The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 19, 1898, Image 2

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MONDAY PIANOS! Best Values in New and Attractive Uprights and Grands. $l5O TO $750 of our four 1*4(1 incr make*. W»b*r Ev*r Oft, Harvard, Stull* ami Organs Tha Farraml A Votay Parlor arid Chaoal »lyta«. walnut and quartar Oak caaam. raw designs- Wa can tava you mo nay on Sawing Machinaa. Bic.y claa. fumlfura. Baby Cor ria*a*. ate. Everything naw in »haat Music- Thomas & Barton, 710 Broadway, Augusta, Georgia itKN. g. m. b. thing REVIEWS THE TROOPS fmn p„# i > lorrx > and dsinnrrefy nblitll aibote* la lb* auni taodaMiiml way. And (tw-a every town and rRy la • u* of a l> and rad mllaa from An (aafa aw nafMfMrd. A Herahl re jmrtrf «kiIM many wall known faraa (rom awl* Rtn-ci as Apart*. (Vs.htni toa. Wirmna and Wajaaabom The reviewing •unit mm hrtlllsnl with rotor snd the military g«*filu» aa mu t>ied I barn *re«n*<l alone ■uArlrai , to bar# conquered aa empire Aa (bo romaiandina geoeral. with nocorered bead, flood fariix ibr end Wta Una of aoldierr ba looked tha Mlllir-kraawil with lha tropic inni et Cuba, arari and soldierly In M* bar* n* Aa tha baad of tba lone Una of sot <p-r* ram. lain vie* (bar* wan Aral an ataltad murmur of "Hera (hay Orma"' «b!.-b deepened and drrprnrd until It broke out In wild aprdwuaa Man loaded oaa another and craned their neck* to ratrh (hr Aral glimpse and than to gate a( the retiring liar Tha end i>i tha Aral hotir approached, hot atilt the broad a«|dialt reaounded with tha rlaiter ot bnofi and the heavy trend of Infantrymen Hut the rrowd was navrr weary, they could have •pent tha day there. But at last the Anal company marrh ert by, Oen. Young put ou hln rap n«at<> and followed by hla entourage, left the stand Th* thousand* who had stood around the stand began to melt awsy nud the grea* review wss over. For LnCrippe and Influ enza use CHENEY’S EX PECTORANTS^ CARD FROfl HR. CARTER. He ssys the Beat Operatives VVII I Kcmaln Out. To the Kill tor of The Herald— Sir: I Wish to say something about Hi. list that la being gotten up In the King mill, for the purpose of getting the hand* to go book to work. 1 have gone around from house to bouse, and find that thdge are about IS people who ,ay they are going hack to work when the mill bells ring. They are the one*, too, who have been drawing rations from the commissary department. I think I can aay truthfully that these are about the only ones who will go back to work. They say they don't gel beefaUak. ham and eggs, and they are goinr hark to work su they can get these things The majority of us are willing to suffer a great many things before we go back. hut. l must say. that the people to whom I have refer rme want to go baek to work, and will If the bells ring. Hut the mill authori ties know that these people ate the people who won't work regularly when th«y do go *<• work. They know who ate the steady hands and who are the orst workmen. These are the ones thev want baek at work. And I ean say to all who wish to tie Informed that the best people am going to slay out till the end Yours truly. W. H. CARTER. Sibley Mill Hand. To"cUr* a Cold In One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets, til druggists refund the money if It .'alls to cure. 25c. The genuine has L. B. Q. on each tablet. PLENTY OF PROVOST GUARDS. The Soldiers Will Aid Polka in Keep ing Back the Crowds. An extra number of provost guards are on duty this morning on Broad et. About twenty are on each block They Will alii the police force to a great ex tent in keeping the crowd fi n> the middle ot the street when the pa:ade passe*. DETAILS OF THE GREAT PAPADE. OM If (It H«M If 111 *fto **«!»» Ctrl &mt Itm flaw this* toe#* *M Ik* Cwssc m—* og ti»s< tk smi Mm wood As t# AA <B* f4m iam# mi i BNBBB 98818*4 Ml MM (NB9Bi* M j VIMMA AtoNriMMsM #B4 Mi MM 988'# ! 