The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 14, 1898, Image 5

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WCONItiDAV JitAj lllflin t Httt * * 4s. lOKHIMt Ki»*l« b*j*u It** H mtfcfWk*. % *** >whM* w. Georgia Railroad Bank AUOUITA, OKOBGIA its* Ml HitV MflMl* WStlW# |i. •**»• f AID if fcAHTAt, •••••• • ■ rsr 11 * 4 „ «... Wt *"***#* ks It si—mi t* kl* fk—sgi flMTwi „ w, ~— r t-ks**#* fMWIM#—4 II iPPiMNMk jMßiliß * «i« n T • * IssXvK GSIX& OR. HENRY J. GODIN, NOT IN THE MCTION * «*»*«* ft* flftrt €#»*» >ill>4. T«« Ntoir4 AiiWfii qokifv |»bm* Ju4|fn**iit on tftßßi »n*J j T)iii rvps»lA* thr iarff** m%** on Ctmm- \ •if-.'-n. Th*y may mranlonaliy tak«* «»»; thin* €H|ua? to *'fi*mbrrlain « (Nwtfh Hrmol). For Ml# by At#Banri«*r Drug A •red C®., C. It. Port of 801 l Tower! IHuf Co. Prirtif I.anaoasrf-.. Mott public irhools have tbrlr prl fid lametta**** or "ilioi * mjfi The fjondon Aniwars. At leant one Item In common to all, howeter —1. the hab it of making as many word® ai poaal ble end with er. Mch ai “footer*' for football, ‘>*er’’ for exerriee. and no on, though no wbooiboy ban an yet trail-formed cricket Into “cricketer.' A cuiriotm fact la that that thin mania for “er" Is Quite an common at Oaford as at the public achools. but la com ps; atlvely rare at Cambridge. Harrow boy* a.way* »P ak or a ran dlc as a “toliey," a bath as a "to*h,” and the acbonl bath Ink place as a duckfr.’’ Callover la always alluded to aa "bill." though, as the masters as well ae the boys use this name. It may be taken as bavin* passed out of the region of siaug. Having breakfas* and tea in your own room —a sixth form privilege-la “finding." and the sith —room la the “eanny.” When a Harrow boy gets Into the cricket elev en he la said to get hla "flannels" —a phra#e which arl-es from the curious Harrow custom that only the members of the school cricket eleven are allowed i 0 pi a y in white trousers and shirts. Hoyt’s Texas Steer tonight. : REIiIABIiE ' DIAHONDS—Our Stock 1* Very » Large for this season. Hanil ■ *ome Pendants, BROOCHES, Necklaces, Rings, Scarf Pins, I Lockets, Cuff Buttons. Get our , Prices. WATCHES-Our stock has no equal in the South. We have all i the Latest Styles In plain and fancy and jew eledcases. Chate ’ lain Watches enameled in all i the latest colors. Price , to $20.00. i JEWELRY—Our Jewelry Depart* 1 ment Is all that can be desired, l American and foreign Ideas wrought out of the finest Gold 1 in every conceivable Shape, i Enameled and Jeweled. Wm. Schweigert & Co. CAFtAIN CAWt I W Jt v. *M. , vi (ms l*e Ngst %«w% *mW ae, •<4 PsveiesM • lisle, i Mteappeo. fhW'ag ,i ins MM <4 go. I C- t l.i, (V«u L. I tlir, d tktm# fl .11, Publics!k>« of h'» wlwe sad dlagraee . .. ..wittiiw, nf hla home town ADMINISTRATIONS* DEI.AT. ’\lger. getting »» hai k 'went It t» Mr 1 McKinley aeatt It back to Alger. Nov ! And Secretary Alger has it nosr. REPCTBI) CAt’SK OK DEI.AT. The Influence of Senator Platt and Other politicians and of social leaders jin Washington and New York, where i Cantata Carter has been a cut»*plouou* • figure. Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Di arrhoea Remedy can always be depen i ufV'in find I* pl'*AMfit vid wife* t*> i tH ||«a gold by Al#fi»'W Drug nnd 1 Co-. C. H. Purr of BWI Towur Dru« Co. ONI.V TWO OF THEM The Session at Recorder Court Quite Brief. The first case was George Brldwell. a while man who runs a coal and wood I yard, and Irene Ma'thews. who were j charged with the 460th sec tion. Irene was coming through Mr. \ Bridwcli’s place of huslnsm and she 'was ae us d of stealing woodd, where upon she struck Mr. Brldwell, for : which she paid $1 sb. Beti Perry, a typical hobo, was ihe ! next up. Ben went Into a bar on tipp< r Broad and tried