The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 18, 1898, Image 2

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Watch My Smoke >— T. B. Mathewson •, , mill* TWC ?l I tfl I a*. "OXM IMttlf w a Crrtchlow-and K. W. W«t*on R»p«>r any old hind of a Bicycla or TyoawrlUr .... AT > NO. 921 BROAD STREET t««« wrant raonf—. SULTAN Of THE /LU* W« lh«» kwm**4 hr **•#•••« »•* mw ib* PkaMdvM* *•»!)<»»• **• M»» • • to* * ftllnw Htlgate. fat* till* !• t* ll ** t>*Nk Wa tea** •»•»*• * him »Mt**b*" I arHb Ih« nt'ipiUM* is!** J# Ml* yntm am ril **v—t mshss*n>«4>*». Ht t* **#»rtsu«g 0*» • hwM*» ■ b"* ’ te* Ih in.* <•*#** » t’** 4 " tit tetes-rifi**# hi* *%'*«»** e* l ’ (rlfaA.. ati it in wtartaat "l ( •SMSael*#'’ >r> Ih* tfaßi*h jnr» «wawa*WMrt "* 9N|«*. mrrotot ♦* Ih* esttfe American •*«M>wlN> Thai# teMpo-M-d **»* *«">'• ghtotll w«Mhr *ll ih* Philippi •#* I* r’ It** •*••<* l«ftlB4l» Yfcßßf ;*i*b<s* *t* ft «»*h arrtM*. *m-•■“*!** ImO*** ifc** ** ijf-p'i*f iik flMfP* •* ** t a* H«-* Thor • *>£ ttdva <tf i.*» *•» *■ • rw * ™ mi«m* ariht* The htteahWntst* «f th# Bote# r*M Morn* It 1* their chief pe* “• I tar It) t* b* f9k»a» K i*** Th» f<»wn fauna of iho «#* a Malay. a* »■ '** mtinviao*. hot 'ho ttnrm have beet- Mraattl) isAuenred by Arab Iton )• tbo aov*at*on!b r.ului*■ *u Aral* »*i##d Said AH coteqnerwl tte* Hula I* ante lorrlbly converted Iba na il vra to laUmlan' ll# and hi* foil*** yr* took lam* #»*lor» "I *'*** 6* 4 I hi;* *<!<].«! an Arabian strain to the Malay race. Th« tloroa *r* gt»eened by a Sultan anil hereditary chief* call# 4 llwto# Tho latter arr often aijiruo In tbotr *** iiont* bn bait am wpptaal to |ltt hnmag* sjTbc Suttaa o( Sulu Tb# Snlian lima a* at# #*p#* t a Snhaa to I It*. Hr ba. a «wat bamtu. r«*,»l#o'.#bed by perlMlrri rahtei among all the Philippine Inland*. Hr ha« a grand viator nnd a barter who trite tint riorlaa. Tfca Mom arr not particularly «>b#- d !«t to iteeir Sultan, rfomrtlm#* tbry Jtfl! him and aomrtlrar* tbry »#t U|> nn otl.rr l« hi* platr. Tbry are the tlrrr t-t nnd brave*! of all Ibr raem In or tb* Philippine*. Their ahlll tn the «** of eurvwt halve* I* uiarvelmia. They have defeated the Spaniard •«a>n and again with plain ateel aralnat flrrnnn*. Spain made no nort of effective occupation of the telnnd tmtll IS7I. rn-an C. Worceater, the acknowl edged American atithorlty on the Pfcit- Ipplnea. drvotca conalderalile attention to the Sulu Irlrtnrt*. their rival aultana. nnd the blood-curdling fealurra of life there. A few yearn before the Spau lah-Ameilcan war the Spantarda de prwort Mahmoud, the -Ightful Sultan of Pulu. and npootntfd In hia plam n chief, under the title of “hi* egcellcncy. IVtucn, Mujuaarl Malauna Amlrll Ma nuio Sultan Harun Narraald.” The Spaalah had Invited the rightful •ultan to come to Manila and be In verted with hla crown. Remembering that » predecraeor, who reorlved n Tmilnr Invitation, had been kept In pritoo far life by the Spanish, the eul tau put Harua In hla place. That did not worry the legitimate mi It nit. Haruu occupied the palace lu the city of Sulu, corcfully guarded by Spanlah eoldlera. Mahmoud occupied the teat of the lalantl with 10,000 well armed folic were, The meat intereitlng character in Sulu ia the old sultana, mother of the sultan, Mahmoud. Although born a (lave, she married a previous attltan. She hastened bis departure from this world with corrosive sublimate. When Hauifi was appointed sbltap sho sent him htf offei of marriage, hut he de clined it. as he wished tn die a natural death, t ■ Mr. Worcester remarks that she htts n genius for organisation, but a mao in for poisoning. While (tcu. Arolas, one of the few competent Spaniards, ruled the Sulux, they were fairly quiet. When he de parted his successor thought he could collect taxes from the Moros. Harun called them together and asked their decision. They promptly decided not to pay the taxes. On the day appoint ed for paying the taxes Harun present ed himself before the governor with a large number of followers. Harun pre sented a large bag of pearls