The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 13, 1898, Page 6, Image 6

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6 TUEIDAY COAL-COAL-COAL ft A*>fl ftff*t AH. fit Al Eftffi 88l HmS A«i» Jefttco H f %f» Cc<n Je*'*co AfttMfte*# •*# end Nw* twriM* m-p» • * »—i CITY ICE COMPANY. Aft) i-'AT 4 *IaAM IA tmß II ,g t%>W| Mail ffixaSSl ■»* ft# A# * *<■►4 PftM## PHWL Pii f t»’» i P S*ggh OXSMMe* *S**H *•,»•»* » *•**’ ftmah Asms# ffiMOdd - . „ * m» m • . | ji£ii .. fffiurr* a on* ff®s**Mt*ff * tt *♦» *•<**•** MSft, *ag* ■ aPfl—Mb #ftrtft| M H p.—iti p* **■•§» *•* h*»**o .*••»** * tM4iSS«< ■*• •*•* .. * m *•/*• *•* : ;; 9IBS*BMS A 87 ,» «#*« * l ** * ' ft|*Md*, Fw*!*** * ■•• A **'**!*.*«* IMHMW Migm ~»,»««•*»•.= •* *• •nn« Mk N»M ». «*•**«* fikyi »—»*— >■»•< »* •• ••»< Ltrw tfinrm M**h*t >W«I 4Maffi. oaaatßSß *• ••**• HA-t M»*«» •»**• **♦»»#* mum -“!***? **«,*».* %* Mil* ■«•• • • '* P***"*# • *#»*•• ***** .»• »•»« * ; AKtotifl###ft» ——*•«—iMin *% %&* Chw.a. **•*•*• Mm ■-..*• •* *A~ * fcgftt#* tl IT. rowuMMi #ft —l* ««• . m M.wk mmm •*•*•*• ***M» ... •* *• ffiNg harts* .. m .. .. .. »•*• *♦ •* * tl i-i M mm* ~ lltiM || tor t. tall »»»• .. I* a;ii H Hi wra haa* wur S A. •** • All *IM. IM haa*. O. O . A* A A Am Am* hAi A A *» r**B . H mm to-krit *8 II ts Id p*T OOOIM* *,•«>* (Bi'i'i'H *ag Bha-trsM* •*•• ••• • M Wtrtlag .1 • • |Mlw<' | l < * %It A Al'llM ... * *-• ffigMM teams. ill A A a•**■«•* •■ * Sm ! w W M M A ...... * Mi A K»»» MAS ahtrilag .. *** M* A AIM B *A AC.. .. * I-* •POOI, BII.K. CMi<*»<u I** r** *• *»■»<■ i** bm • Csrtte* II M ,d* «• AWI. *-t m A HI.P At HINUII HHl|lltrs««ui IrtM* *<* « aaaa 4ft *• ** WfOOAH. frv!i ai ti» to*—. !• .. •• • I** Amli •» Ik* Am. *•* *mto« . .. • * r.toi. 14 iwkM * CAtot. *4 .. * »-* Ai|ii» Am* *•* “ •• •; !, A*i«« *t lb* Wm .. -HI jrm. r. aim t-i a a mirttM .. * »*• r Kill HA A ttmiM .. • »•* LanwUl. 1 *'* |l« |> Kill, tonurli flfoffll .. .. • Joe P. Kim* *• ***& E C —• * *-* t„.. T K>r.« M MKb E* * ; M A- Aim 9» I nr. kup*ru>r .. J »-« FAINT*. innlnl »h)riio*» MaM.. .. •• • H Awrlmai k .blrliM*. •<«** * m.rur (Ml 4r**» tWM ***** * >*• A'.*HPi|t»« Olto (JMtT) * Allan » * *'* •itnpton'. »-» • CMIM Hpnot cum. P** Bm •' Amrfli.fl Inllio Mu*. «*M ...» »-» M.,»r Oltai lanllll I«*I4 A Am.ri*.» MM. «•*•« . .. ♦ lnt.rn.Usn.l M»rU M»*4 .. .. A Allan * *4*l4 .. .. •• •• * All*. * tall. bln. . .. •• .. - * *’* Jnfli* blu. *4.*4 •• * Atin«iM«'» *««•* •• :• * A4»i«b» A’..hl»i*ton M.M » *•* O.rnlr'. radl.Nt. * Cbart.r Oak*. * M TICK*. Mampablr* ~ * *'* AmmkMl AC A .. •• l '* Amnaka.K A AmMkMf C * InlAMiti PLAID HOMEBPUNF. City Mill. * M Four yard, good *2 inch .. .. •• .. 4 3-4 Lodi ahlrtlny. * *•* I Lodi dr... atyl*. M.d# * 1-4 j fit, 4r»» .tylm •• •• *• •> 4 Ocean mild. .. * ** 4 Mtrtlm W..hln«to«i f.ncl*. .. .. S 1-4 vMlk.ll.mou. brand*, light weight !* 1-t.lo 5-S l.aetia * y.rde S 1-* Thorndlk. • J* 4 liereulm 7 »' 4 r.lham, 88 b.l Ho ho* •• •• >• •• 7S F. O. t *« bn 11. to bo. I* E G. P . 10 ball, to lb 1? 1-2 Muaroge. B * 1-8 11 lerh 4 1-8 yd. plaid*, beet mak* ~ „ .. ■.. 4 8-4 gimpiot *llk flnleb (oul.rd. 14. tt 4 14 F.eifle mourning* *4.t4 .. .. .. 4 1-J Chin* (Ilk. *14.*4 4 1-4 Mldillelord A * 1-* Plater 8 1-8 Concord, MxW 8 1-4 Rome UiU •• •• •• •• * 1-4 Edwards .. s 1-2 Keystone .. .. 