849*1*4 (94? IflM MM ft#** AM j MMi §m amm«'> Mm AA F t , %AM® < *A»«N* | \mmi MMi Mil tfM fMMI M VtvmM «ts (BT#I I lm Wmp' TM MIMmM MM* I*4 Mt | [yiMMl Ufclri Mm MAMA'' j MM Hm ***»# Amammla B*4 iMm Mr* I *«*flߣBßf (48*9*4 IIM* 98*4 MIMNI ttM MMm ImkamM ammnMmM 8? mi Mm j WriMliTMiMirt fmmA mwamA f9* mtf im WH4 yv «h» TIT Uhls* ir ' I* th* twit* of th» rktn. iv* T** i u Mnul MBS. tShwß •** hsissmM r °rr IT ! Ms),tw>l *• watioo Way '*** to*» ta* [lift kg tk* mb urtgta* >1 v *»'«—• t<4 OSSS tkskkh IB asgSHBMMS* of tk* Thtfd tuPgißilr rvswt>*4 tlfwei* MftsM • !*• NilbMm Ms*) «f tk* Tltir* and «M«vk j,4 4nwa asillt lb* h—4 ad hi* soIBW BBS 14 W••*!»■<>,• stsesH At IT.M tk* kftfssd* *'*• <k*at kallskl bb4 tk* riM hrt««4* Ml la iib*. tk* ftmr <«M utttM bent Bkme MlAsff stress. Par tßMrtf •** minute* tk* troop* >■ glint, lakls* hsark sum! SHtIM t* gfMfr-* shape lbs tks rev less la tk* m—snow «M pravos* gosrde alt lour i nmpoalee. had ttsro ad COM la full **4 oeru atattoswd *v ssrg fort f ffeat sMtg Ikosf eif Rape— terra sdfUdrka* bet area true* eM BO up# oaa sUmmsl to htoak the atsuak. Oaa ><w»a and ala* took rtwtr p*e roe la Ike revteo'leg stead at II M. Tha Huonrrd fksaut*. Those m the etaod see**: o*o Youag aad at**. Tapi Cbaae. Arliag Mayor Oarrstt. Major T. A. Wlthet*. Tol Chartwomier « H Tohoo. D. O Koparty. Iloa. I. C. C IMork Tapt W H. Youag W. R Platt Judge w H. Barrett. William Du»bar P. O. B» rum. Neabltt BTagflelit Judge W t. Rvr. Judge 11. C. Rooey. C. O Trua •all, lira K P. Alesandsr. W. T. Jour*. P. M. Muiherlti. William Delph, Col. D. B. ftftr. €. A, BaMa. T. W Alaoauder. Thome* Barret t Jr., (leorge Lamhaek. J. Robrrtanu. K A. Brand J. Meaning. L. Jordan. It. H. Mar trU. Mr*. Rve Mrs. Garrett Ml** o*r I rott. Mias Leola Oarrrit. Miaa Oreao. I Ml** tgAatlgaar. Mi*a Carroll. Mr* I lamer Mrs. Cummlng and a number of others. At JI:S0 the order wss given for the troupe to fnove and they turned from Oresmr out Washiagtou lo Brood and up the north side of Broad with colors flying and bands playing. Gen, Young stood In the projecting stand arranged for him and with his Imposing and military bearing Im pressed all as being a typical soldier. Oen. 8. 8. Sumner and Waff, mount ed. passed the eland first, the genera) dismounting and Joining Gen. Young jlhr n came Gen. J. P. 8. Gobln, i commander of th« Third brigade, fol lowed by his mounted staff. The Eighth Pennsylvania moved by leading the brigade with soldierly hearing and Heady step, followed by the Tbirlecolh Pennsylvania. The Pifiaenth Minnesota brought up the rear of tho brigade. ' v '« A short distance behind the brigade ramc Gen MeKlbbon nnd staff, follow ed by Col. Axllne. lending the Tenth Ohio. Each man In the regiment wore white gloves, which added much to their appwaraticc. Ovation to Maryland Following was ihe First Maryland, and as It marched up the street headed by Col. cheer