The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 22, 1898, Image 2

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tmuaadav PIANOS! Btsi Values m New and Ittractive Uprights and Grands, $l5O TO $750 Choice of Our four teed • \ Irm mAkw, W«b#f Ev#f «it, Harvard, Stull/ and Bau«r Organs Tha e'arrand A Votay Parlor and Chapai atyta». walnut and quarter Oak eaaaa. naw d**««r»t W« can mv« you money on Sawing Machine*. Bicy cles, furniture. Baby Car riages, etc. Everything new In sheet Music* Thomas & Barton, 710 Broadway, Augusta, Georgia A CAT IN THE CASH. F. J Tot,*. of iHttt Aeh* Dnm tftt For FcHm Will Sit AM T* iMictt l«rf«ftft* In «*I WT* ltt*t M WW 4ft <•*% WW4 .*y SSZ tettmiTiy M a suit hr Fts»nai*rr J Tw> r* ssalnal Mr*. Lr<»M .* *rU«« | ia omj4 Tift j ««f (to <*l |Aa«» tftl*! In Chk*if*» « frw ftNftlMl ftft'» Mr, Tmmr** who r**M*-* In Nttftrftft j hau, heir* a Iha pthMaaa*»t of a Aft** tuft# j halfadl IftllJft. aniarad It In lh* *H ahov* f *t4* *•**• **»«* WBB fVU A Of * P**Ul Vl* | jKoftamfU arlhivledaM to ta* •* ftn* a j ’T*At oa t»vt*r wfttrlMNt A ffMMtaa |Vf■ w «• I A r/t Me wa* wttetly opposed to imtfUrut Mt-niw «ft,f nightfall tn t «hll» III* *t»*y Tom* of hit neighbor. | tlL'f* ow, 4odtmt tw»ot|**'h» ,o*l to* j king llH> night hlJi.-o* Willi pi»lon*«Nl Howto, pot* woo slmpm* otMHttl l tin* Ml* rush ion 10 * Mlt**tthev t.o: lot . ' Hut IVIo' tH>wnr»ll ram# *• hetl h>* wool totrow Into Ik, Plroi regiment orn.o-1 r> Mm. Xorlno mm thtt oaeoeleiton with aonrte** rtt't ferine* and a >it* CHI crowd wo* too much for pot*, s ml Ho panted towny / Mr To* .to to not no rloily tecuttcU not to IVfo' rtomlM. H* wo* suspo tuu, from iHr fir,i lit nnyn that o Itt n hr ItirtH pen Into Sin roft< hr noticed that many of Iho women mi flatter* MH iralrua glancoa nt thr frlmo. All thla ordrtl, he Mrs. In n i-unsphary to hill pita. Thr |«>nnooeoia of the less handsome rate, nrcoritlna to Mr. Ton er*’ theory. flipped a tilt of poisoned food Into Pet a - ta* Five tnlnutm la tor hr «l* making the rtrrlr of hl» den at a record breaking apeed. While or dinarily very obedient. Pot* refused to oeon recognlie hi* matter on thla oe raaloa. nnd all Mr. Tow-era could are through the tiara was a otrrak of whltot Hut Pet, rare mme to an end. and an illd at leant one of hi* Itveo. He turned up ht* white paw* and grew eold In spite of all that rould he dune to bring him back to hta consciousness. . Mr. Towtera turned from the chamber of death to ratrh aeveral female cst ownera smiling a* though the world had no cares or sorrows, and then amt there he became convinced that three Women had rauaed the untimely death of Pet* The body of the deceased fe lln waa carried to the Chicago rolleg of vetetlnary aurgeiuta and Ur*. R. A. Hlgglna and J. T. I’nortl were engag ed to hold a poat-mortem examination. Thla examination. Mi . Tower* aaya, proved beyond all itoubta that T’rla ha-1 I tern provided with a liberal dnae -f poison by tome of the jealous female*. Hr aaka Justice Martin to allow him fit* for the death of the rat. According to an affidavit tiled yesterday. Edward Houseman of Milwaukee offeied to part with thla amount of rash for