The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 21, 1898, Page 7, Image 7

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WEST END XMAS TREE. Where the Contributions Should Be Sent. Il M nINMM IM MM* tMM M W* * ** l * t **** ™* •f I «M U Hi tk» tMll tifttitWL **** •* 1 * , ''* , *h*» ewi* pwwpHwa* «••*#** •***• ’■*** ” l ' ! ***** Mtaft *• raamiwM *» »i* W»** *»* ’ *«>**»*» 7 *—* WHi IH* tgrfm *Mt* Ml fft* #*tf MM. •Bfc "I VMMitia* «M iluMuii aaii •# *qggt*rv®#eei, •■MM Hi eia#******* ******* ** ***^** •m •tw im* awwpiiH • •■•*»** #•*• ** *# '*• * l!1 * m c&w* 41SMI t |ff#i l wff ®® HM %®g ** ® W* M«NVt IWMI •NMNIPt !&•* IMN> #t»* , ** l *' r Ift ** * *** {■*»? l|MPißi**4* <#t IMNWMI •»*» •*•• •> * ?**«**"* *** ’** *" I'lrtHHi •»€ )**f MM§ •fcMfll***** *• tJKil* t»* ‘ #f ft* (VM 0404'* Wrtltllf. Uft lf*f| tIHI M tki A»f ww •%« ******* ,rt ~ h • SkA# • •«•* «4b*f fWtiCil. K#f*f»« far * * ***** ’■ * ■«*.«.*» >» gfM of cottlttutilf to liOlt*f • fwßWMtOw’r ' 1 "**“ f.«‘l Iff#. A fOfttrtfcwttWfc *** * t# r#nl|i m • ® Mar ••tl W*M np? rfcll4ii» <»f atw 4** ** ***** • air* pNMNNtt* • I*®* 4f t&Mf « • **** '"”***** It# rtllfi fe«H If r«t taaH t**4 i *M r i •°* rtrtps * ‘ ,R ' ,l,n ’ h || tWV*UI VtO WHMNI It ft**** "** *” ® ■riPimw ' w Wftt Etf tttUt oat* wjth • toy. • Itt **l fr«;i <*f * n ** lf **' r,s ’* ’** ,r^ mu Julia Moor* 1 . K Tilt HtcaU! oik# I* tr#iiar#r for it# f«i*4. Alit trt!) mtir# Ml M*iMr aiiotMi# "**!*• of Mtr don.tU**. Ftattt »«*t roafftrtlm +*M W *44 «* Mm II ». Ratter, W% Orr«n* rff**, »ko •HI ««*»** «<» *rr*iif« »«*♦«"* «f Mr IV IHU* oa** W ||) tfce 4#pnt lor lor* Of at* kHidu Mil oth.r anlclr* wMIHI It I* dnlrrri to roirtriMitr Tki- Hrrkld will •** «h*t *ll »urk (irrarnu ar* al*f*o la lh« pnawwio*) of lb* propw «Mf«bnlla( rommHtro. l iterary Mote* rotnlng to thl. rounlry. Mr Zkim - >ll b** proved h»* phtl«Bihropy and ecHMIwIII by pvr*Oa<im« a «uml»r of rich H<>bm a In New York to donate KM.iMO for the bulldlne »f new «rn»- ..j. v # * Y ( ,rk. ■MHita on ill* #•« <n ,u, *‘ Carman Krlva, qu«*n of Hnuroanit. wilt celebrate hi Klh birthday the laal of December by laatiine a n< * volume of folk-lorr. which deal* with the »to riea and tegenc. which are attached to the foreata .town* and ancient ruatom* of Houmaala. Mr Juaiin McCarthy la at work on a volant* yreaentlna a plelore of Kn»- lar.CV development In all tb« art» of' pcaie alne*' the cloae of th* war with Nap< leon. Thla volume la tiThe one of tV* atfirle* of the Nation aerie*. Bucklen’a Arnica Salva. THE BEST SAI.VE in the world for Cuta, Brulaea, Sorea. Ulcara. Balt Rheum. Fever Sore*. Tetter. Chapped Hand*. Chilblain*. Corn*, and all Skin Eruptions and po*l!lvely cures Piles, or do pay required. It la guaranteed t 0 give perfect satisfaction or money re funded Price 2S centa per bo*. FOB BALE BY HOWARD A WILLET. Wfien Bismarck Was In Love. Weekly Telegraph. Johanna von Puttkarmner was just entering her twenty-fourth year when Blrmarck fell in love with her anil sought her hand In marriage. Her parents were conservatives and as such they were strongly averse to any un ion with the avowel representative of other opinions, and forbade their daughter to accept the advances of her •uitor But Bismarck refused to be thwarted In any of his intentions and they found that opposition was useless and even dangerous. Finding himself repulsed, Bismarck adopted a plan which met with full success. Having been told that he would not be received if he' called, he heard that the Puttkammers were to give a large evening party to which be naturally had not been Invi ted. Nothing loath, he made his appear arnce in the crowded drawing rooms, and offering his arm to Fraulien von Puttkamroer, boldly passed with her from group to group and audibly in formed all the other guests that he was affianced to her. Startled and stun ned bp this audeity, the parents had not the presence of mind to deny the engagement on the spot, and later on : they agreed to give their formal con sent rather than brave what would have been a public scandal compromi- 1 sing their daughter. