The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 15, 1898, Image 5

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THURSDAY CHEAPNESS ISN'T ECONOMY THfek a ••pudjUy trot <4 Shot*. Tkwt A tic In which tlx ttockront 4 fu»*tov t» m» *» tnluoiwtfaf. Our btd lor your potnanoft u .h#4pw»« *nd tudtav OUR tSvKXARLE V/VIX SHOES , _ dv* aoM MltoUftton. The m wtxni 4 min «*«« lone «Y**gh D> court »hr com hu fnoiwtMr by the tcrvloc N r*«dm. w« *# nun'i trade. And w* k«r «. Our *ul vdLto* rwum ftrm'y rgottJ In the nwu-. <4 our ftttftrtu U*« « frtm a* m m a d«<rt ft broke* pttmm*. Jifuffu. lujijcm Y iC •rnrTAf'MMi AJtt* CTMIJUMNMi g*»4* I# f 4*"> to ****M**#(y wtwl •!' »n* rvfticur* aiiwt* to (to Hw<Ma El* _______ —KtK* "nearer* mu* DR. HENRY J. CODIN, fSfrr*-t£t|t PfMPf l»ll»! Oilf*. ••4 S* WP tor** Ml ittwt, <m* 4mm ftfewt l*i»fti#r» ■IK. CARDS ARR OUT. la*it•!ton. to i Mining* to Georgia IVofto. *t».t*i ii Tli* M*r*M flnntorat ll* (to . Da*. ti - Invita ts< ft* have h««n i**ord t* tV marrtog* to Mr. W Wall*? Mania to Mia* K*ti nt* Matt* Jordan at Malar* «har. h. Da pa n bar tl. Th* y.«h* '<>«(»•• hatra *r,.,rr# to frtanda, aim wait to «b.m tbali bato rloVt for a haprjt *M proa- IMrcaa fatar* Mr. •».! Mia. r%«rl*a W «*«lprpprr to t,»on* (to., an* vtomng ratal !**•« ami trirnda h*r» Miw Mary (Mlmorr *>» haa •**» nail* *hk for **vrr*l w*-k*. la imr' d murh betlar todly. Th* all * ...un-ll baa -dfarto a tr traid to fifty dtoiar* to W laid to try informant aho furn'ahaa evtoww* to ronvtrt any pita* l lata In *l** llUrtt touring or arlllng tr»t<»»tc*iint liquor*. itomron* rrmarkwt that if ! <* blin l llg*r» doo'i ka*; t:.* *r »yra "f«'ti ;h*y »!H rrrtalnl) b# caught. Mr. Hardto Nurrta. dark >-t »b* drntt torre es R. ¥hi-*makrr. IVrrjr. 11l . nay*: "A nan rsma Into oar *!>n» th* , - ' i ,• . . t ”* *tu(T that aavea rhli an * Uvaa. Tb* (htldrrn may gat ahk whan w* ■annot gat tha doctor quhk amnigh H'a th* madieln* you roll fi>r or.up H* alluded to n-Jrala l»ln'« Onogh Hamad?. and bought a bottle tiafori* ha aft tha toora. I'M aala by Alexander Drag and Seed Co., C. R. Parr of Bell Town Drug Co. SHOT AND KILLED. Wliaon Wray Loaea Mia Life While i Realating Arrest. Special t" The Herald. itonderavHle, lit.. Dec. la. —Wliaon Wray, colored, whllr resisting urteM. v»g ahot and killed hy Ito 111 IT Jomea Tanner Tueaday near Hebron poatnfflee. about twelve mile" from here. While nttemptintr to make the arraat Tnnner'a oat waa cut tn three olace». Aa far ua tan be learned hla bodv -oceived no ‘njuiy whatever. Coroner Hooka will bold an inquest over the body tomor -ew. Wray was charge! with h e Maallu*. There la a rumor afloat that Bailiff Tanner and Mr. G. M. Broughton. •*ho est here about dunk for thelt homes, near Hebron, will be Intercepted by •riends of the deceased. However, they are prepared to meet the «m<*rgenty, is they are well armed with Winihea ters and rifles. For Whooping Cough jse CHENEY’S EXPEC TORANT. iSS Jeweler NOVELTIES New goods arriving daily that w j|| be just the things OF for Xmas Presents. Come 7. - see what we are doing. See what prices we are making KINDS on Diamonds and Watches. ffm. Sclweiprt & Co., Jewelers me Dconivi tun* | M»«H C t. A'*, #«d k*4»b «• fee listed f-aight Tfe# AkWHC to tt*» tßdßof Eh—eiitol peel— Ibf ( 1 .kt. int »\ 1,. A, (mm Mitt to pbM looltkl. [The |»»» (tilt h» kiikl at lb Fat - I rick's bat! s*d *(ll hr## at 9 •'rtork tkr Ceded* at* so* »»«• gam* **i#« t ■,f (bo C. 1. A ’a Mb M »h* Mt»r j !