The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 21, 1898, Image 1

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<ggg » a t»»t »«*. vfcwut, 9AHKGS ‘mw *AM. gsEaESS •**»««* !**•*•* pm *•*-* ANOTHER FIENDISH CRIME COMMITTED Mr*. Mary Ar»d#reon W** th* Victim In Hack- Mown Last Night. Th# Nagro Was Hurried Away to Savannah to Forestall the Possibility of Violence. f *#§•? 4#*#l«fftft#fttft Ml (Mb# #tirft*»» | Hftßcrt #4 til# MH«)t are 4# atpftft Hr* * Mwr Aa»rae* Mr F*»»h #*•*• «#• M*i »•* *«#*- #* #«•«• •» •*** | WfMr mi u» jas»-am "* * p*m*m( toft*: ftftitif* lll*® (it flflM | f now 4#tfftif# IM ill* rti»t ••* | 0$ ti» newt VftvfttttftS H*ft frftHrr—*t t«« loM ll» aftato MMttr t*» “C.TZT—M-l |P had MWIT **•#* **». AUMTMM ! ( M„ U»**» «WM«UrO( h«K*»ilU ’ #rfe#t ill# fftt#fttt©6* w###. 5111.1- COMtNQ Art Ikt CralAiitloM lor Ikt * »»t I nd ChriMMM frtt. Mim Mthuary't mom at th# Central grammar arboul. «arb la4ra with * alfl for Uk H'mi Ka<t Chrlatma* Trro. Tie llulr folk, for their hind Tti* tbiiit of tin* commute ir<* ilmj extended to ibr lollovrlng contnbu "To Ibr pupils of Mrs. A. C. Hurwrlt aad Mlw Minot# Adam. room, for too 59 of wtilch vw fittod with raadr: 1» Mr. P- P- Horkan for dolls, to Mr*. J. M. Sayre for a lot of toy*, to Flournoy Carter Moor*. for randy; to Mra. A- Burn, for a box of .fork* me* to Frank Ellington for an ov#r roat to Florence and Alter Kill*, for • raft* and package of toy*; to Anne Kelly for randy; to Sarah Evan* and L n Evans, for toy.; to Cbarllr Da rt* for toy. And to the following who have con tributed money: Berry Brnaon .. .. .. ..$5 00 H. It. Johansen .. .. I,W F. E. Obeoaugh 1.00 Air* Kelly * 5 J Mr*. Oardelle..,.. .. .... !•$$ K. A. Watkins I*o Caab 2 50 Mr, llrmphttl .. .. 1-®® Caah 1 00 Caab 1 <*° All children who desire ticket* are requested to either leave their name, at the placea designated on coupon, or he at It. E. Elliott's about noon to morrow. All who are thinking of contributing money will kindly do »o at once, as only a short time now remain, to aid la this work. TROOP TRAINS. Detachment* of Tenth Regular Infan try Pa*. Through the City. , Three section* of a troop train pann ed through Auguata till, afternoon. The train* bad on board soldierg from Huntsville bourn! for Charleston, where they will embark for Cuba. The flr.t train arrived about 3 o'clock and the others about a half hour apart af terwards. The troops were the third and last detachment of the Tenth regular in fantry left at Huntsville, Ala. There are about four hundred and twenty? five men and five officers and several cars of baggage and about fl'ty head of horses and mules. .As the troop trains move slowly It Is not expected that the men will arrive in Charles ton before tomorrow morning. This will also bring In the transport Sara toga, and very likely the start for Cuba may be made the same day. In official circles It ie said that many more troops are to move through Charleston during January, but no de tailti can be obtained. The report that all of the men now In camp in South Carolina would be shipped to Cuba and Porto Rico through that, port Is very generally believed lo be correct. There eseme to be no reason for doubting this, and as none of tl»e men were ex pected to move during December it ap pears quite likely that the movement mff begin early