The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 23, 1898, Page 7, Image 7

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CORPS OF CON SULAR CLERKS 1111111"! I —I— At C*l»l Hi t •MM* ttm, AM *»« ♦- AM r*rt< ■» MM Mr%dM<M 4 **, f * r* (tar fl — 1 TIM j MM —»*a«. MM mm »«NM* MM *•» MmM mm a# tiM Altai ' MMMMin* mM'M'l* mam* I** *9449 VWm •«* t* MM4 I* t* J 1k *» •SST'Sm* «*—' *M <MI 'MM* MM M MM M »»*«*«* ** <*904994 994 9*0044** M »*K4 Ml- re IN* tMAMI mm Ami «AM i !• •** •Ms 4MM* fem *M» a***, MMW IM ptWIMMN W#A T>** aiMM* • 04409 are lA* **M AM'l'* I* •* Amm at »A» • uM*U* Ml* I ■Kg I Ini* KKWi t# , i##§#<i Xr# Ilk# •» I *4 «M |l *«t# KKIhKnI tKPMMK IKI KIK“ j KK#* ##(#•# f K i#># 4lf #HI •#• I** HH#K§* # «#».-#> nfcM-t-«l« 4 VPUtktatfuf fiwftli# flip HHWt' ■ | i »* oVU'Pi ip# *KX s»■##»• |r*gir#, iK* 9mMMMK((I ##KK'K# |Hiv*f Hi li» (MKV* •*# *t#K#. §&s> lir eeKMMIMM *■* I { t# *#®l tlH' ##f • tfatHtriif 1- -"ivPpAsfc** , * »#tb «!••# )•> |«M »W# III# #» * * lii# pt*9- «#M r##y# #f f mnMKtir «•##•# H-#a fUMNPNI l« Hi# *#i ilk# rt»H4piit man ••il#'#* K#*t t# afK*t*t *Kk* Hn4 In# IlKrt##* Mk •hhMnp l ' •( at *•#* #l° »|i.p»| It# at rttl"# #| flip thKMNI ami an-pt i$ jr*#r# **# «#* It g#»«tK»4 it*#i ft##? 1 h#4 I# f*K*ikx . Kfcf<# *V#* s f#f r#'H#p *%#i#4 Hi *#H ■MI W%**% ffeftf) I# HluMlfl la «•* **' ###w# #1 it*# *-‘###«K IfM KiM* ilia ###» I# ■<#Mr##«t fN**i It### i» li***# t# # 3 #*"* s ##cT*t*ry •# atm# MNgfet 4KNr#ri W%cm it* a (an ®n p«l 1 •*## •#• KHKPfHKI* f° til# pfHfcrtyaH #KMWI•# *HHi *f. a#4 p*# p#### »w*-|i <i#rt#«J uM KW#f Aiwur* ai f*4Mn»!a«p *# fc# 4»**>*##t# m>4 *pt*fuf»> nil##### ar»*i «*tw# IN» in* ■martt*#* Hi all *##x 4#aa —l#r» fp»»w Ifc* Hi* il#y wflfi w 4t* dUf* tlMf *# ia# 4«t* <4 Ihatr ««ith ‘*f •*«!*** Tl»r art «|l|MiU«#a ktmi ‘'Hfarr ,ter apf**liitmrM us in) »#h t nttaniar «l**rfc aktalt I# mH. it flHatl Ip aaiiafarirtrllf *•» »*n I# il# HrfHrtry •!••#. aflat 4a# #!• unlMiinn »n 4 f#port tty thp piamlyi la# Hoard that th# at»t*H« '•at ta twin* ffM and ll* f*»# tH dwl*## i« whi*‘h Ik* atm I i b# aaalta#** #•#* r#t#w« •lia'i Ip laid lafar# t»i# I'faai Vni * n.i* pmawtnation may *# «»WdiiHra ftf imil#ii*n|#*t»H p »# 11** • pft 4* rv aiatp mi> *lnl. A» U# alfftwy u*ti* illv hap Maa %'#ry «-aii»Mrt**at frw*n«l «*r # frb-nd abu la# a * ft I-no a#|n ia parting f^r t»oalt!*»*», ll# nml nation* arr g##»rrally poiimmjpfi* tlv*. But tla romprt#n< >la in aJ-, moat all mara nm •**• • Hrtna ll# b#at tralnrd n#*n In thr p#rvi.«. lh* «*onaular flrrka anr- giv«»n more dutlfit and mo#** kind# «o dutlr# than |*rrlat»* any olhrr rla** atatr departm. n* oltlrlalp 1 ft«* , |'i**nt > arvf In tha |*lace of i“*»«aulP, tnay ar fragu#ntly arnt out aa r-onauiar m aprctora. ih»-y are iwitnoi to a»* nf mMitral ronauUit duty In dtn**»«-nt part** as lb** viorld. thry arr »»IN up on fbr aprrlal rrpoi ta u|**n nrarly rv ary phaar of oonaular n'ork, and t arr frrqnrtitly drtaUrd to tlu atatr a#- j partm»*nt In Waahingtun for a**rvU'«* In th«* ronfular borrau. Thry rank nlth iHulrnanta In thr navy or captain# In thr army. Anothrr rrm»rk«l>lr thtn* ■boot ihrm I* that thrtr *«J»ry l» *o Miiall. Thry *»t a tbouaand a..llar» a vrar for thr Brat flvr yrara. Aftrr that thry art tm-rlv* hundrr>l dollar* a yrat with nrvrr .noth, r ' ralar." though thry atay In the arrvh-r a i rntury. 