***» via* a Webber will baa# to bt Hntb teem* W*!» (Hit up a ilrmi KaM Tfe* IIM a| w)N bt' i C I- A ,—•*!%«. *#—etd l-»*t INg* | an*, ptirtirr Ab***ha«i. rtabt abort 'atop: ttabnai'T loft abort atop: **ee ■w-r lot baa*. Ami lb catcher B'oke*, right OTnawelt. third few**; O lvuitiell. left Br it 1 Cabal*— Ho*l*. left abort atop: Bber oo. Bnrt bare. Corrigan pitrber; Mul trrfa third boar. Armairoag. right J»h«ri **op: Cnatallo. aeennd baa*: Oa'- ; taker left Held lumbar, right bald: ! Motherto. ratrber. * Th* P. I*. A.'a and Tenth Ohio bora alii play ■ *a«n tomorrow night at ‘th* armory. PuAlrn * Arnica BMve. rtlK BRAT BAI.VK IB 'h* world f r rut* Rruiw*. Burra, Ulcers. Butt flhram. Fever Bom. Tetter, Chapped Hand*. Chilblain*, Gorwa. and alt Bk:n Crupt kn« and poal'tyaly rurr* J*tl*a. nr no pay repulre 1 It la guaranteed to rtee perfect aaftefartltei or manei re united Price SB rent* per bo*. FOR SALE BT HOWARD A WILMET. STABBRD A SOLDIER r rede rick Cole I *ed a Darter Last Nttbt I There waa a stabbing affair laat night roil Bread aireet. A soldier and a cltlaen were the par* jtleipanta In It. Frederick Cole, a white man. *n i* ed in *nmr heeled word* with a laoldier that brought on blow* *nd Cole drew a dagger and atabbed the arldlor. George Enoe, of Co. O. Thirty-fifth Mtcblgan. In the awn Inftlrtln* a se v* rc wound. Rons wa* taken to the city hospital and hla wound drrated. Nine atltfhe* were taken In the wound At the court of the recorder today Cole waa fined five dollar* and bound over to the city court on a (tabbing charge and his bond placed at SIOO. Traylor's i 1* the place to order fish and oyster* for Christmas. Will have a fine assort ment of shad. Spanish Mackerel. Pom pano, Trout, Bream, ete. TRATI-OR'S. Cor. Jackson and Rills. Bell ’Phonr 210. dec IS 1* 2122 "Our Audubon club had an Interest ing meeting today.” "What bird are you studying now?" “Turkey.” Fancy French candles and crvalal- Ired fruits at T. Bcl.ladaressi's. Beautiful line of Mahogany and Wal nut Suita i cordless of profit for cash —Fleming & Bowles. TP* AUOUfiTA PFT?AtD. THE SPEECHES »J THE GftPITM. Tfe# t urn** «t Mffcithi »*i ffbwUf, ■ke k—«. «d * eaap Uaabeww Al»w **d* a •#—*» flu# ttortptft t»ut»«ft<t #*#**ss *♦ j |f I# 11 ft*## MNP ftjpwwf to m s fttnjK# M H Kilui |# .JPHHMNI4I. II*• (MMPWNi Hi v, |lp(p« Nh4N»I I* PI 9m MM** WHt I IN* i mmm ««f cinp t AitMl iMaiipb gpir%iwiiiii fill B • im lyfil.j*w feNMt# |WP» Ai llpp NbmNP mm *mm* l palnh* i* lINP tNMHMI AAMpmHP «MMi *t ft #ft#> fmm ftf ilain ftiil «Mit ' wm ftl tpMftftP ftftft frtlMl |ft# ANftP - fftw ftftM N ftftf# ftMftft f%« ftlift ti# ftUftt mt PHI# ftMN> #M iNfftHf’ PPPf ft«Nl •fteftN* TW flftft ##«## m**t m M» mnh m*m m% *r ft frtmf mmm *M ##»'• lb### tftftp ft#ftt ft4M#<ft tft IK# immnhpM * ’ Brbat MM* tp* h**e few BBSBIMM w >abi*» d mi* bp th* Iwt that *• mm «f aw bt*e* lea bfl *B Held wf »»*»*■ d pad d*»b f’«M haebiAtpw aw 4 aspwawo pad «ebe** i*B****** brtM awOHi a*4 Awewaa (MM wkb h tb»* Wirt M* #*•#*. Tb* Me** arf tb* dead wttt fc* • pteriew* bwt. **4 tb* dtoabiad Will b* tb* MUM * r*r* “A HIM whbb MM* fw» H* diM | bl*4 awidtsr*. •* we baee *!