The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 14, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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WEDNf SOAY 4 THE lUCUSTt HEMLD |«f»V »»»*«* «•**• nmy, *2 **% iw*fWHw,? **»«». • « * * tmm kwwtk »..>> .-•w» • m3#wmi ..« ....*•**» * ‘•*2 ; frgiir lit Mr *■ *" M t- ** •*" A W* *•* SSw i*T*to*to I ** Of* ] | fWOMi*. mm. f**»l>* «•- •reset* BtoiM •*"*•** %0t WIIX IINU 11114 HftftAUJ to AIMS'* A* H«AM A'*#** ••* In *...(.«»» ai »fc* l"*M Mete* HI M KHIt • are** S»*4 I* Mmiinf Al UM 4**»«» IAMM* *»l 1 » t* :: In lA*tM -A' ifc* o**Al ©SWtoWI t> Met* Tm« if' -A« lt» ««-<** *•*»', tore a m 4 r*tk Awwmm ©Wrtsre MM M» M Tk» M**SM "A •JR*** kg retoertto* lA* I*** «# IMS P*( Htnlu Mmr* Wilt M* r> A Hi St Sg* Y%» Hmmu ift nirt**'®* tm» w»*k That CMcWto* toss* »**tl*g *l«k* rtghl ml is wtortiM iMritM"’ nT fifty *e*r* were m » r rted tost «n* la WaMrbiwy. Cnan. m» «tH Telephoto- monopoly la NVw Turk rtir sfcowa atari lytw* prof- IU Maw mind Marital fc**rt* *n««- Mam* Mat faitrt i has martial oa#a aarwi'f. Tin* Havana **h*» «ff Ooiutntota are oa lbn •*> to Urmia. But tb*r* ara la making yowr plana don’t forget ;h> Ckrtatnia* tree for tin Wnt End Lille ones Umar* Brand and Bailey wilt al- Und a dtnorr at Uaroln. Nsbra.aa on tbs 10th Instant. Chari* non * Yoon* Men - * Bu*lnew Lragu* wants the Bdlsto tapped for a hatter water a apply. Neat to the prraldent, Joe Wheeler -will be the cyaoaura for our eye* on the ravltalai stand. Mr. W. A. Hemphill and Oeorg* (andier will ride In the carriage with the praaldant at Atlanta. The First North Carolina regiment ma'chlng through Havana, with flag* flying and hand* playing, mini have bnen an Inspiring sight Mr. Ftteh, of William*. Ohio, took the morphine mute the other day to escape the attention* of the women literally loved to death. The ••Campania." the Pullman car in which the pspsldent will travel. Is *ald to be the most magnificent and lav ishly appointed In the world. To aurvlve the vicissitude" of a long and particularly stormy career, and then die of a cold Juat as htn life's hopes were real tied, was Indeed the Irony of fate In Oeneral Garcia's death. A Boston "music committee" has Just refused perraisalon to two hundred manipulators of wheesy hand organs to Inflict their tortures longer on tho strews of the city of culture and ebana Bishop Duncan duplicated his sermon on the occasion of the centen nial services Sf St. John’s church In Augusta recently, on last Sunday In Greenwood, at the South Curoltua conference. When the Cxar of Russia travels, the railway is guarded by thousands of soldiers and ho occupies a car sheathed In steel. President McKinley will roll Into Augusta in a finer car and meet the soldiers here. That was an awful and terrible ac cident yesterday afternoon at the new Catholic church butldiug on Greene f’reet. Without an instant's warning, .ith no opportunity for the breathing f a prayer, two souls were ushered into 'eternity. The election of William McKinley as an honorary member of the National Geographical society is a proper trib ute to a man who has done more for American geography than all other living experts in the science of terri torial delineation. New York Sun. >■»■»*» it ft#* lm *4 tfe* m •§ *t 'ti* ifrjrt ~-n r lijurri *4 Vtw ******* *- } tfo* *'*■ Mr# ♦«*#■» 4 # fttfti '■* fMk [ tUNi #flK#MVß##* , ts #4*# ‘ it - .Hi* iiitii ~ fit it ftkii f i» m*M* m ### mm ~ llg ia tp* Ihtt# #*-■-« HwW* P** **s*#*'» I# fhM#!