The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 23, 1898, Image 2

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PWt*AY PIANOS! Best Values In Mrw and Attract) te Uprigr.ts and Grands. $l5O TO $750 ChoKt of Our four l**d ln« W#t»«r Evor •ft, Hifvtni, Stuttf «od B»u*r ' Organs TN Firmod A Vol*y P«rior and Chap#* aly***, walnut ar»o quarter Oak CIIM, MW dMifM. Wa can *av» you mon*y on Sowing MachiruM. B*cy cl«», furntlura. Baby Car* riagon. •»(!. Everything naw in *h**t Music* Tinas & Barton, 7tO Broadway, Augusta, Georgia TWBUUTKINS TOUJ AT TRIBUNAI -1,, tfn> ••111 Ivt' >U th» *«td U<a admitted fkv , I ,lktnx of hv * Th* t* ! !>'■ |Mg» fln.'il Mi «.U AC"'' ait appealed Imfur* the bir „,, Ch"n« ami a 4*«kh -hare* bvne *>,•’ hta head. Hr h*d atrurk a •nail tvir »n«> Jim Johnson. with a ta,.q tup Jim *»M (*cm struck Mm Con mM hr M h'- 'l tba laurel lop to blah» i*l the buy had Ju*« run a*>m»i *t yi« that as It may a hard g**h **" mad* la tb* forehead of Jam** Loo "»* ,-l and Chartoite- H tnnat bav* been a v*ry targe i tfcal Rachel Smith hil Charlotte Wa' har with, but tb* all# and weight of tk* warm not brought out in cmi-t. Rgrbri anil Charlotte bad quarreled and tb.* former had hit tb.- latter with A *p»«m The apoonlng <*•*< Harbrl *2 To Care • Cold la One Hay Taka Laxative Brom* Qulaln* Tablet* All drug#!*!* rafund the money If It fall* to « ure. R>c Tb* genuine ha» L>. B Q on each tablet. CHRISTriAS SERVICES At the Presbyterian Chunh WMI Be especially Interesting. The eervlcc# on Chrlatm** day at th Presbyterian church will la* aepaclally beatitmtl. The regular choir wltl Im* a*- aisled both morning and evening by tb* , volunteer rhurua of twenty-live voice* All who attend then* aarvlee* wilt have the opportunity of hearing *<im* of the beat ChriKtma* mualc of the day. A cor dial Invitation l» extended all atrang era to coma and Join In lb* service. CHEAP WINTER TOURISTS RATES. Cheap Winter Tourists Tickets are now now on sale by the Central of Georgia Railway to Florida and Cuba. AT THE TEMPLE. Interesting Services There This Evening At rtir Temple on Telfair street, this evening, there will he a sermon, “Jesus, (he Jew " Thepuhllc are cordially In vited. Services at BP. M. Music un der the direction of Mrs. Perkins, Pains in the chest when a person has a cold indicate a tendency toward pneu monia. A piece of flannel dampened with Chamberlain's Pain Palm and bound on to the chest over the seat of pain will promptly relieve the pain and prevent the threatened attack of pneu monia., This same treatment will cure a lame back in a Tew hours. Sold by Al exander Drug and Seed Co., C. H. Parr of Bell Tower Drug Co. Messrs. H. J. Porter & Co. have « most elegant line of clothing, which they are offering at the most reason- Tittle prices. Their magnificent store uml Stick ate attracting consldciuble at iir !>«>!•!**? a meat **x- Cohort business. His store is growing ill popunwity right along it you me in need «f anything- W his-line It wilt to see lilnW once His price* Mia »'euaumabl»r and hla goods are *x caller c in quality. - Our prices on suits only two-thirds what others charge. E. J. Henry A Co., spot cash tailors. JUDGE EVE MIKES HIS REPLY T# t|* pNteiitMl Alt lit ywt V tut tu> hfsst ftt* y Bf in* Ass dhHßgf # %#•###■*•§ V TIP i»> W&t tot Jfitt# Hi l # Kl $999 HM [ttMttM 999 9*9 JtMt SS* 99M$t afwfy lib# * *•?