1 nry havr an advantagr. howrvrr, In that thry may hr dertgnatrd hy thr M'-r*- tary of atatr aa vler conaol «r aa vtre rontul grnrral In addition to thrlr reg ular title. Thla give* thrm th*- right to takr ruch part of unottti lal t-onaular frr* which may come to them aa the conaul with whom they are aerving will allow. When aa vice rttnaul a eonaular . t-lrrU doea the whole duty of eonrui he can have hla chohe between hla regular aatary and the aalary of the vice con aul He never geta both. He •* »lao paid net-eaaary travellnß eaiwnae* be tween hla realdenee and hi* poat of du ty on appointment and return and du ring a tranafer under ordera from one poat to another. Thla la * financial courteay not extended to other mem-I here of the eonaular or diplomatic aer vice An ocraalonol benefit cornea to him when he la detailed to aerve a* ccnaul In a case where that office la , vacated by death or disiniseul. Then I he draw* the full aalary of ronaul Charles H. Day of Illinois Is now eu- , joying this good fotlun* at Berlin be-, cause of the recent death of Consul, Julius Cloldscbmldt. I’ntil a new consul I* appointed at Herlln Mr. Day will! revel In a salary, inriudinK fee*. |of about aeven thousand dollar* a ye*t. The traveling expenses, the occasion- j al unofficial fees, and the very infre-j quent fortune of drawing full consular, pay leave the consular clerks still the poorest paid men of their character and competency In the service. Neverthe less. they like their Jobs, especially the life tenure feature#,and thy aldom leave f them for branches of the service !ia~ j ble to the dissevering feature of the j political axe. A summary of these dH- 1 tijnetive clerks shows that altogether j sixty-six have received appointment ; eight have been brave enough to ac cept promotion to higher but less se cure branches of the service: twenty eigfct have resigned and entered pri vate life, and one man actually declin ed appointment. A vacancy which will soon be filled now exists because of the dismissal last summer of Henry W. Martin, who was on duty at Paris and who In company with Kinsmen of Sir Robert Feel attempted to paint the c-lty a tittle too red for state depart ment regulations. He was from good j folks and hi* unfortunate escapade was much regretted. The cause of his re moval will 1* submitted at this ses | sion of congress. It hi* friends should; see fit to make a fight In congress for hie reinstatement In the service a new phase of theet- positions not yet tested would develop. The men who are now filling these positions are worthy, industrious, cap able fallow* well known and fully »p ’, I , . 225 1 5 MMNt **KA*N*W* 4 MsrwgMNA v**» [<!