The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 22, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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THURSDAY 4 THE AUGUSTA HERALD —— - - m n JPUP ’ **************** m *•# *# ■*•*»*■ *♦ **** —■«■■’ mhhwmb fit jw nimt o(M*to-#** IM i fr******* fUtp •MMi ®M •** " %Oli WILL MM* IML MLRAMI to tmiit A' a«ut A»*r* •**** to IT- tuna* *• Ito t»**w lto*»* Is l # , i4**iir« to** •*••i !• ||« 'T P V M*> *«•><•« H*«* *••' to •*' ,M CMito«» y . . !• <-at«*4#t* At to rttaoi • •*»»»!. to N#*lCto 0«* • A* •*» !•*•* *>»> to** mm 4 m * #»**»* Matst tot* *»>n« <• Rad Tto Itonit "* gfMl ttlii *<MI f*f * f%*tor top rtof*#rt»»c »*# S*H t* «**• 111 IBS tt*« m old (*4 itM say tag ***** ' ‘to «H» laugh. tot lawfla* to*." Who I* th# hut!»«••• man **»•> taught to** t Always tto m» »•»« a4i»rtt*«r Vm My think to tow'l! to mtcli that yow a>v tar ton tltong tor him tort rt to kttft <•« tot rrtlalag to'M tot* tto tooth am ywky eodhj lutru. oi cawraa. you *r* *ht enough to to )«*l u goto advvrtDlag a* to to**, yvav to ami yaar out Tto own ttho tooth arc all rtprt aaatrj to our colttttttt*. Jot* them tto Mart# Trr*M tit* broken to too. 1 Harold toitork* f*toli» l* l*-t *•*! ! tot*. . i Tto trip »n m* to tor* Jumped from _ Near Yurt to Auguaia , Th* New Yotk Hoard of Heath taye j Iftf |f)g ill CCBti|IOUA. Th«y or* hating hartl work to wciir* 1 the jity to try Pet Htrahan. Ethan Alien llttrbn* k, aearetary < f j tto Inter tor. tie* BHaa. resigned. T« M» a minute a W alt street clerk lust securities worth *6*.(HiO yeofcrday. There Is said to be an exodus of u*- irots from Onsswood county over In Carolina Thera Is talk In Savsnnah of rutting Ibe salary of the pew eupcrlntundcnt of publlr work.' Prof Horses 'ecture was unusual!/ Interesting owing to hi* ability as an Illustrator. Hobson's rw ulatory r#c >rd, from Auguat 6 to date, is 583 and Ktwiea* City only readied The twenty rallltons will have to be paid within three months of tbo rati fication of the peace treaty. The eat that was saved from the ChrUtohal Colon by the crew of the Oregon la dead In Michigan. Elections commence rather early Ip the coming year Summerville having one on the 7th proximo. The German edition of Blwtrck 3 "thoughts am! ReeollecUonV edit flora Stuttgaiito Letpale w.’ighei 157 tons. * Charleston and Savannah aetm to have a pretty even thing of It as an embarking point for Cuban-bound tioopts. All of the womrn elerks and sten ographers In the employ of the Chicago and Northwestern railroad have been discharged. No better appointment rotild have bei>n made than that of Mr. Lamar to the Board of Examiners for admlssiou to the bar. Kx-Sehatur Blackburn has a long head on his shoulders. It appears. If* Is even now laying his fences for a year hence. "Mr. Nemo, of Nowhere.” Is In a Jersey City hospital with mind a per feet blank as to who he Is and where ie comes from. The lawyers had It hot and heavy i cs’terflny in Charleston over the dif f< .me* ••between a “qualified elector" ami a "registered qualified ” Dip hundr -1 thousand do’lr.