Pet*. Towers has already attarhed the box office receipts of the rat show, ami #2tK» Is being held by u const able until the' cane la decided Mrs. Norton alleges that Mr. Tovvms’ valuation of Pet* la too high for any consideration Hhe aaya that she sold the feline to Towers in April for 315 Mr». Norton, while a great fancier of cats, does not believe that Pet* rould increase tenfold in value In seven months. The Chicago Cat Club, without . apl tal, was Ineorporated at Springfield yes terday by Mr. Norton. Jennie Van Al len and Gertrude Bstabrooke. Thr purpose of thr club Is to promote the breeding of good rats. Aliev prow lers and midnight singers air not to ns fostered by thr new rluh. Only the 1 An gora* and fancy hatred nntirial* mav expect .to meet with any consideration. For LaGrippe and Influ enza use CHENEY’S EX PECTORANT. Our prices on milts only two-thirds what others charge. E. J. Henry & Co., spot rash taller*. In Dressing and Mani cure collar and cuff sets in Dresden and other popu lar wares at Richards & Shaver’?. •ftMHt a (if MtWW. ■ ff »• #lhi ** gg§ tftfrt j aM(NP‘ a I AHMAw* ft #§*»«** Ik- t* **ftf ft #* - '-IH**"*''* »'A*^AA||gMM* K f’ ttft9f94* #)giA IB# Aar* - a »wgg. « giil/m *j,t .- a f AAAAIHa ** mmmmmrn* ** pmtmwfi** gg«tr( Mis of AM 9mm • | 1 «tt| Ih In A »<Mf Mi* Im«A flHllfc - )Mi AIMiA r«r I r«ft*t Im»Mm '** flu ll» k f 49 > u< *Mt **r Ami 4m I M Am*m* IlH* VfMHAAr mmtrnrrn *t th* mm tl tprmtuSm aw ht* f**tiw** frwfn hi* rfro# l«§ till l<t*r« |«w» mn4 tmrlm* liAi k so hIA #AJA ■ Whit* AAtf »f *' <>l4# <Aat thr a ********* aas this e#frt*tii At *h«*ct t < n|r tM ht* h*s?> ryss Ukrti* with untiftMl trrtfthnrt At hr ?un»H t* a I fcih. f oUkrar a#i4 hutrtl) rrm«rh**l •ft |,«t fair to fight the Spaniard, •blth thai n(H< *f '* ‘ Why r»u Atr e%h( A<lmir*r “Hr ti in Ambush Ail thr tlmr, mas thr rsttiy, a«4 ihr Hmirtri >*hf h*4 rtrrut*|r4 thr<»u«!Hmt thr rhoir fl*Sk Young man, your best Blrl may not tell you so, ut “HuylerV* Is what she wants. Snewmakes. xnaswiTmtme kniumts. Tka Aaaaal l«*rtlK* l ooked Poa wird to With Pleasure. An annual afgir that la alwaya look ed forward to with pleasure by th« Knights Templar and their friend* 1* the Xmas meeting of the Knight*, when they meet around the banquet board and drink toaat* to the eminent grand commander. The meeting will oretir thla year at 13 o’clock noon Monday. InvlUUooa are being sent out to the friend* of the knights and all who attend will have an enjoyable time. Arautiful llae of Mahogany and Wal nut Suita regal'd Ira* of profit for raah Fleming A Bowlea. SOLDIERS ON ORIDIRON. An Excellent flame Promised on Mon day Afternoon Down at the baseball park at three o'clock Monday afternoon, the weath er permitting, the football puncher* of the Thirteenth Ponnaylvanla regiment, and the Ftrit Maryland regiment will meet to teat their strength on the gridiron. All the football cranks will of course 8e on hand at the park, when the ball Is put Into play. Much Interest la man ifested. Immense stock of toy*; too many. In fact; will close out cheap. T. SchUdn ressl. Webb l.odge. No. too. At the annual communication of Webb* Dodge, NO. HU, E. A A. M., held