The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 22, 1898, Image 8

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ITNUKftDAV In For lie Ml Hoif Hrinr Scssflfl Th« oollMlton O# N«w NochwMf ** * ’ It will d«li|M all man of nlra ta*ta. ira »"«* coma In all rich a#f»« Romi*i<*pur. Ombrt, Clara. Draadan, flavra iconna, c»aca*la« “aau da Som*-Broca<fa«l ana Warp Prlntad. th* ahapaa ara aracaful and artlatic. lt la tha Hn* aat and fir.aat »howin« of Nackwaar In thi* ally. Thair tona. atyla and quality J«*tlfy pricaa that pravall. Our Furnishing Cooda da partmant l« ftrowln*. Economic buyara and food dra* aam ara laamtni th| laaaons of Its advantanaa* A HAPPY EVENT. Llawt. I«h«II. ft Mk P»a»*>h»«to. htw.M ana Tail sra* • happy •**•» at Ifc* »f --fgfßft im etch*. A sword prtwtu tine wok ptec# there* U *•*»' 11 nf c». a «* F*to**»i»»«t» *** *** r *~ «< tIM NiiAiPW it®r< promt* • t«» 4 to Mm o4viift«m wfwOitri of III# tmmfmnp. Tli# ptxatHHiy **#* iSfMNf! op to tb* At* atory MU lad tM fey #ft|nr WlHl Of IM Ml fVaMfi* 14, Hu9#tU iMukhil th# to o few svell rho##« »™a H# *«>• hr ao»**'“ Hadtaw. M»j«r Holme- Captain fCllac. Meuwpant Gilbert and Untetut Bi«bot> *bo mad# brief apeerbe#. Th# officer* than fartooh of an elegant 'iKweirtn nvr - At Jan**n * eaf». Th# ’possum cooked lo th# <|u*e» a ta**# and fra< am« h enjoyed Thoe# pr#*ent at tbefe«PP# r . beuld#* the OB## mentioned, mm. rapt Os»#na and U» Hergatr#*- a#r. Soon# Hocp»t#l" end t >u *r. Juat received. Palms and Ferns Cheap for cash. STULB NURSERY. Private of Third Cavalry T« th# Bdltor of Th# H#ratd— Ptr; 1 call y«ur attention lo what t tank of a aotdtar'a lit#. I do not think I* a rUlht to pin a poor private down and not lot him go to church or Sun day achool without a peoeoat *u»rd watching oc#r ua •» though »# belong. #B to tha ettalngang I have bean uaed to living In tha country wh-rc I want to Habbalk achool and church every Sun day duat to think, 1 have been to, church twlCa in tha laat eight weeks Th» Bahhath la a day to real and to attend Sabbath achool anil church, hut a aoldter cannot tall the difference !»•- twaaci Sunday and any other tluy. al though If It hadn’t been for the vol unteer# we would not have been pinned down the way we are. They do nut lik-- the regular#; they think they have got ua by the heel* and a down hill pull at ua. They think we have no hualneaa nut aide of the fence around our ramp, but they will team letter than that If they Stay around ua. They ought to he driven around like hoga. I advtae gny young man who wants tn Join the army to take the regular f > your choice, and give the volunteer# a wide berth: they are too much like a arc of wild Indiana. Aa far aa driving around like a drove of cattle la concerned .that ta the big gest part of military life. <-e|*ect*lly when a aw-ell head "non-com." trie* to ahow- hla authority. That la one thing that J don’t like about army life. I lake notice It It i» against the rules and regulations for an officer of am kind to eurae and swear at a private if he teporta him the private gets the dirty end of it. I believe In right: right i» right the world over, t believe In treating the “now*coins." and privates the same and do not show so much par tiality. 