The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 16, 1898, Image 5

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FRIDAY *—•—-isaa* muXia£sr mm ‘ Georgia Railroad Bank AUOUMTA, OKOMUIA cn*«r*M.rti w*imm #». PAID if CAHTAIi •••••• «hai —l<S—ll —— ]«m #***»- * #■*■* !*"*** *? *.?i!£r* frit* ‘■-nr p IMm #*#*** R ANMNn LJ? » V Irfan |* **«■—* jWW »■ ~. ... * 'f%mm # B * •**>. Am*— * MpMh w - ■ HR# A* (HU MNftnf §.** #« ff' ♦# * #1» Hst t BkU#4 «t<#f MNft fiUrVMfll* #4»### «4r Ik# i M ****** MKp TIPTItI DR. HENRY J. CODIN, •SyuirtßiWl ta«Hßlta* oilfA f ••!•#> ##Ml bbl##**- ■■ ■*. I«# *• taM fta*#t* #*• 4#*# kta## R rM. i ir»m enonrii'LO tv hM fa OMif Ml la That Him V Ta«H. R4»»4»«« n r s ta*. m m>«. < !»**##• B*t«l tltfttpf’ k(t 4UR til# #Bffif U*ti «*# W#j|gMPP<Bßy fw At «••<• t*» RfHPtMlt *r*#-r#i m miii «rlth tat i s#f. Mr# Jmm+o W Ttaifif «w AM i Pr## ** Cf**r -*« iv !r<| #* f|f A# A (||U«t4 tis Af>p tph&ijMif. fir . fi'ip—i o##<*f*, *mi : : pt#r Ik### nvt hw Mr 4 taw*ftofMN»#, » Sr# 1 <’#wmp tr*»m At MAI# ♦*|U h fa##ty t«» Rl lw* fwi|>«a> *•*•«<»• Ih «•« «*«•* #ii) tiu;4*l # v«##imu lit tA** t»-#r-* *># Mr# ■ Cf»#rl## H«#rf fivtpf f# TtßiMiy •/* j iadi MMMMW f#4Mi#rt#ti krill* Ik# t * a tt* Mafßtr RKiDßlr*#) Mr |#r A#tMUi7V»#fl *<MM t«* %u#u#t# ! oi WrtikvAjr I# Mtftttr* N*tit# j Many iM cr##« ar* tta frrf#n»is*tw ‘ ft4#f «*# at Ik* matHuii f#r Ik# *at#r*, I# fVir lr u# oil V* infitßafljr BtlM * nt%t It #lll b* • m*mi #«• Jurat*# m> * rtt)“B ■ Alßf fta ##it*rUiMMfa#«*t on Whl«m- j i)ar ojrrtrri *M #tta# r#fr##h- | m#yit# frttl t»r lefvH at i #m#il wrt , to help pay f»r tta MMitl J**f 1 puplwMt for tl>* ban* at tta K. C. C. I. The #hUf pot In damask »l »th ua* l u|»(« the tabk* ta r#l#kr»tliui Mr. C. j ft. Tiaher * Nrthlif oti la#t AViAar j rvHilßi la an iMiftnocn too *ta# RCi t In the Ttaher family Upaiit of three* quarter# of a **etit»»ry. The < halt* j •round the table aeir kfoßßkl f*'**in j KnrUnd and pi#aented t*» h»a Broad- j mother way haeh tn arvoataan hundred and aomeihina. the enact da tar Mng\ IMI #lfhi of jszjftt K. Tirisz z I Alhm Mr *. I*. M.<k.»«n Himplitn* «n.| rMldrnn »rv rpwKltn* a f> « day* wilb Mr*. C. W. HrMm* a* JMimhoJ. Mra. M. C. Hv«l« an** Ml»a Marl*. accnmpantrd th* gtarritl upta hi* w* turn tn 4*ub*. Thny left Hdyrflrld °n WnlnmUv afternoon. Thr alorr# havn <* th*lr aaudiMt art moat doss!inn hotldoy ottlre. and the little om-*- eye* are almMt l«*ppln* out of their heada. > Th. Kilarneld Manufarturtng rnm pany ha* eaten-1 d Ua hu'.ldln* oper*- ( tlon* areally. A numtwr •».* pirttlly painted and ornamented rottaae* are ■ and neveral fre/ne* for oth- ! er» are etertod. The K- C. C. I. teaehere and pupil* were photoftaphe.) en Tue*day by nut talented *nd !tn!»hed artlet. M It H. Mini*, vrhuae work I* known wherever seen for It* quality. Itev. R. P' Anderaon and family j «l«4u aev*ral daya In Trenton last week. Ml** Minna Bee will f«> to Bumter j for tit* holldaya. Mr. Orlando Hheppard h»« a. no to j Charteaton on bualne** and will be I art ay until Friday or Saturday. The flret earload of additional »pln dle* and rard* haa arrived to be planed | in the n*w rotton faeti ry w hich t* run- , nlr.a niaht and day. Mi*. Arthur Tompkln*. after