The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 14, 1898, Image 8

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sA *ii /'s?/ f ( f'J‘A M ur rl'P - ... I *f£. V 'Vt > #|Lljfc f^ \\‘v/Mt \k 1 i | Ml f'»*v.y»AF NFCK WEAR 50 CENTS STYLES 50 CENTS FOR 91 * * FOR*I Th*r* mrm C üb«. Th»r« art T«ck«. Tfmr« *r* Bow*. To»r« mrm Four-In-Hand*. Th«rw mrm Import* * Satin* and S>lk* In all tha rich and lu*»rou* d«*lpn« and color*. Ivmoo* r*»cani y r**caiv»d from in* manufacturer. A!* p*rf«ct y now thl* MMun. Open Evening*. /^^AU6U*TA.OA. GOOD FOR THE ARMY PEOPLE W<ra Ward* for Tte» Fim Ikr FtUrr CMrt TV* Bml of Good Order Mm B*.» Maletainrd It gtva* th« Aiiwti ■wh toilght to refer prominency m that portion oI tb# annual r*P*»n of Chief at Pol to* Georg* liood. mad* to tb* Polire Coaoßi aaion tact ntgbt. ta Whkti tha rbicf speaks highly of the caadurt nt tha acrid!* a of Camp Mark tot., gad of the attrteory of tb* offl twr* la their determination to keep good order her*, eo far aa the »oldler* are eaareraed Tb* acrid e a bava. an far. teon the pUuiVi. of all rltlaena for their a*c*l rent behavior. They bate proem that, If there are rough* ataong them, on'y tb* gtatlewen bar* been permit ted to root to town. So far they hare deported themee’vea aplettd dty. and bava fteeo eontradlrtton to m»ny na expraaaed fear by over-anxious Au ,-to'ans when tt wa» announced that a , *tnp waa to he aatabllshed her*. The t; es of police haa don# well to make pea ant allualoa to the officer* and men. Myrkta-Harder, ladlea fr*a tomorrow. For LaCrippf* and Inf’u enza us* CHENEY'S EX PEC I ORAN r. Herts Tex** Steer toolght. I ounlaiaa I rogeo. The fountain* In the court house yard are core ed with tee today aud prelent a beautiful appearance. When tbeae fountain* are covered with toe It la an Indication that we arc experi encing aevere weather for thl* part of the countiy. Myrkle-Harder. ladle* free tomorrow. LOW RATES TO HAVAWfAH OVER PLANT SYSTEM. The Plant ayetem will »e!l round trip ticket* to (tavannah. Ga., on December jB. i* and at one fare, limited to five clay* to raturn. Special low rate* of ap proximately one cent per mile traveled will lie given tb* public on the 16th and 17th. with llmlt’three day*, account Re view of the Seventh Army Corps by the President of the United States. Myrkle-Hardrr. ladlea free tomorrow. Our line of Japanese no velties is unsurpassed from 25 cents up. At Richards & Shaver's Hoyt'a Texaa Steer tonight. Macaulay & Co. advertise down pil low# today. They say something about feathers Inside and whiskers outside. The ladles will understand. Myrkle-Harder, ladies free tomorrow. Wsdeworth's mother had a character as peculiar as was that of her gifted son. Our prices on suit* only two-thirds what others chuige. *. J. Henry & Co., spot cash tailors. SHIRTS '-AT-n J. MILLER WALKER, HATTER KNOX HATS. THE MEAT HER I Tale Teg*arrow end teailtaU Calf ta rathe-. yWwraw for th rty-sls hour* rod I lag ( p to . Iterent'er ISth. It** [ Washington fore rose For Georgia land South Carol'na: Pair tonight nod • Thursday, continued cold weather, with slight'* colder la *stm»* aoutb r*ai po. l oo tonight; warmer Thursday night j lanl forecast for Augusta and tl [ctnty Pair tonight and Thursday I continued cold