- fees for certain of the peace commissioners will not to paid without protest. U seems, and emphatic once, too, in the part of the press. „ , i 4. j »•* MMM •«** Tto H**ot4 too tort mmmm to •* ' Mtwlh **«''—l «*»■«*! #M*M* tot tto *oo4o9** *0 ||b» pr h#MOHO+ (Nftlg. to** ] f m*ooofO flUp tip #*#MP**to*to *« s ipNNW4 ; Up fgplNNiiwia fo9*4fk w9* wtinofi , [wf *#*#iMfetol-4MW. itt , o*o (0# Pi IN#* j I into*to* Mtototo** rttorttae a< •*** [ aagtoto «i tto tonitofit ft*** tat*"*' to Ito eoaamato* partoMMto. * tto petto tot moto to uitotato* to tto #*•*» to tortiko mMvmomm (totoo** «•** to ttoto toatoftot aort totetti •«M*g tto wot *••*»•*» ***• *• toW to toto ttoiWtotto •*•*■** ** tomb** WaatiM*— • *to* *t* j thru toh totototf, aetl thutet torn* : i to* aort tto ettottot-to* art ••s*■#•; that tto tto* «** hop* to *t»**t# H W~a«~rttm M* Ttototo* eto** * •tortl aptohtto to Tto Maralrt Ms | Hear* L Waal at Tto Watotaatow j fkggl, iHMI WfvrMMpMtiNl UP IMMTt.g » gg|y| |||« HgfPf i# (NuMwWi l «*» Ib# to j ran** **#*■“» tto pwaMto* a*** | tatwileiiiaw artehm Me t*M Ihto W I Wig Mito |«» few • WtoW# MUM* tipi*! iWW itoWtWtoTMH pTPWrtW'gf WV • gwwf j fwr* wwW ffepi fwkPrr, ikrift wwg wi- : •WWftM www Up r»ww> n «r wU ww : fiwwfpfrwi Wf iwAwf* Sw t Anl# wt«fW#| [ tip prgpitoWt ywiyo* • ifittwiH wlPrii 1 Ip r toWlpoWlf f>.|pf W>i Ip (WWrtJPtW | aeeo otth •*<•»* I to*e la **4 to *a ] rtott* aouttor* 'httoa •*»»*« r Waah j iapt n ha* aan t a# >to *ttaato>o •« a at aat* aiStoaro Thor* trt *o» an 1 ftttaeo of *r*fait** to aa Aatertca* Airt* [ It to etrl4« at that the prallut be ; [Hr*aa that tto aaltalloa at the eotarert 1 ataa dr peart* apaa ala atotttp t# errata j a toatoM tor *>» ahtltert lahoi^JDheae. [ aprtatwaa are ttheo too aha rod hy the [ aiohrtt of hi* rahlaet and ** Klee I hereaith another teiecram art Mr Waat. aflar a talk with torretary Tto aoralary aaldi **l ata tar aaa abn believer that the rout her a awn uadermtaada tb* a**ro 'better than the of tto north I When I talked to th* rotated boy* rttiwo here tto last tta»», I advised tbeoi to keep out of polltirr 'Now, bays 1 said, ‘gat out your petKlU and paper. In nae column put rk>wn the sala t*-* I of every politician hol-Hna *dtoe ta thl* I t your I country, la a parallel cnluma I put down tto Dumber of eggs laid In tb* roantry. Tto ton* will make more money every <la> that th* pa t* mrisDi Ttor.fnr*. raise more ! ,-htrkra* raise more noli and learn («, iikp your farm pwy tad pmdnff i I HrHiboad. Kwp owl of ! Tklt P rcwtly ftp Mlvitkw of (Ip w gro Kdu.ation gad scPotlfk farming will bring him wciltb and ladfpcad* ! #n«^. Th** HtuntPn f*n (hen b# tumined > up we lot loam: The reptib loan party bar reared toi consider the negro ai the "ward of the' nation." add every day sees the true I condition made more clearly apparent . | to northern eyes. The negro’s future depend* flrat on himself, and »*coad on tto white man of the south. tot him cease to look to Washington I for relief, but to hi* own arms, tot I him recognise the fart that hts i<**' friends are help, and not a Himmainl miles away nuiong people who have never seen him. The solution is rlghl here. , CKCAKTAIT OF COMMIkCI Another till! ha* been presented In 1 congress, this) lime by Representative i Hepburn, chairman of the committee • on Interstate and foreign commerce j to create a department of commerce . and Industry, which shall be presided ! over