1. will oall your attention to e. caae that happened a few days ago. I u ill not mention what he did. but If if would have been a private he would have suffered the penalty of about «u days In the guard house and J2<l, but os he was a sergeant he was released and act free without trial. Whether he be a “nott-eom.” or private, make him suffer the consequences Just the same. For Asthma use CHE NEY’S EXPECTORANT Augusta took the President out of bis car before he reached the rlly. It was to prevent his seeing the, carshed. This was admirable foresight on the part of Editor Tom Murphy of The Herald.—-Savannah Press. BEFORE PURCHASING Silver Novelties Call on LEWIS J. SCHAUL, Popular Priced Jeweler. A Tremendous line and no Broad street rent to pay. Can save you 25 per cent. Jackson Street. Under the Arlington Hotel. THE urn OF CHRIST. Or CkM. Imm|. of CMcaffw. WIN Urt«N nm Above >a>|tll TM *#!) teat&wft H*MHM #rt»oi#r [ Dr, Toma# *4 M# I M 4» AfITMUPPMMNit# i© 4#ii##r # #tf!S* of Icrtan* it tfc# T. M« C. A# d»flM I ##MI Ilia subject wilt be Th# IJf# of (-hr Ist. and will b# treated la four lee ting. The subject* of each lecture will b#? t. Fr»m the Birth to the Baptism. t. the Temptation to tb« Ser mon on th# Mount. I.« From th# Traa*figuralioa to the Cruet fll km #, From th# Resurrection to th# Ascension. Mr. Voung ha* lectured all near th# j rouatry and has eatahllshed a re puls I turn that speaks well of hlr- as a tee 1 tur#r. lie has made an vihauatle# study of th# Bible and Is well Informed on It. He will Interest all who bear him in | hi* lectures. BLAZE AT DUBLIN i lurge furniture House Destroyed a That Place. Dublin, Oa.. Dec. n.—The targe fur niture house of R. F. Deeee was burn led laat Saturday night. The Are we* discovered about 1 o'clock Sunday morning gnd In a short while live I streams of water w ere playing on the ' flames. Iding »M a ,arge wooden one. and built of heart pine. This, together with the content* of the 1 store, made such a blase as was well night Impossible to extinguish. Tha litre was < onfinnd to the burning build ing and was Anally subdued, but not unlll the building and etoek had been ruined. The Imlldlng beloned to Capt. R. C. Henry, and la a total loss. Mr. Deeae had $2,500 Inauranre on the stork, which waa about two-thirda the va ua of It. " Cap!. l>. Q. Stubbs Is again shak ing hatito with hla friend* after spend ing the last thirty days In attendance on the legislature. A Dlatant Cousin At the wedding anniversary of a railway magnate one of the guests no ticed a somewhat lotiely-looklnu and rather shabbily attired man Ip one cor ner of the parlor, walked over and aat down near him. "I was Introduced to you.” ho said, "but 1 did not catch your name.” “My name.” replied the other, “la Swaddfeford." "Oh. then, you are a relative of our liostr' "Yea." rejoined the "poor relation, with a grin. “1 am his cousin, five hun dred thousand dollars removed.” The heaviest fletal The heaviest metal la osmium, which has. bulk for hulk, very nearly twice the weight of lead. The specific grav ity of gold Is about 19'*. w'hlle that of osmium Is almost 21V4. Osmium Is al so the most infusible of metals, re maining unaffected by a degr«t> of heat capable of causing platinum to run like water. It even resists the Inconceiva ble temperature of the clectrlct * Ire. Augusta’s turn came last. The Herald says all good things are re served for the end. The President would be ungrateful indeed not to like Augusta.