in the new year. Miss Hilda Cehrken has returned from MlUedgevllle for the holidays. J. M, Sloan anti J. E. Jennings of Savannah, ate at the Commercial, W. Bishop and E. M. B. Sheff, of Thomson, are at the Commercial. TO* CfVTO A ***** THE AUGUSTA HERALD. you Mr ah As III# fern’ «&«#### nf III# rftftto IMS* j nrnr fcftereti tfc# riif istfcsrttln ##H* | 4*4 tftftt H tw.4 «m Mltf to tftft* Ik* I tsrrM oet «*f uiat ft# ftwtofcijr ftft ; ipnaatM*. ; Thee* kaAtMwaaa talk «*f m lyaHtiag. I h<kft tto jftft #%f»#tt#iire> of • hs 11$rots sgi< t«f* Mill ff#*li hi No | U ftftftr## ftftfl to to* tftfc#*. Witfc • ftfwftfttn### ftftd ftaad fo4g* mrot tkkll •»«« he on 111 ftft iy roll rod- j ;HI oil ottf tcrerfi. 9h*» mm* ftlft##d j Lo Href** *»f Mr. Fretff fluftorli did j j akeo to dot on noli ns she S d troto. j Ttw rttj is quirt and fietkltf of it rirltlAi Mists ortlt ooor orfur. CARD IH THANKS. From Mbi Mary Holt, of tlic Wo* »onk l oir. I To oil (hr todies otto oo kindly if* votrd Ikdr lift*# to making thr rt frrsknrßt deport mrot of tkr Masoiu ? Ftir o prrfrrt iiwro*. to Moaoro. Wil- I hare F, Kvf, I*. D. Horkgti. loha Hrkaridrr. Cftftrto# CocMlrkfi for tftilf rootrilHiiioft*. Mr. J. D. Hobo and Mr. Abr Kills for brrod and kt ovary ilay; Mr. Kd Ptott and Mr. Ilooioo fnr S ktodorao rwolvrd. to my fi >*oul« of tbo Hook and for no Imoutlfttlly jiiffnmilnt mv tHnfnx>rnom. my otoerrr tbooka are reti»mod. vitbini oil i a Merry Christmas. MART A. HALL, Chairman Refreshment f>#|iortmrnt Masonk Fair. TMEIR PORTER COUINEU Colonel Wm Howard, of the .Maryland Militia. Visit* Camp Mcken/le Col. Willlard Howard, a traveling man from Baltimore. 1* at the I* anter* Col. Howard I* an offirer !a the Marylemi state troepe and a n»tni>er [of the men In the FI rat Maryland tegi i ment were member* of companies in | hi* regiment before enlisting In the I'nited State* aervice. Cal. Howard went out to camp this morning to shake hands with (he Maryland hoys, who gave him a royal welcome. The Morse. Defective eyesight is often the cause of shying, and the whip will not help that, • • • Teach the young horses to walk well and a good foundation is laid for the faster gaits. • • * A light daily feed of oats can nearly always be given to the weaning colts with ibenefit. • • • Feeding, watering and grooming regularly will aid materially in keeping the horses in a good, thrif ty condition. • • * If you want your work horses to rest well at the noon hour, always remove the hurries*—lt only takes a few momenta and Is so restful to the horse. * * * It is a waste of both time and money to breed your marcs to good stallions and then let the eolts take care of themselves — great care should la* exercised so that the colts will develop properly.—Farm and Homo. Hitchcock for the Interior. Washington. Dec. 21. The presi dent has nominated Ethan A. Hitch cock of Missouri to be secretary of the interior, F. W. Johnson of California to be register of the land office at St. Marysville. Col. Hitchcock is at present ambassador to Russia. He was appointed minister more than a year ago, and when the rank was raised to embassy, he was reappoint ed. Ex-Convict Suicides St. I,ouis, Mo.. Dec. 21. David Shea.ian ex-convict, deliberately com mitted. suicide today, by shooting him self in the head. Tn a pathetic letter addressed to The