The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 14, 1898, Page 7, Image 7

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NO VERDICT MADE YET Inquiry Into th© Poll* oning of Ida Butler, It Is lllit*4 Tb*t H ti» fria. rstiiifiit PiuM. A« Oui»W» V«h* la# « Ml* PrtwirtH Ml A •»§«**•*. Tfc# Mwti4 Ms tw»4*#4 tl* lag pMtlrttlam «*f Ml l*r*##*t IgUiff *4 441 Ml tlWNi# rsril am fflt; H«H»f a, |l C. Dt* IIN li« l*M fl* ««f k*»i m*mk 14a flat t#r laHNitaaa|t. wa ir - .. wa**# a |*®%r c ahMMMMMnI frtfli at ryrli aa# ap>»hl twti prpth* *«*> MM la oNtl#f* 14a * tug *l4 aa 4v TMatnaafi 4 , t»aa4 a I*4ll# ««f atffrlAttla# i» Ui# ftad. Tlt#f iMaifet I m’ I%#? umk H iam» iM pm !« tfe*t rarg iti«| a r»p*ml* <4 It# rtf '<%**•#. tllikint *t aw gain 11« a aa*| (4m*4 flaOa *r*,» alao w#fy atc*a, #at «raa atd«> la tnaft it Kg *f»«t f# ft , „ „r Ik, ttowarfc. Dr. 1. M w. ‘V <ufjr t> | )M)Mt H 4 not mail* • vw4i« t Tl**f will ■*** again on * f wffiUs ihf ||4 |o tilt otMfftl* tb# hut l l# of rtryrlliM *•« pl*r#4 ■mam. j. r. A (Urn* and Jam** tUrfr dad ault* a cbaaa af«#r a mad dog I**l W#da**day morn log They raptured tb* timla. hf>w*»rr and H. l» t Sough' that they lyachM him Mr It M. Klrary. of Auguri*. *p*nt laat Thuradar at Kopwr * bird hunt* tag. B*v«wal famill** of cpw* m moving to August* from mu of thU *atil*m*nt. They nun not kn..«* that th* *l**iK*n I* uv*f, or It may b# I hay <•001 know ih* urhlt# primary way b* adoptin futur* Tbrr* la do ri*jr *onth that baa a bri tar rlty govsmioaat or a bettor poilre force than Augus.a ha* got. and why not let Angiwta have the v*ry best rale* governing her eltjr election*. 1 my thla bocane* Augusta baa lieen my home for n.iteen years, and will always feel like* bom* to me. and I want to aa* It tn tha lead for avery* thing. I commend The Anguata Her ald for the way It haa advocated the white primary. ffl The fanning people through this part of th* country are lathing about reduc ing tha potton crop another year. It I* to be hoped they will, but If eottou should go up to 6 1-2 or 7 rants this winter tba Held and all the hedge rows will be planted another year. R. J. R. DOES THIS STRIKE VOW Muddy complexions. Nauseating breath come from chronic constipation. Karl'a Clover Root Tea fa an absolute cure and has Iw-en sold for fifty years on an absolute guarantee. Price 25 ,-t«. and 50 eta.. Hold by—Retailers, T. A. Buxton, Anderson's Drug Store. Alex ander's Drug Store. West End Phar macy. The King Pharmacy; Wholesal ers, Davenport A Phlnisy. MARkILD A CUBAN A Member of Ray's Regiment Weds a Senorita. A letter has been received In Savan rah from a member of Kay's Immunes in Sagua de Tanamo, Cuba, which brings some Interesting Information. The writer states that Sergeant How ard Hfnpklr.*, a wellknown young so ciety man of this city, was married cm Nov. 16 to a young Cuban belle. The letter goes on to say "the young lady fa beautiful and ber father Is quite realthy. owning tobacco and banana plantations. Lieut. James Thomas of oir company, was best man. The mar , lage occuned an the Catholic church and the oride was given away by her father. Howard and Lieut. Thomas ,ed. The commissioned and non com missioned officers and privates follow id aext in the order named. Prom the ■ flVrch they drove to the bride's house, u beeutiul old Spanish mausiem. It is the prettiest house iti Sagiia. There we (tad a grand reception and most of the .;oys were unwell the next day. I heard .toward say be wan going to carry his >vtfe to Savannah. Hr is very proud of the beautiful Cuban girl.” The