weather. Tb# river a; eight o'clock thl* morning waa t. 4 feet, a fall of 9,1 feet In tb* past 14 bow a. Tb* r/d wave extend* tbla morning over nil section*, tb* greatest temper ature fail* having occurred In tlm eaat ertt half of the country wttb tbe freea- Ina point tourbiag slightly below tb* Central Gulf Total; In th* Northwest. !that* baa been a market rite, rang | lag from I to S 9 degree*, but In the ■Ohio Valley and Tennessee also over Western Florida. the fall has been equally aa great. Th* following are i the coldest points In tbe south toda: I Knoxrlll*. 12 degrees; Metnphla. 14; i Atlanta. !»; Au-ivta. 26: Hoaton la a* i '-old as any place In tb* country 2 above tero Clear weather la p evalent 'over tbe entire country. The high est barometer evxtend* over the Ohio 1 Valley with a alight depreaelon in 8 Dakota Myrklc- Harder, ladle* free tomorrow. Hoyt's Text* PU*r tonight. A LIITLE ONE'S DEATH. Infant of fir. and fir* Johti Atkin* tiled Yea’erdav Afternoon. The sympathy of many friends is ex tended to Mr. and Mr?. John Atkin*, of No. 1434 Broad aired. In th* death of their Infant, which ot« irrod yesterday afternoon. The funeral occurred at 2 o’clock todny. the Interment being made In ihe city cemetery. OASTOniA. d*»r» th* yplto Hind Von have Mws Bought ’KT Myrkle-Harder. ladlea free tomorrow. Hoyt'e Texas Steer tonight. DEATH OF AN INFANT Lltt'e Daughter of Mr and Mrs. Hud son Passed Away Yesterday The infant daughter of Mr. anrii Mr*. J. D. Hudson, of No. 981 Young street, died yesterday afternoon. The remains were taken to the country today for burial. Many friends deeply syrnpa thlxe with the ber,avert parents. Myrkle-Harder. ladles free tomorrow. Hoyt's Texas Steer tonight. A very spproprlate gift for Xmas that any lady will appreciate Is a pret ty Jardiniere with or without the plant. You can get tt-ose from the Alexander Seed Co.. 432 Broad atreet. Myrkle-Harder, ladles free tomorrow. Hoyt's Texa* Steer tonight. Joeeph H. Choate, who Is spoken of as ambassador to England, took part In twenty-four public debates while at Harvard, and won them all. Myrkle-Harder. ladles free tomorrow. «A , oaTJei\iv ktxtiaxjd Ctt.6ttEM.Hf ARRIVES IT CAMP It* |*tprft*4 ot«l4M lllaft • Aa «.*## » bkb >*4k*4#< fiyeitriiM at tWai 4* Mb* Tim •**• at tlm pat mew era gal VA(M*44I4 4 4-ft ftfY’ftft IM JP SMM IMF •**4*4 Mil mmm #. H*i llai etatto# awl writ tcatox » pat tag «rif tb* Tea lb Ob la Mai H»s twway atari • «4 wttb ib# Tbidt Wt* Mwb bad Major (twtgbi wttb 4b* Tbirteaafb pnaasy ttaam Tb* wo*a Of paytag a* tb* rtfiawptb Mlaaawoia taat ifteermai waa aal ewm pi el e* aa waled aad tb* a«*#-eommt*' elaaed office t# es Cka • aad ait ad Ob. H were *#«*w lb*tr am*<t tin P*m tag by Maj C«*d»a Tb* «#Jor «h*» 1 1 ocrit tb* Klgbth Peeasylvuia by aor* yrk* by a' paytag ibem «#, a* tb* mgtawal bad baa* aoi'bati (bat 4b# ‘ I aimuttf waald aa* atart work agif imam* aad therefore hi# arrival waa all tb* atari welcomed Tb* patmeet** did am <b*a« tbwy waald be abia la reach tb* Cta Sdary laad eavatry, awgiaewra. algaal «wp*. katynal aad ambulaam rwrya today, bn* If tbev do BM ail of tb#*# win be paid UMWorrow, Tb* amrrbaat* la lb* etty bare wo- Been a big pickup Is baalaea* alar# 4b* pay »»rk h*gaa aad are looking jfor a big Cbriatma* bu*iae*a. aa