Monday night, an election for of ficers was had. which resulted In the following: J£. S, McCreary, Worshipful Master. F, VV. Coffin, Senior Warden. John M. Hall. Junior Warden. C. II .Howard, Jr., Treasurer. (\ K. Coffin. Secretary. M. J. Nevln. Tiler. H. P. Saxon, Senior Peacnn. R. M. Hafer. Junior Peacon. T. H, Hood rich. First Deacon. J. rt. White, Second Steward, J. T. olive. Third Steward. Pr. 15. C. Hoodrlch. Organist. T. T. Cummins. Marshal. a The election of these gentlemen to the high offices entrusted to then) is a tlgh tribute. The affairs of the lodge are In excellent hands during the com ing terms of office. The lodge is -a a nourishing condition and Its continued prosperity Is assured. Fancy French candies and crystal .iited fruits at T. Schladaressi's. High Class Perfumery. Roger A Gallet’s Solon Palmer, Rtck gcolferl Crown Perfumery Co., lamtler Fils! DttblQq, Atkinson. Comirays- lhese names Include the leading perfume makers of tne world. You don’t make a mistake when you huw these. It's the best you want In perfumery or none at all. The above are kept by the How ard A Wlllet Drug Co.'s full lines. You” may waul Cologne Water for Christmas —then take either Premium CoVogn- or Pah v Queen Qalofne. They are both choice and moat excellent and good tuste colognes. The door mat not be ■ a thing of beauty, hut it always gets there with both feet. TJfJE iiUOUBTA * WUBAIeD. XMAS MONEY m TEACHERS M#t* m| mi i mrthi'A* t t$ * fit : J t» n» p+m in ia» m iim SMMMNn I« mm «m « hnrtmit tmmm m*4 H 1 [Mt hwt BP NH«« «W the NM •** IhwfW. ; WIBhr 1 MHW* o*b*4 A* tb» He mr* *b# «•'*•* trowaawef pwt hi* [at. HAMM he »** taw bWW «*» «M»*e m*t the «herbs Far the pert tew [ a*n the Miwwlaaf art of Hwatw* I haw twww hot «w tha trail of the m»f> j tr«*ewm. awd yewtevakiy he go* tb* I treweerer * -besh hea* wwt wrote wwl 1 ; the It? r her he hfeetf Pfw# Ot-wn hoe heew aeitiag htjrn ftanw all w*wr, I (he Hate weblog bHw t*» harry aw tM 1 pay sos the tearhera Hoar of th* • asset tearhera Oeenoat ae'ary with i mer<heats haMwewt mew as/ far«*ere * : The* ha** tan writ lag that they had depewded am grti'eg hark tha awry [ whlrh they ha/ a*Naa*w/ to 'he twarh erw fer the payweret at thetr tatee CM the |t«a.MM whlh tha freaaarer w.ll ; pay mat te tha tearhera tmlay. |Ma,aM i vir rwww hark at ware lata the trea# j wry ae tatea. Bet tha tag collertora < lose/ thetr , hoohe no Mood or He rater It. »ad now tha /allaqaeata will kata to pay the A fa Tha trwor of aaarly all tha iattar* I her* raeirrd for the poat tea day*.' Ml/ Prof, (ilraa yoetar/ey. woe I»» deprartiog ut the tear her* pay to pay cny elate tat"#.' My /epartiw-Bt t# pot reepuaalht* far tha delay la set Hag off tha rbailtir. I have urge/ the 1 state treasurer attar sloe. tMeember 19 ( j io lat rwe hare Ihe taoney so that I !