The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 17, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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SATURDAY 4 THE AUGUST! HEMIO iiui **'•*■* «**M« rnrnmtm** ****** *2 HMfoww ~ •*»’»* ** *« npw ♦***»- _ ' * ♦ Wfc **•■*, *■*-*•• W* «v»r ’«•«_. * ’T* tmmm »»>——«**»•« taw*** tnH pit r 41 laa, 44 fUS* •*•. *■** LfjfiKiiy s . mW s # i 1 ... ' * j ni.itai u wusnfc Hr_,-, [nrr (Him*. gww MM I ' (MMMMt-'IMa MM t.x*p #*Hsp *•**•*• Mti lh»*Wge» *•»■- "gjy,., muitut m* YOC WILL »IM» ttfll HlillALi* M AlM*t»-Al H*#M Ar*g*» Mi iMMMMIHoAi iV t*••**•> ••'• , ** imm m Nmu* * he*** m**4. *. jB MM** A* *A» »»••» •w" •* 4 L -MMM !mw. ' _ md. »*• * •***■**"• H<VN>H» A* «h* OewM la Me** f «sh PHI -*• <•- » A* l ■*"' l pi, * «nt nst A»#wp* M«M*. rant** fcßhw t» MM tw Wm*M ** mmw «*•««£• *n4 ***B *wmH* * m Hmnn? tep •MNWIIWI W"* * 3MI *•**; 111 ns It* M*Mm4 Irw* that "M wb» lw«ki MM Much* MU." Who I* IM hu »!«*»» i»M »ho laugh. head Y Al»g»* Hm mmi »M» •CtdllM) Voo Mi think M dee**'t munwl I* moth that you arc lar 100 *troag tor Mm Mdwkwpi oa *<rvpcil»lng M R Mm IM Much oo you by tM by UrtM*, t» tour**, you or* o»»* Mooch I* tfo tool M good *d»erll»ln| m he dor*, yror M >*or oert The men *M laugh or* *H rape*' •carted l« our cataou. Jola the*, K Plunlxi* I'bum forever. Drwey M Mill tit Manll'a, or O* Decorate? Ihranur*! Decorate’!' It* a pity that llotwon rant com' •kw* (toy peace ct»tntnl#»i«iiefa nail from Sooth*nn><on Uxtay. flprnnn Long la the humnrou* ms, Of the prealdeotial party. The West I* to get the portfolio of the Interior department. The gallant Georgia colonel* are onw «o **? vzy home from Atlanta. H „ | - | - The Prealdent ba* made a long atrlde iota the affection* of the South. Boston rVn»o< r*t* won In their mu nicipal election on Weiagmtay last. Clark Howell * fntroductory remark* at the Jubilee banquet were all right. too. The Alabama delegation to Atlanta got all tangled up and missed the Prr*- tdent. Augusta* poatoOce employe* are certainly earning their salaries this month. The Atlanta Jubilee grew from one of pence only, to one of peace, unity and fraternity. Chief Hood's suggestion regarding Broad street during Monday afternoon should be atrtelly carried out. The Canadian* are up nnd about, loo—they have offered 11,500,000 for the Havana street railway franchise. Many million* have been added to the Vanderbilt and Gould coffers through the recent rise In the railroad stocks. The peace treaty covers GOO type written pages, probably the longest document of Its kind in tha world's history. Shafler's three hundred pound prr sonaltay barely escaped rude contact with Atlanta's cobble stones when bis carriage was smashed. One little broken sulphur match, dirty and damp, saved the lives of the erew of the schooner Johann* Swan, water-logged off Hatteras. The West End children's Christmas tree ’* still growing, but Its trunk Is sturdy and It* branches stout—lt can hold all the contributions. If H can be shown thnt there nre vhr.ty of rabbits in the Philippines Mr. rlevdland may be Induced to revise Ills v'ews on expansion—Kansas City Journal. ‘‘Don’t nebber complain dat some body hah made a fool ob you.” said Un cle Eben. “Mebbe all h* done wot to expose yo' true character.