•»*# An*e. Will ***** barb deft— Jem. Tb* Mth— : *1 i»*M*ei— few tbee* Wbw bell i* laiib *re prod that lb# 4m4 m well a* tb* tlebM baee Mr lew. Wba* aa 1 arm* of aitewt aawi.aet* ere have. a»d j with wba beeiM eat# tbmr goav— »'* b—d* K—ry eobllet'* *'■»• "—4* ■ dtertM oor MfewtwMt* neti wet W a i Uihete la ABM'rtra* tabw. A*4 while • be* I boa* g ate* were made we dis feted Widely akoet the Mere «4 «h-a aave'*t*eel lb#— itHrowet w#t» Mg ago set lied fey lb# aHxicame* »f »»*--* **4 Ihe liBW baa now c.«-wc la the etn aIM of ae*U«e-t and frellag nnder the pn»V'4e*ce of OoA WB»* la the spirit of fnirmltt we ebowtd share with y«• *« the rare 4 the grave* of the con federate —ldler* The ordial fecliap an* happiie etlsll** between lb* north and eooih prompl* ibla *vs , ton* act. and If ft weeded ferther Joe tiruation II I* found I* the Mllaat bicalty lo th* (taio* and th* flag mt raaaptrwtxialy shown In tb* y**r b*l pa«e*d i>y tb* non* and grandson* of th*** heroic deed Whai a gtorlpu* ; future await* a* If unitedly, wl—ly and bravely we face the new p ot.lem* J bow pressing upon lie, detennined. to j aolve them f»r right sad hutnani ! tyi” When Mr. McKinley had concluded, there were ronitnuou* call# for Oene rai Wheeler, and he consented to ’ speak President Dodson latroduced the gallant hero of Santiago by saying he ! needed no lalroductloH lo • southern audience. ten Wheeler'* Speech. Oen. Wheeler* voice was not strong, but there was a perfect calm throughout the hall aa he began. The i calm waa Interrupted frequently, how ever. when the enthusiasm of the audi tor* burst out Into applause. General Wheeler said: "Gentlemen of the General Assembly of Georgia and Fell..w Oltii—a 1 ap preciate more than 1 can express the | honor of being invited to accompany hi* excellency, the president, tin thTi lour of the south. I have looked for . ward with great pleasure to .laecUliK (old friend* of a lifetime, l nips glad ) that the President of the Unite,| rttntcs had derided to visit our section, to meqt our people and ee** what progress we are making In the development of I our resource*. “The president, a* commander In chief of the army and navy of the United States, has alluded to the «a! lantry of the aoldlers and sailor* of our army and navy, but It is not known, because of the modesty of the chief executive, that every effort was ex hausted to preserve peace.” General Wheeler said war was not declared until It became necessary for the pres ervation of the honor of the country. He told of the order sent to Commo dore llcwey to proeeed to Manlln and capture and destroy the Spanish fleet.. In eight days that order was executed, he said. “It was the president, as commander In chief, who, when the troops were assembled for