news of the marriage will cause a great deal of surprise in Savannah. SOLDIERS INVITED To Oyster Supper to Be Given Thurs* day in YVoodlawn. ThP ladles of St. Andrews’ Mission, Woodiawn, will give an oyster supper next Thursday evening at the Mission. The ladies in charge are famous house- ; keepers and oysters served by them i cannot be surpassed. Be cure to call on them between the hours of 6 and j l A special invitation is extended ; ro the soldiers of Camp Mackenzie to attend ar.d enjoy the oysters served by the ladies. The latest belts are simple in the extreme and consist only of wide soft. hop drawn about the waist and held j 3y a jeweled clasp.. There is no lire- j -ing. no foundation. The ribbon is al- i Towed to take Its own folds and fall as It will. Mr. C. W. Moody, of Cincinnati, is at the Planters asatava Man *a aaaa Jam-Kilkr I t«* a* t| M aigg a* Msg aa j • Mat tattsatt a# sit****, j ' «■*» Ml* *l4,** aui att ** I I HIM ( l#(NI IMfci # fNCMI 9ft MiP POP' 1 ‘ t«| |#fVU M * mfn t«m ! r«**r MVM * *o*. intkrimim; items. VKlnrV. has mmt*rmt m He T»*«•*-•**• wbt* «MM*e the ! tvt **w *«->• a eaugl. uiiy aa Ih* I l'i> i uIiTU Pbarv * <t«it» Mail la mM I»» ~oi»in aw He* avevwav tea tettvvw ■»* la hi-ft He* aw i— w—. laiivni, tve - j afHrtatw ** ilWHfeino insult*. >M !• i attintb*»*»#«. a village ta ihe Hvtw n for ifp -Hag atiwivb’ Out <•( rat eattleg ft*, afneia it*- Href 1' --. * ta itm law HHiavfaewfeat •*• * erring ~ff by a I# year* nlf girt H<*> felber. eev*-n | l»r*>!h* r» end tfne MMW* alt abot. Ihe I Pmf riraaar* damvrry that the R>- t**ui malaria le *i'- ',*l by a i-articu »r railed, when a pattern in ih* hnaplta! drvelopaii the fever, hie btsog abowing malaria tacriltt. and n*« then treated , jWtfh quinine. Tbe Aetna Ihlnk that , they art now tn n way to dbtmvev a serum that will render peufdc Immune ] i to the malaria. ' Experiment* to mpaxlu' e dead men * 1 fean-rea fTwn Ihetr ekul!* are bring j made In tlertnany. Tbe method pur-eio-d i to that propcnel by the hxte Pr**f, Ht*. of tn re. nnetruet tbe fare of' .John Hriastlan Beach. At tin- t'nlvcr jftty Of line, ttu- skulls of rrimilUl* 1 who have been cim tiled are used. Oats of win lie taken In plaster, and given to rilfferent ynwinr la treat ac- j cording to the rules Uhl dunn. The j result* will then became fared nltb one' another and with phm.,graph* of the original offerer* of the skull*, taken el- j ' th. r before or after d«-ath. A e bnil haa Veen adjudged to he a nuisance by Mr. Justice Romer. of the, English Chancery eourt. A ectwed m*e-. > t.»r took a house at Tunbridge Well* on ' the assurance that there was nothing to prevent It being used aa a achnol. He afterward discovered in a leaae a covenant that no trade or business j should be carried on In the house which j ■ would cause any noise Injurious or dls- j turning to the neighbors and asked to j |he released Justice Romer directed the i reminding of the leaae. as there whs ino doubt that an action against the I | school aa a nuisance would succeed. Those twrfervld Bcotsmea wtio are! ■ stickling f• r other words tn place >*f * English" and "England" when "Brl-1 tons" an.) "Great Britain" are meant, are rehuked by Scots Pictorial this J week, says the Paris sle«»enger. The! lute Bishop of Wakefield gsve great offense by speaking of "England s Hag" In his famous Jubilee hvmn last year. But It was not until the publics- 1 lion a few days ago of ihe memoir oil Bishop How- by hi- son Frederick that 1 the extent of Scottish annoyance was j known. The bishop had of course no I thought