- Washing ton Star. _ , HMI S'IMHNfIMMH rm i rr-'-i «# fYimi I ■' IMIIA ' ||m Vl Mi fWMRNHfI IViiS f ■**'•■*■•* ; VlMi • »f|WN A. mm 4 ** i» • **'* «iAWi i In** fmfi| Itjiji i fOff ir <Hit MMI H*‘ ; f it*** nni| MuiAtlliriit fit INnvH i ilffiilr 1 ittfWHit of (M |m*w ta»*»r M ii#lr iHfcM »i 4 nssrt*T Mm «t W* ftii *M mis 4*»t*y** tn t lan m —-* k* I iiit ii 11 f iflilltr vS m mm% fm wh»* Cln» v***M+** *** ivltt iiijww# of ififtfiin t ftwSi III# t||Hl m IWWIt IHMMKr wwir* \ *«»hkmi mi ptasAiniT eg*y tRTe lna*t that ihe •*«<»*•*« who | hav* tk* miM Mi char** wtlt **• to li aw MosMtay afMtwwm that «k* p*ew i (drat ftwA Ike **cr*t»rv us war. If Mr. | Alger M atilt with the party, *r* Mfi I imprmMM wHh the magnificent how tea aad eaeeptHMMl ad vat* age* ..f {f'amp Mark eagle, i oae of the reaaMM advaaeed. whea I the plaa of lavtUag the pmsMeat to Augusta waa betag dl*ea*a>d. am* tht* titlliurlaa tide of tha qu»*Uor | now that he la to be drtAra through and abOM the camp before turning down town, let ft be arranged Out am* one. familiar both wltb tbe ramp t»- mlf. Ha adeaatagea aa a military poat, aad one, too, cno versa at wit h t heorett eal requiremeat* of thla aattwe. ar. company him hod Impreea aptm him and the other member* of the party, who la the future will have to paaa judgment on the claim* of the compe ting localities the auperior pnlata thnt Augusta's camp pae*c**ea. The south ern military poets are to be a neces sity Why should not Augusta hav* one* ]Ad u* take time by the forelock and •trike while the Iron I* hot. ~ TRADE o*lol* The Am*rir*n Federation of Labor, now In newton at Kansas City, b**| pot Itself on record a* being •■ppoaed to a lerrttorlnl expansion policy and a standing army for the United State*. In ita deliberations we note two points - first, that otic of the few opponents of the resolution In favor of protest ing against the above policy was from Samuel B. Donelly of New York, Pres ident of the International Typograph ical Union He defended expansion in warm terms. The second point Is the adoption of a resolution to send an organ tier Into the southern state* during the coming year. Right on top of these facts comes tly news from Atlanta that the only disagreeable feature connected with the peace Jubilee festivities was the uc tion of the Atlanta Federation of Trades condemning the management for not allowing the negro members of the Stone Quarrytuen'n Union to pa rade. There will be the grandest kind of display In Augusta tomorrow. Penn sylvania avenue, in Washington, is a grand sight when tilled with soldiers, but Pennsylvania avenue Is not In it ullti our own Broadway. The Philippine Development Asso ciation has been formed at Manila by some of the American volunteers, and they will remain there l« business af ter being discharged from military ser vice. Dewey Is the correct thing in the admiral line. He maintains that he can now hold Manila against. Ihe com bined navies of the world. That. Is talking pretty big. Atlanta did herself proud. Her peace jubilee was all right. Atlanta Is a White man's town that hustles every day in the year. Major McKinley's claim to wisdom Is proven. He picked out the queegst of all the towns on hi* Itinerary for a Sunday's rest There is a warm welcome and there are mativ warm wishes for the success of the new bobbin and >!"