The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 12, 1898, Image 3

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MONDAY PCPE LEO X I! INTERVIEWED ST THE NEW YORK JOURNAL Tt» H*h ft** Till* »Ni *» r»MM la<* iK '* BM *f f*o«*f4 m QMn •*#•** MtMi •» tto tow, M «*»•»• UaA IM tM aaAwto* Mi UW »'«*• MM «M« to H«*»* Ik# * a#* »»« OaAM **m I* —t M" •"**• <*»• •t MM to «MM M WHWIM OWS «• MM j M ik* a.aAkaa* «i a »Wk «M»- ' feat. *Hk xiMUMI to <•* MM* to*. *y IM|WM Mm M kktMtoto M* Ik* r»M Ms rMMh*«f •«* •****< to* I** • «*<•> a* «»w**i top*, I ••* to UM to !>• p»****** a.t*» ik m••* «*>•< m <totoM»t«l to Mi frt*w# to*r •I. . t ••* Min to**to I*l* M* • to* h •a. • if »to to* fl** **to* ton* •to UMto ra»Aa *to*. Mil* Wttora •* tto i»k> ik* owiasuato to to*! to* top* nrulto T»* fWto kto istart *«tol Tto •*!• *r» ******* «iik *>«■*<> wiA*t*< *kb to Tl* rwiNlift top M*H «*M» to M * atrMir. «ti r|*Nk *!• dataaak •kd cm ••f'lltot «*M* to *M*p I* toM *Nh t**rp. • «•« *kto» rrm< •Ml M top Bitov to IVM l« t» 1b this room that the ps»p* for several Vmr» of the day meditate* over tJ»«* j book* that he p.efes and writ** hi* : poema. for it ta known that Leo XIH j ia one of the beat Latin achoiara of onr i time After I had knelt for an Instant be fore him, the aoverelfn pontiff took T>y hand and mnde me riae. I told him The New York Journal was a pup- j ular organ and that It would be happy j to report to It* hundred* of thou*and*< ’ of readers the ear red word* of the ven-! erabks Chief of the Catholic Church.' Ler, XIII smiled and said to me that all the children of the earth were the child en of Cod. without any distinc tion of nationality and of dogma; that those who had gone astray would ro turn to the right road, because truth I* unique and will remain forever eternal truth that reflecta the divine idea. "The United States.” continued the pm-tlfT slowly, "is a g eat people, full of strength and or will, but It Is neces sary that It should know how to prove | Itself generous alVaye to the weak, in j order that its strength and !ta will ir>* be a model of power and of vi- KILLED 4a DUCKS Big l uck of Ressrs. Keener and Kelly on tlunii g Trip. Mr. John BsU Keener and Mr. Ed J. Kelly, tbe two well known gentls rom wuo ars connected with thr clerk's office of the superior court, went duck bun>lng Saturday, and had phe nomenal luck. They killed ferty-two of the above variety of the feathered tribe, and one of them was shown the reporter. The duck shown wes a fat one, and will grace Mr. Keener's table. Where these gentlemen went they w.ll not state, but it must be a bonanza for duck hunters. Pains in the chest when a person has a cold indicate a tendency toward pneu monia. A niece of flannel dampened v ith Chamberlain's Pain Balm and bound on to the chest over the seat of redn will promptly relieve the pain and ri-event the threatened attack of pneu monia. This same treatment will cure a 1-me back in a few hours. Sold by Al exander Drug and Seed Co.. C. R. Parr of Bell Tower Drust Co. MR. GRIMES WAS MERE. The Heaviest Pike Rider Made Augus ta Another Visit. Mr. Joe Grime*, the champion, Heavy weight bicycle rider, was in the city yesterday Mr. Grimes is about the heaviest bicycle rider in the world, weighing over 500 pounds Beautiful line of Mahogany and Wal nut Suits regarrthw "f r rollt f«r c«th —Fleming A- Herbs. rl«K* I - i>» nm*i to**** m* §*«*»** k- «i tolled *to toM—tiil* *a*A t tor* ■ Y*M*' Mtoto IM «M©R MttoA kt* ***• to to* ■’CM*. W»'* ftolto * I «*M f «*r. tto* I tot •TMi to'#" *** «HM**ki * •AH. top ts. M *Mi *toM*if. •M< mM*m to* kata© ******* m iti* I*l to tto toMkto to •tot t IWtotoM k» to* *toMM ' «t» in—* ito aasiwua ***■ toto* to* l»* | Htto* ***** to I* 'to lap* to «**• : IM W ***** **»«* IM* «* «***f *» ito Ctototok ttonHi It » tototo tat# N •*• »*#4A ttotM* Tto*. «kk knur**** -TMt m* to* to* «m to tto |M< f Mtof*P to top l»t* *ifw ***** to ***to H to** to** **«* * fktto p»** *ttt ito M ttotoppp. H*’» fk'tor * t pr*p o*4 «feto M to*p •* to* •I Tto CM** |*P•*«** «»*» kto* to* to «*•»• to k* we* •** to to*» «. Ito ftof • •*• W. to r**«toMtP •Ilk k* iMtotott *M ttoktot ItMP tfcippt k*** eMtokJ *•** ito**. ««t *tokt*P •«» ****** f r*«*to» tortL *kkk M * i-MtotoUf tf* rkH'pfi** IMP * •*: M. "M** ******* »toto *M ttoto AW*" to •*. *to*M k» *to* t* POPE LEO XIII. heavea. m "And deign to permit me to say to • yon, Holy Father, that tbe religion* i order* have created In the Philippine j Islands a certain agitation—” Leo XIII filed upon m* his quick glance end Interrupted me at one*. He | said: "I have deplored certain exaggera- I lions, bnt thq state of mind and the | excitable charaoter of those Insular ! countries had to be taken Into eonsld -1 oration. Recommendations have been I made; they will be 9|>dted, for their object ia the humility and tbe good of humanity. The religious, of whatever order they may be, must have, above all things, in the heart the Idea of God —which ta the human, benevolent Idea. That thought must guide them above everything else. Their part here be low is to soften the Ills that over-! 1 whelm men. It Is a holy mission which they must not avoid, especially in those far-off Islands where revolutions are so terrible! —" I There was a moment of silence. I understood that the Interview was at an end. I departed. HE HUST PAV THE FREIGHT The Emperor Rust Pay For His Jun ket Trip. Berlin, Dec. 12.—The Voss'che-Zol . •, to the question of the ! paj mert for .he emporor’s trip, says: j "If the emperor, as king of Prussia, expects the diet to reimburse him, he | will meet with determined opposition, !ss It Is one thing to spend a lot of ! your own money on a pleasure trip, andquite another as to taxpayers foot |ing the bills." ‘ As an outcome of these newspaper the government seems to have | abandoned Its intention of asking the diet to pay the bills, and a semi-official statement to that effect will be Issued. S.nce tire emperor’s return from the I Orient the measures taken to provide .for his safety nave been much more ttrlctly end comprehensively carried ' out. The Stedt-Schloss. at Potsdam, which is now cc.upied by his majesty, | was formerly open to the public so far 'as the cuter courts wereconcerned. New there are double sentries at every door, special permits are required to pass, end tbe building itself is overrun by scores of policemen and detectives. Police Prefect Windham admits that these precautions arc due to the recent anarchists plots. A caucus of the Centrists baa re vived that the party will not Join the | Agrtrian federation within the stag, thus preventing an Agrarian ma jority. The Centrists have determined ‘to make thelT parliamentary sci •on de ■ienrtent upon the tnwits of «ttoh Agrs i rian^rnensure. THU AUGUSTA HKHALD INASOCIALWAY M^\ "A XI la \imjKrS ty X** 'nMVV^ ptto to ito*. 