after rheer went up and many a dainty hand waved hnnd Oh! The Pain Of Rheumatism! Its Tortures Known to Thousands. The ache* and pain* of Rheuma tism become a constant com panion to all who are victims of this disabling disease. The peo ple generally are not acquainted with the cause of the disease, though thousands know its tor tures. Everybody should know that Rheumatism is a peouliar acid con dition of the blood, upon which all liniments in the world can have no effect whatever. The best blood remedy is needed—one which is able to go to the very seat of the disease and force it out. Swift’s Specific (S. S. S.) is the right remedy for Rheumatism, because it is the only blood remedy free from mercury, potash and other minerals which intensify the dis ease, causing stifl'ness of the joints and aching of the bones. S. S. S. neutralizes the acid condmou of the blood, and forces out every trace of the disease. It teaches even the worst oast's where the doctors have made cripples with their prescriptions of potash and mercury. TH« >UOUfTA nmRAXD. |te«*ka*gk 0 ska usaaissu la its ism ■Ma iM aBHAHA MMI AMM ifH ANAPM j [••A AMAH 'MM' «M*hf M IIM *■' • -*# yp|M# *|M MMA AM * * **•#■* I***- - #mm niniWMM m m M mp4 !f|, < 4 |AM** Mm AmM O MMt 'HMt j M«n|' m* «M«tMMi' 4V ANM «AM i f'|g|. imumm $t AA | n» A«M *4 mm mum*** | m «iM? p(Mi MMM **« Ip» <NMAf Ms muNA * NWMA mm MnAtA Aa •it AMIMAAMM AA<i iMAPiiAi •MCfA 'Ai I r-iM* MM 4$ MMI AAMAA *' t%M m Mm Aam mm (lam Am amm imm Imm mm impaml mm iMMIiMI AAMiMI «AMf *M» | MNM Am mm amm% m¥% ibt >iyilAliiif| ImMAA At MM mm AAi | mmmi apma §M am* Imm «m Mm ama j j ||mM llMt AM' A AAA (w4f At Iff At U fcIM.ET B BEBE. Tfcc pf**«4e*t Arrttt* hi tit City at 3JO OVlark (MpOsa at Urn Csmmamtal W* fhUliimßg Tha n»—» hapan aert*m# la the •My sarty rim nwwatag Mw iraiaa sum lag hs •Had AtrngiM •***• »w*4 Most is luwt haing iheiuagw* with <ka many wfco *ssSr* to catch a glimpse of Praaideal MeK-aWy m<l hla party ] The PfuatdsMtiai team !•« *‘* e ** ( |J| akmg the nuts people gather** la •swh Ik* train go by end uk#n tk* train mapped a< some of du puinia slung ike tmal*. Urn Pruu'.dmu said a word or two Us Ik* people *k» barf **• i samMerf rn the aUMlaaa Tk* peusldsw. tkal train la du* al WkHrsp al I I* o'clock ibis afternoon. Tk* recaption committee will he M waiting with ear rigger The party will delta from Whelves to Camp Marhensle. ohleh it im either side of tka Wkehne eomi The troops wilt ha lined op on each ■lda «f th# rood and pruseai srma aa the President end party rid# by Th# parly will drlva to the Wrtgh»sb«ro rtmd and ibane# through J«4»n airem in Aommerville to the Angwata Arsenal, j From there they will proreml to rorpa hen Quarter* and the engineer camp From lb* engineer ramp, lb# Prenident and eurort will go down Walion Way to Crawford aeeune and out * rawford avenue to Broad street, thanes dona liruad to Washington Arrival In CMy The presidential party I* reported to ranch the Arlington comer about »J 0 o'clock, but l« «"»y •»* “ ”** drlva will necessarily h* somewhat slow The Third cavalry will art as special aseor. to the President. The members of the Croat Country JUdtog Club will meed the President at Wba it*M. . The recegition committee took ear* rlagea for Whrleaa In front of the rlty headquarter, at 2 30 oetock and drove out to tho *t*ti°*t In th* Carrlaf*#. The committee and the member* of the Pregldetn'a pnfty will ride h» riuur* In ihe order following: First . arriage, four boraea-Presi dent MeKlnU-y. Mrs. M.Klnlry. Mr. William A. Garrett, aettog mayor lb* city of Auguata. and Col. Derby, of Gen. Young s staff. . second csrrlage—Hon. I.yman f.