# dWHSMSI# nrmufi-ffrt • **• :##' 000$ INsttß tof MBP *&¥ *00999 *tol wvmm 00*m09919 099 14SB' litofifiß *W 9 (•■BP' ito*" «•## IV 81l IMS Apt BMP* IMRNP IB* HbSpRMBtMbl MB i pMltftMfc BPt IBf 000 m m 990909900 Mi Ip ***• pM *% MB MM# PUP • *oo* gumi*# amb t# tftr nff mb I fIW 99(0900 IBM MNpBBBMM ■* !«M|HtStl»*. «* BB# to MPB «M<* I* jSMP ISM (PBpMwW to## M* »fi i*» mn 000 m IBM 4MMMMBI •« r#tpwßt I t !■»#*♦ r' * i Pm* I* the r-| T demerr.. ' mgnndefi* aaya in a newer to pHttion ov ptoiotgf. I. H» *d»H* tb* arirmeal M pnra [ g«a|>* I, to to* ewer i rant e***. >«..*■, **■ i saoly. and in O WtUeo sod let pare* , t| .-. munrnt of naragf ank J 1 hat thta reosmodenl Ua tea deni at totd ermoty and r?*‘ll* ndmit. the allegnimt# es I aamgrat# S. to the *«*»« that rtmpood rat U Judge of lb* OH Conrl of j Hi. named County, end la noo in di* i barge at the dolla* tfcetaaf ■ rmgoodeai bating bean appointed tn •neb pnaltlon by lb# •o***n«r and confirmed by tb* eenat* of Oeor «. He admit* the ali*«auoaa n> I pa'agrapb I. that be ta In poeaeoetoo -*f asd baa the ua# of the obt* nf rout ni»" o«er of rtmda and fevennra of Rlebmood meaty, and dtoebarga* the : dutlee a |spertaining thereto, beeauee ' tw leglaiaiar* of (leorgia haa »**o fit ! pine* upon the Judge of lb* city rourt lb* dutto* of th# eald olßie of 1 county rommlealoner of road* and tee* , enure. Ibis action being bad by lb* legislature pursuant to the wish** of ; the people, egpraaaed through the re i pealed pfe#entntenls of the Orand Jury of Ulrhmond County. 5 Tbia respondent denies tb* alle gations of paragraph 4.. as made de nies tb*! be -to*tee nil Uie* for said ! Richmond county: that he cgerrlaea I the tailng power la and for said coun ty," and tender# an toeu# with lb# plaintiff aa to tbe truth of bl* Mid al legatloq. Kaapondent shows that tbe | taxes in and for said county are levlad by the grand Jury, and where the grand . Jury levies u*e» be rannut Inrrena* or ! override them, and only In caee I tbe grand Jury sbould fall to levy ' taxes would be be Juetlftod In doing i *“■ «. Tbl* reepondent denies the alle gallops of paragraph i. both a* to the fad and to the conclusion of tbe law sought to be derived. Defendant ad mits that article I. paragraph «. of the Constitution of Ueorgla U lo tbe ! effect that the legislative. Judicial and ! executive powers of the stale shall for ever be and remain separate and dis tinct, but says that the constitution It self recognises the fact that these pow ers may be discharged by the ordinary, who Is the Judicial officer, and also by a commissioner of road* and revenues, even though he be also a Judicial offi cer. T. This respondent admits that he hold* the office of commissioner of roads and revenues by virtue of the art of September 17, ISB3. (Public 5241. as amended by the set of October 34, IM7. (Public !,aws. HSU). Thai by the act of September 17, ISS3. the legislature put upon the Judge of the City court the duty of a commis sioner of roads and revenues for Rich mond county, and defined his powers and duties; and by the act of October 24, 1887. amendtng the said last named ait. required him to publish, leti days prior to thP spring term of the superior court, on estimate of the taxes to be levied by the grand Jury for that year, and u (ton this estimate the grand Jury themselves determine as to the legali ty. validity and sufficiency thereof, and act accordingly. 