to the gov ernor. As he took them Harun drew 9 barons the Moro sword—and split the governor's skull to the chin. The other Moros fell on the Spanish sol diers and slaughtered them all. Then ther destroyed the town. The Sulu Moro is u bom warrior. He disdain* to work, and expects his wants to be supplied hy his wives and slaves. He has many excellent quali ties. He gires much time to the care of his arms and to perfecting himself in their use. He tries to terrify an op ponent by making hideous faces, uses his shield very skilfully and keeps his lege in constant motion, so that a blow below The shield-may not dieshte them. I«i battle he is the brwVe»l of the brave. | Afcswtat* iadi If•**•#• ft* bttwadafcad te lIMM* of lulu M»t*t -fcßfß# t** I IkO#* H# •111 rß'* !§»•• » »Btt •MNT* |lt t<l Iff ||m» #4#t M • »#• lißfMliA I HwBlRttMNMt II Mutt lkdNN|-»llBB* [mu Tills If t<i>«i«i»rwl • tfff i mbHli» (ffQPMMf IIM|. TIN* iNßitft y|t| AiW A Mi iftfi tt«A4tf Bf'f j ihaabw. whlck h# «l>«g» over bt» ttesil I it## «* aa AanevV** ww«M • ffabteg teatgt Hi thte te* pvt* tte# bwtaii IhaaSte wtetete **• tell tn hla ak'H I Tte* Mnrr* believe (teat ba ate (abe* Itte# Ufa us • iktMlta lkM*kf tarteaa** Ibte abate#* of a g nrrl Hia# ka tte* wacfd t* mm** ll# who dtea tektag tte# Use of a I'hr'attaa ta *ara tn tee traa*pnrt—t at uarr Httn tte# a#« etetil teIVVK ! rtnat tlm# tn (lla# w happen# tk«l Ifw# nf th'-ia *<artiw of till* Ilf#, ated •teatring tn taka tb# ateoeteet mad to ,gl try. te# bathaa ia a aaciw I aprtag. -ba**# nff hla eyhtota* ilaeasM la whit# aad ptwaeat# httwaelf h#fo#* a •waittta tprteat) to tab# a aatetaa •*ath ta tte# kilting fhrtetlana H# te than nIM a Ju#aß*»at»d • ft# ht4#a a bamag. nr kri*. about hte p##non, n# la aomethlM te# <arrta*. and aarka tte# ttearaH town, if te# raa gala adtate altlt. he aaatrh#* kta weapn* from lia i >n —*lmetit end run* ama#h. aiaylag ievery living being la tel* path, until tie httneil. la timlly dlapMrhcd So ! long a* the breath of Hte rawaln* In ' bint h- fight* an. THEN AND NOW. Cam era tax tha pevfervbl Wiiurtftl til tar a area of certain ardent uil-ct paualoutala. both la anU-lmpviTalislb mctlaii aad apreehva, and a lav In the press, It la more than Interesting to note the subjolnsd sentiments of the old-timer* when the noeaOon n< the admission and purchases of near tent tort were being agitated at Washing ton. When we wanted or were discussing the purchase of larulalaaa and Alaaha. the aatl -e 1 pension lata ar«»e aad talk - ad. It waa the name with Oregon. Krojn a column In The New Tork Ann we clip the following, whlrh make moat Intereating reading: The Louisiana Purchnsa Representative (ir la wold. Connecticut. j • * *. The traat and unmanageable extent which the lamlstana purrhaar will give the United States, the conse quent dispersion of our population, aud the destruction of that balance wblcli It I* ao Important to maintain betweeu the eastern and western states, threat- j cna. at no very distant day, the sub version of our union. Senator Plurner, New Hampshire. Admit this western world Into the, union and you destroy at once the .weight aud Importance of the eastern states, and compel them to establish a separate. Independent empire. Representative Orlfftn. Virginia. He feared the effect of the vast ex tent of our empire he feared the ef forts of the Increased value of labor, the decrease In the value of lanite. and the Influence of climate upon our cltl xena who should migrate thither. Ho did fear (though this land was repre sented as flowing with milk and hon ey) that this Eden of the new world would prove a cemetery for our citi zens. Senator James White. Delaware. .But as to Louisiana, this new. Im mense. unbounded world.