to run things to suit himself. H" ordered a drink and when the porter asked for the money he be came very much enraged and started to clean out the place with a large stick, but an officer appeared and Boon 1 everything was aerena Perry was fined $3.50. OASTO XT IA . Wth tin Kiwi YooHawAiwag Bonpbt CHRISTMAS TOILET WARE—In Sterling Sil ver and Fbory. Mirrors, Hair Brushes, tombs, Hat Brushes, Military Brushes, Tooth Brush es, Nail Brushes, Bonnet Brush es. Prices lower than ever. UfIBREI-LAS- In this line we have the hand-omest selection that has ever been seen here. Exclusive styles in Handles with the latest colors in Fine Milk covers. Makes a hand some Xmas present. FINFE FANS--D!rect from Paris. Hand painted lace and richly painted Peari mounted Prices right, nice selection, GOLD HEADED CANES for pre sentation presents. Finest quality at lowest prices. TTI» JkTJO’UBYJk HBmjktaTJ. ARRANGING FOR HIS WINS Hf-4 IHfMf fitlMfii Aft—. %NMs*s god Asflkggt A, ymSaN y, if ,t ihdirtl tnede g fwgsflfl 4a» j . , had alrww‘l, Mr Ivtni sey aeroadsd the rootioa | iTmliirnt He also , tiggeated that git 1 Rrntt of the Ocorgla road tie asked to I on tlgyr Monday and allow nothing to . . cenartorc from that city, sol that the ITeaideat would reach here '<m time. A committee will see Mr. ; Fk-fitt on tbl# matter. It was decided that arches tie ercyted on Broad la honor of the occa- Canrtaslng romtnlttees were ap , fgiinted to aee Broad atreet merchasiis and others on raising fun.U for the en- , ' tertalnmenf. There Is one committee for each bus!news block. ’ A reviewing stand wilt be erected on 1 Broad street near the Dyer building. I The meeting of city council I**l night was as business-like as you i please. In calling the body to orHcrj ‘Mr. t’aahln. of the Third, acting m»!" r b' 'stated that the call for a meeting wasl made at the request of a large numb* » I 'of eouncllmen a*. In view of the a«7| pounced romtn* of the President of 'rolled States. It devolved upon the city , to make the necessary arrangements for showing the executive the prop t ! attention. Mr. Phlnixy. of the Second. got tidl I floor. "Of course." he said, "we all re- , (Joins that the President of the United 1 States Is to make us a visit. The ne*'s papers say that Mr. McKinley will be ■ lh« first president who us ; !ln a hundred years, and the newspapers j always tell the truth." iwlnklng the j !other eye.l “It Is Important that the city should j make Ihe proper arrangements to pro vide for the comfort of the President while he is In the city. We all recog nize that the eliy has not too much money on hand, but ’his Is another case of ox In the ditch anil we must JEWELRY WEDDING PRESENTS--Sterling Silver, fine Lamp*. Cut Glass, Brass Tables, Dresden Clocks, fine Vases, Candelabra*, Bric-a- Bcac. New Goods. WE ENGRAVE FREE while you wait. We now have four first class Fingravers Working night and day. No disappointment. OPF;N EVENINOS--Durfng the Holidays our store will be open Evenings to accommodate those who can’t do their shopping during the day. MAKE SELECTIONS now and have them laid aside until wanted. Avoid the rush. Call early. VOU DON’T TROUBLE US when you aie looking over our stock. F J rompt polite attention to all alike. BteP m mum* *6* m* tnrrnl H* &«****( «*§* j Itiife* |W. I Mi #I|PF FRMkI Mk» D4BP j •heftcM*. |p pft MPA •!