•#•'*• ‘ fli #* m HHKrlft •#•! Wf l tPffif » ASM * M*ta» *a»**w | %9m tf# I# if tMW liii t Iff •* r * Mimifftiii li *MPi ifppi * Urriini w»i ******* * ammm **** MM iff •!$ Iwi •• fMI • ffMR If «t talHi mnimm It •• HMMTM '* twawMS SAM «l (A MSA»k-*» I Ms. MhwHa' mMsAWMs •«> *• i tin Hi ptit*st*t*9** p*f***f •Mt w* a w.... , f at 1% #|*i «rlMl ««►# [lh* rw»«. AMI that tlm •*•** ha a»w *vfMk ; li Imml •* liH *M**. ITwfAt 10 >I*AI" ASA AMS IttagAi w i what ta h* sa dw wHh bfa SAr*lw*, H»* Arsarw say that it Nehsvta ts IpiWMHtMI to oerwpf bt* ASM l« CWM- Igraws It wtil hs arrayed by th* H*t< . osowa that the 'ippSAttmw of »ha A*” • ■ 'Hi want Sa ptwral NiartiaM la with draw* -that (ha Mamoa Mtaairanffa ' will (»iat lit lulart* *a pfwot that ' pr>',i gamy la fwartta d with tb* coo amt >of the waUMt. a* watt a* lb* atai*. " gwvrtaasaat. \t Is s«wt rt»4 by tba pro**i**art g**- tils rssMawta 0t t-tah that tba Meeatna !r* lets bat* MF*av boWAMty abaaM**- '«»# ii# iflw’frtiHP of plnf*t t**ff*-*s**- ‘Tba MuSsaoa tbMfab prohibited theaa . wbaa tftab bar am* a state. It bad U> do ao ka ofdef t*» «•« t'«M«re*s to let the territory l«*< the fatca But. It I* rial mad there was ao slater tty la Ila TW mwptloa of Mr Roberts At Wssbtagtna sad lbs roars* to be par ;*oed by Cssgms ta awaited with areat laintwt thraughout the ciaairy. u Tatar ro wati ! The coiton mill operative* who Mite -lull work, ar* reported to have **id that they lasest and will not retura to i work al lb* rut rat* wage*, t praaldaat Charl«#Est<«* la reported to have said that reatorsi sou of the old wage* would aur|ly l**d them l!he mills la the August* dlatrlAO 10 "alter failure and bankruptcy " | Taking then* two stairenents togeth er. what In to be doae? Ac the days go by, as the days merge ! Into week*, one thing I* certain—K is s losing game for both aide*. Christmaa day la approaching and iho statement of the managements of the other mill*, that all of Augusta a fao*orrce will be closed down If the *o railed striker* do not relnrn by Dec. 341 - thin must not be If it can posal hly be avoided by arbitration, by mu tual discussion and eonoeaslona. May not Auguata'a observance of the day commemorating thp Savior’s birth be one of happiness ami Joy for thous ands. instead of ode of gloom and chi rlesaneee May not the worda of that Savior—Peace on earth and good will towards men—be remembered at tbla time. Is there no way, no plan or method, whereby the music of whirring wheels and closing looms may soon be heard again along the banka of the Augusta canal T DKCOKATB. On Monday next Augusta will have the President of the United States within her gate*. With him will rome members of the cabinet, high govern ment and army officials, and crowds of people from adjoining territory. Del us begin at once to don our holiday garb. It Is not every day or year, or even century, that wo can entertain a Pres ident and ao—let u» begin st ones. Augusta, be U remembered, Is but one of three Georgia cities that wtl! have this honor. Atlanta, Savannah and Macon are now at work spreading tlfelr bunting and unfurling thetr flags— let Augusta be up and about. The committee that visited