tbey • r«ap a barvmt from ike aoH'era aad |tbc review oa Moaday will bring ibeamnk ta Ib* dtp. I A drill of tb* Third brtgsd* waa M-bednl«d Par ibis iftweam. bat oa arresit of pay day **• poaipooed na il! tomorrow o*o Gebla says that weather petmUHaa. b!a mea will tar* out la nwl*w ft I* aeoYeaa to aay the brlgada will bold up lb* blgb rlaes of work wllaeaed before, | Col. Orventeaf. *#*l*la«t Inapertor general of lb# med'eil department, ar rived from Wathlbgton yaatarday He 'itsperied the dtvlaton boarttal tbla morning and bad nothing but praise to aay of It The other hospitals will be laerected thl* afternoon. The *r<Yir rs thosa expecting to be muster**! out of lerv'ce eooa «w*II be somewhat soldn-d by bearing of an or der fanned at corps headquarters The order says that no leave of absence will be granted to last after Dec. 21 nnlaa* the parties accepting them promised to return, at their own ex pense, and jr!« their commands before the regiment* leave for foreign coun tries. There la a rumor that the engineer* have been ordered to Cuba. The com mand'ng officer*, however, aay they have heard nothing of the order. An order waa Issued at First brigade heedquarter* today governing th# use of the target range. L'eut. Nolan has been apro'nled range officer and Lieut. Cbae. A Ivey etat'etlrel officer All cnmpanle* using the range shall me e'i to tt under their commanding officer. The grounds muet be kept clear and the m-ti from making any not** All hut those detailed to mark eeore will he kerl out of the rifle pit*. Each officer will be eupplled with a blank book to - keep the Individual scores of the men. The ravalry exhlb tlon yesterday mirpaesed anything ever seen In Au gusta. It w»s <|n‘t* an event, hundred! being prefect on foot and In every kind of conveyance. After the attrac tive and wonderful feats published yesterday, the exhibition concluded with a sham battle, showing the man ner of fighting used by the cavalry. Charges with oa bines, sabers and pistols took place, hundreds of shots being fired, ihe cavalrymen finally putting the enemy to route by throw forward dismounted skirmish line*. Tbe event will be long remembered by all who saw It Camp Chat. Col. Axline has been granted a ten days leave of absence. Capt. Corvln of Thirteenth Pennsyl vania Is Third brigade officer of the day. Capt. Schmidt of the First Mary land ta Fiiet brigade officer of the day. By permission of Col. Axline of the Tenth Ohio Volunteers, the entire bond of 32 pieces will give a fine con cert Friday night at the armory. The C. L. A.'s will play the Indoor football team of tbe Tenth at that time and place. The line up of the Tenth Ohio team Is: Lothrop, rss; Dewald. Iss; Zoller, lb; Pearson, 3b: Belcher, c; Nett*. 2b; Houghton. If; Harmon, rs; DeHare, p; Ferguson, sub; umpire. Porter; assistant manager, Adams. Four hundred soldiers will be present at the game. A large number of tents of the round Sibley model have arrived. The First brigade will be equipped with them immediately and they will add much to the comfort of the men.. The visitors at camp miss a treat if they do not seo the work of art of Arltst Howe of Co. K, 36th Michigan. It consists of a huge bust, perfect in work and form, made from the sand and covered