Post-Dispatch he says he was driven to his death by a p,*T vate detective agency as the result of being hounded by the agency. Shea declares he was unable to obtain work to sustain himself honestly and deci ded to die. Col. Barrett Killed. Concord. Mass., Dec. 21. —Col. Ed ward S. Bariett. the national president of the Sous of the Revolution, ivas killed by falling from a window in his home here today. He was about till years old. DARIRG ROBBERY ATTEfIIPTED rwuiM k • CMiiKMt* Mwvtfii. Th* IMS If OnwtWl Mil tlraaaka 1i«u«l*fl Mb* . Hs#. tla *"* A I | »*>««*.- r*«tf >* *tt(rsn*d mm* imml* t**' h#bl •*9» • m* of lb# 4n»rfif*i K% pram 1 Ifftl ce-'T* (N AMS* *» * *■ •*•*§#.,, *ll tHMSf. f#b«Hi Ml MMiMMI 1 ■ I **4 ’kHS »*•*» l«» !»* » mr •*• la 'taia* «* M*.»aa*r W. A. Flak. Th* mhlt-rr rlllh*l j flrt Tb# flr*l k«iW ®kiuH k» Ik® ww* pft |««4 ##4 tb# MAffi Wtmmf «**' irft4f<4 MMI ill t## «#f»* I BUM. I Tb# iMI sutboctllbb s##rt*b»®a I far i flu* MILITARY H<H*. A Delightful Ouatkis »a the Mill l ast l\*atag On# of th* most rnjoyshl#* Htlrrlitß* mruta ner given In Auguata warn the'Hary hop give* at the Akuml ltrt night by th* oPtrera to .amp. Tb* jrYrutng,w*s tor tong lo he retnemher j.*l Iy all ao fortttßate a* to be peaoeot. There wee* a oumber of vlaltina girl*. ;and aumberw of the two g- raw rluli* j were pirwent. Among the g»i»»u of I the officer* were: Mr* D. Morgan Tny t lor. Mr*. Wright. Mr*. Denny. Mr*. H’nntrmm. Ml** A tile Eve. Mia* Anna* I tiel Crjnnton, Ml** Lucy Alien, Min Amin Stovall. Mina Mareelia llvr.l jwi< k. Ml»- Neville Taylor. Mi** Minnie |'t red Pmkham. Ml** M*.lge Twigx*. Mi*» Mattie d'Antignac. Mi** Tl"w»le • Vvlllinm*. Miaa M#r*y Reah. Mi** Mary Moore, Ml** Madelle Burrow*. Ml** Willy* Konev, Minae* Annie anti K’.U Wright. Mr*. Jidtn Tulgg*. Mr*, t.andho'tx. Ml*» Powell. MU* l>* dt. fJnrrett. Mi*a Young, Ml** Warren, Miss Warner, Mia* Bacon. Mr*. Man ning. MU* Meigs Mr*. C. Henry Co hen. Ml-*e* Ch*fee. Mi**e* Smith. Mr*. Evans. Miss M.wie. Mis* Carro '. Mrs. H Cunm.lng. Mr* F. H. Miller. Mr*. Markey. Mr*. Oirnril. Mr*. l.eon hsuser. Mrs. Gotxleo. Oen. Sumner, Col. Duval, corps headquarters; Col. tvts, corps heatkiuarter*; Lieut. Sptedllng. corps h<*idqiißrter«; MnJ. Strong, divisi on headquarter*; MaJ. Wright, division headquarter*: M*|. I’< well, ti'vision headquarter*; MaJ. Harman, division headquarter*; Lieut. Com at., dlvUion ht-adquartera; Col. ' Fvsm>, division headquarters; Lieut. A tvey. First brigade headqtta'.vM*; i i.leut Meade. Flrwt brigade headepta’-- iers; Lent. Welbon. First brigade h.adqoiirtere: Capt. Norrl*. Beeond jlrlgad* headquarter*; Lieut. Ing'f, Sect,n I brigade headquarters; Lieut. Griggs. Second brigade headquarters- Capt Hattman, signal corps; Lieut. P iringtcn, signal corps: Col’ latua hauser. Fifteenth Minnesota; Lieut. Tenney. Fifteenth Minnesota: Lieut. Mitchell. Fifteenth Minnesota; Lieut. Tallin, Fifteenth Minnesota; Col. tint xl;.m. Fifteenth Minnesota; Li*ot. p.nilth, First Maryland; Lieut. Isaac, First Maryland: Lieut. Ryley, i”r t Maryland; Lieut. Wilson, F'irst Mary land; IJ< til . Constable. F’irsl Mary land; Lieut. Brewer. First Maryland; Capt. anti Mrs. Pnsey, F’irst Maryland: Capt. F,!iss. Tenth Ohio; Lieut. Good hut. Tenth Ohio; Lieut. Hatch, Tenth Ohio; Col, Irish. Thirty-fifth Michi gan, MaJ. Bandboltz. Thirty fifth