The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 13, 1898, Image 3

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TUESDAY THE COMING OF THE PRESIDENT i tit liftiifift Up Tr jTjf Mm to»«i tm lit fto#*#* INnmmmp tftpp flk#*gpNNl f%# mm tjppf n* Hl».w mV ii»i iijiii v<mi» • miwpwrf Mr *#** *t» *#* m» «*■ ItMf Hi* «NNni !»•#• MtoNH mi Mi <*%>*• m Mm* „ij HMiMiMi p~ a*# j r< inir-j. VwNt (Mur# •#'# 4 «*, giy-rr- ** •*#* ***** *M> V# jUf ».* * «, VMM • fPHM* Ml ®*ppp : -r<Mnt «ms I fcoto MMMI W« fM* imMP m #** tfMMR* fm* m i "«mii It** la ***** 0m t Mil tNm Cmi iniiM # *%# • tIMMI 9 t Miwrrtl tv tfc#* tlto vmli ra* j ■lfir I* M rmmim 9T«m ltd iW Inf a* TVI #%***! MM **f* tMMI( M aMr «a» * i«fc K. Sgs.r let t* Tv !>««• ,«*#** *f Mr il VMVMmHM • Ik* pt*NRM pm l •Mt 9*H*«s*Vi tv e*fp# P« IV %**«»* * 4’ipl ttiiti il# m* ft mi • itiar %«**•*». Mr Hump*# vrvt to Yovii« vt Cm# iffirwit. Mcmi ftvMi tW taafvr • fitt 9r a |wW * •Vft, Mr avid «##o)t (Ml til# hit Mc«i tra» prepfrty filtfUteal ***** Mora, w*rt*4 «***< *»4 Mat ***** vfupt on tM# w *ifci«fft«» wwaltt## - " Ml If ft# a prowl tilt li #arvm* m* 4nvor In M#i am < Mlfßl Mi tl I* MNop»4 frr htt van 4 ft Tlm Southern Trip Secretary Pcrivr Tut* la efcar*. al! the d Mails Sir ihr PrwJA-ui'* Trip *cJ the lIH of the i»»rty that tlfl arrotn pan» tha PtHMaif *t* r*o|H*ttd yea* irrd»v, hni will tat hr |ttm am la the oruapaprr* not IT the lra»a learee lha afternoon With the exception of prob* ably a hr lavlted attrata. the follow ln| arfTt eompoae the party: The President and Mrs McKinley, maid and atevarda. the Praaldent'a pri vate aaerctary. Mr. Porter, aaalataot eerretary. Mr. Cirtelyoo. and two aten ocrapber*: Secretary Alger Secretary Lone and Miaa L-ag: Secretary Gag* and Mra Gage. Secretary MTtlaon and Mia* Wilson: Postmaster General Smith. Qcreral Wh**ler and daughter. General Lawton and a number of ar my attache* and member* of the press. A mens the lavltod guests will he the son of Secretary Hay and a few per sonal snd political friends of the pres ident sod his cabinet. The newspaper men have not been given an opportun ity to a*e the President on account of the unusual ruth of business attending his departure from the city. tn a conversation with Secretary Porter, be said that the President’« willingness to drop Important busi ness affaira at this tlms was an ample demonstration of bis desire to come Sotitb. “The fact that, the President, has consented to moke the trip is proof that be has the kindest feeling for the South an* the beat <vlahea for the Jubilee and success," said Secretary Porter. The train on which the President is to visit the Boutb will be composed of six coaches, lbe most elegant ever turned out by the Pullman eomoany. The President will ride In the "Cam pania." This car has Just been turned out of the shops add is said to be the most extravagantly furnished and equipped car in the world The com partment car "Columbia," will be oc cupied by the cabinet members and th, r ladles. Another compartment, car, “The Gautemala.” his been set as'de exclusively for Invited guests. The members of the press will trav el in a Pollmffli which will be arranged for the comfort or the newspaper men who have been invited. A special tele graph operator and a number of mes sengers and stenographers will be with the tra n. A number of Southern rail way officials will be with the party. The engineer of the special was in atrre’ed that ibe train must run slow around curves and the whistle must not be used after the President retires Tuesday night. Everything has been arranged for the trip. Even the coal that has been piled up in the tender has been especially selected tor tha run. Cut flowers for the holiday season, if you will leave us your wants early we will see that you have your orders fill ed to perfection. The Hues Floral Nursery. _____ A J. Renkl. Go to tilt aboye jeweller If you want, a Christmas present. Games and tovs. Our stock is enormous. A splendid selection, 5 cents up- Call and see at Richards & Shaver’s. Seasonable Holiday Articles Sacrificed at Lowest Price Store You con procure what you wint-th# corracl thlngto *i VVwl**** 250 Holiday Umhmiia*. b##» Silk and Gloria. oOcanta t° SHOO. 100do/#n Silk and pur* Linen Hamlkarc W* 50 emu on tha dollar for all Ladiat and MMaa# Jackata. SO c#nt* on tha dollar for ail Cloth ami Pluah Capaa^ 200 Handftoma Moquatand Valval canla JoSA.Oa r 48 canla Haaaocka. wall worth SI.OO- 60 cant* for Foatar a »! K»d Clovaa. 