The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 13, 1898, Image 2

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TtI««DAV BSSSL.'. Kj« here’s He Goiog? Ti CM • OOt. «r • Miuim4 «t lUjin • # MImI tilUUMti til i Me** MW i* 111® til A. ftrww <.OO i* MAW Kiattift* 110 «* IW t Ur< 17AM 7ADO xytm M* m itA Bffft* ).*i M SA W lending We M nOO fee, fee., to. it, ETeryihing io Music Tinas & Barton, 710 BroadwMy, Aufuite, C*Of|t*' (XX) WIN A. A* Effort Is Ta* UXni 4 aM* in ftMffft. aHt id ill f4MNM4I titiHi* e-ir«v Ml tixx»thi **f **#> MM IfflfilM IW 14* ttMMV • ®Wi h nMM of til# fftP«Wlft «*f til# mftftft- ViW tfcf•'««** ttfcJMtttt t« m#*w# ft rot l dMUNwHf. ifyß* H*f4ii> #t Wiffc** ft*/'*** *«*in»t m *** tt*** * HH ‘ ftk k*» 9wr tdawi * «* '»»* *«r 1M« «»•»■ pf Ik* house. T**"* were ißuftaiWl * Hut lev* •* win matueta* * trJULff «|ftt ft bill tuft tfti *'■■** lift*'* Swilwißrl't* the »«rtl tnr th* >«>» §ev Which taffy ate **erted ( r »H »%» *•• *.t« «f railroad A* MU’- he MU -nva.ldtrtr iw.f * luuai* **> MmuH far taxation ir£_T , at **# »a '»r di« in in# m<wm *. * t*» b ar •. ad) urament. 4Wtatr peered the rraotutlon f«»r ■ I t» rftftftfiit o» til# |*ftrt «»« £ the aisle to Ihe erection ..f a ne* P**- ,eng*r alad-n at Atlanta Mml a n ftjfifti tiiltft fttid ft duin her t*f l<h u l lit lid writ Sian «ItptnrM H the upper h<*uae OAHTOniA. %M>«iha Hud Yaw Wm Itww feaytf VERY CLOSE OADE. ■" C L. A.’* Beal the Cadets by fleora of a to i. The C. L. A. hoy* and the B*o: ad Heart Cadets played anmher game of Indoor ball laat night at the Kt. Pol* rick ball. The game wa* lb# beat one played aim's the season opened. One run dectdnl the winner— the C, Xj. A. team. The game was anybody* antll the last msn had been put mjt. The final game between the above two teams will oeeur nest Thursday eight. If th* C. L. A.‘a win there will java to be played another game to de aide the Championship. The line-up and score In laat nighl'a game waa: C. V. A.—Salvo. 2b.: Rlgnon. p.J Bhrahan, I. as.: Mnhoney.; Kver- Hon. lb.: Hmitli, c.; Htnkee, rff.; O'Con t.ell. 3h.; O'Donnell, If. Cadata— Doyle, n.i Bheron, lh.; Cnr rigu« If.: Miller 3b.: Armairong I. : Costello 2b.; Oallaher, r. aa.i Durban, rs.; Fields, p. Brora by Inninge: Carteta .....00000 1 00 o —t C. D. A 20 00 0 00 0 •—2 We have the best large type Bibles in flexible bind* ings in the city. Our price only $ 1.50, ethers charge $2.50 and $3.00. At Richards & Shaver's. LITTLE IRONIES. Dogs that bark at night often bite the dust. A rule may work both ways ami still be a poor one. Ac soon as we ran get along without Ire it ceases to melt so rapidly. The vegetarian certainly oiißht to be able to give sage advice. Love making at s rattling gate hns ! >w 1(000 transferred to the parlor. Lots ol men are unable to sit In e*r own canoes, much less paddle . theta. You can always tell a turkey's age by the teeth your teeth, not the turkey'®. How much easier to forgive an ene my we have worsted fhnn dne who has worsted us. CONCERNING IKE Mill CUT tWMMIiM «f If fMMU ft i<SM ! g Mala* os than* ail m I MI of Hmc t-ft##ft' ' I SffllMVt ®m ilftw w l * Iff ftiuwi IlMf pM#* in tIM •WRMMM****** *w* | |§ "m ♦ 9Wm * 9§ M 9* *&* I MM I ftftft ft*Uft pftj*■*<•*• Ml HP MM* l *' ** I f tm* IM. ft rn w* I CM lINVI *• 4mm twHH I gfiy vpnci ill •iHWft, 4m I fTftftMM Hi** ni*m lift* taMH bM* •• mm *mb . wmo tfe* Will H %bm% tl» «<Wi Ml *!