a three monthi’ *l*ae. of fever. I* out aaaln, to the dellaht of her numemu* friend*. ; Pandemonium and bedlam lelan *u- i preme on Institute Hill every iifter noon when the new hoy* art* playlna on , the new instrument* —and they call it i ‘the i.and.” We have the best se lected subjects in pictures in handsome frames at popular prices at Richards & Shaver’s. ii Jeweler NOVELTIES New goods arriving daily that will be just the things OF ' for Xmas Presents. Come 7~. . see what we are doing. See what prices we are making KINDS on Diamonds and Watches. IE SehTeigert & Co., Jewelers WANT TO GO BUCK TO WORK Om ||t»irH ib4 KUtj Njlo Sitl • ftftt it Tktt hi fh* MM* HHi Mata M AIMRp " IMaft fWMAuy* i##t Up • p#fHi mr • in) Bhi#af 148 I l ** »=* it ft |a ##t4 ilmm Rauf# 1 uMI A# fc < rlr • B#i n m • mi thui pm «t ill#' *»#B# BHMBMMr •# p# ( * 4l f**# •* »“ ; Rptuptapfi *l#» t*lh## Rlfhl f#**y up# huBB 1 Miipiiay if iln*## **!*# •#§## in# putltbui. •ip » »I BIRrAAf. I |o h# ##**ll '* Hd Ih* f I hi# I# #*'* *i# A splendic assert ment of of fatiiionab'e Pocket Books and Card Cates in best leathers for man and women at Richards & Shaver’s. The iHhar f ellow I. ( Th# 14# lltit sis at«»fvu In **ur' ! tiff* HUefl MUtsif t small ANli| rtf I m#ti iM u•*tn**tt, #)#• 4* ik4Mm but ! *H.,p TV**. |>e *|4*’ #-• sNHtI from #f<*t r I t*» Matr ftn% callsra tint ifvwittHi ifuatl#. j j Wh#n thry Ibnk )•* •• th#> nu>, In »<r» j {4#r In »h«A their i*tnt*M*yea i*t »** i»* ly i wrtuit th# fh>i4« At#. In thl# »ay nne ! move k.riw t«b m» the I#a4e«# ‘ «»f all i jfhr »»th*r #l<ir«-a. m 4 flnrlv «*ut hist I uHal must b# 4on» In affrr to keep up j t with the priN-rtslHti I of r-mi re**. It 1# tfnn«Htant ••» know : I U hit !hry art* y ftitif what the |»rt« «* la |»u«t all about It. i If t vim* foun.l out. It I# lmp»rtant ! t lim i m titakr* #*ver \ i ffrwt oa <*ff«-r the Hut ’lke every* other 4 thUtf. It ran j i*r uv#rdoae. If, you think tots ■ #rul worry too mneh j etllor# you'll #o m tra < h a point uheraj >ott son ! have time for #nyth|na rfsr. II have known of a steal many mar* I l chant* *hu were k*pi *<• mlahi hu»y , , by their* thut the. n*ver did | >■ *ln*l" ortipnal (hlnir themiwlve*. They aerumutaled new *r*y hair* ev-! I*ry day . Th*y wnrrled e\*ry minute f-nr fe«r *»m* nther fellow would have! ißomeihln* they didn't hive or aell j lanmeihinit a <ent cheaper than they rvnaequently they alway* follow— i Th..y remind one of a dr.g wlie la try- I Inn to follow the irark* of three or four j rabbit* at the earn time. They run ! yelpln* from <«ne track to the other, 'making a terifflo fu»» and teurlnu up ;the mow at a ftreal rate, i Hut th<ty never arconytllah unyihlna. I | The rabbit* all set away. I Htrlke out for the front on y»kr own : lunik. Po think*. Flfture out new, | FCh -me*. Watch for map* that will Imake a stir. Irf“ad off In new and unc«- I peeled direction*. Keep your eomtwtl jtf.r* gue**ln«r. | Otve your time and thought t) ycur hualnee*. and. If you are the rl?ht kind i's a bualnea* man. you will soon er or later leave your competitors *o ! far behind that you'll never have to I worry about them again.