The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 19, 1898, Image 5

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MONDAY ■ , I MM „*****, WMNUfcH. Georgia Railroad Bank AUGUST A, Ci«OHOtA M»M ft> pUki/UUK >*. •*»* Ester ~ jjiF~^BMP'! |M> «® •»*»» to» l"W«* '"**'"* ** 1 ItaniMr **4 i«tn«t'»* .MW '*• : . rtKP TIPTR< r»W#™ 1 OR. HFNRV J.jCOO«Ri. (<W i **«»■—» Mi mMmmi. M* •* < *►>-•1 MIW, M to*n* «W •'***"'* . MwM4. OB*. JWH’PH WHf RI.ER. «M MgMM'* OMMtWM VW* (Mr tot r«M». (lira *n»to (M»1 Hsjsr Oww rfl Jntottoto Wto*****"* 4*. | M4t W tM'l* 4W *M« In CD**** *•*» : ****(„ y>4# iHiimMM'iMII M tto* inn) MF | tons* tMiktr s»*"*A ««w* IMF ntotr * to* nlxx* If Ml 4 toi*Ys(AW« I wit ifc» m» *fc to OtoftW • «*>< > Mm Mi lto«* ton# n*to —Ml® mwM (to*| CraMFiM' at to** imMM to W» IMMI- | at*M* ®nlf» i> H u • at ito* ; Mm to*4 M«»H Ms Mttry tor Mu« | to inmow IM MWto'i* 1 |‘ *••••* hr ikm la m wot* MUMk «•»*( la tit* »rwF tutor I toon Jun*pto Wtoral**. St mm tlvtrt 1# waraForwl ttool <* Ito *t*i i at Jnlr 1 H —•* >1 •• r»tFro ftun* Mon Jwin ft4g* **4 *r< u|*» , • fMHk* that maM to* 4*(*n4a>4 auto liar rtato 10 I to* a rat O'. HoNfi! WI«"In ! SWoM'i nttto *nrh »l|*f ttoot Ito* plan ; woo «toanit nr-1 HM to* ttor**n ‘to* ; atc|lii at tola htiuro l * wttto Ito* nttoar | ■ld* total oty might koto booo wrlll*a ' || nui Mr<ily Ut IMI ! oral MtoaH»r art a vrrjr high valla* *• WMri't airtr* M a military exigent y and jaatly •*, («r tto* lutl* general »a< a famouo warrior and had roaanwtoi man* tbonaanda of men «n toar«l rough* Arhla tuu« before to* r*arh*d lb* a|« at » Tto**» ooaa an »tto*r man In ito* Kaanaai* rnmmign aha i**ml<l ~tiTr larvata touh him, and ail tto* ! v*teran* of tto® *»r at Ito* rehelbor pa hi him tomato#! to* hlr **p*rl«K» ana j *’ rr *"** . _ It la drlh U'uaty toumcrou* **• General ! Wkorlri t» *»y: “Although a«*m* In ti* dtariiaalm toaa ba*n rala*d aa to my ag* | imp* in to* old enough *ooi> to j pic* a §tK<d mUlter. ** Jueeph It h** - I f maa graduated from tto* military acad emy In IW, bate* than 23 gear* old. j Whan Ilia otat* by adoption o«-*d*a and Wkrrli r reotgned from tto* army, to* waa appointed m|nn*l of ito* Nine- ; ia*n<to Alabama, an Infantry r*«lmeni In tha national army h* had a*n*d a* a dragoon. At tthtloh to* comptnifl a brigade and covered tto* r*traat of tto* , Conf*d*r»t*a. Ha vraa tranofarrad to: Ilea ravalrv In July, IMS. Atootn at* awattoo lat*r. and at the ag* of V, to* waa promoted to be a major g*n*ral. At Chlrkamauga he lad the ravaly and rroaaad the T*na*or** nftar that I*l-1 tie. Ha carrt*d Hurwrsn* twat a for< * aant againot him. aad d*«imyad l *"0 tranaportmlon wagona, with their ; atoraa. Hally to* hung on Shtrmin b j flank and fought him aa h* advancad, Into Oaorgla llom#tlm*a Wh**l*r took th* field with hla command j ad. General O. O. Howard, want to* j vtailed Tampa hafor* the Bhafler **-1 padltlon palled for Santiago, used to re call Jo* wbceler'a aggreanlv* attacks on Sherman's line of communication, and Howard, wh* served with Sherman, expreaaed the great**! admiration for Wheeler aa an active. Indefatigable aol-l dlar An Incident of the Geogla waa tha Confederate capture of rtmerwl George Stoneman and hi* artillery and transportation. Wheeler became a lleu