«>! manufac tory. TEH _A.T7GT7ST.A -BTBH-A.I.D HtIKHIU MVMrA fiiimwti .iftUNNli A • <*»*»-« ♦ %*»♦ Hi Mm- * Tip# tm'f* **fMfe# ; «•* iiit ftp*- [ Y%» omm m** *omo \ MgM i* k* | ||* pfi4|g>-» *# tlbMk * H tpMMi j m* *H* pMsi 1 : n«• *m&n**' tfc* f 1 -4t j ' Til# H«PM| ml Hpnm hM I r-fh* * tmt ' v »f'-A AiH i APP Tl.ffh i* i *rt »« t, f M' * t%'* HvKt tut* flti pi»|v*fl'P f ourt la ,u||f |'«p g*f tpfp tIMMK Ili.tMP 1 *a MW Am gee «»**»■ '• j 11**> ()§( w «tt imp HI f*. Ni wt h*-1 . ,„*mi mkmwH •€***» *• *■ «*■»*! IHPt i MW. I Ahnpmi tH# riptAAHi* «t Amtiwi* HHH | INwn turn a I ! % «t#f«PA mtm* M* »itH wipp“ kt tNHf** tic Itt* W, AlPt •» ** **! # | ilw# MfAt I* AtlMtl I** *H *| *P »t '!a li* f»M >N»fP 4a! ip# lit ftdPf PVPC lor lit |»Mltr Vtmm *« Hts lit! Ltpt# <44 «pt4irfP ft#pf Ip fiPrt iVir | A All Apt |pp4tC. | A itPt hftt W» twit tr*m At* | tPPta to Up t#*H iKI #prrpfpnr | mate ft*# Dpl rpp*»*4 Ww* • APHAttOft Pt the ' *t*l«i by refusing twj [let a piclare of f*re*df»ai McKinley e* I gt.ccg «iv*v tbe her ‘if hta htaowsm I along with ether A*e«r*l*"a* tha« tin ■ \ being put BP In hew* of th* Fr**l<hr»f* , vtett t» Chorgt* * capital r.<t WlllUm*. a negro * rnklng at the j ilorpentlw# Atatllletr at Ppark*. **»l •hot while on kte way Inane hr on ) known iwrtlai. never*l back*hot rarer-, lag hi* arm aad Mod. *' that »i»pu tallnn win prohahlr he »coe«**rr. j There la n« clue a* to the |*HJf par* tie*. a« WDlMam* »a* a peacenMe ae gr» and had no known ettemlM. A farmer from the Reedy Hprtng die-! trtet told the Dublin Dispatch a day nv j two ago that be bad realised nothing on hi* cotton thla year, but that au»-h j a thing aa Starvation wa* not apt to, give him trouble neat year. He badj mine,! an abundance of Cora *nd plen- ’ ty of sweet p«tatoe*.*nd ha* made three times aa much *yrup aa hla family I could uae. In addition to all three nec- j eacary thing*, be baa Ju»t killed eight , or ten hog*. «hr large*! weighing over j s*o pound*. It la a pity that when Prealdent Me- i Kinley wa* *|e*ktng to the tlcorgla ; legislature about rating for the gravea; lof the Confederate dead he did not urgo upon the attention of that dl*tlngul»hed | body the duty «!*> of taking cara of | [ the Confederate living. Un*t year. It. 1 will be • otemlstred. the Confederate | home In Atlanta waa offered for sale jat public auction. The Georgia te*l*ln- j ! lure refused to make appropriation for , Sit* support. A word or twit from the i president to the Georgia legislators, | while they were In a melting mood on Wednesday might have resulted In ap propriation on the spot.—New* and courier. ■Monroe Messenger: Judge Hamilton, 'an old negro who live* Just aide of the Alcova river, seems to have some loose opinions In regard to his race. A few day* ago he was heard to remark: "A nigger will eat and es he kaln't get whut he wants hr nm obleegrd ter steal, and a* dur am no celvable way fer him ter git It, rorden ter bard time*, he ini gwlne ter take It. I tell ye dar ant gwlne ter be mo dan a few niggers ter line de county gang or gome odder gang If de times don't 'near to git better mighty seen.” The old negro used tt great deal of *e,l In making hi* little