<oiil/ #*nd It out near t|te state. I told ' hltr he wae keeping 1300 tearhera wait-] tng for tbalripty which they had earo ad by bard work aft/ to which they were Jttfttly entitled. Me wp* also keeping many other p**»pl' wftitiftg, because the toorhera owe thetr board and small bills to the merchant*. | Rome at them bad dtaeounted thetr sal ary and the purehaaer* wore waiting 1 for the state money ao they could pay ; - their t*ie* " To Cora a Cold In Owe Ony : Tahr Laxative Promo Quinine Tnblete. ] 1 All druggist* refund the money If It ralla to tura 3»e. The genuine has D. 11. Q. on each tablet. CMRISTITAS IN LLICDOM. The Jolly Like Will Have a Right Royal Time. That band of elerer. congenial, jolly fellow*, known as Klka. are going to have an Xmas tree celebration that will be ana of the finest In the clty.j They, tbrwe good people of the Antler | tribe, never fall on Xmat to have aj good old fashion tree of the kind that Hants Clan* cultivate*. The tree this year la a beautiful holly and ha* been placed In the hall preparatory to being laden with present*. The## present* ! are given by the member* to their bro-. tber Elks. , On Monday morning the tree will be stripped and there will be a merry time In Klkdom. Many gift* are of a rldiculoug nature, and those who re ceive them must stand a bit of g<H>d natured Jollying from the other*. Thl* Is where the fuu come* In. Then the boys drink each other a merry and the punch soon disappears like the mist before the noonday sun. Verily, will the Elks enjoy the holiday of all holidays of the year. place you order for fall suit with J. Henry A Co., popular priced tailors. , We have the best large type Bibles in flexible bind ings in the city. Our price only $1.50, others charge $2.50 and $3.00. At Richards & Shaver’s. Fireworks—big assortment—at T. fk-hla taresst’s. OFFICERS OF LEU ION. An Election Last Night of John F. Armstrong Council. At a meeting of the John F. Arm strong Council of the CBtholic Benev olent Legion last night, the following officers were elected: Chaplain—Rev. Father Murphy; President—W. C. Knuck; Vice President-J. F. Armstrong; Chancellor —J. J. Joy; Orator—C. F. Markwalter; Treasurer —Edw. Sheehan; Collector—Win. Joyce; Secretary—M. J. Halllnan; Guide—J. S. Maloney: Marshall—Calvin Lassiter; Trustee*—M. ,T. MrAuliffe, L. A. Dorr. P. M. Mulbsrln. CJLSTOZIZA. B«»r« th* Kind You Han Always ftou/fit Art Squares from ff.ul) to 115.1 M at Fleming & Bowles. UIT 0) lb 1 ! EfettU t> UiTTKft* |ZL> r qwXl^a^ 1 1 .. tiHMM i */mmi wk'hh mimm# •## * > **w m..-* Bhfimn* Hmb* \Z tmTuffMim mm. mJ j n # , tß»> -* H -«• f* : I F Mh*» Ctrtft* IN*'* MM H Mew iNw« Wsyal M*os BW M j Mood MfW t»*» Rypa W- Mtv fun i ■ ass |k« nhawe MM. M M Btwaaf T MM. H»rt* TMawer T MUM Fftaw*. VoMwitwe «r-M*e Mefwm* fwaot I«*W Mw n VMm Mr* pan# WhM# M»*e Lot* *t«M, Mr* May WftlMsw MM* i wait wfusm* M«w i. M wimum i ! * Mr* L Mawlwm OMNTIJtMRN ft L»WT * |*S) Mrore. A fh,*# WlfVMa* fhv. . gov man HMarh»n*»« Iwlwas Bv-wn i 3«oa W, ii'»'iae Is mar Mr*** .HaMitVvw 1 <• Kai« COrtwrtgM I * .(?*•*■ j •aw M Cwrw K Ryaeiw T Marty T M *3n* j rt -Mamntosi flaaaaa«.a*, J A ddsfi.l WPB. <Hay M A MwMewt-w. «*b*.stop Hea Nsaw. Wliwaaalim Helds', TaiMMy It Mot- ! tow. M r Msirtea* laMfta Mynea. M jilll»hßrjr •bmb**«* . ! A IM II 4. I f 1 ***** . K it A. Krasw I. tsywi y tas-i M K». I. J. M’rt-'va* Thmaae* Murray. M. J Millar. J C. Msaaswgrt.i l*v«f. J C McCtar. A J Marvaey ft- (lav. ft l» Ni< ftatut P Henry FWMr. I t; fLy Raa/aarriaa A BwMaean, Mr and Mr* W H«« land, Henry Ret/ It- ntrte Itcatl Rnhert C. Mevanaon j y_ dentt. ft»t At, *. It.or. Movaft. F fc. A *i'* /■ d .Ntaarart T Tit and Mr* Chawf tkWs, W. f. I T Hold A* it. F Tmnphtd* V -J, ft Vaughan. ' W * Rt, T. Wallarw. Artti* W sidatt, { Wm’l ft WVal, M *rrt# taonver, T*>rq Willie Ms L B Wtlkerenn Vllth'Vf I.AVtOH H Rente Claoe <f». Augueta FumHnre Fact"' y. Manager «f Prudential Life tnsnran<e it . tle.