tenanthgeneral on May 11. l**i. being then 2* year* of age. and on the death of Jeb Stewart, ho was aenlor cavalry general of the Fnnfederate armies. Such, in brief, wns the career from 1««1 to 1*66 of the little hero of Santiago, who says, with his eyes twinkling: I hope to be old enoug hsoon to make u rood »f»ldier” Whether a united and neotionle** country propS'Mi to bestow honor* and emoluments on Joseph Wheeler . .the American soldier of I*9*. Is something for the administration and Congress to determine, hut if his services before Santiago should be adequately recog nised there would be no dissenting voice from sea to sea. r A Jeweler NPI/FLTIES New goods arriving daily that will be just the things OF tor Xmas Presents. Come 77. see what we are doing. See *LL what prices we are making KINDS on Diamonds and Watches. lt will surprise you. li. Scliwfiiiert & Co., Jewelers OUOHiIU M * A t**k;*a toa* a *•* • testy.* ngtoi p'aat i apaf of iispf->iwa JJMM ia*a«Nll* gsurpf Itgtot*. g«***waa arttl a* l ** last *a am re* •»* *'<Krws*a SMI Ito* nth at ftwrmha* at la pMhM«I «mHiaa chmsmi la (to* esceaatv* AsaMaa fi* ! toot OntosMtoM ******* a mil fasatws j <■*♦*»* tto* toMMtosutm of tto* hast yaar. Ifttitt Knars, a htwraar at A*eh I MSsMmI Va tosmghl III* Ctoa*taUrwwf hew I it? r« rev at Oolasaha*. !a*t Ttourwtai., tar |M.*to*. Tto* grwwd lary at lJh*et» eswal* toaa iwi maasada* tto* ssSaMtatoiag lhar* «f i a high artosaai tl oil) probably pr la-. rated a* Hla sat lit* , It I* to*ties*M tto* Capl*f *sMl Wand | Ssn tail read to hr baotra a* tto* toa • *a»«a torn* total»*!»»•> to* anMple I tato to totaUatoiro wit hla abatti fltej Colaay Clllten yitagwfaM aill alert a i natps 1 irti t aad tooaasi art v 4 sto* »sl« | ..a tto* twentieth Instant sad alii to* able to pfsiseat a solid front t» *1! oto starlea after tto* flmt of January. i ytaad frma wader! Tto* Oafbtoerate vetsvaa* of Kloyd ! eoaaty toavr memorallgrtl tto* »tala lore urgiat tto* p**a*g* of Ito* Itrwndrm bill* th* otojort of ableb I• to red weal jail pension* to an ladlgrat baHs. Thar* Mill be tarn tieb*U la the fl*W for mayor and counrlliaen la Iralatoo | nett Month Tbl* will b* lb* flfat j ronteat in lb* blaiory of lb* tow a. In-, corporauml for II y*nr». Tto* people of Rorky Hill Chur h In Col* (oumy *lll telebrnt* Ctorlntma* ! in truly religion* f*«biitn. Tl*** alll hegla a a*rvice on Friday bef.»r* chrlataM* and coat In ue until Cbrtat | mas night. IMnn*r t»1!l he aarved on E the groaad Hnaday. Tile Athens fire depnrlment tried tOj | Jay the dual of a vitrified brick pave ment on last Thursday. Tto# reault aa*. a aolid cak* of Ice am* formed, anti policemen had to b# stationed at either end (o beep vehldea frogs pass ing- Hon. ft. T. Neabltt. ex-commlaslon er. any* that Georgia will kill a tnil- I Hon hoga this fall. Thai la one to two of th* population. Hog raisin* Is a growing Induatry la thla state and there la an incr*aalng m..vement to ward a diversified agrirultur*. Dabioneya Nugget: It seems that from the proceedings of the North, Georgia conference, that there are #ev-1 oral preacbera belonging to It that will ; not pay their debta. The bishop aald that no man ahould be ordained who I would not pay hla debts. He said that he had receleed many