The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 20, 1898, Page 7, Image 7

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WES! END IAS TREE. Where the Contributions Should Be Sent. |l «• ri“mi‘~* W Itow* «ttl W MM »•*»«•»** kxoaaio IW to** dI«M U HU* •*» StoMto*. •*** ***• •• *>»to*toto* *•*•*» Ik* HM n*4 pmmpmrnrnp flfiPii f ■**% Ml* «4 »W <*•*• t» *«*»«* tort* '« fin W«nt Bn 4 CMMMi Ttm 9 WR| MM Ml ft»r - * * mm* ilftllf rl MM Ml MBftMftMMM* tfe# flUMff MIIM ******* ** fiMirM •••*• Ml <Ptt* MM pf***®** 0# • PMMI *%«t 4**PM ** *N **• M ; tl# Mi CkffMMMM K~ t«» drMM» tt*» «MNM t* •*« «f AWMO *** MM !*« ***** ti«***li4i M ffclt*!*"* *tMk ***• ** MMMMf? tmm *»<*• Mil * «* •* .... . - ■- -- M A (kit if ftl'ffidist ÜBHpKI tht fUMItIiMItIM ff#«4i.R«* *** |®F •«*» * w mi |M drM CIMMi iMltHf. UM tw*> rUM !■ tW rttr of Anwi* wko *Mm to task* tM* (%HM> ■M • luff mm tor Olka* rtotMt**. k»rr* tor tk*BHlr« I* 0>*»rln»»- mm of ratttlliUW to IMlkto» kitoto**. ritortilw lk» W*M C%n**to>* t»**c A NttoitoHloK of lor W toiti totoM notkttof to 'k* •*!! tol ••* *«•? *WMr*to ot •’’ril-MMto Hi*'* *"*t R «M • oic* urnn* • toief ra»<ty. • toy. .otowtW** »b»i iwona < tvri.tmw to iy yiff If fltt Mil li Mitt MAtt? Mlltioi. I#t IHfJf f«il4 Id tu«u'i toko ariatoo to rotolly *«)°r Ala or k*r Cbriatma* r»m*wb*r tto* Wttot Bad HkUo oae* wttk a toy, a bit of frail, or oosrtlilag of that aatara. Mlm Julia Moorr at TA* Harold ottoe*. Is trwMorrr for tti» food W>* arill rorotro aad sottablr ockaototad** rwriM* of m<m*r doootloa*. Ftalta aod rwftntou fboold l>» salt to Mr* B. B. Bailor. Mi Grara* Mrrrt. »bo arill rertdra aed arraaga prraant* ©f throe kind* for the IttO* w»**. Tb« Htrtll will b* th« Itfiot for toy* of all kind* and other orttele* toblHi it la dmtrrd to eoatrtbuta. Tba Herald will *ee that all rnrb prraaat* arr ptared la the pnmmkam of the proper distributing romtnKl**. DR. BROWN DEAD. H« Was Too High Church tor Btahop Potter New York. Dee. It. —Rev. Dr. Thom as* MrKre Brown, for 8* year* rector of the Preteataot Eplacopol Churrh of Bt. Mary the Virgin, died today of pneumonia. Dr. Brown waa the lead er of the rHuallatlc moTetneatl In the Rptaropa! cbnrrh. hi* attitude *o att tagonliing Biahop Potter that for a time the latter refuaed to etmhrni glasses in the St. Mary Virgins rhurdi. Dr. Brown Introdured orchestral mu alr and artrocated the elevation of the boat He introduced a aurpliced choir and altar candlea. and Inatalled the confessional. Hla congregation* he taught to bleu tbemaelvea. and kneel when paaaina the altar and to use holy water. When the ne*v church of St, Mary the Virgin waa opened Biahop Potter wax present to dedicate 1C Class from SC Mary * were then con firmed at SC Thomas, and Father Brown's triumph waa complete. Two Pointed Questions Answered. What is the use of making a better article than your competitor If you can not get a better price for It? Ana.