-retary National La ion Cowarft Wheelar A Wileon Manu facturing Co.. To the Leading Photo* grepbrr. The Heltimore Furniture Co.. Ftrat Colored Church ftrtt.DHtHW f.IRT. A—Homer V. Atktn*oh. B— EB. Blankner. J*e. t, Byrd. T.t. j B. H. ttrnaeit. H. f. Matey, Baal*! tloyd. John T Baggett. C— Philip Clair. M H CllnUwk (It. D W Church. J. VF. Chamber*. I D—Earl Dunham. Chrt* lift kmen. A, I C. Dele*. Dernier Huy I>r*go. D. F. ’ Davta.ol, ileorge Dnuley. Milton Darla.’ ch*« F Dalnin-hrodej It. L. Liev-ta. ! E .a>wp Rotiert He meat ('hertee, Klltntt,"Charley Eardley, W. F. Hl*, Holt. F E L. French, Hugh Farrell, Prince Ftwier. Hauiry J Fulton. <l—Men Uobtamllb. (I*l, P. H. Got* gtah. Ll Alfred O. Girard. M-. M E Halhlll. Howard Harden. Q, Hopkins. U. Iltggln*. M/| w. W .Ingalls IS). J—Albert Johnson. J. T. Joahnaaop pernn. Andrew Jackson. L*JJohn N I.uck. W J .Lytle. T. P. latrkin, Albert Leals. M D. H. M< Milled li). Charley Me. C. William Moore, Fred Murray, Chat. McMullen, W. V. Morris, Oeo. W. Morrissey, L. R. Memenger. Oeo. Coe Merrlman. M. D.; Lewis Maloney. N—Frank Nye. O—Sliitlalr OToal. Clinton C. Oyier, Ole Oleson. P— Parrish. Oeo. Benton Pfonts, Fred Pool. R—W’llUam Roberts. Jama* Rller, Jo seph Richards. Charlie Rolsnder. S—Frank L. Schlwlck, Hope W. Htrickier. Harry Sole*. S W. Scrandle, E. H. Smith. Fred Sweet, Nick Sward. Willi,* Smith, Cameron Y. Staum. First Sergeant William H. Stuard, N. 8. Snapp. T Tayler, James W. Tooney, Henry A. Tatgle, George Tolaru*. Ed ward Thormsn. W—W. F. Wcttle, George H. Welker, K, J. White. Latvrenhe D. Woodward. D. C. Whiting. Ralph Wills. George Washington, Louis Will. y~*.\lva Young. Clarence E. Young. THIRD CIjASS F. E. Heltnka, Henry J. Fulton. W. H. STALLINGS, P. M. For Xmas we have Fancy Rockers, Gold Chairs, Tables. I-Mnps. Rugs and Desks. Must be sold. Fleming & Bowles. Fresh shipment of “Huy ler’s” received every day this week. Come early. Shewmakes’. Fresh Crystallxed Fruits at Clark’s. Christmas Time. Christmas time: That man must be a misanthrope indeed In whose breast something like n Jovlnl feeling Is not roused. In whose mind some pleasant associations are not awakened, by the recurrence of Christmas. There seems a magic in the very name of Christmas. Petty jealousies are forgotten, social feelings Hiv awakened' in bosoms to which they have longtlrecn strange!