The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 23, 1898, Image 5

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FRIDAY Georgia Railroad Bank AUGUSTA* GKOROIA ctmmtxtv rAIPIfwAIfTM. . • c • • • * .. _ - «rv4M» A •■■v •«»*» I* #«**••*• gsfasr seaS^ «MTT*>'t JM *Wf> ITttllJlMW «MMk> «• «4H M MrnMif ««w*»s **l teoa-ater so# |l>| tm »««*# at tk# ~*ta» Tintii 9 w DR. HENRY J. GODIN. K» —HI ##—•#■»* 1 Otero. IWMII *M mil sssiate. tt* Ml Him. «m Am* *a**a Ftentar*' LOOK HI«E. OIBLAI « M n«*< 'm v»n* alm Nil mmk »•«. * llitl mm at «k# iiu iwm ad Ik# raetteig herota# a# #k# Vtl* k#, and cm**** *«fc tk» s#»*«*«ki»* »l#i*r» erf k gnat k*#kA# #aya m !*••!’(. W* find alr»adf k tetweaiar k#k «ks a##* : i irll eteatef# whoa# d* *#4 ta ns# *rf ■ t>«» or Me*. MM of Ik# ponnar# IMMI H#» f»«i»#a I* kklwmlif »»D* kwlnk rs Ik kkllA'fil -■*> at » h *' * ko*a# trail M m inr M tk* <sltnnat# iikoni *( ik# ~H#hn# kfk” and tk# "#IH»«> sratrt." tram Ik# itorwl put* |l all! MM# a# a n»at<#r at tamna that “Infill with lk# tain* at ncteiaa" #lll k#k*t#a*l| p #nt at faahbm. bf it 1 “ •a arcopted lan that lk# »m»* *# >t tk# hlepeln kataia# I# rahatf hsnlth.y. ■ofwnf, •• »*n«ten It #«k hatad kraati ** aca 101 l that tk# f##t #4 tk# kk|rl!t| air! ar# gradually Ineraaslox «4§ lift SO( |S BVAbtr - iHbcMHh r»nsld#rlng all lk# tearysl# shleh ar* attributed ta tk# Wffrt* •# aho«wi not hr at #H anrprtsed to h#ar that It hail •lf#ct#d tk# d»vekipae*nt at a third Itaab Thi* fan, h«»ey#r. •# should advt»# lk# novelist to ignore. No lady lll## la havt tk# ala# of b#r f##l orrrr.ll m* ■ t#4, and tk# a#ar#r k#r ala# appro#?!* a# to #ev*oa tk® la or# rooted la h#r ob lanlna to hat tax tk# bar# troth blat#d at One* l#t the ld#a lak# toot tkat ryrltng kaa tbla #A#n, and from that hour Ik# kuna!*## of fair rjtlUt* will dwindle For Croup use CHE NEY'S EXPECTORANT. V. M. C. A. FOR jO OEOROIA. Tk# Ladle* of Savannah Tak# Such la Cbargr. Savannah D#e. ». Th# woman « AUiiltaiy to (bf Cbristisn of th# army and navjr met In the T. M. C. A. parlor* on Monday afternoon for tk# pur pore of ronalderlng th# matter of squtplng th# T. M. C. A. tent of th# Third Georgia regiment, which I* without lupplle*. About |IS »a« reported eollertrtl for thin work, Th# B##d la v#ry urgent, a* the regiment will icon leave for Cuba, and It la de atred that evary Cbrlatian denomina tion In the city ahould be repreaeoted at the next meeting. Did you ever try taking home an oyster fry in a box when you are late get ting in at nlght--lt has a very soothing effect. The finest oysters on earth at the Arlington Annex Res taurant. In politic* and courtahlp a third par ty ia usually undeatrabi*. YOU CAN FROM OUR LIST SELECT THE PROPER CHRISTMAS PRESENT Diamond p.ndsnts Bjlv« r Moantsd Hrtr Broth#* D amend Pin. « vsr Mounted bomb. Diamond Rin« Silver Monnted Mirrors Iblmond K- Silver Mocu.ed Woth Bru.hte Diamond gcarf Pins BUwer mounted Whisk Brooms Gaotlsmen’s Gobi Watches B' ver moanta Hat Bru-hes I.adie*' Gold Wstcbea B *ck Ebony Hs r Misaes 1 Gold Watches Black Ebony Military Brush** Hoy.' Sliver Watche. lt.ack Kbonv Mirror. Bovs’ Nickel Wsicbes '-old headed Walking Csnea Gold Vast Chain* ?.°VT e J ~r r„, r lui (,o d Ixjrgnatte Chains °Hu r **P t G '“ Gold Fan Cnains ' “t Glaw Puff Jsrs FINE FANS fftVgANr VV r rsatelh Pinto r AWg Gold Link Cuff Bnttons ?