speech, and particular notice was given him by those surrounding him at the time. HUMOROUS. Columbus has started on another voy age across the Atlantia ami -Spain, the seiiHltlve anil grateful.' rnn congratu late herself on having saved his bones from Sleeping any longer In the land which he gave her. but which she was nut wise enough to keep. Well, afloat or ashore, tn one hemisphere or anoth er. Columbus will not be forgotten. His coffin Is no great loss to the New World and no great gain for the old one. He did his work better than his masters did their*, nnd with the disap pearance of the America which he dis covered it Is proper that he should re turn to the port whence he sailed so courageously. “Clara sings like a mourning dove." “Yes. and if anybody criticises her she gets as mad as a wet hen.'' —Chica- go Record. My doll can shut her eyes and go to sleep lust loveliy." Huh! Hy doll never goes to sleep •t ail; she's got Insommer." Nelly—l don't sc £cw getting one s feet wet cautes toothache. Jack—You don't? It you had ever had n tooth pulled you would know that the roots run cleat b> your toes. Tacoma *• «a* Wa a*aA Wo* •4# >Tr . ; t + in** A Airnt ir fOKOOM ANvthw-% CA 'AA • Iw#' Cm» lip* Im# %##%# AAwi Ai'4 AA*»* A wMHiiME *- It ■ mmtt fAMk A# A A *AA AAAA 9A *AMf iftlfTtr- * f fltfNSiAßii j VW *«# a *MM«*A> • *wi *t«M p+lo9-mm At 111 4 %* IWapA *%£»* *‘HpHfAUf#* 2| m i# «a* t* n i tjijj' n •#$ aa4 fA-TTrirr. mt Mma P f *• wnAiiwy BSWPBi‘ lli C J 1 »aw nit A* Art lAiAf jP'IWI.Tf (A •##AA(| J *#A4 »*• w 'f AH rL .• -<* mm m Imbi li t ammmitw . ••JX*SL m &*mmm «»n» J%* w 1 m nil mr*n An HA AMARn ANHH f**# '** | Av«4f# rnmmm *IA IMA'% *a4 H»!f j t a# ******* rnmmki m* | Imv mm*. mmmm* mm tnCwSri&MMrmTS* > -• •5 *rv fJS* **■£*"* l>M —* t *cr w *TJ he* I MW, •Aw e»« ttmm m> A I o*| Agw I sMM>. ; ttfiiitJWMl tm**&mm‘ Mi*i Ml tt*? *44 f9NI rIMHf. it^ nm 0 §OmKOO ■ttti'. !PH |tf fbr f f »<4e “I r ) V s * 9l|w#. \ «i «ii«‘irv - { f h ‘4 "I fiWNttl • pim* %»# mmtm pi pujr «*’*# I i }r*#l Hf •nt||Mi # IpMirt prIHMI p*#f It : fit* [fih«■ N 4 |tpt<4 itfltt p, MV' i Alt mli » l«r 6rhtPl 4py* Uirptwipdi thuflfiH Imp. rprtpi es Pit. .. Ttwr» rfwjpft I Mhly eh# wwM raemli, i Wti'i hlw lev, asad fmtlewcw waned. 1 Hitt aty C1(44, fanned Iwe'l Ansae. That Yule tide grandma gave a ball. | Ffnehed countless beaux, both abort j and tall. I Grew i grandpa leM an* and It's m, For It happened years nwa. !In hrurade. prlntmae Watteau pnera. ITrtmmed with laces, creamy brwtkh. .o'er quilted r.we-plah pettwwwt. Whit* iwaris on her swanllhe thrauL [Ptlv.r powdered, her dark hair. Ilia peace blown cheek, i*nt*h placed I with care. TV» help the dimple*, tn ensnare, iftparfcttng eye* of sapphire hae. jlAke Yule tide'* sky »f ctoudlewa him*. | Grandpa told me and H'a so. Till# her picture years ago. [where th* candle* bright an.| tall, : Gleamed high up on armored wall, ['Meath th* waxen mistletoe. Her crimson ;tp# luerd squire aad Im,* UX. , Grandpa ne'er tried to steal one kiaa, ll'han- e after . hence he proudly mls*e<l. : He ««* Jealous, yet 'Ha *o, I At that ball king year* ago. ! ftehfnd her Watteau fan’* silk *crcegi. i Grandpa gave a smile serene, ' A* he strode past, up and down. : With a moat majestic fgoa n. In the minuet he'd not dance, I Ne’er noticed her one pleading glance. . In th* old time honored way. With shy maiden grace so sweet, Cartaptng slowly l>«ck and forth, j Glanced her tiny slippered feat. To the *plnnet's rythmic tun*. !