8. This respondent denies the alle gations of paragraph k, as made, denies that the act of incorporating the city court, of September 24. 1881, was un constitutional. but says tt has been held to he constitutional In the case of Whlttcodale vs. Dixon & Pro., 70 Ga,, 721. He also denies that the aet under which he holds his office of September 17. 1883. as amended by that of Octo ber 24, 1887. hereinbefore mentioned. Is violative of article 9, section 3. par agraph 1. of the constitution, which provides that whatever tribunals or ot- Hces may hereafter be created by the legislature for the transaction of county business shall be uniform throughout the state and of the same name. Jurisdiction and remedies: aud says that the plaintiff when he quoted the toregolug portion of the constitu tion, intentionally left out that jiart which gave the legislature the right to appoint tllls defendant to the office be aow holds, which provision of the con stitution is us follows: “except that the general assembly may provide for the T»* XJOXJBTJt VXHRJk. I*U. : *bbmmbmbmm r nMffl iml’-rr r “‘iir*** «# tr * 111 BBf MBMMfli * ••4* ! % «t IB# tmrmi bm-m# mm bNnmm »«twi s g S9O S9O | M rnMtir§ m ‘W M BH »B4»B f» : 1 ftß it IM win I itrfi f SOOOO fß# •? = |^t |M E T-AfUi#" *r»- f wWv* pi nit-r that toww at * I 888 l BM*if# IMBII B# niiißMfß IB * •POTS* tow tMWWOtoM# »** «**• •#* «# I gse tb* yariprwph- at tb# *s»*ia*tl»ai slsoxw g*> .i.t mm* tb* dtemsawp *4 tb* ' gaprem* GsWI gtotow toWad. 4bw PM r*vs#«M HI Iboas rwwgtkw wblrb te , pvwsn sniitilss at tfto wmmmwuo* M-, •■(1 Ab 4 stir-1 te»** by the art «f 1 Octoto* It. I*7* tPwNb I#«* »**' «•* gttwg tb* JurtssttcHow pwwwr* a»4 pew ' i.rgt—r at every «wbly wart. ss4 at the )»<*•• thereof eo a* to mAsbttab 4b* I aatfVrmHy required by parages*# t. eertlna * of art e * • at tbe Knelt, j isa'ttsbi shat* be coast rued M rsgaal asgltou 111 at tb# rwdr of JUTS, to rsto- . tloa to lb# dal Hat of tb* ewaaty JaAgaw M 10 eowaty busta*ee ' bad tbto as* - | itoa IU es tba tbea <wg* beta* la tbe : game wonts aa saritea ft of tb* aaM ad of January lb. 1171 Laws , Jgt, asgsr wbt* ft tba orata»ry of ,p* , couatry, prior to tba sflgstttsttoe of j 1*77. sag under the roaatHuUoa at IPttg, up. n tba es tab 11 ah meat at tlto | roabty taut es Rlrlbssil eoeaty, I4f which court was abo Isbafl upon tb* art of S».pt.mb*r 21. IMI operatteg tb* j rtly court, tubing effart sad baromtog ' opera-tr*. which apt out te U e atm Iter sect 100. go that the oely art of lb# genera! assembly of Oeorgts. wblrb uagertook to prescribe welformlty. exprvwaly at- ! parted tba eel tbea of force sod Hi op rration ta the eounty at Richmond j U. Reapoodvgvt deolea tb* altoga tloa* of paragraph tl. denies that tbe act creating him eommlaalotter of road* and rerent;** ta ta eoatravrntlon of the constitution nnd avers that his nrt* thereunder are nod redd, but »r# legal, lawful and valid. And tbto respondent says, that all rontnd whatsoever over county mat ter* by the ordinary terminated April 22. 1275. after recommendation of the grand Jury of tbe county for th# ##- tahltobment of county court twtder H». nrt s iproved January It. 1272. Tbit the Honorable Claiborne Sneed wa* the Irat judge chosen tn conformity lo this art and appointed June 14. 