0 grtaaA. IM *•*» IM» ! to l kto *H MltoM AM IMtoft, tto** OMM to* Mr****. IM «*r >»i»HU MN **4 Ml Tto kto* IMI • tto MM Mtolk Ito* Tm* mi* to ktonki* |« ikk bto*lM IM* *to M*t«f Urn* IDMIi Mw put Ik PM* IM*. Mpkto M AW Ik* *toM. |W4|- |4 A nuiffl* —MAkV r PTtOkkCT. M lk***M lAppMktot • A Nto*M* Pllll, Mr* fWtaMMrt * r»MM •• Mkmp*i**4 M Ik to A *tokt to n* MM ll •* to ••npnitot* AftofM. H •• *i«A. •HNt* tklp kto tow »*4 *to* **•* •» to «W Ik* ***atol» *l4* to Ilk to*** from tto •Mtok.-to* to t«. *M*k m *fc*f* «M P<**MMl to to «**A kp • ram ,tt* totofci t* to. I A* tot** k tot l* to toto M *mkk. '•tor* kto ptowMktM ***«# *kl<fc *"»»iA •MA* Ito •ktoow* It* M*<k kr<M l*k> • n k «*MM* "f *»*«i >*••—• rtoor . hut |trw * rkmuti and i*p*.’p *IMMk Ml • rotor *n4 *»*:*• ul t r • h), Mir* tklmool w»4 to Mitk wtlli Mr *«iun« makrra. oho Inaiatto Ihal tMr M moot kto* »•»<! tof<k». Tk- N>m k pa»*A *«k kto< k. a*il orrr itoaa wo MIA rap* to imttiiui wtA nut irrMM *4*t»ito i* outdoor w** Tl - iffrir-*t* to* pro nkinrit, too. la Ih* furnllur* nhi. h I* an o«< on tl. ttal ihal which *44* ll* AlatinrUra ] aa«l i barminr not* la tto ■> i*a*»m.".t of ito flowor* At *n*-* lolrrP%l* ho«o| loom* pot* to pinka an* «. rkninma or* a«t out atone th* potato railuut. | Th* Aigniip awl rutm of (Maa 4*oo- j ration* and th* rhatm of th* aplur ar* o*l4 10 hr quit* InArarrlMMO, W<* all know too link a* pri In thM c*>uniry ahoul piaata* or ahou' honr to par ihrtn -prohahip hreauar wo know 46, lltll* ahrf# and how Ihry AWM *• hullt Thr .>oni poroto* to okr roun-1 try town* ar* a poor naktoth Ttoy, t.ring thr family llfr ap»ot » thrm out I tnp> thr vary r*» of Ihr puMlc. and rim* thr puhltc can to ankd upon, j and ttoy dmuroy the moat dratrabl# of; all the prtflletra of • well ordrrrd «o- j rial and domrutlc life—that of prraerr la«r tto aanctliu* and tto privacy of i :hr homa. . j With a few more pood aaamplea like Ihal art by Mr*. Brlmont. otir ptaiaa* may In tlm* be made all that they should he.—Harper * Haaar. Re»po*»* to totter*. Society nowaday* may he unconvon ilopai. c*rele*». «l»l you will. In many reaped*, but there are certain matter" I of etiquette which are never neplected by well bred people—poople to the man ner born. One of the moat Important of there I* to «ive letter*, note*. Invitation* an Im mediate renponee. To leave unanawered a letter, note or Invitation I* to atamp oneaelf In indeli ble color* a* underbred, or totally de void of the fundamental principle* which conatltute good form. While we are aping Engllah cuitomu and manner*, it might to a* l well to adopt wme of Ihe beat of them and to take a leaf out of an Engl!ah ladv’* book, one of whoae drat dutlea In the morning I* to anawer all letter* which arrive by Ihe mall requiring immediate conalderatlon. Royalty acts the eaarople. The hum bleat aubject of the realm who write* to the queen or to any member of the royal family, receive* hi* letter with Tortured By Rheumatism. A Purely Vegetable Blood Remedy is the Only Cure. If the people generally knew the true cause of Rheumatism, there would be no such thing ns lini ment* and lotions for this painful and disabling disease. The fact is, Rheumatism is a disordered state of the blood—it can be reached, therefore, only through the blood. But all blood remedies, can not cure Rheumatism, for it is an obstinate disease, one which requires a real blood