letters from the ; creditors of preachers and he thought: if there was any man In the woild who ought to pay his debts it Is a Methodist i preacher. Oglethorpe Kcho: Prom several sec-, 1 tlons of the county reports h*ve reach-1 rd us of the appearance of green-heal-. e<! wild ducks In larger numbers than fever before known In swamps and aloug streams. They are affording sportsmen lota of sport and many good | meals. The weather wise say their p:esence la a sign of a long,, hard win ter. Prom the temperatufe we have been having the past week we believe there Is something In the sign. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of TTIJD -ATTOTJBTA. HERALD PRES, MONROE'S VISIT TO AUGUSTA ||« ||«h U|i !&. IH|t. »M fit fiitfi 1,u»4 liU, tto* tubwatinti *• tto* ItotM ttt* toy • Mepc*e«e* T%# *!«■*■•&>! Imm tmm fiitfiNl ••w* ; | iWf 9*nm4«4m WiHffipMto ftfUiM I 4««.flfcC Itoi* < ItotoO. a* **4A HtHß* [ imrNfttoto MUmrMwth, Pf’M 1 j 4«M| tja'ujif'Wf HMM mi Atto*« «• HAf j i |jnA till |l# Mti* »ltolwl*ltw4 ■ *n4 il* »*»* «M>ii r ->fi4Mi I f Aj I HtN Ml *1 ll* HMHf • MfW rn I i ImMAchp «f f In* . lA# ItttMiM U#4 TV AAAwfVAI mMHhI •*!I I IIM MOMMA IM AfMk M« I fHMM 111 Aft t**t* RltfltMi II HI lAiwM'l* j f t A»l lA# AfM'Afiit 414 M Vff 1» i tA** fRMfRMMhMI «t f4|4. W i ft* ftkCfpf . *t| I At* rtf I# Ml ifM -*t IN® MM'llßtoWt" * I <4 tV «M 4 Mil Mnfvn* t«n A# I |M« tl IA Ml IHfMMIIMI ftHrtolttol I's tAR j AftMMl MNAIVf Mt OftM , lA# llif An W* H TUI (V MMIMf «4 <v ui» Hr, w, M Twt. TV faptwiMr! V 4 IV |IM* rrHIMI *V **' I vtiitVi. MAA-A V Aft** I*4 m* 4 tmf \ fit* iMltyr of pi|Mt. liii4wMMy w* I ffT»VO4 I TA# lottiotioo mm4»t PfuMl • W. TV flitifr* Him, rnOMV V r*4Mlo4 it 4 VII to V «If*« 14 fOOfllMl to j iA» tT'MtaMt of lA* Vmn*A Alltlt «*4 IV —• UM4441 4l lA* 9*1441#™ M«*#i ft4frof4 9*. riofVll rhu. IjHumr. Wm Mo»ifmn#rf, XAOO. tflooroMO* M 9 Wi«ir. % sxsr* J«UPI HatTt«o4a Joba tvihlll W. M. Noll. M4444#™. Mm# IS. Itlf. ToV 4 Hittirfl Trtfi. At Mill V tv MBi" oi in* preaidrat doe* a«t appear oa the la i vHailoa, but Mr*. Tutt. who attended |lke ball told (‘apt. McCoy that Mon roe was the president referred to. and that toe had km *lv*a a grand ova ■ ik>o by the rlliaen* of Auguatn. An . other tact ahowa that the Prealdeol re ferred to waa Monr<>*, as be waa the ‘chief eiecuttv* at that time. History tells oa of a aw-rn trip of President Monro* during the same year, and It j is supposed that he cam* on down gome of the Descendant* Home of the descendant* of the prom inent gentlemen who were manager* of the Monroe ball are: Kdward P. Campbell—He was an un rle of General Joseph Wheeler and jt 1 relative of the Montgomery* of this Wm. Montgomery—Also a relative l of the Montgomery family of this [ city. The*. Flournoy—He waa the grand father of Capt. M*son Carter of this | city. M P Boisclalr—Father of Mrs. H. I Dempsey. John Carter—Father of Capt. Mason | Carter. W. M Holt—Grandfather, of Ordl ; nary Ale* Walton, and fathec of Chas. I Holt. MANY A LOVER Haa turned with disgust from an other wise lovable girl with an offensive breath. Karl's Clover Root Tea purifies ; the breath l>y It* action on the bowels, etc., as nothing else will. Hold for year* on absolute guarantee. Price 26 cts. and 50 cts. Hold