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. Ttie Kind You Haw Always Bought j Paragraphs. An extravagant man I* always preaching economy to hi* wife. A *mali man and a *m«ll dog are al wajra feroohjua behind a fern*. A banet-all crank **>* the rain fall* alike vpon UwJuM and theumplre. With the earepllon of man the sebra. la th« moat mnt»ary of nil animats. Xatu e trie* to lialani-e thing*. A* a I man gets ’ *hort" hla face gel* long. The tfillor tries to suit hi* crowd* snd the lawyer trie* to crowd hi* *uH*. Mine a voter consider* eongres* a one-alded affair—with hlmaelf on the other Rifle. It'a only In a crowded car that the standing of a well-bred man 1* never questioned. A* a rule the man who seeks your friendship ha* a motive In view; the woman who does *o u*ually has two of thrw of them. how To Look Good. flood looks are really more than skin deep, depending entirely on a healthy condition of the vital organ*. If the liver is Inactive, you have a bilious look; If your stomach Is disordered, you have a dyspeptic look; If your kidneys are affected, you have a pinched look. Berure good health and you will surely have good look*. "Electric Bitters" Is a good alterative and tonic. Acts di rectly on the stomach, liver and kid- : neys. purities the blood, cures pimples, blotches and bolls and glvea a good complexion. Every bottle guaranteed. Sold at Howard * Wlllet's drug store. SO centa per bottle. In the prodigality of his wardrobe, the Prince of Wales Is probably with out a peer. His royal highness bear* the titles of two princes, two dukes, two field marshals, an earl, a baron, eight knights, a great steward, a grand master, a colonel of guards, of horse, of foot, and of artillery, an admiral, a Highlander, a Trinity brother, a bar rister, a bencher and an English gen tleman, and he has costumes to suit all of these jobs. For Whooping Cough use CHENEY’S EXPEC TORANT. In the height of the recent blizzard in the east, the Rev. Geo. R. Cutten, walked from his pastorate on Monte ruese, Conn., to New Haven, where he delivered an address before 800 stu dents on "Giving as an Aid to Chris tian Growth.” Five miles- of his walk was through snowdrifts which stopped trains and his eye was blai k*d and bj* band In splints. TtiS»« latter liis figuramehts, hoVsvsr, *»r* th* r*»ult of hlsipiaytng centre fush 06 th* ?H* team When It 'fta* defraud By Jlar vard. Elegant Line Solid Mahogany and Oak Desk from 14,50 to 125.00—Flem ing & Bowies. THB ATTGKTJBTjA. herald f*i It AONAI I MYajjat t *-v ** (fngtt** «*<«w aa. I #9m rrirfl hi MM hC . MM > j !'*£##taut %mm- M 4w*4 .. * ( flrtcht> dliwAft#. H# «!• l«tni In VM « firnf (-Quitft of Rftr A4nUrn) W. I m • • ! IniUan woman In ito* ! - wintry who Is a practising lawyer ! Shawnee who graduated from the law ! department of the Carlisle School last i year and arent to Oklahoma, where sbo, I wa* admlfled to the bar. . . . Qo#fd Wllt»#*ffr» na of NVihfr ! land*, vbu has tn*«*n appoint#d by Kal |»#r WilhHm (*hl#>f of tbs ilinovrr Huaaar nilnunt. Xo. IS. la tit#* four»! (#p|)th woman commander of a Cl#*iman regiment but *ban»a frith Qn##o Vic toria only the honor of having b*r reg iment railed by her name. Onyx Tables at prices that will surprise