remedy —something moro than a mere tonic. Swift’s Specific is the only real blood remedy, and it promptly goes to the very bottom of even the most obstinate case. A few rear- ago I was taken with in flammatory Rheumatism, which,though mild at first, became gradually so in tense that I was for weeks unable to walk. I tried several prominent physi cians and took their treatment faith full?, but was unable to get the slightest -cliaf In fact my condition seemed to -row worse, the pains spread over my Entire body, and from November to March I suffered agony. I tried, many latent medicines, but noneTSlieved me. Upon the advice of a friend I decided to try 8. S. S. Before allowing me to take it. however, my guardian, who was *, -hamist, analysed the remedy ■ and pro- i nouneed 'l free of potash or mercury itffe mm* 4NRH#**-* +t*4 TiwiiX'iiiy *Hfe| • pmmm >■ *m*4 ** I iUff'-f T-rmi mi t*» mmm -«# «t *******mi *t*~m \ %*+ ji iji fiinf a w&jW'nm mm**- | h* - >■#» * « #•*» «M| #) . | wnan *»"•*** kv tto ■**♦» ***Hpp [«•* to* wtkw tgkkwA a* tank da# !***!« pa* vattrtkk Itoaa t* Ihmw tot hat, m k t«i«*ewaa »■ «a*a >k*> # tack *4 ktMiit »imaaAMati w> tot Ito totowa •M n **ta*a «i attonk »**•*» kt an* tto man* k papwik »i*i*4* •toy a T kto » tkqai VMM A ***** Atwaa a**4a to* a tww aw «*•* wto I'twaait* mMi MU n *•*• •• kkqaa gt« »a at • *wwatry hewaa. »a* atoma at Mta 4 to Ml 4»w«*w*at*qi maaktomaai* tto attoa Any Tto *• <>•>••**< auak* tod nam It Mkk to* t «w«M tlpqiMM to to Mi*A*- a* (to *l4 «a*M H at A toto * dtxa haN iat*w to lik* iwaaa*. ft taptoaaatm* a gtofWMl taf i«k as ilka toiakaiwafw" peaaaai mtataM*. a*4 ’• <«H a* wtaek aa naaN make a Na* Aawyy tor to ts a Anaaa bal'k paaaaat* i Tto kaat aad ampk aaitl aa* as mm armm Mta. piw «4 lata a aqawa rat bnAla*. « bo h tod a ad-naacto* *a*Mal- That* »*ra a p** ahar awl «f a«*4 ana «a.eta«a. Ik4 aitk aa*4a and aato. ever vary fan »*«• lawa akwaaa. •ad Ito rkemiwtlc a*a aka as aklt# >*aa clMtoly kklne.l and faMaMto ai tto lkraal A Wat rtola to* wto b torn* a *f4A eta** »• w*w* mrmm4 ito neck aa4 a aaatnt h#a44twaa »Ma#4 like a p#ak#4 rap ta fraat, ank a •mail takicA tart** «! pak pwa ftoto a hkfc to at • a di.phoamta veil «f a Mia ftlatr#4 with p>M. ramptotaa tto aA4 . .tuiwa, IM ml hie*. PiMkaakb Wk aay that it la had farm awa la to#p atrp auk a rompan toa allh <kk» otat te walking, tl may M bad fatal I • town Me* Nil W ear* *iai> to aßMfomf.'rtnbi.. am to do *>, The thing la do la to break alep and walk a i«ag. • ataglng alrtAe. Oalv peraoaa with go d airoo* n#rva# ahould adept Ihi* fad. Nothing ta m<>i# imtatlag la tka •»• crag# man or woman than io walk with .-nr wh<> lanetantly loaea alep. It rial «* a lark of harmony ll m»kr a man I eel llln nalng words to never lcarar.l In dunday arhnol. andyae for a woman l: art* tor nan<* on ed-r, and evert iKtdr knnara ho* t hat age. te tor A Heaalllul I etUra Major Wither* permU* TV Heiald to print the following beautiful letter re ceived by him while he waa out of th en r aome llmd ago The letter tajtn Ihe author’* altrartlve handwrlilng: The Oeiard. W. «th SHeqt j Cart. C. A. Wither*. Captain Com manding. and I. C. M lb rmon. S*< • rnary—Oentlemen. Acceirt lor your reive* and rmir ramp my ihnnka for I the resolution* which you have pato#<l I In honor of my daughter and aympathy for me. That you have appreciated her noble life and knew tor transcendent vir tu-a, I* a Joy «> me. if any joy e*cept 'the hope of meeting hes again can now com* Into my broken life. She waa Ihe cryatail*«H«n of* many forceful, tender and noble memortea lo you. She waa to me the loving com panion and bright hope of a stormy life. i Th»t you have reallaed my de*ul»llon and *o eloquently e* preened your sympathy, will never to- forgotten, A Hcral tribute would have withered upon her grave, but this testimonial 1 will aend to Richmond museum. It will be placed with the company and regi mental badge* bestowed by Confeder ate soldier* all over our country. Gratefully, ahd affectionately, your*, VARIKA JKFFKIIBON DAVIS, betoher 23. 11»R. 1 Pendleton “Oliver. Mr. and Mrs George Ijimar Oliver have issued card to the marriage of their daughter, Marie Doulse, to Mr. Hugh Ward Pendleton, of Chattanooga, the marriage occurring Thursday De cember !2d, at 3 p. in., at St. Paul's rhurch. Mr. and Mr*. Pendleton will be at home after January 1 at 2:30, Oak street. Chattanooga, Tenn. I fslt *o much better after taking tw bottles, that I continued the remedy, and in two months I was c ired com pletely. The cure was permanent, for I have never since had a touch ol Rheumatism, though many time exposed to damp and cold weather. KuaXOR-M. TIPFXt.L, 3711 Powelton Avenue, Philadelphia. Those who have had experience with Rheumatism know that it becomes more severe each year, and like all Other blood diseases, the doctors are totally unable to feure it. In fact, the only remedies which they pre scribe are potitsh and mercury, and though temporary relief may result, these remedies pro duce a stiffness of joints and only in tensify the disease. rs. S. S. never disappoints, for ii is made to cure these deep-rooted diseases which are beyond th* reach of all other remedies. It cures permanently Rheumatism Catarrh, Carjcer,Scrofula,Eezerna and all otliejt blood diseases. I is the only blood remedy guar anteed Purely Vegetable Books mailed free by Swm flyierifie Cofbpany, Atlanta, (*H. Ttniis Hi List EgfaEl Dull >rtt»un» Ar* «n unknown Muantliy «l Wk«A O'Connor •$««»»** W« don't aMow torrwmutotioot of food* «N»« mult btojcarrttod ovw from ••m*ur *« ktotoooo PfAAtont fvtitOf tto btotttor Ihun futwro *OtoA. Wto tonoly IN» «W« w* do to* moAi 0000 both for you «nd for w*. THoro’* • nato#«»f ctof>t aioc* a* m* houko ttHiay «t»r*#r tood toiur klock tbtoo tovor to*'or* Hut « »»o •• *WV nru *i it wain'! hputhi oo >ont limi oAym«nt4, nor ti It ih# r#*u lof •tmoutktafMiSuon. l*.,v dsi«c. worm of «000. on tho nape »«• boJthl for • pot (Aah und houyhi from pto«f»*to who wanted tho mon*y booty •no*** to P*y • *ood prorruum to OUpOAto of iho»r yoodto. Wy «iv« *«•* u*'*»i ( lo you-tflvw it to you in Itorywr puooliUtoto tod«y thon totftor b#fo,p r * •nqiou* to e'toton uo th# ktoett btoforto IHA boHday trotte tto ov#r. Comto «nd t«lco “dvantAMto of to* b»*««kt And »>•*< bArytoiOA ibAt w#r* tovtor ptoctod btofor* you in any houto In Au«uat a. $2.45 Mon’* Tton bo* ca'l. coif I ntod »hoo«. htoovy too!