—-As there la no difference In the price the public will buy only the bet ter, 8« that while our profits may be smaller on a single sale they will be much greater In the aggregate. How can you get the public to know your make Is the best? It brth articles are brought promin ently before the public both arc certain ♦o be tried and the puhllo will very quickly pass Judgment on them and use only the better one. This explains the Urge sale on Cham berlain's Cough Hemedy. The people have been using it for years and have found that it ran always lie depended upon. They may occaalonally take up with some fashionable novelty put forth with exaggerated claims, but are cer tain to return to the one remedy that they know to be reliable, and for roughs, colds and croup there is no thing equal to Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. For sale by Alexander Drug A Heed Co., C. It. Parr of Bell Tower Drug Co. ___________ "/Thard fall. A Fourth New Jersey Private Jumps From Window. Greenville, 8. C., Dec. 20.-A Fourth New Jersey private yesterday eve ning jumped out of the second story window at provost headquarters and was taken to his regimental hos pital dangerously wounded. He Jumped bead first while drunk and his ( face and shoulders were terribly j bruised. It rannot yet be said whether he is fatally hurt or not. He could not he Identified at nrovost headquarters, but he Is thought to be the same prisoner who made a similar lump when the West Virginia detail were on pruvost duty. Whe-a the lvtruer Jump Was ITtade the officers in charge would not allow his recapture surmising that lie was sufficiently pun ished by the Jump, but half an hour j later they narrested him on another i charge, brought against him after he j had made the leap. A DOUBLE LEAOUE. Harry Weldon, ot Detroit, Makes Prcdktloo. Detroit. Par. 20. Harry Waldoo. who, with Tom Doftns and Charley Cromiskey, created that superb organ isation of bait players known as the Ml. IgHils Browns, champions of the Atnerk-an association a doxen years ago, the rredlt for nblclt was usurped by Von der Ahe. la in Net* York, cir culating among the league directors, and In without a vision. Weldon de clares that a double league will be the plan In ’.Hits that It I* now receiving favorable consideration, and that It will be con*oimnateil before the close of the meeting. Louisville and Cleve land have had enough of the present arrangement and want to sell out as a means of getting out. A ten club league would tie even worse than a twelve, and the only rational solution of the difficulty la a double league. Weldon, however, la of the opinion that the division of clubs will not lie eeetlonal, but along the line* of the day* when there waa a National league and an American association; that the National will lie composed of New York, Boston. Philadelphia and Wash ington iu the east, and Plttaburg, St. Louis, Cincinnati and Chicago In the , west, while the association teams will be Brooklyn, Buffalo. Baltimore and Cleveland for an eastern division, and Detroit, Milwaukee, Indianapolis and Louisville in the west. This seems , hardly probable. Cleveland naturally , belongs to the west, and to place that j city In the eastern division would call for long Jumps from Boaton and Wash ington to Cleveland and hack again. The more rational plan would be for eastern and western leagues, the sole objection being that the cast does not embrace enough large cities to form a strong combination, while the west would have a surplus of them. Wel don's plan, however, throws possibly strong light upon the action of Van Derbeck in negotiating for the Louis ville franchise and players. Such an arrangement would probably prote< t the association clubs from the ruin of a draft. For Whooping Cough use CHENEY’S EXPEC TORANT. The Insatiate demand for the buttons of military officers as souvenirs and as rafTle prizes at charity bazars holds out