you. Just the thins for a jrift. At Richards & Shaver’s. Cinderella on the lee. Cinderella'* ela** allrper hide fair to become *omething more than a myth, I though the J modern Cinderella will i need no fairy godmother to ftirniah her | with a coach In which to reach homo swiftly. Her slipper will answer tha I purpose. The modern Clnderella’a glass slip* ! per is a skate of which the upper part resgmhles a slipper, open behind, with I a split “lado up" heel cap. The Ajn I of Steel dencrllrea this new skate as' « skate of glass, hardened by a recent process to the consistency of ateel. Kv } ery part of the skate la of glass, from the sllpper-llke upper to the glittering blade. It Is assertel that the glass blades are much more slippery than steel ones, and that they will run almost as well over rough, snow-covered ice as on a smooth Ice sheet, and will also go eas-j lly over Inequality*, twigs and other obstructions. They are made very sharp and arc so extremely hard that It Is almost Im possible to blunt them. They are un like steel skates, In that they never want grinding and never rust. Tho new skates are as pretty as they are efficient. They are very nearly transparent, and In some cases, while In the liquid etate, are variously colored. Several notable skaters are said to have tested them and in every case with satisfac tion. So the pretty skates with the!* sharp blades will soon be skimming over lakes and streams, anil youths and maidens who long ago relegated the Cinderella story to the region of their childhood will take an interest in glass slippers. Archorena and Carrom Boards. Dunbar & Williams. Communion of Greatness. From the familiar way In which Mr. Vest speaks of the Constitution, one would almost suspect him of having taken luncheon with Mr. Bailey.—N. Y. Tiroes. Pains in the chest when a person has a cold Indicate a tendency toward pneu monia. A piece of flannel dampened with Chamberlains Pain Balm and bound on to the chest over the seat of pain will promptly relieve the pain and prevent the threatened attack of pneu monia. This same treatment will cure a lame back in a few hours. Sold by Al exander Drug and Seed Co.. C. R. Parr B« ;l Will Take to the Wood*. It is bellev-d that when the screws are properly applied. Mr. Agoinaldo will execute one of those Joe Manley finishes. SHOES THAT ARE KNOWN! iPif itX*, Everything Hut is sty lish. artistic snd com fortablc. combined with the best of workman ship will be found in Hanan & Sons Shoes. CASHIN. GOULET i VAUGHAN. 808 Broad Street. * MAW MHf HANAN A AON. »ui iJIi-yt jj* The “Maine” Album! CAPTAIN CHARLES O. SIGSBEE arul Interesting scene* associated with th* destruction Of our Giant Bat ship and her Heroic Crew. Souvenir Edition! Few Incidents of American history have lieen attended by surh publlo excitement mid national indignation ns that which followed quickly upon the destruction of the Battleship Maine. In response to the universal de mand for a pictorial history of the 111-fated warship. Its capta ncy I and In sac t everything In connection with It leading up to and Including Its assas sination, wo have secured and offer our reader* this week a beautiful Maine Album or Portfolio, the most complete photographic record issued upon the subject, embracing splendid photos of The Martyrs Which Is bow ready for delivery at our office, or by mail for Ten Cents. CONTENTS OF "MAINE" LABUM. Captain Chas, D. Blgsbee. General Fltzhugh Lee. The Battleship Maine. The Destruction of the Maine. Havana Harbor and the Maine An chorage. The Harbor Entrance to Havana. Gunner’s Gang of the Maine. Views of the Maine's Crew off Duty. A Minstrel Show on