— flood Ailver jtl»ln«. We have the best large type Bibles in flexible bind ings in the city. Our price only SI .50, others charge $2.50 and $3.00. At Richards & Shaver’s. TUB) AT7OT7BT4L SfSTF?AX*D. CONDITION OF THE: TEXTILE WORKERS; | |*Vfff J * Ytwm ||M I44tr«i •! fin} . m 44* fWN«|k ill AMM HfifMt*#*' 14#»tai *4. lb# #th# iuub# aM I ; r ard In* aridrfl 1 *,** la le* ill* Woekwe* «# , .y., r‘e, appealed i* •bully Ri direct ton of th* *|rr*llt* r mnt ' r*ar prrfldrm went Into the i p«<Ml> «ddp***e* wilßj* th* to en- 1 1 allid and had a conference * * hor tin > etneni In New KncUnd and I*- t**d another ea I tv. me P-*' - lavin« the b**i* for • wore aeneral or* 'canlltatlOtt Of the tettlle worker*, and | the weana by whlrh fund* would rellertad to aid them In tb#!r eonl**t. "The report la tuuk- la yon with re am that the »irlhe failed In Ha pur pn*e: but to no one fnmtllae elih the i etmimataSeaa and mndltlona 1 o-i any other result have liee* aacnred. A* already elated, the Fall River op- , eratlve* had a crept ed the rednr inn. I Thl* had a deynnen'.nt effect upon t'ie ' operattvea at New Bedford, and lt**e a 1 . . m-*iH itdiny alement of strength to . thylr cmpl.iyera. Then, attn'n. the op- ‘ terallvee «'f New Medford, other than j lb* - M mule •pinner*, were * >m|*tr ill, y* a, aan;ft<l nod thoee that were orkap*rnd were In n *n-called In !depepilent tin' n. hav'"e n-llher < t.- | oert let: with the Teklllr Worker* Va- I tlooal I'nlon. nor with the A. F of I. “Apart for thl*. persons presuming -o apeak an friends of latmr. enrryins with them a halo which they d >n at convergent period* In order to give thamwlvea the appefram-e of *onc'lly, ! wisdom and h-meaty. the renrenen'a- ; jtlyea of lha Socialist l*ar'v w< n' ! to New Bedford on repeated oeenaiont. , and. It» f*ct. kept one of Ita repreaent- • ntlvea at New Btdford during a long r;arU»d of the strike, held dolly meet - .nr* with but on- particular, avowed pnrpoee In mind, the spread of dl»»at- I litfactlon and dlacuuragetnenl amon.- ihh atrilten*, exultantly predicting de feat, hoping and working to arenm pl!*h that end. throwing every ohata cla In the way of these who were en deavoring »o make the beat atrurrle pne-lhle, using the same argumen't as the employer*. Indulging In the m f, at mallelou* mi»repre»entatlon* of the j motive* of men who were aiding tl. ■ contestant*, and cunningly sought to create suspicion of the motive* and work of trade* unload. So wonder, then, that wbat was at beat u difficult battle to fight wu> made additionally burdensome and hopeloas through such rank treachery to the cause of labor. "NotnrHh»tan(Mng Hie far that none of 'he striking textllo workers, other than the mule spinners, were attached to nny organisation affiliated with th* A. F. of L., appeals for financial as glßtarcf* were Uitißd broadrest; com mlttees were furnltth'-d with eretlen tlals, without which they admitted they were unable to secure entrance Into the meetings of unions; many thousands of dollars were contributed by our fellow unionists in support of thp strike, not one rent of which was even accepted by our affiliated striking mule spinners. Every dollar contrib uted In support of that Htrlke went to those who were not affiliated with the A. V. of L. It was only after weav ers mid