by—Retailers. T. A. Huston. Anderson's Drug Store, Alex smler’s Drug Htore, West Knd Phar macy, The King Pharmacy; Wholesal ers, Davenport A Phlnlsy. CORPORAL StIAFMt Wa» Shocked Yesterday While Riding on Car. Corporal Shafer, Co. H, First Mary land, tvas shoeked yesterday while rid ing on an electric ear. Corporal Shafer was coming In from camp, and the ear being crowded, he was alttiog on the floor with his feet reeling on the steps. When near the Standard Oil works he In some way lost his bfllance and was thrown to the ground. As soon as possible the car was stopped and Corporal Shafer pick ed up and brought to Dr. Goodrich’s office, where an examination proved that he was suffering from a severe shock only. It was deemed best, how ever, to lake him to the city hospital. He Is all right today and haß been dis missed from the hospital. An Enterprising Druggist. There are few tnen more wide awake and enterprising than Howard *. Wll let, who spare no pains to secure the best of everything in Ihelr line for their many customers. They now have the valuable agency for Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. This is the wonderful rem edy that is producing such a furor all over the country by its many startling cur es. It absolutely cures Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoarseness and all affec tions of the Throat, Chest and X.ungs, Call at above drug store and get a trial bottle for 10c. or a regular size for 50 cents ana *IOO. Guaranteed to cure or price refunded. O ASTOXII A, tha »Ito KM You Ham Always Bought ...O' liVh» II ■■ Weddftg invitations executed In the most'correct style at Dunbar & U ll liams. AW> ' - * ■' db-tot-jr Paln*Killer. I • Miami's* 1 *» Nat* laapta. he** #---• *»»• (a* ■ (Mton.i«w*R»<« cdu***, I (OiM. •*(«•**(»•. •ttototoUHto tto aev* toO earn! Satan*. f it >#A 4# AM# * t «** »44>f'w»t, I p p%mma daymt^J MtoNtlh l.w M l*>NtctHtiv X *i*+4 4MI9«R alt A|rtf* t i«t# |H< tfrtwßto ‘ I lAiAIN 4lt**R#s : ■«**!» ft •* , iA IMA am. ANw»( U«t it . n I UstofrifMf „ Vftft - ' |Trt to»M#l4 ItNAH I |«»il fl_ e |V# 4rf VMNi gwi A# 144 A<4 »"# S f l *! I];t t Will A slV9lllAi fv #-tf | ||r ' ,sf < * . * ||#ftof*»t *4 lA# CAVf'-Onl* ! 11***#9 4# lA# A p4ffM>»4 A# lA# W #r4A, ll« Mint# 4A4 9fv#|V4#4f Iflt'fNM * I |i*—4A»m# 44rir4ltiir«l t*vT#wrfli »!•- | ikMi «• >tk Mavmuml of r#ftn I lU«t«r >4 pfwff *4 t(v# #l#t A4l «*HI (% i|ti* 4 (tint 4(ll9A#l# ** lirfWftt md UtfMkfl# (4 ADlmAl* AAd RllimAl AfodACtt | l*uM»t *t»o«to of lA# fttcsl |*#4f lA* * lit•n4 r«ffulat>or« of th# AurrAu of 1 animal ln4tt«try > -*l*nw« of •*#<•• #n4 j trrrit sos lA# rvMff»t of MftttffAtif (iintmol 4V#A4#4«*l-sAWf . f tl4t#» *no ! rttiliv* to dairy prrduftt n f |«| hut *4 IlmilrJ RttmVr It 4»#(|tnHt 1., th, rioparttneftf. tV i<*i.u»iml»r Vint JoVn"Hy< lr "gl att.Hrmn' Pp. 4. (atc U V lav. Dtvlalon of tttaliallra.) Preliminary eatlmate* of the yield of < am. bach* he*t. ration, tolmcra. Irish and aweet |s.taloea. hay aagar ran* and a, Igbum. A lay aatlmaie* vs fot.iac SWIe Mtan.landa for Dairy Pr.slu.