#* ond up-to-doto t»w k>nd othor d*oAn atk you §3.00 for. Tb« abovo ta our ptic*. $2.95 Man's dark Ton coif MnoclShOto* for obovo figure. This toho* Is mads of fin* bo* calf and v*ry atyliah. Hand Stownd and cootidtortod cheap •» §3.60. $3-50 You know what othar danter* ask you for o nice hand stowad Tan willow calf •ho*. "Coif styla." mada fecnonaa a»hooc*nbr. $6 is thair price, th# above Is our figure. $1.35 We can giva you for above fituro th© bost Youths’ spring h©«l sho« on •orth- Don't fall to try ono rof thorn. They make your sho© bill just half. pXTI Rice & O’Connor Shoe Co. J reat ßusiness J TWO 834 Broad St., name across sidewalk TWO Vb/N-A STORES 722 Broad St., opposite Monument STORES Coming Nuptials. The announcement of the coming nuptials of Mr. Edward Wiley to Mies Maiy Lou Lanier, which will take place on the Mth last., ha* been made. Th* marriage will occur In Spa fa. of which place both contracting parties are residents. They are well known In Augusta, and have relatives In this elty. Friends will extend congratulations. Daughters of American Revolution Meeting. The meeting of the Daughters of the American Revolution to be held this afternoon at Ihe home of the regent. S|rs. James Moore, will open promptly ut 3:30. Musical and Recital This evening at six o'clock some of the ladles of the First Baptist church will compliment the soldiers of Camp Mackcnsle with a recital and musical at the Y. M. C. A. tent. King’s Daughters The regular monthly meeting of the King's Daughter* will he held tomor row, Tuesday, Instead of Wednesday, aftenoon at 4 'clock, at te residence of Mrs. C. A. Rowland. A pretty story comes from Washing ton concerning the delivering to Pres ident McKinley the Invitation to visit Macon. Miss Mary Wilson, daughter of Col. Edgar S. Wilson, was selected by the committee of gentlemen to present the Invitation and went for that purpose from Richmond, Va., where she Is at tending school at the Woman's Col lege. She went with the committee to the white house, and after the introduc tion by Senator Bacon she gracefully made the presentation. President Mc- Kinley took the Invitation, saying: ''lt gives me very great pleasure, I ussure you, -to receive this from your fair hands." Miss Maty Wilson is one of the most attractive young girls In Ma con, and could fittingly represent this city upon this interesting occasion.— Macon News. Mrs, Wilson Is a granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. William T. Richards, of this city, and a sister of Mis Mat tie Wilson, who is at nvesent one o' Augusta’s most admired visitors. Rev. Dr. C. C. Williams, teetor ■>. St. Paul's church, has gone to Mobile He will return in a few days, accom panied by Mrs, Williams. Mrs. William Auchenbreck Campbell is expected shortly as the guest of her mother. Mrs. Dunbar and her sister. Mrs. Robert Fleming. Mr*. Ellen Hill and children of Nashua, N. J.. will fipend the holidays with the family of Mr. T. H. Stafford. Mrs. Haralson Bleckley of Atlanta is expected the latter part-of tills week as. the guest of .Mrs C. A. Doolittle Alisa Margaret Jordan will Jaavc to morrow for Atlanta, where she Will be the guest of Mrs, Patillo, Mrs Wallace Barnet and children will uncoil U/e OhrkMtnas holidays at Lawtonvill". 13.I 3 . C. $1.95 Lodttos* fin© Dongoio hand wait button Mho«*. fl©x<blo ©*ton© on soiOto. 