the prospect that our army will have to go into the next .war with its rai ments held on by safety pins and shin gle nails. Bucklen’s Arnica Salve. THE BEST SALVE in the world for Cuts, Biulse*, Sores. Ulcers. Salt Rheum. Fever Suies. Tetter, Chapped Honda Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions and positively cures Plies, or no pay required. It le guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money re funded. Price 25 rente per box. FOR SALE BY HOWARD h WILLET. THE HBHALD MltKttt) m A IC«*AmW ntunt *•«. Motiao Moatow* • I •tototol M*« aaMMi r aputoto i * I tKNNMMMiIb t Ml ¥%**! j ■ «»*»* ttjM* *af tfe# ft 1 j <*<*«i ***»#«*« #«yfm «%*#!»#** «f i*t» mm | ***** mmmib.* t* •* j tmM fftnm ilk idilNMf In «*»-«** !•> I** j '*» !!LT£ j I cAMPf* IMSM* a I* vlp vp* **•*#•• • iw* j MMM* «|!ftlVMt* 1 * %m MAM* ♦* IlM* *•#**" ] lto**l Itol Mto UMHIkaM *M rto*A* ftp* *M | MMIMI *«* fvtoPl% j Ml *1 ImM* *f IM* M*M If M** •IM* | IMPPIiNNt * fWPBi Mil IlHk I I fNnf «Mlli * ||p|*v»li* fw j «* ««** «m m* <tow otofci I otvivw* roik** »*«• *« •foaaw* Ta* k«»-i x tz t**r*«M <m»l4 Mr* pi**up* t h«r# tK* * rmm Ml * In* b*ntm f m f** • I aw mmf, M ♦*»*• •* il to **» (** Ptllßlin kitlMPf ftKftAt* ** *‘ TIMM* I I r*AfMPt \rnm MMMM *tV* mm • i* Ml* Miffor. If |rfPt %m*m I* «•!■*» ' WMltf «»M tW I mm. \*m * [ U«HM • ■fiPfpPT p* *P | promtC *t to*t rwu»f»*M t*;i m* I t htj Ik* |MMI *1 V'WkMl 0* til* Im* f* t i tkmr, ii*t wttli *<> twlfilt > If I . mump* t hi M* twwW iMlt* M j I for mw* • W, I," 1 tvalfeto. 'aloe* I ra* 4© *«• MIM- I m*«l accent that " 10 «w* lloto iiat *|| mm* rult i Mttli ttA, • l»t i*lit I\*m i ll«t *** H#(b( v#rv I foftt *« AIM* I* | tM tWM. A* ***'**•' * «*• fN«nfi *il«*p mh*n «i*o«t*Mljr I r*»*i®*i ttiv«k*lf in Ui* ctrotf |t*fp of I pow*r* |fal man. At tM *aow tnmaat a rrjr [of ipaftnir rmml tM air an nutsntßincj rotr* plirtrkod, ‘till antr* m*. wotMr , Mnrn nw* .* TornM? frtflit*n*a, I : oprtfki from tM Mil In horror. But [ alt waa still 1 eean bed the room In voln No one waa there. The ga* we* atlll burnlqj, | the door waa lotktd everything t*«* ** i I had left It on going U> aleep. Ho 1 . one laded the terrible experience I had I waa a nightmare, and as I w«* thor oughly tired by my Journey of the pre vious day ft did not take me long to I g,t over my eii llcmenl and fall again asleep. Only a few momenta had elapsed, however, when l again felt the clulh of those deaperatc arm* and my car* were filled with the sound of that pier cing ahriek. 'Slave me. mother’ Oh. save me” Again 1 ahook O® the hor ror. waa fully awahe. convinced my self that I was alone and that no one 1 had entered my room. Gradually, I I R rew calm and then from abeer ex haustion fell asleep again. My rest was a* brief aa before, for In an In stant. It seemed, the grip was around me and the voice tore at my very heart si rings. "Oh, save me, mother: Save roe.” It la useless to rehears* the contin ued torture of that night. Sulfite It to say that with the dawn only It ceased. -When the maid came to make Ihe fire, she said. "How did you sleep, madame?” I replied, - l have h»(l a night or In ! tense sußMlng." "Oh.” she cried, bursting Into tears. "I told them not to put yon in this room. A man died in 1 here yesterday of delirium tremens, j Hit cries could he heard all over the i house. For days his constant appeal I for days was, ‘Ob, aavo me, mother! Save me.' ” This startling