barton, 710 Broadway, Augusta. Georgia PAHS HIM BY. Ih la Oaly a FwX ang Hl* I* aa (*•l*l*4 Utlarawc*. Chmp Maihmai*-. August a. Oa . Dec WL M*». J, (he Editor X Th* Matolg— Btr: In the Imhr X r«ur pat»r daled •he 19th. t read an arttrt* headed Toartg. In (hat artl. le II *pe*k* of a coaveraaiton h*ta*ew an old veteran X (X laat war and a yawn* M. *h<> disgraced ike cloth X wore. X (hi*, our tale war In writing thia. I do not a*k Ihe old veteran* and hi* comrade* lu excuse him I only write thl* to **k Ihe Southern her-e* of the *ar nt the Mb'* to pa** t* by •• coming from one wb« know* nothing of what h* apoke cme who. If he had not been a foot e i uid noi have *n**erert that old Sou thern hern at he did In speaking a* I <!. , I speak aa a mm of a veieran X the Grand Army of the Republic, * vete ran. who ha* gone to Join hi* cimradc* tn tha< great unknown. In saying that y. ung fool dlsaracet toe Nue upifotm he wore, I apeak In rt tense of th* uniform that my father wore, and I. myaeif, wear now. I never heard a aoldler X that war. no matter whether ht wore the Wue or gray.speak ■Mghtlnaly of one nnntlm'* courage. Coming from the »t»!e that I do that of Maryland. My Maryland. I know where*J I apeak, for In my state II was pretty near a divided family. In printing thl* in reply to that re mark that young fool made to that old veteran, who wore the gray, you will oblige very much Ihe *nn of an old vet eran who wore the blue. WM F. TALBOTT. On. M. First Maryland Regiment. To Cure a Cold la One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablet*. All druggist* refund the money If it -alls to cure. I&c. Th# genuln* has L. 9. Q. on each tablet. EXCELLENT. Was Rev. naahburn'a Address at Y. m C. A. -Just for Fun.” That was the title of the subject that Rev. J. H. Maahbum spoke on at the Y. M. C. A. meeting last afternoon Rev. Mashburn spoke of how the phrase, "Just tor fun,” was so often used a* an excuse for the committal of mime wrongful deed. Hs went on lo sav that fun Is a hard Word to definitely define. The French say that fun I* like ihe atr we breathe and a desire tor M is inhaled Into lhe ( human soul. The Italians turn It Into vapot and the Anglo-Saxon derivation differs widely. Tie- st(e«ker told of how many acts were committed that were slnrul and when surh was done, the excuse, "Just for fun.” wae glvtsn. The address wa# one that could not help hut appeal to all who heard it, and Kev. Mashburn haa shown that he Is a talker who 1* always well worth hearing. * TELL YOUR SISTER A beautiful complexion is art Impossi bility without good pure blood, the sort tha 1 ! only exists In connection with good digestion, a healthy liver and bowels. Karl’s Clover Root Tea acts directly on the bowels, liver and kidneys, keeping them In perfect health. Price 2S eta. and W) ct*. Sold by—Retailers. T. A. Buxton. Anderson’s Drug Store. Alcx c uder's Dr-J* Store, West End Phar r . : v. The King Pharmacy; Wholesal- I M, Dnveni ivt & Phinlay. Preferences. 