The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 18, 1898, Image 3

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a*" (MtINIiEY IN liOVE WITH SAVANNAHIANS |mMM (i)<r| IIMi || Ttit] tlw *»*,«•m l« Ik* l Ik* t*®r in>«b ik* iim. Ik* H***b»i *i ik* n* .*«•* n kw • >iml Iki fpf H****n*h t©4tet n©*i© tiMMI #*f n * * e © « $»»»**«;•' **' * p *»* *w iM • ts |» <©*»© I k .- - j ***l m. j |.| | I ©f i **HiPP* t *’ v »•*»* r L-rtmlltl «ks tiiUuUMk Til* #©*h»#i##©» ©f t©# iU* *3©©l» p** l * g©* of tit* Aft* I fttfMMMtttdl §##»'»** +bm 4 *1 #©ff»©i#«l. ©#© r«*»© *a«o «©* rit; (fTtm tit# o P I, (I »*fr *44** ««• t»Mf •#*»! ’«* rffMtiMMf <kat DfiriU a* ©©*#*» | ®, tr , tit* trty» is *»*••* At tOr !#?©©«-« t©*il§©f Ml t©# * K i a, ,w_ » *■■*. * -,4r«ti p 5 j»n r ' f i p, ♦»*» fir- 1 'Tfc*f* I* 490444 »Ot tGQjpPWmm i*#* hi*: t©**i during t©©t p*rto«i jl . ( 0 n « n xt im«t #(r##gtli*B. B** 1 Tb* public Wind *«©. t©#r*?*rr. re~ . .... i n r ftittiibl ‘ ytcttiHf ©©ll# bn**- «riU Brcrttd «uM jpprHi nMMt »./ •*rioc» *ad rlu©«#©. •** di*- lurbirg «i th# «*ounn#rt*»«l mo rW •*> t lo tf* |m»Uw tn'tt. Ail far «*r*ry !©t#r#»* ©n© *twy n***tlon of (|p eruntn Kvti dio** * ■ ’ ***** dtli*r and ©itrrfoi polivir# prefer per ntftttrii * to xiMiant rHonfi.'. or what N ..loxmi •• hurtful. the Par ofrhan* '. Th-r *rr hrpri’y no* dotnra'ic illllrinim lr rh*rk III* r>ro«r**» and I nwprrity of th.’ • jua.ry which wr I*b*Nl r*t»'ion* with th* whole .torn will flfiWip »hd •‘TNIh If f« rtunaie. Iw. i® anotli *f *"»»»• It ih* country * f, w *■* . r tint di»rm»* ntw mirations wh'ch #-* mm'dlately hefcre ®f. nil' <;'*turb*<> t*y jer.y or l»**t political *l - Th »- n * queatloUS ara to I* though: onl am* wrought out. not in a ipltit of, patriotism. tmt for th* '• .nporary advantage of oft* party er Ute Ciber. hut for the toting advantage of the fountrr Neither prejitdiee nor ttdt- m nor prevlmu eoitdiiton ei«n «nit»ir»s* th- free action and calm judgment of the We have en tered upon new path*. We are tread tug In an une.iplered held which will teet our wied-em and alatrentMutb p. The chief ionfiderallon la one of duty; (> ur actions must l>e controlled by it. No settlement Is admissible which will net oreserve oar honor and promote the best Interests of all roncerned With a united country and the gathered w isdom of all tb-’ people, seeking only the right. Inspired only by hgh pur cos;s. moved only by duty and human ity. we e’nr.ct err. We may be baffled cr deterred and often discouraged, but final screesa in a cause which is alto gether unselfish and humenitarian can only be deferred, not prevented. Other Speeches. Previous to the president's speoeh a rord’rl welcome had been extended to him by D. G. Purse, president r;f the reception committee, and by the meyor of Savannah. P. W. Metdrim. Secretary Gage followed the president, replying to the toast of "Commerce.'' • Secretary Alger. In responding to “The Army," said: "One tfuni’-ed and twenty-five thous and of our volunteers have already been muster’d out and returned lo their Inmes. One hundred and fifty chousend. Including the regulars—fully armed and in excellent condition— stlii remain in the field ready for ser vice. Shall they be ordered to further conflict? Let up hope not, but their presence, at least in large part, will be indispansible until peace is ratified and the reguleis are increased in num bers to take their places. • I would say to those still in the field, patience. While your sacrifice may bf. and with many no doubt is great, yet ;h» glory of your lives w, I always be that you who wore the blue while your country needed you. "The lessons we have learned, and larg'ly from th navy. are. 