*•• •# **• *"*** • A isnrgA A By*** [#*» MM • M* • A*» I*l «M a i»4M tWA AMf «**•** «A afcr-*”* [•Wki Ms U** aAMMN#A j WNnmb* m #*•»*-'- -sta, Mmm jt*«* <4 Mil I » ■-<•* H* *%* ( IMS Mo 90* 004*9 ‘"0 **■_* /■"«'» ~w>ei at Ua*wA« m M 4 Mad* F ta,*, gasl M*ss*tl ga*a** al gw*** ,|% IMA a MIX #**•*• W-M ha MM b *** M. m# MM '<M •***• AMMU—fA «*4 1 starry a* »**<»* M ••* • t nf-i“- sMi**aw* «• *M Ng| gafbpw fat Ban ~ *». •>“**<• a*4 «* IM •'*» Imm «**•* *r IM* immm <4 rw>w» ’law tin avail »•*••■ ♦•***»' MMaMM be Mae aelad aa - VMM |*a*M*n M<aA»« aM I* * *** M •* 5 ,*g al IM* Mala A* 'Man 1 *•* m** •MM an «* Maeaaa Ml Mai IMA «»N ivassl rt«nr r*yl Ph-r- *ah ta*. *V M*4' - |NH| ImhpP #fufinHi i! < h 4 TH** !•# •HHPpHH’ , f lir %j gHwaid kat * n>m#> #•-#« at N»«t In# 4##MMI Hk#i rn 4pHa#k»# §mm m >m* j ffftaaaM* <f jfcf n naki arr## 4 tm inm» fwa4# tH# #k»*pa#*t #• •** 4l>|nb * wf 9 T«niN##i 11# wni atHft# - Ht. W*#'k*#» h## ass fK»i*» VH Hi **#• H# *4 »#Ht ikMii - 3TH--4Vmi# W lHk##*#an »fl# i a***l* um lar ia w-« H H#a4. ttaa M •*# 4#khi# *#•#•*? . H# Mfi#l al ixiaM M* h*9 nan *$ HH Hkk# h**m 4»«i*M ma #h* a* I*llllll It ** r fX I, ■kV vll t< !)• f*l# . t «i.|,a *«#• a*w n 1. »!,a aa#aia cut lb# Win # r v» **s*tm' |ji># ref W« Tf*Hk tab# «i» lb# • '••wiuUr i k ”» «. | * ,»*. i ?!.*% .? a|bd wbi **■. bir**l f* in in l«|(»auitk a#nrt«"# #•§*#«■ laWjr #»ll I far #f«art «>f t*a*n d#l If art#. Ol law a. OtkavwfiM# -•» i Pa it#. • H. HrlHdmor* a Ik* la »K»w at j Y«fthab<«ma. Japut, ttiirrH lb# irnb • )ua< aftrr bH fr#4«#U«ti al lb* Xa* iinfill rnt%’#r#lt> U» t*f Waal*- i in«t«»a in 1171 If*- I# nnm Hpufy * «n- K#«*««««a. and b# #*aa «l#t**ilr4 aa af# - | invAMitlffatiaa lb# rlalnt# «*f Anw»*an to focal famr la Huh Hmlib. atat#am#n. ’ low. ll# t» aa «rrll bn*»mn to th# rauat ral and tb#atfi#al «urld a# I# lb# ton - j aular norld. H# ban t**#n a**nt away to I varloua f«»r#i#n A#lil« and th#n hurrii- l j tarrk to W«-hinirt*»n for duty at th# Kmttnff prr-aruncnl training aa a ] touriac gui*l*. It# t# now on duly at ] th# rofksmtal# of iiaaka and Hh»t>> In Japan aa vl<# and d#puty conaul. Huh , Itard T. Hmltb. th"«ah atitl a young j man. ha* had a variety of government , aervlce of whh h a r enlenarlan might f n . |. r ,,ud. He ha* been a clerk In the war de|M,rtmenl. treasury department, and state department. In IIM ha was | d#tail#d a# prlvat# a##r#tary to th# a#< - i r#tary of »iat/ th lia-'i h t \%a# »#nt t** I'arls for duty with the Behring Sea arbitration. In IBM he nerved a* deputy j ronaul general at Faria, and afterwards j as deputy consul general at Cuoatan-, tin,.pie He has written perhaps a hun dred song* and aeveral operetta*. The . Iwst know n of the latter are The New Year * Kreeptl.m, Th- Lottery Ticket I and Paradise Flats. Hl* music to the , iwthetle atnry of Johnnie Jones and his slater Sue a* told In Kugene Field’* catchy poem Listen to My Tale of Woe Is one of the standing tnhwHtancle* of musical comedy. A* pretty hut not ao well known is hi* music to Samuel Min- I turn Petk’a If You Love Me Darling' and Swinging In the (Irape-vlne Swing, j Among well known eongs for which he i has written both word* and music are: | The Average Policeman. Koolsy Wool *y, The Song That Breaks My Heart (parody on the Song That Reached Mv| Heart), Shamrock Land, The