The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 18, 1898, Image 8

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It’s Dead Easy toatfUct Miw&fc Xm*» fw**f*» m an « «tt*g. fMMMI (hit WfUi W IfrmMbrtl FORA _ CgodmHi~F(n« B*4room Siffpcrt. 11*50. Lid) f t *•! HuMrwwd S 51.50. Cmthtfun A Nut Felt lUt. <n*> Cook— A Ntc* t>«M Shot, SI.OU Abo Bunr_<Mh«r useful smeig*. kucit M umbilLu tuu l Tnmkk. II you wbh to htlp i fkinr didd buy a fond psir of thorn r** -.hots don't com much here. WITH THE fIfICfIZIHES. TIM JtefcMa •* ll* ntaftoMar Tto tampltf *u>i> of ik* MAl*# M llk Mamma' • B* <a*tiir* mi l» friM*aKM <»* tor •**• •» win t*» graph e'% »M M ** RAIMA til o*4*»fa « Iwtgaaa r. A.. N#«* |i>* ImMimmi a# tto MerrM***- •• tto Jht"l Frank l*Kl |Ni(n»s»? M-<wth If, «m'» (#• !*»<* ate to be pwßtahed IMeeaihst Nk n* maty Will to ful'T and rtefcly ltlo**r*<»d alt* •»•»*«« c portrait* o| HahMM «4 oil IW *l* *. B*»ld«- om*t O'* drawing* agarialiy pnir--' under Mr ( Itegaaa a o*rr«>' linn uinn Oikir (nlifw pr«a»!*#d fnr tk* Jaaaarr h«k Laaß*'* or* Brvt Rm*i **w ««n. "Jack Mow tH'l Mediation;' J >oq« o M'ller » to o Klondike Cabta." *«<t Tfco«*a R. j Hawley * ”C*M|>aigaHig * H< * u«w*t " Tk* P*M rt»« Pat '«*• A MOO* th* OMBT lat eventing ft* tore* no* la pfoparaitna roar to aww tinned Tk# Toil of Kharf m*. - Tk# con qv«*- of ilk Hoodoo frwa a aoldi*r* r»lat til «|w. *lll to tk* anbjeri fit a f*t» r written by ott* of Oan-ral KHrh mar a o#<rr« It *lll to roptoa»lr !tlu*n»t« d by an «*"*rt •**»»»!* Inter num* **rl** of pbotogranha A a#* mt*l b| Mr* Si*#l Hw Flora Anal*- Steel. ib* famona author ,4 <Oo it< Fa* of tb# Water*,” will raatributt a rrrr powerful aarlal atory of Ilf* ia British India Tka Quo-a'a FiimHur* al Wtnd*or - *e M J." wboaa lataraat'oa deaerip lino of Tk* Royal Plata at Wlndaor raatk.” wilt ba r»metnhere,t will oun trlbata an exqttlaltaly Illustrated arti tl* d-scrlMr* th* furniture ante by th* Qn*en at Wlndtor Flrllos - Dtirlrc MM th* tnnga«lu* will h* eaperially atroa* In fiction in addition to Mr» Steel* powerful atorv. there *lll alao appear abort atorir* by Mra 0. Atherton. H H. Marlott Wat aon. C J Cotl'ffa Hvoe. the Princes* Ola* Bramarrlo, l-ovl* Becks, II and E Heron, and other*: and Mr. PToek- Ht'a tbrlllln* atorv of Italian adven ture. "The Silver Skull," will l»e ron tl tided Local Studies In Natural Life. Evldeti.-r of tba national acope aoil character o( tbt> Atlaatlr Monthly *lll ba given during the year by tba publi cation. In prartleally ovary number. of atudlaa of aoclal eondltlona and luter pretatlona of what may be railed the higher life of rommunltlea In the mld dla-weat. the noithwrat. the aouthwe*t. the Pacific slate* and the South The Ural duly of an AmprSean magaalne Is to reran! th* to themaelve* anil to make plain the great force* that make for a higher national life nnd a batter pnbttr apirtt. There I* no other field or Inquiry so fruitful or so IntereMlrg a* thr so rlel. IntallerUial and polltlra! life of the different part* of the repuhllr- and faithful Interpretatlona of thia Ufa. dl-. \-ti «a In m.tnv way* yet Unified In aim. when pm in proper form and propov iov ie thr most ln*<ructtvr matter that ront"m|iorary literature ran deal with. "tic I v tralnrd student* of present for;'l anil eondltlotn in every large dirisioi of tlta