12 1-2 cant* for 10-4 Shooting, valua 18c- 50 cant a for boat hamm ml Shoot* \ 15 baboo boat Comforta from 48 cant* to Eidardown at S3.So. ' Mon’a Scarf a. Glovoa. Mus flora. Holiday Jowolry. Puraaa, Parfumary. All Fancy good* Hoducad to ault the timoa. P. D. HORK AN & COHPANY INASOCIALWAY -I % Station Day*. V*•*!!*» l4>t* f<N ttttt Knia‘l#' By ftnttf ' ft*# ci*4 bound* At tfecn»*t»< «f Ifcff* 1 k>n| <Uj* *f rwrt. Wli*f» on#- frit! bo* •nm*hn4jr*P f»»' AjmS lasts arovflt) •ofi*#'irwiiwl* IV! b*j»* nifn#l«o4y i park •! h«n»n4n Will Im4 an# fn a r-»a*Ui« «|W»i For f«m# —of *utb it»tf»«* fnt# rnm- Vmaatiofi iUri. FVt hat* t timufb il#w %nr &v#t nwnmd* All f«n*( rind. *t»#r# low confound* Ttw* windtrcr, wlih »fnM# and )#»l. On* may b* l*d and not With ai»ch allurrm» i»* IK* aurrouiid* Vacation &»>#. x —CHICAGO RBTOftO. Not a Peace Jubilee The- aeuoo of the Atlanta W.jnutn * Club Its ttgtit to th«- Pea*** Jubilee has taleet) a stir Its all eitclcs, the Itillit eora of wtlcll arlll he felt for einn l time. The all over Oeorgta ate objecting to two or three m-'n ippoml- In*, to ault their own pleasure. el* wo men to represent Georgia and Atlanta 1* great an event, without eoneultln* the representative women as to who should appear for them There I* «*a peelal tntereat felt over the faot that the D. A. R.'s have Iteen completely ignored, although the organlaatlon did much good work through the wai. and on whom the government relied for help and advice as to nurse*. etc. Moat of all. Mrs Lowe, president of the whole federated club movement of the World, was not recognized In any way. although the Jubilee I* In her home city. But the funny aide I*. that, after tak ing the stand, the action of the rluh has seared them all, and now the men say the women did It, and the women say the men did It—and the outcome Is watched by all with Interest. Apropos of the subject, the following from the Saturday Review will be read .with interest: I "So far as Atlanta women are con cerned, the Jubilee will not be a syn onym for peace. "The following- resolutions passed unanimously by the Atlanta Woman s Club, will show the feeling of one Im portant organization In regard to ar rangements for entertaining the -Uv'e guests, and It Is understood that the Daughters of the Revolution, and the Army and Navy League feel similarly aggrieved: "In consideration of the fact that the approaching Jubilee j has been presented to the people of Atlanta as an affair of gen- j eral municipal Interest, and that | ■■ ■- ' Cito Care & Hair Tunic Guaranteed to cure dandruff, stop! hair from falling out and to cure all dis eases of the scalp. If it don’t do what j we claim for It we will cheerfully re- j fund money. XMAS GOODS. * Before buying your Christmas pres ents, we would be pleased to have you I call and look at our beautiful line. | Atomizers from 25 rents to |5.00 Poeltetbooks, Purses, Traveling j Cases, all kinds and prices. Celluloid Boxes for Cuffs and Col lars. Handkerchiefs. Gloves, etc. Our line of Mirrors and Comb and Brush Hots can't ‘be beat for the money. We have a complete line o. following extrw&ta und toilet article*! ROGER st GALLET, COLGATE & CO. PALMER'S, SEELY- s, LA ZELLES VIOLET OF 3XCILT C H. HOWARD. JR., Urtifgist, - - COS Broad St. rmin a.tjo-tjbt-a fi p k-a x-d tfoii* of wmmm ha*** it* ifit* m (MNPftttlaMMi* of la* itkr tMOra ha* aftaafljr boon af»- (winitofiiH to *o*l| n*nat'- S aIThIMPMI fOMlHitltaao of N atoa In * ha' a> «' a*w:faf <‘%o*i* * i hj i TZst£m m 0 r .