-tjt. hum. compiled by It A. Pearaon, Aa alatant Chief of Dairy Dtvlalon P. T. (Circular No. 9k. Bureau of Animal in <]u#t ry.) Table ahnwlng Ihe percentage of aol- E l,| n fat* rsmtatned in dairy pphS II, ta a* require,! by the laws of th,‘ acv- I National and Htale Dairy law*. Com piled and a bat tS'lcd by It. A. Pear aon. 11. H., A**lat*»< Chief of Dairy Di vision Pp. lit, 531-19*. f Reprinted from the Fourteenth Annual Report of the j Bureau of Antm«! induatry.> Best Honda fur Farm* anil J'armlng Districts. By Roy Stone, tope, tal Agent anil Kngineer. Pp. 111, 501-504. figs. 131- I]fj, )p rnm Yenrlsiok of the t'nlted Flalcs Department of Agrlcultuo fur lap!.> Reprint. i State Highway* in Maaaachuaetla. Rtf George A. Perkins. Chairman Maasu {chuaetts rtigt* Highway Commlaslon. l'p. 111, 505-512. tFram Yembook of the i United Slates Ik-partment of Agricul ture for 1694.) Reprint, i A report upon the Forage Plante and I Forage Ueaources of the Gulf State*. |By S. M. Ttacy, formerly director of [the Mississippi Agricultural Expert- I mrnt Station. Prepared under the dl_- Ireclion of the Agrostologlat. Pp. 55. : tigs. 20. (Bulletin No. 15, Division of I Agrostology.) Price B cents. ! Descriptions or soil* and natural pas ture#, and suggestions for the forma- Ellon of permanent pasture* and mead lows. Also a list and deacrlptlon of the mere linjiortant of the native or culti vated hay and pasture plants of the Gulf States. Check List of the Forest Trees of the United States, Their Names and Ran ges. By Georg* B. Sudworth. Dendrol ogist of the Jilvlsiim of Forestry. Pre pared under the direction of B. H. I‘er n»w, Chief of the Division of Forestry. Pp. 144. (Bulletin No. IT, Division of Forestry.) price 15 cents. Losses In BoiiLng Vegetables and. the Composition and Digestibility of Potatoes and Kggs. By H. Snyder. B. 5., Alinah J. Frlsby, M. I)., utid A. P. Brvant, M. S. Pp. 21. Hg». Giulli tin No. 42, Office of Experiment W ll *- tlons.) Reprint, Price 5 cents. The Chinch Bug: Its Probable Origin and Diffusion. Its Habits anil Devel opment, Natural Checks and Remedial and Preventive Measures, will. Men tion of Ihe Habit* of an Allied Euro pean Species, prepared, under the di rection of tin Entomologist, by F. M. Webster, Entomologist of the Ohio Ag ricuitural fbxprrtment Station. Pp. «2, figs. i». (Bulielln No. 16. new series. Division of Entomology.) Price 19 cents. Farmers’ Bulletins. Ting Cholera and Swine Plague. By D. K. Salmon, I). V. If.. Chief of Bu reau of Animal Industry. Pp. 16. (Far mers’ Bulletin No. 24.) Reprint. Fowls: Care and Feeding- By G. C. Watson, B. Agr., M. 8.. Professor of Agriculture in Pennsylvania state College and Agriculture of the Penn sylvania Agricultural Experiment Sta tion. Pp. 24, figs. 4. (Farmers' Bulle tin No. 41.) Reprint. Standard Varieties of Chickens. P.v George B. Howard, Secretary of Na tional Poultry and Pigeon Association, under the supervision of Dr. D. E. Sal mon, Chief of the Bureau ,>" Animal Industry, Pp- 4S . tic - 4 -’. (Farmer* Bulletin No. Reprint. Experiment Station Work—l. Pre pared to thejoffice of Experiment Sta tions. Pp. »!k (Farmers' Bulletin No. 56.) Reprint Care of Mbit on the Farm. By K. A Pearson, B. K., A«silstant Chief cd Dai ry Division. Bureau of Animal indus ,jy. Pp. to, dig.-'. 