corroboration of my recent Impressions quite unnerved me. I begged the maid to remain until T could leave the room whose walls had witnessed and were still repeating the despairing appeal of that distracted soul. I never think of that night In In dianapolis without a shudder.. How to Look Qood. Good looks are really more than skin deep, depending entirely on a healthy condition of the vital organs. If the liver ta Inactive, you have a bilious look; If your stomach Is disordered, you have o dyspeptic look; If your kidneys are affected, you have a pinched look. Secure good health and you will surely hava good looks. -Electric Bitters" Is a good alterative and tonic. Acts di rectly on the stomach, liver and kid neys, purifies the blood, cures pimples, blotches and bolls and fives a good complexion. Every bottle guaranteed. Sold at Howard A Wlllet's drug store. 50 cents per bottle. General Weyler has been offering his sword to various factions In Spain, but it has been declined. General Wey ler'a error lay in not remaining in Cuba, when he would have had a chance to offer his sword to General Shatter. ■■ .1 i Onyx Tables at prices that will surprise you- Just the thing for a gift. At Richards & Shaver’s. A pretty effect Is sained by using lace beading—the kind which rounds out and is like a string of beads—between nar row hands of silk for the collar and cuffs on a silk waist, ffnd between groups of tucks for the yoke or waist. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of CASTORIA V . . ,W\V .V .vwvk'wtVW'i'. Tfc* K Inti Yatof Ho»*> AI*II* llwtokt, sad »feta It *►*« toatol •a M*w faa *uf BO )<-***. Imm taafto* (law *♦•*•• we* aa t * bo* Itowtoi toatoai* aadrf M* twr* \’fM . aokal myrrtl«a«*l Mace tf* Itoßatorv, AWwn tin wnr In ~ ?*~* *** *^ t *~ AU rwaktotorfeH*. tmlfaitf«a** *wd Mk»lll«lr« hut Ka> yrriauraii I Hal frill* *«k awl r«d***»f RrwMk a*f ltolMtol* kWI ttllMw-Rugfleof* *«»•••• itM»ftoto*l. What is CASTORIA fkrinfli <• to •uMllsl# IW I *<l»r Oil, Itotorirtr, l*rtop* and tonalJltwg Nyrtopw. It la H*r«at*«* Iles*s*l. It mlslM tovtlbwr Opium, Morphine too* ntlirr HarvwO© auMswv. li* tf* to ll* *ii»m*(ee. II d*»lr«»» M ..rm* nn.l Allay* I > trrl*kne*«. It rare* IMarrtne* ami to lad ( oltr* It frU*fm TffMilnff TwniM*** fHit'* I nn,| H»tn|e*r). It a**imllalr* Hip IW, Hfulalea lbs M„m*. h aad llaorK (It Inf lv«-nlltiy ami natuml *lr*>p. Tk* Chtlilrrw't INiaarcto Tkr Notkrr'a Frlrad. CENUINC CASTORIA ALWAYS j* Bear* tba Surnaturto of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. The “Maine” Album! M . v™ f " CAPTAIN CHARLEB D. SIQSBEE and Interesting Scenes associated with the destruction of our Giant Bot ahlp and her Heroic Crew. Souvenir Edition! Few Incidents or American history have b *f n *r iulckly P unon excitement and national Indignation as that which foil , , the destruction of the Battleship Maine. In response to th '‘ ?_ mand for a pictorial history of the 111-fated warship. It* oo * "ey fact everything in connection with It leading up to and Including I a asaas slnatlon, we have secured and offer our readers this week a beautiful Maine Album or Portfolio, the moat complete photographic recuid Issued upon th subject, embracipg splendid photos ot The Martyrs Which Is riow ready for delivery nt our office, or by mall for Ten Cents. CONTJ3NTB UF “MAINE" LABUM. . Captain Chas. p. Slgsbee. General Fltzhugh Dee. The Battleship Maine. The Destruction