8 1-2 Flftl. Avenue 8 l' 4 KEARFEV 8. Heavy Columbia, i.eovy Ke.reey 8 1-4 Kincaid and other. ... 8 1-4 LIME, CEMENT AND PLASTKK. Lime 7 ®*B* Roeend.le caincnt 11.45 Portland cement 12.Tt to 3.25 Louisville cement In paper sack. ..81.00 I i.ster in bbl. •• H.II HARDWARE. Well buckets, per do. 18.00 Painted bucket*, per do. 11.10 H H H cedar pall., per do. .. .. *1.76 _ H B B cedar p.ll*, per do. .. 12.00 •fub* painted, per nest tl 75 i ope, Manila, per pound 8 1-2 pope, Pistil, per pound 7c Cope, cotton, D«r pound .. lOcallc • alls, wire 21.75 ba*o Null*, cut .. .. 11-41 baao bi oveia. Amea, per do* .. .. tllnUl. u Shovels, diamond, par doz .. $7.00 Shovel*, rlvatad haak, par da*. .. **.?s Flair biitdaa ~ .. * 1-2 base Hamas, rad tap. par do* **.26 Jtamae. rad tap mat, par do. .. .. 8? 60 INt l(«T ORADII Of GOAL at fnt tftftfJT WMC*#- i fTf “tit I— —lt fl—t 4M gr* (to I-? , -0- 4NH** —m I* ® 4 | —NI it—: f- m *«»*•* 9 M |»>#— —I ime to# to— ** •• m m | 4M—| pa* (to# 5 «« m *• . to to ! *t. iTtwiitr ft »4h* to m m mm M ' Y 4«>* it— ♦*# |## to to*#-* to ' ll*-**# #— #*'«—» -»« to toft* to *lft#M* tl— **#- § gM# #• ■*#* pa *.« #— : Iftoito# *toto# •#**■ toit »f ** «t *to to Ift #<• h» *■!#»#» toft I %0* mm me*** to A#* *•#♦■■*# tot MK toto »* ft* to ■ft ft**-v#k#«b4## toft • #*f #ft# •* *« to | * to— ——***# #*# #— ***** I—to tl *'' | » av* Aft e **t *• -4 *MPft ## » # .i «tr—!»♦ ft-rT, |t to. $ I# # I II tt f 4 wpMpm ito*tototo to—# ft •###)# .#N #*.## # *wt tom# to (his—• «# %t to fWitilit it— a#### «Nftft##ftft tog —«, 4#ft**ftftft etol 'lft-rjift t 1-#'# «* #|. »* til *** •'%**■■**• iff* -tot „ rn 111 *«• iltoprf ft I I* r A —to . • *• *. •* W *M &mtw*e •if ft —to i ****** I— #to>iftt«<to Ciltt—ft 11 *r» *• .* ,Mi ill r*fTf too it t— ft #•«»«• ft Ito# *• .< *, m tto ftftft ft <-»# #frtft ft''#. W— m* •• •• ** *a a* * ft ft###*# #• —to *•#•••• Ml •** ftagtutt 4 If# —a, »« M I— *.« ft ftgftgHft Est. —t* «« •••• a* •• I— ft f “ft#* ft ft*t. t—4 I* a* aa »• lift ••* 4’3#ftfft t% III# M a* M »a *, I— ••• 4 -Iftftlft gft t— ~**••*« *« t— aa. ftltoftift t I T • , # „ *. „ t— aa* A« ft# ft r* fit? . aa *« »« M ... fNtftftAAAll ft A .* M »• tit *.* toiftAAAfth Fa ........ lit *•« gftft || tfttt , re. M*. #*#. IMA | rmam 4 NT* imt* ,7 t*t M Mft#mi i I—l a# aa a* *• t— ... |t/ft| Ft, —l# ~ .« a. aa •« ftti ... ft#*Eft , a. .. a** CtU' Mlft ftA *— -a M W • * BOBT. om*r—ft ||>* It. to —MI Ot. #A ttot .. .* * *» .a.e.a ll# .* # Oeerpia * II * **g C*. •«. tea ~ ~ ~ .. ~ it* , C *n»M. ciiiwMa * A«- *.>•• tat l*. idid .... .. itr ctw rl.-fte I- l«—b a A A#- , *>.a a M r*. l-a (IT Au.aata 8» K R l*a. »«J4 «t C It ft. finfthlft# Cm. Collftf •r«f Trvsftt ft ft t—? .. .. •.#9 to tonintro K*tl*i| I t. lift# ~..#! t# C#«f|rfti of Oftcfpfgft Ktllvtf, tat raaaei more fa. IMg ... M * C of tl Ist pref In n td r«v tr.l of Oaorgia Kelt way. M .ref in- xnsa. 1448 U II r. of o Ist pref ta . l»i* » t It *. * r„ I*l m. ta. i*ti .. lit isi Sitiik lie'll* aad Florida td r». IMS i«t fv,tb Oeorgla and Florida m n. im ltd < Stes iMhlp 12#., Ist Fa Id fa. l«a* I*4 FACTORT ROND*. Knlerprta. Mfg Co., tel •'* I*BB I*B Pil.ley MTa. Co.. let d a. I*SB . IM Sibley Mfg. Cr. Ist FA IMI . IM <ja K It A B. Co. stork .. 