with plaster. The bust is In the company street and is About three fe*t in height. Tenth Ohio. Capt. Reynolds of Co. L is officer of the day. Lt. Russell of Co. F is commander of the guaid. Myera of Co. D and DeHart of Co. B are orderlies today. The engineers are busy building; a large bath house for the - regi ment. Lt. Meßaln of Co. D t* In charge of details securing lumber for mess halls, gaa aa *wta**i*aw< Mi F*t * ' 4 mrrnfmmm *•*«■** MUM* RISI fa* *♦*% mm sm»9 WfXt 4*4 NN%** M4NRI **»»* *4*4 lM§fi#f|iM| «#*#•*#* Tfc# MFWtll I*4*o** I lllto f t4MNI Ml SO4O 9MMM4 m*mmi I«M|b« 4*4." fcwMWl »4M## IMNII# f h|.bß l|||l M«»# M MNi iMf IIM» JMNMBt #4414 f ht# Y"YmNMI 414 4RB4(RM MM 4*944114 4$ M4#4 fn4l Ml I 4« fM|-44NH #4** MMf lm*% !|4 h nt d 4 Mi>. MIMI 444 1444 M#4. 444 mmrm4 mi tmf i rjiii wituffiß 4f I« A #44 4444 444444 s ImM l« 44§14- . J M*t*«r* 4f 04 4 #44 #444 444414* J* f*4#4* 4 i 14* I Mae r- mpaax Save ffiaw* «# •#9 far* rwy Heal;* of Oa. O baa iegaet*ri i I for a«ty i a pi riisrr of Oa, Ala effitwf «f ib» M TA'ilwa* of Co R la *49e*f of tb* I gaard tMftfNtb *tigffifga«. Kaaaedr of Oa.* R rataraed fram | bia bam* I* Cbavott*. Rfwblgaa to day l#4ea witb gfTs* far M* i##l»aiea lisa friend# Carp KHpatrtrb of Oa. R baa »#• kriaed bl* oMapaay Oa p Jobaeoa of Oa. H baa ra tarsed from furtawgb Borer of Ot. B I* rowing tbosa ra- Ilaralag Capt Hayae* of Os D la offikor ad |tbe day Lt. «"► «p«n*» of Co. t la officer of tb# gaard Walekr of Co. A baa rataraad from furlough f lgbtb FooaaylvatMa. Lt lloepatara of Co. H I* officer of i t fc# 4*jr. ,U Fara* of Co K t* offiror *f tb# Beltael of Co. O aad Klb**r of C*. C at* orderlies T. *. Fern of Co. O bag raealvad honorable d.arharg* Tb* taeo oar* dlsappoiatad today la ant being paid. Co K la leading la tbe line of Xaaa Mforitlom. deott of CO. C Beelnoor of Co A BHllngton of Co. O and Ewb of Co. C oar* admitted ta tb# hoep tal to day * , Co. A went on a prnrllr* march to day. * 1 Mrteenth Pewaaylvaiita. F. A. Koch of Co* A was sen! to lll vlaioo boapltal. Lucas of Co D returned Rom aleb furlough Q. M H. B. Col his reached bta regiment. Lt. Dtvla of Co. F la officer of the day. Lt Murphey of Co. C I* officer of tbe guard. The mea are rcjolrlag over tbe ar rival of the paymaster. Hitrcnt.i Minnesota. Hewitt of Co. B haa been transferred to the band. Corp, Perron and Corp. H. Johnson of Co. F have been promoted to ser geants Tracy and Pearce have been promo ted to corporals * A double yard haa been put on ta ! serve for payday period. Lt. Mitchell and <Lt. Nelson are of , fleer# of the guard. Capt. Spicer of Co. D la officer of the day. Cavalrv. Clour* and Sbe'don, two recruits were ass.gned to D troop. .Recruit Chas. Harris has been as signed to A t oop. Chas. A. Foy, a recruit from Au gusta. was sent to M troop. .Recruit Shateau has been sent to A troop. Bagger* of troop H baa returned from furlough. ,Ross Drake gnd Wilrlam Frank have been assigned to L troop. Myrkle-Harder. ladles free tomorrow. __ - t - Death of firs. Parish Savannah, Ga., Dec. 14 After several weeks' Illness Mrs. Par ish. the wife of Mr. George W. Parish, died at noon today at the residence. 