'in time of peace pre tare for wav.' An old scyirg, but forceful and true. Haw little ma terial the country nad to equip its great army with when colled Into ser vice you know. Hew well seemingly an impossibh .task was me. impartial history rs til. war win show. While we nit t an ; i tny w d! eniicd with the bfCT iJ'.joTS : ; i ad ikiiiwi ill tips uic, jl - -,U*<Siri' he .tttvjjf, NUy P r ’“ iSaiefi rot: mix tr adyaate, well akUl«d in gunnery, met 'he Spaniard-: an-d dtr stroyod their fle.’ts while they were hopelessly trying to adjust tbett ‘range »*l**4« of lA* IS##*. %** MltlUl «M ill# fiUMir* twliiilf | wiiit r*H«M wm A#t# v*m*s VFtllMMti r«i4WliMUo* A( II •# ftiw# III# Ai#t ms mmf *»# «te|F ti Al* iMiHMMM IMIINI til# fwM »llli H* «• ! Mm H t\% At «* **«4*r |li*t*# to |» l*» **. «|*p|r*»f tIH" A#*"i Mrtnit iM hit triy H» r*Mfw him* If tl tti* • 4«f i© i»**4 I m 4 4ntf rratiirM thitn tt» ft m#i© ; tim+, H »•* l*#ir rl##r 4ft' U» hi!*i© (I* Am# Ml* tl* rltf «f At . _.i. _■,* (||f* wt-iD *Of#t ! il tl* #rrhlf*rl«4pr» lUrlnt 4nft* 111 Hat ift Ut# l*M of | lint I* (her* §|i* ■* itut to t* #tin tluif »n i iivf to il* IBiimhMlM pro I l»Hl*f fO 1 *ffßl' II Vh|< I Will WN 'in U» Ok* fW'nr# *n>\ ord#: #f»H tn tb#ir Mf# prnprrtjr *o*l *» purvitii of bopii*©*’** * Ar# w# uo#U!« lo do fbt** Aft v* *o «t« 4«*ti Id oqr I iMtifiAQ m 4 rfN<*ini* oo ott.licatMm to | * ftrugcMn* who## invent malt# I wo«M mHut hav# th# rocA 4a»wr# ..f th# port Hr.ant »>#n h# #*• | | < taimt I Thon «nv ronntO thou phalt n#r#t fall. ,d thy burdee. , where. i Among thy gslksnt 'OW» that guaid thee well Tb»a laugh'st at inemtes. Who *ha'i then declare ! Th* dat* of thy de*p founded strength or tell | How happy In tJ»y lap the son* of men shall dwell e i "My fellow eltiaens. whatever eov- I .-out* duty ha* made for ua In th year l*9s. we must keep," The Hres*. Postmaster 0.-ners Smith. In reply to "The Pre*jy' said. In part: "This memorable Journey of th* south has prompted one thing and ent phasit'd another- It has greatly ad vanced the fratemlty of feeling l«- twten the north and south, which an tcred upon a n*w stage when l»o<h ral lied together under a common sing ag ainst a common to . "It may not affect them. Thar was the last and least of all thoughts con nected with it. for it «as not the thought at all. Thai has noi been the pulse or pur|Kise of hi* ad ninistia tion. "And the other truth which this Journey has emphvized is the fact that no problem confronts us with which this nation cannot successfully cope. We have on our own soil a nting our own people, a problem greater and more difficult In many respects loan any which is presented In connection with the new acquisitions. And yet. eie have seen at Tuskegce that with patience, fork.arancc and honest pur pose. this momentous home proble n can be successfully solved, and ttrs witness inspires us with hope and faith that the difficulties