'i.kiyn Eagle. i'.esldeut McKinley’s shrewdness as shown by his preference for Mr. K.ld for Great Britain. Mr. Platt's power as a politician is shown by bis preference of someone to Mr. Reid for Great Britain. CASTO XT X A . ti, Kind You Hite Alwats Bought 'T' CAMP FORNANCE. nunyt win or mtosii D!U>*»Y MSGBftft UMt mn. I'MMI, -rtl-T fa* HlftX »h#** MN. M.N Mm* Mm* mn Ami <| i«ot—w<- rmmp Pm****** t*** Mi imm rutftftprt Ml ImmMIMSMMMII 9*9 ' t##t AMf* «f MM ****** Amm## j *f«Rt mms* mm**i*** lM ] £#**#» IMMmI «M Hm*«M TVMMMMMP 1 aamMmmmm fP, H Yf Tlm mmm# Is* mmMMi Mi Immmm ftp f d InkmA rn tIMM «P» «»Mt «*#»** ■ mum** df §■•*>•#» •## m *****99*9 I 9*9**9** 9M& $ IMM 9NHB Ms tlfct Mf.Jl <rf ’ (-MMMMMOk i. C.« iMVftaniMMl «M €M»* j tmrm ftttf h»4 Id pacftnd I* *w*l (ft.- •au. A* pm «* Ik* wa* from (ft* «**•» ! r»i« I llrmp • ' Ms at wwvfia fftft . ftM HM UM TMNM* ft*T* » •*•*• !Tm —aid MN aft** ihM. ft* (ha** j Mil* Mtd tMWftW ■—>< *U»M« *•■ j -Wit bsppv MX HWMftlill Mil**** T« (ft* *MN X thia vltiap* X ’»•(* »M Unt — Xh*g Tftta ft* "ft* FlghU*# jrftW It hod* W(*4 '••4 MN«'»M«MX ftftd tfcaft «•(«•»» '«ft* at** X <h*ir mm* mm **• *mXH» Ml*** (ft*** I* IMMkftt MOM IftM M*r» rftaff M (ft* iftirti. * j* MM,* •• »ftM* MwnX t» • ftMft* ; ataxd i*Mft**t If (ft*** ftft *WMWt Dow* la a r*iv*y to * ft* north «f (ft* raw? I* where Om CM fcXde forth ; *tlk III* et*ff. | J«m • few nod# aft (ft* ft«« f»*M 'ft* • cottage aeenptoi hr On*. OM* I* • •** potottßg MWMIr *1 IK'* **'•«•* * M Ih* ImI( urraplad by (ft* »**•• When (h* qws#«ioa wa# asked ' ik* pi was inhX th»i war * piiX il«ut*t>»i>i MiirlMl: "H* «mnX II mto *r»r* oft (ft* MMaKhi Poaftrr 1 A**oei*ltn*. who h*** MMl* ll*l***l ■Xsicftt r»**lHlr (Vtt. CM-iOmNm. ; o*n Na'aow Ool*. roMawindla* I’awp rwMv*. i* • **■«***». ft**ft>« *•*• a* an ol aftllterr •« 'ft* tot* war. ala* partirlpadag la **»*r*l tor* HXlaa NKMNBmI* *o*r (ft* rlo** of Ih* W*r. To looft upon that ktodlr old tor* on* would o***r think that hr had paaaad thfouah aarrlr* ao hard and t*rrtM« aa wartarr Hie ataft (omprir** the followln* ofllrrra: IJout. O. W, Cot*. Hrr*n(h ramlrr. a*nlor aid. and a aon of th* grornl Ueut. G. ft. Turner of th* Eighth. I.lout • Turntr to a pollah*d lltlla g*n tlrmao «orl la certain to mako con qurata In ft*ld other than lha hnttla field. Aaalalant AdUuUnt-G*n. Cornollua Harrow*. Klrat Ithodr laland Infantry, (tow. Barrow*, although having only 0. ft. V., look# Ilk* on* having ***n loan **rvie*. QunrU«rma«t*r— Tnpt Edwin Barrett. Commlaanry—Alaon Pettljoton. Brigade Surgeon—MaJ. Chat. R. I’ark*. Aaalatant Brigade Surgeon—l-tout. Coflla. | Th* plan of th* ramp l* Ideal In ev ery particular and I* one of th* b**t equipped th* writer hat *ceo ao far. The hoapltul quarter* are of auffl clent dtolatu* from the main body of tb* troop# to make aure that In «•*»* of contagion that there need be no unn*e cßKery alarm. The aurgeon* are a ca pable body of men and are ever watch ful of their charge* | On the whole. Tamp Enrnnoce la an (Ideal camp. With the First Regiment R. I. V,, Camp Fornanre, Columbia. 