- If it should ever be Incorporated Into the union, of which l have no Idea I believe it would be the greatest curse that at present could befall us. The Alaska Purchase. Representative Washburn. Wisconsin. • • • The country is absolutely tvH bout value. I tell gentlemen who so for Alaska that Greenland today Is a better purchase than Alaska. Representative Butler. Massachusetts. If we are to pay for her (Russia's) friendship, t desire to give her the *7,800.000 and let her keep Alaska. * * Hut no man. except one insane enough • o buy the earthquakes In St. Thomas, and the ice in Greenland, could be found to agree to any other terms for Us acquisition to the country. Rep. Williams. Pennsylvania. Have the people desired It? (The purchase of Alaska.) Not a sensible man among them had ever suggested tt. The whole country exclaimed at once, when it was made known to it. against the ineffable folly, if not the wanton profligacy, of the whole trans action. Oregon. Senator McDuffie. What is the nature of this country? Why, as I understand it, seven hun dred miles this side of the Rocky mountains is uninhabitable; n region where rain seldom ever falls, a barren, sandy soil; mountains totally impassa ble. Well, now. what are we doing to do In this ease? How are you going to apply eteara? Have you made any thing like an estimate of the cost of a railroad from here to the Columbia? Why, the wealth o‘s the Indies would not be sufficient. Of what use will this be for agricultural purposes? Why I would not for that purpos* *o»e * 1 * THB Jk XJO ÜBTA HJTHiK H.l ) liASI; HALLERS IN SESSION A *i-Club scHcdulc ,Afr«ctl on. \* Uu« ( »•«» h h»» CiNilm fitSMt TfVll filter If ««AflNif • |f > * r ■ ggnjr-f BABMAMB-. Nf § SNANf •! [aMMAMMA lIN NMiNhßlt AKABf** 1 * ff**'- , I m ~.||BA *9O *9090 lA *** Iff' 1 1 1. . f | dtAoßf VtMteßlli’ iNIHfhMS MnAA 09*009* m«« ft aa **m9o9o «*4 AllNtift *m again * * tte# mag Tamafa* «a r»iww#rt. ateute t» tb# dm# at tte# a*te#date n*-#* It Iff a#. lidad tte#* t uadate arte#»* Niftf!* dßillim f«af m Afl»f-- NNwNA 90 1 I I ttlir J 9*9 •*«* 9*99900, 000 iIN 9**- ■ | iiui bi t •». .;# t|| ft »at# *fw4 Ah nAfßft fHH, HKH j i tat ttete# tf.p* Mt#t and exeat. ap I tte# ] -Ifiirr frr tewir trip* maete way In ad* Nut sea la trie M# Wbilateaad. <d fhll- j •#, < at* h laiead *ttafia# (aatrwt { **t* . »,4 im tern b*#a ragweated ta *a»tit*a fatataa nf tte* arbadatea prepared te# . I teua »w ite* prwadaat* *tr Hgyr***w< »• tjvaa as Ml* t*dH ttaha l*« »•#•*» br tot* tte# tai.edate mealing tn ffVNraar* kftetl* tte#*- Imatfurtta** ta tte# a#*##* | tar* #•*# Mr Ili'teit#te**4 aetfltety la dtiata that tte# |te) tag arteadute b«* '| M wntMri ated that tb# tetegn* Will 7-MMM <1 i«#lv# flute daring th> a*# (j * us 11 tb*#* are a*i) peraaat rt* I,l.’ta ta tea*# aa laatda haaatedg* as [tte# etata at affa'r* ateo hattev* ikai ' M,4#t ivlate at* tteia tte### kill *• tet* l arh#aa, ta radar* tte# teaga# in !•***« ileU l iter tte# *«>teatMaMna of tb* !•*««* ear#*#' a-*.-tiaa# #aa te# twlted at any ntew. aad M Is rspariari tfcal na* o# note transit t a will ha te»td b*’*##a ana aaa V#l oaf) Tb# f b'UtMph'# gat# ftrtiyi con- ’ true#ray rga takaa ap agate tod##, hat j aa tte### aa* n<> rhaar* of aa naanl- ( taoaa rat# b#iag <*#t la ref•##•«- in lit, tte# tmmi*# aa# laid ova# anti! tht i frbri a»y ooteclav*. ■ No iragae dub* wHI b# allot*#.! to . | play rghiMtloa asm** during tb* rots : tng a aauti A i*m t'on aaa matt# by |f*r#. „:#nt Hart, of rhitago. to pr -v*u( ■hem in.m ptaylag atn b gamea lateirc and afur tte# a#a*on waa negatived Owtr.g ta tli# lllnaaa of Mamra. Von d*rb#rat and Kbbß's, tte* papar* n#c*« rtt.e to tb* ettnrtelng nf tte# Ha I timer* llr-wklya amalgamation. war« not tlgnid tiday. but It I* #xp#rtet that they will b* aign«*t and tte# deal •cow- Mitni.aird within a few day* At a #l*#rlnl meeting of th# board of director# th# Otaattenatl club wa* urdeted u> refund a An# us Hi tn Caliber Paila. After tb# m##tteg of tb# leagit# had been concluded, a new board of arbitration met and Uxu at tlun of a numixer of appeals. Th# petition of th# Eastern Litut for territorial right* for the Newark, 111. J.. dub wa* opposed by Pr«eld*nt K. 0. Burrow, of the Atlantic Left*- 1 . Th# petition wa* refuaed and the New ark club wa* tnamictad that it muat remain In tb# Atlantic Leagu*. A almllnr petition waa made by