° X ?i ’ Gold Stud Buttons yhj.ksy Flask, sterling surer . Gold Kliirt IV»iet fiats Curling Tonga, sterling silver Gold Thimble. Glove Stretcher, sterling .tlvrr Si?ver Tlmnble. Comb Cleaners, sterling silver Tortois Hbsll Lorgnettes Handle Stick, sterling silver Childs’Dress Pins Scumors, sterling silver Bsbv Buttons Urape Scissors, sterling si ver Gentlemen'- Rings Manicure Sets, slerling silver Rings Tape Measures, sterling giver Babv Bines** Darners, .ten ing all«er FINE UMBRELLAS Silk Windare. sterling silver bilver Mount'd Suspenders Ten Miffs. " erlmg s'Ker Gold Garter Bockiei Key liings and l ags, -urlmg silver -tiver Garter Buckles BJ 10e Horns, sterling silver FINE FANS Fine I mbrellst. A Nice GOLD PEN with Pearl Holder in Plush Box, only sl. WM. SCH WEIGERT & CO-, Sania Claus Jewelers. ttmtn LIKIN' kp*.t#wkw*i Tk# wa>wrpd rwpteiteans at •gnrtaa- Mtt ha** fhaww* tk# Mlwwtks iuw»ht u*m *rh#r«aa Masons I. A. terteate#. John Mart. W. It M*it#t and <l. A. Clawa. #an4M#<#* bar Ik# afMtMMN at pwatan#*»v at tk# #H* at flpaftaa burs hav# pwt tkaawa#!*## aw te#«rd. «W ankaaittMtg I# a l»a#vatk a##*- faktat t*t»r#t»w. yatiuM tt Sparta#* Mats. and. KMvMta, M##aea Hart, CT#w* and M#it*t. a# ter fw»#ot tk#aaa#i#w* a* t* raptpHMa tk#M party cuastH setter If tm taring that if appntatad and ta Ikadr pwwnr. lk#f would n«rf an*»l*t a a#gr» as tut «—Mtaat I* tk* Mt#*****#. MM Sfkrrant IC»p*rtally Mr. John Mart, wfcu. If h# kaa am* ehati*# of aaeuttag lb* aagbinutfi 11 a*^ antaly ta tk# raaulotlnw* pa»*#d h#ft»r# tk# laat raapvtalaail Stntrtet tauiv#a tMaa which b*t !• latur#k* A, f . on Mh of Octotw# load, wbirh fwaoluuon* !>f vamtMMMi mpfwft lo ftrrt f *‘ u DsgrosM, ib4 tin, lG Mr. Ml H*ri. Wl>rfi|> tl# ffltoriNl r*jHihllni»f of RlMrlMlMirg Mr# not, by a t(K>k«att« or la a Mr >'t *ftjr «9|Hraß(. »f it t« tIMMf rl|M to 4o 001. fcr * c»lof«i A mmmm m tOf mit of tii« ftp|M>ct»ent ai pootOßEAtrf. tßWffWf few It RmoM flro. TlNit tr twooA tt»# rrpnft li BBtno aoA wittioot foaoil*- tiM. that aaNI report l» dlrllßiaf to rngACHlwr Atrlfr mod Ml brtwfro thr rt**m Hiranl —* Set oad That wa rvpudiat • aad ltor#v*r k#r#aft*r withdraw our al* leglanc# from llallrt. Mart and riant, aa rapohllcani.. Rvaolvvd. Third. Thai w# pb-dga oar ittgrct for appointment #• porlrowirr to My, J. S. Brubaker who attand#d Dime or oar meeting* and to oar know l#dg# made no ov#rtar#a or promise* 1 th* colored rvpnblteaaa neither dlr»< I ly or Indirectly, for hla man y atand In th# democratic newspaper Interview and who in hla own word*, “would not pledge any on# what be would do In the matter." Resolved Rotirth, That the thank* of tne colored republicans are hereby ten dered Kdit.-r T. L. Gang and Th# Kvenlng Star. In their efforM to ihoar up oar white republican*; and farther, that the** reaoitttlone. together with a ropy of each t*f th# Interviews, be fur nished the Hon. K. A Wetrater. na tional committeeman. President Mc- Kinley. Postmaster General Smith, and Hon. M. A. Hanna, and that they be pub.ish-d in Th# Dally Herald. Tue Carolina Spartan and Tb# Evening Star. Don* hy order of the colored repub licans in mass meeting assembled at Jit. Moriah church. December