1872. and. upon tbe expiration of bis term of office, was succeeded by this respon dent. who was holding offirp ns such | county Judge when the act approved ' September 21. 1881. cresting the city s rourt of Rlrhmond eounty. became op-, eratlve. That he was thereafter ap j pointed by the Governor and confirmed by the Senate, pursuant to the pruvls- j lon thereof, and has been from lime to | time reappointed and reconfirm'd. j That the wishes and will of the people aa expresaad through the grand Jury of j the county annually at the Spring term j of the Superior Court aa required by ithe provisions of the act of October J!. ! 1887. have been carried out and taxes ' assessed In accordance with such wish 1 and will as thus expressed by the grand ' Jury. j So that, In truth and In fact, the pe ' tltloner and all other cltlgens of the . ' county of Richmond, acting through ! and by the grand Juries, drawn and empanelled In conformity to law, con i trol and direct the matter of taxation | for county purpose*. That this fact was well known to the IH'tloner heto-e the Institution of the I present proceedings, for at the April | term. 1898. of Richmond Superior ! Court, he caused to be laid before the grand Jury of the county, having be fore them for consideration and deier , mlnatlon the estimate of taxes to be i 'raised, a proposition looking towards | the reduction of expenses tn the eon j duct aod management of county af fairs and the segregation of the offir<* | of county commissioner from that of judge of the City Court or the eounty, ts the management was submitted to him. ami petitioner’s views were duly ' considered and no action whatever was j taken thereon by the grand Jury, That after the discharge of the grand jury no action was taken by petitioner oal'- Ing In question the correctness of the action as set forth In their present ment. and this respondent, as was his founden duty, proceeded to assess the taxes In conformity to the report of the grand Jury. That ;ts evidence In support of the denials of this respondent of the al legations In paragraphs R to 11 Inclus ive, he annexes heretofore: 1 An extract from the presentments of the grand jury at Hie April term. I is 73. recommending the establtshmnt of the County Court or Richmond county, m»Vk«d "A." 2. Extract from. the presentments of the grand fury at the April term. 18$3. recommending the passage of such an ] act and which Is the same set out In tite preamble of the legislatlvet act 1 ( September 17, 18xn. public laws 52*. | THE NEWS TODAY FROM THE MILLS SrllhnblM ll*As ts #M 0 ilff UN* N* Ibrt( # UMijt, ti**r«u«* *#»*#*» m da am amt •as* If toM f#w* am 1 M Hißli*7J> s * *tob*#-A ■MI fß# IBM- 00 l w '* ] Mitt WM# I# 48M4 TB*M MB i ts to IM4 tMtor *Bb« b 'iZ'ZZZKr - I tfl# »iul»jiTi tn A to# u»t t* ihi if# faff#* * an mil at Mto, ta# as ta run Mag Witt shat d -it tnsiemi*, the Wwtbertaad vast tint (tv aa. What effect tkta if It la true will have ow th* eta* twa of the aiill ta the aaanctatiaw to hat known ■oarked rihlbit "8." 