The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 15, 1898, Image 8

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‘T'UiHIOAV y ) '(Jfik' ! * *•! ( * >-• - # •* , ■ * NfCKWIAR 50CENT9 ST\Llis 60 CENTS FOR 91 _ FOR •» •r* 0 utM. Th*r« sr« T#c«*«. T tmrm mrm #♦»<*•. Trt»r# art P<nir«ln-Hindi. Tb mrm mrm Imparl *, Satina and ft—tt In all tha rich and hftrmta «*••**«• and colon. Kvaryona r»cant y r*ca*v»d from MMvftciurar. Al< parfacny naw thia mum on. Opan Kvaninga , A.BA. LAST KISHT OF THE FAIR daw* T«ftd»f*» M*lt Will Fall Dm* Bail TMlMdCMiia am a* p«ta*a Tidpt Ta«lgt>< wiU ba tb. I**t wmi'l |«t «#» to «M Ut» piaaaurea •■»»** *4 at <ha Pair, •> It will virtually *H* taaifbt All artteUa «*<« aoid at rat tm) off win b* «r*i>.«**>i «f loaigbt •> aaaitf After two neeto of aurrewsful Iraffi-- Mr* atßokr MUI Mr* H#«*o bare rfosed out ttolr Voußtrjr ator* and bat* retired to lb* yrtrar; of tb# r boat** to aajor a •*!! earned res! from tbe •fAttmi* dull** of abop keeping. rots Ml aatbgteaaed Hi knowing that ttoy bat* faithfully **nn«J thalr r»»t. Too much r#onr* to said to pralae of Mr* William Crane. ptweldcnt cf tto Fair and Mr. Ed. Platt and Mr A lei Goodrich. abo bar* given tbrtr tatlr* rtn. and untiring att*fltioo to tb* auc «** at tb* fair and who day after day and wight after nlgbt. bar* been found at tbatrpoat. aiding, helping and •taNtlag earh and every worker To tt># lad!** In cbnrg* of tb* various booth* la alna du* murh of tb* credit for tb* irtitt of tb* Fair, for they ha** without weaptlon. served fauh fully aa* well. Tonight will eloaa the aword con* teat and eonaldarabta mtereal U tnoi- Ifbated aa to who will develop Into the moat pwpnlar officer In ramp. At prea ent the Fair bulletin ahowa Lieut. El jtott ahead with lit *ota». Lieut Dag gatt ragtnieri 103 and it la rumored that the voting In ramp la running high In favor of another popular rouog officer The return* tonight will de cide vrho will own the hattdaom* aword The Fair will eloa# tomorrow night with a hill <Waa ball and thr affair will ha a mo*t hrllllant one., No more luttrhe* will be served and tonight dancing will be enjoyed in the refreshment room. The white enameled child's bed at Mra. Hollingsworth's table will be raf fled off. All having chance# wUI ideas# he prerent. Mr. J. Rice Smith won the elegant rut-r'*** pureh bowl raffled at the crystal booth last night. The erarre’ed watch ■ 'he won by lit tle Blrd'e Pendleton. Mr. E. C. McCreary won the bath robe Mina Fannie Kopnel and Mr Ernest North tied for the »20 check prresntcd by Mr. Degeu. and divided It between them. Mr. Victor Frlcdenhurg won the diamond loeket. Shake Into Your Shoes Alien’* Font-Enee. a powder for the feet. It cure* painful, swollen. smart ing, nervous feet and Instantly lakes the sting out of corns and bunions. It's the grestest comfort discovery of the age. Allen's Foot-Ease makes tight or new shoes feel essy. It Is a certain cure for sweating, callous and sore, tired, aching feet. Try It today. Fold by all drugg'sts and shoes stores. By mall for 25 cents