«' garretsry of the Banff; Mrs Gsg*. Hon. J. C. C. Black and Judge W. F. E Third carriage Hon. R. * *'**? ’ secretary of wsr; Mrs. A'"«rC.plslo Rivers of General Young* staff, and Col D. B. Dyer, of Covernor Candler s corrlage Hon. ,ohn P" Iding, secretary of the »»*>•• MIM “My wife wst for fears * sufferer from Rheumatism, and was treated constantly, but could obtain no relief The doctors said the disease was liable to strike the heart at any time, in which event death would be inevitable "Every kind of treatment recom mended for Rheumatism was given, including widely advertised blood rem edies, but none did any good. She grew worse all the while and was re duced to a mere shadow of her former self. “It was at this critical period that g, g. g. was tried; th is med ictneseemed aytfm esse promptly. and jfi prove. One dozen bottles effected a complete cun', sod she has hail no treicli V of Rheumatism since “D. R- JOHMSOK, “Blackshear, Go.” Every one afflicted with Rheu matism should take Swift’s Spe cific, the only remedy which can reach their trouble. S. S. S. will cure tho most aggravated case of Rheumatism Catarrh, Cancer, Contagious Blood Poison. Scrof ula, Eczema or any other blood disease. It is guaranteed Purely Vegetable Books mailed free by Swift Specific Company, Atlanta, Ga. t**w# Ms* - cMMMP, MM u i As AAA A<ftt «.T zzzJtJr::. if t«R» ihm-4 .«M Ilf.. Af< M mmftmm [«##■* #AmA. HH9 tliMI If- AI 'Afv-#- Alnf INmA it l -# ##(> %> AAmiAMSAA' I ; H*». Pmmm tm***** P H ?*mm** * jmi m*# #4NI C*i* yf« W Hi Qbh iAt, As y»»"t-iinFArf» Oanl ABAAIMNI t (, t ytAAr %MM.ikitMMn Am tMiff* wry m* tAdAfcA K itwet aa4 MHai. r * iA( I| VMM > (M AUmmAimw !m# AA... J j iv*a aapA IN. irnmm Tm TAAfi lAlliijpi Hn llkxwwNl. W%m Y«mMIA AANd Aml AA4 tf** fUIOA PMN AAmnamA mnmm mm AhiAM AMamml viMAf m*m wmmm Ham r«*m j itm llttr % MMI lit AA II fAaAIMf 1 tm* f’h am m ami !,<•*** ai [ Up* l**tM f>fAAtA I# <** hMw I aaml |Aaa %t* AAvAaAa Ttousult cast lag*' Mr kMtol | flay Mr ft V. Ikrtpgff, M C B IrYlkva of «k» Mam York find, turf Mr |K M Haa* as Iks Augusts Ckdtotsto Diwdi.iß csi lisps ■Mr W ■ cams as ika Ckwnpn Mm era. Mr. M ‘ Han ml as ika AHasrfa Jnurnnl Mr t« [nniian. of ika tsadimmn Aamrtasn. and I Mr tV'Wdr* rkialfT. as Tk* Angnaßa (ihtiiA riflsmtk ismggT Itr BY. A- Good ; gsonvtmsd rnsu Mr N C Kempt, as •ke Mammon Ann. Mr. I, K Gkl, as like Atlanta CunsAitutton. and Mr. J, Ir. MsmaiaA. «f lha Angwma THknaa I Mitusnik eurrmps Mr W W, lrm«. of Ike Wasfclngton Mto. Mr J • Mrkrtedr. as Ike Mem Tart Mall and Kspimm. Mr. M. L. Wes*, ts tk* Waskiagtoa fhmf, and Mr T. J, fker <m. «f Tk* Amrs*** h«h« ! gsusatb carnage- Ms Maaall of Ik* Pkllad*tphi* Plena: Ml. Oomher, «4 iks I'cusidea’ • party. Mr. (Mrert, of tha fiwikst'i party, and Mr Jams* Icartledp*. of tk* TBaliy Trthnn* Rtghusnih carrtope Mr L. •- : Brown, general ageW of tke flwntkeim .railway. Mr M P. Walak of Ike An gusia Ckronida, and Mr C. O Id llstis, adltor and proprietor of ike Au gusta MouadTsbla ffluetaenth and Tw*ntl»fh rarrtage* fur oUw-r* nltk tk* President s patty- I Tka presidential party »l'l *» drives ■to tk* CnmmriTlgl