2. A copy of the ntlMh publthbed ta conformity to tow to Tbe August Chroatcto —. tits with the action of the grand Jury thereon at tbe April term, , marked exhibit* “C" and •IX" 4. Rxtrarta from peeaeutment* of the grand Jury from 1882 to tß»*. etpreua tva at their opinion with reference to tbe conduct and management of county affair*, marked exhibit “E." y Wherefore respondent, pud tog hlm eetf upon the country a* to the laauaa arising under the pleading*, pray* the rule to ahow can** he discharged and Judgment entered in hta favor, with coats of suit. FRANK H. MILLER., J R. LAMAR. BOTKIN WRIGHT. C. HENRY COHEN. , tjjepuly Attorney# “STATE OF O BORG I A—RICHMOND COrNTY.—You. F. Eve, dp vKear that the fjregoiug defense into to the heat of Your knowledge ttyi 1 ’ belief, and you do jlwesr positively m 4A' the truth of the'dental at the fiit.ti set forth In the foregoing answer. WILLIAM F. EVg- e, f rfworu to and aiHwcrtbad before pi jf tli|g 22d day of DciAUibet, 1888 Jj J. BffKEENER, D. C. T Exhibit "A." Extracts from presentments of the grand Jury of Rlchmotid couuty at Ap ril term, 1872: CITY covin’. "On account of the large amount of Insolvent costs paid to the officers of tbe law sud believing thst the estab lishment of another tribunal would ob viate this enormous expense, beeides rendering the trial and punishment of criminals more speedy, savin* the county the expense of long Imprison ment before trial. “We, therefore, recommend the es tablishment of a County Court.” (Kxh'btt “B.") Extracts from presentments of the grand Jury of Richmond county, Aprtt term, 1883: "Recogniilng the present efficient ad ministration of county business and be lieving It to be the best Interest of the county that the samj be continued. In order to avoid the.question raised by reason of the act 'creating the City Court containing the clause vesting in the City Court judge as ex-offlelo com missioner of roads and revenue the control of county affairß, we endorse that part of the general presentments of the last grand jury whleh requests our representatives ‘to use their ut most endeavors to defeat any effort to repeal the present administration of county affairs.’ “And we further roqnest them to In troduce and obtain thepassage of a sep arate act. which shall make the judge of the City Court cf Richmond county ex-offlelo cimmisstoner of roads and revenues, or caunty commissioner wi.h the powers anti duties Imposed on him by the City Court act or now exercised by him.” Bucklen's Arnica Salve. the BEST S.Al.Y'irih th« world for Cuts Brut***, Sows, Ulcers. Salt Rheum. Fever Sorest- Tetter, Charped Elands. Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions and posfttvely cures Piles, or no pay required, ft Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money re funded Price 25 cents per box. FOR SALE BY HOWARD & WILLET. WIT AMS. r*»r# afVMfffWßtoto n»« 8»»to* f NMpB 00009 188 818 00 BB# wlp mm 1 0000000 to , %WB 900 9# | fAx# |WMf BtoMPiB BB'B BBRMtoiß* M#» jM# totoM fto# fIM 00 090 00900 009 I to# om. m to#, mmf B«m» p*m ; BftoMtoto | iimg'B "> 7T> ■» to B#« 4Mto# B# to# 0009 jtoitoi BN# wtoß 099 9900000 to 9990 IBM *>w#f osm 900 910900000$ m tot top totoß ' to# tot# Bit# to*# >#i>ifffißß|l 00*4 ’ r%* omo4 9mu \f# IB B#Mi*to» Mtoto .