In stamps Trial package FREE. Address. Allen 8. Olmsted. Le Roy, N. T. BEFCRE PURCHASING Silver Novelties Call on EWIS J. £ CHAUL, Popular Priced Jeweler. A Tremendous line and no Broad street rent to Can save you 25 per cent. Street, Under the Arlington Hotel. MR. STALLINGS TELLS OF TRIP Srflif tbr Pr*>4'»i ill n.arliac lb* Aigta it U» leg sites I'a'e.talaeJ by confrere • man tlegMif. Pugttaastrr diallings and Judge Eva regarded ye-terday am the floatae a traia from Mfaaalogtoa Mayor Wslah weal oa to Naw York and Mr. Fogarty to Ailaata. where be attend* tb* Jubi lee l*o»tmaster dia ling* bad a bit to aay about bia ftp wbea #**o by a re porter this Ha wa* much delighted that hta plan of gett'na tb# presldenl to Augusta bad town auecaot fal H* said that alt member* of tb* commit!** that had gun* so to Wa*h ington bad dose tbair part la p*raoad log tha pr**ld#o! to tab* a peep la oa Aagosta. Mr. Fogarty had done anae splendid talking aod Col Beer bad used »«£»» cooyloelng argument# that tha ptMi denl could not re* it. "We w*nt to the white house about on* o'clock la the afternoon.’’ Mid Mr. mailings, "and wet* ushered loto tb* p scene* of the president.” The ch!*f axscutlva gave them a cordial weleoma. but could not *ee how he could get to Augusta. Then the matter of saving aa hour on the return trip wa* expla'ned and b* M d ’See Re. retary Porter," Tb* committee saw tha secretary and ha waa told the object of their y|»lt to Wash Ington. Then tb* Southern railway bead quarters were called up by telephone, and the official* cor oborated what the official* had said about saving an hour by the president going borne via Au gusta. Thta clinched the argument and the delegation went away happy and that night they all accepted Congressman Fleming’* Invitation to attend the the atre. Mr. Stalling* aaya the weather was bitter cold In Washington and *now commenced falling on the afternoon of their visit to McKinley. The trip hack was delightful «nd theie waa no thing the matter with the Charlotte eating home. The lest statement will be especially appreciated by the members of the del egation. There la a Joke between the Unea. Matllsrd’s Eating and Cooking Choc olate at Clark's. INTi RiiSHNQ DEBATE. To Be Held T* morrow N'ght at St. I uke’e Cl urch There wll be an Interesting debate tomorrow night at St. Lukes church on the following subject: "Resolveck That John Wesley waa a greater mao than Martin Luther In exerting a bet ter influence for good.” The debate will be handled by Mr. Joseph W. Beasley In the nfllrmatlve and by Mr. A. S. Ulm and Mr. Hearty Ulm tn the negative. A cordial Invitation la extended to all to attend. Our line of J ipunes? no velties is unsurpassed from 25 cents up. At Richirfls & Shavers, «jj9j e ,At?ax7fTA CEN. WAIES BACK AGAIN A.ftttM umni U$ I*m4 i mm* ?••#> r..a* I*** •«*% ****** I*** mm ttesf Aew** f»sw>»* «a»i< ma» ♦ ■-4fe* *# f tfti.f-.rT* #**t <• „„.a twill Y %** IMb-. a* 4m « *.