Hart ford. wa* withdrawn. We are determined to close out the Fargo stock of furniture and are selling It at less than cost of manufacture. Thomas A Barton. CMy Item*. Mr*. Tom Jone# I* back from Har- Mlx* l.tnnl# Mixon 1# back from At lanta. ! Mi*. C. l>avega Cohen 1* back from Atlanta. Mix. W. N. Benton h«» returned from Macon. Mr. I-awton B. lCvan* i» hack rrom Columbus. ti«- Mr. T. C. Thom** returned from At lanta yesterday. Mix. N. ft- Barksdale t» bock from Wapblneton. '•«. Mlxx Moriel Black returned rrom An derson last night. Mrs. Kui'cno Koster has returned from Crawford. On. Mrs. W. M. Hoblaaon has returned, from Covington, On- Mr. anil Mr*. M. R. Hayes have re turned from Atlanta. Mr. It. I*. Marsh I* spending today In Charleston, B. c. Mr. uod Mrs. S. T. Fortson have re turned from Atlanta. Mix* 01110 Harris returned from Mtl lodneviHe yesterday. Mi . end Mrs. Frank H. Milter have returned from Atlanta. Miss Belle MrMillen. of Harlem, was 1„ the Clt> yesterday. Mr. Z W. Car wile went to Ridge Spring. S. C., yesterday. Mrs. Kate Houston Fischer returned from Atlanta lost night. Miss Sable Onnaer. of C.rovetown. spent yesterday In the city. Miss Mamie XVhlttendalc hn* return id from Mtlledgevllle. <!»• Miss Ethel Heggle. of Orovetown. spent yesterday tn the city. Mrs. E. A. Horne, of Maeon, who has been visiting friends In the city, has returned home. Mr and Mrs. Charles DeXVitt Auld have Issued cards to their paper wed ding, which they will celebrate Dec. from S to 10 p. m. Everybody makes a present to somebody at Xmas. Well ! We have’nt everything everybody wants to present. But we have lots of pre sentable things—Umbrellas, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, nnd, well! We’ve sensible, useful things for the peo ple and at proper prices, too. MACAULAY & CO. pinch of snuff for the whole .territory 1 thank God, for*Hia mercy •» pi«<«iP the Rocky miomtiiiw there. ntP teMHtf HA* ♦ Al I (tte Uot «*■**--#,- «g Amm Mist** tte Mi (MMadn##* I r mm*** $09% y* «f T -||g|— |n ibhhmi i TjfcM BiMl 90/9 ot9oo , tm 900909900* 9t‘t*b [ 9foo* 90 Mp* *** 00*0*9 *“ j 0999000 900 f90000&90000- 1900-900"' ***' , *«lte*e oms l- iNPlwCtx, Pat 0099 99009 900 09*0900* [ 99*09 I*4* ‘oo. NBl «tl*l 10009 9900 90 ;B ,«H 9*o9* 0990 011090000 90 00m* *099 MMW, lew*** l Uggtl 1 *te#wa*h lb <te«, k*«N« .tetete MMH a •#• tef* ♦•# I m t* g- at tf*oo • BBNMMU 00*9 pNfl - fimHiN IV 000 bMbr *999 *m*, 900 - i h* 09099009 so*9 00* 090000 0* ' temi ||h fctgfet BliiHl 9f*4 b*oo rmm\oo i«v* a* Mm had aatltesd ng #»• lit# vte * art** tgM that tte# *x*a attfl *hwi* l , am tniiif* it. Ote. hpw hnr* u •## tn i—ltaa Hint tea •’«*, had ’ k*«te**t wttfe pip ttpMti an atnate ttgte* ’ .g itet* Uf# had pnaaad from tte* era j tight tpta th* ttendnt* ; ttat not ta tbn naßant gntdaa te**d* <d tht* gaad tea* | Tte#** • Ntte# »te#a th# d#w f wtetete gtleteatel as ttea tylliM f<n»#*» >of tdd Vleg(«ta wa* teat' Anew terifte' then tte# ap#* as tteta M|Mte aatd*## aa. teeilawtag IBtert Ite. Inw, tha hfaveai at ttea bras a, tte*? teattead apate tte# Tte#tw wwa a Btaa wte#w h* who Mate raw tte tmidatl? lad dM ■ lead all oth#** In «te# •### eteafge la»« tte* tm? )••» < ** kw * **'' hata# *»(f **•<»• lb*d Not f»lf#r gi#*m#d tel# ante## the* than than# #?*g •» fatl as tarred •#» for a *•<■ red raaa*. and, aattd tte# iter #*• atom hNMtea liaii wte#n ih# gmgt jlua* bricked hwtte A* 11. wn-t —tv t. and (tee tte ttea*# *•*# eye* At aimed art teat a* elanrlf. aa te#adi»? tesrteed ' apor tte# fb* t# tte# etertteat tew** ts nwrtiit hirtt da gtht wttte gmry tb# old r#d bin* of tela own te»ta*#d (tear gi# And ah#a Ik# ewftata fell at App* I mattox *nd gloom had iteremded th# M, no, domteland. Captain John N • ledge AM not drapalr. teat, wttte • eon ' m loneaee* of duly #«telt*M>ly do*# Ikon* eye*. Ailed with lb# light rs hop* turned homeward and aa bravely fared i ttea : utur* aa they had h*ok#d upon th# <t#ag#n #f tb# ba«i;«d#id. And daring all th# Aylag yw»r». alnr* that dlPttd Bate bo #jr#a. In *ll this land. h**e been quicker ta •*# aarruw ta other*. n° kind r#*dt#r to r#ll*vr It. And If earry on# for wbiun b# ha# don# • ktada#*# ra*M gt#* l to him b*rl • beam of tte# gl*d light wtebh .trw*BM. from loving orb* tte# *?