less compHcaif-' and formidable, of our new posse:,alor. » can, with honest statesmanship and courage, lie triumphant.) mastered. In reply to “The Navy." Secretary I.s>ng spoke, in part, as follows:*. Agriculture. Secretary Wilson, in the course of a speech upon "Agriculture, said: “The American farmer is the best ducated. best clothed, best housed,best fed and the most independent cultiva tor of the soil upon earth, partly be cause the. farmer feeds the artisan cheaply and feeds him well. "The bst statesmanship of our times is that which wisely considers the case of the laborer in field anti shop, to the end that Hie greatest pos sible good may e the reward of toil The old south reduced the fertility >f its fields for a century in producing raw material for the factories of otb*’. sections and other nations. The new south is diversifying its industries, ad ding skill to field crops and greater value to the product of its minct. Th? young farmer of the Hbuth should CHOCOLATES ; i .1 ra* fJtINC ORIMKIHO t Jk "l cteumc. miuw «\ ; \. « < ?/ ittirtiud X.'{ Jj OriitiSiiMM Whwteai dW> FOR MU « OUR CWCWS tVIRYWHSHL <Sg thb: auqusta btjisxjda y nftra-LP #'**AP* Ha tAPtHIHifA ms **# §## I© §P# P#! © ■ Altai «*# ?«#v» '©Ml*'# Afj#t#*f Hi, mmrm WAm (A# if©*© rp*r©#M A#*»©©©A ©I; |II m ||f Owtritf It©#»©#*, h# * itjff© !©©t ©tfA »?l»w f© Mi# w#t# «ir#©© «f> i« r©#lf* tl* f«t»4©n tit i #«i ©t#4 tnm fA# ©»•« •©A (ini it YtrlMit iM *rw©«#4 •»* ft©#©©©#© ©f f ••#•#©*’ YA* jf.#©l©#f *©s i t© t©raft n*i * ifMitrt 4mm © tnr i # ©it# i©#* ©if ir #Nt#©f »©* # ' •#• Art##© iAitmi©© *©* m»##t« WA*k • ll© r©##f l©4T I ©cm#©©©#, to t©# cM# l#iv©A# frvmM* ©©#r». © r#v©«©t itn4 ©|4 ©##© T#© l ©«*t#*©«f IVQMf ©#t# 4r|VV flf oftnpttc trWPf*’ l©i Hr##l4#©t «M I©# ©*r©l©#r» «*f rtbtM pt«*n4 (I© 9©# <mt#©irt# nC *©« pin 4« frwiM M 4 ©©r© ©r «#©<rt## i©#t ir© «©cm*©©4 Milrt##ft i former© to ©•# ■ fH©fm of t©# >#«* Art- HrHt©J#f rtowlMl I© a #©#• i rii|t ©#©f t©# r#T•##»!#© #ta©H |© t©# Mw4o* of © ©olio* I m» nt to t©# Co©f#4#f©t# 4«#4 I©) t©# ! m#y of t©# to©© M©# of iron© M«J«>r (*«©#•#) K#lf#r In •oto©»*B<1 *•## t©# I «4gfi«| Hit t©# mart h fi©«t to A of «t##i the. emu ha. kcroiin© of th# tr##f an th# 1 t-a oo*»» of th* m*n to** lo V r -bmild t* and tb*llW* '*ft® •” f°' " After |te*«i«ic «k* l*r*« d*t>i h**bi ' whom stood Major G«n*ra.» \Vb*« <f ' Ahaft*r and Uvioc *a*H c.-Put*'. ram* | upon th* «tand and w lU»****d tV» i manh pa«t hi* own rrglm-nt The I sight wa* grand Hngadlvr o*n*ral Wheaton we -nandlng th* first fifv|«io» of lh* **»- J. ma iorp*. folio•**»! G*n*r». K.-'f-ri ! H*hmd ram* rh* ft.llovlng Infanl.y IT IS ACKNOWI I IKJI II Bt All THAT Wl CAKWt TMI: HM ST LINK OF TABLE DELICACIES IN HIE CITV. AND HERE ARE «R'R MOTTOES s "Bc-aua* we buy well w* **ll well. * Van ntisol tire us tun nt eer log yen. Ocimlm up to dat*; price* down to jero. . ram* bach lor change* or corrections. Ytmr »rtlef*c(lon I* our l»*at reward. I What Isn't right we will make ’lgbt \V* make each purohaae promote trail* Court say Is el way* thrown in at our »tore. Tim* i* nut w-iisted when we pi .mac you. Cries* the customer I* nattafled we ate not. Ask for whist you don't see. li in probably brie. The value cf these goods conquers nil comparison*. ly w prh - "mike large profit, and ottr