the purpose of going on an expedition to Havana, ast n r consul tation with the secretary of war. changed the plan and derided on the expedition to Santiago. The army in conjunction with the navy was order ed" to attack and destroy the Spanish forces at Santiago. In four week* that order waß obeyed and its purposes accomplished. The proud Spanish nation Btood suing peace from the na tion which a month before It had held up to ridicule and scorn. I have to thank him for the opportunity of sharing in the glories won by soldiers who came from nearly every state in the union. 1 thank Vou, ladles and gen tlemen, for giving me an opportunity to address you.” (Jen Young’s Speech General Young was next presented. He nal<l he was glad to be in Georgia and fofetred In high terms to the con dition of the camps of his corps in this slate. He -id the criticism of the army campii had not come from the south. (Jen Lawton’s Speech. General Lawton was then Introduced by President Dodson. He said: "I thank you in the name of the men I bad the honor to command at Sant ago for the honor you have done mo in calling upon roe to speak.” Pc WPS* MAia Olr food mom iU4k«m% «m§ tdfcqlpMrtiw 11 Ml 1 Wt»f erf .** AM* M*ID AMT, y%* BhM HMWIIIs iWipb'M W— » «*fe gM* ftwfl #B#imftft I## fm ift* #%#■##• I* #|| #lll# ftwMl ftMft#' •* ###s| tft fclf fMMiftt Ne •—4 m MvlMtwir M ba*Bß*M" Mat n m WMAsvfel bow t*-b *#* tm 1 *•• s#<{ Mf# ott • * t #W##P il'itT #9### #%#s## (ftftplHftl tft*# wfl •WWW la bats—M Wlb the W*l • a# I a ted a *m—v *A*I I'itiiv tint, wwb an "irrar'rtt* (M* M tb* wall* a*d tee *r thee# ta*Bß B—t*d ptartw* »• A* »(** iW met the ale of mm# cbseifetl MvttMi mwm TT»*ee tat Mir *M rd lb* l-altew* **'*W »fe* Ml «# *»t**>« tab*— wb—* att tfe# *»*ht‘ IsWdMta at tb*%rtb' - .it*i«i*tt>i fnew. a «>e*ded tM*tM*t 1" **» ’id** *t wt#« M*b prfevMl B** Tb*v »•*, ncilbee *<M BMP**slv* They An *ot try Mi MfeH—tt—VV tt— rg „ ryaate of tb«— aeehisd *)**— They mv wear vow* of tlv*(ha* I*4 fdrtMMb— **4 tht MMb# ! MMt •*!> i* I* WdeesiaaA **cb raw aa 14 awwfcyfA thfff Til*#', ft# ##lt #4l ih ftittulf #li *»» of n*mm mm •w* r .#f r*| f|K !##•#* fi twniiiH ftft lift Wftfttrft*! W«» tsDcxial *l' aM |»d«—irtal MhM «f ttnatM Tor (—«•"* d—reexte a*vv>» ca a higher plawe. From axaail b*«in riac* lb* rsapteywrri ksiraa of i •i*tcn hM com* lo have a* »"» riHn rl'* of eta—t H"* *Mp»nyrrs and amr* iha* twiee *a weay •»r J oye». *rd all of tho— ebo o— tfee «• MM tw numbere of lb* dom#*ile R*f«r.B I—gne. _ . Ttse aim Of 'be league la lb* srimuiv and capful r*wak*<T*ll«— of t>re#*«H ron<l#Bti« th# awaVen'o* of tb* I”- lereMs of worn#* lg tb# lgr«#r MierU of lb# problem; lb* mMlUut by i*’" employ*# that fa'r rmditlon* *.b*u»ld »•* given for faithful aervlrg, and t*v ib« rmp'ny* that Intwnrird and efflrteat aervlc# must b# given In #*rban*r for fair wage* and J**t conditio**; th* r#- cognition by loth employer and gm p oy* that rfflcteucy should be a standard of wage# The I—gne bold# occasional public meeting*, at eihlcb expert* ars railed upon lo make adrtrease* R has Svlso niuk*rutkee to draft a houaehotd (expeoaa budget which