^**N i prtrhfg* tnAlvidtiala Im It R*»i4trr4 Thai tho Atlanta | I Woman * t fab prof#*** * i I tht* a«IM of a4n«tnl«taHna pyblk affairs, that ft maintain# j thie! wh r. If wiv m**n in* to ha ok to rtpr* aanf th# afiinrii of Atlanta, ans •tiatmtoo mnon •ai*o'*rf i*y i th* gonarml public df Atlanta that Mid ta«* bi* |pfttr*4 by mom# of a **n*ral j |.»n ****** ** ,hta W " P *”' It >• mr word tgalmt the inmmlttee us very charm ing and capable women who Have the .eehl arrangements in < harge. el lo are prebend yuil anything wfll be lackina <o do hravr to tb* gtteats of tbe occa* Mon nut it is eqtiallv truiHtsaitile to de ny tbe fact that a twt» large majoi - .tty of Atlanta's anclal contingent Is to tally mtrrepresenied on the committee,, or that th" large and Important orasn j nations of women sbotild have be.*n al lowed the privilege of extending cer- Itnln t.outleates to the distinguished guests. As It is. the meat that the la mes of Atlanta—except the commute,' —can do to show honor to Mr*. Mc- Kinley and the other celebrities. 15..„ ..„ the little boy said—to "sit on the fence and see them go by ” i The point that the Club and other j woman's organisation* wish to make, however, is not that they have be«n Ignotefl in the apportionment of the so cial honor*, but the manner In which the committee was seleeted. "In order to secure a representative committee of men, there la usually .a call for a mass meeting nt which those men who represent tb' various Inter ests of the city ate chosen by thetr peers to do the work and wear the honors. "No such plan was adopted In the choir* of the committee nf women to do the aortal honors during th*- Jubilee. Just how it was arranged in this case, nobody seems to know, but 'they say, 1 a few t ien, having tn mind some verv charming friends » horn they wished to compliment, Jupiter-llke, 'gave the ncd.' and 10, the thing was done* Women have learned somewhat of th* method of procedure In munirtn*l r -tterr, and they fee) that a large an l i Important majority, represented In the v.nious organisations of the eity have not hed fair play." Daughters of the American Revolution A meeting of rare Intellectual pleas ure war that of the Augusta Chapter of the n. A. R's held yesterday after noon at the home of Mrs. James Mooye. the popular regent. There was very lit tle business of Importation, and so the afternoon was given up almost exclu sively to the discussion Cf certain suli- Jects Mli?ge*ted*for the December meet ing by The American Monthly Maga- I Interesting papers tk're prepared by Mrs. S. B. Carpenter and Mrs. Mil led go Ardts Rountree, which will be -published in full In Sunday’s Herald. Mrs. Cummlmr read a delightful paper giving a resume of the wot k of the Chapter of the past year which will be i published In the next Issue of the The 1 American Monthly, together with the ! beautiful memorials to Mrs. Hattie ! Barrett Howell and Miss Lizzie Wal- I ton, members of the chapter. Not the least Interesting feature of the meeting was the following extract ! vead by Mrs. Gumming from The Am | < rlccr. Monthly, descriptive of the work I done by tha Georgia D. A. Ft.'s for th •, ' American soldiers during the late wai; Through the state regent of the D. A. It.. Mis. Barnes and Miss McKinley: Atlanta chapter D. A. R.. Atlanta, Throntuka chapter, D A. R-, Pulaski chapter, D. A. It.. Orb jin: Piedmont Continental chapter. L>. \ R., Piedmont; Havier chapter, D. A. R. Rome; .3. A. it- ui.Georgia, Ludles.' Aid Society. G. a B„ Elyria; Calhoun, jZi hospital ahtrxs, t. negliges shirts. 13X3 pajamas. 55 suits under clothing, -■* pair:: shoes and sltpperf, 71 pairs hose, •tit/ ghuaw 117 pillows, MO pillow oases. ',*77 u.wFt-. Mb tnrmrlkcreßtirts. 