benefit Is your gait!, i The earl'-at comer has the p't kof , the plum*. We urge no om- to buy. Our goold* arc our beat salesmen. , There i* no t at like a trial here;, fir >t at -to.e to please Our interest In you I* not gauyef } l-c ,Y> emcuPt of money vM spend Whet you spy when you go homy we intend toWk • our bCTt^vertlae n ,i ' Our customer* are like the revq|,vlhg shore Ifihts. but re turn again >» *» . , w„ uon't.cjami to have the beat, More; but *1 try to better [one poeeihl*. If yen h; VC looked clsewberc wr ere sure of either your compliment lor your emtom." <i|\# us an opportunity to convince vou # “SIiEVN HAKES”. of the above by giving u.« an ORDER. icfiluißOtß! Second South Curolioo. Ninth Illinois. Fourth Illinois, i'hlrd Georgia. Third Nebraska. Flrht Toxa.-. Forty-ninth lowa. jSixlh Miaaouri then, * ith their Touts on, the red llap« turned bark, eatne the second artillery (regulars), the First Maine Battalion of heavy artillery and light batteries F of the Seeond, C and h of the Third, i, of the Fourth and H of the Fifth (regulars) artillery. Kvet; regiment was headed by ita band. The men marched in splendid align ment and luk.d in exeellent condition. The President stood bareheaded ac knowledging salutes, while the crowd cheered as the companies marched by. Colonel Bryan’s late regiment, the Third Nebraska, atraeted peculiar at tention. It was led by Col. \ifrpiaip, v ho, after saluting, stood beside Pre - idmt McKinley aad watched his big nun from Nebraska as they filed past. In a little ov.r an hour the troops had completed the review, and the presidential party drove off to the riv et front. The streets were lined wltn people who cheered incessantly. Down the River. At -1 o’clock the President boarded the spam pilot boat .f. H. Batlll and proceeded down the Savannah river for abpiit ten miles. Salutes were fired from wharves, every ship was gal!' strung with bunting and their crews .elld lustily as the .1. H. Estill sped Whistles screeched, flags dipped and ttuUi the outskirts of the city were reached, the river bank was dotted vith groups, mostly colored, who sent cheer after cheer over the water to" President McKinley. The object of all this enthusiasm stood on the starboard side of the pilot boat, ’VHvbyy hie hat and his handk . efitef■•/to "tbojerjttl shore, or on other vessels-if A' ~ - - ■?.' - About u’lUc fliiica out the it St til pa-" .-■a *he rtfitaa States trairsport Chester with tfie Fourth Virginia regiment on hoard, bound for Havana. She had Im'cm held from going to sea by > heavy morning fog, which now had **m n|©# ©a t©* §©»*#»■©* I 9©p f l ©#^ I«i : «©#«### •© ©#f *©■©*© #©4 ©Ni« *: *k{.. m T%rr SMg#-- *fcft r© lr? © © # ttk« )###© ©** WNn#| ©t #©> !->'©»; 0 %k*#%#4 #©4 m' 3 . at#9i©#4 »»t#f I©# 9#%©#© #4 t©# If©©©* : I •©«* 9P#t4M #©#© ■■ a© p©#♦!## #f I*© A IS Ptctuci for ©8 00. unci Efifit* thrown In this W>k. Tliomfifi A Barton. TVtiJMkAV NWM! Ik* Crrtarnw.* el Ht-W Mlk He t l« #« #l#ts , *»v rm© «©# l©lt© art I. f lu lli. !-©#♦« prill *0 • «MH©l>#t »f • fir*** tall»— laitcwlu #© t»t m -"-W #f A# 9tifftt i ©#t Mk nt «• ( •!#» Nr ! * -- - , ut* m ek.-, | Cl«rf W tfcr TIM* (<c##f© Wwaat'lt «t«u *m* ©Urttty rot»a>ntri| t < [99# t©# aw*|»r©* <* ! MiM I# m <>m« 1 * #*#•« of i o»N4mh*P {!»#•*•, »s 4 tk» !