of painting anyone and he promptly published a letter expressive 'of hi* regret. But. In spit* of his letter. I exasperated Scotsmen continued to send , him abusive biters and postcards. Most of these ivere anonymous—a t. ict which our contemporary points out Is j not very creditable tn the patriots who wrote them. It l« soma consolation to knew that the bishop was not dis tressad. as the exaggerated frenzy of the letters made them extremly comic. GIVEN KNOCKOUT DROPS. Soldiers Are Being Drugged In Savannah. Savannah, Bor. 14-Lt. Salazar, chift surgeon of the provost hospital, states that there H someone in Savan-, nah who Is giving the soldiers knock-! out drops. Dr. Saiazer made the statement to a Prrs- reporter that a large per cent of the men brought, in i for being drunk were drugged. The; party doing thla contemptible work ran have hilt one idea in view and that is robbery. Dr. Salazar says thej soldiers were drugged in a airailar that certain parties are following the | corps and that they administer the manner in Jacksonville. It may be drops. Mr. J. R. Harwell, of Atlanta, Is at the Planters. 7 SUTHERLAND SISTERS’ HAIR GROWER FOR OVER 14 YEARS Thi. highly meritorious preparation has stood a the head of »11 hair restoratixos. More than :J.OOOZK»1 bottles have been used by tho American people, and thousand, of testimonials bear wit ness to it* orcollonce, while there were never any comptainta when directions were followed. SEVER SUTHERLAND SISTERS' SCALP CLEARER fa the only dandruff cure. For sham pooing, it has on equal. All Ure Orugßlst* Sell If. TEE HI ATTOTJBTaA HEBALD 1 1 ht or AOVEKTOkEO lETtUM* I l|i pumToftf j |# itMv |- -mt' 4ftih'w •« AH 7 f tnnp.. M(% tMI th**—' in I .4.Mnii4 #, Id' - ** t*|ui A4* I P M** Im P IPtcMh* M m** 14# n*% Hmmm j it I4i** t#*P ■'« ttn p.«> »t#n Mivrt Mt* P»«* M< ttiroo* M»* IP* 1 ft#H Iftnftfp. W t Mint* I lit# tl i Mt Hit, Ml#* Kit# M-nmlf. ! m Uim Mr#. I I *»«*•»• Mtt Prnmmmm* Mhm | I4M Mt#« Kati# Mtr* ' j J*hP# Uim Pm mm** li T-Mt# Mt# MuHlti (Mt«# t*n#lw# T»44, J#t>i Tti-*f##» llttk* w Mm l A* WuHrifi Mt#* K«M* PT##iMtt#f *kft. Mm. M#lirt«MK M'tltf.#*## WH)*# Mttf W#llt#r, Mf# i : Mlxnoty nmsTU ums'* umt. I H- t>r 9t#lt#r.. J«4tn Itrtofrtt, MtMtvii ! fl*H II WtlMiOtvv H<ri#ifrh*r, |< I#*#.## ttttrHlf*, P-. H Il*#r|»rr, H !*• r r»tif S H Otrl Alfrrnt i |» || \v fvr*tjm#n. Jtmw Pi#*#. K - Pnt ( M K<l«lni* K Mil %4.. W, K flirt##. I «>- K A NNiMtrt ilftlllti, ItlittrpF Urtmm. Umm K ISpHMk o#«i |ctr«Him. n#»m# «s###i»#f. Wot | if —ptm H4H#. Fftnk •f*rt. IC|*t»mt*ii tUrrlH. J. M 14*11. John t4ol)#)r, W O. ‘ Hum. i So# Mt*tt. i J fl*m Jon*#. f>nt* Jon##. W B - J.-nktn* T. I*. Jtmm. K H i K Wifhiiilon Kriit*r«l. !#»• Kin# L K4»»nl Uuy, Ueut. H. C. I*##- I hrtcht . M J. ft Ma**. A P Mortal P* t#r Martin, t* F Mdxril. Frank Minoßlt, j Albert McKersr. F-Ijentep IV«k. j k—a D. Richer. Jim. Robinson, t. iT Roach. Frank Raymond, j ■ Prott, Willi# Smith Jim Frank H. His*. Dick Hsvlsr*. Mauris.* ' HuHfv*tt. ’ V Mr Thom** A. V#* ! W--J. C. rhibl#l WillUm* Jo# W. White. Jr., Hurry B. Wolfi Mlsr*KMaAN’h>»f ? f Becrstary of Fair Asso. latlon. Dixie ! Lumber Co.. Messrs. Ehney * Co.. iThs Whel-as Htamp * Press Co.. W. I tf-.-ift * Co., Heaman A Monts. C. A. j Williams Mt Co. SOLDIF.RH’ LIST. , A—J. C .Armour. , B—Lieut. Chan. E. linker. Daniel It. Broughton. James W. llland. Rnht J. Bamea, Adrian Brarkenns-d. William iF. Bannister. Lieut. R. F Barfield, i p_A. H. C-amer. Thom** Coleman. (Joseph Oollter. Fran! Cohely, Frank M. jCatwr, Lieut. H. P Combe*. John 1 Courtney. Fred Chadwick, j |>—John J. Doran. David Drummond 1(8) P D. Deling. i E—Bob Keeler, Mis* O. Wlnnefred i Edgsr. ■ F—Luther Fridley, T A. Fisher. Jo-, • eph Flynn. John W. Fugate. Corp. A. J. Fisher. I || —jg, Narlaw Henxsy, Wm. Ham -1 mend, j J—W. Ct. Johnson. J. Lytls <!