2W cans I milk. 1 •>:' jors beef extract, H>7 cans [ mm*mo a M »€f'|iiai.. [ 411— wmm **** iy- vM*ms i(» 11'4. »■ t mfiimviii 1 4 iirf t Kit*-Hfrit #*, 1 1*4* [iti I'vifeM* t**’*if# 11* « #n4 Mmil# #n4 * Mia# Anu * a tik4> SB I Hr*. I B. Cttmnidii *•# •’ ****■ j Ittrxb Pet • I un. hron l*art. \st,ik am'* *uol. raaiMTit ie. »t#»t!i «*f **»*' j immmiin' or mad# *ith • yoke rml of bH«h* Ml «r wtuti. r»r of ck>tl» #m!iroi4#r#4 in ioW ; wtile* Emm* M Hooner. in the N«- v. mhrt lomies Home Journal A striking yoke may tv made of • ream guipure v* ilh gill epangl.* » j ovet part of the patter, as many of ' the dr. remakes now arrange Light *r»y. tan, aimy Ma>- laiender. red and ! I,lack good* ate the color* used for I these gown* I They are made up with a round, hghlly p itited r packet fronted w»n* lor a young person, or with a basque j waist or Louis XVI coal for matrons Tue latter style has Jacket fronts, clow fitting and five inches below the w list. ,-dJh revers. high collar and amall wleeves: I tack cut aa a clone basque with Nat effect below the waist-line. Lace trims the neck and wrists, aml a jaiiot ornaments the throat, falling over the full vest of gauge, chiffon or lace ruffles or the Gat pointed ope of embroidered satin. With a hand Mime hat ami light gloves such a gfflgn la suitable for a ladles' luncheon nr artemoon reception. »« both of which the hoates* la the only one present unbonneted. "At a luncheon party glove* are re -1 moved when the table is reached, but ithe outside wrap Is taken off In the dressing room." The Veterans In the Parade The many admirers of our gallant Confederate Veterans sincerely hope that they will appear In full uniform in the parade to be reviewed by ih" , President Monday. i Auguste has no body of men of whom she has greater cause to be proud, and they would add greatly to the attrae- j tlveness of the occasion, to say noth iug of the sentiment of a united ioun try with one great ruler. Drughters of the Confederacy. The meeting of the Daughters of the 'Confederacy to tje held at the new room* tomorrow afternoon will be opr of exceptional interest and unusual im portance. Mrs. Eve is especially anx ious to have a lakge attendance for a number of Important reasonm Everyone Is asked to be prompt, and to show by their large attendance thy chapter's appreciation of Judge Eve* generosity. To Entertain Mr*. McKinley. For the glory of Augusta, it 1* to bo hoped that women of the city will do their share towards entertaining th" distinguished visitors we ore to have here next Monday. Atlanta is doing a great deal for the pleasure of the wives of the members of the cabinet and for Mrs. McKinley, and some organized effort should he made instantly for th" Augusts women's share in the enter tainment. A Former Augustan Complimented. Judge Hook, father of Mr. E. B. Hook of this city, who is a first cous in of Rear Admiral Hchley. together with his family, have been elected hon orary members of the Army and Nsov League, and have been ask' d to at the reception in Atlanta Wednesdnv evening. laok-Uanirt The marriage wf Miaa HJUgsbridi. Lou ise Xiardal to Mr Pinckney -Oscar L«ak oi TVinston, N C occurs at 12: SO p xa. tomorrow at ttio Home of the bride s parents on lower-%reene street. Rgl Masque Invitations arc out to a bal masque ()• gt*vgi FfMay »»!■ sum at tis* Ma* 4 *||» #i#4 Mt* "• ** Hit#* f I la* #»f Mfn Mrtitir 1 1, TH-.- »n#»wH|| l U>ft fm AllMti (M ißrmwifi tfk hr tl»r #«r«|* of Mu P»* Mi*« Vt\H'nnf B<srim. <#( AlUnt# hh < Hlpm Aunts Fwlff »*ll fwn | Motr#* tmm+ flultimmr. l« tS i Mitw* Ktttann** an«( M*rui «*rt mnvmu th'»« Mi»» »#ff f**r AiUm , Mi«q» Viol* Usmmm H** t«» j WMPMafftot). *fi#r » fWt l« lh# Ml««* |«*# Dor* I Mr#, laronatd Phlnl«) i# ih» H*» r Mrn Albril If our #ll Jr, of a ; Atlanta. j Mrs. Katherine Flsrttet left this af ternoon for Atlanta to attend the Ju Miss Itrtlc Walker h»* returned from |a visit to friend* in Waynesboro. ' Miss Mattie Hue Hunt la visiting rel i alive* in Nashville Mtt. Margaret It. liugas