l»th, IS#S. < O. P. Mills. Tat ban Morgan. H. D. A. Smith, Committee. Our line of Japanese no velties is unsurpassed from 25 cents up. At Richards & Shavers’. Science teaches ua that the nun drawn water from the earth. The epot* on the eun are no doubt cauaad bv what it draw* from the Chicago river. t-Chlcago New*. . .. riM in ■ —-w m *m* tmm* THE RETURNINB SOLDIER GIVEN THE POSITION Ht l#ft ill Hit (Iffiftarti to riffet I'm I1i» (gftfin AttUtf fytiA taatkl ttuiaai that • t#*nw»y ttevteg Onamf te Tbwl Hvpnrt na#«M. Ik# CMy Ot «*■*.l# Ik Ml gt»* tttn* fkatk tk# PwiaMtwb Hn toaar •tMMte# te I wttet ik ttk tk# kaa#«M (kwegta ikvwaa Mwaf Me liteated toy am* Caw nail l*il J* r.twArO |bA4 AH ImlAHßtotoHfAA UNfeftAf ! fcMHf*Ahß M laa| BfeAlit. AIMI flHto A< •I %| *•= fep«» ffc •* eignMft* *«n t%m <MaHi ««f ftBR ] Mks A'III ttof> »* gy# i 9 ta a 1 Mr fi m AAHf f«W. AAflt l*> f III# fMto’A a+mh «M B«4 j f'* M B I !••#» '*» As ||fep BNPAto rwA* El hi* k | prUtoTl#»* Vim I YArHArtMi IhATiAA **** H* 11 : fAof Ml t|m Mr* 4»|mn m»nt.. aumtM vta-*"AA* [ H»a AAA |a tm Att*4 H At ifhtpAl * * .. llm Mrv MiW »M ifA rmmutlttim r«i*ir< f «f«AA. I Mai im ogf Am At AiiiANwi|iiPßiiiY th# i 9»mat im AfifM«lttia«f m«»i Im thrlf*! al * At a ailmf «»fA< *?• es iMa ff*T A vKtßff Ma 4 «mn*4 Mi Dm 4*#! lAftfitfßl • MmAMR MA«t*M VAA4Ar>« ) I MAI BH MMMIa ffttoli fM# ARlVmfl* j Iml # IM of Ji wiiA tv*r aat I rAt»*m* mi Dm 4#fMAri«t«Afif Umr* l»4 Imrn •m*m* tM» bpNl* a»l* r«nrnt| fttMLiß HbbbMM»!'», *|rh iMa Air««H*l CmmVMM EArnfA VIA A nfg'B 'im J AptiM «nU Munpmgt. fi M »*♦« tmr« JLIUJi Mil . iNtftAf AIM All t|lll» *Hll. f Aa a BAtmtitAt# Mr. Htfr of tlm aw* I Tim CltAlaMi'i St Air me nt. ,-y tK cufrrcl, aa |irr I lit- rul«% |»rom«»ti«*»i! Ttila left A vmemney *hi Iht wtitjAtyut# | tiAt For !)m vaißßfT theta am* »i #l»*| f*»»m,net»«l«**l *»»*! emioriw-il by Mr. lUr- { r n .t ik. tliird. Th** y><.|i||rr pprtlce aa of met*ht He haft l»ed*n a Aoidler rviomnitnitf ,1 by inunrllnifß. lie vuv* i hlef of the dr# deiwrtmtel. Thl# wa* ' don#, and two name# given to him from lerted Mr Burn* and the appointment *Mr n 'c.rler—"Thl* man (Huntlngl.m) in hi. patrtotiwk. left tk# «ted#Pkri raH for w.ldlci* He remained with hie I think for that reason he t* entitled to get hi* position bark.” Mr. tlAtreif— 'We All rerngnlxe . merit ot whAt y<*u A®y• Bui there aaa a re*olullon to that effect (that h«i»«r# Ably dl* barged toldlerA he given |»lAe eA under the c-lty which th«*y 4iuit to! e-nllat) hut It did not paaa Th« chief j madf' th* Appointment. It aaa left tn him.** i \% here dr. I.amhack Stood. Mr. UtmlaM —‘‘The chief tant ap-l point anybody. Council electa, and I i want to vote for thl* noldler to have hie place back.” Thrr. wa* *ome further little dl*ru»- alon. and Mr Phlnliy of th<- second naked: "What ha* been th« ru*t«m?j What 1* the lawT” The clerU read the law. Mr. R|ee—"Under Mr. Haworth It wasn’t done (that I*, the law had not been followed out), Mr. Lambark—That make* no differ ence; It'a going to be done now.” Mr. Hire —"It depend* on who ia in power and on top.” Mr. Lambark —"That* It, If you. Ilka." . , . Someone else remarked that the law | had not been rnmplted with heretofore, but Mr. Lambark appealed to the rec ord*. He bald that Mr. Garrett