10 Gwinnett street, wr;t, with paralysis. The end came peacefully. Mrs. Parish was 52 years old and besides her uus band leave# two daughters, Mrs. Julia Walker and Miss Parish, to mourn her loss. She was an estimable lady, who j devo-cd much of her time to religion j and charitable work, and In her death 1 many of the poor have lost a good | friend. The funeral will occur'#! 10 I o’clock tomorrow morning, but the ar rangements have not yet been com pleted. The angel of death haa entered I a happy Ivomr and silenced the spirit of a devoted mother and a loving w;fc and brought deep grl|f to the hearts of the family. Hoyt's Texas Steer tonight. Myrkle-Harder. ladles free tomorrow. It was a wise arrangement on the part of our forefathers to assemble congress alter Thanksgiving Instead of before. Hoyt's Texas Steer tonight. Myrkle-Harder, ladies free tomorrow. i Raleigh said that he owed all his politeness of deportment to hid mo ther. Hoyt’s Texas Steer Myrkle-Harder. ladies free tomorrow. Sydney Smith's mother was a clavar coaversationallat. Horfs Texas Steer tonight. Myrkle-Harder, ladles free tomorrow IN ACCIDENT YESTERDAYP.M. 4 (iiVi tt ifet ff*w fmrtrt Hnfl (Igftl Pm Me. Lb* ••bleed h*t»#4 ted AMS* ta U aw»» l*|nwd A #>*»»•*« lag gewtdaat ass aw *d gab ] la*gay after* *w* *b><*t I a eltwh. • *»• j tb* b**tlM**t a*m* tt lb* 9*b MtagHsa tt ib* Bav *d Mean tan. titi ag *•* at tb* b«waas*a aad ga*af». e tal** tad tb# •*%•*, Rif. Law fbsbhMMl tt ffg aaas dty aad Jwbd Wm.aas*. a ewia«a< mm* Retag «*a Cstlesl at feat, bate at awl aa tb* awrtheab gakt* Tb* bbM*, nbieb »** #b* i babdtbd aad Mb Bwt b a*. *-**<4 ant b# rewrberi aa tb* #r*B»lt ##* *a mMi *s«i piaab was a»i aat ttttt tb* | eradat*- ag I* tb# b leb **i;, aa lata tb* t*tb tae* awiwl ta tb* aaii, aad. ! traa ng *v*r n, e***a*4 ta tb* awt i*ld* aad a*e* tb*aa-ag aai awbiag tbe twtaMa Tbla ya*t tt tb* wall bad i }aat baa* yat ay tbla aeab aad Ib* ; gwaetar bag sot eat. Tb* aelgbt tt tb* [ taa «•#* aad tb# praaaar# as ban! -ag tb eat ■*:*** agataal II »** tea aeacb ta* tb# ftaab asortar. tb* brtebs **«• [ way aad tb* aw# tear* praatyttawd [ ftolnilf ta tb* g-oaad. a diataaea o' over a bandrad faat. Tb* taaa Bril aiibowl a rry. bat iba r< *ab of tb* fblilag brtefe eaoaad tb* I other workmen to ruth ta that yen of tb* building aad they w*r# born bed to Im* Mr. Robuad bad Jobs WllllaaM lying among tb# yt** of brkrb aad * mortar, bnttaod aad blaedlag bin MRI , allv*, Mr, Rabl*eA b*atdaa be nt . craabal lataraally. •** sa aeaawly i ga*bed * boat iba baad. that bl# brataa i war* aspoaad to *l** Tb# aabalaara waa summon ad aad be aaa reia«*v*d 1 U> tb* boag tal. *b*t# b* lingered la agoay till aboat atgbt •’fieri, wb»a death released lla from bl* misery j Job* William*, the colored wan,waa ' take* to th# Lamar koap.tat, and a tel ; -phon# mesass- from tbar* stated that ' it# was only bruised a»d would prob ably be out la a weak or two. la fall tag, William* fall further out from . tb# wall, and waa ant caught la to much of tbe dehrta, whirh yrobahlr accounts for his almost miraculous es cape The gab)#, I* fat’lag. fell oa th# of fte# of tb# Sacred Heart parsonage. crushing ib* Ball bultd ag completely. Brother Ottan. who had Juat left ta# building ut alga for a load of brick, narrowly earaprd a fearful death. Mr. Rob land waa about thirty year* of ag# and unmarried. H# cam# her* from