1»T 8M RoulhwaMern R. R. Stork .. M p. Augusta and Savannah iteet , 8* iua GRAIN AND PROVISION*. Oita, while sacked ;| Oonia, mixed, sacked ~ ~ Si Cora, white, sacked „ .. .. ~ ~ „ U Com. mixed tl Meal, txilisd. per bushel 4TVS Flour, common ~ .. .. ~ ~ I to Flour, fancy extra t.TI Flour, second patent 4 00 Flour, e'sndard patent 4.8 t Flour, fancy 4.H Wheat bran. IM-tb sacks M Fine feed, 100-lb sacks M Hay-native, per ton 18.00 Hap—Timothy, per ton 18.00 Hay—choice, per ton 14.00 Hams- choice sugar cured .. ~ lOalltt Smoked rib sldta I t-8 Dry aal ribs I 3-4 Lard, purs leaf. In tierces 64$ A rUrblu Heart. A mat of high degree, Whose studies In Art, all made with rare. Were a wonderful sight to see Oh. the maiden fair was "Wedded to Art” Those were the words she passed; She had no time for frivolous balla. Parties or suppers or afternoon calls. Rut spent her time In antique halls. And sketched away from the cast. One day the msld threw her arms around The neck of the marble cast; "I love you." dear old cast,” said she, (The aomber image smiled with glee), "But a lover has come at last to tne. And my art Is done at last” She twined her arms around his nock. And kissed his lips of atone — She took no heed as she tripped away Of his petrified smile. Her own was pay When ehe gave him the marble heart that day, But he smiles there still —alone. —F. Colburn Clarke In The Criterion. How to Look Good. Good looks are really more than skin deep, depending entirely on a healthy condition of the vital organa. If th# liver is Inactive, you have a bilious look; If your stomach ts disordered, you have n dyspeptic look; If your kidneys are affected, you have a pinched look. Secure good health and you w-ill surely have good looks. "Electric Bitters” la a good alterative and tonic. Acta di rectly on the 9tomacb, liver and kid neys, purifies the blood, cures plmplas, blotches and boils and glvaa a gowd complexion Every bottle guaranteed. Sold at Howard # Wtllefs drug store. 50 cents per bottle. THE jh.tTGTJBT.Jk HERALD COl, VIFQiIAIN IS«MINDIRIN | fgl liyu‘l ftur-j#* i*» Qrftf|tH I tfe» fftprrif I tl# Ham a>—ft ft# —— ffcmaft*# titol—a— Ml#——— if— 4*4—l. to* •****& ft## tft ''-to—tot— torn* i#Mto ft## ftA—# to# h— —fit to# fn#tow—#— tto vto# —ft##— «f —— It#—l 9#to——#i toft to —totft#—t ftf cto# totoittoMt #——ii#A ft #####— —f itoto toffta# ts —to I*—ft— to—«to •«*! to# i to# <#•»#* —tol titoiriai yi»—tftti cm ><—— ft— ttoftftk -to#—#— ## 4— to* ny —to#—#«# I—l —to «■%■*##•# Effttoft### W##to—■* into tto f—totoi 7 ### fttoftiftto'l ## to—" fft— |to#ito###f. ftfttaft.——• C* ft|#M# fttft|ii#l# —M| IftM—A —to ill#*»f to# i— ttot fftiito### toft to to#—* t ft## ## #——# fftfti itoft* toto leu###—) flMk—#t4- C—to ——ts C—ltA tptt f Aft f TilMtMft II l#l llitl —> to— fttMNß—MtoftA to## to### fftNM#— to# 49MI##4 ##«# f*ft# —to fttwtotlMto #f ftto# Or to* #f »to* fto—* to— —ftftMt.. It MW—t>t—t #f It# tft|* M#to— #»rvto«# 4#tf>w— ts f#t tl— H—tolft# —to# fwtr umrm «f —f# 4 tft— tt— #•#—— ttoto## 1 #1 #«NI Tto# *»*— mn to# n#»4l i# ##to to# •##— to# ft# tot— —to# tto # M—totttoi fotof #f#4WM #—4—# Yfltit: ft Ml flWAta ltt##|to—#r I e _ . a A. , m M£«A (ft# Tto# —#f to—tot to# UMtt mem tap jgm* f (» )• A * (• i ftnwft Oft• ft* ft# «ift#| It —H—r—#to# itoto* " <Tft- 4y# tft fttoftfll ft ftftH ft# ftfVft P w 4*** a* mmm as gd *a I. t* i** asene* of iAs failed Mg's* NewelAelros ’he Third Nehcaka all kaw the p'*a*'» r * of treatii (Mi 4t drtß have ** k* B'*4 • ~#• wki la ymhakly **il ,l ed ta wear I I samek (Mtlkar*. of gerlMip* * | ysttow JgrkM foie**' Til*.