1 hoso sho©» or© regular S 3 vaiuo*. but w* lotond to lot th©m go at obovo figur*. $1.50 Fnr/lbov© orlco wo whi toto'l you tho b©tt Lkditos* kid button or loco shoo, potent tip or tip same, that l« sold anywhere Has muen "get-up" and style as any snoei sold In this city for $2. $1.25 W« hnvto an odd lot of Misses* Spring heel button shoes, patent t o & pio n toes, oil popular makes. No shoo in th* lot sells for less than § 1.75. Sizes I 2 to I. Will close out at above figure SI.OO Misses' Fpring heel Dongoio kid shoes, patent tips, sell regu!oriy for $1 50. and are gOod values at that Will cloaa them out at abova figure. Mrs. Lawton Whatley and Master Lawton Whatley are visiting friend* In Charleston. Miss Mattie Wright wilt return front college next week to spend the holiday* at home. Mr*. Ann Wlter t* spending the win ter with Mrs. Robertson In New Or leans. Miss Sarah Harper will return next week from College Park for the holi day*. Mias Mary Culhhert hu* returned from an extended European tour. Mrs. Bleckley of Anderson is the guest of Mrs. David Shaver. Mrs. Whelms is visiting Mra. lbtw son on the Hill. Chamberlain’* Colic. Cholera and Di arrhoea Remedy can always be depen ded upon and Is pleasant nd safe to take. Sold by Alexnder Drug and Heed Co.. C. It. Parr of Bell Tower Drug Co. News From the Soldiers. Major W. J. Cowden, paymaster of this department, is In the city stop ping at the Planters. The boys sre always glad to see the paymaster, Major Cowden was in the city a few weeks ago. and paid oft the engineering corps. DO YOU KNOW Consumption Is preventablo? ficlenre has proven that, and also that neglect Is suicidal. The worst cold or cough can hr cured with Shiloh's Cough and Con sumption Cure. Sold on positive guar antee for over titty years. Sold by—Jt*- tallers, T. A .Buxton, Anderson's Drug Store. Alexander's Drug Store, ■ West End Pharmacy, The King Phar macy: Wholesalers. Davenport & Phjn- Izy. Attention Soldiers. When going homo on your furlough, do not fall to call on J. Wallace Nall. 1757 Broad street, for your ticket. He ; can send you home by the best route. ! Be rilfe to see him. (Jen Smith’s Business College. Lex ington, Ky 4 should be written to for particulars by every ambitious young man. Kentucky Uni varsity Diploma undar seal, award ,.,t t„ n>, graduates, who are very suc cessful ni securing positions. Read ad. DECEMBER 13 ONE GF OUR LOOLOOS for your Christmas frost will give you a tatsie of something In the line of turkey* that you will remember for many a day. A nice, fat and juicy turkey ha* a flavor that you do not get with the skinny kind. We will have everything In the line °t meats, poultry, game, venlaon ahd celery this week, and during tha holiday*. In tempting array. POWELL & COMPANY. Our Engraving la conceded to be as tine aa I# done anywher#, and for that raa #on we solicit your order* tor Wedding Invitations, Calling Cards, etc. The very latest and most correct style* assured. Order* ex ecuted in 24 hours if necessary. The swellest correspondence pa per In the south. Dunbar & Williams, STATIONERS, Ha i Broad Street, Augusta, Oa. Grand Jubilee ATATLANTA Dec. 14 to 16, I 698. The Georgia Railroad, L. & N. R. R. Co., Lessee, will sell Round Trip I Tickets to Atlanta from stations nam ed on dates and at rates named below: STATION Round Trip Tickets sold Dec. 13th and 14th. and Tot morning trains Dec. llith. Final limit for return Dec 18th. 'IB9B, from Augusta. 33.70. Round Trip Tickets sold Dec. 14tb ''ami 10th. Final limit tor return Dec. .lath, 1898. Augusta ,35.13. ! Equally as low lutes from all *ta- I tlons, A. G. JACKSON. 0. P. A. JOE W. WHITE, T. P. A. CLOSUKJ OOP SALE In older to close out my entire slock of woolens by the first of February, by the pattern or made to order, l will soil at and below cost TERMS CASH. WM. E. BENSON Merchant Tailor, 74* Rrosd St,