>. Charles M. I-ent. It«bt. W. Lea. B C. I-eonard (3). i M—Corp. Will J. Mclveen. W. V. ! Mears. John McDermott. ! o—Rev. Wm. O'Connell. f* Mrs If. H. Pattlson. rare Lt'-irt. 'll jr Patterson; Andrew Pevert, ft H. Roamussen, Ben L. Roe. Bert i L. Rldine. J. O. Reese, i g—Henry Steffens, J. E. Sheridan. Edgar 7. Smith. A. W. Stomp, Edward L Summers. Ed-vard Spooler. T—'XV. S. Tuttle. W Frank Warner. Ccorge Washlng ' tonfl Henry Wortsmith, Isaac D. Wright <4). y—Clarence E, Voung. FOURTH CLASS. Edwin R. TTpham. Bert Huson. w. H. STALLINGS. P. M. Tim Heading Terror. Wodrsworth was a terror to his ! friend*, nay* the Philistine. His pull was genteel, but very dextrous. He j could flash an MS. on you before you j could say "Good morning.” He read : all of the "Excursion” to Lamb, and Hazlitt once wrote to Coleridge: "1 tried to escape Wodsworth because I | knew he had a new poem with him, : but he finally cornered me." In "Yesterday's With Authors," Jab. T. Fields innocently tells of low i Wodsworth graciously read- aloua to him a poem . seemingly not aware 1 that Wodsworth was always lying in wait for his prey. “I am blessed with great bodily vigor,” wrote Leigh Hunt, “so I do not much object to having Byron read to me from his MS." So we ece that the desire to read one's productions to some one else Is a classic condition. I myself occasion ally tax tho patience of a good woman, although I never, like John Jerome | Rooney, took a lady out to lunch and j read a play to her. and then walked off, forgetting to order anything to eat. An Enterprising Druggist. There are few men more wide awake and enterprising than Howard & Wil let, who spare no pains to secure the best of everything in their line for their many customers. They now have the valuable -agency for. Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. This is the wonderful .rem edy that is producing such a furo'r all oveg, the country by its many startling cures. It absolutely wires Asthma, Bronchitis. Hoarseness and-all -affec tions of the Throat, Chest and Lungs. Call at above drug store and get a trial bottle for 10c. or a regular size for 60 cents and *1.90. Guaranteed to cure or pries refunded. SHOES | THAT ARE KNOWN!; % ; \ % Known from Kama to California as the BEST iWljhj that material and good Ofita workmanship can pro duce. AS PUR STYLE [ill IIK Everything that is sty- ° Q iish. artistic and ernv fortablc, combined *ith the best of woikman- y/j dj. ' f!'"* si) p Iv louiul in Hanan & Sorts Shc-cs. CASHIN. GOULEY & VAUGHAN. 808 Broad Street. AIII.NTS MMI HANAN * JM'V J'*" Ik AN XMAS liIFT ' FROM s\M \ 11 W v Ml USE'S Sll-AM LAUNDRY, til JacfcM* At rest, N W* opera fUkin#. Itr; Collar#, I#: futfa, 4c. jThe ~~ “Maine” Album! CAPTAIN iBEfiFS and Interesting scenes associated with the destruction of our Giant Bat ship and her Heroic Crew. Souvenir Edition! 1.