*** **• e.ASOI ga«*r»l al Panama under n«vel»ad aad arhite i Aee> kid *m* iWßrea *n grcteri . •h. f%'Kae frog* Idk*ndlfl**> The Chi nese gm er* meat had mi treaty wltk the repaMie of ColamMa aad no rep- j rears ta'lre there The pad graces of the l altad ***«*» mr ** invoked, and | i the ageeta of «k<s goveenwant looked after and pro*, ed the in.ereata of ibe Cklaean Among twher ekinga done I* | thta line by Coagnl fleaera! Vifa»ia*n. I was ta save the Chinees mere ban!* from an effort tt* bring thetn tgto sab- ! there exerted feta good offices Is protect of the retail trade o* the Isthmus is coat rolled by th# Chinas* »*rcb*nt# Pan Domingo Villa, a promlsonl poll!- j sign, aecurad • coneeaalo* from the re public Me g public market at Colon, which *aca him to some extent a mo nopoly He endeavored to force all th* Chinese merchart* either out of boai rcaa or into the market. Trouble* aroa*. but Conanl GenetV Vifquals stepped In. asserted the right aa rep resentative of th# felted State# to pro tect the Chine##, and broke up th# scheme of Villa no far aa It affected hla* protege Of tma and other aerv e * th# Chine## government aeetna 4»ot to have been unmindful i The thing that perhaps aa much aa anything brought the decoration wa* the attention paid by Consul General Vtfqualn to the Chine*# minister to the j United State*, who was alao minister j to Peru. On his way to Peru h# passed through the republic of Colombia, with which in government, a* stated, had no dip lomatic intercourse. Mr. Vlfqualn used hie good offirs* again to excellent effect. He secured a nattering official reception for tha Chi naman. and himself did all that ho could, officially bnd otherwise, to ex tend him unusual courtesies as befit ting the representative of a vaet peo ple. Time ha* rerently put this distin guished Chinaman Into a higher place than ever In his empire. He ts now the virtual successor to Lt Hung Chang, and the especial favorite of the power ful empress dowager and th# emper or. In some wsys th# successor to be of Col. Bryan I* as distinguished as Col. Bryan Is In the field of national poli tics. He was educated at the Roval Military Academy at Brussels, and serv ed In the regiment commanded by the present king of this country. Coming to this country prior to the civil war he served as colonel in an Illinois regiment. He received a medal of honor from congresa for braverv on the field of battle, and It was presented to h'm on the scene where the acts that won It for him were performed. Ho was breveted hrigsdler general by President Lincoln In 18*5. He is a de voted friend and admirer of Col. Bry an. regarding him as a man of great Intellectuality. The officers and men have much confidence In their lieuten ant colonel and the regiment Is fortu nate In having such a successor to Col. Bryan, when the latter retires. Lieut. Col. Vtfqualn thinks there 1* no soldier in the world like the Ameri can volunteer. “It t» useless to compare him with the soldiers of Europe." said he. "You can take raw material In this country and in three months do as much In the creation of an army of trained soldiers with proper officers as they could do In continental European countries in