8. C.. Ilec. 10th. In a high plateau overlooking quaint and historical Columbia, U> the south east. and the well known Cougaree river to the weak. Is established Camp Fornance, where bivouac* the First Regiment Rhode Island volun teera. The ramp Is admirably located: the sanitary arrangements are com mendable: the soil Is porous, conse quently in rainy weather we have few of those mud poola so conspicuous at other places. At Comp Fornance the pulverization of the soli is so great that compara tively few hours elapse after a severe rain storm b<-fore the ground Is again in good condition for the exercise of company, battalion or regimental ma ueuvres. Col. C. W. Abott, who has been ab sent from the regiment for some time, owing to sickness. Is again with his regiment, and unquestionably, no Col onel in command of a regiment is sp popular with his men ns he. As a dis ciplinarian, tactician, administrator, he is unequalled In the corps; his courteous demeanor, attention to every detail concerning the welfare of men and his unostentatious, gentlemanly manner, draws forth words of high respect and commendation from citizens and soldiers alike. His excel lent soldierly bearing bespeaks his youthful training In the art of military warfare. His men adore him with a devotion and a determination to fol low him wherever he might lead them. This feeling is established by the con fidence they repose tn him; it Is ce- I mented In their breasts by the manl | fold times he has demonstrated his 1 thoughtfulness on their behalf. The spirit of loyalty, to Colonel Abbott Is indelibly situated in our innermost souls for him who would and has made many personal sacrifices, that any misery confronting his men may be lighten**!. His disposition is uudetnon strsiive He Is of that type of man TFF >.TJOT7PTJ( VI CBALD. 11ftM MN M*. dto ta«d ** *» paa*ft m mm BMiiiiHt #4mA APHBMAHMMMv **d - “*• ! mm** ** mm ********* n •#***• *&* I tpd&t ifftMii pm ** *** 1 0%m w*m*p sm*rn* ss** m* ****** I id m*** in* *mm***4 *> ***#*s*9o * I mm id d'ddd fid Addi * m** j 99m* Aid *«• I mt (ft** *ftfta*v*«w* («. j «4 lid tm*P***** ***** Md ******* m I *iiadif torn*** *** tm**** **m*rnm-**m** 1 id id* ***** 1 jdfi»»ir< wn* mm* **• iMI mm* ******* *ornmvm* <dMdi J %0 mm *** wfii <id •• ; «mbw MMtofeMto* to. nft «M*v*x M* 1 . ■ ■ a i- 1 tmt NnMw he (w a r» ewN I u*kM>al •****» >*»■»«*■( (pHb <*» I(M MB*** n* (ft* ftftwi Kfc*x* Mtowd j hn* ftnaw *rww» (ft* ***y hMWKrt**. >( ]l* «h* wm*( dfttM (MX Uwewwftftto .q»'W*( W(I*M( HI (ft* M»*W« fttMt id ***** Mi fid ****** mm* vtfiddi j a** fftoMNM *• (toy M (ft* Mft** I itoirtTi »wp»rtiiW to th* (walawN* «f i .tom * «*ri tohftft I* well hnww* •• enrp* Into* MX tot**4* e*M nnnt — Al N*t rwview ft*M ftf th* to*** to which Ih* fthod* tatotod itm (anvitolX It* wwarhlng. #e*M «*d ih* tottgwl** appfnm l X th* W»*» ml* X ih* twMih* dMwriMMto BtodtoX l*Mk" "tk Ih* **(hn*»- ■ **g(r ipphear X r*ft(* MX gwutol the pel—**.l X Ih* reglWtoW* » aft* X Ih* **r? high*** Itow Bagtond •lardy Ml. »hw to-lhftH to (ft* (•welling X thX* tot her* *ad Itodi* ttow* X ih* «gM*. e*»t *»X* th* twnn rto* X howto and *ll th*? hXd d*wr to wa nil. and If *e*d *• anertfl* IhXr tire* ow th* ewwntry'a altar in it* d*- Tlh. runha X lb* r*gltw*ni wiihowt reference to any *p**lfw oMpany «w* * ton find piof***nr» who *h*ndow*d ! ih*(r rhtoale* dm iki and lawywra who ' abandoned thXr prof*a*lowa. aluArnla I heir MHdlto editor* th* prXownding and ntworbtng laM«w X Ih* day. *>*" merrhaala and kXaew men. aad laa* out BX lea at. aipert M*rhanle* X «* *rf trade and »ph**w X ho***i lahor. Apart f.otn th* ortglaallty X th* wto terlal which c.xuprlto* th* reglMMtt. tb* Inanrle* and refinement they fr.r --•ooh, th# etaltX elrlaa In which t%X j novel, th* reaper! and eateeM X Ihe men In general ol the aoclety In which j they moved It le elating to not* how the* adapl thcaieelve* to lb# Ilfie I and condition# which eurround aol dlera. The prevailing sent 1 ment amongst th* men relative to their future K ,h ® deair* to ae« aom* duly In the n*wiy acquired possession* of Unci* Sam. In thia they are hopeful In view X be ing retained In the *ervlre ao long, and possessing Ihe effectiveness to en able them to perform any duty that would be committed to their care. Should th# department proper think different, they are willing to accede to It* wlahe* with Ihe same good soldier ly patience as has been bora# from ifc* heg.nnlng and haa triumphed over all the .Harms X the past. However, the honor and proud P**t history of the smallest elate In area In the unlot should he given conalderation at th* tianda of thoae who guide the military «nq of It* conquering armed host*, through the turbulent routine of ramp and garrison duly at hom* and th* romant It. land of Cub* and Porta Rico. . In a f?w day* th* loft# looked fop tourney among the officer* wl- take place. In the evening the winner of the golden spur# will crown hi# lady fair The coronation exercise* will be a vivacious spectacle. Military cotil lions and delightful german* are fre quently given by the officers at Colum bia. The fenatnene twauty of the Palmetto State capital are the gucsta of the officers and the events are most enjoyable. AdJt. Gen. Barrows and Comralt ury PettlJohn of the brigade staff are to run i heir steeds for a purse of one hundred dollars, today. General Cole will inspect his brigade today, compri sing the First Rhode Island and Sec ond Tennessee, weather permitting. It is the intention of our brigade com mander to hold weekly reviews here after. U is constant work for the sol diers here from reveille till retroat dally in the performance of routine duty. For Whooping Cough use CHENEY’S EXPEC TORANT. The Wreck. Aciotm the night a gray moon felt Through burn of shifting cloud, to set Where Iron reefs and white wave met Hullenly at the doors of hell. It saw the great ship’s dying thro® As one with dim drawn facc.who sees A dumb beast in its agonies, And may not help, and cannot go; And peering still from wind-wrought caves It watched amid the swirl and strife Unlovely atoms, each a life, Tossed on the uproar of the waves. Sick to the heart with fear untold Of that mad slaughter half-descried. It crept behind a cloud and died. Then the black night was icy cold. last, out of chaos calmly bright. Day dawned; and, with a greeting roar. Triumphant Bung to shore Hi* broken plaything* of. the night —STDN STf UrLUETThf. Art Squares from *4 ">n to He Wt at Fleming * Bowles. OENXiARCI A IS DEAD TiC JKtrTKO ft MU Ad At li • AftttlXle lo\ M Vila MM awftaw Utdto dew ftwweiwg final «HM ftp mm ftXMhaea-w i wMfte MwMft "kadefte fiftteTawr* •» (MX r.kaada kg hwftw. w d«ilAkd»«ii !