had. In council, reported appointment* made | by him and the appointment* had been confirmed by council. Mr. Lombard of the fourth *ald he did not know either applicant, taking part In the discussion, and Mr. Fhln izy sought a postponement with the view that council might Inform them selves and be In a position to know and then vote for the better man. Mr. Carter was willing to postponement. Mr. Garrett suggested that postpone ment would bring on complications- - that appointment* had been math- and that men would be drawing pay and In the service of the city pending shell postponement. Mr. Barrett for the Soldier. Mr Harrett of the third secured | the floor. "Admitting that both men j are of equal merit,'* he said, "I submit j that one of them resigned hi* position i to go into the army. I have not heard any one say that he is not deemed a good man. I hear from good sources that he Is worthy. Nothing at all has been said against him. Th# question Is whether we shall put him hack on the ; fire department or not recognize his ser- i vices as a volunteer.” Mr. Barrett made It plain that he meant no re flection on the committee chairman, the ehlef or the other applicant. Mr. Phlnizy—"l am In favor of the men who went Into the army." Mr Cashln arose to Say that the ,hb r had not preferred Huntington In making the selection between the two men. it was brought out i'nai at ■ llm» ttiigton was in the council chamber. At Mi. Carter's request lie stood In his place. Jli. Carter remarking that he wa* an ahle-Uodiad, honorable, sober, industrious, hardworking man. In an swer to Mr. Carter Mr. Hunting said that he had been on the flic de partment about two years and .that du ring that time he had never been ar |»HlAftotoM «tot AAr-APF I '# IMf ItoAffeMA* A «•*•* * AA* Im A»# «*»•** j i#A |Aa fA#*'" 1 ' #4MMIIiWIAA **M **** AAEv* i [llMAtt *«* «4IAtAA I# im AVANdgA* #AA**»« I I s it' HI r%um* 4 ANPt* «|MH 19 m 4»-| rfe»M Dfetolt llfeAß* *• A VAU'Wi Fs tMMI I i( AA* *>■'* nANANPAk# I Mr tVAAiA AAi Mr waa« |Mf 1 («A ItoA AlPfAPfel AAA .A* At i A»t 9 * TA* AA* j j AmttAA Mr. J‘iAaaai Vvaai lAa awAAtl i j i(|if |» tAa «««Al*r Na 9 aa# laaa fAA I iuni«4 AllA#t»f 4AAANit M A LOD I ilf Ai ItflMHl Alt A <Havu*i ftAAA AA •Ar lavaAA 1 T" aha aa AMAAAIta i .-a *0 ,i. ||* lIHAHAti T A. I m*IIAA, ABNMfAAIfA I»fM# W*HT. AMI * s i VAArfr, TAa Kl&f lAifmi*-?, WAulaaal* . rff, tAV*MAI A FWBAti Did you giver try taking home en oysler fry In a box when you are late Ret ting In et nleht--lt has a very soothing effect. The finest oysters on earth at the Arlington Annex Res-' taurant. HE NEVER SLEPT. I 9 mmaaammaam IlStenalr I d Rain Ne'er Slept an Hour in IWd. K«*mAihA Wi* iw, S 3. —k MIIIIgb K4 BftiA pr#Al«fpnt «»f lAa llain % nii«t {lAfv Air fijiij It Ia a dlft Aot iWo An ho»ii In hit brd. CiHi* • ! A ,-„a df*vOttOfl to btflißNA AAA IA | known to remain In tits faOuf? [ up to *litf*B ftin i|« aa Imr a* 4 j tally relieved btmtpif of biwinre* 1 Kor th#* treatrr part of the past trn tea i,. i„L „ |||| |' v ' t fgrs It AAA niA t IIP it'lll HI Into* 'iSliy | I trlpa to Chicago to pma« Away tn* tlin«‘. In Atrret car ruling and driving during tb«* day. and at night he aab always t«»j | be found either at a theatre or billiard I 1 hall whn h