*• **• , jaM 4nhhm 4mm mmm pm\+* HMft * immm «4 #• m* l *** 1 fct*W* mmmm. 4ak%ma ***• 8 i lirTftftiTft iMft PtftMH mt r kmm* MtlM m lift Cftfftftfcftft lIMMI ilMf j ton Ml oftf Mlift W# ••ftft pftt MNI J Mi mmm# tm&mmm mm** wmm 1 T4m w&mm#** m mm *** r*A**<*m i Mi II l-i m« pm mm »• I* t*m» iftf ittff 4m Ipft-Ml IMII# ftp iIKK (HMi rmm m« #Mp« mmS ****** mt th*m **&' hMlhb. frills' In Is m Mft m fftntft pm 4m . m%*f*m* HI rjfHllMit tlwf PMf • I I rwgta gar aMe. T%«S lh*» »*sMd r<n> ff mmirn pm 4m hi *Mf I,Win rale* swl *<wly « »e*ta per day t,j (b«tr btghewi flrit aprsdaf Mt i , Arm • difference of 12 or 24 eeffla • day In other words they rontd earn i Tt eenta ee 11.44 per week mnse bee* in r%n»Hnn: ur. *ar. <***« ,fc ** very aellllng. wklrh la St 44 nr ft.M. Tbit would make »p snorw than the difference In Being Tkn mill* here took grant rnre to gel well pMM «a Ike wag** paid satsM* tkta 4 dtW. t .annum aenae should lea. a anyone, that wherever they f.-ond that their ■ •riMpetltor* wort paying as high or - higher wage* nr salaries to *k* •**’ opera* .»«* or ft'O no mt could be mode here if n»y es oar npe attvey ran show inequality here si emnpared to Ike pay in the t'arullnaa taking Into nrronnt even rountry living, that will be adjusted when shown If the fbremen sad 1 1 awry ater# reduced below t'amitna rate* they would nitnmlly g» where batter pay II leing paid The mills in this district ran payer rompete with the Carolina mill* at anything abova , th* proposed scale. On Ihe contrary, (he old wage* are honnd lo lead them to utter failure and bankrupt cy." In Dressing and Mnni cur« collar and cuff set* In Dresden and other popu lar warffs at Richard* A Shaver’s. TUB HILL MATTER The Operatives Asking for a Compro mise Conference The situation hi the mill district, so far as the operatives returning to work j„t the old scale la concerned, la un changed. There are thoea. It la true, who are willing to discuss the matter looking to a com prom lav. but so far as returning to work at the published cut. , very few. If any. are willing to do so. and practically all say that they will starve tw-fore they go track. This la Ihe way the matter stands from the opera tives' point of view. The Herald l« retjueated to stats that a female committee which wait ed on Mr. Kates yesterday had no au thority whatever, ami were not sent out by the operative#. They say that the ladles, if anything, are firmer than the men. Step# ar fi being taken to have a con ference between the mill men and Ihe operatives. Moth aide#. It Is believed, are willing to Settle the matter, and get the mills to work again. The opera tive* state that they do not wish to (he stubborn, but they think that thetr I claims merit some consideration. So far as the commissary Is concern ed, It liar »o far relieved the wants of all those who have made application, and Mr. (lay saya that his committee ! ha* enough funds on hand to last for two weeks without another cent. He says his committee Is working faith fully, and ha* been very »uccc**ful. Further