other branches of the trade, seeing Imminent defeat, and unable to longer continue the battle gave up the coolest, that an appeal for our mule splicers was issued. Of course. In the minds of our felow unionists the strike had already been lost, and the finan cial support for the mule spinners wan comparatively insignificant, so that fi nally they, too, yielded. ‘‘No letter argurn nt was ever pre sented tor the necessity of national unions than the object lesson In the textile workers strike. The reduction offered was to be genera!. The opera tives of each looality acted independ ently of the other, and not always in 1 the most fraternal or helpful spirit, and certainly did not contribute financially as they should have Mid would have bail they been organized In n tborongn. i i#i|ii#rirl 4IMO BMHHMH | A »# »4><l «BMMk MR#'Mil «*• j *BP ###*# r fw * P# ~e kr# IN tk# fill* Btttsil of Tl* fk'Bnrißl * I ita «r l#f " r v h*rS l« 4;# #Tld Fnr Croup urn* CHE NEY’S EXPECTORANT. THE GAME TONIGHT; SPLENDIO CONCERT. Sport and Mask at ibr Ariaury Tbls Evffiinr. All arraagemenl* haw been comple ted for the great giro* at the armory tonight between the champion team i*f irbe Au*i)*B» C. L. A., and the Tcmh Ohio rvflment. A* 1* apparent from 'i be lint up of tbe eon it .taut*, both *ldta have devoted the Interim allien laat week toward* ' and pigcifsing. and one of lb*—most excit ing M W* of the season la confidently untic!p*t*d. Th? management have atralmgl every nerve to provide eeala for the i urge number that will attend, and the ladle* will be provided with a reserved ! section sot tbeirown convenience. The Tepth Ohio band of thttty-two piece*, ! ttud'-r leader Ma*t< n, will begin their 1 concert aharply at 8: 18, ao it ia earn estly urged on all to he present before : 1 1,at time, so as not to mias this rare treat. The program Is: March—Stars and Stripe* Forever Sousa. Medley- Cluster of Peaches. March —Colonel Dana.—Maiden. Cornet Solo—Bella of Augusta. March Oriental Coni man dery. Serenade Eventide—Ripley. Kansas City Star. Concert Polka—-Troeadero.— Maaten. March— Oeorglg Camp Meeting. Mills. Finale—Star Spangled Banner. The floor will be cleared imme diately after ilia last number and the game called with a* tittle delay us pos sible. The batting order of the team* i* as follow*: C. L. A. Salvo, 2b; Sheahan, If; Baskervllle, 3U; Armstrong, rsa; Smith, e; Only, lb; Costello, las; To land. rs; Stoke*, p; Tim Tenth Ohio team la: rn: DeWald, Iwt; Zoller, lb; Pearson, ;ti r Belcher, c; Jjetts, 2b; Houghton, If;’Harmon, rs; DeHart, p; Ferguson, sub. Umpire, >feyer; Scorer, Barbot. Not Visited by Santa Claus, She never heard of mistletoe. She know* not what is holly; To her the gladsome Christmas chimes Sound notes of melancholy; , He life is loveless, narrow, hard, Her soul's environs murky; She wonders with an envious pang If ever she’ll taste turkey. When children talk of Santa Claus, She smiles the while she listens. And brushes off the furtive tear That brims nnd softly glistens. No stocking watts her o'er the hearth, No wakening b|!B3 ecstatic, For Santa Claus hut seldom calls At poverty’s cheerless attic. The ladies are especially invited to CHALMERS’ GELATIN demonstration