were (h** '»uly ptacre at < u> hir h he ans utile to get a Abort nap. j the musk’ at the theatre** and the dirk j tun of the billiard Italia alone affording ] him short •pell* of repoan. li- *a- j Itorn lu KltiderhiH'k. N. V . aratu.y I | five year* ago. The cause at his death | was pulmonary apoplexy. Lamps, both Banquet and Library, in beautiful designs at i Richards & Shaver’s conifca south. Bob Fltzalmmom Will Train In Savannah. The sport* of Charleston, says The , Post of that city, may have the oppor tunity and the plfß*ure of seeing the lanky Australian. Bob Ptlxalmmo**, train for his coming fight in Bridge port, if the match Is finally conmimma ted. It is said that Fitzsimmons will train at Savannah, and the "din kies” and "tin horns” and the other va rieties of Charleston'* sporting frater nity will he enabled to lake a run over to the Forest City occasionally, and see the champion bruiser get Into shape for his battle. Fitzsimmons is not unknown In Charleston. lb* visi ted tills city of several occasions, and frequently he has referred to his trip south several years ago. just before his marriage to Hose Julian, one of the prettiest and most shapely actresses of the day. Stop sending your girl old cheap candy. Xmas don’t come but once a year. She wants Huyler’s. We have all size packages. Shewmakes’. SPANKED HER. The Deacon Did So to Get the Mean ness Out of His Wife. Providence, R. 1., Dec. 23. The divorce case of Virginia Wood against Mark H. Wood, a deacon of the Bar rington Congregational church, is on trial here. The grounds on which the divorce are asked are cruelty and non eupport,. The testimony brought out Mr. V.ood’s extreme jealousy and the habit he had of spanking his wife, “to take the wickedness out of her,” to use his words. WHAT IS SHILOH? A gramj old remedy for Cough. Colds and Consumption: used through th** world for half a century, has cured innumerable rases of Incipient con sumption and relieved many In advanc ed stages. If you sre not satisfied with the results wtTwlll refund your money. Price 25 cts., -50 cts. and SI.OO. Sold by Retailers, T A. Buxton, Anderson's linos Stoic, jtjlexandei s Drug Store, West. End Pharmacy, The King Phar macy Retailers, Davenport & Phinl *y. ‘ * c MB. PHINIZY CHOSEN MAYOR PRO TEMPORE, KfteUtiato §1 At fell, Haiti, til Mrftlto Ikmt IvtaatH Hla fit, Hikll) Has N*< Vat A.'Sfte* Ik# s•*#.#• kowtevtte* ttgh Hl# IM rtatafi * 4al« of 4«tl*| I jMNwmnl* M* »* -4 | *■■■ |gt Aft Ml * A |! ■ t*■■ ** I l#t ■ H i>4 Ik*- fifeCA l'*lfe*T4AF 99'a#4 t MAfrell. «***lM** Mo* a#4 As t NIA Mm» »f (lAfttNt mA# AVI lk> fit a Hoi iNp M»r*»r Ha 4 ihaNl ft* htNfe ,14f 9%', M IfeAf**tf AA|»lAiWßtoi th*l tm lull, |„ gnawtint A f*tW ttoNA. tNBI | hifinM*!! I« |»rrto*4f ! van.** h«Nklth And Biuntlnyi ht» tiowf Indfltii* tit A ApiHftnirfl hy Mi WAi»h UIIAII* : plara jrnur nrdff At hnr» And »wld ru«h OoodA rhf«x»fr than «v»r. E. J. Henry St Co., popular juiced tallura, 419 amt 219 Campbell Atrrel. ChriAtmAS Carol* Revived. N. Y. Sun. Two year* ago a quartette of Eng lish singer* came to New York to «iug English carol* if the musical public wanted them. After several appear ances in ron(-ert they secured an en gagement to sing Christinas carols at the house of a woman well known