Micli- Igatt; MaJ. Betts, Tenth Ohio; Messrs Michel. Bayne. Cohen. Hammond. Sto vall. Watson. Nixon. Wilcox, Johnson, Capt. Twiggs. Messrs. North. Ridgele-e, Walker, Miller, Wathen. Clark. Dun bar, Stokes, Denny, Harris and other*. AN ELECTION Will Be Held in the Village of Sum merville Jan. 7. The voters of Summerville are reg istering for the coming election in that villas-- for commissioners. The elec tion occurs on the seventh of January. The registration closes on the 28th of thfs month. There will be no oppo sition. unless a dark horse turns up in the race. Moonshiners Killed. Middlesburo. Ky., Dec. 21. Advi ces from Knox county say that three moonshiner*. Jacob Lambert, Greer, and and unknown man. were killed, and several of their companions woun ded. in a battle with revenue officers. The officers were not hurt. tflfll f«IIS*A*T lUi* Miilt t*l THnfcf. AUOINtL OA. FATAL REAR END COLLISION T»i Profit I'tiallf Wtufcl m tk* Kailraad Dashed lata ky Ik* I >pt»H In** vhheg*. N*» Yelk IH II A PHkf <a4 (*’• ; HulaHi flffi-Y #t r«N| #•I tb# fSreMMkt !»##*# | f”#t(kfv# mitoffi tfvmm W#b • |« *% wb'Hf b tffi#Ai}iiM# Ml kwi# «f f »"'i Ift% ** ffin«f «RPfMHHI lb#*i#b 4S4VC f#l#l I# I tmm* m+f* r#f m*4 bf<* #»4 I Imvlli imiM# tm fbfMti fnaMi »k* lk*ir l Tb# rulttiloi %*nm*m* *H* ‘ I wOi* M*n« hVk threw mil** I th* dkhrekffiHP aad Nra tfcrk «F*“ (. •T'reinii®# *• fß#|iiffiiYYYf pj II re* It *« i $ ri*»b«n< tkreink !rI« tkf !r<NMltir llkf «nd mkwwl pfkTlrf. Tk# *n l lift# of lb# (*kki|o #t|»r#o# 44 jiofl# to ft itop *Mt! b»ff ib# jrftr ftrim blft«lttn« ft-imd. Tb# rotor*’*l I |»i»rt#r ovul o #ftio#afrr % rr# «rniki ii# oft fop of tb# boflrr. tb# toftfi#* tftl#t#<k to#*! t|py ftltb tb# 4#brl* ftfto mu. h' ftfkdMftf#*l The *agls* of the Chicago axpr*»* taa* badly da max and lit* taad*r j thrown from the iraek. Heyoad *ma*hiag the (kHttkers expreaa ear and Jrar platform* that train sustained no other sertou* damage, and none of Ita passenger* war* arrlously hurt. Previous lo the collision. John Yan drrver. the tnglaeer of the Chicago itralvt. *n<l the fireman Jumped off. Both I received wap *Mitmd*. I The Eastern train »** composed of .mail and express car* The Bartholdi 'waa the orly pa**enger rir carried'. I Th* rear baggage rar was empty and j proved hot a aliglft impediment to the caglne. which forced Its wav through. The paaaenger* lo Ihe Bartholdi were thrown forward between broken wood work Info eecuplng *tc*m wntl flying glass. Th* ear toppled over on the aide, and lay slanting against the bank. For t»vo hours two women and two men lay pinned down by d*hr|«. [suffering from Injuries. It w»* Iffi imaslble to get them out until after the art Hal of tne relief train, which came about half past eight. The italic of the boy killed wa* W. O. Dewolf. Inf Parkersburg. W. Vs. The name of the porter la not known WORK I NO FAR AHEAD. Lines Already Laid to Send Blackburn to the Senate. Islington. Ky.. Dec. 18. Ex-Ben ator Blackburn I* already laying his line* for re-election to the United States Senate to succeed the sound money democrat. Senator Wm. Lind say. Hi* thief lieutenant Is Col. Wm. Chinn, who made such a gallant fight for Blackburn In thL Kentucky legis lature two years ago that Governor Bradley called out the militia to press him State Senator William Goebel of Covington Is a candidate for the