(**• Bm M s *! fMF#' j lliwti »ml «|r.» ti» mminlUM «r<) ih# f - nntaanf 1 # 111 tbl* illvy Mt > * Uj n |k gtf’M'tA nmtit r that tbr firm «artl»- n* bad c;mf)trsf to Mr. b. Fink »n«Hortt? to ■built. It w»* itlN. on tb«* Bflry. prop i*r(v hold in roromon. Tbl« ntable fn»« iprrt of tbr Btilxnnm roraplnlnrd of. Mr Itfibrrtfiovi of th# Ftrat. rotnplnkiH Ithnt fho firm warden* were rmnf!t*K ] permit* rather Sodlarrimlnately hero of | Cownrl! ad)otirtte<i A sntpndid assortment of of fashionable Pocket Books and Card Cases in best leathers for men and i women at Richards & Shaver’s. ANENT nOONSHINE. Thos Davis rurnlahad Material Tor an I'l clt Distillers. Thomas J. Davis of Emanuel coun- I ty haa been bound over to the United ■States court at Savannah on a charge of furnishing material to an Illicit dis tillery In the a hove county. Davia is a farmer in the above coun ty. He was brought to Augusta by ‘ tiie flitted States marshall last ufter noon and given a hearing before Com j miesloner Calvin. He was bound over under a $ 1 '»<> I !>ond He furnished the bond and was released. Place your * rder at once and avoid rush. Goods cheaper than ever. E. J. Henry A Co., popular priced tailors, 2H and 218 Campbell street. SUNDAY SCHOOL WORKERS Held Meeting at nr. E B. Hook’s Residence. The regular mi nthly meeting of Au gusta Sunday hclkmil nuiierintondentß was held at Mr. H. B. Hook a resi dence evening. The topic discussed was “Christians in tire Sunday School.” H *vas decided that all churches hav ing missions In West End be request ed to cooperate !<i the proposed Christ mas tree celebration. The next meet ing will be held at the residence of Mr. George Haipes. The topic for* discussion will be, •*U, w r on we make our schools better In 1899 than they have been in 1898?" TS fKEPTin AL ASTHMATICS The truly marvelous cures of Asthma ~.h(rh have already been effected by r>r. Rudolph f-VhUTmann, certainly call for notice. His preparation (Schiff mann’s Asthma Cure) not only gives ....j! ri n the most stubborn and obstin ate I ases, but positively cures, in prt«)f of which hear what the Town Clerk at Cavalier ,N. D.. Mr. W. Sererus. says. “I 'was troubled with asthma for 20 years, about - yoars ago 1 sta'led to use your Asthma Cure, and have not had an attack for six years." Packages of Schumann's Asthma Cure may be obtained of all Druggist* for 50c and *I.OO per package, or by writing direct to Dr. R. Schiffmatm, Box 804, St. Paul, Minn. Hoyt's Texas Steer tonight. THE POLICE DEPARTMENT Amml lUf-Nf YtHU'tH U*Ffb) AfUttMik *W«b Pm *tm—■ ihrf nf 4#nMi* **+ Hn» *>»of t I «•!» a M I qJT>;iTT X Cl* |)*F It, UH MIWk«« of me ',-V* depatt Retort <4 the DttfttbdA V*!** g*||)rß pf«YD#rlf * ••••• I! for trill •• •* *• .For fHU rfutln* (k-ruN t, IHi ftdrt «{i4 from tic depert •i*rtir* of tko policm |>*trol w*«oo for Dm ymr rndin* I 1. (Scrmßott and »vpuut .... 4«» i ana i »chib •• •••••• *.# Turknett Kpriag mad and Twelfth. . May aveaor and P Htsttuk •• •••• Reynold* and -•# Greene at. bridge I*. Jonew and Twelfth •• .. .....•••wS Ken with and Ninth .. •• •• *3 lloi'kln* and Ninth .. .. .. ..•••• M Twiggs nod Rightb .. •• •»•••* ®. Calhoun and Sixth .. •• .. Walker and Third ** Broad and Third .. •• •• •“ Itruad and Sixth • • •• •• ••••••••*** Box calls, total I ~l)oi call, I Telephone calls .. .. •• f** Jail trips .. .. •• •• •• .....•••W Hospital trip* Mile* j - * Miles traveled by horse* «. ..4.3*7 1-3 Amout of fines Imposed $11,507.10 Amount of fine* collected . $3,848 85 Amount of fine* for which par ties were sent to jail -.. ~57.00u.50 Fines remitted by the mayor ~5652.75 Numiter of arrests i Niimis,r of report* Number brought before recorder.3.77l Number fined by recorrlerr .. . 2.554 Number dismissed by recorder ..1.0*3 Number turned over to city court . 