country are preparing inch studies. The definite suhjei-ts ami the writer* will be made known monthly Ip the annonneementa in the A Mantle" Monthly. tn this way. the Atlantic presents rot only guhjerts of personal nnd local concern to its reader* in every part of the country, but the writings of the GIFTS. Ladies' Ties, Men's Ties, Ladies’ Fans, Men's Gloves. Ladies’ Gloves, Men's Gowns. Ladies Umbrellas, Men’s Umbrellas, AT —s j. MILLER WALKER, hatter i ba*l (ra wed *sa *M »«■** «f * »**? r Vktwy* °t tfktwto. | VataMbi* us flirMUlaa Rf*» baa** *pm *»«**tM«dl potiiK*J *•- I# rt*ar*« hav* b**» cwarikslid to tk* r—|*Bbw kg last Ufa* tow go«*r*ot s*aer si at C— aida. *«4 fared I tMfrria. naHMi 4i*inai*tw. dtu* i map add toast gw»**ao# •****»> es ' India. , Tk* AMmudasttoa of tk* Taat ky ■ ik* Marquis as Daferta and Aaa. —Th* ! bvatt* <*>i «rr>r. kkxsadsr fl mil*d Tk* Liberal.* " bad Ml atfrepta mad* ufS’C h • life f.m<» Itodefia laattaaandnr to Rua*(a al tk* tiw*. H* [vMtg dam rib*, four of tk*«* daaiardly I r rim**. A ftovera-tr Oenerst'a Huttos, by ik* | Ms<t|<tia »f I/>*■** Th* govern •* yen rrat of rawtda. ilk* the '**•*. j4n bo vnnt.' How h« la nttm. 1 ■* iabowa la 'he lurid article to which I torn* draertb** to tk.. res t»ra , t ike I'nmptnioa the ditto .1 ilmt btsfc < Ihrlal I IpplKi ott's For January. Thr eomplrt* snrsl In tb« Jsimarv I la*ik f t l.tppinrotf ‘s la "Th* M-alerw f Mr nalr " fa Miss Ipfajeltr Mr. Liar*. 4- nghr*r of |h* ronfed.rale per rrat of that nsm» Th* a**ne la In (Vnffflit Mi) ♦h** Is f*o that to rwrsal It would be unfair to the mauler "The Other Mr Smllh” la a aorlety istory- but of the unconventional kind I— hv Rttna Dnuglsa Heland. 1 "John Rutland's Oirlstmaa" hv H*nr* k .Parker la a tale of practical j philanthropy, personally admialatere.l. In "Blech feat her'* Throw” Joseph \ AlUhetrr des's again with the time* when Indiana tortured ihelr whit* p'lton-is and burued th-tu al the aiak*. The history es an 111-fated enuKoas —••Poor ratto*ta.'' wife of M»xtm"ljm of M»klro —la told hy Lucy C. Lillis. t'nmlas Culrsworth Pinckney revlvr* "Ths .treat nrhat* of ISIS.” In wlork Pathoun bore t prominent (ait and • rpi osnd by Webster Dr F'llx I. Oswald off'a "An In ternational Slntlv on Liberty.” bring ing out the widely differing significa tion* which the word 1* marts to hear, or aspect* of the thing that are In sisted on, by different rare* or seta of men "Fin de Sleele Individualism'' Is brought to took hy Oertnide Evans King. “A Reporter's Reeolleetlons”—- of work and Incident* in the Weat some vfteen year* ago—are supplied by J. ti. Snrogle. Dnder the caption "Why I dirt not become a Smuggler.'' L. F. Bradford tells of an adventurous trip In Texas *n IK7B-9. The poetry of the number Is hy May R'lev Smith. Dora Read Goortale. Ar thur D. F. Randolph. Charles G. D. Roberta and Harrison 8. Morris. Bring this with you. It is good for bo cent reduction on 50 cent bangle ring, and will give a one dollar bill for every ring brought baek that d<>e« not wear, at Miss Ktnchley's millinery store, 914 Broadway, city. \ splendid assortment of cf fashionable Pocket Books and Card Cases in best leathers for men and women at Richards & Shaver’s. THE a TTfITTHT A iPNPAY UI:AI)Y l ow I'RESIDENT The Brigade DrllSPosl pnnrd l nlllTussda.. lift fIRIN T«4nift» Immt* IVrt