by a secretary, who wIP. lie a member of the cabinet. The proposed department is to have general Jurisdic tion over "the foreign and Internal commerce of the I'nlted States, except In so far as relates to the collection of the revenue and the administration of the customs and Internal revenue laws.” It is also to have Jurisdiction over all matters relating to the manufacturing Interests of the United States, includ ing the extension of the foreign mar kets for the same, and the Increase of trade and trade far’lM ties with foreign countries. The new secretary Is to have and to perform all the duties now Incumbent upon the secretary of tbe treasury in relation to the trad*' and commerce of the United Slates, whe ther the same he upon laud or wa ter. To give Herald readers some Idea of the relief that this contemplated de partment will afford to th* secretary of the treasury, the followiag buroaTis are to be transferred to the new de partment, namely, the life saving ser vice. the lighthouse board, tbe marine hospital service, the bureau of steam boat inspedlou, the bureau of naviga tion, the United States shipping com merce, the bureau of immigration, the United States coast and geodetic sur vey, the bureau of statistics and tbe de portment or labor. Considering our enormous Increase of business, U would seem as though the creation of the new department was a necessi ty. There Is sabl to be an exodus of ne groes oru Greenwood county over lit Carolina. _ TBB -A. TTO XT BT 7k HKRALD lItINM TtlAll irmatir 4 it*?* *4 TA* 4,b*i**waw* I tletert WNt to uto to to toe* art# ) uiigmigi |ni|rr*“ ft- ■# Mi*A*4 W| A wiWflk : TA* * '—'Am liwwwwi A** A*4# * A* f law# |w Aww#* I ’* b •#”* A** wwww j Vrftr — WMW* »**AWNI *M I Imm m*p# I'MgfcWtort • fAwW gW* |MNP*f !*•*" I H*WN| Ml AwSWiAI |i ** *wa W’lpaw*# lIWI *mMovmwA*9 ti M lA* *•**■ I t«k T«nr«% (A» §pMM|W* * ta m *•*«**••*» T»«nr *ar» MaeaMl «w*t*to*4 I be • tan to • gat Was w*» has Marta# I *l> |AO WW*(A**W «• Wtf*l 04MI w•* |hn*4 IMI A#* fWWMW •* (A* MWWiIWW *•* Om* I »*4 iN *4 (A* **»*••(*#** wf <'*m* I Mar k *ms** Iw Al* *#IWI*W (A* I (*## lA* iWftNT** *■ iA*wa •" *• *toi* j Win A4o** WW MkMMWO wWw- MUtf Ml «#immlMiW *m tw* **••*##*•• 1* j Awwwat* l-w** **** I In# wsaAll*. ** All** lA* ***f*AMT •. I Aw* oww*no wwwt » •* *■•*** j ijkwc., w* iww# w*l Mn* *Mwi( f *• (** •** «!»•« w# •«•*( W (tot !■•■**( OfWff A** 1 j ! fmiM A*** iw Awgwt* tw WwwAiww ! : |M tfcrjr' *t* WtoW WMto’W**«WW (** •» *Ol | *||) - toMUtoto to# W9W tto AW»# • r*»- j j nltof wfiw* *t fW.wito w# »** ••i**# litilr'-wr* whmM wwr*f* • |toiiw***M»j I *iMtot# Mr 1 (*»M i»w of (A*( wrwif toltA < f W# Aw** (A# wMtwftlwW** wow ** lA* Art A* AWtotoW. IM W* A* Or* } Ml tW* f«*l4 toltA oof * (*(*** *( tw* *wf \ 1 til it nnutMf miwwrwt )w*l *• •**#! w# (A* rtf of (A* artof Aw* lto*w **t * I U*4 Ay «>wwfto*#. tag AMVtta iitMf nut! | Tm Murphy It making The Angwa Isa HwaOar Herald oar of the brightMt i papers ta tto land Too. to Da- j I rim Osset te . Klghk sos art. Brill he. Qrubh. Asid ff» a mighty go* toper that Tom raa- j aot improve. Tom Ismi Journalism j from A to issord, pad that s why Tto Harold gala ttot*.