Kansas City about ait month* ago and was employed by Rounds A ling er, th# architect*. H# waa part'e ularly Interested in hi# work on the 1 church, and waa looking forward with much pleasure to tb* completion of hi* part of tbe building. The accident la deeply regretted end baa c|gt a gloom over the entire neigh borhood. and work on the ehu ch baa been suspended for tb* day. tna funeral of Mr. Rohland will take place at four o'clock from the Sacred Heart church, and the remain* will be Intered In the city cemetery Julius Brown ,t co’ored man at work on the same gable, but further from the edge. Mated that Williams saw that the wall was giving way. and tried to Jump and catch the scaffolding, but failed. It la thl*. probably, that broke tue fall somewhat. Myrkle-Harder. ladle* free tomorrow. SUCCES • CONTINUES The Fair Will Probably Remain Open A<l the eek The announcemect that the Masonic Fair will not close aa early aa was thought will be jeornod with much pleasure by all who have enjoyed par ticipating in the many pleasures that it offers The Fair will probably run until Friday and will be closed with a full dress german lu the assembly rooms, on which rc'asloo tickets to tbe gallery will be sold. Last night the attendance was un usually laree and every one present enjoved themselves hugely. A number of articles were raffled off. among which were a peir of opera glasses, won by Mr. M. P. Walsh, a elere of Bnttenbufg lace, by Mr. J. E. Tomer, a brass tea kettle by Mrs. C. D. Carr, the bahv doll and earrlnee by little M'es Holmes, a barrel of flour by Mr Kidd, who presented It to Dr. Burrows. Delightful I ini rhea are still being served in the refreshment room. A number of valuable articles will be raffled tonight and all Interested in the cooking stoves and *2O check ate re quested to be present Hoyt'e Texas Steer tonight. LUNCH TODAY Served by the Ladles of the First Presbyterian church. The ladles of the First Presbyterian church are serving lunch today at 775 Broad street. Call on the ladles and enjoy a good lunch. Myrkle-Harder. ladies free tomorrow. Hat Rack*, finest line and lowest pri ces In city, at Fleming & Bowles. Myrkle-Harder, ladles free tomorrow. Fire Yesterday. Th* Are department waa called out yesterday afternoon about four-forty- Sve to box No. 44. A few shingles on a house on Hall atreet belonging- to Barefleid were burn ing. Tie damage was very small. Hoyt's Texas Steer tonight. im rgrUHtfv <h»c * *• wmni* 4 4*9 t*m ; mm toßgft kW4 toarM amiHiftf 4m% tew «W%. tanK | bfindt. temlwf, and 41 k*4» mt omgmg trial «eocto«ffc I *t hw tewrw #lmmm 4* tedWtejl wtmH. HI I Itt y®M lukw #ho ji Dm <4ifiiA|G jaa w 4 |rt Iwft. CMAV f. KOCK M*AA|if SwusSadiurnucrr 9 PIIWSONAI 41 MION. Keti * Taaa* •*•** hariaW- | 4tn4tf His Art 144444 ?#44 #*4444444* j It# S J. tt!*« it I*#* f **4 M 41 i&t Afft4*i«4. MHrt 4 T 4444 Aw mm* tt#, A*4#n 9t«4 4f €*44444 It 41 944 Aftmt**** * Mjrf4J4*tt4#A44* liftliß ***** »«444i4, Mt W It. H««l it HjlMj Ml 944 114#* • 41«44 fcafttCAt. Mr ftft HiftMt t-f K i«N>44 0«t !