in society. The howt. ** invited her friends to eome at seven o clock on Chrtstma* morning to hear the singers, and notwithstanding the early hour, the audience was piesent and the Eng lishmen's songs pleased them. Thus Introduced, the quartette secured many other engagements, and their success bad to pay the usual penalty. Last year there were several quartettes bid ding fur engagements to sing Christ mas carols, and this year (he supply 1* al least equal to the demand. A man who runn an Aot6rt*ininent agency said a few days ago, "New Yorkers who spend the Christmas holidays In their country homes, and many of them do now, and entertain their friends there, have found that a good quartette of carol singers furnishes very acceptable amusement. The season for such engagements is short, but It puys well, and I have been sur prised at the number of singers who are going in for Christmas carols.” YOUNG nOTHLRS. Croup is the terror of thousand* of young mothers because It* outbreak t* so agonizing and frequently fatal. Bhl -1 oil's Cough and Consumption Cure actv like magic in case of Crouo ; It has never been known, to fail. The worst cases relieved immediately. Price 25 cts., 50 cts. and SI.OO. Sold hy—Re lullcrs, T. A. Buxton, Anderson's Drug Store Alexander's Drug Store, West End Pharmacy, The King Pharmacy; Wholesalers, Davenport & Phlnizy. Place you order for fall suit with 0. J, Henry & Co., popular priced tailors. Bio BROADWAY. That’s Our Number MSf.srsa«xSt£e|S!.“.'s BO , s •*« sell them cheap for cash. flacaulay & Co. Dolge Felt Slippers For U4ct *i4 Gcniknwti «rt tht hmM wn* tifetW dO Xm*i Hftgtttt. Juliet pdHwin* toe led 4te» Ktr irtmuxi m bldtit <nd Asrk ftwv** St.SO" df>4 ihd regular EviffCtt r4IUfH lOf Ggl* tigmen. gt Ndyk. lor )I.SO dlao. BUY THE BEST They ire j* tough d» Wdthcr, <«'lv »d!*r and warmer, and wfll not >oll lHa KanAi Ilka a cficap j kh lilppef. 4jpaa&Ln> Hob. INHrkL WiWk lloii WaM r9t«?M4 . fritfn Wi*liiß|ttA HaiaHlaa tt HI *9 sh% hftßK In \WMM 111* Art! I IYHioN I* Nil ftf<r4f4 *• pAfMNM* bl» VfA f*A A** A "Hr “U” w ! tel K J u 9 nr V 4 Ofe.'A# 319 bb4 219 BIG CUT 25 Per Cent Reduction Fine Bisli Grafle Sterliog Silver Noyelties We haven’t got the handsomest store In the world, but we have the goods and can save you dollars. Only Jewelry house receiving Premium Tickets. New goods received by every express, t^ a.j.renkl JEWELER, 928 BROAD ST. BUSY DAYS $lO, sl2, sls HERE ...Suits... So many men like our styles and prices they never experiment buying elsewhere. And the number grows each season. Small wonder that it should. For every normal man likes his Suit and Overcoat to be in the latest mode—well fashioned and possessing the air and fit of having been made for him. We put it mildly when we say that no such worth can be got the country over for the prices a9ked. If you buy and wear on 9 of these Suits we guarantee that It will notdisappoint your high est expectations. I. C. Levy’s Son & Co. DECEMBER 23 lifttfF Uaillt. FUlt4H>hJi. iNr 8. • lire. Fnnl. : M aac**. • AnriAlf l»A4*f tNAN*Nr*tMI AH «As t rNHINMI Mart#! WtoVUAAABt Iwt r* 1*19*2 I*9 « »4»N* Inht 4bb<a Al BAl4* I nigAt HrrHffftgf tl Had taMNI IlfF , net,am ia am Amt bnmW* AMp4"*iffllt *9 CAMTOniA. teas.». finite HsteMiteg AM