at our store all this week. SHEWMAKES'. LABOR LEADERS ROAST JUBILEE Tii Aiteiff r*4t«itt§t il T«#* Mai tIM t m4m ||»# War tH«#a §1 Ita AIfcMMA Ptaw , #o# ra M** - iwmbaa 1 TV ir###il#l lim#. •A«*fit#B Bt #B Mi<‘ ms'lmh m lll j** ~f fife* l*4*t*tl s. sr* ss . r ,, Th**m hr Ik* salt > ’ Mherttt*. The Atlanta Federation nt •tmiiliM. (hat. Inasmuch •• thr cl or of thr duel rrr or rrgulnr army, * till Oral It wan thr rcletrrl cbtlrrs « h>. did r>erh at * lb* gmlrr part of thr hr rob n«hth.g that won Hat, Juan from thr enemy, thereby hn»lrntng lhi* rvrty ilelorv and peace which our city cel#* hraten today. «o .(llrm lh»t II should not hr drawn in Ihr pence Jubilee. nnd, 1 “Be II further r*«.»lved. Th*l the Tr*d.-» and • |wii of ib» American l . <• ..thni of lailior. w>- ft . I thl* a ! "U, it rmotvrd further. That w* i*tand hy the National Qttarryman'* *«- rncliUon. and refuse to recognlac the ltrace Jubilee «r parade or to participate j therein lleaclred further. That we are unan imously < f the opinion that a labor or* gaaizutlon. regnrdlee* of the color of Ita I member*. I* entitled to our respect, ■ cnrtfldrnre and ‘aterm: and we requeat > nil labor organization* to refraLn tr*m •-mating |Vi tel ic parade* hereafter wherw ! |)|f , ~|or ime I* drawn. Respectfully submitted, JEROME JONEH, Chairman. If. F OAIHIETT, F. M HA<IBIfI*Y. Committee. MIRACULOUS CUKE OF ASTHMA ; The *tat«'m*nt published below ron irtrm* (be clKlrn of Dr. Hclilfrniann that be ha* now discovered an al** lute rem .,!}■ for Asthma, a dlaense which ha* j hereotfore baffled the skill of the mo*t tinted physician*. Mr*. Mary Znchery, Pleasant Hill. I .a., race: I have found your Asthma U'urc a permanent cure for asthma, for 1 Which 1 need It 7 year* ago. I have never had th* slightest return of the j trouble »lnre. I have also found your remedy exoeUent In Bronchial affec tion*. I ahall ever have n feeling of gratitude for the benefit* derived from your Cure. Package* of HeltlffniHnn's Asthma Cute may be obtained of all druggist* at r.O cants and 11.00 per package or by writing to Dr. It, febiffmann, Box 804, St. Paul, Minn. Point* on flood Advertising Don’t take It hard because people fall to agree with you sometime*. A* Mark Twain observed, if It weren’t for dif ferences of opinion we would have no horse race*. If you think your customer ought to have a certain article, and lie is firmly convinced that he ought to have »ome tlilng you haven’t got and wouldn’t have In your store, don’t urgue about it. Don't let him see that you think he is an uhm. Pb aHe him if you can. Ts you can't, at least see that he goes away feeling that you did your best. An examination of the Thanksgiving newspaper allows that about the usual number of merchant* yielded to the temptation to publish a tittle Thanks giving proclamation of their own. Some thanked the Eord with much fer vency, Horne thanked their customer* M. E. MACAULAY MULLARKY D. P. SULLIVAN Macaulay & Co. #r w g-v w jT\ T Special for the Holidays. We ill 111 I IV P sell nothing but Guaranteed i\ I VJ A-rfV “ Gloves and are local agents for J. Roeckl, world-renown manufacturer. Buying direct from head quarters, have fresh stock and largest assortment in the city