** i A €|#dx'#'ik ■ niM In» tdxNia lid i tiff *m*m***o* I tdi4NM» #d4 fid Inmnl mt m* ************** mtmmrnm* if fid Cm*** *****oo9 m mm |M Hi **m**9. **** 9mm pmmmrnt mm****** m**mip *99** 9* *99*m •* ti* Hurt **& §%, ***** «Im» »mmrn9msm I id* Md i*- • ij' »****'*% I fid ididwij ****** 9mm t*m ****** ' * Hand* if t'di*-. fNli lid **#*P*9*m *+ , |mml lidfd ddiiddi. 9* fid * id* f? ' «dktf til stow Vwrh and WaMr.**' •» .«* etwMtoaiht* toe (ft* Xteene-wia nk*-k : 9* Id* 4*ddi4d. .. M# dddffdtMdi d w&dif ddM id 79m* ?dfi *p* *9* ******* di ******* : MMI ***** Ml# ti* **** *0 **• weak Cto Twaaday Oaweent fid* Id mm***f mf*% lid ***** mmm 9mm mi lid «iMWtdi#i*. war to hi* honor by Oawnenl Mito*. na4 (ft* napwewea that Mgftt totMMft* aw wn | •track X yaaaatawto (tohft ewltoiaatod to hi* dwMft ftoetag th# twXe# ftowe* a* •*** pe*- c-aglwg d'aaXaUa*. o*w**»t Oweri# wa* urt — 1 — mn X «h» <!•* ** *•* limit id *** *9 ***** mi _jjy tboaa about him. In hi* dying mo menta. a* all through hi# buay and ac tive life, hi* thought* wore for hta be loved country and It* people, and among hi* last word* were Irrational mutter* In which he gave order# to hie aon. who la on his staff, for the battle which be supposed was about to occur, and In which he under stood there were only 400 Spaniard# to combat. Just be fore he died he embraced hla son Rear, rather Magee, of St. Patrick # ‘ church, was railed In during the day. and was with General Uarria until the end. administering the last rHe* of the LIKE A DOLL Month Old Now, and Measures In Length Just 14 and a t alt Inches. New York, Dec. U.—Mildred Rlxon, the midget, was a month old yester day. She weighs one pound and nine ounces, ten ounce* more than when she first opened her eyes In the second floor back from No. 18X5 Dean stivet. Brooklyn. From the top of her head, covered with soft hrown down, to the tips of her foes she measure* exactly fourteen Inches and a half. The midget baby Is rapidly growing In slxe and strength, and Dr. Nichols, of Stuyves ant avenue, does not consider It nec essary to make frequent calls on her any more. In her home made Incubator little Mildred passes her days and nights be fore the sleeping and taking nour ishment every two hohrs from a tint bottle, holding Just one meal for her. Rvery morning she has a bath of warm water and alcohol, after which she Is gently rubbed with olive oil. which does the double duty of nourishing her and keplng her warm, tn the afternoon the oil buth Is repeated Her aunt. Mis. Wilson, performs her toilet while Mil dred kicks and does calisthenics with arms and legs on a warm blanket. After a hath the baby ts wrapped up In cotton wool. Over this dress comes another of the same material. She wears pink worsted bootees on Inch too big for her. A esp of cheese cloth lined with satin wool fits over her head, long .and even these are a great deal Only her diminutive face Is In sight when she has on all her finery. One# all her little frocks are on, Mildred is wrapt in three flannel shawls and laid In her nest of pillows In n big rocking chair drawn up close to the stove. A hot water hag covered with flannel keeps her hack warm, and more covers are tucked over her while she dreams. Mis. Rlxon is very proud of her mid get daughter. Caesartne. the little black bahy at the Sloane Maternity hospital, lives in a real Incubator. Resting cn white cot ton she looks like a cameo miniature carved out of onyx:. The doctors say she is doing well In hey little glass hot house. In which she “breathes purified filtered warm air. Like Mildred Rlxon. sheds fed every two hours from a two ■ inch bottle containing less than half an ounce of nourishment^.; Place you order for fall suit with E. 3 Henry ACo . p-.