* % y-tm « c «| li» f% fit WNIk ••*%*»* f Mt pit# «# *iwi n«i Hat Abu f%m i * 4 4 »»4 ti» mm* iUMlfwi INMPMI mm*rn llNif# f i 1.,* m »a if • *4# **'-<**■ vflMMf 4lp* i*• tt fcitiif ttiii mm gb# JWIMP—Un t*B Mli •••ff ** rnm m gay Mm mm MY** Mg*- MMI •• *4 mm 9 |94l * a ® |r 9i49M1 yl' c, 99| * P’9499P* i * t%4 ill In HM»9 4 •••41 #•“ Dmmnml bf tb# gi|F* ■ *"4 •#•*#•! Ltirut cm W*»*« J m** T-ew*a4 adtefaat gtestel M !%• fibgawd ***** mcm baa mM**tf M* ■•••** «b* to •tg acvv** te 'to rtf tsdif »*d ma»m ** <M* a«kw Amfwaat A4H*v* RlOfft iWf w-'*m t m* «4b#« ilb#» tb# •ffftbi it tlNl Hi4Pi •* AW***# TbP •f4ffb NrtifbT t**#**# tn r%# jjilut #fi frcMb •"•rp* •«• •b’" 1 * ** ir4»F, Tbi iwi fb#i bmmitor fiK#i §«bMMa4#fi ••’■ftwwD r#r<MigtMi I# I###* Mi g’vlateg IteapMa’ 'Mg wl't «aa*» tb* ewmpaay comw*dec w b* •mmsdi*'* ly ac-t’g- 4 Htosofer w* aM****"» *4 fatei vbe will ha tnotsd mte* tb* oFftaai furteogb aed say pr*vi*o* **- .rc. a tbtotoo aro legwaedod wnb tb* •ro' vM’oa toe **t<teFc* Moewfag tegoeta of iittete# bad bet radte. now farolabod ta • rp* b*od esatefa w »• long** required and wftt ba ilecnatistod r(o*n>it>.t*4 aw>ra'ag tepnrta wfß to tequ'ted naly from troops Atwily attacked M e«wp» MaJgwtW, trti; corpa Maswva ambolsae* ermyaay. da giaevra. atpaal errpa. cavalry Tb# MMewnmi at Mrb and pr*#"o*te Still bervoßff be futelibad every lea day* only and on lb* day wbte lb* HI moathly return la dan. Tb* otbc r red** la given la toll' Headquarter* OercpA Army Cocoa. Angteeta Oa. Dar I. I*ML General Onter* No ISJ. 1 la ordte to yrnnsts aad maiatala tb* military tearing and ggh-ieorv of tb'* rorya. dlv'*loa rommaad*** will Isan* aoernpriata ordera eoaeeralag - tb* fo'lowlag aubjea'*: Otaag. I. Nothing dteract* mar* from mili tary appearance than *lov#alia*** la dree* Mixed uniform* should never be worn, and osata*** and *mar>n*** la arpoaraac# should be enforced at all t'mes. unl«a* mm are actively en raged la fatigue work, which prevent* Men leaving camp oa p*«* should particularly he required to b# fault'#**- ly uniformed and *hould be faerected hy a eompaty officer before leaving camp to see that *uch la the cats S> tat lag. J. A* cqurteey le In flier erntbl* to dis cipline. the prcrcrlbcA salute *hmtld at all time# be glvr» <n »b* proper man ner end at the rrooer time fPce Par 4«6. Infantry Drill Regulation*.) Intercourse Between O.flcete anl Enlisted Men. 5. it la absolutely tesent'al to the proper enforcement of ordcrc, and to the malntcnane’' of dlaclplltne. that the line of demarcation between the officer and the enlleted man ehould at *ll time* be observed. it l« Impi sable for the eommlxaion efl offijir to be femlllar wlui the An- Hated m*« when off tkity, or In placte of amusement, and etill maintain tb.i* dignity md reeerve eo neoei3»rv to the military profession. Each, the 0.l err and UK enllated man. has hU own proper n here, end the m.urent thf-r* Is _*,.v iarlty. that moment UUv'iK’.e c. nimneea to suffer. Trespassing. 