•e* i •*" f- a #•# B#BN#to#Ml 00 1000 Bm# 9 j ttotot "totototo * j SITUATION WAN Tib RAgrtS -mw 00+199 A# **HJUO9t | T* r *fl to# tostot# 9090 *’■ t * B'MMBB f 9099 mm to'BtoNi ftofto ’tolßTWtoA totolTtni# Al YtUfH HELP WANTio .to A KTIBf (*<n>K. Afflf BU | int w a men lift) aiju a oood l*f*Y to S9O, ills Qfmoom *lj##l* FOR SALE mtBMKf) im*BYA TKJOraMKR dnaai | tarbey*. Faeve t t*ht. 8 War ren Murk. J* tun street Aer <8 Jt CREAM—CERAM AT M JACKAoJ* AT FOR aa'le FAFER for WRAP PIN ft pnrpoavt. Cheapest tn etty • >a* ■ sent a peaag Apply at HeraM utPra, Roth white sad aews-pspsr. j Nev I FOR AAUB-144-ACRR FARM. ONH n>ti* fiva* city limits a bargata. Ap ply W. C. Jobes, Me. U 4 Jachaua «t. Oct 1 CHEAP -PAPER FOR WRAPPfNO purposee. >4 cent* a hundred old ex changes. Whit* paper 1 cent a poaaA. Nov I (FOR BALK—t*S* OHREStt ATREET. with a little outlay ran he made lata a handsome and modern mtdenrv. Tertna fIJNtO cash; tuUnrt, three years with aeeen per rent Interest. Apply to E ttheehan. Manager. Robt. Portner .Brewing company, dev 12 ts FOR BALK—A f-HORHE PLATFORM | | truck wagon, rapacity MR to t,Wt| pound*, nearly repaired, and a fleet j etas* Job. A bargain, at tba* Dierv \ Wagon Works, corner Kills and Ninth j : afreets. I FOR HOLI DA TB FI N EAT ABAORT JIENT of Homed reseed Turkey*, j Cht< kens. Mutton Beef. Pork Bausage. ! Btc. Free delivery anywhere tn rlty. i Bummervllh* and t’emp. Bell 'phone ’ xU, E. M. DRAB. Jarkaon and BUIS streets, Dec. 84. t {(RKBBEi) Tt RKRYH-TKN N EBBKE j i dressed turkey*.nCorcc A Uhl. 3 Wi*. ren Bloik. Jackson etreet. dec 23 2* | TO RENT. | TO UT-TWO handsome double offices. IS 1-8 per month, *ll modern convenience*. Leonard FlilnUy. 108 j Broad atreet. Dec 81 TO RKNT-BTORE 537 BROAD, AJfDj residence of « rooms, S«n Reynold* Both very low. Apply 537 Broad, dec 37 LOST AND FOUND. LOST—ON THURSDAY NtOHT. AT Y. M. C. A. hall, a wreath breast pin set, with pearls and diamonds. Kinder will be rewarded by leaving at HeraM office. dec 23 25 Special Notices: Special Notice The National Exchange Rank of Au gusta, Augusta, Oa., Dec. 9. 1898. THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE Stockholder* of thl* Rank will be held at it* Hanking Houee on TUES DAY, January 10th. 1899, between the hour* of 12 and 2 o’clock p. m., for the election of seven directors to serve sos the ensuing year. PERCY E. MAY, Cashier. DIVIDEND NO. 41. The Planters Loan and Savings Bank. Dec. 20, 1898. THE USUAL SEMI-ANNUAL DIVI DEND of three and one-half per cent (SVj) on the capital stock of this bank has this day been declared, payable to stockholders January Ist, 1599. w. C. WARDLAW, Cashier. They are at It again, anil our es teemed fellow Georgian, Dr. Roland B. Ha.l of Macon, is the cause of It. The Herald refers to the yawping of cer tain of the northern papers concern ing the pinning of the confederate badge upon the person of President McKinley. ”It-the art Is the culmi nating performance of the singular love feast that has been going on for the last few days lu Georgia.’’ They have been “touched and grieved by tbe president's eulogies of tbe men of the gputh." etc.' What would they hate said, If they cqvtld have seen the presi dent talking to'Major Withers and his gallant band? Art Squares from 84.50 to 315.00 at Firming & Howie*. FREE * FREE THIS Ol'rtt ALMa»T WUOOAOOM IMSUUP. An External Tonic * Applied to the Skia j Beautifies it as by flajjic THE DISCOVERY Z AGE A WOMAN WA# TUB tNVHKtWI "f mm m—ik— l X%mmo9*& I mm t#tol Mi Bat toil# j to#**} to 4toN»#*-t#ito»# «00*w9r*w trnmmAf i to# w*t#*k -# m»4 smpooo99om «# j f jj r * gnu.