Club and the free Ideal will ke welcomed I* Ik* city by Major J. C. C. Warh. on the balecwiy of tba Hub building la wtgdnt and bear lag as the assembl'd public below, probably about gor lock Tk* Pteal danl mill respond briefly. : Th* following gentlemen left last night for Macon to meet the presi dent** party nnd corset them hack to I Augusta: Horn Joaeph H lanit Mr | Jacob Phinlsr. Mr. C. Henry Cohan and Mr. M P. Walsh yilj | yff*, : It la supposed that the President will Isnv# the city shout t:M o'clorh. The party will take the (rain at tha comer of Broad end Washington streets. Tke Commercial Club. The Commercial elub. from which i Major J. C. Black I* to msk* the *d -1 drees of welcome, and President Me- Ktnley Is to respond, wss the centre of Interest all day. A number of prominent ladles were on th* balconies to wltnean (be review „f ihe military and mere also present st the evening reception to the presi dent. The Hub was tastily and handsomely decorated Inatde and out snd presented s magnificent sight, dmllax. mistletoe and holly were scattered around in artistic profusion and presented a scene of genuine beauty. INFORMATION DEMANDED Aa to Who Committed Outrage on Americans. Washington. Dec. I». Th# Vice President announced the committee of the centennial celebration of the City j of Washington ns the capital of the i nation, as follows: Senators Hoar, Hale. Perkins, Simon. McLaurln, Clay and Turley. Senator Lodge of Massachusetts, of the foreign relations committee, re portefl favorably the following resolu tion. and asked for Us immediate con sideration: "That the president be and he la hereby requested to communicate to congress, as far aa the same can b* done without detriment to the public Interest, all the Information In his pos session concerning certain alleged outrages committed upon the person of Bishop Earl Anston and the other American citizens in the city of Pekin. China, by the subjects of the Emperor of China, and what etepß. if any, will be taken by the state department in the matter demanding suitable redrew and indemnity therefor.” Christmas Tree Donations. The Herald returns thanks to Mrs. J. D. Habn, Mrs. 0. D. Perkins. Misses Pauline and Olive Benson and Miss Eva Berrien Carpenter for their contri butions of toys to the West End Christmas tree, and to Mr. Willie Levy, Mrs. K. Ferber. Mrs. O. R. Ar go, Mrs. W. H. Harrison, little Miss Harrison, Miss Nellie Crane, and Lttle Misses Jenuie, Annie, Mary. Rosa and Grace Sibley, for donations of money. Thanks, Thanks. The Herald Xmas tree managers ex tend thanks to Messrs. Payne, Murphy * Co. tor IS donation towards the tree celebration. Jonathan Norcroaa Dead Atlanta. Dec. 19. —; Jonathan Nor cross, the first settler Atlanta, died last night in his 91st years, of old age. He lias held many offices in Atlanta, and is well known all .over the state. LEFT FOR THIS j CITT ON TK €##!» Umm lum 111 hrtf !» Ud M Hwtst UM rv«*4***| flu !M» y AjfHMA# llHAitf %m iM !fAAiWMAF AO *A» #fmws *N#i (PMBKAAA i I«t mm Awfii'tl. On m i ***m&* mt A •iAt^ s \*mm m mm mm mmrnrnm* m4**mm* | f«t tp*f (At lAi* I*B*ll PAMAAMW I |Hr AlmiAfA •#*#• AcArtlf NMA (IK I i • AAVfikfll flAftflNl AN 4*889(8*4 1(18 A*- j [ mmrnm i* tlw* aa# 988#fi , (««• ***** mm** U*m I# ti» **mt [ (<*-8# ’■? f |g#f4fMMi BMX ***♦ •!