demo cratic nomination for governor, and from present indications it looks as If he will lie nominated. He and Black burn and Chinn arc working band in hand lo carry the legislative districts for Blackburn. Although tile elect‘on for legislators does not lake place until next Novem ber, Blackburn already has 0115, his candidates in nearly every the democratic legislative districts. By » combination with the county democrat ic committees he will hold the ma jority of the primary elections and convention* for nominating these can didates early in Hie new year, so as to prevent the friend* of other candi dates for senator from selecting men favorable to them. CITY COURT SESSION. Held Today and the Usual Array of Small Cases Disposed Of. The regular week’y session of city court was held today. There was the I usual array of small cases of larceny i from the house and concealed weapons. ! The defendants were in the vast ma jority of cases, colored. The exception was that of Charley Cheeks, who was tried before the re corder this morning on a 260 section charge and bound over to the city i court on a charge of shooting at an- ! other. He received a ten months’ sen- ! tenc-e. Mts. A. H. Lombard and Mrs. F. H, Rowley have returned from At lanta . Miss Lizzie Camion, who has been i the guest of Mina Nettie Weathersby, j returned to Ellonton today. AUGUSTA LAWYER HONORED Ml. Uttar plirK at (It Kilffitk* Uw Hwri. Atftffi—t* Haa* Ay tk* »q»r*—» Cswrt intfrtst. Tb# fMKphNM# r#vH mm %■■##•#?4#.f •# 9*>iftt#*t lb# iMMMNI mt #t#ftitft#**o cf ft# tt ft#b iftftMf i rbftl fftftftft • Jiawfth M. laftftMif. % Tb# m4*t «9f «b# tmmn i* ft# («>! Tb# «*r*#f ml lb# 4wH. • **!• #*#trl## lb# fl#|#4%lliNl pmm*f •fuiftlity *|#fin*4 | ft*r# (••*## 1". II «•!« A* !**l»*' of Kirbfti#4 jk|i|M»iiii#«l for a t#rn» of oil tb# of four mra, it>4 tb# tbiitl for m t#i a fvi of itn ymrm. I n»«»» tb# ftrel dmf 4% bo Ihrv Art. Tb# r|*»(rm»n Mr Wiw»binfttott D#o Hitt, of Mu* on. »• ft former |»i##sd#m of \ |iif* j| Ulr lint aswMifttbftt. .Mr. Jo»#|»b It. laftfttar of Attgwta mm* on# of th«- s<Mfift#r« of tbv <*#orftla iata in tb# rr*mb of f’hathiiTO i» * Ireirntd |«w ##r. wbo mm* b*»nor#d bjr havinx bii ic|a opiftkm ndo|>t#d by tb# aw* f>r#m# conrt. Tb# •< t <if tb# ft#n#r«l mu*#tnl»ly nn* s|rr whirl tb#*»# x#ntJ#i*t#n *»#r# ap |N»lnt#«l wm »|if»rov«*d ftftd #lnn#*l bv tb# iov#mor on M*knd«y. It is sn amendment of ihe art of 1*97, which placed upon the supreme court the duty of pasalng upon th»- written ex j *mlaaUoa* of IypUHMI for admission to the bar. Mow the New Law Work* Under the new law Ihe supreme court ! appoint* Ihe examining hoard, makes rule* for Ym government, and certlflea to Ihe quamlratlon of applicant* whose examinations ar«- approved by the board. The examination* are written and conducted in the presence of any Judge 1 of the superior court, but the paper* t ar c gent to the examining board. :o get her with the certificate of two law I ~e rs, as to the good moral character of ■ ihe applicant. He must also remit to the chairman liefore applying to ihe judge for exam ination a fee of fifteen dollar*, to pay expenses and compensate the examin n*. The receipt for Ihe fee must be ex hibited to the Jury before the examina tion lake* plaee. The Examination Papers The examination papers are forward ed with a number