—Savannah Press. A good-sized dining room la to be found In an empty atpmach. XJSI3D AUOUBTA TOUXD M DESPONDENCY HE SUICIDED. A Alii at < iftaiir k*U It# MRU# —— n*f Beew IwseAUßg s*i Was He* gwi mS iMiiaisfii **tot •titoHb ilmp m.«* *•#)!**•#*§ wM* Mi • mm***, .. - aJkahi/ iAft n# s ## w#T# lii# VWOT j w - tgr# im #1 «M «4- tot’## #**’*#l fIMMMfV.I9 f viFt# * AH# *#*•*’*• “** " pi.w» ly ahnwt lb# aftal. Her fw* mmm •ad heada srees ha*ty herwei •• MtoH topliMNl iMI M# •trtl# Ml In taka K away from h*e Mwlhef. Mr* Ortflta staled that she sad he# *•* rhilffreh •**# •** f 4onr whit# he# k«i*hei ••• •*»**»• • I ram They had heew rhattia# plwi - [••fly IM MM turn. Mi #MACto* 1 # AMI Mi It tM MtoM W® I**®** I ton*#. AM «#I4 M #•# <M I** ffnewre of whts<h#y awd had heea hf aavswal day#. For this rswana ah# .aid h# had kw* his Job awd is>wtd ft | he#h aay *• arrowat of hla drtaatag habits. H» became *#*T over hie rowdMMe tad wont* tell her that he ronld «ot are how It was that he was allowed to live aad suffer a»%» did. Mrs. Ufifth thinks b# was la a despondent mood, end whll# conrer# lag with her tie dellherately took e small totib tnm hla pnrhel aad tora #4 II up’To hi# lips. Bhe kaorked hla hand down and asked him aol lo drink any more for Ihe pceaent. thinking at the Haas that M was whiskey When she elrwrh th» h»Hl# It thrown all over her hand* aad arm* and a drop or two earn# star spattering In her left eye, She aatd she was borrlfted *h«r th* reel I ted by »h# odor that If was rarboHe arid twatrad of whiskey, as she had euppoawl She ran to the front door and railed for *•»stance, and when she returned Ihe man waa dead, having exptrrd almost immedi ately. Ills system waa already In a very weak condition aad <m»-third of the a moot of arid would hare resulted in death In hla rase. Mr. O'Brien waa a well known young man spoilt Columbus, and waa about 2$ rears of age. H# leave# e heart ! broken mother. Mrs. W. P. O'Brien, 'of Beale, and two slat era. Mrs. W. G. 'Griffin, of thta city, and Mr#. H. C. Kenlton. of Heals, it* «»• • medwiilc by Irade and has held a number of re sponsible positions both In this rlty and Birmingham, but could not hold them tong on account of the fact that he could not refrain from drinking. He had attempted to taka hla life on tw i other or melons. In Ihe first Instance, he drank a tera-ounce vial of lauda num. and the second time attempted to rut hla throat. The and affair will he deeply regretted by the friends of the family of the ilereßaed. J'.rory work baskets, noveltlen nod dolls at lowest prices. T. Bchln Uiesai. HELP FOR MILL WORKERS, Whit a Soldier Desires Stated In The herald “If you will have a committee call at camp I will guarantee that plenty of money will be raised to help the oper atives who are suffering from the mill shutout. ”1 say and I want you to state It In The Herald, that every man will give something. There are men among the troops who have experienced a strike themselves and heartily sympa thize with the operatives in Augusta. I believe a thousand dollars can be raised.” / The above statement was made by a soldier from the hospital corps, who visited The Herald office this morning, and requested the reporter to make the statement above. He seemed very much In earnest and very desirous that a committee call on the soldiers, and ask aid for the mill employes of Augusta. MEETING OF COUNCIL. Election of Mayor Pro Tem and to Attend to Other Matters There will be a called meeting of council tonight for