*. . Kindly hearts that have yearned to ward each other, but have been with held by false notions cf pride and self dignity, are again reunited, and all Is kindness and benevoletibe. Would that Christmas lasted tliU whole year through —Charles l>iv|^ns. Biggest stock of tiults In Augusta at f. Sch’ladaressi'*. _ _ * _ IH ■ Isr* slit mbTlH*rt TUB start* I a ii* mttmm mm» mm th» “ W<MM AM'* I Mtwj-js-' tin #4M| |/b£k \ trt i iB-f'Af iHaNi Tuft #• tflrl m%m f**h j [h'M 4* VR p#. in iif 4ft* fwwft iitMiMMMft i |Mnwft I* hftft Imm» am im fMMhf! m, lint iii iri4n m mi WM4 «tgMf ftHl (ftM MMpMNftft hft hft h# hftMt* i iM# ftUMi *M MU rHM •*§ gKB»<&4BHm rnmm j t*« tte-a'4 M»«VM M M nil# M*W# . §tw| PmtlptmWmm MIW m*M Mi UMhf m*« 1 *ftM * SITUATION WAN T EO IftrilrThyl# Hitt ■mm hM ffMVM ffthlMWh» Mrm hft ft i ttftftia j Sm« m mi " i|rTtnifit mm** nyifjittp# | #*4hm» »«Mg «Mt tt**asag MaraM IS A *TM> A paMTtrtt* Ag CVrAt'M | Han ftAlt hNPIhRf AMAr**m fhifti Hr a I HlftM Hi tftfMft. MM*- 8 XM ft *sm» nt m KU.trtkt wmmr- j Ihh w*mmm mtm ft ft mmA j mwM* *«Mft Mmmm ni»»a «tnft<ipft Mi ft | immUff. W«Mh «Y ftwMMfmf 4m 'ftftrw it ft I jMftftf I* tlftht f*MMft» ft 44*MM rum* [ IV«9fthi MMAm 4m «0 Mt 4jrrt t>--A r» ftitif a# irTutw I «f MM ftftf *m4 mi »«fh AM* I 4iii »i WtVMftfti fit•» ft*., IMt OMMftftMCt | mi 9mm t ftt# 49 " HCLP WANTED ftiwwir wiprrpirTWFwt •EKB -/ ••#*<*« »«f a rt* he*/tag I tiaiusa ag ost «>»*attaga, /Hit* aa/ dai-tka I • wot ■# tk* Ota**. stFnx»n> fun Z» I t*ll* 'W. W. T . Hetmt/ etßee. /Or M want let* - a rtiOK. apply at, I MkmywmlMm fttfiftl- Mm* S 9 4DT WAfTfh Ah 4 AUfl A fINWIt! I tflv«f for ft ommC MN9 iftftfi I fir iMti «r»**f* ft fMk in ihM ffttn If I MMtmmrn «*ft«»t« ft Mfvttl 4r»»f* ft iftri *«| lifts |wre#*«yff|> m (rt 3 11 • YfHlUl - *4#**sE* J FOR SALE rBEAM -CIIMAM AT M JaCKAoft BT. — mtt HALIt -PAPEP. WRAP PINO purpaaes Ckeape** la ettjr t <ae rant a pound Apply at HavaM ofltea. ] Bv-'k * hit* and M»»-t*Hf. Mav I FOR PALM-tW-ACRB PABM. ONB aide ftaaa city limit*, a b#r»*l* Ap ply W. C. Joaaa. M*. IS* Jackaau M Oct I CHEAP- -PAPE* FOR WRAPPING purpooe* It cants * bundled oM **- (bans** Whit* papa# I emit a pound. Mov 1 row male mt street j with a tittle outlay ran be mad* into j a handsome and modern r-#ld#ec». I Terms tt OWI raah: balance, three years I with seven par cent Interval. Apply to I K ghee ban Manager, Robt. Portaarl Browing company. dee Utf I fXIR HAIJC A I-HOHBK PLATFOHM track wagou, ,-*pa<-lty l.#o* to MU J IMginds newly repaired and a first | ~|a«e Job A bargain, at the larwrv Wagon Works, corner Kill* and Ninth street*- row HOLIDAYH—FINEST ABSORT MENT of Honte-dreeoed Tuikvy*. Chicken*. Mutton. Beef. Pork Haunage, iKtc. Free delivery anyqhere In, city, .aummerx Hie *nd Camp. Ball Tihone 'fl* E. M. DBA* Jarkkan and EDI* ’Urents. Dro. M. yeti' ■ ' " *i * TO RENT. TO LET-TWO HANDSOME DOITBLE offices, M 1-3 P#r month, all modern conveniences. Leonard Phlnlsy, TM Broad street. Dec <1 TO RENT-BTORE 537 BROAD. AND residence of « room*, 540 Reynold*. Both very low. Apply 537 Broad. dec 37 Special Notices: Special Notice. The National Exchange Bank of Au gusta, Augusta, On., Dec. 9. 