In lieu of signature, and an accompanying sealed envelope, containing the name that corresponds to the number. The examiners will not know the identity of applieanls until their papers have been passed upon. k Ihe examining board will meet at the times and plaees deslgnalel by the rules framed by the supreme court. The original act was Introduced by Mr. John M. Slaton, chairman of the general judiciary committee, at the re quest of the Slate Bar association, and was amended to suit the views of the supreme court. As there was no money to carry out Ihe former act, thm-e have been no ad missions to the liar for about a year and It is expected that the new hoard will have a rush of business for awhile. A SPIRIT AT THE OROAN. Lexington Church Visited at midnight by a Spirit. Lexington. Ky., Dec. 18. —As Hence Klair and Dick Gentry came down Short street at one o’clock yes terday morning, they saw a woman robed in white arid wearing a bridal veil walk into the Sunday school room of the Central Christian church, seat herself at the organ and began play ing. The room was brilliantly lighted and (he door was wide open. The young tnen started to enter. but as they reached the floor the iighf went out and the woman vanished in the dark ness. They attempted to go in the room, but the door was locked. By this time the young men were fright ened badly and they ran. Pastor I. J. Spencer could throw no light on the mysterious visitor, neither could the iun ilor. s " ' The church edifice was erected thr.-* years ago on the site of the old Vla souic hall. It is stated that there were several prominent Masons in the lot and that their bones were disturbed by Ihe workmen who built the church. nr* MH I AIR A TO A# YA It(>h|‘«mv, HI A 11, 4$ m RARADE OF THIRD j BRIGADE MlliUfy IMibliiM it 3 o'Oar It Farad* «• taawary t* w Hsast «d ((•* c ••**»«, hailt* AHA aad aarad* wf th* TIMM t»Mft*4* ft#### ftl tb«iH» Um< b#ftftl9« Tb# b«ftft lift# ml « Uft#4 «# wft i tb# 9wr»4# ftftNMNl ml lb# brl»«4* tm* 1 tic tb# Wb#l#wn» rffftil Tb# liftn-ft# tb# TOfttfti##t# ftitl TO*### tb# m ft**4# Ml"' I icft# cr**««ft4. btoftb #ftftri4ft## b# 1 lift *«##M to tb# fi ini . tkOimnixl* Tb# tsiiftMt# l« #t< #pti#ftftUy w#ll Mill to! Aft# ftll VlNl ftf# torlftftftt# rftutlftb t * it«#fttf Mill #ftj»# ftrfttrblftft tb# Iftiitftrf Tbt# tfrtU ftiu to tuivt ottqrffii laai tr« m# ffiim'Mpi <tf oitrk ftbkb mmm to to# W«fttb#f ftrnftittiftg. ft#it flfttftrifty I tour nine miftlry tt*»|i#rti«*n will t*# utrft#4 Into r#ftiftMatftl tAv ill iM It It ftllt b# b#l4 it nla# o*«T<ick In ib# Dior ninc cad a larg# crowd from find #«#rri«## of th# kind b#ld oat at I * ■"!# On Tu##d#y. tb# t#ntb of Janii# r y, - <to%#rnor ('andtor will b# tn Ih# #lty • »ud ttott#ral Yottnc will turn • ret bto troofw in hr»not of tb# n*»v#r S«*v#ral of tb# olllr#r» iUt#d today. I that of conn*# it mm* tb#ir duty to i»b#y Iml If tb# r#vtow mmm ord#r#d out. tr#ry ! %»#tl -hut If they had any Miy to In sh# matter It would n#v#r occur, aft th# | • old r#«*#pth>n Riv>n tb#«n on Monday wm* enough to dampen their ardor f«»r Mint*' tim#. Th# n#w (»{><-#• 1 in# room of th# hon j pltcl tint* been #t|ulp|»#d and is In #*- .client condition. A fatty tumor waa r#tntiv#d from the hack of John I ifus»#ff, of Co. L>. 