#©»*“* at# v#ry fortpant*’ * Tl#ff# itt I# © •fw* laity <!«#*# ! Ml- Kron l# l#i#r#fic# > ©|#pmm* «©#v*fin an© Hmiin »*•! «iv# i T©# lioHy #lll 1- »#o»iilf©l»r » p ..a |,. v|%un©lmrll# \ii«tln i Mi*# viHh. t-on. Of »tom#Hl. ©. C . •IK ..mix 0 #MI I#* V, HI Mi«* Mi* ♦'A lov# ho# o l%r*> ##«•••< vmHt on© #IM ’•»ry oi»ly it|»• M'fM-iti t©** lal *m of h#r Htsj. . T©U will <<c a *P>< Ist number f«» Mle* Ml. h<-l*on th«r# *lll ©l#" ©# a «lu* f 9% Ml## | !4h M#>n. a# W-Hl. ai>4 Mr Harry j Hpmm'll. a# Man in ih*' M»»«»n. In It©# inmnl-itlnn of th»lr i*«H# I 4 •Mimic r.#l!*iM l#' Mr twill ©j# »©•* «rur **f th# #vr*©»© In t©# HA RON ROTCHSCHII.DS DEAD. He Passed Away Very Suddenly Yes terday I.'indon. Dri . IT. -Baton Ferdinand Janus dr Kothschllds. AI. 4' . is dead. Baron Ferdinand James Jo Huths chllds wits theseeoitd son of the Into Baron Alphonse d** Rothschild. Tic married Ms cousin Kvellha. sister of the first Lord Rothschild, lie was a member of Parliament In the Unionist interest for Aylesbury. The haron was an Intimate friend of the Prince’of Wales. It was during the Pilnce’a last visit to, Waddeson. near Aylesbury, the scat of Baron Rothschild that h< injured his knee. The baron was a Invislt host and en tertained th Queen in 1890. Tils death was sudden. It was supposed he tens onl) suffering from a severe Cold. Finest Dressed Turkeys, Chickens and Ducks at KEENAN’S. EIGHT PKNN. VS. CADETS. Two Indoor Ball Teams That Will Play Wednesday The m ws lhat the Sacred Heart Ca dets team and the reg imental team from (he .Eighth Pennsyl vania Infantry at Camp Mackenzie will cress bats at the armory on Wednes day night ivill be hailed with delight by baseball cranks in town and at camp Mackenzie. The Cadets needs no Introduction to the lotfal cranks, as the class of ball they played In the series with the St. : Patrick’s O. L. A. clearly demonstrates ! their ability to hold their own against all comers and justly gave them t.lie title of "champions ot the city." The Pennsylvania . boys say they will show thy" Cadets a thins or two about 1, • Tic Wele t II"- , 111* U,|)i"!l oi'"the oiuikior game, both at Camp At gt-r and' JJamp Ms-udy, and will go up agififisr-.jiSy 'Caaefe wuit' the toads, ot theirTeteni victories ffe«h upon their, minds. Mr. .l bli GHlhane lifts (onsenteil t<* 'mining*- ilie soldiers' ti aui. II". was tb ni:i!i;is*‘r "f He outdoor team und til' 1 Hi# ©«##© iaorf t#9# #i la©#Nit A Th« Ati|U«tfi Houk# Fur nlihlng t'o. fad kheny you th. hnmlkontfiit lin. of Furnitur. in th. city. KNKinntPf* #VTHIA* Ikni MeawM Wervke. at lh* HaH Ibta AIItMMM I T©r ©ma©i# of IN * ©t#* ## \ o#tM©# [wHI ©«*© t©#tr m#»»Mt#9oi ai (<©#9f Hat), riprap# [ ii« pjfW't#.. 1 iti* at 9.0 1 %J§ i©.- | wlc: c# ©#%'# I© IHm #* * ; %-ir*- Th» ?#apMii tun of tlw load PH# «t*©#9 n* <tmfik'p4jt 1 ©apt I# ©**<©> T©# tinorilt# lot »|r Hi# t wNi on© o “##4ia* >prit«*> »! I© fllt wlll *0 !©• } #>)4©r Knlc©ta on© iNt ffOPA® j H# Ms 'ttow N •• f‘©loo# | * »prtHna *fW l*y Uttar 1 WottM Xoi tain. \|oajrpf*| UOittpH* * Upatort*) KnttM A If Hmp#ll« K%»©N(f Vmilaot Ho l— K wialit © T «<©iNp|t**n ! Knkif 1 , Fountain Hiy. Mo. 92 —; | Kat«©i A. J Mairrll KulmC). An to.