— from tto Hollos j Argus. ! Tto I ter* of Mr. Prtrs ta tto | Waahiagtna Star regarding tto prral • t limill trip, iif kUt« «rl4*ly <|uofw. Mr. Price ItM many frlcnda la A««wl* j If you would double your own enjoy meat of Christmas, remember tto | West End tree—aw to owe or more 1 •mall heart happy by your coutribu- I turn. Thr nomlaatioo of a dmd man wa* ‘ conArmetl by the Senate yesterday, Private Talcott bring nominated and confirmed three monthe after bis i death. • STOKIES IN THE NEWS. How Moran Was Identified. ! Prank M«ran. the veteran exponent j of negr<> minstrelsy, whoae death In : Philadelphia ha* Juet tu-en recorded j i was an Inimitable wit, even when net; lln Cork He had won really w cosmo- 1 I politan fame. Aa one of the found*-** ! of the Benevolent and Protective Or*. Ider of Elks he will be held In slTectlon -1 ate memory. Beside* being a mlnatrel | Moran was In former days an enthusi astic volunteer fireman, flrat with the Krafiklln and later with the Moyamen sing Hone Companlea. In Philadelphia. If he was late at <h» theatre It was a !pretty auiy aign that there was a lire In progress somewhere. It Is said that the old "Moya" engine had a famous toll, famous principally la-cause of Its peculiar tone*. Once Moran was on the stage when he heard the clang of the bell, and before anyone could reason with him he was off after hi* engine. He was attired that night tn his "first part" clothes, and with black face and hands presented quite a curious sight la the eltlien* at the lime. Catching hi* company Just as they were about getting a stream on the tire, he tried to ler.d a hand, but was promptly sent spinning by a giant Irishman, the blow being followed by an uncomplimentary allusion to the black race generally. "Bui I urn a member of the company, I am Moran.” protested Frank. Juet as he was In danger of beinr made a football of, someone suggested washing him. and the minstrel gladly stood while the stream spoiled his burnt cork and clothes together. Then he took place at the pump. President Dwight’s Firmness. One of ex-Prealdent Dwight's first of ficial acts after he became head of Yale College wu* id accept from Mrs. Os born ,of New York, the gift of a recita tion h*H. the building of which would necessitate the destruction of the fam ous old Yale fence. The students had an Indignation meeting at which Presi dent Dwight appeared and said: "Gentlemen, the corporation did not consider It vise to'endanger a gift of some tvvj hundred thousand dollar* for the sake of a little sentiment. You know It In an old saying that the light ning dreg not strike twice In the same place. I suppose that the best reason that has ever been given for this phe nomenon of nature Is that given by the small boy. ‘because it doesn’t have to.’ Good-day, gentlemen.” Wss Prepared, Bishop Potter presided at the meeting of the American National Red Cross Relief Committee, held the other even ly* • He said that when be Informed the relief committee that he would lend his approval In a benefit for soldiers the committee put on a horrified expression and he was asked if Ji« knew there was a ballet Ln ill* show. Mr. Dodge promptly rime to my rescue." said the WshOp. “and assured | the committee that If It vvete so be had j a large supply of pajamas." Professional wrestlers are speculat ors for a fall. X