35th Mirbtgftfr, to j lay. and be I* reatiu* nicely All th«* j . aaea in the ward are on the road to ■ improvement. Camp Chat. la. Darnell of the »ijcnal corps ha# iitoui granted a leave of absence for a tow days. (’apt. HokHftf **f the 13th Pennsylva nia is officer of th# day. Third brig ade. Major thhsrtc of the 10th Ohio l* Division officer of the day. C’api. Schurmer of the Idth Ohio Is F’irst brigade officer of the day . Major Philip Read, inspector general of division. Is expected here on Frl dsy. Acetylene gas Is being placed through the hospital. 9 THE UUPUTMN& It Will Be One of the Events of the Reason. I The engagement of the Llllpotlans ; at the Giand will be hailed with de -1 light by (he many friends and admi rers of the little people. Their new I play, the wonderful spectacular pro duction. The Golden Horseshoe, wilh which they scored an immediate hit In New Y’ork and other cities, Ih by far j the best ever produced by this popular! organization. Franz Flbert, Adolfw Zink and Selma Ooerner are full of life and humor and keep Hu audience | in continuous roars of laughter. The ; bright lines, the catchy music, and the funny sit nations, make the new play a go from the start, while the spectacular features elicit constant. applause. The three grand ballets, the Pink French Ball, with all the coryphees dressed 111 pink silks and satins, the musical festival, the LUljititlans. and the famous composers and leaders, among others Strauss. Offenbach Paur, SeldJ. Wagner, Sousa, and the submarine ballet, with the dancers as corals, pearls, lushes, stars and sea roses, are not only original, hut the colors are blended so superbly as lo dazzle and delight the eye. Immense enthusiasm will he aroused by the jiving war pictures from the late war. Illustrating the sinking of the Merri mac, Dewey’s victory at Manila, Ol vera's sword surrender and other important, events, closing with a grand apotheosis, Cuba' Libre. Ihe little people appear here as Hobson. Dewey. Shafter, Sampson. Schley anil other heroes. The Liliputians will be received with a hearty welcome and there is no doubt that they will play ‘to a crowded house. Proof of Affection. Speaker Reed ami President McKin ley an- not such bitter enemies as the opposition pret'v would have the public believe. Mr. called at the white house a few evenings ago and When he stalled lo return to his hotel the pres ident accompanied him cleat to the storm door. ... PLANTERS LOAN AND HAVING# DANK «MMfc ftb t # ft ft t ft t# rsv » itMgvwti j •*(«***. I Rtragft { Iff il $ m ***MMkft j "FRIEND" WHO “DlD’Efll UP” AS THEY SAY. ,Wfc* I* tk# Mia Hi# ik* SirUxffiTO \r* MU At ? I*» kMWW.IIIf* way. tA*y «k« It. pw** Httw awd fit. Was*. rhatrtaaa rtat of il. tidkwf R-ntf • "waiuei ha* am g*« wtad* peMkr •k* watw* of Ih* ».*«|Mh»r wuta *k« ho sav* ha* »>•*• <*adlaff ttairw* a**r* m telegrams to Th* Atlanta Jnssit •too., th* strih* . t stioa aad who N( a lona t to* kept Iran til* A I4|.