*# Ho f# «• Knl«hl* #> Wt»©l4«n I* Kntffhi A 111 lU# t.p.14 \|u*» t In.lrutfi* ft»o:» Morfih Ml*# | ( *l«Mtn« #rr#m<ml## »»y «flat». Mti.l* "O«MMi Nialit*' QatirtrH' i «*t#*t»ni t«o©i»* «Tton* Hlor ('•tfntiiAiHl* Have you seen those odd Parlor nieces at Thomas & Barton’s ? AH must ro this week. •| •.!»*» t-|g aaanttmrnl- i-l T ON THE Tl Rl Ihr Hrrlmtinart Derby Hamlbap at New Ortran« J \.-w title ti*. tar. IT. -Th* i*i*-liiii -lin iry lei'll) tin fid I-'UP st six furlongs I and v ilued at R,*W was the star tium ; her »f uxla) a card and th.- ru-hest j |>H*e *»f the nusitiu* thus far Its j starters mini* the best tt**ld of twn y«*ar adds that have ever faced it starter here [mi I ye* the race was far from satisfac tory. Jam* Arthur'* Andes t«t whom \ th*- Intent refused to concede j chance I though tb« stable tsumnlsaion shortened IMs price from sevens to fives, latid.-il lib- money. Hill Tine, desnllr five pounds penult), was always the hettlng favorite ut two*, though Frank Bell, ib< Western nark, was well supported. Crotus and Double Dummy were iho only »u* eessful favorite*. The '.v**ather was thiratenlng anil the track good First rnee. six fm longs: Opaque, ? to 1. woi» Wm W , IT t*i 1 and I tod. sec j pa: qln >. r. t>> 1, tun*i. Time. h r* i - ' H* entid'in* e. selling. sev. P'furlongs; rrotuitf# t*' 1. won; AnpldJMek Tdo 1 and 2 lo I. sei-ind; Annie Taylor, ml to I, thlid Time, 1:11 l-J. Thiitfigact selling. I l-l miles: Mil waukee IT to l. won: Hock wood. TO to l, second; Th<- Whiner, * to I. third. Time, IT 1-4. Fourth nice, preliminary derby ilundl eap, 3-4 miles: Andes. Sto 1, won; Frank Dell. I« to 1 an,l I to I. second; Freak, s to I. third. Time. 1:15 -1-4- Fiflh race, silling. I 1-4 miles: Dou ble Dummy, 4 t 5. won: Bghart. #to 1. ■ind 2 to I. second: Bab*- Fields. :i to I. third. Time, 2:13 DS. i f>o)| Babv Trunks At Trunk Factory, S4T Broad Street. The holidays are on. Go to the Augusta House Fur nishing Company for a i nice and useful present. On Possum Hunt. Si .rial of Up: otficerr of Camp Mai ki-nxi*- went on a Georgia possum hunt mat (light. The usual number of doge, negroes and Jlghtwood torches were tarried and a good night's sport ex pected It was the first hunt of the kind ever experienced by qiany or the party. . Received this week a lot of Rattan Rockers, latest styles, which we will make a drive on this week. Thomas & Barton. Fancy work baskets, novelties tied ,lol!a lowest prices. T. Schlu l.iiossi- WE DIDN’T MEET ALL THE SOLDIERS Rut all those we met were gentlemen. In the Ist Maryland, Captain Porter Com pany G. strikes us as a typical representative of the good nM school while Captain Norton, Company D of the 10th Ohio, is eouanv to be congratulated, because he is also beloved by his com manland bv the way, we hope the entertainment at the Opera House forthebenefit of the Soldiers tomorrow night will be a rousing suit cess Wefare with the boys, and if we can serve them, i *e hope they’li call on us. We’re. Dry Goods merchants and carry the largest lines of Gents' Furnishings in the city. Macaulay & Co., 810 Broadway. THE CORING OF PRESIDENT M'KINIiEY Mevitw til the Division In thcTloming. Tkr !