#• «rs nobl# Captain Mil Mg# won Id look oat upon thi* tenet if# I world today. I la# *»###“ *t*r«. to hrlghien and to hl*a*. Ob, let »* bop# that H* who ha* seen At to rlote tb# *y«a -of tbi* good •rut gallant man to tb# *un*btn# of thl* A eating earth, will *o AH tel* no ble aottl with that light which never j fall*, from » brighter, test## land, that he may. In th# end. looking In )oyf»l #Cmn*«# and In *t#*dfnat peace upon thusi* glorie* which hornan »y# ran never •*#. take hla *tand. forever, amid Ih# hl###ed one* who circle th* great whit# thron#.—Atlanta Journal. Captain Mllledg* I* well known In ! Angueta. and hoatx of friends will h# aaddoncit to learn of hi* terrible affile tie®. He I* * relative of Hon. M. P. i C#rroll. McKinley com#* so Camp Mae-t k#nzi# tomorrow, and Macaulay A j Co. will be at 810 Broadway with Mctlintv bargains for th* peopl* from the bottom of the blooming bargain hualncst. Japan#*# Egg Shell Cups and saucer* will be »old for 5 cents- Just a* souvenirs. MACAULAY * CO. INTERESTING ITEMS. G#n. H. W. Lawton of Santiago fame ! I* a collector of army autograph* and ha* th# alynatur# of wvrral hundred of the moat famou* xoldlcr* of our army. At a distance from Rio do Janeiro of 36 hours by rail a new city has been built up within a few year*. It hss al ready thro# thousand houses and a largo theatre t* being built. The name of the city Is Hello Horlsonte, and It commands fine view* of the mountains. Italian high echoed* have been open for year* to women a* well a* to men. Every year a prlii* 1* offered to stu dents In the te*i Iters' seminaries for an essay. This year fifty woman compe ted and only five men. Th# women got the prUe and all th# medals. The last instance of boiling to death took place at Persia in 1890. The offen der, who was guilty of the stealing of j state revenues, was put In a |urge caul dron of cold water, whh h was slowly ! heated to the boiling point. His bones were distributed as a warnfttg among the provincial tax collectors. William E. Shipp and William H. Smith studied together at West Point, graduated at the same time, each raised to the rank of first lieutenant. At the battle of San Juan both were killed in side of fifteen minutes and now bills to pension their widows have simultan eously been Introduced in congress. Tha remark Is *0 frequently made that “ man who refused to give his name was knocked down by a street 'car,” or that "a woman whose identity could not be learned was run over by a gracer's wagon," that The Springfield Homestead advises people to give their names cheerfully and avoid auch a pen alty. Truffles will soon be cultivated on scientific principles and are likely to become cheaper. M. Chatln. who dis covered that the truffle is a mushroom, has announced to the Acadsmi* de* Sciences at Parts, that the Due de Les parre. brother of the Due de Oramont, has found out how il germinates and on what 1.-nx-.x it o spores will become fruitful. FOREIGNERS BORROWING l nprcbctlcntcd Aw I ion In Our Hiitlor). mttmammmm- Mttff Ilf HIM I* AMflrt Bf*. f%9*oo*t. lNr If -- 009099 It \ 09990090% 90 9*o £9ooo9*** 90 Pt#ifNMMll \ lift* B 90H It 1«l - -I «rv.Vftfcty !**»*•* t ttbfti « $ 00*999 §OO9OOO 00099 000 9090 000/0990 1N | (ftfttft ift |# !!• I'ft llwi fftl ftf MU 900 I lift 4 s I fifty *0 9 'OOO Ht ftfeMi T«ft ft S9O i ft* 009' - 00099. 90 9*ooi‘m IftNft • 0000 90 10099*91** ! 00000r\t909 If lIN NftMMNI *0 99* $9009* 9000$*** t» M ft*** m m hn 1 tfirtff** t«i *ft* 9W*m*t 90 tlw I ftl<*4 j 00m*** 90 ft 0 iftttfft 9090*9 torrfivntf tTbft I “lilt f « ilftllt ss*99* ftftftft t 1 *oo} pMk But tli IN tftftHHft! mmso •Hlnm—ft iftft ftriN m ftNlt 9m 0000***“ 4*0004 Mi iftft »nw» 9tmmrr «f *ft* '’fW *9*l \f NNI BMMfttftft 99000 f ftftft 0900 iftft *9000901 !ftt«« »• 49909 1ra _a . t -£n oH*lHt*r% 009009 ft. rftf B ***’ tte tmU kN»Bft ftßrft wm4o Mi W*U mttmti if M 11 t t 2 mt '**» •*»** 99 ml iff BHOftftftMlßl flt • M fftf Tftft NN dMirftfttft ar» •«*•» ißiftly btf* of ftm riaftft b»ttiritNft ti*y 4*9 v»t f*o l coftfKso ftwot ■ ’ fihM ftfftaft 9mm yfftf - Bft mte nifugA ■* tftft f»«ft ut ft o*f 9401 o*o ftAtift 0999 **f ran iftat aioftft * iiftriftUf of l»* r ? fiftaurnt wraHNt orftaow ted®* lb# dmaad for vntaaa bn* #a< ##d*4 tba "Fairly safe taavm tea*# been absorb ed and tb.