4. All should understand that, for their own reputation anc) for the repu tation of the uniform they wear, they should be scrupulously careful as to trespassing upon or Infringing upon, the rights of eittreos of the commun ity. Good men of any organization should be erevuraged In helping to control any disposition to trespass or maraud, and any acts of that charac ter should be dealt with promp ly sod severely. o’iv d Tit tv. g. Aa this is one of tb* t tost Import ant and honorable duties a soldier b t; to pcrfc-m, no effort shou'd be spt'eP to make all perfect In Its performance. The " e»rl ’g of Badges. 6. The c-.trpa badge la a party of the uniform of the army anJ -iervea ns a mark of Identification. The proper ba.l*-o should be habitually worn, as prescribed, by officers and cnib-'.cd men. The ;.sd<,nit of two or more corps should not he wern a* the same time except i-r. cccealons of ceremony, when full dress Is prescribed, t'p-n seek or [caslnns ml' all corns bailees to which I the owner 's properly entlil. d, togeth er wltq mtdcla of honor, and the Rev«r al A's inu on marks given for excal leneelence in rifle practice, may be wpra. In the -same manner by officer* a«d enlisted men. as prescribed In A. R. No. 1551. Nothin* but the pre scribed corps bade will he worn by of ;•»**» §.*4 »tffiHi9o m*m m !•* ******* } * 4* 99W| *»"• VMI ••# it *••• W •• SSJfci&ZX'TJZ -(pi'tiMpNl it ri| **i «• mw& *#&&* ***** *m mm m i '■** 4wc4 * wigfli rniw* ** **tm 9Mr * ’ t ** # f' 4.H1- •tit*' ii it 4 i # A** **#•# i IP* 9 *m^**%. % #f94fi-ii f •M# •*“ # 9M9 Wb s*'**#> MMWlif t•*• •***• 'H-y --t I{■%# fMA ••9 > #i99’ ♦ igga §•# #f d* * 4 **fm fFMNI tm #t99|9M99> 9hml *o*"w** W****** t%* mm o*9 iw w tmvw ****** •*9 * ******* mm • *m *** m'wmm * *m* 9*o *** ******** ***** *M9tW*O Nm w*** **** 9* ***** 9*499* r*m «t r#*«m** »•* *#m*9L 99 T* *4 H »t 4» ****** *4 %** | | |fP-; bff bjf fv#* # • t>* !%# ■’ )| » 09# ttl'flf IN# " ATteVa mm Ibveggad to-4 tea* »*t N*«si *«wy*4 ** th* qii>r*va»*«t»r» Kbltey TteHb OM»-. All ktv tow* ata tot at wbffewaabud May rag* g»«b at Oa. ■ I* tMßter at tb* day Ll. Mnlyanaai at Oa L la cutaamadwr at lb* guard Ga*ahi» at Oa. I) I* fun* a buat*e H* gd • gaud bag at ta ma ydatar day Cery Ctarb <4 Oa A wa* Ml w estr panv Hat baegitol J H Rtevter at Oa. C baa ini) tw Joined bin eewpany. after belag id boa fHbt. D gtrawaa nf Co D baa ratetted aa haaarabte datortt greae at tb* cenpaaie* ar» making a spec tally at pig*. I ir»l M ry Had. Corporal Cfclck as Cm. R araa aeat ta bt* company from boepltal to day Rom as Oa. K ba* rejoined hi* earn puny. Tb* regiment I* being paid a* to day Trimble of Company D ha* reeolved a discharge from lb* mcretary of war. rapt Hunt of Co. Hl* officer of the day. U. Carrington of Co F I* officer of the guard The round tent* at* heiag placed throughout tb* camp H. Be ger of Co K baa returned from *0 day* tick furlough. Thirty-F.ttb A-itoiten. Company B Is pract clng oa the rlfl* rang* today. Capt K tuball of Co. M I* officer of the d»y. Lt. Batch# of Co. A le commander of Abe guard. The oiea* hall* have been about com pleted and will be occupied In a few dap*. The work on the bath house will be gin In a day or so. Highlit Pcnnavlvanla. Lt. Brit* of Co. A la officer of the day. Lt. Bower* of