• H* n|m«« tkr i ikf ©i. llttkUtS •< Iki- ipttw «rs Hflrttt *#4l vffifi-f Hi I# PfrM#il It Ik I HfifiWß Ul llfik, A©#%'# ©##© otrailf 9#©H • N M*#*4oir I©# i*'Aoin t»f i©# M Kmirt !m tt ti«* iron© 4NOi»« •© lr*- »|%* Mill i«|| r f«MT %©#©#« 4 • T4ms4##h©o *4 ©taiiat# rr#m i©# 4m* \ MHffKllM t#PPU) Will ©# |#**i*#l L< ( m t©# *r##tft©4 l# i© | V«' ©« lo «©c UofPlti | j Th« tin# ms ©AiTlt will •# fr#*ti fitftit i Ilf#* npi ’*« W©H<»« Woy* fi»«i Wol* | l*»n Wojr ip© t , n#©r4 ©v#n©#. iwnlh, «p Cm#fo«© \»* !©«*»**©t. 1 Minirp UrtwitJ#*tf i»i UAfttpry »*r T#*#iflh jkir##4. (Miutti <o to l© ©o»th #l*t# nf Of##©# #l9##!, ©altlvit «*t» Of' < »i< nltli th# h At ** th# *N*ly»»m - Im'Ul Udnl'iah aln#t Afl#r lun* h til** h # ill ©• i*** «*um#4 «h*m© «lr##n# t«» Klfctrt. «k»i Ki* :i»#i| ’.*) HrwiilffAV. ui» ih»> #4*l# *»f I It*.*«•«! »*» Ji*t #h#r# th * 4ivMf*B ! will Imp i' , vhi*‘i4 M«*h»# o#©**i©l U. it. Y<*uni. FointnAPdiiM th« K# b*l im mv i tip©. Urn. Yt*«ti© *lll «•#» »»l* I th®' fffvH'Ultif *n# in I at 4a<k#on ant | llroAtl. Aft#f th# r«*vl<*" th.. Infant?' |**III return I© rami?. Th®* • av©lr% will f ti«*i ti# nn (hi# marvh Th# Hrr«l4«fit « M©rt>. l*r##t«J#nt M#Klttl#v anift patty «'ill rnirb Wbf#NH ©talian «*t» »h# rtwi»tla t •«©*]. cap th# a pedal train. 3:.’Si *»r 4:wi o'HiM-k In th** BhMtiooß. Th*- iparty ©ill Nt ferret! |« ciirri#©**** ' hikl ©'til Ih* (uk#n atonic L'»# WhH### mad th,- rankii of th# In autiv | (ilvlalnn. .ifr*»«xlh»B th®' Preahlent ati»l hi# party opportunity t<* vie© th# rump an© JtHiS# It# merit. Th*- party thru; ©«.*#» ©own th** Wrl©ht#h©r© rd©J tn th# <ll\Hlon ho#|tltal, th#n north on J«>2in# | ©reft < Hum iff #r■vlll#> to th»* Amenti. do© n Walton Way to Telfair #tr#et. In , front of ooF!** h*-a©«|uurt#r#, then * 2»*t .in front of tin* engineer camp. Ihi© i atony Walton Way t*> Craw for© uvetiu# to Broadway, ©own Broadway to Mur* bury or Twelfih ©out© on Mar bury to the math side of Green**, ©own Green# to Klhert. north on Klbert to the ME MUNMQAY 1 The Charges Against Him Have Been Withdrawn. : Tin- charges lo have lieeri preferred .against Mr. (Simmons Ony. upon which I was Imscd th*- Pond given by him :i I week ago. haw Iki-u withdrawn, the j bond being returned. It is slated that no charges «r* to be preferred against Me. Gay. Mr. Guy I* » worthy young guntb > man. He has many warm friends who I hold that he is above w rong doing Wait and see our line of enamelled Beds Will save you 25 per cent* Thomas & Barton "l’a, what is a scheme?" “1 can t define It, soil, but it Is j something that will fall through quick er than anything else on earth."—Tit- j Bits. Calling , ards engraved In 21 hours if neecssary a: Dunbar & Williams Miss Eugenia Walton mid Miss Grace | Walton retmi"'d from MtHedgevlP ; yesterday. FRESHEST AND FINEST HEATS DRESSED POULTRY OF ALL KINDS AT THE LOWEST PRICES, v HIGHEST CASH PRICES FOR CALVES ROBERTS’ MEAT MARKET Strowger’Phone 824 - Bell ’Phone 433 . ~!• j*Htaafi I. (Imp ; '■w,wr»,**l *l.. •!*•*• Il* remdwlt ,m.i ) wtu w , wt • * i «yni«w >w4 «k*f*M *«•.•«• «l *»• .rt i«* nrytn tv. Ithh ■* ** •« k «M. h * >»>'<- • •mm* *» *t •>* r*«H»»t «* E *>*»« •>».«••• »« h* Dura •lw> fN*. •• m- * * *w —«* t Ma •* >«•*. »- MM MSI tt** ri.Mfis Tt t■ «* tm< **. M* *••«* *ttt l" .s-eot*-: • -It* T* «** .Mg:****** -I e»,*.. *** • ■ •* *t • ['us* tMtr *w . * *#•« •»* I Mi* *>*!'M d l*>*pta). TkM* tM I* eh *., d iv« -11 -ratti •Mrk win *n-e it 4t»*Ht «« * •«*■•** - , itMi - .Mot *--••«* «*>4 'W < t*»» G H*|* **-**l4 l*»r * »' H*.w t» (I F»»*»t# ••**! ******t* »** ♦ tf-wnif »|n©© ftt ©•«©©©•!» * ,WM© t** • *•• * *•»•» *•***« *•> tt • ** tm it* M* •** <tmr * tt f«>n«r. %•*• jf^ r > |'», || ©I ,?