Washing ton has happily and successfully per formed Its part—let all contribute now to make Monday. Dec. 17, a grand, glo rious and memorable day. Make your preparations for decorat ing at once. WAR TAXES AND EXPRESS CO. The Herald is in receipt of an inter esting pamphlet of the case of The Met chants Association in New York against The Adams Express Company, which was brought to test the right of the express company to require shippers to pay one cent stamp on ex press receipts as provided In the war revenue act. The pamplhet Includes the argument of counsel and the opinion of the court and also the opinions of the federal courts In North Carolina and Califor «*»• . .... i. . I TBB AUGUSTA £TBirt-A.t-D f%O fimggp Id*# •*■*** Hi#*# i ft# 0j- <>'*•»# rs Hit# mmm #**# , i-d** fpm)l |p# liM# * ♦ |W* »*»* «•" ffilkf B H# Ii ' #4#mMP ffik'.-iS RMlh %ft #4# I fS, Am ml* -wftffiMl «dl f#IP fit *tm*% CKlKllffl I iff n<ar |nl | flk# i -j«#m M# p|lNMw ffi* I"w 111 atjf jRMAI ( .-"3Hk maMR f ffik %-i* % tfc- 11 J iff# SMHIjN: j * ipTjnSLgwp Ja4 t as* Ml wise* the th-t I the art h*» MA RSwMMlad the WMSMS i hws iwartrtM th* MM*si<*ar | tsaw waM vt tb* wtttM t *S>*« Urt* •are ares «h* a«M tm a *-wtMHM«r -jT-r --| *YIM* I#* fWi It Pl4l IfftaM m*** **m ****** ****** M |esr*re ewAMMltre ****rt laaM»» re f 4*KH *• tltrfMl Ml iU» #*4l'“-3% ]mt fin o%M+m #• In CM Merc* I « tpM*t ft Ii pi-wlil# f#il ftmtf ! inf tin fffhMKM #■#. ** *$ ,ri ! mmh* tl ***** tint ms**m <«M‘i (if Ii cot M #•* *** *## Al *** - M Wltll *#• fttlff* «C !■ yfnp #*■»#»*»»l••*♦*'l# i#ff ,# ffr ? * ’ JW.AM. th* dfsre kst t* P*f the ‘ tM. , OM km a I in I Th* Wlevlti lanuwaiiaa BM* writ • iM O%’M #t &** *f Ure raa* at reihrttns* 'iff the B F* O. K, are worthy of Fsprodact,its*. \ The aeatiasewt. mfrriiaa ta the frs seraal retotoae which are ana at the i rerdiaai pr tael pie* of th* Rlk*. la iirnadrtin‘i and may ha tnksa m mi hracw th* whale hums* fsmUy. (live hiw a life, deal kneel In prayer, N>r Mnrallsr with hi* despair. Th* M*n la dow* and hi* great need la ready htip. and awt »our treed. The world I* full of ■«*! advlrn. 'of prayer anU pmire and preathing a Ire. ! iiut th* gsnrenaa sou's who help mse htad I Arc scarce as gold sad hsrd to And. (live like s prMct : speak ia your deed, , a good, square life ts th* bts* of creeds. And yon all will wsnr s roysl crown Who give# him a lift when he Is down. —ANONYMOUS. PfrMtoalilie*. Ooveraor Plngree. of Michigan, I* a man of lemarkably good health, and I has not been rerlouety 111 for twenty flvc years On the rHired list of the nary there are now two entries of Rear Admiral Thomas 0 Selfrldgs. father and aon. A similar coincidence has nerer before occurred. Mrs. William T Sampson is to re ceive a unique and liesutlful loving cup from the commanding officers who aerved under her hueabnd. Admiral Sampson. In the late war. Genet al John W. Foster, who serv'd ns U Hung Chang’s adviser during the .tapanese-Chlneee peace negotiation*, has received a letter from the Oriental statesman In which he says that “all recent changes In China are for the better." Among the papers of President Mc- Kinley’s mother whs found the other day a copy of her answer to a letter which asked ’’how she brought up her children.” "I had six of them." was her answer, "and I had ray own work to do. but 1 did