1399. . THE ANNI'AL MEETING OF THE Stockholder* of thl* Bank will be held at it* Banking House on TUES DAY. January 10th, 1899. between th* hour* of 13 and 3 o’clock p. m., for the election of seven directors to serv# for the ensuing year. PERCY E. MAY. Cashier. DIVIDEND NO. 41. The Planter* Loan and Saving* Bank. Augusta. Ga.. Dec. 30, 1398. THE USUAL SEMI-ANNUAL DIVI DEND of three and one-half per cent (3H) on the capital stock of this bank has this day been declared, payable to stockholders January Ist, 1899. W. C. WARDLAW. Cashier. Gonorrhoea, Gleet, Stricture—^ A CURE IN 3 TO 5 DAYS. If you want an External Remedy to be used with Syringe buy •Y - . IC- -W. (50c) If you want at Internal Remedy buy HUNTER’S SPECIFIC, 50c. —Only For Sale at— The Hcward & Willut Dm Go. 812 Broadest., - Augusta, <Ja. Poets often affect carelessness in their garments for the same reason that tramps travel in freight cars. . ..» ®‘ ' T~ ... .... e or cvmv o£sciii»tion. YELLOW PINE LUMBER . ma>,‘ti . * taijßQiiftga .* ivftv pt#*»»w*R7, . j U Ulfuuußt m srOCKU9M«y»r i/ Nfitj /ssuftD ftHßi . eoa BgMt(LtA*9sMVllhf*t.«9Mfi IWMM'rt—, ar-*. Perkins MAWurACTtmiH6Co*u6usu GA. Toys! Toys! Th# Itrfeii stock of Toys #v#f beoufht to AuguttA. The pr tet mrm lh# ioß#»t »v*t put upon timiUir goo(ft. Do not for|#l my pi«c« when purchailni for lh# litlto cm**. My a«aorim*nt of CokM »* »och that you should b**r it in mind. Pound Cak*. Fruit C«k* and Lady Flnyart ar* my *p*ci*ltiM. EE CLAUSBBN. 1002 Broad Bt. —rrrri parlor markli, LI . 71*V * 1 081 Broad Stroat. L3O 'Ti i "“*** ** ir JSU VOift CMMStMA* TUIKSV ' JmLMA €L. i. ii iii -if w/tftf- ftiiNl frofti tM* «4 ait# muftiMi ft f l xftftt. -CAN YOU MAKE A XMAS PRESENT That will be more appreciated than one of our BICYCLES? We have them to fit the baby as, well as for men and women. We have CHILDRENS BICYCLES of all sizes at Christmas prices. DEYENET. HOOD t CO., Stfmm Corner Broad & Campbell. Open Evenings this week. Will You Get Left ? There is but one looked-for condition this fall in regard to business and that is a most healthy one, and those who are preparing for it are the people who will reap the harvest and all the others will get left. We have gathered from all the renowned centers Immense quan tities of desirable up-to-date goods running mostly to novelties in China, Pottery and Glassware. They are ours to own at right prices if you buy them. BUGH’S CRYSTAL PALACE 809 BROAD STREET. NO BETTER 5c CIGAR ON THE MARKET R. c. NORRELL & CO., WMesale Dealers. PALACE MARKET Fine Cuts of BEEF, VEAL, LAMB and MUT TON. POULTRY, CAME, &c. proprietor Augusta Packing Company. B. LAWRENCE. MORPHINE FREE TRIAL TREATMENT will be sent twany oee.ddiaedto the YreaTMEST.’ phtn’F I AUDAVUM or other drue habits. PAINLEbb HUM c. li?wtifrationoVpHYSlCl AN'S solicited immediate relief f Wen. Correspondence abso- HOME TBE AT WENT CO., Temple Court. New Vwk. He asked her in yearning, pleading tones if he could not give her an en gagement ring as u Christmas present. Hut *he comes of * thrifty, long-head e# family th»t never love* its pie#*«ee of mlr./. No darling, she whlsyered, I’ll take the ring new. Let Chriswnoa bring its happy surprises as usual.”—'Detreit Free Press. » Love anti twins are sometimes tested by the ring- —■ ■ _ dcckmbs* aa ghe—Oh, look at the policeman! Isn’t he just too lovely for any thine? He— Really, T fall to see anythin*: at tractive about him. jhe*-Why just look at his bailee—!>'. It* i just been marked down from 11. I m sure.—Chicago News. OABTOHIA. Bears the Kill<l ¥»“ * iw ) is Bngtt "*r