* ; »#©## IN#* *N "5 AI b\ -% © ©t*4 M' AI IN [ W«!»ii ®® lit ## flam ©>*f •**?• i* Hi ;• m yuntn i?*# t* 9 |«©m t©»9# •nd ®vf| t,, lof ttfi .•© i©f flK* ing t«# ®t *f*3*pa# *»«*© *■!■# I©# ’ | tr©| py«*«» ©f» <-4k»«9t#tlf ®» ©i»#9#4 1# »*« «#ti V « * i?« «l# |||# t**gMr iip©'4,©» - %'## ©| < pi c*#u »!©#© m 19J1 !©r f#f#©« I. **©«(%! y It II A H IN w (•)«) »■ I*. phuiift f. j ny t*m. !jy | I I 1>(1 »J J '• J w fif>_ m t "j| # l-C [ l©#. f* fl. ( 'jii *^, ( I «%*ft e !*.«©tfi* %* t* IN , . « ,» ♦#© . I Aluf#? B it©* .v, t. i t | i.nte* 1 a s». that 11, , m t«t ms tn (in ! V«'«i 111# |*i* *4*l*'til ©p i 34»> r WH©r9© ©«> **«*«• Tb” ip* ml* 1 • ©9# »#i4**i**®l t# «mmbßßß# i b it lb !;,#©*»» p.l A«‘ »l* .t»| ©f t |( ittiimnD# ©ft#l ik#4i i*«#l I©*?* * h#i th# *???#« that !©#' # ill !i##, th# ! Knit* if k#h »t t.©# k*©## it>- mtltiarv fegtur- w»* r-eMi»ldt*t«**t •at licit in-*.lotion The •< suntiid wIII match In th* parade of ti.-opM Old out *, cue .*n Wnttan Wav. v, hern :th*y will aw all the I*i ewl*lenf“a , -oiiliig Th*- m*n si" entered to be ***|lllivpe*t in !i*avy r.ia * tiln* *»r<ter ' i| n V»tm* wm* 1 ifotmed his, cven | | . M Sf 'he I! Tv indent's party w ht.-h *iff leave M»- i.un u ;:e M * day ir*uning and la **vt ; i„ Angola a'siut 1:1*: Th» 't r- i'd. iit .rod elf- deeretarjr *”«• Mr*, live !*• i.i nv .*d Mr*. Alger. Pont-* , ,1 n , . 1 y* t Mi«. ffmlfll. dsrra -1 n ■ am Atis t. Mt Min* Don* *»**•- Wltei.u Mi - Wilson: Secretary ini.i M's p. itei Vr-ieittn* se*r#tary I'ortlyoo. Mkjr r *bi—«l Joseph Wh«*|- . Miss Wheeir-l Hi octal *V. H. L»W --100 Mie. I.MWhin GrneiiU W. ft. .s':.l' r. Mejoi G «' Webb. Captain 1.. ,*' - hi. Mr V. Hav. Mr t». V. ... ~, .-there. making forty-four Th# i n which tia* ©r* I aim'd b\ Gen. Vount and the com mit i, c of ulllarna and cuggeated to the President has been apri nvwl ’•* him. Cotton Letter. Augusta. G» . Dec IT.- Kwrly cables showed a decline for futui*« with prt cos oulci. This was tollevted In "« r [market* ut ill*- "p'-ning. causing a de elm- of from *.m to two point* In the I first Hubs Vfter ihu ilm market ruled narrow lln ughm.'. th' session. 'Joslhg wlih m.vliaiige | Ilguie- nf:.r a deellrte ot 1 to i iiolnt*. which was caused prill ip til, by linill rc.-iii/.lue over Sunday. Althnugli receipts were slight ly j. q Uini» l:i.«u y#rti’ .thi.-! lactot to eater the market. Moderate exports also "intlmn . and .1 large volume of business will undoubtedly cause, u*l vanclng pi Ices. Th.- holiday snlrlt is **xperted to prevail for the next two .vecks and narrow Mud lint lon* ntuy he looked for. except In the event *>r some unlocked for tnctoi which shall awaken fresh Interest. The total_ amount tn -iglil lor the season i« 6.723.011 vs. 6 - 114,1/I*l I ,-r year. This Is a fairly ****"l *i p iri ■" \Ylten we taken into eott -i I i'ii:i ,n “is adverse weather enndi -■ see pravailed rt ligltmit ;h „ u( ,' : , ... pact month or*more. I*,-. v 111! 11 * - :i* u * that the mnr'tet. may sag ’off a IP tie, hut we consider hlg’hct priors Inevltab’.'.nnd rnlvlsc: nur cliases "Il all *on -esslon* -Paine, Mur phy * Go- Mist Wylllr Honey has retuffd from *, visit to Macon.