ha* return* ( »d from New York. Do you want an energetic hedge plant? We have what you want In Ar ; mour River Privet. The Hut* Floral j Nursery. ON AM A PRY MISSION Private Oratly Will l eave For Chicago . Tomorrow Night. Private Grady of troop L., Third eav- Talry. will leave tomorrow night for Chicago ou a happy mission. He goea to the above elty to wed Miss IVuni" Cate*. He will he away on a thirty days furlough His brother troosiers wish him all kind* of happiness. For Asthma use CHE NEY’S EXPECTORANT. | A woman cad rest assured that she has entirely recovered from a tem porary wounding by Cupid when she can without a qualm behold her whi lom king lunching with another girl. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears th* /'l? , Signature of LfutryzT-CUC&W \ ’ ' When the new crop of pensions be gins lo ripen It may bo necessary to appoint veterinarians as medical ex aminers. I You can Ret a fine suit cheap for cash 'at E. J. Henry & Co.'s, L'lti and fix Campbell street. 11 is human nature for a man to look out for number one, but tli" charming young widow always looks out for number two. Elegant Line Solid Mahogany and Oak Desk from $4.50 to -Flem ing & Bowles. Il is from contraries that all Hiu harmony in tbi* world results. Decorative putfn* or rubber plant*, make excellent'Christmas and New Yua-i's gifts, and ate highly ornamental to any home, such can hi selects.! at & price to suit afiy purse from our large stock The Holt Floral Nursery. licit?l.. PART Trrt'NKK Augusta Trunk Factory, Hi:i Broad. PLEASE YOUR WIFE Civ# h«»r a nic« Xmat Pr«»#n' »om*lhing for »h* home a pretty piece of Furniture - it adds to the appearance of the home -it pleasee her. Our Low Pnceeon Xmae goods will clear them out. Don't be the last. SNAPS IN - n Parlor Su'ts Couches Ladies’ Desks Chiffoniers Fancy Rockers Secretaries YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD. j PADGETT FURNITURE COMPANY | 1110 & 1112 Broad St., Augusta. Ga. ! Toys! Toys! The largest stock of Toys ever brought to Augusta. The prices are the lowest ever put upon s miiar goods. Do not forget my place when purchasing for the little ones. Mv assortment of Cakes is such that you should bear it In mind. Pound Caljre. Fruit Cake and Lady Fingers are my specialties. H. H. CLAUSSEN. 1002 Broad St. The New Year is ®PP roachinß Tj'- 4 And 1 waiit money lo stale my old year’s obijga- - .It;’L*3 tions. I will sell roy l»*ge smire slock of Finely \ Finished * J»> Monuments, Headstones, Etc. yuw id bind it tli# !OW*>T rcSfiTßtF PRICES. C. F. KOI ILRUSS Corner Washington & Ellis Sts., * * AUGUSTA, CA. NO BETTER 5c CIGAR ON THE MARKET R. c. NORRELL & CO., Wlutaale Dealers. 77 , PARLOR MARKHT, i t '' •& *l ; j' 95 1 Broad Street. ... f ikjMU i.™ . lEI L 'PHONE 409. OWE OF OUR LOOLOOS . ,■ • /-.V’ *X ■— ~ for your Christmas leant will give ~ /f .- *. you a tutstn of something In tho lln ' ,>f lurk,,y,< ,ha *. you , V tn. ,* 1..-- ■■'*'>W3T\ remember for many a dny. A nice. - . ini and Juicy turkey has a flavor "*■ *•■ *, T Unit you do not get with the aklnnv V 1 M * kind. We Will have everything ill the line of meat*, poultry, same, venison and celery this week, ami ft? :v -luring the holidays, in tempting ",.7^—- ..... POWELL & COMPANY. MORPHINE f- ; IANS oii-itcfl. Immediate fc icf given. Correaponden## abso‘ gst fto.';' nM home treat me *t co!,t« cm,,.. .■>•«« Haydn dedicated one of his most im portant instrumental compositions to his mother. Hoßc-. ai* you diuppolhtod ui what yutt have oi do you -'•ant the best, than see us. Ready to plant now or later. The Huss PI oral Nursery. Hal r:n"ks, finest line and lowest pri in city, at Fleming & Bowie*. DfcCFMBER 13 | Christmas gifts .should til ways b# i neatly wrapped In perfectly fresh dudoi and daintily tied with a hIC6 kit td (string or narrow ribbon. ,'^J We have the best se lected subjects in pictures in handsome frames at popu ar prices at Richards & Shaver’s.