-,. w incidents of American history have been attended by such public excitement and nailonal Indignation as that which followed quickly upon the destruction of the Battleship Maine. In response to the universal de mand for u pictorial history of the 111-fated warship. Ita eapta "® y f u t < verythlng In connection with It leading up to and including it* rinstlon WC have secured and offer our readers this week a beautiful Ma no Al'-tmt or Portfolio, the most complete photographic record issued upon tho subject, embracing splendid photos of The Martyrs Which is now ready for delivery at our office, or by mull for Ten Cents. CONTENTS OF "MAINE" LABUM. Captain Chas. 0- Bigsbee. General Fltzhugh I-ee. The BattlcLhlp Maine. The Destruction of the Maine. Havana Harbor and the Maine An chorage. The Harbor Entrance to Havana. Gunner’* Gang of the Maine. Views of the Maine’s Crew off Duty. A Minstrel Show on the Maine. Ship’s Company of the Maine. Please notice the Maine Album above advert sed is one of a Souvenir Series’’ of eight portfolios, devoted to the great Heroes and A. hitverni nts of the Spanish-A merican War, each portfolio being a special number devoted t 0 Ve r xTw^ n k Torferc.,l us a Memorial of the First Sacrifice of the'war, or ihe heroic death of Knrign Bagley and his companion* Inclu ding many other special features of the early events of the wiar, srnhi as IKe vessel that fln 3 the ilrst shot; the flr»t prize; bombardment -of Matanzdts, cutting of the*Vuhies, etc., ete. „ .. Then in wdJkly and consecutive order will appear the following, THE DEVfICV NUMBER—The Hero ana battle of Manila.' .? «. - . THE SAMPSON NUMBER—Bombardmeot-cL Son Juan„aad.JMorro Cas tip rr*' «.-r* HOBSON AND THE MERRIMAC-*wlth -additional gpgelaj -feature*. , ADMIRAK SCHLEY—The Destriictton-tf-CriwenkS -l legt, .pr THE SHATTER NUMBER—The Siege and Capture of Santiago. ,• GENERALS MILES AND MERRITT—Army Operations in Porto Rico an<s l^ h "u re'and get each number of this souvenir series whilo you hare an oppsrtunity, and advise your frlsnds to do tbe same thing A OroUD of Junior Officers of the Maine. Wardroom of the Maine. The Court of Inquiry in Session. Funeral of the Victims of the Maine. Disaster. A Fruit Vender in Havana. Milk De livery In Havana. The Captain General’s Palace in Ha vana. General Blanco y Arenas. Looking Down the Prado, Havana. SUNDAY’S HERALD “A Netspaper For Newspaper Readers." Something About Sunday’s Herald. More News • Better News Quicker News All the News Exclusive News The Sunday Herald is the Best Newspaper published in Augusta. Give it a trial. 10 Cents a month. 25 Cents 3 months. 50 Cents 6 months* SI.OO 12 months- Postage prepaid or delivered to any ad dress in the city. Sign your name and address below anc mail or send it to the Sunday Hereld. Augusta, Ga. To the Sunday Herald: Please deliver the Sunday Herald Months at the following address: No. dnd Street Name You Don’t Get The News UNLESS YOU READ SUNDAY’S HERALD, V m-? f f ”7V /\ FrankC.lvlis / \ / \ famous / \ / \ 9 Cushion / \/ \ Shot 1 / \ Possible \ 1 / \ only to a \ \/ \hardHiher.\ \/ \ Centre Ball\ /l \ Very fine \ \ RightTwi»t^^ A SEW BOOK ON BILLIARDS BT JOHN *. THSTCHZSI Cmklun Carom Champion ofOhloMS v. Imo r of St. i.ouia llan-Uta.i Hi, thi* Jongift tmirnainont oh record* and Ui# only player who ever heat Schaefer, Blosaon, uud Ives lu the •arae tourmunent. OF INTEREST TO EVERY BILLIARD PLAYER PARTIAL CONTtNT* 100 DIAGRAMS OP 8-CUSHION BHOTS SCHAEPER'f STRAIGHT RAIL NURSE. FVERY STYLE OF BALK-LINE GAME ALL NURSING POSITIONS. FRENCH OORNER GAME. story OF CHAMPIONSHIP GAMES AND international contests. LIST OF CHAMPIONS OF AMERICA AND TOURNAMENT RECORDS. ETO. The author given many valuable buagettlouf to novlcea whh’]i aerve to reader <1 ear the method# employed by the world’s experts. It will show you HOW TO PLAY Cloth, 75 cents. Flexible Leather, SI.OO. 244 pages; she, 5 1 2 M inches. Sent, nren*lil. to ary, addrea* on l * i>atii(lt.'at ptjeu: . iHEDStilraußwll 7