*l* «rrfh*r. lUMntl * kick wontd hsv# qntrhl* com* tn throi from Atlaata. Th* utilhers *a* th** w*rw morh wnr* tM tb* way At aata had tooua id m them Th*y had .tpsrtsd tn'p. kind of word from th**'* toss week* but It h*d not com*, ft mod# them dnwabearled I* thtah that th# leading iabot uatoa la th* «mtfe **at them ao wtwd of .tmpaihjr or mg. A* one of them put M tndhp; FW th# whole ihlae dawaed <»a it*. l*MW#oae bad been .ending to Th* At that put tb* nlrtke *Mu*rtap Ih a* sh- M.lotely false Baht. Th* Atlanta Journal I* the laboring ntan’a iep i la Atlanta. The labor peopio raw tb* telegram- la Th* JoitrMk! »n<f were misled The Journal Is aot tr* iilante The paper ws* ImioMl ttp«w that I* all. aoon aa the August* labor men rleleeteri the imposltkgl and wet* able In print in Th* Atlanta Journal the true fact* th* x‘ aata a bor people tame to our help quidtly— m> quickly that It proved th* atrfttl tlanger that was In the work that bid been done tinder rover tha l had neats done without warrant. Mr. Gaff know* who did It. He will make th* public charge soon. Mr. Gay has ia tmisted that he I* s young geatlemaa who Its* liesn passing aa the friend of the striker* and the people of West End. “If what Mr. Gay my» he will prov« Is r-roved It will be shown that an in- Justice has hern done that will he on pat .tons ole that a man calling him self ottr friend has actually gone out of hi- way to keep sympathy and support ftom us by wiring to s disinterested paper things that were not true— things that were calculated to hurt, cripple and discourage it*—thing* lhat really, and apparently purposely so la trnderi. did us harm until we found out the trick and exposed It. it was cruel ft wan hai*l-het.rted. The cru elest mill president wouldn’t Have done this. “It Is hard enough to Ite hit by open enemies.. It la harder when your pro fessed friend, under the guise and cloak of that friendship, strikes at you strikes you down and gets you to your knees before you realize the truth. My God, It Is awful—awfnl to think that this I* true—that, to wha« end f do not know, we should tie so betrayed. Fix pose him—yes. expose him, I F’or I hear he still poses as our ’dear est’ friend, our 'real' friend. God for bid!" CIOINO TO SAVANNAH. flaster mechanic Milan ot Central to Leave Mere There is lo be a change in the mas ter mechanics of the Centra! railway, ftp the first of January. P- J- Milan, master mechanic of the Augusta! shops, is coming to Savannah, and T. B. Irvin, the master mechanic at Sa vannah. Is to he transferred to Au gusta. Mr. Milan was here yes terday looking over the ground and the shops of the Central. The friends of Mr. Irvin will regret very much to see him leave Savannah. Sava nib nil 1 Press. A POPULAR EDITOR. W. \V. Price, of she Washington Star Has Relatives Here. Among .hose Who accompanied the President on his visit to our beautiful city last Monday was Editor ‘.V. W, Price, of the Washington Star, a very popular and much respected gentle man. Editor Price is the brother-in law of Mr. Joseph H. North, who Is a wry worthy and esteemed citizen of this city. Mr. North and family drove mu to Wholes*, wit ere they met Mr. Price and ntt ch to their regret they learned he wq* only to remain a fey/ hours with them. Mr. North wns com plimented with a trip through President's car and also received Ili an troduction to the President ami lion. it. A. Alger. Hon. John D. Long and Hon. Lyman J. Gage and, last, but not leastvto Maj. Gen. Joseph Wheeler, U. S. V. Cavalry. It is to lie regretted that Genera! Fitzhngh Lee did not get to Havana in time to so.-ed the parting guest in tLe person of General Blanco.—lndians apolls Journal. Boole men have n resuiaV Sunday meriting attack of homesickness when the church bells ting.