—aku prtc-d tailors. ■ mpmm * 9*9 ***** *** 9****rn* ■ s m*m** : 9**9o*9 iiii i Bha* l —it did **o*o #*►€ i **** 9s*#** ** * **m 9* »ld ***** m ]#it* pm mm* * 9*9** *'***** f m fvmt m d •*d*** , fdi' ddd , " w * ■ Mktotgwi *m *#* if dHH'ldf *i j |^ fir i", m Mttl KH rifrirf fi d>* f tkih* l s*di >- •* *dd* * * to toto to# tW 4Mdl#t t*d* ***m mm --* ■ — 'pi j fix IwNdl MNd** l # d «i#f ■ ** ' iwad* if Hid** *dd df 4# tdr id**#! df m** : 9m*m 9mm &m§#f9 WL I fifth Ilk *#'f !? l*t f fit f ti# !''-*»■ x* <lt * idfd ddCdffdi id d idifiddfi 9*f 9** Id* j Mid* f ttd it Id* df lid Odidd **tm**9**. did# id* id Pm*4*m*f9mi* id 9i*tm , **m Pdf ids lttiry 3mm* VII -dV# df , (id M>d>i>itidtnm. mmrnt m *+U**mm *I lid* | tlifKtdd Id Hdddx r**m* fid ddMN- ; #ti fid Clin ddudiitf *• I aww in Vlaenaa Aa mm a# (ft* *x«h j 1i (i ,tr knew a wan* vtoftwea. laetwfi tag a awaihee X pnXtc w*a .••* •« 1 lha ftatof to etpeeaa ihxr f tA'le'** j AtooMf Tmw wftn toJIM woe* fteaa* lor* Forahwr. ktoway l*»wctoe aa* —• 1 111 1 I tICNKRAL CALIXTO GARCIA. ('handler, aad Major General* I.a*ton aad Wheeler. General Garcia left a large family, only one of whom. Justo. a captain on hi* staff, waa with h.m when be died. His widow and Merced?#, a daughter. 17 yrars of age. are al Thomaatllle, Oa.. where the girl la quite III: Merto, aon, If years of a***, la with hta ram ti er at Thomaarille. and Colonel Carlo** Garcia, arcther aon, t* In Cubs. A daughter, Leonora, who married an Amcrhau, U now living In F*arla. Oea ernl Garcia's mother Is still alive, aad reside* in Havana. TUB BATTLE OF SANTIAOO Also Rlowlng Up of Maine at Ball Park Tonight When fireworks are scheduled to take place In Augusts, the elements gene rally give us rain works. That has been the usual course of events, and so when the spectacular display scheduled to take plate at the halt park last Friday night did not ma terialise the cause can be laid to the ! usual trouble —rain. Well, it was more sleet than rain, hut j tt was no night for a fireworks dis- j play. All will admit that. It was a case of the battle of San- 1 tlago and the blowing up of the | Maine being postponed. The battle and the blowing up of the Maine is scheduled to come off tonight at the park. During the Intermission of the bat tle there will be a vaudeville perform ance. The show begins at 8:30 o'clock. The events have been told of In The Herald last week. The trolley ear* will convey all to the grounds direct. Tickets are on sale at Thomas & Barton's, and Davidson & Mathewson's. CURED OF ASTHMA AITER 3$ YEARS OF SUFFERING It will be gratifying to Asthmatic readers to learn that an absolute cure ha* at last heen discovered by Dr. Ru dolph Srhiffmann. That the remedy is an effectual one cannot be doubted af ter perusal of such testimony as that of C. W. Van