<V*r the gleaming well asxed floor. Grandma trod the minuet. Broke off gallant hearts, full soere.g Hushed the tinkling splnnet key*. Gone each beau anil squire and dame. 'Neath the glossy mistletoe. Grandma stood with checks aflame. Her white hand In grandma's own, Those eye* so blue would melt a fltoue. He pilfered kisses sweet, full ten, And she? Just gave them back again. 'Tis grandpa's story, and It’s true. Sfttll! gleams her faded eyes of blue. There she sits, with old face bright. Shaded by her cap frill white; It's hard to think she acted so. At that Yule tide ball long yeara ago. —BERTIE! EMERSON TARVER. Calvlu Brice and Garcia died wlthlti a few days of each other and from the same cause; the one a multi-million aire, successful, as the world goes, rich and powerful; the other poor, but a patriot, and loved by all. Whose obit uary will tell of greater achievements and which name will be remembered? The foods we eat furnish ; energy for the body just as burning coal makes steam for an engine. The experiments of Prof. Frankland, Ph. D., of Lon don, shows that cod-liver oil yields two and one-halt times more energy than starches or sweets. Scott’s Emulsion is pure cod-liver oil combined with hypophosphites of lime and soda. It forms fat, gives strength, enriches the blood, invigorates the nerves, and repairs tissues. ctic. and #i.oo, ail druggists- SCOTT & DOW NL, Chemists* COB SUGGESTIONS oonntk dorhs m p||i>A# * PPA t HaiiAIAI * jpNIKI * i**wm f |(|4Ttll I * H|»i A> m Ma A A All jlNii I I * tot#!* -*4i Aii Aa HWdfHA I • mt * Hwtf W oom I * t .If r% p jMTA #Ai ** ofoomtk * IMA H imla »4a “ smomom I * |*4tt «| H%4a *«A * Pa# • I * fm miHA mhiah## m omk 000 m m i#4 '*A * PnA omm. UAfWik *• NI A ifAw »i * PAN | * INI A P«** * €*•#• m PiiilAia. * HP omoom E ** P44i4fWMft' IPppPA i * Aa | * Ac |a mm#* * | iili4#'#AA a imt AffiA. VaaKa I * idfirfi ** AAlft* *• Ha# PaPa ** * ** f*4|A4MPk PiiP«f# m CWIPP a AHn4 I a 4 a i Pa AtVk * CTna4 I • Hihmahnw! | imipin Patai«*.«aA*a { "Good T«le ArT*Jf<L” DORR’S 718 BROADWAY 718 £ What ) | ) Shall I Civa ? S S Hand FaMvaad KtsvaMsa ta V 1 m aa aad as dainty design* aed # ! / ehspea p|*w a* gtfu #r, ( 1 aura y rbaap hv tkasa. / S Colownas / c In Fancy Dresa C } fWaaUfal a* a gut—of ntt / ( Ml* I.l l saw* ulwm a* \ N Mil knadtad* atf k'Ule svevy # Cbrwwnas klway* aa v- f C asptahts elfliwaa > on>t* tu J I *LM«—Year MiMftM' f I Collar and C ) Cuff Boxas / / ’**W»*v and htwart / J r Sterling / J Top Pungent* v % Ca« «is*a and pi#ty «»yl*a— j f M (*tn» to II.x«. \ / Decoratad j } Toilet Bottles C S 11end painted—sold ta p*tn / J Yanoaa'tgw • pwttltrgitt. S ( Send J i Nunnally s Crniy ( $ You ran't do tietier—W a t > L you obilge us by leaving yaur f J order on Mondry »nd Tuw C \ day If you want sis* 1 J boxes. \ I Send a Box S S of Cigars f j We have them pot op la C C bole* of iS *ih »»»I*J » # t bristma* card—» id and I # 15 cents llgar*—Pnc* W W J \ 12.tu and *B.OO OOX. / ) ,JT A.!! of the** *nd more for I \ I'hriatmaa gift* *t i itnanier Dru Coipaif ) S -m BROAD ST. C 2*l (Mb) CAMPBELL STREET. ZED. W. DODGE Ritter Stamps. Seals. Brands, sc. 221 Uth Bt., Nexl to Holman's Meat Mark* AUGUSTA, GA. 1 “EACH DAT iEEJTiiF HERALD [ffjiyis Iy nr« Ife 20! 