a year. , , "That Is one thing they overlook In those countries in considering the Uni ted States from the standpoint of mili tary strength. When you take the average Amer ican volunteer, you have got a man possessed of nerve, of intelligence, and of patriotism, a combination that can’t be heat when it comes to matting good ioldiera. They g* at things with a vim. It would open the eyes of a drill mas tar In Eurepe to get hold of a squad of our boys. He would than find what start is tn an American Mg." For Croup use CHE NEY'S EXPECTORANT. GOOD UljjCK BAKING POWDER i% mr Btsi 'jjtxftftffti to ** 4 > #toJtoft #MM ft#* A“T (.AN IA. uA, him ycu wi WHOIESUE PAINTS. ATLANTIC wmtm UAI^ Tw» tto«r*t ## Wrn%* l rr>l ft### *• Afttoftft*# Ito AliFftt** •*"# *to# VMMp Ft#!## Miiiarl W# call II to! tto# ftftft IftNlftMMMl fNPfPftto, ATLANTIC (.JMFKIESt dL** a t ftfeMtffirft CIA I > flftgto. ftrftffi || 4 ft##!# to totoiloto to#afft ttoftto ftNMt* #tot(M WHtTA IAAI> ■>. ffilrffirto f»toitm t%m fftr*#4Pft ft| Al* urn » Ui# f#|r#to. tt ttot #• •• AUtofttM*. #* #p*i tt #1 ****** HAftfttKtft minF TttWM AKD rc*rttT*lT KRADT NIXKD PAtftTt rtiinft <;t> mi. Tftftitft. Vimi*## fllftift# . H#ft#y*Kisft4 Mr ’fft Rftfttov Mltft# l*ft*nt v . MtAiri! Pttntii ll« Bmri t fil’it Dili Cl. JOBBERS 1 PORTNER'S HOI BWAU i»nd vitMSA CAbiNtr BRANDS OF , Export 1 Beers * ARE THE BEST | ASK 9 <>K THEM. CROUP CAN BE CURED AND CAN BE PREVENTED fry reiNG Land’s Cronj Drops 50 CFNTS A FOTTT.K. MADE AND 501,1> ONLY BY IR_ IT. L^-TsTD 523 NINTH PTHtET. DRUGGIST CATARRH fur a ganemna I O CEN T TRIAL SIZE. Ely’s Cream Bali ML c>>m«inß no eoentn** f |on4 mircttr 1 nor ei x o;ht*r injuioud dru If i» quickly Afc- —... * v! »r-rbed. COLD N H EAO Give. Relief a keULLt unu otio*. It Open* at it c:*iu»< the Na.-«i Pa» •sees, ill.ys iifianiui non. Heal- a> e Protec's the metn r nr. Re tor st»,vßrn«e) of Th-b* xi d Mb,] . Fol sse 60c; Trig kire iOc; at Dru g s . or t y mail. ELY boOTHKRS,S6 WarrenSt.,New York ft BRASS BAND OLH FITS VT A PI A NOS, ORO »N 9 and J musical INSTRDntNTS. n* Everything New In UL»# SHEET nDMC THOM AS & BARTON. Aupusia. Ga AUGUSTA .‘TEAM CANDY FACTORY Is making th# PRETTIEST, PUREST, WHITEST CANDIES in the market. W hen IB need of Stick, Pea Nut, Broken fllxture Taffy Candles Tele ph«n* Bell ’Phone Na. yaffh. < AI L IOR lufusta Fre a ng Co's f XPGftT RKtR BELLE OB’ GEORGIA ftft f * | | ’ aSPi Tm» OtmCi (Jr ; Our Oraufthi B°er His None Superior. CALL ro* AUCIUSTA BEER. Si TO loan; In any Burn* d**ir*d from SAOO upward*, n straight 3 and 6 years time, or on (Oyearstime, payable In equal annual instalments. Lowest rate* of interest. No expense to boyower except the usual attorney and record fees. No delay in getting the money. Alei2Dder&JoliDsoD Agvri'i Pc tt «h Am- r eaa klortga*. Cuaipany, 705 Froad St IF YOU WANT" TO GET BEFORE THE READERS OF AUGUSTA PUT YOUR AD. IN 111 Bl a R. MITCHELL, AI.EX MCDONALD hu|i4. S, < on. Sec. A ban. Aigr. j Augusta Electric & Construction Company 212 Midntisli Htreri. El-etricSuppn,.— puking Tuu-», ate., ate. , H. I«ir- n> all r ic.rirxl ,p|arx ua. Eei-trlc Llgi't W.nng a xpiiiaii). P*.l'Ph.»u. 1«02 - - bm.»tier 87A to octa gontß FtE3toWrt^___ Xo« v«rv LOW rRI r 'K9 l mrg . «wk. Alto pyrv? vAt-vra .nd kittino*. k*. | not t FRS. MU.X9.nd RKPAIKS. Lombard Iron Works St Supply Qo., i( TOrSTA. 