*( I Igß#tß# Ml «|»# pAflf A* A# M> I ‘ ll«Mfdtlf > MAI dm yasha ffTMAIAIMM(4 i f vm mi fioTHrtl I rm«» m t*m mt «f I fMMMI# [gw qpwanwng *M fy*u*»u«»y total MM- I tali’* Cuagß wwd fbmaampsmm Cur* I acts Nk* awagge m mo* of evens It I ko* peuue naan known t* fan Tka I X<kfßl 488M8I imm* tllMfAW f 4 j I H rf* 8i mm **4 II .88 (MM -H» - j lilAft, T. A INitt«#i, ABi«fßi l i«»’8 flr«A( lAt 488. A I*BB #9*B*B Dm (K«fß. Wxt i f VS## f%#vßMMrßc TW K#B flifi.rttwi#'#; jßk Bhf»tfr"flxi« ; nh. tlxvtAMKVi A PMJehTIPOtTNE crmOREN Thmae kb* wtab It lb k M*y I env* Them as Mr*. * I d PkMt *. Mrs W. K Platt km> very kindly i cow mated to twelve pevueat* at bar I home on loner Telfair, second door ! above Klbert. tot lha Weal Bad Christ mo* tee# Tke Herald oMr* I* tk* kpni for tk# pnaewta However, any on* dogfrtng to do so ran leave present* nl Mra. j I'lntC*. who baa so kindly agreed la terelVß and ears for them. THE POLICE AND FVOVOST. Hath Side* IMd Good Dnty la Keeping the Mceet* Clear Chief Hood * men did pood service this morning ta keeping the atrwrt# tint for th* military procesaiem Th# provost guard also did tfcetr part snd everybody kept behind the ropes slrMeherf along th* rartitng. The po- ! Urn and proroat will do the same thing this afternoon, when the President ar rive*. A Ron ANTIC STORY. Th* C*mrte** Tonthrlson and Her Latest fiacapsde New York World: Diane de M.-nt- I brtaon. ihe young woman whom AI- 1 phnnw Daudrt used to call 'The m- *t , I gorgeous ere* la re alive,’* has left for ' ' Budapest, and wilt probably anon mar ry tha Austrian officer In whoa# compa ny ah# eloped. Mine. La Cotnteaae da Montbriann tie longs to on# of the nldast famllte* of . France. Her forrlble entrance Into ex clusive circle* was. six year* ago. as much of a sensation a* her present eg- | eapade. Hhe was then Diane Verrter. a beautiful, well educated girl of humtda birth, teaching piano lessons to the 1 proud daughter* Of the Mombrtson; family and earning barely enough to keep her from want. The Mile*, de Montbrinon liked their; teacher very much But Jean de Mont- j Prison, the heir of the house, liked her j even more. Jean waa in delicate health, and. aa he waa burning th# candle at both end*., the physician told the old duchess, his widowed mother, that her son must go from Pari*. Bhe sent him to their | country estate in Auvergne. Two or three days after his depart ! ure curiously enough. After the first i astonishment nothing further was thought of her dt»appear*nce. and an other teacher was engaged. From hi* distant retreat the young count wrote the country agreed with him. But after four or five months a telegram came saying that Jean de Mont Prison was so ill that he could not live more than a few days. A special train carried the distracted mother and sisters to the castle where the young man was dying. At his bed side they found Diane Vender. She had followed Jean and had been the mis tress of the place: the servant* had l«en enjoined not to communicate this news to Paris. Wh«i the Duchess charged her with being responsible for the ruined health of the count and attempted to drive the adventuress from the place Diane informed the old lady that It was she who would give an heir to Montbriann. It was so. The Duchess was broken hearted, but religion dictated her course. She sent for a priest and the marriage took place then and there. The new countess was a widow almost as soon as a wife. Diane returned to Paris, where, de spite