lhan this, there la no news from th* strikers today. ■ ——4 SPECIAL OCCASION. Review of Seventh Army Corps by President and Secretary of War. Savannah, Oa., December 17th and 18th, 1808. Account above occasion the Central of Georgia railway will sell tickets Au gusta to Savannah at rate of one first class rare for the round trio. Tickets i to be sold December 15th, l*th and 17th. j w ith final limit returning Dei ember 2Uth. Also tickets will tie sold Dec. 16th and 17th at J2. W for the round trip, with final limit Deo. 19th. ALL ARE RIOHT. Comrades In Arms Who Are Not Qolnff to War Wlih One Another Private John F. Larkin. Tent Jfo, *. Co. H, Tenth Ohior-Comrade John; 1 owe you an apology: you owe me cue. As the adage goes, there are twrrSides to every cage..hut a mirror only gath ers one view o: a time. Just one mir TH9 .ATJQTJPY.A ,1i* !YJt i *«4 fff* th- Iff* Iff* h»* *• |e#» ** - Mffffs -Iff* 4ft- ‘ 4 I Tkirir ft* «Nm ««#**• •*•>»<• -, -art T —l AM •**• s* I has* AH)# . n Tißitf-- AwOS sag* I kJ , , r |m r -1 «f a* gup-in lin lMj| lii r?*i* <Trr*~ »• m « tw-agH«P ’*• ft###' IH# «ftr*Wfti# t*» *&s mm Mftt m* i«a**# a mt v «if g--«fr** % * ftftf pM tfMI t rnm («MMI , | mmlt t *m*9 ttkil I Xopr*m fwmt MfftHftl Wffft *mt* ••• **" i M O . PVM fWvMMn H.Mr «at C* i r. »-I *m •* a rsssAsn* -f An gws'A St'Al aaMSMtog ’ J"*; **t IfftOl p*m I lift I 9**t lft*ft I |ft<« 9*m I mm mm I m*m Mglil —lff • IMI •• ft®*# *44m ftftl r«MI, M* -4m** ftMMft# t-.eabfaet t«* fh* ywn ass that f M Ta Cm* a CaM Hi Oh Bay Tahs Laaativs drams Qutains Tnhtsta, All ffvffko refund th* m«aar W B rati* is r«m M* TV* gsantas ha* L II q »a ss*Ai tabM. AT HI NS AIM IKs Manager and Captain at th# Fsothsfl Team. Ppsrinl In Tbs Herald Athens, tin., Bee 11 —lhe manager and espials es the l*ntveraltr foot ha II tram «f *a hnve bsea elected The M f,*,iball tram # l*» t*d as >ap*atn of ike •*S tram Hr. Artbar <*. J.sms off New Vork cur and the I 'si ret Mt y Athletic AasnclatkH) elected ns manager Mr. Hobeft H Mr Whorl er, of LeUngt.s>. lift. Heih young men see fully able to ful fil ihe reepnnsttde poafitona In which they have lent darted Mr. Jraee «r rather Kit," aa the hoys rail Mm. hi a very prominent man In at Met t. nri les, having hsen the mainstay if the ‘Var ally fooitwll tram la the rapacity of full la. k for the past two years He figured prominently as-a footballbd in the north. Heatdee letai a great hacker, his record In punting has not been seen tn this pan of the worth la <jult* a ft'hUtf • As manager. Mr. McWhorter ta,with out a doubt, the test limit In col leg# for Ihe position. He has all the push and vim tn Mm that la requisite to a good manager. He I* prominent man In college elrrten and will, no dnubt. make the •*• tram a howling success In every Wft . At laat polities have tern eliminated i from athletic*, and nothing hut unity ind harmony prevail. Bo the team of '9* will have the united support of the student*. This I* what Ha* certainly lieen needed for a long time, and now that the emrntlal element* of aucce** have been secured notMng more re main* but for the new captain and manager to put their head* together and begin work for the '99 team. CHEAP WINTER TOURISTS RATES. Cheap Winter