## la dltnlnati’d, in tb# fund* seeking plat^nent "The nalloaal treaanry at at## that for tb# rarrant awaith «an#r la rlr- Miiattnn ba# torreaaad i Ttei#, folbmlag a gain of A&ojdO AM for October make# a total #gpan#lnn of ' about s7t.i>oa MM for tte# last atxt? day*. r.>mpar#d with • year ago lb# ta | tal rtrrulatioa of nil kind* of money ta I 16& 7M WW greater and amount* In all to« «M.Wd Tb# perspective ' reveal* #v en mar# moaey T»n tb* Aral of th# year rorporatlon* •will dtetribut* aliout IBkMkiu (xxp In It *T#raat and dividend# Beald#*. export* are tnrrvaalng rapidly while Import* are decreasing quit# aa speedily. Th* latest figures tell that tte* exports of mertbnndl*# from this rountr exreed tbi>a<- of Great Britain for th* Arat time in the history of the two conn trie#. The t'nlted Btate* to In tb# unique po fcition of desiring to buy the American stocks and bond* that nr* held abroad. "It la thi* condition that has war ranted a foreign government in mak ing tentative overture* for a big loan here. Th* borrower ia supposed to b» Russia. The representative* of that country were negotiating with I’rnifil banker* sometime ago for a large sum. but the transaction was not conclud ed.’* New York, Dec. 17.—Emissaries of Russia have made a careful aurvey of the situation In thl* rlty and have aounded nearly all the leading con cerns. Their buslnraa baa been con ducted quietly, and *o far nothing seems to show that their overtures have met with time hencouragetnent. Jacob H. Schlff. of Kuhn. Loeb te CO., when shown the statement of Mr. Eckels, said: "I understood that about two or three weeks ago several Arms in this city, including my own. were sound ed by persons who claimed to be act ing for t lie Russian government as to the feasibility of floating a Russian 3 per cent or 3 1-2 pre cent loan. 1 d» not think such a negotiation fea sible In the United States.” Henry Speyer refused to make auy comment on Mr. Eckels* statement. An effort was made to see J. Pierre pont Morgan and other financiers to night, but they could not be found. The Sweetest l.lttle Regiment In the Army We ur# the sweetest little regiment In the army, Always so Jolly and gay— We are a winsome wee regiment, A sweet little regiment With a cute and charming way. You bet we are the winners. And cute little sinners. When there's a heart at stake. With our roguish blue eye* We capture easy every prize. Anfl many a heart we make aohel i I'm the sweetest little trooper In the army— Every day when on parade. The girls all cry as I ride by— There he goes, there he goes! The sweetest little trooper in the army! Always looks so neat. With my pretty black curls, I can always catch the girls. For I’m the sweetest little trooper in the armyl I We are the bravest little regiment in the army— You cast hear every one say, We are a gallant wee regiment, A peerless wee regiment, Always ready for the fray; When the war bugles blow. To the front we march and go; When duty and honor calls, With our life in our hand We stand firm like a man, And fight for our country’s cause. —W. <3. Adams. Trumpeter Troop D, Third IT. S. Cavalry, Camp Macken zie .Augusta, da. ;--- — Mr# Leonard Pliintzy, who has been vidtlng friends in Atlanta! lias return f«d bOBTfc. THE MARKETS. COTTON, o*4 aim*4s 00m Marti at I fftMfilftfcft*: f- ft 90. 900$ Bft'ftft 4MM§AMf% TWfg-Jiot*'. - - *AmI s**t-mm** s fr*T jitel m 9 ***** »i *** I ftft ftftO csll* I H«? 004 §9090. S Bft Cft! §?