the Maine. Ship's Company of the Maine. Please notice the Maine Album above advertised is one of a Souvenir Series" of eight portfolios, devoted to the great Heroes and Achievements of the Spanish-Ameriean War, each portfolio being a special number devoted to a great and principal event. „ .. , Next week No. 2 will he offered as a Memorial of the Mrst Kncriflce of the war, or the heroic death of Knslgn Baglay and his companions, inclu ding many other special features of the early events of the war, such a* tho vessel that fired the firs/ shot; the first prize; bombardment of Matunzas; cutting of the cables, etc., etc. Then in weekly and consecutive order WH! appear t,,e fo,lowing! THE DEWEY Nt/MBER—The Hero and battle of Manila. THE SAMPSON NCMBER—Bombardmetlt of San Juan and Morro Cas- US HOBSOII/AND THE MERRIMAC—with additional special features. ADMIRAL. SCHLEY—The Destruction of Cervera's Fleet. THE SfIXFTER NUMBER—Tho Siege and Capture of Santiago. GENERALS MILES AND MERRITT—Army operations in Porto Rico and Philippines. sure'and got oach number of this souvenir senes while you have an opportunity, and advise your friends to do the same thing. Known from Maine to California as the BEST that material and good workmanship can pro* dues. as FOR STYLE 1111 IMS 1 w '■ 1 it wiu. make you real. OOOQ. a txD your «tf # t»it« y.-.u **a - »a*w** «m hill ie«t# and tt»oi4aw, Tbrnt* Iff anthtOM (tiAl «aa < ti* ti<l« jraNr «»« R <iff!M4# rs tier X mat fltoffi a ««atter rltw# tin with the fwa#i«m t r»tnr and nt*!*h that Mil Sl- S STEAM LAUNDRY. 214 Jfetuffon Rtrrtl, Hhiri* |«r; i^ottam.. 2e; Cuff*, le. ! sloth i'h«inr» j A SUPERB Photographic History Devoted Exclusively To Tie “Maine” - Captain Eigslee Tie Officers Tie Crew Teneral Lee General Blanco A GrouD of Junior Officers of the Maine. Wardroom of the Maine. The Court of Inquiry In Session. Funeral of the Victims of the Maine. Disaster. A Fruit Vender in Havana. Milk De livery In Havana. The Captain General’s Palace In Ha vana. General Blanco y Arenas. Looking Down the Prado, Havana. SUNDAY’S HERALD “A Newspaper For Newspaper Readers.” Something About Sunday’s Herald. More Ne*s Better News (Quicker News All the News Exclusive News The Sunday Herald is the Best Newspaper published in Augusta. Give it a trial. 10 Cents a month. 25 Cents 3 months. 50 Cents 6 months* SI.OO 12 months- Postage prepaid or delivered to any ad dress in the city. » Sign your name and address below and mail or send it to the Sunday Herald. Augusta. Ca. 1 o the Sunday Herald: Please deliver the Sunday Herald Months at the following address: No. and Street Name » You Don’t Get The News UNLESS YOU READ SUNDAY’S HERALD, f~AT /\ FsaNKC^ve.6 / \ / \ fimou* / \ / \ 9 C'uahitSD' j \V \ Shoty / yPoe»ibla'\ / Xooly to a \ 1 / \ hard Hitter.^. * y \ Centre Bal\ Q \ 1/ try fine A NEW BOOK OH BILLIARDS BY JOHN A. THATCHER Cushion Cffrom chwuiiion of c>h»oS4- •sfi, winner of H Louis Hsudlcsp *B7, tin- longest touruamffW on record, and the* only player who ever beat ftctiMfer, Slomoei, and Xvea In the name tournament. OF INTEREST TO EYERY BILLIARD PLAYER PARTIAL CONTENT®. 100 DIAGRAM® OF B*CUaHION SHOT®. SCHAfFER’B STRAIGHT RAIL NURSE. EVERY STYLE OF BALK LINE GAME. ALL NURSING POSITIONS. FRENOH OORNER GAME. STORY OF CHAMPIONBHIP GAMES AND INTERNATIONAL CONTESTS. LIST OF CHAMPIONS OF AMERICA AND TOURNAMENT RECORDS. BTC. The author given many valuable Hiiggestlona to noYlre* which serve to render clear the method* employed by the worlds export*. It will ahow you HOW TO PLAY Cloth. 78 rests. FlulbU leather, 51.30. 244 pi,Cl. sue, 312 H Incur*. Sent, prepaid, to tmy add Mi. ou receipt of price. » iVMMIM 7