the opposition that she met. she 'established herself as one of the lead ers of society. Her marvelous beauty no less than her tact, helped her to conquer the refractory aristocracy. Her origin was forgotten and even the Duchess de Mnntbrison was no longer so sure that Diane, always so kind, so respectful to her, had loved her sickly son, Jean, only after scheming to ap propriate his titles and fortune. And now, after five years of dignified life the strange creature shatters all conception of her character by running away with a handsome officer eight years her Junior. Did she obey her impuse of a love so strong that no consideration could stand before It? Or was it merely that her Bohemian Instincts rebelled against stern duties and she seised the first op portunity to break away toward adven ture? , .u... . BIG^UT 25 Per Cent Reduction Fids Higli Grade Sterling Silver NoTelties W# hf»v*n’t 401 th# h#nd*om##t »tor# »n th# world. Out w# hav# th# good* and can my# you dollar*. Only Jdwatry houaa racaivln# Pr#mium Tick##, Naw food# r#c#ivad by #v#ry #xpr#a«. A.J.RENKL JEWELER, 928 BROAD ST. WANT ADS: n»r« ADVKBTiaiNG-T»l« MB' I ALU Offers tka wea as the 'Want Ad" 'Mtwsa t* those awl of w>P ywwMlt I whs are wefclag worn A litti* ad. •tot ing yr.ur earn aHnpiV and piaiaiy. tail -1 log oka I you ton do and what y«u ; will da H tor. may find you peodtotda wqgtofnuat It has d«wa so toe asauy ether* Wa wtah owe reaftoea ta M (hot that are Bat BaywlSg on u* by mall lag a** es mu fee* ad vert tat ng off*#. Th* Herald believe# ib beeping labor and ampiayar* la forms* of their mu . toe I ‘tooats.'* HELP WANTED I xr RAIS WA STKP-01IIPKTEXT vktff »M«4fi•#, cßf»#M«* mt t f ! i " ' ‘ ‘ " ’ * ! « [fi»ffßil«! to K, ctft tfchto <*t 111#*. #Bt nn fMo WAICmHIi n>HPKTKKT OPBRA j TOR with 8 to ftW nW Mihn at iMfictoii Fiidiy avfnln#. Aa iv«p ifßmHliHy t#rm« ftf AfMrw* TrAHt#. Moopffm ftrhool, ho r.rtw, J*, C. (w It TfIfIfTSALE CRT AM-on BAM AT M J A CM* ON BT. FOR BALR-PAPER FOB WRAP PING purpose*, t'haapaat ta elty *<ne cent a pound. Apply at Herald ofllca Doth white and uawa-popor. Nov 1 FOR BALE—Id*-AORE FARM. ONM mu* Dorn city limit a • bargain. As ply w. C. Jonas. No. U 4 Jockaoa dt. Oct I CHEAP—PAPER FOR WRAPPINO purposes IB cents a hundred old ex change*. While paper 1 cent • pound. Nov I FOR HAJ.K—IO2S GREENE STREET. with a little outlay can be made into a hautteome and modern rc*idenre. Term* 11.000 rash: balance, three years with seven per cent Interest. Apply to E Sheehan, Manager. Robt. Fortner Brewing company. dee II ts FOR SALE—A good farm —2l mile* from Augusta on Auguata Southern Railway. Price 20 per cent less than original cost. Rent of portion of land now pay* • per cent on original Invest ment. Titles Indisputable. Terms easy. Address. REAL ESTATE, Care Her ald. Dec- «• FOR SALK-A I-HORSE PLATFORM truck wagon, capacity 4,000 to 5.000 1 pound*, newly repaired, and a flr*t Ida** Job. A bargain, at the Lowrv Wagon Works, corner Ellis snd Ninth istreets. FOR HOLIDAYS —FINEST ASSORT | MENT of Home-dressed Turkey*. ;Chicken*, Mutton, Beef, Pork Sausage, F.te. Free delivery anywhere In city. Summerville and Camp. Bell ’phone iilO. E. M. DEAS. Jackson and Ellis street*. Dec. 24. TO RENT. to e double offices, 58 1-1 per month, all modern convenience*. Phinlsy, <O2 Broad street. Dec 31 THREE NICE. FURNISHED FRONT rooms, southern exposure, reasonable