Antwerp. Fulton, N. Y.. who says:—Your Asthma Cure Is the best I have ever used. I have tried It according to directions, and one box en teirly cured me of Asthma, and I have not had tt since. I can now go to bed and sleep all night with perfect com fort. whtch I have not done before for 36 years and I thank you for the health that I now enjoy. I hope that you will publish this letter, that others may learn of Its wonderful virtues. Schlffmann's Asthma Cure is sold by all druggists at 60c. and SI.OO per pack age, or can be obtained by writing ttt ! rect to Dr. R. Schiffmann. Box SO4 St. Paul, Minn. Place your order at once and avoid rush Goods cheaper than ever. E. J. Henry & Co., popular priced tailors. rp> and II? Campbell street. FRESHEST AND FINEST HEATS PRESSED POULTRY OF ALL KINDS AT TH* LOWtST PRICKS HI(«M£HT CASH PRICES FOR CALVE* ROBERTS' MEAT MARKET Striwix 'Phonfi 824 •* d#ll ’Phofi* 433 "MORPH lRr~ f t§d f dfdl t ' ppfpgmf moi* ■***-■ it *#.*"•* pi MOM fit ATfifiCPlf 00-t toi » ; to % ye- :a(l ,N»e WANT ADS. rnr« Arv»»n*ijw»-Tif* Him* AMI Xf*r* to* aa* X lha ’'Waar AC* (Wlamn* to lh«*e met X arap’-t aeeat wh* ar* neehtag wneh A lltlla •I. Mat ing pear raw aimtur aad ptotnty. toll la* * bat f-n ton gn and wMu r** will go H for. w>ay Png yen progtoM* #f«jpl»ymen! Il ha* gonn a* tor many ethera «• wl*B ow. reader* in to*l that they nr* not imp win* «w wn bp mak ing n*e nf nor fr*a adcri ales offer The Harr! I twlleve* la h**P<a( lator aad emph »-ra tntarmeg X ihetr no taal “waaia ~ SITUATION WANTED tv a vtki* am:ATfr»H ah dri*m llKft, col lector ur .w-tokeeper refer core Salary *r eom-v'laMoa (ton furalah conveyance Oiilll-. car* It. raid. Wee » WANTKrt-A PtXITION* AS CURK nr a*teaman rtarln* hohdtf*. Witting to work. Addreaa 71 Uleuj a>ie*t. J, 11. tlawe*. gee U 11 WANTEto-A POfifTIOS BT A FIRST etna* butler or cuwchman. Adgrva* Wtillrm Kr-oA*. car* HeraX. dec If IS WANTED —MMinOJt AS BFTL.EH or rnachman. Adder** Sim iTarke, rare Herald. dec IS IS HELP WANTED \V ANTE I .-TWO IjADIES. Ft.fK gentleman, gnog *aleemait. (toll I to 9a. mS to Sp. m Hoorn d, Phlnliy Building. 7«t BriWd atreet. dec IS WANTBU-A FIKPT CLASS KES TAt’RANT ocok. either man or wo man. Apply Commercial Hotel, dye IS WANTED A Of*OT> HOt’SK till!t-. None need, apply wlttmut rec ommendation. Apply to *sl Greene St. dec IS IS TO RENT TO LET—TWO HANDSOME DOtTBLE office*. (8 l-S P* r month, al! modern convenience*. Leonard Phinliy, JOS Ilroad atreet. Dec 31 FOR SALE CREAM—CREAM AT f( JACKSON PT. FOB SALE-PAPER FOR WRAP PING purpo***. Cheapest In city, tin* cent a pound. Apply at Herald office. Both white and newa-paper. Nov t FOR SALE—IOO-ACRE FARM. ONE mile from city limit*, a bargain. Ap ply W. C. Jonea, No. 124 Jackaon St. Oct 1 CHEAP—PAPER FOR WRAPPING purpoies. 