MAMhm • pwi mmf pMfl* j ihmRR Hi# flpm ||Mi VIMMNI 4flH fMM m*m 4** wggMHM*4 st'bvw tka* heard that It had toma gmr*«t t'a <• a*—it atiddas th* drftl ••• i >i iii Had Mat ttowasa: Ookto d»»»*»d mi gsMgfmm* h. m t* a*d*» waa la. awad la SataM tk* wvwk aa tk* twos* batts at tka nartisid paaatMa urn* Tka «sa*rwt asaa kasta story to dl* aggadat itow* ate* earn* ant. bat. tk* mark M katligMM swatd k«d ** **»F It totlk totaadr* ***** avatlakt* art m baa* wo* a tag aa mtsa* fcaM* Uag «hM«g» *a afcag* b» tk» •»*•*#» a* tk* IhwabSmt, Aa tk* *wrk wa* a«* eagMatotod las* evsat—. M wMt k* «aa tiaaed i*d«> aatll ***nrtktkg t* -a Haar am* a*** haaw «aaf tdaa taa* tag th* rautktag statagb dtoto •** First krtgada drill gi 'aw* *ad M to 1 prqttobls that a i »m>aay frwa* sack as ' tk* Third Itrtaa t* r** meat* will da Hto dat» *a tkalr gntt giwwad «*> 1 day ska To**it*, aftaewnaa awatb** permitting tk* gaatgaatod drtti mUI ba Beig aad tßoa* atteadtag Witt b* writ epatd lac tßstr teoabto I (to aeat Batardar taarwiag. at * l o’rtark. tk# rawatry will kaM a f*«J* amatat lastosctma grill mag revlaw ft wilt ba tk* gf«t aaa k*M at*** tk*tr arrival la bagarta aad dasgtta tk* •arty baar a tar** aaatoej *lll k* ywa* >kt. j (May. Voaag laagavtsd th* ratag* yaatergay iflHaea aag fo**d every tblag getting tk good skgjK for tk# proaldeai’s taagmuto* Th* t» j.satty (ifisit at tk* stay aad aotdtorv under hi* nunmaad her* Oeaeral toald has strived aad ta bea rkarge of the dtvtaloo oeruitttiag a teat at bradgmirtert. Mra gatascr being at tk* Itoa-Atr. Tk* general took a rid# aroaad yeaterday getifng the drat gltmpe# of tk* ram* of kts divtsbut. H* *gr**a wl'b evatroa* elae ta stating teal tbl* I* aa eirspttoaally An* ramp kevarat «>r data aad find lag. of rourtmartlal ware taanert by the gaaeril durtag bla Scat day hats, la* first waa a* follow* Headquarter. Ktrst IHvtoioa Seeraid Army Corps- Camp Mac beagle Oeorgta. Apsctal Order No. ITS. A general courtatartlal t* hereby ap pointed to meet at th# headquarter* Flrat Brigade, at 10 o'rlork a. m . Tuesday. fKceiabrr Jwh. I*9*. or a* sum thereafter aa practicable, for the trial of surh person* as may properly t* brought before it. Iletail for the court Col. W. P. I-a or First Maryland. V. I. Lieut. Col. Edsrnrd B, WatU.Klglith Pennsylvania. V. I. Major O'Brien Atkinson. Thirty-fifth Michigan V. I. rapt. Harry Gillespie. Eighth Penn sylvania. V. I. (’apt Tho*. P. Oilman. Thirteenth Pennsylvania. V. I. • Capt Edward N. Ogram. Tenth Ohio. V. I. Capt. Geo. L, Fisher. FLrat Mary land, V. 1. Firat Lieut. Fradartc It. Fanning. Tenth Ohio, V .1. Second Lieut. Jas. H. Urhall, Eighth Prnnaylvania. V. I. Second Lieut. Marcua R. Crtsman. Thirteenth Penneylvanla. V’. I. Second Lieut. Wm. Stewart. Fif teenth Mtunesota, V. I. Second Lieut. Irving E. Bate*, Thir ty-fifth Michigan. V. I. Second Lieut. Bertram J. Bishop, Thirty-fifth Michigan. V. I. Capt. Edwin D. Puaey. First Mary land, V. 1., Judge Advocate. By command of Major General Sum ner. F. S. STRONG. Assistant Adjutant General Lewis C. Jones of Co. M. First Ma ryland. waa tried before courtmartial for violation of the 17th, 32d and 4th articles of war. He was found guilty and sentenced to be confined at hard lal>yr for 23 days and to forfeit sls of his pav. David UrarnoD, of troop B. Third cavalry, was convicted of