9. (Farmer* 'Rulietlii No. 02.) Reprint. MR. GAT HAS A SAY. Mtlkt* Ito Ml, (4ft** I-'*** j iMMIiMI ft# t»*m4to 4 I 4it vow v#>l ft MMM ll# ft *#* Hftt. KAm 4 r*»*f |lt«rto Ihtnll, 9**l 4 ! (4 r#4u« l»m lift §l-9# pf-r <{•« man n h<*n the ft «n 4 ft LH# wit 4 frw WM i #ho«* ihr injutotlit <4 th** rtil. 4 dry (noth m«Ji o! this rltjr! v iint* 4 to fftluto*' ri|H*n#**#. and h# hud to rut thr la Hr# of th# rlrrk# t*> do | rltv 4««t th# mc*rvh4fit« of flouth Car* olln# and North w#r# tuiirin# ft.r rlrrk blr#T No ; «4 rouri*r h# aouldn t. b# would find out th# amount * hr mantl'd to art. and thm hr nmild n du«r rftch man proporfUmatrly. from th# floor walker to thr ra#h boy. Hup* t»*i## th# mill# had followed th# #am# j plan; that would hove h##n a asrvtrm* j •tic and hualnea# like w#y of rlolnx thlnfti. Th# mill# eould havr rt*dur#d rvrryluwly # ••*’*• & l*‘ r Mil, arwl th# j torn who ar# making ft rent# and §1.90 m day would hardly have f#lt It. And I may nay that a 5 prr e#t»t rrdurthm ! applied to th# wait## evrtybody In j the mill# would rau#e a greater aum to > arrru# to the mill# than tb# reduction j they have made. •*I have heard the atory about one of the pretMdent# of the Central railroad who reduced hi# wag**# from §12.000 to i 17.040 a year In order to prevent a re duction in the wage# of the track j band#. The board of director# met and derided a reduction nniMt ho made and . set tied on the track band# a# the one# who## wage# would be reduced. The president asked the amount the direr- | tot# wished to gain by the reduction. On being told, he knocked off §6,0001 from hi# own salary. r#du< #d the vice | preoident, treasurer and ether high-paid , otndal# of the road, and said: ‘OtnUa* men, her# I# th# amount you want; we will rot cut th# track h»nd«.’ That mun was a hero. Are tli#re nny mi!l | presilient# in Augusta who have enough religion to #(a« that way? "Mr. Estes auy# something about j sumo of the operatives only making, two-third time. Thla may or may not | |be true; I have no way of proving that : it or that It I# not. Put Is that an excuse for ft reduction In wages? • I ilid say something «t the meeting of the presidents nnd operative* about Augusta mills paying more than the Carolina mills, hut I think the stenog rapher has misquoted mo. I »al«l T knew of two or three mills in Houth Carolina that were paying leas than the Augusta mills. This Is what I said. and. I think, the committee will bear mo out in it. . . “1 have been told the mills will make an effort to start up Tuesday morning, but 1 think It will be a fruitless at tempt. The people ore as determined now as they ever were. As long as we can K«t bread we are out to win.” 1 Wliat,fCiroceryman Said A promlnefiTgroceryman In West End xuiit to Tha Herald representative: "1 think this Issue is more a fight of the grocerymen than the mill opera tives. Just as sure as the strikers lose this light the grocerymen of West End Hie ruined. The mill operatives will es tablish a commissary, and will refuse to trade with grocerymen because some of us have acted unwisely. They know now from experience that a commis sary is a success, and if they lose they will establish one." ft Is claimed by some that the King mill has a list of 400 names who arc ready to go to work as soon as the mill belt rings. WE DIDN’T MEET ALL THE SOLDIERS Rut all those we met were gentlemen. In the Ist Maryland, Captain Porter Company G, strikes us