Tourists Tickets are now now on sale by the Central of Georgia Railway to Florida and Cuba. Cheap Legal Advice. The other day an old fellow slouched Into Attorney Oscar Kahn * office on Legal row, and Introduced hlm*elf a* Mr. Smith. Jone*. Brown or something, of a neighboring county, *uy* the Fa dticah (Ky.l Sun. He *ald he wanted to commit a lawyer and was accorded a seat and OB# of the attorney * sweet est smiles. He then explained that while ho was away from home the sheriff or tome deputy had attached hi* wife's sewing machine and bureau for taxes. He did not propose to tolerate such lmpo»ltli>n. he declared, and came to Paducah to consult a lawyer about It. "What Is the nmount of taxes?" In quired the lawyer. "Lemtne see—a dollar and twenty eight cents," was the reply. The lawyer could not conceal a Smile, but. hastened to »ay: "Well. Mr. Smith. If you want my advice. It Is to go back and settle that small amount. It looks like the easiest and best way out of it." The old fellow thought a moment, and replied that he believed be would. An swering. he asked, "How much do I owe you?” "Oh, nothing, sir," was the reply. "I won't charge you anything for a little advice like that." "But I alius pays ter whut I git. and want ter pay yer J**' the same." "Oh, that’s all right; come In again some time when you. need advice on something more important, and we’U square it then-” - - ."-Saw, but f want ter.;pay it new. Jess squeal out. Ks It's 2f> cents. I’ll pay itt Es you want 50. ihm 1 * It Is'. And he tht'-w down a half dollar and left. SOUTH GEORGIA i METHODISTS Tft* Ifynog ffrft» That Aft A*' ffftffmft fffg ******* this haw mm a* **#• • Mftftfr*«Mft [ i A iMuMi Wmmmmtrn $ I 1 '■.mm* H- 0 a**- t ** j Mt#, 9m*‘pom*A- I 0 mmm, on* ' tft#t# W I*®## Hftffkt |\wni wtfHftft# «, ffi.ll iitiff Bifftffa 1 FI*A #'■ n % t^ft 1 : i tfti 4<l W T4*mm H niftflr M. U WMftffhi fa* «f . Oaaft ft. ft. f ®*tftft tjffm ftfft M MftfiMt _ r ft-t Ht- - a> k *lft* ftft-4 %.f»r. mpptf f, 0 . ttftftt Warn 11 I* Mis^M*ft Qmr4am P ieft4» trftHMft I A Hmm J*9*rwm Pm#, tTftifciftftta*. I r tm*#* lift 11 * •timdtft/ 1 I# 4** Tmmai* r H Tio«pi». oi44Jftfttr# r 4 Rft* IdftlNft. If C IftfttftA 4hh «« 1# >ftlift! VfHMoft H 8 Mftiltr 8* Cftttftr. mmmm *4iu** w*###?'** C%t%***% Ptm4> Umm MiW J 8, H*r»* 4m, MMIIMMi *44m t Um*m Btraef Oeorae ft. »la«h*w». Orara C. W. Ba*»sr: Csateaary. J. A. Thogaaa. a. «th Maraa. T. J Xraa*. Mhh » O. Mrathara; B|tr*Ai, 11. V■ fthlafffffti Bna AM 41. P. ftß*Maa. Anew R. M. Ai- Nana; Vienna and I'aad'U# P. ft. rrashy. Vienna Hffitit K M Wright; llawklaavilte I. ft. Harmon! Port Valley, P M Christian. KtotrlUf. R, L Arggala: H*hraa *«pp*le4 hy P. C. (lankarf; Marahaltvllleff M P My* era Nonreturns. V H RraueH: Ogle •hoßaa. B ai. WhßtHagira INrry P. Wail la. Coinmbus District —J. W. Hinloa presiding elder: ft. Lake, J H• drragga. ft. Paul. R H IftOtffftd! Prrad a’reet, K. P. Worth. 