268 Number turned over to magistrate * courts Jf Number sent to Jail without fine ...3 Number falling to appear for trial..3oß Number sent to reformalory 7 I cannot close this repott without mentioning the fine discipline anti sol tUerly hearing of the troops of the command of General Young, stationed near the city. Hundreds of them arc visiting In our midst every day and hardly a complaint worthy of the name has been lodged Hgalnst them. It shows character and splendid citizen ship, and the quality of the American Holdiers. To the officers commanding these aoldlers we extend the heartiest con gratulation*. While no display of the martinet on their part has been ex hibited, thev have shown that firmness that commands the respect of those subject to their orders. Respectfully submitted. Geo. M. Hood. Ohlef of Police. Bucklen’s Arnica Salve. the BERT SAI.VE lit the world for Cuts, Bruise*, Sores. Ulcers, Halt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions and positively ‘cures Piles, or no pay required. Tt Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or tnonev re funded. Price 25 cents per box. FOR BADE BY HOWARD & WILEET. M. E. MACAULAY -b A- MULLARKY D. P. SULLIVAN Macaulay & Co. KID OLOVES-SSSSSif quarters, l ’have r 'fresh n 6tock « sfoO :ihio S^a d d»t^es s t°v P alue P s in America. CHEAPNESS ECONOMY TNi It dsfjfifkitlv true c 4 SifiP- f 5 Is homy* In* In whfch iHe tMckbon* of qtMUlv U*> ewcntUl « m loofwcjr. Our bid far your pAtn*v4ftc I* chc-tpK- .. iim t^ujfay* r\l TO SIGHTLY OUR ~ ABL£ Give solid MrttUctkm. The moment 4 nun stop lone enough to count the cost ci his loot wear by the xcrvice It renders, we get Lut men’* trade. And we keep it. Our real value* remain Hrmty rooted fa the minds of our patrons like a green ousts fa e desert of broken premises. T¥ss Mlft ss4 IMS. . * . | a | AVrr n «|»*te Ufjr bid )ibl I hofß#* gnd Ipimi to ID“ *u*"' I *Hit ” “I CBft't 9*+ th* MS of you break f**ttng. "You would i |asf> ' ~~=~ r= * *> • nn<! (QoORS.SaSHanoBIiNOs II MiliWork * OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. lyy YELIOWPINE LUMBER * *' I * “ J ?!TT i oiK.ImZAT.ON IhSh OIWR ■MI NT. ill ili FULL LJNE IN STOCK SHIPMENTS ASSURED 4 | PfiICES.CATALO6Ut6. CTC..UPON APPLICATION. . I 1 Perkins MAMiir.irrT;piKs Co. Augusta Gt.| Oar Array sf ClrisißK flffsrius ' ' "i I ■'&" *■ ) • 5 ha* never been *o varied In «f. .'. ,4 all the many sterling silver article* for *1) \ Mr* tL_ l ,he milet and dre**or, or In the design ! L/& L t, und exquisite combination* of Jewel* .•"?! ' i ’ In our sti|«*rb slock of Jewelry. Our v'T Asp H ’ i stock includes watche*. clock*, ehate h ' ’Vft ~iuS : f ’ lulnes. Silver novel!lea, tabic silver. *- jrIZ f \ \ iA „ nj * lable*. lamps and souvenir g .oda. hp ' every article la a g-m ln “» nne ..pLiW workmanship und rich and elaborat de pen ln fln e pluah box. 81.00. See ‘fu v OUI . Mackenzie Souvenir Hnoon. - '* A. J. RENKL. BUSY DAYS sio, sl2, sls HERE ...Suits... So many men like our styles and prices they never experiment buying elsewhere. And the number grows each season. Small wonder that it should. For every normal man likes his Suit and Overcoat to be in the latest mode—well fashioned and possessing the air and fit of having been made for him. We put it mildly when we say that no such worth can be got the country over for the prices asked. If you buy and wear one of these Suits we guarantee that it will not disappoint your high est expectations. I. C. Levy’s Son & Co. DECEMBER 14 Jokiß rtinl4 think of no ißinfr lo ! «ni'li nn iigPt|MNl#(l ap|>tlrßllOß of hk« l>vn snnhiMff, go hrtttlillltlßlf I iiOA* Tb#« mounted and rode on. Urn 4«bi lin ns}v*ncf* raiding bh prtvtHhioks ,hr vryant follow in* «t • rß*9***«- Hbi k fr my man." mM a itfinitf whom th**F mH, after he had oka»nr#4 j ah,. %mo rlootl#. and fttlf BftitCf rent to t« an uncommonly m*m pair; rosy 1 a*k who you are. and «MN yot* . 2t> a re aa near saint* a* we ran 'he" replied John, so'mcnly. “and w« are going to heaven. I hope. My mat* ter'a pray ing, and I'm doing the feat* For Whooping Cough use CHENEY’S EXPEC iTORANT.