the purpose of electing a mayor pro tem. Mayor Walsh has stated that while he had hoped to be out by this time, the in clemency of the weather had prevented and he probably would not he out for some time. While an acting mayor can serve In a routine capacity, he cannot sign offi cial documents until he has been for mally elected by the members of coun cil. The documents Incident to the an nual lew of taxes will have to be sign ed, up before (lie first of the year and there Is. or course, but little time to spare. I ke media* of eouucli has therefore been called for tonight when a mayor pra tem will be chosen. After this matter has been disposed, of. the f;- iiance commit tee will take up the de tails of the tax levy. , |A UO U#T A LYCICUM, * ' n#l * , PROF. t£. S, MORSE. #f i* A THE NEWS AT GAMP MMMJI toltoPt ImHOM# 1 f ft |«4 , rttftW* «m| Oft | W I#, t 9m Ih# I m n#ir»#i«« «fn>. im «fj I ftowtoT*# #i#VHI »*# Iwtoß Mtl **f» «l H *4 rs». M toil i t Iqinhtf mt Cto* II tni T J Jfutr nf r«, A Imiy## !«**!*? ] tin Mi h i*» n*Ti»l#n<l. * "li»!**<••# T##pFf «#l#l#f4 *# ii rtoitf'tiiM |MRto# toilill# Ito III# #ll9 #fi*i I ir#t H#r> laiuf. I C#H* Hcmftn #4* On. C* to oA*tf M I to# 4s| i , [ tA. l**#w#Y of C#. A I# oWktf ## til# | f . tim'd! to# On. A hi* rtlumol fr#m i *kk. | r*>n» lhlMW*r •# Ca H h»* r#tttmft4 'tt*#n totwMrfit Pick to prftowil «h l. I ill. Rtttfft# <»# C? .of to nm**9%g IN### f*- lurning from #£rk furlmifh*. ' INiyli#. Xflft. 9ft. fHf* lit# iiid thrift#!## irids, Amtth, »nd Htu*n #f Co, I h#ftto Nftftit franiff fur* i«u«h* of from mvca to t#n dor# I# vl*- ft ihtlr Horn# In H#ltlmor*-* and vtctn* itjr- Thft Roi k of (t#rorotloni hi* b*fun In r«rvift#i. That of thr l»ond l# nrorino f and I# quit** Thirt y -I tfth Tuhlgaii. lA. Bush of Co. () la officer of the guard. U. Hill of Co. B la officer of the day . K. Howe of Co. K ha* received an honors Me discharge for disability. He la the artist whose work has attract ed general attention. O (I Gilbert of Co. K hah received HA honorsl.le discharge. C- J- Oorp Irf>ar of Co. K has 3* day# furlough. Compton of On. A ha* been dleehar#- 04 from hospital. Eighth Pennsylvania. . %t. Serdenatrlcker of Co. A la offi-er of the day. I, Lelschman ot Co, Fla offleeg of th<- guard. Freck of Co. O and Rllcftflf Co, <v ace the orderlle* chosen for towny. ' Dr. DgCoata wag transferred ta di vision hospital today to lake ehaige of latroratory. Assistant tturgeon Davis takes hla place In the eighth. Scott nf Co. C was discharged from hospital yesterday. Hllllngton of Co. D has been dis charged from hospital. Thirteenth Pennsylvania. ! ftgt. Scott Shafer of Co. P ha* re ceived a discharge from service. ; Schwati of Co. C has been discharged from hospital. Corp. Hughes of Co. F was discharg ed today from hoßpltal after ai* weeks Illness. J. L. .Moses, who received a dis charge, left last night. Harry Moore of Co. A and M. Cohb of Co. F are orderlies today. J,t. Berry of Co. B la officer of the day. l.t. Murphy of Co. C la commander of the guard. Fifteenth Minnesota. Sgt. Herworth of Co. M Is enjoying a furlough. Chßunccy and Hijijth of Co. It have received honorable, discharges. First Sergeant Campbell of Co. C has returned furlough. Harg of Co. T) Is on the sbk list. lAttle of Co. M h a » received an hon orable discharge. (’apt/ Oltmors of Co. M Is officer of the day. t„t .Tenney of Co. 