violation es 3Sth article of war, and was sentenced to two months' hard labor under reg imental guard and forfeits S2O of his pay. John .T. Hnnnigun of Co. 0. First I Maryland, was tried for violation of sail article of war,, after five previous trials by summary court, and was found guilty, and is to be discharged without honor from the service, but not dishonorably discharged. Major Meal ns. chief medical officer of the Third Division, has been ordered to report here for duty in the division hospital, and wtil arrive in a few days. Major Lowndes of First Maryland, a son of the governor of the state, who has been on a sick furlough, has re turned and resumed command of his battalion. A council of administration over tho> First Brigade bakery, consisting ..f Col. Axllne, Col. Lane and Corp. Irish has been appointed. The council ts to audit the accounts of the baker, fix price of bread and have general su pervision ever management of bakery. On account of the large amount of work being done,drills have not bean as regular in the first Brigade us us ual. bat ftiJit week the regular ■ drill* and Held-ecierc fees will begin again and continue regularly. Camp .Chat Capt. Sanders of the Thirty-tiff'll Mi- F%C#n» Id ?t#*9 «•£»*• Mt ft* r irfTtplH fit lUtV*# INN4I* Mk H#!flN|R *4 fl# 3 I gg _ * fNM m®wi Hite %to|g(-dk Hfi» (fit ",#W W f#MH#f' f riaaftiiff %#t pm****** flt«# « I i#j#rrT jMNfW» ***** ***** ** ftt*« *+* ,t tun ail? murm*o* %** kmtm i ritifiniil ***** fmiiitif# |f«w ##••1 111 t>t. ******* ' ##* i#t# pms*M i ti'gtei m ifte ****** ******** ****** fi s»wg» asbbg **g*g , » *kg ba* iw**"*" saavwf a gaam gg*t j t>. A f aaMVba’t wf fiaapa* am*to taws* #■*** kg* k#g te kk**i »g j rata lf iajwtod M (Ingg* asgswg a grtaak** <*g -1 ggs* te a #mn tea big** Tk# tmaa ' r*4waag to gkat **4 mgstsg to NML kwf wa* Bawled at amt »**» **• ka*4* at gn*rlr to *k*n «*g#» kr tk* tteatam mat ■’kagg** la* r*a**»t*g a* *•'*# •Ml ptwkßtoy to ptogwfag Isa rtoikaktoa ptootw* am rtej mag* daily Ok* swam Ik* kail (*•" amt ama Haw UK Tk»«» ««k Mb a tgan w*e* amt Malay . rmmymato* wig isryapa aaytktog **wf aW*mgt*d baigr* €#»«•*». May%«*«> at H (nwg I* to to* ka*f«-1 ml tswtiV a | IJttky ta to th* gkt Itßrk** dwetog. ik* atohkM* at Law* Laws, wh* ba# kmto ■**•**■ to« *Rk kick tow* t* w>** B imps "»*g Manats* of Bwsgltal. to towrk ka* ts* #f»*r km *»t»ytoka# at grtaking rktaewtorm ky miatak* Cnrp Cot *f Itwg H l*«m of ** iwmrat Ba* eapt'ag H* f* ••ttwad aag l*a*»* aa kt» tkiaw todafik*' fk»- < tougk f Urn at* q*H# a aaathr* r*f«niaa from atrk to qa*n*r i a <!*«*. ggt. Can mat at troop M aaya k* ka* toa to narvtr* M y**r* aag a***r saw atoa bag*** mirt than lkey kav* tin* (Mtifay frill# %, M Moaaamttb of Co, K ka* b**a promoted to sargraat 14. Guthrie La. M. 4* ttbrrr it tg* gar 14. Mr Rain of Co. ty ia roaimaadafi of IB* guard Tk* a*w chaplain Cam 1 upper gr-’ nvag la sawn ymtsrgay. The mow kali wilt probably b* ko-j tafced umlght. *gt Ru'mtnghsm waa raugkt ia Up-1 fal.iag mam hall *f Co. M y**t*rga* and had to* anile hmk*o. H R ton <t h ha* byen sent to hi' raaptsf fißka hiMpHai. f irst Maryland. Park* of Co. A has been discharged from hospital. Win* of Co. F. *ho had hi* to* am putatod. I** around. Htilmeyer nf Co. I« who has been suffering with rheumatism, took hi* flrst enercltc on f-rutrhf* today. Floors