simply the best I could." j The sword which Admiral Schley Is to receive as a gift from his fellow members of the Itoyal Arcanum Is to cost $1,500. and It ts to be of the finest Damascus steel. On one side will be an Inscription of the presentstlon. and the other side will have a representa tion of the buttle of Santiago repro duced from the navy department draw ings. A button out from (he cont worn by General Shatter during the Santiago campaign was recently ruffled off at a charity bar.aar held t Wlc. a, K«s., mid 250 chances were sold at 5 cents each. By a curious coincidence the button was won by Miss Marjorie Knorr, the girl who had solicited General Shatter to send It to the biir xaar. Knew It. "Marse Tom.” said the old family servant, “I wish you’d please, suh, gim me my Christmas gif .” "Why, Christmas is a month off yet!” "I knows dat ,suh, but den I knows you, too; en mos’ tngln’rutly. when Christmas come, you’s too drunk lor know what day it isf-Atlanta Consti tution. Always Hits It "TVhat do-»s the weather man mean when he says It will be partly cloudy? "Well, if It’s cloudy part of the day and clear the rest of the day, or if It is not exactly cloudy, but merely haxv, or If it Is cloudy in one part of the country and clear In other parts, he hits It—don’t you ses?"—Chicago Trib une. . ok t# IN i tIM i'A A Men" a /Vale** dsfaft > ipUPf injf #»’#>•# i :i ***4fr* *4 ffi***4** ' 1 f|#jr P*M> <li-»»ti## * ***-■» l I* *m *4 Hi iniuptiiw s#**. tfc | ft fmttfii- *iii# j #h«wii| ** *MR#*- , ##* MR* s * «*# aup *** #p»»'<p* j ’ tHA.iJ #■- i rn: V-lYffil #- a ## V. Raß #■, #■ wt +*s * ... pliiiii "I.#l # i *¥ t m 4# ffk-ffkffi *|> r e | In,. v #4*## 4 ifcflft f *>it**i)*k irr fan «1 m +%&+'***•* «4 M# ***** ,n |. *l, || ii, gii|m»iiff'l »i# tSMiI I MMi < wOiffiiM * --t! ffMH $9 ** j ,if if #imii *f #»*###* ***** fiii H-fTtr* lilfiM *hm *sf m*m itk# ##*•# j i 4mpm| <f »|ffc .HtMiHHi #NM f mpi«i "■ I*l ilk# «# **4 ******* , limltff ,g a # 1# # 1 4 «9m» 4 c* l» m*- I | ;J . CT . 1# n if. | r ,i4jr sUM§ Ift ***** I m ’ .si ft |l ftl yll *m 1 *Hi y-irMWlrii: *«t - f --4 f ftkaftf !**. *i- »•<>' ff pH# IftMf 1,, - nßTrl |- T *-* *4 i%* #m** mm ******* , *i t 9 4 *»■■■>««*■ i#* * *f4****i*k *4 *** 1 , sA-m** H it## **f% ** ** <t| iin,i4ffiif# *1 MNif I iNNH #wt ft**** f rn |M ******* it &**+ . ****** Wwmt* 41 m* *-***• %# il **#»'• %.Mw at pj*V|ffiif RMS** '•#' 1 * ftR *'-ffiHP *1 |iff# ***** #R$ ***** HffiiMWl'ff I* j Th* tksMT MMV ixaiinM w. R. I so am 1 has «s**>'s - »,|M at f-*n ntrf fee M* eterttA* of . . eor RIB A# 111,111 m ■ <H>rti a* # 'MAMn >an I*l eeSMrnrta a* baa a* h#*A taer* ehtrtt affi thety be tea -r a* Ptagre* ft!#*-* ft#*- flltf ftftt f* »if ym* I ff hi |br fifUiirrti f til#- I'imM Hl-ftl*# f*l##»«#*# Ptftf |ft Ilk (If ** M* m HI f ill# Vmtu** #!#♦#• j as |im#« k ftftfft %ni Cvfift-MP 9*!T4***9 ***km***» tSkMiai fa *t* n *W**4*9* p**t iMni yYHf t*WW4** *4 |*9Tfft«t ivHtkil flitil It fHHi ticmfi *#'' ■ tftftl#. Y us | i nil it |*i r##l) t I# j #serleaa, t******* y cue I t%rformaa. 