• 41 ttM» 1*14494V4 Mrs 414- 994»ft4t. 144*44 Nt 1449m'#*'«'** Mr It ta SSIMP44 f f ft-4 4 «• *4 49 IM4 j A 9*<449*41 I H«ftt • T 4144 49^4# Mr ft%4» m rut* 4€ MiftWiMM tt 41 14# 9*9441 #?4 , Mrtia lltnlw. latßee free tewwe* Mr. M B Brown of Mew Teak •* »• tbe Arilogtoa. H-wyt # Teas* ffteer too*abl. Mr M OarAakt* tt Phiuaelpb'* to at the Fleeter* Mr. B B Kirk tt fllsrsk. Kr . to at tha Flan ter*. tt * f |||4 • || |4t144 ff 44 94il|4<nr'4 1 4» Mr H HulT of Allendale. S. C.. to at the Commeretal. M»yt * tVsa* ei-er tonight. Mr P R Rwesteß of New Torh to at lb* Oeumwttl I Myrkle-Harder. ladle* fre# leosyme.j ' Mr. J. B HarUay of Lyoehbwrg. Va .j I* at the Arlington, Hoyt * Teaae ffteer tonight. Mr. I. a. Walton at Nbell Mat to at tb* ttjyftW i jjarjif, ft 44 tiHjftfTnw, Mr. Ban Morton of Knoxville. Term., to nt tbe Planter* Hoyt'* Tea#* Bieer tonlaht. Mr. I. Nelson of Washington. D. C., to at the Commarclsl, ktyrkte-Hartler. ladle* free tomorrow . Mr. W M Whttetoy of Wtnaton. N. C., la *» Ihe Arlington. Hoyt # Teaaa Steer tonight.’ Mr. C. C F Hammond tt Kathwood. B. C-. •* at the Planter*. I Mr. J. E Rudolr h «f Wilmington. Del., la at the Arlington. «i use onr he*l tt erf* lo m-k* your purchatea entirely aatlelac.ory. —— MAHONEY& ARMSTRONG COAL AND WOOD. Stmwger *Phona xfll Bell 17«6 Office and Yard No i AtcCartan Street Myrkle-Harder. ladles free tomorrow. • Mr. Chaa. R. Murphey of Decatur, Qm . ta at the Arlington. Hoyt's Texas Steer tonight. Mr."*J. T. Jennings of Wilmington. N. C., t* at the Planters. Myrkle-Harder. ladle* free tomorrow. Mr. Daniel Booston of St. Paul, Minn,, 1* at the Planter*. Hoyt'a Texa* Pit er tonight. Mr. T. J. A mire* * of Edgefield. S. C., ta at the Commercial. Myrkle-Harder. ladles free tomorrow. Mr. C. H. Howard Jr.. I* taking In the Atlanta pea.-e jubilee f Hoyt'a Texaa Steer ton’ght. Mr Austin Branch Is h’me from Se ws nee to spend his vacation. Myrkle-Harder. ladles free tomorrow, j Myrkle-Harder, ladles free tomorrow I Mr. H. E. Praia and wife and Mr, W. F. Walcott of New York are at the Arlington. Hoyt'a Texas Pteer tonight. Messrs. George B. Co !(#r and Sam uel Oldham of Philadelphia are at the Arlington. Myrkle-Harder. ladle, frar tomorrow, j Mr. P. Birgtn and wife and Mr H. I M. Wink and wife of New York are at the Commercial. Hoyt’a Texaa Steer tonight. Messrs. H M. Caswe l. T, B. Bran ham and C. T. Balv of Ellington. 8. . c., are at the Commercial. Myrkle-Harder. ladles free tomorrow. ■ ■ —-—•—- A .Mysterious Phot graph. On or before the full moon of August Lieut. B .M. Baxley, or the second Georgia regiment at Huntsville. A’a.. between the hours of 10:30 and 11:30 p. m., exposed his camera by moon light for one hour. On developing the Aim. tt was discovered lhat there were waved lines running across the plate, I one of them broken. Lieut. Baxley left his camera for the hour, and does not know what trans pired before it during the exposure, hut offers a» a solution that someone passed (across the Held with a lantern In his right hand, and on returning he'd the lantern In same hand, and Jthat the j shadows of the person's legs caused the broken line. I can hardly credit this, however, as the lantern, if it would take at all. would not make this decided, distinct line, but more of a blur.—Mrs. W. O. Ballard, in Truth. Myrkle-Harder. ladies free tomorrow. The friends of Miss Saliie Campbell will regret to learn that she Is con fined to her home by sickness Hovt’r Texas Pteer tonight. DrerMßi-* 14 THE MARKETS. 