04. infill COES INTO EVERY HOME IN AUGUSTA. Augusta Southern Rail road Company. Schedule Effective Oct. 2nd. 189*. Lv. Augusta . .. 9:80 a. m.i 6.21 p. m. Lv. f-ande.avllla . 1:19 p. m.j 9.09 p. m. Ar. Tennllle .. .. 1:30 p.ra.j 9:21 p. tn. Ar. Macon •• •• , 3:45 p m.J 3:55 u. m, Ar. Dublin 4:20 p m.| Lv. Dublin ’10:00 a. m. Lv. Macon .. .. 11:38 p. m.]11:55 a. m. Lv Tennllle. . . 5:15 a. m.| 3:10 p. m. Lv. Sandersvllle. 5:25 a. m.j S:2l p. m. Ar. Augusta . .. 9:00 a. m.j 7:10 p. m. i Eastern Time. Clos. connection mtds at Tennn I’e with Central It. It.-far Macon, and wl/h WrlghtgVlUe and Tennille R. R. for Dublin and Hawk nsville. C. W. JACKSO.N, Gan. Fgt. Pass, Agt. Jamas V. Jack ton, Joseph H Sand*. . Receivers. li •I# ffiOA ft *OM ftfttfMft 1 I I—Mil -TT -TlimrillT I ™ Charleston IW Carolina #toft toftft # A A * ftoFFtto ♦#••••• liitF i# a I #* •- Mftftft#N»«»»> W-* I ft AfthwftftMKitos-vs'T* !### |m|- s* :i I MfttoFtt • I btoitoftMM,,***** I IJOiMMj IMtti! ff >4 f * mmm- » jtonwi in n •#*v| **m j **** ' * Hftft9ft#^ftiMi, - m m #4## *#’ **■ •F'* #l I ft ftLffiMfft., -.. ,_ . . gig-gig m, r - ft l|Hto:*ftft*-ft*ftft * MMtotoftjttftMft* *#** | »*♦»*••• * st*sr t ari>irrt* * ftftftft# j j (ft ** hi r r mr I * i*** ' f * r.iri ini mm Hi #ft# Mto# . gag, , ' |toii i4*Md !Jt<• fttoft##’ * AtotoFfttoto tl tut nn i ill ■ »••» * ft#**# CMHmmmm *-•-»■#.*•*<** wiFP### i 'r #■s **.**B j lF* totftMW »« t.aa.4, \#Mtol j Iu to#M# f *###to|*ft*ft *** I A* Fft#*#» ..t>* *ddd. » F%ft# I m Mrntm* *** »*#****♦*! f fpMtofdffiiffi# >«i ff#P#Ntotott| *♦#» •# mm' MtoK *•** * *«* j HfctoiiiyffMftft— ffiftft—iJNm>4 ±9*jaa9 ft# to«fMMto»,., * *+•—***» i*HM«*ft«*! !»#•#• | lAt AMMM» 4.H*4 ***** t,4*d*»| Mft# I • fc<ii>*Mft*M* d«df 1 % ftMfttofttoi - - •*• «*•* -• * • totodftft j *M#to#to ; iftftllMtt *,•««, «*x* ft ft# ’ +** toftfti fctosto,*** wt A C m *«M LAtoji j I fj| tiMtiiMiMiaK***'* •••> 'i»*q* Ia to ft#a ”3 MHyl.lxa. L •• . \ • -Fin juifti u- 1 t** ~~irr( *f t PRtoMl.dd*tMd*4M...l I •# ftft! tft ft M t Uma ...e* !«|4 MMft i * * toto IM*«-*•*••••*•#*«• |m»#***«. ft# •M ] [ * tM#! *. N44...44 (»♦*• * *tototoM i At to#* #»*,**.#■ I* * ft # ft# 1 «• a to* **• t to* to #»j** ft # »#♦# ; |f(*4|4trf »t(i#*to 4ft to Aft •*» I'M#* ; **#*.!_ ftto#» fttoMßtototoi •• A#m#m-#a #r to#- ItftH •»».!*(. »ti l.l* 4ft **#• i •to"' 4 * •**•* • b #m ft to# itoto"**"## KtotoftN# j !•*•#« ##t#iiftt mm* * | im* #*!♦## ft# #*# M#*#toto Mai.* to#to* 4m* I** a##. I to tis to w-m ## I to !<••••• AtftftM# lift I n BLUE ftIDGE RAILROAD. II c. HATTIt ltoft»*ft F##< tom ii toft. I#«#tto#ft rm in i# rifftt i#t*i CtftM# Cl### F Cltotoft * u*i MCI* Clad V*ty D 4» £ dial tea. INy D / Matt N«4 ; Nell Ml AM PM I jAniva. Lean PM '»M t* S' ta* d A adirwia alJdtt *8 t- it t I* Tl ... Deaeer ~..f * 41 t* 18 19-r., I Mid*.,.. Aatsa ...PtiaUM 2 1* »:!*!» .. Pant'#'** .M *it -o*i« ca< T. rrwtg f 4 all M » a, t o* id ALa‘< I’esTl 1| kl< ** ** iit 1 I*J4 .. IkNAC ..4* 4:»:t ffi i m« Tj 1 « ! *5 0.441 IS, BF##4l rlt tea a 8.08! 0 » iM... Wathsita k'Mt AM TH I iLeare Arrtv. PM PM No.IS .I*B _ _ hail ffal * Kaggtsr dta'lot P. Faxg Buttes All tea ilar tram* from Andersoa t* Ws.MU have .'ght ts track ever train* at tha tame rlaaa moving tn en postu dire tta*. unlsae **h*tw.aa apec itted hv ,r* n »rd«t». M’lli alao step at fnllewla# atati <«a to take on or let off paaaenger* Phln ney’e. James an* Banov N» tt cofiaects wttt* Southera rail way K*. M at Aadereoa. No*. 