are being placed la the rouiwl teat* today. A rovMtd plaxaa ha# been bnllt be tween the hospital nnd it# kitchen. Stallings of Co. A ha* returned from sick furlough. capt. Forward fr«m Co. D ha# re-, ported from alek to duty. Corp. Kivkantson and Dewey have lteen appolkfed sergeant* in C(. D, Corp. Ptdgg has been appointed quartermaster sergeant and Gough and Gilbert appointed rorporala in Co. D. Capt. Feak* of Co. L t* officer of th* day. 14. Tolbert of Co. K I* officer of the guard. w Thirty-Fifth rtlchigan. Mr. Harry C. I .ear. the popular j newspaper man of camp, has estab lished a neat newspaper tent neat to Maj. Bandholt’ tent villa. Sachett of Co. K has returned from furlough. LA. Cramer of Co. A is officer of the day. IA. Ball of Co. M !s officer of the guard. Welch of adjutant s office Is abseut on leave. A large number of men are selling Christmas trinkets in camp. Geo. W. Dunston of Co. H leave* on a fffew days' furlough. Walter Carey of Co . M has been granted a 15 day furlough. Eighth Pennsylvania. IA. Stover of Co. C is officer of the day. LA. Lishman of Co. F ia officer of the guard. Sgt. McComaa of Co. A has received I an houorable discharge by order of | the secretary of war. There will bo no regimental drill this afternoon. Regimental Bugler Didyonng. for merly of the marine band, will play with regimental band in future. Hollinger of Co. A and J. Ely of hospital corps will be sent to division hospital today. Steward Campbel lis fixing up a rail ing in the hospital dispensary. Thirteenth Pennsylvania. The hospital corps has been present ed with a pig as a mascot. A large detail is busy grubbing stumps today. Capt. Uobling of Co. A Is officer oC the day. Lt. Freeman of Co. F is officer of the guard. Moser of hospital corps has received a discharge by order of secretary of war. A brass quartet is being organized by the regiment. Fifteenth Minnesota, Martin of Co. M leaves *>u a fur lough today Walter Blaok of Co H Las been transferred to Co I Barrett of Co K, who had his eye severely injured yesterday, -.has been sect to division hospital. He will prob ably iVv'C Ibc organ of sight. kIOTINU ON NEAR HAVANA Number of Shot* Fired During the Fight. DM Xu MM tte rn» (Him g gffidal. tsa»aa» Ha*, If. *- A flat ammtan* at CbftM a aatoak at H*»*** at f to! Mated taamin *at atkaa* • *** As*d ] Oa* aa- * la topafted to kaa* kaaa I | hit.** aad •** to|ar*d Tbt mangsiau '•f rvm, sopgsadag tow to* aps***»w k*4 . a i«ii - ***/anted to* sahath# i stwad ik* Coka* amt tmmt*ram Aag* | [•any i asm*** at Buiidiaa* Oar-toa* •«m> a *g aad mfmmtaa arnaa wad* so mmat tmtsw. ate tksa* r*|idrlaff* aa , ii. gap at ik* Caßaaa M to a ftos ' 'Asctodtog to tk* aeewaat at to* atow | [ftaadi ky to* dpaatoada. to* twt aa* j tto *aaa’t as a la***k b*»wi Martoa Rett!, at Ja***"#*ttl*- Fto. a ) W- at tk* Manat ItttoW* toff* , ’awat wka mas Rutag a awl* w*a*a , iße *4# Carapat Mw ua. at Ik* affray •*• a (web b* a toMkd ta tto »tab> j | atm M* wa* toaagkt to tk# laatnisvra j I kero* Httstoi 4* Camto. rt»il •** [ftkor at lt«*s*s, ka* takwnte tow that ik* uAtaad*** will b* a* I '♦•ter yvaute ; e*a<>* d* Cant** (*»» b• aaa *« rpaaisb aototow at Ik# *•*•* at tk* •Fro* Pld tots rreata* (Ka la* aad o*l . (]>«*•* mata to aaaAa-aa** «Wk UN* t*jM4fch#tl , Th# Auffukta House Fur* nikhing Comp#ny c«n