of the Main*. Havana Harbor and the Maine An chorage. The Harbor Entrance to Havana. Gunner's clang of the Maine. Views of the Maine’s Crew off Duty. A Minstrel Show on the Maine. Ship’s Company of the Maine. Please notice the Maine Album above advertised Is one of a Bouven\T Series” of eight portfolios, devoted to the great Heroes and Achievements of the Spanish-American War, each portfolio being a special number devoted to a great and principal event. nt Next week No. 2 will he offered as a Memorial or the First Harrlfice of the war or the heroic death of Ensign Hagley and Ids companions, inclu ding many oilier special features of the curly events of the war, such;us tho vessel that fired the first shot; (he first prize; bombardment of Mptanzas. f litting nf the f ables, etc., etc. Then in weekly aj)«i oomiebUtlve orAAr will appear the following. THE JDEwjEY NUMBfiK The IMo and battle of Manila. THE SAMT-SON NUMBER—Bombardment of Salt-Juan and Morro Cas tie HOBSON ifcND THE MERRIMAC—'with additional special features. ADMIRALdJCHLEY—The Destruction of Carvara’a Fleet. THE SHAf?TER NI'MEEIV-The Siege and Capture of Santiago. GENERAi.a MILES AND MERRITT—Army Operations In Porto Rico an,, Be l Hurca l itd'gel each number of this souvenir series while you have an opportunity, and advise your friends to do the same thing. A SUPERB Photographic History Devoted t Exclusively To Tui ‘lain” Captain Siasnee The Jfficers The Crew General Lee General B anco A ClrouD of Junior Officers of the Maine. Wardroom of the Maine. Tile Court Of Inquiry In Session. Funeral of the Victims of the Maine. Disaster. A Fruit Vender in Havana. Milk De livery In Havana. The Captain General's Palace la Ha vana. General Blanco y Arenas. Looking Down the Prado, Havana, SUNDAY’S HERALD "A Newspaper For Newspaper Readers ’’ Something About Sunday’s Herald. More News better News Quicker News All the News Exclusive News The Sunday Herald is the Best Newspaper published in Augusta. Give it a trial 10 Cents a month. 25 Cents 3 months. 50 Cents 6 months* SI.OO 12 months. Postage prepaid or delivered to any ad dress in the city. Sign your name and address below and mail or send it to the Sunday Herald. Augusta, Ca. To the Sunday Herald: Please deliver the Sunday Herald Months at the following address: No. and Street Name You Don’t Get The News UNLESS YOU READ SUM'S HERALD. K-—r==p====^ /C TV F n a'n K Civ (fe / \ / \ famoJ* / \ / \9 C uahi'O'p, f Y \ £h ' o^ I / Y p °** rbi »\ 1 / \only to B \ 1 f \ hard \ )/ j. \ Centre B»G\ d i \ Veryfine^\^ < \ \ Right TwistX 1/1 zzz==n=k A NEW BOOK ON BILLIARDS BY JOHN a. THATCHIH Ca'kfon Carom Cbunplra of ohlo'H •«5, whinrr of St. I.oul, lluudfotp HJ, ihf Jorg'-kt fi>nnittm*nt on rmcora, Add tl»* only iHnyer who w« l»*«t fSlo*»on, and Iveß in tu« UUIIH KjurDHJDMt. OF INTEREST TO EVERY BILLIARD PLAYER PARTIAL CONTENT*. 100 OIAOMMB OF S OUSdIC'N SHOTS. SCHAt FEP'B BTHAIOHT MAH. MUAHeI. CVENY STYLE OF BALK-LINE GAME. ALL NUAaiNQ POBITIONB. FRENCH OORNfcR GAME. STORY OF CHAMPIONSHIP GAMES AND iNTERfMTIONAL CONTEBTS LIST OF CHAMPIONS OF AMERICA AMO TOURNAMENT RECOnOS. ETC. T!)p author Rlv»8 many raluaMo fuiggestlona to novice* which bpvvc to render cl*»ar the methods employed by the world’s exports. H will show you HOW TO PLAY Cloth, vs cents. Fletiblc leather, SI.OO. Jitpages Size, sx2l< lnctie,. Sent, prepils, to *u.v »Sare,» ou receipt ol price. Augusta Wii Herald 7