'K la commander of the guard. The men are anxiously awaiting the arrival of the promised Christmas boxes. Cavalry. Saddler Fehr of troop A has gone on a furlough. Jas. F. Hetigen from light batterv. fourth artillery, has been assigned to troop R. Corp. Briggs and Carroll of troop H have gone on a 20 days furlough. Capt. Mackie Is officer of the day. Mrs. Mott, wife of Hr. Mott, chief surgeon for Red Cross Society at Mon tauk, has donated Sap head of cabbage. 50 bushels of sweet potatoes, 15 dozens cans of fish for ttf* third cavalry’s Christmas dinner. -- The tongue Is aboVit the only muzzle loading weapon tlyft hasn’t been die car tied. It’s unlucky to have your affair** at sixes and sevens—they make thir teens. THE GOVERNOR SIGNING BILLS. in* Utßfeta* Ltd Hi* hmi itu f^a tH«e a ft tafrtif Mi. awd fteeeMk*** j lw a»gw ft** days MBs As* Valamlnew. The rsatvati wf Iheee htlks arawld fin | * large hnah, ewd the gewtaste igalaia that, every word ta these shell he read Sellare he gtvee hta approve! This work (fella (Ml hta private see retar* Mr Mark Candler who ta ap to hla ; aerfe la hilts aad racial Rowe Mt Caadter retaswhed (Me aaoratag that fee | I hada t had ttfea# to share ta a wash and he took hia fund hy tahaiattna U h>a Mr. Coadler aada throogh the i trading of the Mila, he tana these over to the ffotreraor. who read# the cap line of rock, aad rswda the whole kill If tiinrr i# #Bf Amirt ##H*ut (A# pro' to* • An far ## ra# fef UtklpftM Ibrr# Hi nothin* I# Hi# #•*« **f MU# *M r##- oluHon* (N#( #lll r#4|itlr# i ?#to. 9vt sometblag may develop la *** «f [ them when tkey ate carefully read by i Mr. Caalder. toi RIM* Passed. Th* total number of hilt* and reaolu tleas latryodoerd ta both boua** of th* graeral aaeeanhlv ia *OO. and Ifel of throe poaeed, Thoe* which were aot defeated are either in <im»rattle# un aetad rat. or are reta*ly (or a second reading All meaeuree which w#r# aot put oa their passage or killed on Ihe report of the committee will g,« over to the nett session fe* unfinished hiulnnaa. The Ul putiau*. “Tfe* Golden Horaeekoe.” th# new *p#ctaelular play with which the MU- | pollans win com# to Augusts fm Krt- ! dey bight la by long odds the most en lerta nln* vehlete <ho*e elevrr llttl* | people have prearalrd here. Hprrtßf itlarly. It l* the.ffneal prisiuetion the _ Roa#nf#ld's have provided for their j company aad th# opportunities of the , | players to dial higulah thrmaelrea are j more numerous thaw ever. Th# little j people are not only the trada-mark. j but the essence of th# show. They *re , the moving spirit* of every acene. Th<- j hallrta are all presented In brief form . and possess a charming (v'Quancy fur j Ihgl reaeon. and this curtailment of | the ballet featurea (wablrs the little [players to atug and revel through every act. to the delight of the audience* , For. whlje the piece cemmands much ’ attention and the sceneries and cos- | tumes claim unusual obeervatton, th" | l.lllputlan* themselves are what the ; theatre-goers a aot to see. and they I have achieved a tremendous hit in thi* piece. "The Golden Horseahoe" Is a eort of ntusiral farce with ballet In terpolations. An Interesting story Is uaed to connect scenes which may apt- j ly be termed a aeries of surprising, es- | fective stage pictures. There are four j neU. and each act la divided into three scenes, each attractive to the eye and unfolding some plrtorial or humorous feelure. The' first act