mhm MmA* ejsl*# Hi** w to#»ww \ # Mwl* K» "to I I toA* W#ff» (MM* ■»'<**>'to -V- m •** ,4 ia»# *it Aw**#*## OoM ipa «►**<**♦ «w» j #*«#•*#l *»**%« ******m**9 : tpctwUTi'ff 0* mOW ■ oik*”* gkHtotoM fto#* WaHpMWa totoW •«> % lto*<**» ib* **to Imi# iw (*a I* Mto MtoW. «>Wtol alto ftotl# ' "" m tw# i «4W# n*w *Wi#wMl# §mm* t*wfV*A*t# *>t«# #«to*up#*## An'*l*o tto l * Ma»Nto #*•w mmm&mm AA* |#Tam«tori «**-*# <****■■«*• M I |ii *Wt< Wito Alto ***** k# pto *#■« toWWa A** »M**toto* t* •*# I t - iail»«'l> h alto #4tofi##* tlto** I* #*to j mm 'AM*# ** ♦*• ***** A*i *fto# *W* f»*i mm* *1 W#t m ■■*!*> M* tob*( nHrtlwto* w#f Mtol to#titotol I# to#to#rt* |N#t ItoWf) to #**itolto ♦»' i#Ai* A totoWMMK I* Mai* TtoWto” I tin# «toW«wA mom *f#*wNto ##4 *%UV I Mot MMNr’ltoNtoi toA# Aa* W#4 # toMA # #(to*l j •to## t* W T WAtorw A* il*nt «*«#• I *Atof rt#wwltoW> (AyaM'tn* l* (A* l**#a*»* I (•*•#« I #toi *WflWo##l I #*» Wtoto fll W*A»l» 10. T « Atoft toWW IW# #f * #t#W «v I #MM #W»**to**to o*#**Mp*4 Atow*M*f (A*Wi j awwA* of moom* M* A#* ?*«#tot*W • to#*' W*ff*l m*4*- *m A* •*»«# *«#*•*. fttwnar* #• tto fs#MT t PAftotlV* tOomffoOoo tl ■toi tlto toMto (to* ta*«tt f #•#• It art# WftmlJy «* tA* WfttotoM to*4 tmpmfo* ** t#to* r in*rt»fto#4l Mi wMAAmmI m»4 WMWWvt w«ml mil in# (Mtotok *M#M| •* l* M I #|i*TT tj»A#.MIMI uNto to" Hi* vlrt#F'«t*vMg. «M»4to*4 p**# **A I#**# totot A«WA# wj» (tw mi, i a • tmms*fom #*»i , ••##*•* *nn#> •• iwirti AcwlMaf. Aawfto wT*## <#Ml t**aA*f*» V ** I •#■ •• MrMktMi W* #t*t • ftoto toWto HMit** «r it# • toiAm Man < oim* *A* €*#■## & Mmi om* «a* 0* *f *»? gl -rM)> tl mp 4 4MP % INVtototo* IT 1 a#M* I —llf# uSSm iibWtto’ Waitoi'i »>■% to« W STATE NEWS IN BRIEF. I Th# rwastng factory near Rochelle I vm d»nn>r»4 by Hrv Krtdif inifiiAi. [rfffttiQf » Inst *l***l of yiiUfWfßt, j Tint **•*•# of til# ®ff t* lot teari*4 | Mr. 1.. M. Dmigbcng of CorAsl* ibM «*r«ir*4 * emit ran for S** <*ordi <«f ’ flrt wrw«rf from to* foririßMit for **»l diet* camped at Macon. Atlanta and j Augusts aad to w sow putting the | wood na tto llae of tto Georgia ttouib ' < ra sad Florida railway The antl-dlwpsaeary voter# of Hatle- I hurst told h meeting Saturday asd , nominated ■ mayor and Sevan nlder [ men to govern tto lowa for tto year 1 1*90. The meeting was largely attead led and tto prop*' seeaisd dstermln** that a dispensery shall aot be eetsb lisbed tbera. It seems tto recent Are at Tlfton was , eased from th# ssptoeion of i lamp lln a bedroom in Mr*. A. Rhode*’ j boarding bouse, and Mr. Rhodes ban- I tv escaped from the house with hts children In bis arms Cot. C. C. Hall jumped from a second story window lid hit night robe w hich was all be saved. Another guest escaped with | his clothing* In hi* srms. The loss is said to have been nearly $15,800, with only about half that amount of Insur ance. . Rev. Lee M. Lyle, a member of the North Georgia couferenre and for the past two years pastor of the First Methodist church st tiruuia. (Bed In Hamptou. Oa.. Sunday, to which plara He went on Tuesday lasi to lieglo his past orate for the ensuing year. He was » brave Confederate soldier, be longing to Cobb's Legion. He had been In the Methodist ministry for about twenty-Ave year*, anil had Itelonged to the Virginia and Maryland