Co. C I* officer of the guard. Out of a lot of 4S p- laoners that were brought to Camp this morning, only E were member* of the Eighth Penn sylvania. Horn and Sebellat of Co. G have been discharged for physical disabili ty. Major Hutchinson. Major Holmes. Q. M. Ransch, Adjutant Boone, Capt. Kline, Lt. Duffy, attended The theatre , last night. Thirteenth Pennsylvania. Van Fossen of Co. E was sent to quaUera from regimental hospital to day. H. B. Jone* of Co. C has received honorable dlscb.erge. 1 Work on the mess halls was begun today. Capt. Glllman of Co D Is officer of the day. Lt. Benjamin of Co. H 1» officer of the guard. Fifteenth Minnesota. George McLalrd of Co. E nas been to the hosp tal corps. Dicgnan of Co. I has gone on a fur lough for 15 days. Corp. Childs, Corp. Rogers, and Palmer, of Co. H, are In Atlanta on furlough. Sgt. Haworth of Company M la on furlough until the 29th. Capt. Mor;ison of Co. C Is officer of the day. Lt. Steward of Co. M is officer of the day. Cavalry. Lt. Hedekin, who has been In com mand of troop L. has received leave of absence for one month. Lt. H. H. Patterson is lemporarily attached, commanding troop L. Frank F. Snyder, a lecrult. wa* as signed to troop M. Capt. Morgan 1* officer of th* day, going on this afternoon. Capt. Mackie was officer this morning. .The hospital tent oeught on fire to day, but was extinguish^ MR. GICVER UMBER CO!D Ilf lff*§ti M I SMm tto* Wmmm •<*•*•■•*» m s*4s* % # to-ft* a-J .gghw. Wj|| f-A- ffbfiftft. 9f# Jffi §H. tk. *• ft ' Tb# band «* m t t ttoMt- ; ftg'dfi m* . —VFftW ft \ZZ tz tovte mr mi Mi ts m 9« *ft m 999 09** —Nt ft -ft-lift THE M ARKETS. O%'tXVWIA tMfcKKT HRKiftT ftft—fttft- Oft * —ft# tt —Tftftift. •ft -4 •tftftdgv ONlttn M - . « to Hte.*" « 999 Itoftl totol tl tt ftte, lt i - i it—ri •* «• •« ** ,9 tt*M wmmm *■* •* *«****•• **•• ■ *% —V irlltitfTftft ««M mm *m mm » Qrftft 9ftl—MM #« *4* eo •* ** mmtm am *• o*. • t>*tt-tt-tt | Tlftftfti #* «• v* mm *m •« *«*«*« .aodWtoft | —ctoirm. vAttt iwn I —F—ft PfifrMK.VTft I ftftll Ito - * ft* 0* tt —ft# . ft* #ft pfb««|, itolfi I P—ftftfftftir .... 11Y1 ftt? tJ i—ft —ft n4*f •• - Jtt* ?T9 4 V? t—Mill ..... |ft»J Tftft 19 I— w#fti»ftftftftir nil i—i fft 11*2 Ttoftr-ter ... t*tt - IM W | Total h a.* t- ft* m 9m OIKlfMi ft-ricil*Tft ItftT Mtt Xftt fftr-fttfltft aa .--.tots fill Tbenugb cotton today .... I* W* Oram retetai* t<Mhiv . ..Ml I7U •TOCK -HBCRIPra I**7 UP (Hock la Augru*** ... .. iW Receipt* War* dept 1 BJ.X H«f» . CHICAGO FROVIBIGMP. WHISAT- Open, t p fn. p. rente er .. .. .. .. .. .. idi A'S Mac •* CORN— PrcteWf .. .. PH Wi | May ■ •• •• •• •• lib OATS— May I»b PORK— January •• •• .. kHH • SS'-- May •« * * «-"» LAMP— January .. I 1* k-1* Ms" E *<H * * SIMM— January .. .. .. ». .. .. 4.*!H t tVm 1 Mar «»-'* J. NEW TORK COTTON. Janet y.Mti.ry .. .. I U March .. .. J Ml Ap-11 > B * •* I « S «4 Juno i •* 5 *! July I« August s 75 Renter ter .. .. .. •• .. 11 Octoter .. •• * *- Dece-nter -. .. .. * 5.58 Ton?—Viv* Iv. Middling—S IS-’A. NEW YORK FTOCKS. Pugar. ex dlv H* t«H Tobacco .. 