8 and 0 nmnt et't b-uthsi railway No* C and IT at Bemacs. J. R aNDEHSON. *uper'niendent. ATI ANTIC COIST LINE~ BMOKTEBT AND MUICBBBT ROUT* TO THE KAIT AND NORTH. B:3vpm Lv..Au# i*t* Ga. A* | 7 s*«m I 8 Otf-rn; Lv.... Aiken Ar I 1 \*nm 4 17pin Lv Denmark....Ar 8 I.’pm I t.topic Lv.. ..On ngi ’*,...Ar j B:4oara 0 00pm! Lv..Bum, tr, A. C...Ar , 4 2»sm t:»pm| Lv....Pl'r*nc*....Ar j I Siam tO.SJnmj Lv.. Fayetteville...Ar j I:l4pm tiSiaml Ar.Patersbarg.Va.Lv j t tipm 4 Oiiem Ar....Richmond....Lv | 0.12 pm T:4lairj Ar.. Washing ton.. Lv j l:4«pm d-.otami Ar... Baltimore. ...I.v j !:»pm tl »*m| Ar.. Philadelphia .V* !12:0»pm I:o3pm Ar New York....Lv 9 30a n\ Pullman palace buffet ateeplr.g cai* from Macon and Augusta to New Tork without change. R. A. BRAND. Oen. Agt.. 728 Broad St.. Adjust*. Ga. I T. M. F.MEPSON. Traffic Manager, H. M. EMERSON. Gi». Paa*. Agt. Central of Georgia Rail way. Schedule In Effect SEPTEMBER UTH, 189*. (90th Meridian Time.) LEAVE AUGUSTA. No. 8 For Savannah 1:20 P. M. No. 4 For Savannah, Macon Atlanta B:4® P- M. ( no. 0 For Macon, Atlanta, erd Way Stations .. 8:20 A. M. I No. Is For Macon, Atlanta, and Way Stations . 9:30 A. M. ARRIVE AUGUSTA. No. 1 From Savananh .. .. 1:40 P. M. No. 2 From Savannah, Ma con, Atlanta 4:3$ A. M. No. 5 From Macon. Atlanta. end Way Station* .. 6:50 P. M. No. 53 From Macon. Atlanta. and Way Stations .. 5:30 P. Si. ' Nos. l, 2. 8 and 4 daily. Nos. « and 5. dally except Sunday. Nos. 52 and 53. Sunday cniy. Sleeping on night trams between Millen Macon and Atlanta and be tween Augusta and Savannah. For fur ther information aa to schedules, etc., apply t > M. C. JONES. C. T. A. W. A. GIBBE3, Depot T. A. j. W. NALL. Commercial Agent. A SOLDIER after the spree needs | LAND'S HEADACHE CAPSULES. I They cure 36 out of 37 headaches. 2 for ic., 25c. one box of 12. THE HOWARD & WILLET DRUG CO. 812 Broad St, Augusta, Ga. i RtMCVEO TO 711 BROA'.ff Y- ” E. W. DODGE, Manufacturer of Rubber Stamps, Seals, Stencils, Daters, Pads, Badges,&c 7U Broadway. Augrsta, Ga. Gwewger Phone Sf*. id E LI, E O F GEORG i. A OtCE MBCR IS ** tLAct*'• •*<'** *t>m.»h Uil MIUIT CO ## to to###ftft**to ftffitoto % «#. fft «4M# ### mmmm to#### i ft m* tototoM# ■ #4 ft toft# ft## -4w ft#4H4 to# (jjitotototoN# p#ft 4MI •,Bft ihMto#, to to*# f' ftp- • j (<•’ #%*♦• t'*“%• it » ***'#+ l toton J ft* t t mt ** *mm # *f toft#'(#»ft# *M<iai ft -• * • « » i m |M#h* d tofttofttok ILti # h #* *#l *# I##" «% ft #•» mrnm I•t|i• *to * to ft*#-#* t• i ft# *ii *i* toiMto to- •#♦*■#*#* #♦## M 4ft 1 to# ff-sigtoto**# *### L# oitotottHto ! |gm t* ,in t • ji, fn|| t i -*» mt* ft*#. #>to»% to«ift###4*itioi dffttoft# #«p*toft touffilitoftf I ) Lt -* tot 4*»dd 4lStt ! lit to >««»*.., t»ft#to ft* to -#'—•’• M»*in§ ; #t»|, «|| ji to#* tl * m %#• #ft % to A #Mto ; f»*pftfto 4»ft«## t» #•# to-to '»# ftop# I i *' 'LI • ft w»lkA#ftito Ig| A ' t la# ft ft## **m ft tofft# l tot * to* I *to 4 >* *• let 4#•#» to , f lltottl to* to*##"«» ** to* •'#*• -l.lfttoto , to# #*• ifttoi, ttoift tl### it (lto-#« tft i«f 1 # *# *♦•##•«# J* ♦#«*•#* # 4 * M dftjftftf 4#»»ffi> toftlptttt • to**#* *• ft «ft to §# to ftito *toft# ## ##»»• : # ftft* ft# tt*to>#» I || ftotoiftL I, ii #to|f#p< W I * («.