Introduces the little people. Disk and Boh, brothers; Kutalle and Tootsie, variety actresses; Harry Tall. Will B. Gay and Vera Gay. A woman of Kalamazoo has left a big fortune to the smallest applicant who applies for the bequest, hod the desire to possess this fortune sends them upon their travels. In their per egrinations they visit New York ami pnrtlelpatc in a French hall: Kalama zoo. where they assist in a musical fes tival: take a trip In a submarine botft and view a fabulous sultmarine life. Mid finally land on the stage of a the atre, whore they assist In giving living picture*, appearing as our national he roes. The hook Is written in a spright ly, humorous vein, the music is catchy and tuneful and Mr. Carl Rosenfeld, in staging the piece, has eclipsed all his previous efforts. Every scene has a brilliant achievement picioriaily. and the ballet costumes are chromatic rev els. novel, beautiful and eye-entranc ing. The little players are more in ev idence than In any of their former productions. Franz Ebert, as chief ftinmaker. Is at his best: his drollery of countenance and waggery of speech were never more effective. It would require much space to chronicle the several characters he assumes. He appears in turn as a Yankee tar. and en excrutiatingly funny figure he l». simulating a sailor’s roll and smoking a pipe. Then h“ dons a white flannel suit, black whiskers and with bsttm in hand, gives an imitation of Bandmaster Socsa that : s to the life. He conducts with all th* fervor of tlie march king. Next, he appears tu a little frog elioi'us. Ills work in every seen* is tha' of a thorough comedian. Selma Goerner. as a giddy Thespian is a thorough actress . DOOR*. toe Rshskfe ftassa (fe toatotaffa smue ffiest g hsstaftud d— to»Ußd sMfe* tout dswgse toss m* iff safe ku (ft vfekftejpft l ■ (ft# IP is mgtoi isMt> j svfe Budto ■•uassftk ft aguvßis k a dfttofefeitou fttoft-aMfese#* kwa urtMto-unaftl ft pißsfaftiß dfeasffu k* fefeff ffto gsftfefeftoft toe* v ft (ft* togftto" Übi kaus mtatonji d*to*Bfe»us*d to ftft *ft*ft •* itoft Ljnnri i - -ft nr”* kMMft •##■*§•* tosmiii >ukto| *■» am, touuff d—ev fttodsi dasuv -dfestoM* ftsssu CMAI f. WGEN, toarviffcr ft. KJMINAI- . J | 11, «r A MeKwG* t* Mas* I* Ih# • >i,ilfagn ftrnrkt I# #1 IN* I t C9tm o##rr !#i. W. H IBulU «f M. leefeb «• •» »** ('m# w rr! a I «' A. Batep *f WleauMi to a* »*»| Ctafeiwnlsl Mr. t. • Lskry «* f*lart»afe*l. to at j hft#sm Mr R to DM. «# I# •* fttoft Art* tot* <*«) Mr W M#!4#i#, to# ClMf* h* j at tk# Arilagtca tor J K Itowvee.. ft natiaaatl. to at tk# Flatter* Mr *. J. IVgraai of Duthaa*. ft. C to at ike dsfeten ; The school# have heitw rltteed kvr [ tk# X na» hoitdav*, Mr K c Tonssß. ft Dartoa. O. j Mr. i, to’ Carrie, of Duluth. Mina j la at the Artiagtoa. Mr. C. C toatsrnaa. of Sea Torh Is at the Arlmgtoa. Id. Cart ledge has recovered from an attack ft th* grip Mr. 1. C. MrLeughMa. of Cleeelaad, 0., ta at th# Plaater*. Mr. Jo* Mulherta I* home from Har vard forth* hol'.dtoy*. Mr. J. B Fielding, of Charlotte. N C.. I# •» ihe Arllngioa. Mr. James Tallauui of Hertford jCoan., la at th# Planter* t Mr. W N Phlllimoo sod son. of A»- 'anta. are at the Artiagtoa. We use our beet ftlorts to make your purchases eattrety satisfactory. MAHONEY & ARMSTRONG COAL AND WOOD. Strowger ‘Phone • . . • • * S| Hell (Hike and k ard No. I McCartan Street I Mr. H- Del-- Vtaecat. of New Or leans. Is at