af ford to k#IJ Flouk«hoid good* ch#ap#r than any other hou## in th# state. WHY? Because the House Fur nishing Company makes a specialty of Furniture in every grade and price. It is no side line with us. Uist Night With the Police. Cbr »lma* t* a we- k off vet bat Mr l*adorr Morris, who keep* a rtotoiac mart no tower Brvtjd atren. fired na* Xmas firework* tagr alght. and aa that 1 ka a violation of the rtty laws, be wav d K-k*>r4 a eg** again** The ease will rear up before Judge Baxter Moadjy lanralag A raa* has been docketed again* t draveager Mnsdun fnr not removing (rash fmm tn front of a residence on the corner of Gwinnett and street* The following 4*Olh section viol*torn were reported at police station las* night- J. 8. Nasficld. John Simmon. Tho*. Msck. John Brown. Wm. Ken Prick. Willie Remilrtck and Jame* Dear*. I Twelve soldiers wr* locked up at police station lasi night. Some bad bean drunk, some had no passes ami >two were brought IB for being disor derly on * Monte Bano car. They re fused to pay the coodiu loc The 'ati.T ■ ailed a member as she provost and had them arrested. At police atat oa they said they thought that their cap tain, who wa* on the car. might hai > 'em up to the rtife. Malaga Grapes, Salted A'monds, Cauliflower, Hothouse Lettuce. Fancy Celery, At KEENAN’S. Appropriation Bill Passed Washington, Pei. it.— Th.* House gave today to the Indian appropriation bill, passing it* substantially as re ported. This is the third of tho appro priations bills to pass nnd it clears the calendar of tho big supply bills, al though another, the agricultural, will be ready and knocking for attention by Monday. The House adjourned at 4 o'clock. Nothing is nicer for a Christmas present than a useful piece of Furniture. Thomas & Barton. Discussing Its Work. Washington. Dec- IT.—The war in vestigating commission hud no witness es for examination today and sat in ex ecutive session discussing its work. The commission is having considerable trouble with its corps of stenographers. Two of the four. Messrs. Evans and Marriott, of New York, resigned today. Onyx Tables at prices that will surprise you. Just the thing for a gift. At Richards & Shaver’s. Fancy French candies and erystal ized fruits at T. Schladaressi's. Capt. Brandt of Co. F is officer of the day. Lt. Bookstaver of Co. B Is officer of the guard. Gilbertson of Co. I) and Johnson of the same company have been granted furloughs. The resignation of First Lieut. T. A. Britner of Co H has been l.eeept td H H Little of Co M has teen or dered discharged by the war depart ment. Chauncey of Co. L will receive a discharge for physical disahiliiy. HISTORY AMO PROPHECY. Iktef k « totted ot tact* Profdwtv h **ka« It I# (MM TSe kttteto •* *• Ctmjtm H at* *t etttorpete pm|to««- dfftek*|wtMi»« N »»* h#* lory mt mtth » wm ttfuttumt m tte mm utetuto al «ood artetetotet Item, tka! time much Mimkdfff h» keen Mined and applied to our mA HteM el *to# s+m to the button at our product* Aa to property mm tteto put rture wot* to My "V/ATCMIJS ORtlte " l HAS # DttstN. M«najier safto* 9 HINTS FOR CHRISTMAS. ABa*4*«*>*ag (tele* wovetry l* alwai* j gltorwlt b» kte. TB* #•*a*. #f»** tto -n. • Baa w»e a tires i*' ate as* Mute* iu* ; - ik UmiiilMnnmi TW 4i«k-»%• to rtMK *%***, Hi •#*< Irt I** f*f P#k*k?l («# ftte oM*st**tt**, mm* tfete *m4 : kf*4 ******* **m *W I#* Wfctolr *• Mt# If##® Ftfl'Ctegl *** tl## ifitelf* fhf s***+' *hil4 *»«t Ih* 4 I— M, *tr»tur# mmi 1 hit lx ft# iwuweti I® «# ifc# tmt* 1 t#st riiftflUA* tmmt** ** W bnn«» ***** **" m*4 t***9hm« [if tofijrim to ***** iW* i th* t-tet gift* iff •©* »• frt##«»d rnm-mm »t«f»4«r4 <ah|extti Tl# ONWt a»t lifirtef) ketr'iithDA •#»< t# t*# ***** t» h«« h • fT.i«#t» MM ®«rtl» mn4 i#»vr m k glue* Wrlilrtl Hite ffetefteF 11*411 ItM*’ r #•#• * '!