confer enrra. In which formor state he was married. The Dahlonega Consolidated Gold Mining company, which was organized the first of November, last, Is now about to ia> into active operation. The properties ln Question represent about 4.671 acres of mineral lands In the Im mediate vicinity of Dahlonega. the bulk of which ia gold bearing, but with a 500-arre tract of roangHtiese deposits. Most of the stock of this company has been subscribed. The capitalization is (S.ikM )PO. The home office is at To ledo. 0.. and one of the moat import ant of its branches has been establish ed at Dahlonega, the charter being un <her the laws of Georgia. The Toledo News states that Mr. Thompson, sec retary and treasurer of the company, has forwarded for record a remarkable document, being a deed for a portion of the mines, bearing revenue stamps up on it. to the value of $5,000. • The palate is almost tickled with Scott’s Emul sion of Cod-liver oil. The stomach knows nothing about it, it does not trouble you there. You feel it first in the strength it brings ; it shows in the color of cheek and smoothing out of wrinkles. It was a beautiful thing to do, to cover the odious taste of Cod-liver oil, evade the tax on the stomach, and take health by surprise. It warms,soothes, strength ; ens and invigorates. 50c. and £>.oo, all druggist*. SCOTT & BOWNL, Chemists, New York. * OUR SOGGESTIORS. DORR'S DORR'S I * IDtff * Hw(A TwwnNA pfwaittltoto * AwmAWAW 1 * !**Jt«to WWNMWW T*mAnitl>s * niwtto* 9 Haw * «D AIWA* i?»At*t*w* * t*#4vPt' ** WwMMW# Alli'Aw dk**to NA#A(OWWf ** AMmT ANAMWW 1 ** t#tw*w If #4 A’MM * tArt*t*Aa * AHA H #All 'ft*. * IWMWPNWfAIiWk * tmtMl If *4k tAA ** Umi s m to+mio* M ato**. dWTAM* . ** wmwa lA**** m * fl#t ii Ac*# %j****mo„ * ti#tw AM|M*ftto * |f #1 • * dwfA M#t* “ IMrrrl* Caw* , ** IMAA tHiiAfts *• Hto Mr**A— ** Ot#r#tToi# ** iAtomw * faitort# MfwsAto* j * toto#t»f|r. t* d«4ar •* MIAWt Maxfeto# " rtoUttruiW ** fMW r # JwrWits, Xmrno m W<o<w)*im. ** WAlrt* m 9m MwfNk ** CwWwfWMMf. I Afudrra * rullwa* m taw#**' # tod CwiA H*y m M (Twwf * flofttton fVpfnrtof* I MtfWn. MwcAlwmA** “Good Taste Apparel" DORRS 718 BROADWAY 718 We have them put up In € ( boxes of a «i h special I > ÜbnaUta* card—ad 10 \ # 15 cents t’lgare—Prloa a*,®. ? \ » and *3.00 hex. / 5 UTAH of these ami more for € J V Ufariatmas gilta at AleiaiJer Brit Cmjai! S S :e8 BROAD BT. ( 221 (pth) CAMPBELL STREET. E. W. IDO-JDGKE Rubber Stamps. Seals. Brads, Sc. 221 nth St., Next to Holman's Meat Marke AUGUSTA, CA. EACH MY SEES THE HEKUjp 0 * SUN I MONITue I (WED|TI-tu!e»! '1 AT -£g| efr 7*3! or TTTT jS | T »_ »T jlo I I 12113 $4115j16 17 »» IS do 2*p22 23124. 2ST ge, 27.3»| 29 30 31 Christmas Opening PENDLETON’S WWW Af* to«« 4f(»»rtotoWW.W* ktoi ■!• %** Of tto* o******* to*d i*mi ***s WMW U* PENDLETON HOLIDAY GOODS Atomto<* At to* swats wwd *wwdNitoto» t» *rt#Ki, ton#»Mi a*4 wWMWiWW* Utw m BOOKS haa never beta sort eased la title city. LAMPS AND TABLES Ileauttfui .a ilsWgß aort low ta prww WAVE CREST GOODS Rich aort Ktegaat ta rtavtga. Sliver lfi*tM Packet Boots- Meat Carts ad Btitiets Qubm. Juvenile Rad Toy Books EASTMAN KODAKS. Si* Photographic Supplies of every kind and dverriptioa at Lowest Prices. l HOHBKAU and ) / VIENNA CABINET / / BRANDS