} {},«, toll, 1 tot to-*#r ArwKsuto Jl#to Vm% #fw-f#»i U# fil* j IMI IB# fi#M |#toctH». Itoitn* Cimmnm. UittoMh Ms , tov# B BMtte | #4Sm t I :.4 • k *1 ttow#t (to# ftMtoff# ITmr $900009 KftHi'# c*tmfso\t*m T##4c ha# B ii#< «iMl#r#Htol Mtort «Mi Ih##«l4rto. m 4 rtrrrittf n4# ill impariUw •hkh th# Bf Ha Ktoft ft# tofMrif to mrfrnt* 0 th# Mitt. It to to th# •**& tohat t totor to 1# th# amrto. • kit»4 0 th* w lito th#t tantoMwttoielf tthitorair* and #tf#mohcti# vtofHrif »{-{>;lts totoc Mtort to BU ilnM i#inw4#lflj’. i#<l it hrtiftfin toi'«t lh*M th# flit* (MU#, Mx'khAtß, cnoth ■etch##, tonnk ? «# Hw fUlAflMM##, ■ (HUim« «atK|4ioo«, •t*4 itoMonN### 0 mi Bia4. In o ttor th#t #ll MBf B# h*n*flw#i hj th«r Ilf### Utofi##i#7« th# VBmni Itoii will, ■ torui| th# g>f#*Ft»t month, ft«# to f»U* 1 THE MISSES BELL, 7* imn *«.. y** cn». For Sat* In Augusta By James Daly & Co. W3f (£)nORS,§ASH an°BLlNne ! f Mill Work gW' ls - ! OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. y U YELLOW PINE LUMBER f ACTORV AND SAW Mill EQUIPPED WITH LATEST IMPROVEMENTS ANO ; ORGANIZATION THOROUGH IN EVERT DEPARTMENT. M.M FULL UNE IN STOCK ANO PROMPT SHIPMENTS ASSURED SHHH — mm- PRICES.CATAIObUES ETC..UPON APPLICATION. ■»- f Perkins Manufactliring CoAugusta.Ga. FRESHEST AND FINEST HEATS DRESSED POULTRY OF ALL KINDS AT THE LOWEST PRICES. V—highest cash prices for calves ROBERTS’ MEAT MARKET Strowger ’Phone 824 - Bell ‘Phone 433 C. B. Allen 830 BROAD STREET. I SELL THE OLD RELIABLE M>. Hr M Stove. heating STOVES of All kinds ’ V MORPH IN E FREE TRIAL TREATMENT wilt be seat to lay one addicMdl to the usr J’lSSlvr' MiiBPmVB LAUDANUM or other -Irug habits PAINLESS HOME TREATMEN 1. READ HERALD’S WANT ADS OCCEMBKB 3# '{Mr# at fh#tr jtodtof mm Ifhl Bwtfto 0 9kof f\kft-;ffiLrt 4 •’*•*•* T #lf f to*#; fifid tit : CVpß## Bhfit ItNMMf- toM 9099000 ##H 90 toß# !i«v#fito#:|r tot## Itoto Y##B B##)r B# B##mp* 8f vq|, flwrj tvt) mm* **** toiMl# to fifif #4* tifwMß #s| tII ll l#> fi#rw#Bft. f# th# n OlHtol «| n 000999 (• Utmv** ) •*» ftivto fM 0 i*> hiisg end 4«Rvevtng. tbe pv» «f thte * *4 rfiil kanit is Ai<» pee teU’Se. and .i-r. tit, ret «dbe *ba*M he emhaaaed by *J t, I Tba Mtaee* beil here JuW HMkM tb*4r MW hash, -fiearete at Ihavtj.* j This eatnahW a —fb la Ike* la til deeirtag it. Tba b*» k treat* esbansttv ty as lie I importer*-* as a qwM esvepiesbm, tell# b«*w A w-wnaa may anjuirv beauty and ' keep It. bprrval rbaptne an tb* car* es ' tba heir; bov Inbava lutertaatgn wtb; barmbsn tan h«di es making the hair pm* ! seer* its natural beauty and n*Vot, aven ta adtawred age Also tavtrartlow* bow to hankeli mk*i S*.i( hair fhws tbs bn, >H«k ami arm* elfboet tnjary to the dts j Th»« book nlil be audied to any addwm «• "'l UI E Trial R-gtlm as WomWeful Owa pie(i*>« Tonm fm» at parlote, or » «*n«a | : cent as packing and auullog) to thins at a dteiadre Com-puaJrtK!* eordisily soh. »t»d. Ad* dpes * PARLOR MARKET, 95 t Broad Street. BEL.L ’PHONE 408. YOUR CHRISTMAS TURKEY should be fat, Juicy, tender and succulent, and unjoint at the first touch of the knife. A war with Turkey can be avoided if you choose your bird from the choice lot that are being fattened for our market. We will have them in all sixes, and nurtured like Spain's weakling King, till we are ready for them. A turkey or suckling pig from our stock means a feast.