10 cent# a hundred old ex change*. White paper 1 cent a pound. Nov 1 LOST AND FOUND. LOST- A LIVER AND WHITE POIN TER dog. ehort tall, answer name of “BH1." Re'urn to Chas. D. Carr, Tri angular Block, and get reward, dec 10 11 U _ LOST—-SUNDAY EVENING. A PATH of eyeglasses, silver frame, with gold chain an.l hairpin nttached on Mcln tosh or Broad. Finder will please re turn to 303 Dyer building and receive reward. tl ec '2 STRAYED—A LARGE WHITE AND blactt cow, horns curved, wandered Sunday night from the corner of Tut tle and Jenkins street. H. R. Williams dec. 12 Spanish spies were In vogue last summer; mince pies are this season's offerings. The Bell Tower Drug Store CORNER GREENE AND JACKSON STREETS nj" Under new management. Are* line of Fresh Drugs. Toilet Articles, ' Brush s. Etc. We meke a soecialty of hysiclana’ Prescriptions. Bell Telephone i 2 PATTERSON & WADE nrrFMft** 19 C. B. Allen 830 BROAD STREET. I SELL THE OLD RELIABLE tali' Cut Slut HEATING STOVES of 111 KINOS MISCELLANEOUS j 99OtPC §«WK Ut'f AHt* (VHdIdBTT I ******** dd-1 | Tfcdw Fill !*•» ■ < Trm** Csci*fi««k* lit Dy»f nmMm*- | ## 4 f*tAst** rm*CHw* srw norrHoD— Mm 41 L Hutto#* »fl n*m* l* *** H spt*cial Notices; fifM ti N«fk*. ogle* X Augusta Belt By. O* . Au*\t* * *l* . Sn* I, TKI. Mono I# IIKMKWt OIYMf THAT ai a *p*> (»l mavtwtg X th* *tork* | hotdar* X Ih* Awgasta fto't Hallway j Cntwpwaw. toMX * -r.-rding .<» law, I and to he to> I*l th* dftt* X M«•»•»*. I Jo*, ft. ft Bryan ttomming. Dyer twlMtog. Roam. ML ta the Cty X Atutart*. Ow,, at (valve o' r Wl. m., tb* thirteenth day X hn**»t*f, IM. th* quae!ton nf th* tw«r*w*e of th* capital atoeh *9l b* MMlftfrf. * Till 'A K. ftCHTT Pie*.drat. Carlton HtPyer. her ft Tr»a* SpciU Nolle* The National K*. h«nge Hank nf Au | gu- ta. August# Ga . Dee », |*»« THE ANNUAL MEETING OF TUB ! ei ikts.lrt.-rs X th* Bank wilt ha held at tta Banking tfnuae on TITS ' DAT. January t*th, I*ff. b*tw*en th* ; hour* of 13 *»d 3 e’eturk p. m.. for the Xectton X »*ven director* to *erv* for th* mining year. PERCY E MAT, Ca*ht*r. Installment Nolle* office of Mutual Real Estate Building and town Association. Augusta. G*.. Dec. I*. I*9*. THE REGULAR MONTHLY INSTAL MENT of this A***kiatlon I* due and j t «yahU MONDAY. DECEMBER 13th U> older of the President. W. C. JONES. Secretory. i , Installment Notice Augusta H»al Estate *nd Building As sociation, Augusta, Ga.. Dec. It and 13, IX, THE ITUAL MONTHLY INHTAI-- II ENT due thl* Aasui latlon will h« I payable to the treasurer at his office. I tI’ESDAT. the 13th tn*t. The rule* if the Association respecting fine* will Ire rigidly enforced. By order of ; the Board of Director*. 8. B. DERRY. Sec. & Trea*. j -AUGUSTA iTEAM CANDY FACTORY is making the PRKTTIHST, PI RRST, WHITEST CANDIES In the market. When in need of Stick. Pea Nut, Broken ftlxture Taffy Candies Tele phone Bell 'Phone No. u 76. I -r j ft BRASS BAND OUTFITS PIANO®. ORGANS and ' ft**' J MOSICaL INSTRLfIENT*. Everything New In 4J> sheet nusic THOMAS & BARTON, Augusta, Ua. ikrra CEN. W. R. SMITH, fmldui* *f tk* COMMERCIAL COLLEGE OF KENTUCKY UNIVERSITY tEXI VOTOS. XT. Medal i£raSffff3. ({t-ferv to Bioshgadg of sacdOMful graft ufttoa t.»sl to romp Dig Full Hutto*** CofiKft. Itwiufting TftlUwn, Hook* and Board, whoftfi PSo-nCi-iib.- *"2 TUmyhr UmfW Addrrns «|Sn.W. *L a.WIT«. Lexington. Ky. Many n woman who Is actually wor ried to death can smile and give the world the Impression that she is the happiest creature in existence. Saturdays rnd Sundays are of late blewer than the bluest Monday on rec ord. Many of us can b» dreadfully fierce who wouldn't dnre say ‘ boo" in a per sonal interview.