rates, No. 8 Silver Block. dec 19 20 LOST AND FOUND. LOST-SUNDAY AFTERNOON ON cars or at camp, a diamond stud. Liberal reward for same. L. A. Gar | delle. dee 19 i LOST—ON SATURDAY AFTERNOON on Cummlng street between Telfair and Reynolds streets a lady’s black cashmere cape. Finder will please re turn same to 1018 Reynolds street, dec 19 The Bell Tower Drug Store CORNER GREENE AND JACKSON STREETS CV* Under new management. A new iiue of Fresh Drngs, Toilet Articles, Brnshes, Etc. We make a specialty of hysiclana’ Prescriptions. Be 11 Telephone 22115 PATTERSON & WADE DECEMBER V* STRAYED UR IttiUCX-dB SUM- O'AY 9n»88 tf*f 84888. ItB49XJF 1 H» L «mm 4*tU tflhMXfi 88*8 »H 8 # Mt* ! Mt:(k«8 (t# #WBt 9888. »H 8 BWBII till I B*BBBI A *BIIBBIB ffVIH 801 8* 8814 I f*«r B** tfttm «# % J * I’CVuMt, 81? IftNtl Btiw9. Ace II It IV Special Notices ; l*>liHsMst Notice. # *9l'** fsf AltfltfU H«n»I Bkßißt* 884 I*B* f*W4B( C'BBB|MBB9* ASffttttl O# . Inn- 1 1 884 It. |8(. THK MKlii UR MONTH MT IXRTAIf MIEXT 8f f 8»» cN*m|*B«y I# 4#* 884 fMfxM* 88 IBM «»«'• m MuNDAf lN*c4>mbrr 1818. W. H TfM’Rfl, fTißl4*Bt. W. c. JnMV, Afi fKtfy - .Npectal Not lea. TMI* Iff TO NOTIFY THE ITBUO that I have withdrawn from the Au gusta Mantel and Supply Co. aad haw purchased the tu.'ycle bualneaa of the above firm and will cnatißoe that business to all its branches at the present stand. T. B. MATHEW BON. Annual Com mask: at ion. a Webbs lodge, no. it*, f. a xV A “• /V\ Augusta. Go.. Dec. tl. UM . The annua! meeting of Webb lyvtge, No. ]«t. F. A A. M., will be held In the Blue llmiw. Masonic Hall, on Monday evening, IMh Inal., gt I Election of officer* for ensuing year. Member# will lake notice thereof. Victims brethren will be rordlsUy welcomed. By order E S M’CREARY. W. M. jC. K. Coffin. Secretary. Social l odge No. I. F. d A. fi » A CALLED COMMITMICATION Jh n 111 he jUT held at Lo Hall. TUESDAY NIGHT. 2*>th Inst., at * o'clock. The F. C. Degree will be conferred. Worshipful Master Janie* J. Erwin of Woodward Lodge, No. SOB, Cleveland. (>., and thirty third degree mason of the Ohio Juris diction will deliver the Senior Dea ton* lecture. Member* of Webb Lodge. No. 1*«. brethren In the mil itary camp and transient brethren are fraternally invited to attend. By or der W. J. HOLLINOSWORTH, W. M. W. H. Crane. Secretary. Special Notice. The National Exchange Bank of Au gusta. Augusta. Oa.. Dec. 9. I*9*. THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE Stockholder* of tht* B»nk will be held at It* Banking Houae on TUES DAY. January 19th, 1«»9. between the hours of 12 and 2 o’clock p. m., for the election of seven directors to serve for the ensuing year. PERCY E. MAY, Cashier. TEN MINUTES AT ‘Jg| niLLEDQEVILLE. Presidential Party Are Happy on the Way. ;Special to The Herald. Milledgevilie, Ga.. Dec. 19.-1:10 p. m.—The presidential train arrived hero at 1:07 o’clock this afternoon and left Sat 1:17. CALVIN S. BRICE. His Remains Reviewed by Thousands at Lima Lima, 0., Dec. 19.—This city is drap ed In mourning, and business is sus pended today while the remains of Cal vin S. Brice lie In state. When the fun era! train arrived yesterday the re mains were escorted by G. A. R. posts, the Union veterans. Elks and others, to the old Brice homestead. At 9 today the same procession acted as escorts to the First Presbyterian church where th# remains were viewed b ythousands.