*««#. Cretli tt<nr#i ."IlhT t#*•** klrtif* 1 m*4 uwf4i»lH4i’ j f f ru Ut>* N 1 oafest and appsala to IBs tost taste Conservative bay**# *r* those who. I»«* no after-regret*. —bo are called .upon ta rapond w* energy ia oacl-sa re pitting It K *ke a**krra after the bn- ■ poastolr «*to. taeroase v tettot* of Ik-lr' Own rashness ate know neither calm ; nor pag'v. T*t. white alt this t* true, and weary ' nrrvsa beat undoubted wllnsaa (a th unwisdom of -be frnlrlea* ee*ri-h car-1 lain .resh things ate offered that are i good at the aame time, and each aca- j wm to Ha turn brings farth some de- | ! sign* or some material* that are new : to their application if not in fa-" and , that include all the charm which va-1 nation Has to give, yet an- »( anlld i worth and serve definite end This !year gun-metal and #tag-hom. with th lovely poetic autumn-leaf finish given to sliver overlaid with gold, may falrß ! he said to lead the llai. The tormet two. (while far rrom new. have been applied Ito a hundred object* nut prevtoualy jscen in Just such form, and the last ts ia* new a* is any beautiful object set be fore out gale While similar effaat* may have beeu seen now and then, the ap(4lcati<>n i» (Wllrdv m»vel, and tit various objects in which II la shown make one of the loveliest and most at tractive glfis that could to devised • ••••• ! Women of all age*, from the witching I sixteen lo that maturity which bring* i'Ulmne** and peace offer a prolific field. Considering all their wants and whim* and all (hat ia offered lo meet any demand, embarrassment of riche* j lieeomes the only fair ground of com-i plaint. Jewel*, lace*, silver, pottery.! -hlnu. glass, anil all the whole range Of purely beautiful things are here from | which to chooae. FavrlUe glass, which is a very poem of color and of form, -an to purchased, small piece* for ten dollar*, larger for almost any greater price one i» prepared to pay. but 1* so exquisite and to perfect as to be amply worth Its price, while even the tiniest bit 1* of more genuine value and yields truer pleasure than bigger objects made and selected with less knowledge and less care. Lambeth Doulton, which is always artistic, uffords a wide range of choice within itself, anil offeis sets of teapot, cream-jug and sugar-bowl for as little n* three dollars, with al! pos sible variations between it and tank ards and jug* costing five timto the amount. Elton nottery offers an op portunity for unlqtie design and splen did color at moderate cost, and in eludes some really fine nieces for five dollars, or even less. Oar own native Kookwood faience, which has no pect in all the world for splendor of color, quality or design, and depth of gluz-. is offered in small Jugs, for three dol lars, in larger for all prices, ranging to one hundred, and in lamps that are a delight'tri the eye at the same time that they serve a