baa th~ . ndur#-- tnent of Mr, Wadlln. the chief of the Msssachnsett* Uurenu of labor and ata tlatic*. A# a result of all thl* effort tin »«f hetically furvtlahed office of the labor employment bureau attract* a v, r > differtnt rlaaa of wekera after em plovmrnt, and the woman looking for a domeetic has no very IHtle hesitant 1 to engaging those brought to her no tice here. Probably nothing ha* contributed more to the recent sucerna or this offh' than the ability of the auperlntendent and her assistant*, among whom are Included four college graduate# of at tractive perronallty. who have made it gpeelal study of domestic erlenec and ail that nertains to It. Five women ar> required lo attend to the work of the office, and of these four are graduates of women's colleges—one of Radcltffe, the others of Smith and Wellesley. This work I* not voluntary work, for the union eon afford to pay fair salu rlc*. and the success that ha* attend ed the effort may suggest that the con ducting of an Intelligence office may be added to the list of occupations In which » well educated woman may en gage. A real effort Is made to under stand the needs of tjoth housekeeper and cVimestlc. and little withdrawing rooms are provided, where mistress and maid may have a few words of private conversation. When a men appen-s upon the scene (and who can count the number of suburbanites who guild their uneompl»lnlr , “ husbands to choose the pew girl) h!» confidence Is gained at the outset, and he Is brought Into crmmunlcailon with the girl best flttedi for the place. In the matter of fees and in other re ! sports the office conforms to the regula i lions Imposed upon all other Intelli ! genre offers, but in appearance and in ; general atmosphere there fa no compar > laon. | Another department of the union un der whose fjiispieea was formed a com mittee which set out to study the do mestic problem from another point of V j ew _t.hnt of supply and demand-en gaged a paid agent—a college graduate —who for several months went around In shops and manufaeturlng establish ments to present the advantage*: offered |to women by household service. The special aim of 'lhls agent was to Induce girts of higher type than is usu ally found In It to enter the profession of domestic service. But the effort to a great, extent was Ineffectual. But very few women were found wlH’ng to make the change and of these but. one was satisfactorily placed Tn the same wav the rommittee had hoped to find shop and factory girls willing to enter its school ff housekeeping, which is for the training of domestics. But no greater stiAmss was trot here, and al kjfe (1 ngg# ift# DBiftEMtct I# NMI flit Ah ftMtftSMlft I r tft## to## ft im# ft*## irtoftV ftflift ) , ...A -A 't. #4# fiftPflt- ft|* ] rtb-Mt wf . high -4*» wf I **rn—aWtlrtt m mb sea mm Ibat Ml' |% -lftlrrm ft tftfft 4N##fl|i ff'Oftff I# gift toft j . at . ( | k#ft|flkft rtf I to# rni t ‘fya 1] flflMftl toll I llbceflft * toftfl r ft ftftftft | d'i#t tAfUti Am 9to#9 fti# flMtflf I t Iftftf fllfll flfll fcftftV flHft itoNfli I toft ftA’ ; it *«f ift ftp ft fftjf tom ftflNt fti ft*ft' iiiiift |ft ift# ftiii% A irtlentliri utiorimnnl of of f*ft**OfM»bHs Pockft (look* And Card Cabm 4n lhi at l#Ath.t b for m«n And woman At HictiArd* A PhAVr**. iwTVt on HI lIMI STTAIfeARM lo* I ca.'H *d Havfdd IM|». •« Oyvie >'■■■■» Mt—day Th* Bthkri e evAifeiih— few the bewa il wf ike I—*ll*l of the Tvwih OhM pa>m'-**>* is he awe of the wwsd ewt—» tewing affwire evea Btvew tw Aegesta. The wrfhWßW—tia *r» hetwg pvrfrcv ed ewd set event ad of tttr mpiytwewl I* mumd At Mstte egwei* of alt de scriptbdM will he pee—wied wwd tm »w •f th» sri W—y expect e—wethlwg gwofL T >rk< a mi Mt* Bt TtMMWB* A lleriow • and th* Ariiwetnw Cigar Ptawd. th m. Mtwvtftrt A C*. j Brhwetmsrt 41 Ob, ‘.eve the Mhdawm* e#t |i>«— tvy paler* in (be «**&th. Tt-rir fi»hp #i #§( ftC |rft#4rt to* Diftotly Vft I# > 4#t# in 4 FoMftffl «f til Hi* ta **l #l*" Kt Nr# In lit# JtArlrr llfft Till# firm h## i ut In a M<*k "I Bee *•***» fe* |l. h' M<lßV#. Their it ev *tlt be kept ..pew dwriwg lh* holiday* for Ibe |venter*#* of Its- who want et mall# jtbeir —tarii—v* during the day. Games and toys. Our stock Is enormous. A splendid sfetection, 5 c«nts up Call and sa« At Richards A Shaver’s. OYSTI If SI i*l* To Be Qlvew In \t nodtswn This Cvrning. ■ The ladle* of Bt. Amir* we' Ml—lona. I Woodtawn. will serve oysters from A | until 11 o'r)o«k tonight, wi ibc Mission, corner of Woodtwwn wnd Gwinnett Isi reel a. The Mission 1* directly tin the M dtic Snno line nnd is very rooven- Ictrt for those fr -m town in camp. The laoldier* wre especially asked lo call on hte ladle# and enjoy some of thrlr hot I ovster*. raw. atewed or fried. ; ' Oysters I Ov ster* I | Mol, le. Ptantn. Norfolk# and Savan ■tiah- the finest Give us your rhrist mihs orders. Free delivery In the city, IHummervllle end Onmti. Tit A Y UHt * CO., «',»—«r Jackson and Kills: ’l'lmne 210. j Ike. 15.1* 21.22. Augustans extend a cordial prce‘'ng to Rev. J. P. King, the recently ap pointed presiding elder of the August.! district. Mr. and Mr*. King are at home to their friends at the rorner of Greene and Marbury street*. OAHTOniA. BMf|tk# j» Hit Kind Yrni Haw Always Bonght *' e T n A delightful b»l masque will be given tomorrow evening at “Arlington Height*,” the hospitable home of Mr. end Mrs. Theodore Sofje. Fresh Crystall*ed Fruit* at Clark's. The friends of Mrs. Mamie Gibbs will regret to barn that she is still quite sick at her home, comer of Hop kins and Pine st eets. y.inrv work haskris. novelties and dolls at lowest prices. T. SchtaJaiessi. Col. Turner C. Thomas Is In Atlan ta, whore he Is acting as aide to (he grand marshal of the jubilee parade. Col. Tfiomis Is « well known figure in military pageants and no parade of re cent years has been complete without him. Naples walnuts. Ivlca almonds. Va lencia raisins. Mi I huh grapes, currants, raisins, etc.; also line fancy baskets at Glcvanl’s, 634 Broad street. M. E. MACAULAY J. A. MULLARKY DJ>, SULLIVAN Macaulay & Co. , , rvl Special for the Holidays. We FZin ill | )V r sell nothing but Guaranteed IVI LJ VJI L4V7 ▼ I— Gloves and are local agents for 1 Poeckl world-renown manufacturer. Buying direct from head quarters, have