as a typical representative of ’ the good old school while Captain Norton, Company D, of the 1C th Ohio, is SouSlv to be congratulated, because he is also beloved by his com- S and by the way, we hope the entertainment at the Open Hmise for thebenefit of the Soldiers tomorrow night will be a rousing Cecils We are with the boys, and if we can serve them we hope thev’lf call on us. We're Dry Goods merchants and carry the largest lines of Gents’ Furnishings in the city. Macaulay & Co., 810 Broadway. It’s Dead Easy lt» xWet tcraifeW Xnui in cut* 1 ito**. Give arcacnu that will be iptmtUMd. FOR A Oo*kmjn Fine fcW4***o*w Slippffi. 51.50. L«4y Fwval Fuf irtmmtd Slmca, 11.50. Getochnun-A Nk< Fell Mat. SI.OO f*jj. a Nkt Drtu Shoe SI.OO Aha Duity ether u*elul jrtu k*. touch At t-mbrelUto t«4 Trunk*. If you with to help t poor chiLl buy « fw<* of tohoet—food ; iiipd dkin I coif much here* HAA TWO MINIIA. (Ml Otonto. T «lto*f Ited and HrtsMS I « Hl* M*.v lad. 1* tMfriHir t# ft##- ft **“•*4*4ll §§4#*#. 4 ft'sv4# rosni| <«#%!#«, dvISMt t§ 14**4 sh# in i4gp i«#4M#4ib%#y 94# pMsHkvt ftafctog burmir 1 inlrattr »#««•* ioMHb sad ~ ~ (%flir« <iw(i!toi Isihks. K*i* and | to.-«ft( • Must Imp sold. Fleming 41 | Hli#'- It require* ir.oury to g#t lot' l "* He Ye*. *nd It reqnlf** br*i»* lo , keep out of It—Truth. I.nmen** *toeh of toy*: ««» many tn j idsto r v eu**— J —~ e lto* ,tl>WCD ftT-i ®oors.Sash and Bunds i li n v ocvCc) Mill Work * rfi ill LI OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Lll 4 YELLOW PINE LUMBER l‘.Jfc *" * r*t, u ay ANOSKW Mill EQUIPPED WITH UTCST IMPROVEMENTS AND A 1 0 OP&KNIJATION THOROU6M IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. fei iU jFULI LINE IN STOCK ANO PROMPT SHIPMENTS ASSURED — am- PRICES. CATALOGUES.ETC-.UPON APPUCATION. « — s Perkins Manufacturing Co Augusia Ga. B. Allen SSEOk ’ 830 BROAD STREET. I SELL THE OLD RELIABLE A Excelsior M Sins. *• **' t' heeting stoves of mi kinds BUSY DAYS $lO, sl2, sls HERE ...Suits... So many men like our styles and prices they never experiment buying elsewhere. And the number grows each season. Small wonder that it should. For every normal man likes his Suit and Overcoat to be in the latest mode—well fashioned and possessing the air and fit of having been made for him. We put It mildly when we say that no such worth can be got the country over for the prices asked. If you buy and wear one of these Suits we guarantee that it will notdisappoint your high est expectations. I. C. Levy’s son & Co. DECEMBER rs. TWS JACK (UKOftlR IHmm n«i f 4t# I tiffdif ft #B m H## M«<htr4 to ft Ml. I §N#ta4 Ms* , I*6 I# THf «11l #9 Ml* I4l# utiHi’iM# jk« II *laiMß#f t fm«d 1 4a». * ♦.## hi* iam«4* ISt Ito# M ha****'** iU utittof Ik* y 4# K# 2a#k flard###. «#llk itvHy » Hf# ra* #1 tk* ft tmm go## ;» #>#»■* ' a# l |»4t> .I Me m*f* fa# kt n Hf#Mtfti w# Ik# I * r-r #< *#»«•** frtolur* «4 lift «tU gi##4 I dftt i*-I»**4afV |yd»*#f I# Ik# sdtontttoigffMe ( lay # It t#fral4 f»«-m 1 *4§t «I* M« fta# her ft ft# Tift Moetmi Hi* •rum «i r.R* A:t» sod tk# I«y Ing-Ml !it >46t*ite| t«'*#lv# lift ft# «a4i, end Ut#f* air f#>r*ftial of ISftftk. I Nutt rr« u« Minn and «t#«4ft#* r#v«l#4 OAftTOnXAto rTT' dLvfff&sSt 1 l.ssnt Un* MI4 Mabngann *nd ! ~a k |h.x from |4.1t0 to 32 ■" Fl*m«