OF / \ Export \ ) Beers $ ? ARE THE BEST C S AtiK FOR THEM. / For Rent Farm of thirty acres just below city. Dwellings, stores and ffices in all sections of the city. Several of J. B. White’s new Broad street houses are still unrented. Special prices will be made to de sirable parties. John W. Dickey 1 A 2 Library Building. CLOSM OPT PILE In order to clone out my entire stock of woolens by the first of February, by the pattern or made to order, I will sell at and beluw cost. TERMS CASH. WM.B. BENSON Merchant Tailor, 743 Broad Bt. Xmas Presents. Silk Suspenders In Boxes at 50 cents. Gent*’ line Neckwear at 25 and 30 cents. Ladi#i* and Gent’s Silk Gartarv al 25 and 50 cent*. Ladie, and Gents' fine Silk Handkerchief* from 23 cent* t* *2, Ladle* and Gent* Silk Umbrella* from 51.25 bp. Fine Walking cahes from 25 rents up. Oentt fine Glove* of all. kinds. Plate and fancy Socks. Shirts and Underwear and all other things not mentioned at reasonable, prices. K. a. Mvrtirpv the Tailor and Gents Fur josttiuo -wir- , ’» Planters Hotel. DECEMBER 22 Beautiful Decor«t#d Toilet Atomizers i For SO conta. and only 25 c#nt# to fill with th# fm#*t Cologne. It make* a men Chrl»t maa pr#**nt. I L 1. GIBDILIX Drmin. Ladle#* Elegant 'DUS' Complat# with ManU cure Brush and Comb. Toilet Bottles, etc., at $& $lO and sl2. L. 1 GAROELLE. om„,„. I'UmMU' Ve»w#ug| Cue •> irtrhli i, j toi PROF. P. M. WHITMAN, •Of 70 St. A uhU, Gs utvf* ni(inniTi*»#«4«4 atght. gelurta rtt» rue Maeeee aurt W 48. a i vi» omus- I,eases sat arta vawr bv.—e ssgak yaa start. FREE OF CHARfiE . natu a rm i COAL and WOOD —FROM TH*--- 1 North August# Coal A Supply Co (o*s(Ny totod VtoaWtf (i«*f»oi#4 F W SCOFIELD, PRESIDENT Ball 'Fhaae XIM Wruwgar W Eastm's KODAKS. #K» We sell Eastman’s Kodaks and all size FILMS. Call and see how cheap we can supply your wants. We have a full stock of latest styles of Stationery. All goods finest made. Ric&ards & Star, 827 Broad St., City. Paine, Murphy & Co. COMMimiON UEKC’HAh’TB. 803 Paulis st=—Teleplioße 1 1 rivals Lrassa b >rw inn to hew York Chicago and New Orleans. Orders executed over our wires Tor Cotton, Btocks. Bonds, Grain and Pro. ▼leloas for rash or on margins. Local securities bought and sold. Referaoeac —National Exchange Bank of August* or Mercantile Agendas. FOR SALE. Number 23 Telfair street—Four room house —Lot 40x150 feet. Ten acres of land on the Sand Hills, near Hotel Bon-Alr. Dwelling of 13 rooms, stable, barn and servant house. Will sell at a sacrifice. Three small house* and lot* on Sand Hill*. Will sell aeparately or all, at a bargain. ST Acres* of land near Wrightsboro road, on# mile above city'* new water basins. 50 acre* of land near MlllertgeviUe road, seven mjlea from court house. APPLY TO Clarence E. Clark 832 Broad Street. NEXT! gm~t beg to notify my friends and customers that I b»ve added another chair to my Barber Shop, making six first-class Barbers, and I hope to accommodate my customer* without waiting. HOT AND COLD BATHB. COME EARLY AND OFTEN TO Hickey’s Barber Shop 212 it 214 Eighth St.. OPPOSITE ARLINGTON HOTEL. S) BRASS BAND OUTFITS PIANOS, ORGANS and MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. / f'Y 4 . Everything New In 143# SHEET HUSIC THOMAS & BARTON, Augusla,Ga.