1 ts wttttoai r*arai!rt. Rut Pray, t'ulsaant ! Plafrr*. tv not purtm- the ITtaß.asu) im't *1 1 Politics tnif It Pwncbrr bole* la rear PI.tU|MK>UC { Peteoae.ttr ** I your I Pereniusl Pnprlifilt. There It hut on* Plage** by which the Palladium of Mbkigan * llbertk* la (Itlitrd, and Pjigrte. you alone can I Prr-erve that. I Political 9 Potentiality la easily Pushed beyond Ihe Pale, ind tb* putamn -e of today 100 often become* ] The Parent cf tomorrow. He Patient, Plngree. *nd Piudcnt. Presidency I cgin* with j P, and ao do** f’tagre* *ui Pollglev; and you know that that Which Politic* Is when it goes wrong Does nut begin with I p —W. J. t>.. In New York Sun. Where's Mother. Bursting tn from whool or piny, This Is what the rhildren say: Trooping, crowding, big or small, tin th# threshold, in the hall— Joining In the constant cry. Ever as the days go by, "Where's mother?" From the weary bed of pain, This same question comes agatn: From the boy with sparkling eyes, Bearing home his earliest prtae; From the brnnxed and bearded aon. Perils past and honors won: "Where's mother?" Burdened with a lonely task, ' one day we may vainly ask For the comfort of her faro. For the rest of her embrace: Let us love her while we may, Well for us that we can say: "Where's mother?" Mother with untiring hands At tiie post of duty stands. Patient, seeking not her own. Anxious for the good alone Of the children as they cry, Ever as the days go by, "Where’s mother?” Misfit Mrnn. Mary had a tittle lamb. It made her mad, they say. For turkey, goose or good baked ham Befit the Christmas day. "It Is money that makes a man Im portant.” “I don’t know; It seems to me I’m of more importance when I haven’t any money." Aristocracy of Dolldom. "Mv doll can shut her eyes and go to sleep just lovely.” “Huh! My doll never goes to sleep at all. She’s got Insomnia!’’ A Wonderful Woman. “Hobson dotse on his motherln-law.” “Just to be peculiar.” "No; at Christmas she always sends him something that his wife can’t use.” For Asthma use CHE NEY’S EXPECTORANT. v I or The Soldiers! Regulation Gauntlets Rrgu'auon Hats Oflictrs' Hals Flannel Shirts Woolen Sweaters Rubber Coats Cotps Badges Military CUFF BUTTONS Swords and Officers' Fquipments Uniforms to Order Overcoats to Order DORR’S 718 BROADWAY 718 j "Good Taste Afpiftl. / Ev»rythmg ( 1 To Pick From j |h»f*»** Hi* < * # ♦■•ik ** # / Christmas . S S Gifts, / J Aopmg ***-•* ** *IH k»*e f \ imtMM if dainty p*' ' / ( \ J I»dp l *4 nve i'm l-*rt- J Mr it a* ever i*("<*> g j V t W ff J I / ke m I l ■ • •>.A Re' \ f - / v neaig, I mre* Burnt** in V J if m .•* r N nail;' ■* Csndi • As A, J / Keep Your \ S Appointments / And hare yrmr (ew.i-lrle al / J MS Store. < hail* fur rredng 1 ( Brim f J drink*. tVurttnns Mtsndaair 1 ? Ateiaeder Bru Csijaiu / S m BROAD BT. ) X n* yoor \ J l’r’»c U'' l '"* tceiU For Rent Farm of thirty acres just balow city. Dwellings, stores and ffices in all sections of the city. Several of J. B. White’s new Broad street houses are still unrented. Special prices will be made to de sirable parties. John W. Dickey 1 A 2 l ibrary Building. MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF KENTUCKY Absolutely Incontestable Policies From pile of laous. Larger! Dividend* - - - - Lowe* Premium* Solicitor* Wanted; call or write. H. H. BIKINI.R, Special Agent, 416 Dyer Bnlldlug. EACH DAT SEES THE- ‘ HERALD <i ROW V (ttLENCVPi Sun imon ruel'/reoITHU Frl iat ' 4- 3 6]7 STO IQ Christmas | Opening! PENDLETON'S fWS*M ; ru S7C: lA L 'l* V. V,f| »»ft#Ti#»ftft ft# iftftOtft ftf liw# •»> if *i sr~ii ipNi itoffti *«# a# m v||| ■ PENDLETON BOLIMT MDS BOOKS