•#!. «ftl! Smtf 904 AftßUßl. t M pMSftfß IftgT—l 004 0*90999400a ft MMMiv ftftf • PftfMfttVftftf B«l4 ftrlfllinr. ft 9444 Bftlt- Otftftftftt 004 S<>%*»ftftf ft Ml <!» •Ml rftlC4lß« Oftft. IT ftWt#B mr»o 0994. bmrp 09090099 099*1100 004 9909** i’i [ißUtl |ftnn4Ml Bit ftftlYMßftWl 9*99 nf * fr«ftiv Tftft Brtrft Of jin *!*'#♦• Iflftß C MX| flßtti rtcydref ’* ftftfll tktwftr. FwMM Bfft «•* ''*9oo*4 10 ft W*l» fticfttt, S*m Tdrft. dTTt -€*oum t**o ftIIACW! In ft tmtßtl ham if end eg , I 09990. Tftft i»»4ftm»fT*ftt ut Bftßtti»fta< fjffytft Iftft kftf nlM** twtttff, tftr ••ftihftft otftT tllft rot ton bftlt pfDfini M 4 for lunMttH ryni leu. dt§* t#*frftftft from ftpot BiArkfttN nthif jtif f»B)BC roft4J(toft«, fthll# Iftft Cftfnyt.- |r!ft*t wftftkfft fftW* of iftft dry **>*•?« I 'aKlol 9T99 iMlttlfiftljf rtHiitnift I Ob !.,#• from the English mark#! rteerked the ball enthusiasm, reflecting a de r'ine of I'yaS point* In future*, amt ait indifferent demand for spot ration I. ipta at the porta aao Intarlo. tovua promised to fall below ttena* of jot week, while tbe export ■ t#ai an* .- ! bid fair to carry off honor* for ary •Stifle week thus far tteta araeon. Whit# tnveaimetet order* w*r* leaa p’.etMifnl I today. tte#r* waa every evident-# of i toe# miration on tte# part of tte# srl 'aide public to d’ vrirtptneata In ration. A hum ter of appreteenalv* bear* were *#en to be quietly reducing thrir ob ligation* fearkin e pnealble change of front In foreign »p*ct,latlv* cirri#* over Sunday The late market for future# wa* a dull affair, with Intrreetlng fea ture* tacking. The cloa# waa steady v th price* 1 point higher to I petit ■ lower. Estimated receipt* at tbe port* : for the day. t.>,W*i. * gainst 3» k»7 last week, nnd 57.M* last year. For the week 340 000. agaleat 356.M0 lari week and 363.134 lari year. At M*«nph:* about 3.773. against 6.076 lari year, and at Houston 14.435, against 9.939 lari year. Provision* New York. Dec. 17.—Flotw quiet and a shade eaaier. Wlnt*r patent* 5.65 a 3.65. By« flour Arm. Buckwheat flour quiet. 92. Buckwheat stead, 34. Malt ing 52a53 1-3. Ha’ley malt steady ; western 60*70. Wheat spot easier ; No. 3 red. 77 1-9. Option* after open ing eaaier on cable* rallied on adverse Argentine new* only to suffer a *ec ond decline near the close thro.igh a | heavy unloading by scalpera. The close . wax 1 -2*3-4 cent net lower; March closed 74 3-4; May closed 71 5-8; De cember closed 73 3-3. Corn spot easy; No. 2 41 6-8. Options opened steady on covering, but later weakened with ! wheat, closed l-Bal-4 net lower; May j closed 39 7-8; D#ceml>er closed 39 5-8. ! Oat* spot steady; No. 2, 32 1-4. Op tlonx dull. Beef steady; family 10.00 a 11. extra mesx 8.50*9.00; beef ham* 18.00, packet O.SOalO.OO; city India m«sß 5.00a15.0*>; cut meakx weak; pic kled bellies 6 1-4*5: pickled shoulders 4; pickled hams 7. laird steady; west ern steamed. 5.30a5.35 ; December 5.32 1-2; reflined stead. Pork firm ; mess 8.75*9.25; short clear, 10.25 a 12.25: family 10.00a11.00. Cotton seed oil trade light, but prices well snstair ed; prime crude 17 1-2al8: prime s ine mer yellow 22; butter grades 25a27. Butter firm; western creamer’ 15a21 ; western factory 12alt 1-2; Elginx 21- imitation creamery 13a17; state dairy 15al8; state creamery 15a19 1-2. Cheese steady, large white 10 J-4al-2. Eggs firm: state and Pennsylvania 26a27 ; western fresh 26: southern 22a25. Po tatoes steady; Jersey 1.00*1.37 1-2 New York 1.25a1.50; Long Island 1.25 l a 1.75: sweets. Jerseys 1.25a2.25; sou--| them 40'a75. Petroleum firmer; refin ed New Y’ork 7.50; Philadelphia and Baltimore 7.45; do in bulk 4.55. Fos in steady: strained common to good 1.45. Turpentine firm, 42 l-2a43. Rice firm; domestic fair to extra 4 3-4aS 1-4; Japan 5 l-4al-2. Cabbage steady, 1.50 a 3.00 per 100. Coffee options opened steady at unchanged prices, ruled ex ceptionally Inactive and without spec ulative feature, selling arrested by con tinued small receipts at Rio and San tos. liberal warehouse deliveries in this country and firm attitude of spot holders, buying by European apathy and the fact that the market has al ready advanced abouif 1-2 cent, some looking for a reaction but afraid to eell: cloaelquiet, unchanged, to five points loker; sales 3.000 bags, includ ing January 5.65; September 6.10 ; spot Rio market firm; No. 7 invoice 6 3-4a7-6; No. 7 Jobbing 7 l-4a3-8 ; mill Arm; Cofdova 7 3-4glo. Sugar, raw, barely steady, refining 3 7-8 cen trifugal 96: test 4 3-8: molasses sugar ;: 5-8; v<‘fL)od steady. M”0ld A 5 3-8; | PIANOS! Best Values in New and Attractive Uprights and Grands. $l5O TO $750 Choic* of Our four !