2Lt 22 23 ; 24- j Nestae gyfgA;aja>*ao : 3i Christmas Opening PENDLETON’S W m 0m ««#»*«*•* IA IHMMT 4 j imi lA# #ii4 laA-.'- AA'L*# Ua j PENDLETON Ha* krewghi Mlidwl d HOLIDAY GOODS JNtdttAA* tNr Att m*A» aa4 lAIA miiMn# «4 | |in tuari «a 4 44MUnA#a* M«f «PrA »4 I BOOKS LAMPS AND 1 A3LES H*aabf-: <• d*»#» **d law la |«t*a, WAVE CREST GOODS •»*! EiijUAl -A 4a»^#Aw a;nr l«*trt Pocket Betti. Ckns'tts CattnH Bi it lets (hunt*. Juvenile and Toy Book* EASTMAN KODAKS. ft^f Photographic Supplies of *r*ry kind and daacrigbua at Lowest Prices. > PORTNER’S l } MOFBRAU and ) / VILNNA CABINLT / / BRANDSOF / i Export \ ) Beers || ? ARE THE BEST l S AhX FOR THEM. C GLOSING OUT SAXE In order to close out roy on'ire j stock of woolens by tha first | of February, by the pattern or made to order, I Will nil at and below j cost. _ I TERMS CASH. WM. E. BENSON Merchant Tailor, 743 Broad Bt. g BRASS BAND OUTFITS A PIANOS, ORGANS and j MUSICAL INSTRij/TENTS. SHEET nuaic THOMAS & BARTON, Aususta, Ga. CROUP CAN BE CURED and can be prevented by using Land’s Croup Drops 60 CENTS A BOTTLE. MADE ANB SOLO ONLY BY :r. zeee. L^nsriD 622 FTINTH STREET. Albany is to have a pollc,. commlf el«n. a hill pmVktlhg fnr it haring i» en passed hy the -“Jieral ass,*:nbl>. DECEMBER 17 THELATESTSTYLES m-00rnm iui Ftiri Irthiit UANDKEHGBIEF NECKTIE BOIES At Gardelle’s Violota of Scicily 60c. ounr.e G«rd«lto*t* Cuff* and Collar Box## Beautiful Line. GARDELLE’S. PROF. P. M. WHITMAN, *O9 7tl St. AirvU. n# fir'll mrf vn tiits an m** * mkwA |rTg,r L—i tm cm mm t *mt %»#*• »6*k jam ml FREE OF CHARGE —vane* mrs COAL and WOOD—a FROM TUB— North AngniU Coal 4 Supply Co Voantlry and Qaallty GiuiranteeA F. W. SCOFIELD, PRESIDENT Mi RfwM»r Mfc Eastman’s KODAKS. We sell Eastman’s Kodaks and all size FILMS. Call and see how cheap we can supply your wants. We have a full stock of latest styles of Stationery. All goods finest made. Richards & Shaver, 827 Broad St., City. Paine, Murphy & Co. COMN IhBION MKIU H-. NTb. PO3 Reyaoids st=T!ißilHei2fe».:r 1 :;ule Leieeb W ires Piieri to Kew York Chicago »nd New Orl«u*. Order* executed ov*r our wire* for Coiton. Slock*, Bond*. Or*ln and Pro. vision* fur cwsh or on margin*. I»cwl ■ecuritle* bought and *old. Referoncue -National Exchange Bank of Augusts or Merce ntUe Agencies. FOB SALE. ~ Number 22 Telfair street—Four roonr. [ house —Lot 40x150 feet. Teu acres of land on the Sand Hill*, near Hotel Bon-Alr. Dwelling nf U| rooms. Stable, barn and servant house. Will sell at a sacrifice. Three small house* and lots on Sana Hills. WUI sell separately or all. at a bargain. g 7 Acres of land near Wrlihttbow road, one mile above city's new water basins. 50 acres of land near Milledgeville road, seven miles from court house. APPLY TO Clarence E. Clark 832 Broad Street. NEXT! m.j b eg to notify my friends and —Wtomers that I bsve added another chair to my Barber Shop, making six first-class Barber*, and I hope to accommodate my customers without waiting. hot and cold baths. COME EARLY AND OFTEN TO Hickey’s Barber Shop 212 -V 214 Eighth St., , OPPOSITE AUI.INOtON HOTEL.