LAMPS AND TABLES RseAWfai ns dsrtgn snff tow in »»«* WAVE CREST GOODS! * R rfc end CIegSAM Al <to**g*. Stiver Mn«*ei PkLC CUH I3S CITiJiSiSB ItlfT Games Jureoiln tod Toy Books EASTMAN KODAKS. Photographic Supplies of every kind and dsecrtpikm st Lowest Prices. IPORTNER’S l HOFBkAU and ) VIENNA CABINET / BRANDSOF / Export \ Beers \ are the best l At-K FOR THEM. f S SALE In order to close out my entire stock of woolens by the first of February. by the pattern or made to eder, 1 will sell at and be low cost. TERMS CASH. WM.E. BENSON It archant Tail. , US Broad St. JOHN H. FEAREY —The B liable Jeeelcr Can be found at 211 Campbell Street, first door from Broad. Best Goods at lowest prices. umm » BRASS BAND OUTFITS PIANOS, ORGANS nod MUSICAL INSrRU.IENTS. ST fc, "!! h '" N snr!ET nmic THOM AS & BARTON, Aognsa.Ga. i,ewx«tow, Kl. Wl . EL2r£U r ~ Awarded Medal n.*L iLo jgani* off sn<vte»*hi» -ft #<S'jAt?* t«*i to YiiU Biitinsft Ooa-Afl. tuMluTidllM, Bo*»fc»R»<l glx>i» IS# IpCmSSSti Trr~*rUt,e ««» t#A*ni#hy u-,kt. i saiTll. bexlucre*.nr- DECEMBER 14 Tiie Host fieaDiifol Pb| off LfllW (NT Iff • HAND PAINTED Cttiwlffid Htk idny Nov#!* t|«« In IN ©Hy - imbeffi fflflft ftit m*nn«f 0t n*w rtoii ns. from ii iMMiiitiffui 'it tlts fok Hi*btf for 29c, up to ar' i «Li<. J*ws CsiWffffi for 99, f h*s* * ood* and tn* pi f*« must hff tffiftn to fcMI *PPffffiC«ffilsKt. L. A. Gardelie. Druggist. I Hftvti ft tin* off v#ry finft CffiiUffinnii'f Drtiiint »nd TravoMintf Cft»R* and low prieffi for th© Quftllty »nd liylff off urnods. L * Cardells. Druggist. ffr m ,|gn ***•*•* ** to#: "*J^ K *W*'' < T|l!l||k|||N PROF. P. M. WHITMAN, 10# 7ft St.. AtftsU, Gi. *.*"ts *Wff rrt TCtTt kt sit .«•*<* to > ,n. 4. tlw ,|.||>». storere ret K*S> SlVt- Store Lew*** a* tato row St** »k>W yns wstk FREE OF CKARbE. WmOftltm tor ft—re— COAL and WOOD FROM THE North A u cents Coal ASanply Co tguauttiy s «1 qttlUy U«*t**l«A F W SCOFIELD, PRESIDENT Halt l’t,.*. U»4 M«-■*•< ** Eastman’s KODAKS’ We sell Eastman’s Kodaks and all size FILMS. Call and see how cheap we can supply your wants- We have a full stock of latest styles of Stationery. All goods finest made. Bichards & Slayer, 827 Broad St., City, Paine, Murphy & Co. COM MIfBION MKittHANTO. 803 PrioMs St=-TeleDbonei^w’.:r 1 li>»tc L.**ed V. ,re* Cuect to Few York Chicago and Sew Ottoini. Orders executed over our wire* for Cotton. Stock*. Bonds, Grain and Pro. vt«i >o« fur ewah or on margin*. L>ocai securtttos bought and *o!d Reference National Exchange Bank of August* or Marcantil# Agencle*. T’OK SALE. Number 22 Telfair street—Four room house —Lot (oxlso feet. Ten acres of land on the Sand Hills, near Hotel Bon-Air. Dwelling of 12 1 rooms stable, barn and servant house. I Will sell at a sacrifice. Throe small houses and lot* on Sand 1 Hills. Will sell separately or all, at a [bargain. 8? Acre* of land near Wrightsboro road, one mile above city’s new water Las im. r>o acre* of land near Milledgevllle road, seven miles from court house. APPLY TO Clarence E. Clark 832 Broad StreeL NEXT! Ctrl bag to notify nv friends Sod c ustomers that 1 have addeil another chair I to my Barber Shot*, making six first-cl*?. I Barbers, and I hope to accommodate my customera without waiting. HOT AND COLD BATHS. COMB EARLY AKD OFTEN TO Hickey’s Barber Shop 212 * 214 Eighth St.. OPPOSITE ARLINGTON HOTEL.