practical end. While far from now in it* deeper tones, it never theless provides novelty in the true sense, and has appeared in tender grays running into suggested pinks, in lovely sea-greens, and exquisite blues, all oC which are delightful, and one or which can be trusted to brighten a whole room and to carry true art and real beauty into the home. Lace alone Is prolific, and In itself opens a wide field. To attempt to en umerate or discuss its beauties would be idle in" so limited a space, but to pass Finest Sausages Finest Beef Finest Pork FINEST MEAT MARKET IN AUGUSTA. CALL and see for yourself E. H. ILLE, 1265 BROAD STREET 4 #ll »cM«i4 1# tto rn • • * • * • • irtrtttr itft* »l*» Nt tm b tHllnc 4' to'-Tdlo to*»l> f»#a»ic'##p »** i t'Vf Olumpiiin! iMwil* r»t th* tiiWt 14M# *r* |teffw e fT-bolllif of gI4MP "iTfUi] I fill ill# faritfctraftU* 4F«Hit 4*4 Nr »Nt|r «f MR. Fw IB* desk ttote see pen . bolder* ta the shape of gulf cFitd. bio* isr* inrlu llns . iKndarv. • imtleatß *. 1 ssstlMg-w *X I* dl'» * it* * ’'’tn ■ *noh s, ! tiwdd** old aad ; jmtitai friend*. wßi-b .al say* fitwl a place, ate Fir Itu *'i#j | table them arc e.ubuddery h-wpa ate | handsome actapoia. to-iud. a -Mr r*-n. •«* frato least to greatrat .an to trowed |to win the feminine Bvart N iretties I include tots of *tx at ickpina, with heads Of a. ml tr«u u» stun a art in heart- - of gnid-platc, aad fr Idtn* leather, hat pin* <rf autuma-lcaf. with I (wariafll bruoclw* of duil-hniahcd f««»h ! cold. to. loaing rv*h-»atcr |»-arl. pin* I >.f gun-metal set with x» m» and th* | latest return to treasur.-s of «h* paat in the form of hang lea. with plain and shining stone* act deep within the gold. • Mil Ntind'ltf* 4T*<l |X¥F|tes.*HM iD’MUrW# at. tou namattea to mention, too a*l! : known to rcautr • reminder or sugges tion A# state,! above, the one #r«at dtlficulty Ilea tn th- very vartety of fered. In the task of eUmlnaUoa which t Bp fact implies-—Harper's Baaar. |r,,,, f,o everybody lo sec that prettv jewelry window. mIH gold rings. *n drst*a*, hroaah**. Mr drop*, stud* and I site', pin* and oumvroua other g-swt*. • tiring this with jM-fte for a 1“ caato reduction on 5# cent bangle ring. *»•* runted to wear two years at Mina Klnchiey * millinery store. »tt Broad •i*> When you ro to the Au gusta House Furnishin« Company for Bed Room Suits, Parlor Suits. Chairs, Sideboards, Spring Beds, Wardrobes. Office Desks, Book Cases, in fact, in anything in the line of Fur niture you go to a Furni ture store. They bad gone through the fire-drill for weeks, and the other day. when visitors were present, the teacher thought It well to show the result of their training. "What is your first duty lo i as. 1 of fire?" she Inquired of .he school. "Bue the Insurance comr»ny,” shout ed a youngster. —Detroit Free Pr-fs We have the best se lected subjects in pictures in handsome frames at popu'ar prices at Richards & Shaver’s. "Young man." said the investigat ing philanthropist, "you are an inter esting pe**le io me. You are too proud to tog. too honest to steel, and too lazy to work. How in the world do you manage?" "I get minted.”— Detroit Frae Press. Wedding invitations executed in th*» most correct style at Dunbar & Wil liams. Games and toys. Our stock is enormous. A splendid selection, 5 cents up- Call and see at Richards & Shaver’s.