1. P ftm mnn*. Roeehlll. A. M. Wyaa: Prarra Chapfl and Midway ft. A. Parl*y; Bappt* Higblaada and PpaiM. L W <> son HI Wavsely Hall. ft. ft. Heal*. IDmlttca R M mkoa: Talhotioa. C. R Cheater: Taßiot rlrcuM, C. P. Clarke; Butler and Reynold*. N K Arnold and J. M Baa*: raeva. J. T. Ainsworth: Beuna. VW». so. 8 Joha •foa; Marlon. W. T. ftewart: Cusas ra J T Mini* Cabins H M Mof* #.,n Paievlll* ft. J. 8h rt; ffupply Bethel, Thomas P. Drake. Bupplv r*»- Ident. Enlory College. C. E. Doeomcu. Apiertru* Dietrict -W. C. Ig»vat4. presidiog elder; Amerlru* First church. K. Read; American, HI Paul, R. M. Wealev: Andenwinrllle. H Steven#; Plaint O. P. Carey*'* EllarHled V . R MchPehael. R. P ft taon. «nn>wnt<- mrrary; Richland, L. L flallard: Lumpkin and Omahg. c M. I,edhel ler; Oaorgetnwn. S. M Rodgeira; Bran wood. M C. Bralonffl Daarsonfl J. IV. lohnatonffl Dover, B. M Owerly; Smlrtivllle, W. C. Wade; Shell mao and drove#. IV. D. Medregnr; Cuthbert, j K. Wrav: Springvltle, J. Carr; Coleman. L. A Hill: Fort Oalnra. C. A. Jackson; president of Andrew Fe male College, H. Bush. Thomasvllle Dtatrlet—J. O. Branch, presiding elder. Thomaavllle. J. A. Hranch; Datnbrldge. W. N. Ains worth: Albany. W. F Smith; Boston. J. W. Arnold; Metclaf. J. Cowart: Cairo and Whtgham. B Kerr. Climax. J. 8. Lewis; Colquitt. W. J. Stallings: Allapulgna. T. D. Strong: Donaldson vllle. J. \V. Tlnley: Jakln and Cellar Springs, J. P. Tyson; Pelham. R. R. Norman; Camilla, W. L. Wooten; Blakely, J. C. Parkdrr N. H. Wllliamsffl HlUon, Cl C. T.owe. Sup pi).; Bold Springs, A E. Samshum; Aptloch, M. A, McCbllom. aupply. Mcßae District—H. Stubbs, presid ing elder; Mcßae and Lumber Ctty. J. M. liOveat: Helena. C; C. Hines; Jack sonville. H. C. Fonlress; Abbeville and Ocllla, W. W. Stewart; Crisp. Thomas Williams; Rochelle, 0. W. Childress; Cochran, yf. J. Flanders: Empire. K. E. Clemepta; Eastman. J. T. Ryder; Dexter, E. L. Tucker, Ce dar Grove. G. W. Pharr, supply: Mt. Vernon. W. C. Jones: Haxelhurgt, C. H. Baundera; Spring Hill, W. T. Clark; Rhine, D. F. Miles; Baxley. W. T. Lowe; South Baxley, H. Morris, supply. Wayerosa District—E. M. Whiting, presiding elder; Wayrross First Church, G. G. N. McDonald; Trinity, J. M. Glenn: Brunswick First church, M. A. Morgan; Brunswick, McKendreo Thomas B. Stafford; Darien and Redgevllle. F. B. Kemp; St Mary's, F. McCullough: Woodbine. J. F. Ca rey; Mt. Pleasant, J. W. Tipplus, sup ply; Folkstou, J. M. Bryan, supply; Waresboro. M. Caustta, supply: Doug lass and Broxton, J. P. Dickenson: Broxton circuit. J. W: Harity, supply: Hofnervllle. J. R. Jordan: Alexander vllle. C. G. Ernst: Blackshehr. C. W. Littlejohn: F. .T. Rick, supernumerary; Screven, A . KelEy; .Tfcssup, J. S. Fuo derbuck; Duke, to be-supplied: Bick ley. J. M Boland: Eeorson. A. H. Bazemorc. ■.lti* 0' 0 0 mm*"#*''* a *•**#* * * MOP 4PP + p, %< |%mffn ft - * ’ ' wl KEENAN S \W' a jxx.iMiar* Bfct v. ns* of tha Ray* #• Caw»» TRawfc* Tarvwr. OQm, ti#*’ T. 119M4 e (ptt'fflff Ciiiffriiffft l Tftftftf Cir* 488800 AfttfWft-'ft da RIM maa4 la tan* wlffh* * MsraM ! | era# y«a» ariletd woim>*4 "Tff* ftd* disra ai Ham# Ma»'lnffgft** aaff a# a nijftplfftf r I tb# Ft ft mi 14 Util mmtA* I 111 alt a myLff RWffMl ft fi 4ft tftftft ‘ pft IffftPftfffjy (Ha w w* ■iLfita < Wftft Rff f f fftfftf ft • '1 1 ff *t* * nm * r % f«| «« ftftd for ynof . rawra 1,, ap t k tiff ftfto'Hfff ft D t ‘ h t v* ftitdffid nt ft <ft ft mi *««•»• Ift* (bfrinib ntif bMftllfit wtx*4* IMftftiftfl i n iky ftftM of tk# Mrdft if (kftttftc r* ih# ts'Mum at <m* <* «*r t«4## vitrfeißi for atr of 14# tt till ft trib# to tab# my hook Hmas wwre h*opy days, sad oh. how I long few that? raiwra ard for a glimpse of those braatlfnl 'she# and wood* again, to onre net* bees'h | y||# dry. dear ale aa I fußow a deer through Ihe woods of dost dbwn lr* river ta my eaaoe la search » d*irks. Do you hlaata me far being J«*t a lit i!e homesick when f read yoar art'el* 7 j Ton speak of falling 1" lw* those heautlfal twin lakes, Harnett and Cathonn but they are only two of >the gem* set In green of which Min nesota boast*. Mlaneloaka, with her 1 M 2 miles of shore and score* of o h rra where w« tor# to apend the ho* mon'ha of anmtner and the* »» have ihe btauiCul fall# that eaptlvatel . liOngfellow. “Minnehaha the old home lot the Dakota#." | I star*rely im lhat yon did Ml ‘fall to take on# of those enjoyabli idrlvea wh eh the MlnnrapoM* Pa«k ways afferd. paaalag Central Park. Kenwood Parkway. Lakes of the Idea i Calhoun. Harriett nod Minnehaha ; parkway and falls. 1 We appreciate the kin dura* and hos pitality which ha* been shown ns by 'the people of Augusta and Ticlulty and !jf assure you that you and cht* irate (will aiways have a warm place n the heart* of the Minnesota bojra and lhat [ urdcr the ‘rough exterior of •'m» le.othe* you will find a brave heart an) a true srntleman. | r hanking you again for your kind word* and asking forgiveness 'or the | liberty I have taken In writing yon lend tak.kig *o much of your time I rtv ! r.ialu Very respectfully. 4 A SOLDIER. Onyx Tables at priefs that will surprise you. Just the thing for a gift. At Richards & Shaver’s. COL. D. B. DYER Will Attend the Atlanta Peace Jubi lee. Col. D. B. Dyer, who lain Washing ton. will go from there to Atlanta to attend the Peace Jubilee before com ing to Augusta. He will be here, how ever. to help give President McKinley a royal welcome. POCK ETBOOKS. PFIISES. Latest styles, papular prices. Augusta Trunk Factory, S« Broad. The Clark milling Co. The Clark Milling company have an advertisement elsewhere in The Her ald today In whit* they announce that their whole wheat flour Is on rale at the different grocers. It Is said to be the best flour on earth for dyspeptics. It is very much more nutritious than the ordinary flour and is highly re commended by physicians the country over. Try it If you wish to get rid of dyspepsia They are also making a graham flour that is very fine in deed. Place you order for fall suit with F. J. Henry & Co., popular priced tailors. J H. Fearey. Mr. J. H. Feary, the popular jewel ler, has removed to 211 Campbell st. His gods are guaranteed and bis prices are reasonable. Finnan and Haddies at KEENAN’S. Arr Squares from $4.50 t-i H 5.00 at Flemfttt! & Botvtes. 111, ftTf|B HB* . ftkJffH 811## tftfti mm 4f §w4tt* ## f ftmffftftaftft it gfritMfti ffiftft ftf *mptpmpm* Uft#*** * •»»<•**- fin# pPKf * r m* wp*f*pf 84# fpftßft-i ftff'*’- f iff ft ft ftftf ft*# ft* ftflfti ft fffti ft*ft ftlftffftJNt fcft :6 ■*■ «.