1# 111*4 n r t 7:% C. B o UIH I*SH M’aanurt Pacific 4l*v Lcutfvl'le and Nathvl’l* . #•** *IH Atanhattan 99H 'W. Pecple’a Caw ..KCH I®* t’nlon Psc'flc **H I* s * Rock leland Pt. Paul U*H l'*H Poutbern Railway, pfd .. t?S <-% Western T T ->icn B SH 9 1H LIVERPOOL COTTON. ■January and February SOS 1 f 1 February and March .. S.#7 March and April * M April and May 3 t* 9 2.® May and June .. .. .. B.** 3 ® R June and July 3.10 1.00 July and Aug * U 3 99 » Aug. and Pcpt. .. .. .. 3.11 3.10 B*pt. avd Oct 3 19 Oct. and Nov 3 (N 10 Nov. and Dec ®-"2 Dec. and J»n J ®* I PORT RECEIPT*. ir>; ifw Oalvteton 21^ s New Orleans 13”37 HO*: Mcbl’e 2700 ion Cbarleston <r>,>o Norfolk New York l’’ 3 S 3 Wilmington 2® ns Boston 1181 72 * Philadelphia *U Estimated total 51221 55009 Fresh Velvet Molasses Candy at I Clarlt’s. 'SPECIAL LOW RATE 9 VIA THE SOCTHERN RAILWAY. Account cf Presidents visit and re ' view of troops, the Southern Railway announces sa'e of very low rate excur sion tickets from Ches'er. Ne>rtrry, Columbia. 8. C.. and all intermediate points to Augusta. Tickets sold Dec. 18th and for morning trains of l?th lim ited to return Dec. 20th. Immense stock of toys; too tneny. in fact; will *lose out cheap, T Schtada reerd. Window Glass. —” Fancy Glass. A trtg M *1 httW price*. ! etui r. otu—v I /f w *t . /tHft / , '*A T\ltfl!^u2ni*in{hof'i (teiiies. t rl>|iJsJtll ItJaiUl ♦ fito I HO CASES AT All AGAINST THEM Tit Ilf* Wy*y (bt«t>fi*C Ml* I'llf fb# » 4*te«4 " •• Cmmaml by lb# Pto* 4—9 Hft#*llftW, —t $ W . a—RM*to ft toft ftftMftrtft ft ll* —ftRM fifttMt—ft— OP* 9—ft. —f. W t—«9—* 0m -’toft *m%* If fel-fft. —f fbft y • |T|y-—lk., —toft 19 ft—lfft* —I Ilf T. f* P0099L ttoft ft#49 - ftftft— —#—4 ffit-fftN t*ft—rft #ftft ftf, 91—4 4 ft# 4 ftt- mt»4 H**9 • toft ft ftl ft H9|» f* t I* Ilf ftftftft 111 ftft tftftftn—r» «llft y|k fftn j. li#f”todbftfti# lil—fHlft ttWH ty*wt>| ill—l Ift —ft4ftf >'*—l9l lift-# l—rfft— I# ft——Tv—# ito#—M—l#«ft ft# fttff iftifbrft##— fti ito# muutmt* j M» Ml. Ms r,t«it» Mr Oft4*i ft—J ftoft o*o*o tt#9to —4ft 4* ftftt*• ftt ttoft «—i-ft 9ft—l ftfi—r—a#— ftftftnt ft ft'fftftrtl -# I . , ft ft—> Ti l u—l*i ft Iftf# ft "Iff i#*« —»4%f —y ftfiftl—ft to(ftft4 0090 o*9o 0* ftfttfM «### -##- ftt ftelftf# 0090099 T* a topartat *«'•«»•• were a«ad» by I tew ragaedlag ito arrorts b ba* Mr * effaa aM. Lset •♦torn**'#.” *a»d Mr Fsgaa T a»M *4 my place * f teretnr*. *IT Rrov.l evteel • rev. f at package- at Ireu r <e | gFip at ike camp, aed to re queexte Ibat Ito x«d. to Ac'vered al xi. tvei I later ereii Mr JFlmn tad tte . a# Re” out I tore w;tb the goods • a ■■ toM o* ‘pypif f# ft# ftf I #ftt#d Hf f'r# m mt marthai ft-ft my k • the ramp aalborftt'te. Mr. F vnn ,„4 'he negro man were put tala tbe guard towae "Tbav war* kept there utiftU a late pour tael atgbl. when arranr»meat» •ere made tee tbelr release The me* We see ref bo*t #1 orta to rv» k* your puichares >atirvly aatlaiac.ory. AIAHONEY & Ak'ISTRONG COAL AND W OOD Slrowger ’Phone • • • ■ • J®t Bell I* 6 Oliice and Yard No • McCaetaa Street came to polio# atattou. gave tend and were released. 