the Arlington. I The friends of Sergt' Power* will re igret to learn of his llliies* Mr. C. O. Fountain, of Grand Rap id*. Mich., i* at the Arlington. Part of the Turkish Bath company .are stopping at the Arlington. Mr. W. A. McGowan, of Spartan iburg. S. C„ to at the Planters. Mr. J. S. Oliver, of Mobile, Ala., la here to attend the marriage of hia sla ter. Mr. F. I-. Hum. advance agent of the Andrew* Opera company, Is at the Arlington. W. P. Brown and S. T. Jones of Charleston are In the city, guests at the Commercial. Mr. W, C. Turner, the advance agent of the Peters & Green company, is at the Planters. Vitssre. Charles Rohhe snd Be-t Da vidson. who have been attending col lege et Seuanee. are at horns for the holidays. Messrs. Jack Mahoney. Charles \V. Burch. Austin B. Moore and Marcus 1,. BnkT, of New York, are at the Planters. Mr. John Oliver, a well known Au gusta boy who is representing a large tobacco concern, and whose territory is in the southwest, is at home for the holidays. Mr. Joe Mulherin. who has been at tending Harvard, arrived home yester day afternoon for the holidays. College life seems to have agreed with Joe. for he is looking handsomer than ever. He has many friends who are delighted to see him. CLARK MILLING CO.’S WHOLE WHEAT FLOUR Cooks white and bakes equal to patent. Most nutri tious Flour made. Strongly recommended for dys- Peß ' iCS ' CRAHAM FLOUR for batter cakes fully as as Buckwheat. Give it a trial. Ask your grocer for these goods. D! nect m»«w at THE MARKETS. At«al*ffTA to At* BBT KBPAMT. .A «ft#l##4fti.. f|#i , t*fte H. - 'f'fkUft, #MMM|r » ! Itiittfij * V. *l# If !#*«• i yt~kirn« t A | ya fliftii* Giioii) BSCKim i tt 7 im Vftff tfffegft t irn% j-.ft : l*N Ht«ir-Ii Ir AujUftt *• e • 4412 1941? Chicago ntoyijfnox*. WillEAT— Of## t l»tr to*. |ihi> # e:: v. «*** | \|»y .#•••*• •• •• •* CVi !•% • Mur se .d •• h •• .* T* N» ?•* [January .♦ * .May 9 » I U Msy * *<• * January # (•‘® * *'•* *" NEW TURK COTTON. I Tnue- i U-l*. told,llm* At*#dy. January » RJ *.*• JuhT .V ito .. 1. *« S $M t x toher 5 *" * ** MEW YORK STOCKS. Sugar IJ5 I 4 t".-.* Tobacco 1«1 »« it. it. t 73 t0 T *H f. It o Missouri Pacific 43 t0 l.uulsville and Nashville . *-'** » *]S Manhattan ** people’# Oa# ~ •• .. »• -• 10*'« t ,l! * I'nion Pacific ~ .. *-’l flock Island t|b IllAi Bt. Paul •• •• H*to l*®to Southern Hallway, pfd (- G*w Western Fnlott #2to 9 -H LtVKRPOT>U COTTON. January and February —— 3.02 *2 February and March .. 3 03 March «nd Aptil 3 nt April and May 5 04 May and June * 4tS s flfi June sßd July 3.0* 3.00 07 July nd August Aug. nd. Sept 3 fl * 1 0* Sent, and Oct Oct. am’ Nov 3.0 T 3 •<* Dec. and Jan 3 Flre at Lanham Spring*. News reached the city early last nigh! that the Imnbaiu Springs plare in South Carolina bad been entirely de stroyed by fire. The fire Is supposed to be of incendiiary origin. If (he guilty party or parties ar« caught It Is feared that there will be a lynching. Further details have no. Iteen learned yet. List of New Subscriber*. Augusta Telephone and Rlectric Co., K. C. Spalding, lie" 70T —Holliday. Dr. W. Z. 255 —Kltael. Mrs. L. S.. President. 873 —Schneider, J. 8., Wines, liquor* and cigars. 274 —Phoenix Printing Office. 277—Heckle, Oeo. J.. -Ssldence. sSs— McGowan, J. F., residence. FOt’ND— rMBKELLA AT ATLANTIC and Pacific Tea Co. Owner can get same by proving property and paying 20 cents for advertisement, dec !'•