9t*ftWA 4 9HK9T PWPrtoT * A 444414- 9|ft , 1*44 I#. -T 44, 44441» fONNtt# . a. .# .. .. CN4 ililwy a« at a* •• «* 9. . 1% flrtjf 44*4 *44*44 ts m «, «1» t 4« 4>»44n#« ta # * ,a Ml 44 .. «« .A T-Ml mum#* . », . , „ .* ~ •***»•§ it*ii lltftfl 4N>jN« eg .. eaea.-. l M| OM Rk*Ml»fl # « . J | .|| ******* «* - *« *9 •* «*•• a. aai%»l| Tftftf at a. #. *..# 99«*»♦«** a*M^| HIXKIfTt, lAf-JCft 41*111* ft ft ft 4 KHtfMlMti. j W 4411 9>||lß| fNNr-wf»»»Y4f' 14 ft##, ittm. 444* fftifftt 9ttt«f44y ,»•* tJSt 411 IS tftft Miwuitj y?i 4 m TM**44«r |wf 7«A It |«tt Ww4n<**4*9 ?tM 441 594 111! Total ...... 4M It# 114 0M044 ftXtCfttftTft Iftpf 1449 OfQW 4944(4(4 ißjtjr .*..1111 SU4 tTocic-iUßCfttmrft lift itt Morh I* Attgwet* ... .. MW *7lg* (» since aept 1 . mm# null CHICAGO PROVISION 9. WHRAT— eOpwn. 2 p, it*. December „ ~ .. •• .. . §ll. *l% May .. „ .. .. .. .. mv. ## <X>RN— lVrcmter ... .. .. .. .. .. JJ*% 13% May ~ „ ~ ~r . III. I oath— j December .. .. 91% —. May 3f% !•% PORK— January .. .. ».» • I*H May ».«% * LARD — January 1.22% 9.3 May S on 1.6 «l I DEB— * January 4.92% 4.99 May .. ~ 4.*a 4.47% NEW YORK COTTON. January .. 9.91 9.M February 9 93 9.» March 9.94 9.4* 'April .. ...IW 9*3 Mat 3.41 9,44 Jun* IB *7* July 9.49 k. 74 Afsguet 6.71 9.79 feptember .. .. .. .. .. 9.7# October 9.7# 9.71 December .. .. 9.91 6.99 Tone —gteady. Mldd in* 9 11-19. NEW YORK gTOCKff. ffuxar .. .... 137% 13% Tobacco .. .. .. .. .. .. It®’. HO% B. R. T .. 72% 73% C. M. Q 13% I*l% Missouri Pacific *3% 4* T 4 LotJlevtl* and Nashville . *l% 4t% People'* Ga* .. •• «• .. 106% 101% Manhattan *. .. •• .. .. 99% »% T’nb n Pacific *S% 3% Rock Island 116 110% St. Paul Ul% 11«% Pnuthem Railway, pfd .. 42% 12% Weatern t'nlon *«% *6% LIVERPOOL COTTON. January and February J 01 06 3.09 February ar.d March .. 3.01 09 3 09 Msrrh and April 8.05 09 3.07 09 April and May 3 09 07 * 0* 09 May and June .. .. .. 3.07 09 1.09 ; June and Ju’y 2.09 09 S.’O July and Aug. .. .. .. 8.09 10 3.10 ll Aut. and Pept R-09 10 3.1 t Sept, and Oct *O9 • *lO ll Oct. and Nov 3 09 9.10 11 Nov. and Dee. .. .. .. 3-(H 3 04 07 Dec. and Jan —— 3.09 FORT RECEIPT® Galveston I**« New Orleans .. .. .. .. 15973 19175 Mobile .. 1W 477 Psvnrnxh .. 7929 1 Charleston .. 3071 1021 Norfolk 973* Few York J"’* H 22 Wilmington .. .. toot 1590 Bee'on .. .. FTY * ? " s Philadelphia !<2 Myrkle-Harder, ladles free tomorrow. HJN RAL OF HRS. STINSON Largely Attended Yesterday After noon From Sacred Heart Church The funeral of Mrs. A. E, Stinson , was largely attended yesterday after j rcon from the Sacred Heart church, where, for so many years, she had worshipped. Beautiful flowers were placed uron the coffin by loving friends and the tears shed testified to the love and esteem In which the deceased was held. Hoyt’s Texas Steer tonight. No man wants the earth more than the seasick ocean voyager. Myrkle-Harder, ladies free tomorrow. WANTED—COOK; APPLY WITH reference, 1028 Mclntosh street. ! de* 13 WANTED—WHITE LADY TO COOK and do house work. J. M. Head, Sutherland mill. BOARD AND THE LARGEST, MOST desirable room In city, with homa comforts, corner Telfair and Centre streets. Wm. C. Sibley. doc 13 WANTED—A JOB AS BUTLER,WAIT in house or coachman ■ -Apply ISod Greene street; dec 14 13