1 feel that It la an out rage that guch should have hern d r me. I pay a elate, countv and city tlcense and have a right to deliver my goods. I was not r#dd ,,n « to ihr remo limit*. »« »*ch la prohibited by tha c—rnp offiHftl#. Mr. Flynn 4tft!#d thftt h# h*<9 arrexted put Into a tent under guard and n-ady Ism while there a» tberr was no fire la the tent. He was much incensed at the treatment accorded him. fir. Smith's Statement Mr. Smith, who had a similar expe rience at the camp, told hla version of the matter. "I rent Mr. W, H. Gooden with some good, to he delivered to Private our E. Lodgord of Co. L, 15th Minne sota at his ten* last afternoon. He had the good* on my wa«*on. He was stop ped by the camp officials and thrown into the guard house The goods were confiscated. I do a business In Summer ville and pay a license. I was not at tempting to b-oak any taw. hut stmr.V delivering goods bought by a eustom- Marshat George Heckle, who was present, stated that no FummervHle law had hem violated by Mr. Fmith. What Gooden S Id. Mr Gooden, who was on the wagon Which CBS held by the camp offirls’s. s*ld to the reoerters ttet he had not even been Ins'de the camp lines wbgri ha was Brrested. He ssvs he Is pcs't ve that he was at less! fifty vards outsMe of the fees when the guard hal ed h’m sod cal’ed for the provost marshal. The latter would not allow any ernia natlcn from Mr, Gooden, says tbe lat ter. but had him hust’ed off to th* guardhouse, where he was kept In the cold until a late hour last n'ght. The military authorities will prose cute the case. Mr. Carrol' Emp'oved Attorney M. P. Carroll has been se cured by the liquor men to represent them. He says that the parties he reo re«ents had a perfect right under the law to deliver the goods at the came, and that the arrest of the part es was an uncalled for and outrageous pro ceding. _ Mr. Sm'th was asked v bet her tbe d*- livery of goods at the camp yeaterdav was the first time he had done so, and he said yes. . , The matter is causing a great deal of talk today. Our prices on suits only two-thirds what others charge. E. J. Henry & Co., spo: cash tailors. W. J. Elliott of Columbia Is at the Planters. nrrruljcß is t N OFFICIAL FI OM LIBERIA i*br mn Alta Utej Ilriv tftii ng Has (Vea l.l» lag Ml Africa lor M Year*. A flew Y a eey riwaai's< it of (ba >e am at Mary and, flafwbtv as U* torus, A frk a. la ta Atgpwta (oddfi. Aitea ta aa at- d aafif® *as as murk latotugaare aed D aver la Aarer'ea aa • fc«r awatha alalf. Ha fa a aatlva of Haaearh raaaty, G«srr». *»d Wl tsars b tbe year If Tl t r Air ta. tab ng along a tb b ai b a wife aad a • 1- rea Hla aaa. Robert Ya e»y. a id tear o'a boy. la aftb him Hl* bfotbar. Wlll aai Ytteray. *bo rreldea at Mai ibeare aiaCi a aa tto Aoguaia fiowttora read, la Hi tto elty aSih tire coaamWt rary. tkealig blai are*ad lava. Alien Tauter aaya Aagaata baa so rhaatad gi*cr be laai »*• tbe pare that ba eaa at area ly reallaa fbat M Id tto aam* plate. Ha bas. for eto laat twenty year*, town a effisra of tto R>puhi f c of Ll* tor a Ho ana born and reared la W—rrrll eo-.jaiy. wb»*a to em'grated !