fresh stock and largest assortment in the city at $ 1.00 per pair ciaso Black and self-colored Embroidery, Black, Browns“ Tans? Modes 9 . P Yellows, Ox-bloods, Navy Blue, Greens, Bea vers Grays, Pearls and Whites at $ 1.50 per pair. All the Leading Shades and the best value© in America. A , The City is Talking: AUOUt ou« *»ucc*^*t # uu WONDERFUL SALE W* W*"»V grid in —ewt g nl« M BWP dwt A* w» 4#d *#•—dw*‘ ted Wk*V pfr- ,-w mm ■ ,M —Mode 3BW* IM«—4 wt oAwriMß ItVffTTTi” Trr- •«***-•** bmt, ►right, atyttah gawik. Bl pfWM •*-* **d •#*•»*•— WaePf #*«*—ad pM* * Otm rn* astftwa t|*a'« Itaporisd «W« asd WwMlad •«>** • 111 Wt ewd felt wa Ftw* tMwh *M Mm *•'«" «*, few •« M «wd It# dfe; Ik- I—pnM*d AP Oawriwl fMM MU*! Mm'* U*w4ae«4 feffeAß Bod <M4we*4 tow- Pfetri* few M Bed » vwßto. •»«*** A|h-W-d EtWW Dawto few to <a*Ma ***** ► Ball* BWd Fw#«* BMfe BMffel few $$ *w4 »«••**! r«W*>t MWpmted **4 K* —» (tmMM fe# til .to BWd tit tot swd Ifetßfe wf Hi M'W'a ID WMI tlwttw M“•*•••» awd toawa few |* 881 Awd hvwafeada wf B*ha# IVtWga Bt pete— tfe«« •*« *■—** ***_ fewjt B wfewte petßclt vwpplpt iMetoWP* A Fwlt lAM to Ffeffeßrttoß tfetodMMV I J. B, HITE t CO, ClolUni ntunmni 'U IWBB —^ t fl HoORS^ASH^nBuNDs Mill Work or EVERY DESCRIPTION. L YELLOW PINE LUMBER Iricicav-ov** mu IQC «d 0 mlu l»mi iMtoOVfMtllft BMC OatUM'JAT'ON iHOtIOUCN tVifeY OIPABtMifeT. . LJ U mu UNf IN STOCK AND PROMPT SHIPMENTS ASSURED 1 rs,;|s,it»,oWUUC tGt APBUCADOA - - Perkins Manufactliring Co Augusta Ga Will You Get Left ? There is but one looked-for condition th s fall in regard to business and that is a most healthy one, and those who are preparing for It are thejseopie who will reap the harvest and all the others will get left. We have gathered from all the renowned centers Immense quan tities of desirable up-to-date goods running mostly to novelties in China, Pottery and Glassware. They are ours to own at right prices if you buy them. BLIGH’S CRYSTAL PALACE 809 BROAD STREET. Hen’s Suits, Fancy Cheviots, Fancy Worsteds, Fancy Cassimeres. There's a Reason for the Under Prices. Each one of these suits could tell of a maker who manufactured well, but not wisely. Makers are always in advance of the retail selling season. They have to guess ahead as to trade conditions —-and hope. We tell today of such hopes not realized by a celebrated maker, and his products find new owners, through us, because of the business necessities of the man yr io looked ahead wrong. A chance for moneyrosaving that seldom comes just before Christmas. I. C. LEVY’S SON & CO. OittrMSin ta Sir Irrn If (Vnnar tfTrnm hdß |»F V#f ItoWFlt flk» %A f l* , ‘f lit •11 tto«> malty Mpfilftt flOvw »rtk*tafl fft tit# tfttat tp t dfftftcf. »f Ift lift <l«"»tftft a oft rt<|ulft(r of to*##!# In r«ttf Diifftfto fttftdl ft to*ft*T* iifef i inrlnftrtß ft afrit*#, r'«s**##, rliai#- tatfift, itivft ihJTfiHfi, llhlt DtlvftP. •»n|r* taftft. tamp* aitft pouvrolr fwftfl, ant) #vrry iHMf Id a flto**« *» *«» I'ft* ft * rfcman*ttip and rich md rkHKPftl ft#* •ten. <ii44 i*#ti In ft nr f*tu*h II •• ftflNi our t*an»t» Miclifiitl* i*«»uv<*nlr ***«»•. A. J. RENKL. Jfrftr'rr. il-