at $ 1.00 per in a Ekitton and Clasp, Black and self-colored Embroidery, Black, Browns. Tans, Modes, Yellows, Ox-b?oods, Navy Blue, Greens, Bea vers, Grays, Pearls and Whites at $1.50 per pair. All the Leading Shades and the best values in America. CHEAPNESS ! ECONOMY | Thai. csp#.uit)v in# at §)*#» . TW* # noth* Inf in which the backbone at qudlfty a to « In kulwcAfr Out bi 4 far your pdinwvdfe a cha##i j And qudkty. QUR sStvS^ABLE SHOES i Give tohd Mtafactfan. Th* 1 momeni i nun Mon long enough to count the cce* cl ha faotwtdr by tne tavki it render*, wt get that nun's u* ddc. And we keep It. Our red! vdiue* renufa (irmly roofed fa the mfadi of our petrona like « green o*sis fa 4 deicrt d broken promises. unqualified* that th# Almighty 4»#«nT I of course the matter of twice, ta al ways Important, and t. perhaps rap#. , Hally important at th# Christina* •*■«-1 •■•ft. Hut tfct-r* I# ts<* frtlfo# #hy *|U#***> j I tiny •>J%*r«i#ln«. lV**f4r <*«' n#tur#llv j •n% m*u# I lull lb*' *H#y tn*liF |*n*vr > <if I<m4 quillty. N*»)vh|> Hkr# t«» thtnlt nf mr# mafclßl tn üßWUfiliir, tmiYUtblf ■lff. TV «4 utuiHt to *lvt full I «»n ihat t#tlnt In order Hi be\ thiM u#Mv ofTmtlv*. Tbt* t# Ita way a Xrw Turk j#w#l#r Whrn you mata a Ckrtatvnaa fift you 1 | »' 3rT Jgj 7ljf] ©ocr3. «jASriA« D Bunds * Mill Work °- OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. M YELLOW PiriE LL’JB-R I m a I MOONY AND SAW Mill CQUIPKO WITH LATEST IMPROVEMENTS ANE ■■' ’.a\ ORGANIZATION THOROUGH 111 IViC!:>A»TM2KT. I .fat tirl FULL LINE IN STOCK AND PROMPT SL.h ' n’S ASSURED -VfTrlf s»- PRICES.CATALOGUES.ETC.UF3N AF?'JCATI3N. •*« —, Perkins Manufacturing Co AucusTa Ga FRESHEST AND FINEST HEATS DRESSED POULTRY OF ALL KINDS AT THE LOWEST PRICES, v HIGHEST cash prices for CALVES ROBERTS’ MEAT MARKET Strowger ’Phone 824 - Beil 'Phone 433 BUSY DAYS $lO, sl2, sls HERE ...Suits... So many men like our styles and prices they never experiment buying elsewhere. And the number grows each season. Small wonder that it should. For every normal man likes his Suit and Overcoat to be in the latest mode —well- fashioned and possessing the air and fit of having been made for him. We put it mildly when we say that no such worth can be got the country over for the prices asked. If you buy and wear one of these Suits we guarantee that It will notdisappoint your high est expectations. I. C. Levy’s Son & Co. hhimhlß 16 I nr#a»l«l |»r**frf M to b# #.»e***t hm# libit wjU tirr p yttu in |k# iffpftfaaatf r#» |m* mbrarn* of Ik# r#c««4#Wl* <td «wly I |«>r iorkl of ntufltkß* bVt kaf yak ft. I*fv u-ati 'ua. sb‘44t |e «#lvy A# 1 tkala A lllll# #r«r «MS ataw tta tktttt «n 4 ttir%tm*9r 4i#»HMtil Ik# t*< I*4* I'mVlrn'. Antk* Bth*. THR itKNT HAl.vr la th* worte f r Cut*. Ilrulse*. Aon*, t'l'wr*. AtK Ithrum. F*v*r Asrw, Tstht, CTsayp# ll*ad*. ChiiMataa. rv»ra*. »al all ffkHs J:r.r|.<, n> and poatttvHy rurwa Pile*. »r no p*T required II ta guaraat#*e to give pel fee i »»i !»f*rtl<» or miHUr r*- funder! price n -eat* per b«a. FOH SALK nr HOWARD * W‘ 11-I.RT. W H Ifohcrt*. Ha* (#i hand a big aim h of .Iresasd iH.ultry. Hl* meat* sr# ** fine a# <m* ■hill*tab If y«ur apprtttt# 1* pad and *ee* him: If ft ta poor he Is the very man to make H «aa4.