* tefk ft'ffjlfflfclt.'ljlft ijil'llft a. S- | ffftKj' ft# ffrtffMHß Ip f 0 r-r .ft *ft * flffft fftlftl " ftftfttft * UnUATION WANTKO ff h » Mr A IT7 I11 \f !H "'fttkft § ME UP WANTED TO RENT r^ftnffft. ti |*i pm ftMHMft 84 hhMmk FOR SALE ntItAM—CRRAM At M JACKS<>N ffT mu UU ffAHtr. FDR WKAP I’ING f wn-rara caragwM tn rttg <*ws rant a ff»»4 Mff*» at Hvtsff uAra. n iH watt# sad *v*#s*Hr. Mss 9 FOR g A LB- lea sen* FARM OMR mil* tram rtty Bwtltn. s bargain. At pi, W. O. J-aas. Ms. IM Jstkara fft Oct t CHKAF—PAPER FOR WffAFPINO psrpos** I# rant* a bawd'#d old •* rksstw. Wblt# paper I rant a teas). Nov I FOR BAUS l«a ORERNK aTUKWT. with a IttM# satiny ran He tnsd# tots a haodv-wn# and »‘d*rti rratdetu # Terms gl ee* raah: tmlasira. three yrar* with at-ven per rant IMravt Appt> tn It ffhashao. M nearer. He'd. Fortner Rrstatag ramsssf, dse H If LOST AND FOUND. WBtrm white mid bn»*fi *r ri| t»; wHibic f#w*r4 f r Iter. Hfftom til Wm Bviyl#, WS #tn Mffrt. 44M tt#l IftiiH MISCELLANEOUS PIANO TBACHEH—NKW METHOD— Mr*. B. L. Morton. »-• Mtoad. dec 14 Special Notices. Sprilal Notks The National Exchange Bank of Au gusta, Augusta. Oa , Dec. 9. lilt TIIF. ANNUAL MEETING OF THE j stockholder* of thi* Hank will be 1 held at It* Banking H'>u*» on TULA DAY, January 10th. D 99, between the hours of 12 and 3 o'clock p. m., for the election es seven director* to serve for the ensuing year. PERCY E. MAT, Cashier. Some of the new hats consist of a couple of plume* and a Jeweled tiara, but they are no less In price for all that. If we only put to paper the etever things of ahieh we think Just before going to sleep, we would wake up fa mous some morning. The vengeance of a silent person Is always more swift and powerful than that which is discussed openly. A woman may believe that a man loves her dearly, but she wanU him to tell her so. A WalialeiMHaiilrt Thai ffe Want to Get Ont of tbe fay. (4 Clevelands at sl2, sl4, sls, $ * 7 - One of these is a Ladies. 1 Gendrorn at $1 7.50. I Raycycle at $ 14. One Stearn s Special at $1 3. 4 Models 40Columbias at s2l. $22, $20.524. 1 Cresant at S2O. 2 Credendas at sls-00. 1 Victoria at $24. 2 Ladies’ Fentons at $1 b and S2O. 1 Man's Victor at $20.) DEVENEY,HOOD&CO. BICYCLE DEPARTMENT. oiefMftVft m Christmas Opening PENDLETON'S '■m&m r 4, f • ft/* / * 7 I f y(/ k , uAE&n* iJTttb* PENDLETON EOLID4Y CMOS Tftrtr* nti-ifT tg# ff -“ ffgwffftl *ft# *'»" **o BOOKS LAMPS AND 1 A3LES !s•*»!.v *'f „» gft Rlfflf Ifflftl |ft RftKftt WAVE GOODS m.. a H ants J PL.L „» n..^| 'j.icr iwtti iffiti rtm Lii ura cl e (Time* JaTffßi'ff Rod Tty Books- LAST MAN KODAKS. Photographic Supplies ftlfffftrfj fclt al ftui! dtftfn ftl Lowest Prices. Grand Jubilee ATATLANTA Dec. 14 to 16, 1698. The Gffirgla Railroad. L. A N. R. R. rv will sell II mid Trip Tt v ft a to Atlanta fi>m *;atinaa nam ed .« <l*» *# and at rate* nanwd below; BTATfON Hound Tr P Ticket* sniff Dee 13th and 14th. and for m.rrntng train* Dec. tSth. Final limit for return Dec. 19th. IrtM from Augusta. 43.79. Rr.und Trip Thket. aold IW. llth and lath. Final Mml* for return Dee. 19th, IHS9. Augrtala .45 13. Equally aa low rates from all sta tions. A. G. JACKSrtN, G. P. A. JOE W. WHITE. T. P. A. CLOSING OUT SHE In order to close out my en'irs stock of woolens by the first of February, by 'he pattern or made to order, I will sell at and below cost. TERMS CASH. WM.B. BENSON Men bant Tailor, 743 Hr *d 81. The new woman usually meet* her match In the new servant.