«% !>>#■### ' ft##* ft! f/).ift*to«# *•» If* tok4*-tototo# LjU T HbrtN RAILWAtf* H9t _ TffMO ft*-ft **•>•« *to •*»#•##•# ft#** *** iffidffift* d$ #fp4 ftotoffift Ptoddffiffi —— -5. fW >iKl ***• ■'•••I * to tSSSm : „ •{ 4<*»t 4Ms ETp I uil k a? -r* jm TtT"! : ii its ill i: ' • JU j! to. Berteth I * m * ’ • Daavlli* , MJJJJ Bj^JJIdP -hr- »r> I j L*;j d 5. •Mlhtilii ’ xmily.j Halts. T‘*k. P# toto j « ItoM li* ltont » i .. •4»t)4a«* . I fa*#! •#»# • rffi'.’t. ,rr I 111#] JSI Ijp V mi. i <a. too tty - J to to j» al U* Lt Kvhjr,otot .-1 Lv Norfftik .. ft ttft ... . tor. Clt*whoj 1 lil L* (ftr«ffißftl>*'ru ..... ... I 7 <#• f nftf LWrtotf# ft •!• 10 toft • 1 toll] ... to »• 11 f # • Wtufte** .........lltilft U#» elr Colft* toiftnd’f «l ....... )|- ftfloita, 197 ft ■r. ( o.umbtffit n dffip’i. ! 1 Ito p! 4 “ Johttftinftft I 90* ft • Irrft.bft . I » tor * * • OrffiUMdovillft J J( »(>. < a. ft tor An***#. . I 4 iftpj # to# tv Atorrii* ' f n, fbfti atop v. #|iariftn#urf 11 40*| € 1&|» Lr. (ViTkft. ictoSjf. . ' •«) p* 700 ft tor Ooriwioo . .... 4 #}i| U ft! tr. 00l toft F-C top fcy ’. ! j11W•19 47 ft * nftTftnnfth 447 pi &toft Jftrk*»>nnic v topi ft lift **l EEC vr. C A It 'KRTK I lir*ll«Dl dally |»iNMf«|#r dfTflm imtwmm stud NffiW fork toOft.U7ftn«l 4>—# « viiinftmiftO<i LliPttfd. Soili V «fttihuT*«l tram nrttk <Uumf ftftr« anti fifffi*’ rliww* ooaft*a north mt CTmrlott# Pnitmftn draw m if room h rpjiinf t#ri* bpi vrean Tftmpa, Jarksoouvtiift, ">«pftjunftli. WftfttnfU# ft&d Now y-jtk. rmim«n 8 'n>ping Cftrft b*ftwp«i Charlotte ftnJ Richmond , puiiuan drawing room <*;ftrT>lnfr <*ftr« I)#* tMFoftu OrffiPt**- urn *nd Korfolk- Clmrowonto ttoo at Norfolk for OLD POINT COMPOST, arriviug thm- u, uni. for brmkfmt. Solid tram with i »rlor ,»m. b»twaeo Cbarl.itoa nn>t Aah.Vtil*. Nr* » and W—IT. S. Ka«t Mail. Throncti Pniiman drawtag r<*«n buffet .ieeulag rare bw Iwm Jarkxonvtli# ond N.w York uud Pull xnar aleeytnc car. bwweea Ang,i.t* ard Char forte lbiilmah sleening ear* t»tween Jmc*- f.UTllie'aril CMmabia, en route daily letw-eea wk» .nvuia and ( la lnuatl via Aal,«vlU*. BANK h GANNON, J M. Ct LP. Tldni VP * (4.U Mgr T M Wa-hiugton 9T. A. TURK. k H. HAKDWIt K. I o PA . Wa-hinft— ■ Q P- A, Atlanta. GEORGIA - - RAILROAD. ,wui eieitdlan 'time., Schedule KSactiva April 24. 189$ Puuiuau ktwnert between Macuo and j. New Tork. Through Pullman Sieupwrv batwaan As yu.ta and St Ijmia. Lv Augusts ..| T:obaii,i 3:2opmjlo;Bopia Ar Atlanta ...;i?:3spm! »:20pm| b:o(<wm Ar Macon ... !«l:lsam| I 4 46am Ar Athena ~..!U Ispm| T’JOpml Kr Gaines vllle I * Ar White PI *l*l:94pm 1 1 Ar MilPw 1* .ilc tOaml I 4:3oam Ar M v-Vton ..|W:lf>am| 7:lopra| Picayune train leave* Aupuata dally exc- pt Sut 4ay at 6:15 p. m.. and ar rive* at Mi:'*dgevlHe at 8:10 p. m Train# arrive at Augusta 8:11 a. wi, T-45 a. m . 1-2(1 •> , > *cd 9:25 p m. A. G. JACKSON, G. P A JOE W. WHITE. T. P. A. CAROLIN A AN D NORTH WEST ERN RAILWAY Schedule in Effect. March 6, 1898. Eastern Time Standard, Leave Augusta, Southern Ky.. 9:30 P m. Arrive Ctie.ter, Southern Ry.. T:IS a.m. Leave Chester, C. & N. W. F.y 7:45 a.m. Arrive Lecolr, C. & N. W. F.y 1:16 p.m. Leave Lenoir, Stage. 2:W P- 10 " Arrive Graen Park. Stags .. .. i:00 p.m. j Arrive Blowing Bock, Stage ..7:30 P.m. G _ W. HARPER ~c f. harper. President. *• A -