■ to tto treat a aat of Afrtea. where ba haa aiaev lived. Frtas ito elvfl arfl*srli'M of Ito Rerubtle aoroaa ,-,e renter ba brings parsrs god tretl rron'ala rrbleb show that to haa won aed iratatalna (ba blgbext reapaet. H* li r-• re red to give merh intereottag information regarding that coumry. Ha will (’•liver a frrr tectum* on that rood try. Yaaery rtwad to a raparttr, today that to araa hoidltg tto poaftloß of eomrr'asary In Maryland county, on# of tto four r -antie* of th# atate of Li beria. Hla position Is that of looking after tb# county auppll##. Th# provi dent of lb# Republic I# named Cole man Co tto at*blare of #mtgr#t'on of th# negrrea to Liber’* Yancey said that to heartliy anrroveG of the plan. Along tbla Bn#, to atowed a tetter received from a D'end In Liberia that touche# on that aub.tere. Tb# letter reed*; Hartwr Cano Palmas. Jli’y 11. I®M. Dear Brother Yancy: t hop# that you enjoyed • ■*?# nrsssvs over to America and arrived there In perfect yocd health. We hop* God's bies«lnea will attend your via't to the Cnlted fate# and make it of great In'cretd to yourself end th# ears# you b.nve iti h#"d. XV# have atarted a pamphlet fCspe Palma# ReperteTl a cipy of wh'ch I give your w'fe to send you. which I hope you will rare!re. We have hod another wreck the rerman stenmrr ‘T/ither Rohlen,” 2 590 tena. She Is on tbe beech about t«ro mile# from Rocktowu. T am sure you will ns# your tnfluerei to encocrave em’rTStion to Lll'*r'a end rnrtlcu'ar'y to Cane Ps'mss. Well, you have had crest experience in the rast on this qrest’on. I would not urge out a hurr'ed-np eompany. but they should plan every thin* b«e-i r «h#od—r*V. get ua a col ony cf about :>®o or l.fidO persons aad let them come to take ebsree at once of th# C»vally river. There thev wtll be able tq make themee'ves w-n’thy Ip a f»w yesrs a"d have less d'fflcnltie# w'th the Inter'cr remote as your rom ysny bed with tbe Oreho# on account of space of lands for extlnslve opera tion. A"V farts 1 can g'vp to fi«r co'cred hr-'hren In **'at or snv other etate who are Iroklne forward to come to Ca--. Pn’mas I r-l's be verv eted to do. huv and semi »* some r>n rffe ihf. asid .-f'e'is rto'lvered at Atlanta on '•*»- ra ‘he oecs'ons of tie last conference on * fr'c#. p,. r folks *-• rrprp-rit fry the 27th rfi Jitlv. Rvp.'d'wt fir'rwi" bh« he«n yprv «unm»*sr"l In th# ioten'of of >*on -nr-tv n-d hv firw h» ta hn-k tn M-.-nr’a, Th'""* •” v'” c ,lp t at, .1 * 'CVS. H. PFVNTS. Vqnrrit w'tt r'-maln to rstch a ri® Rc**tdn—# S»o»<l-lpv ne\t H” revs ho <« very anxious to see the chief executive. WANTED TO RENT-20 CASH RE"- ' for the holiday season. Kress. 714 Bread street. dee 16 LOST— PACKAGE MARKED ' J, rß _ p*snlev W»is<eer. SS£i El’-ert street, and one marked Mrs. J ' r er. $»9 creme street. Any info-matiett ‘ -isdiv reee'ved by G. B Duke, 6R6 , Broad street. dec 1» !WANTED-A COMPETENT BUTLER. Must rood bring good reference. Ap ply at this office. WANTED —A WOMAN AS NURSE for small family Apply to 522 Broad