•*«s - mtkM. W*b#r Ev«r* *tt, Harvard, StulU and Bauar. Organs Tha Farrand ft Votay Par.or and Chapai Btyiaa, walnut and quarter Oak naw d«slgn» Wa can mv« you monay on Sawing Machinate. Bicy clas, furmtura, Baby Car* ringas, ate. Lvaryth n« naw in shaat Music. Thomas & Barton, 710 Broadway, Augusta, Georgia (’•nutated I 1-8. He.UT.ors, Dec. 17. ~Floor dull. , unrbenged Wheel dull and low*#. Sfri and KOtttb 71 3-4*7-l: January ; 7UH; May 73 Soothers wheat by • samfii* 67a73 1-3. Corn #na4er. spot and -north 89 l-4«l-3; Itefeoifaer. new or old. 36 3 4*39. January SI 14*34 ; eoatbern white corn Si I tui 1-4. I Oats dull ; No. 3 whit# 33 1-3. Rya firmer; No. 3 near by U: No. 2 areet fro at. duffar utroag un> hanged But ter steady, unchanged figg* Kta, un changed Cbeeae steady uui hanged. 10-ttoce unchanged. Whisky unchang ed. Cloth. New York, Dec. 17.—The week close* with al ladvaaraa so far mad# In cotton good* well maintained and with the tendency generally aganst buyers, when- no higher prices have yet been quoted. The general demand k#ep* up. but la some quarter* business 1* *ma!l at rthe higher price* than It waa prior to the advance*. The market 1* practically hare of leading make* of heavy sheeting* and drills and of An# yarn lightweight gray cloth*. Bleached cotton* are also In generally light sup ply In Ar«t band* and very Arm. There i* much Improved demand for cotton yarn*. Prints and Ingham* show a very Arm tendency. Heavy colored good* are steady and In fair requeer. No change is reported in woolen good# Naval Store*. Charleston. Dec. 17. - Turpentine firm at 37 asked; sale* none: rualn qui et. unchanged; sales none. Wilmington. N. C., Dec. 17. —Spir- its turpentine Arm. 40. 39 1-2: receipt* 84: rosin doing nothing: receipt* 748; crude turpentine firm 1.30, 3-30 and 2.30: receipt* 80; tar firm, 1.10; re ceipt* 4.95. Savannah. Ga., Deo. 17. —BplriU turpentine firm. 40: sale* 430;receipt* 325; roain. sales 546; receipt* 2.757. Quote; A, B. C. D. E. K. 1.00; G 1.10; H 1.25; I 1.35; K 1.50; M 1.60; N 1.70; W. F, 2.00; W W 2 25. FINANCIAL New York, Dec. 17.—Money on call steady at 214 per cent. Prim" me— caatLe paper 3a4 per cent. Starting exchange firmer, with actual business In bankers’ bill* |4.8214a44 tor damand and st |4 81Yia4.82 for sixty day*; poxted r-Ues 14.82V4 sod 14.8584. Coni mereinl bli.V *4.805,. Silver cert'fi e.tte* r9>4n«*s4. Bar silver 69%: Mex ican dollars 47. 3tat’ bonds Inactive, railroad bonds strong, government bonds steady. New York. Dec. 17.—The market to day t peued fii m with a rise of a point in Union Pacific. !.ater the irregulari ty in Iciukm, <vh!ch had been ignored in the initial trading, was an Inilttcnce locally. There was a sharp break in the Vanderbilts’ Lake Shore, losing 8. and New York and Canada Southern over 1 poirt. Local traction shares were off sharply, especially Metropoli tan and Manhattan. Missouri Pacifle also weakened decidedly. There was ccnsidoable strength in other spots. Southern Paciflc. Central Pacific, Den ver prc'trred and Pittsburg. Cincinnati Chkato and St. Louis shares showing firmness. In tlje second hour the down ward movement was rather eunitnrra. In the final dealings, however, an im proved tone set in. in which Baltimore and Ob;o and Lake Eric and Western stocks recorded substantial adrvuuces. Tisc average declines were less than 1 per ctrt. The bank statement, which was moro favorable than was expected, was later than usual in making its appearance, but Us Influence helped the closing rally. Expect Tuesday a lot of handsome Chiffoniers, Dressers and washstands. Thomas -& Barton,