Coaglnest ■ Man Mah Little Mandy—of which Huh Is especially fond—and Tomblgbee. A I verae of the last Bong which has crowded The Banks of the Wabash clear out of the Washington market goes this way: ! "The Mississippi’* wide and grand, The Swannee’s famed In song: The waters of the Wabash, too, Flow merrlls’ along: ! But all their beauties pale and fade And have no charm for me- For I have known since childhood days The dear old Tomblgbee.” t This song is dedicated to Mlsa Myra |S. Noyes, daughter of Crosby S. I Noyes editor of the Washington Star. . Hub’a ambition, hla close friends say. Is to write a national hymn. | Edward P. Mar-Lean, a New Yorker, has varied experience In this line of 'service since his appointment in 1870. (Among the Places at which he has j creditably served are Leipsig as vice 7 SUTHERLAND SISTERS’ HAIR GROWER FOR OVER 14 YEARS Thi* highly m«ritoriou» preparation baa stood ftt the head ol all hair restorative*. More than 3,000.000 bottle* have been need by th* American people, and thousands of testimonial* bear witn«»* to itß excellence, j while there were never any complaint* when direction* were followed SEVEN SUTHERLAND SISTERS’ SCALP CLEANER la the ohly dandrutl cure. For sham pooing, it has no equal. All Lire Drutlfli*>« Soil 11. T \ j - —n* MlUgßaMsirg Ml BMW wbMMM | ,*at >t»i Iwrui. 4* Rvm 094 M,*** , «»*'. •>»«' 994 *«■* 994 090949 . M.I gaMSBMiI #» R 0 -* 9 9049 09 “ a*w m 4m» t** *•*•»•*-» # ••»*' I larva (in T IM ‘99*4 >» 4 M» •* ■ Wa.tM * WmN 00 VIirMSMI 999 fr*rtf Mi||# 0f ll#*U# kpHNK* ’»«’««» I# * «H#t Hwft mAS I# *b# *HH» b#t* 14 H »m *%*m b# *NHk |# *b» ?i, bt mt Dppttp * «*#whl JjIHHPPiI *NM #f*** A#i#4* slefMB 4 * mmmt fib b#* li#rj »«n»i * a » r-#| +0 f*i9# # 4f lb# !#*##%« •1 ## oQoV* ##♦ ** b*’ • * 4H Ui>i b t'i'Ubhl • ||| *m HP##* 41 kNk#4#H# fwC'itti 11 »#*'#! A# ##kW*bi-"-'' , *' ? ’ iiiiH ok# Hi# #hii#i tHt## kp* mm CHHMHflMipHPli#* , f|###lw ti HupiK. 4 H#*o# JbPfi# ♦ '##*.s#S : *»i* r#MC HhN# *H# a*### s # * I I*»4 %•## •*•#•! ## * K ||# In# 11 r Hl| VftIKVNHI in i#‘ {% nl All JIHH!• IM k# mm d«if Mt III# f||t* #w|i*irt*M#» ♦ HI i W*lMN|fiH | 4 vMt |»#«IK tlK»* *#f i*m* 4 |lw»y, Willi*# I >«•!«#•#) M»,„| MF«tt |# Mill Ms #MfT r*k| fIM pytK# ftßl MfiKKlI 9#l JMUW |##«. mn4 l»# #Wf KMI %hm pKbtli # >* til# Ur# lu tte* l I## id I is|%l<|## #|»f % es #• «l - i#iiiM*»n I fbe M#fnk#r | *** it Wn> < w lIK’M * «iH|i •% WkittnM •!HH##<|H#*** * •"* 1 o, f' , ihi Ihf# ir»#klr*g Ibrtfi P#b«Y #*" i |,| n ,.s,i wMiHtm few# tm nr y H 4rl#y In j |yr#rtti ftlly tny |#r#iii«*i in th# ###vlc#. II furyjwh #)«K|tt«*tit |4##*ling f»r *tn •mi ps x uKssicm. flow To Look 0004. flood look# are really more than sktfi [ deep, dejwndlng entirely on a healthy condition of the vital ivfiiw. If the liver la Inactive, you have a bilious . a . j# y„ur Nlomit hl# <ll#f»r4rr#4, you have a dyspeptic look: If your kidneys are affected, you have a plneh.-d look. Berure give! health and you will surely have good looks. "'Klectiic Bitter*” ta a g<»>d alterative and tonic. Ai ta di rectly on the Stoma, h. liver and kid n*yi, purirtt * lh«* Ulckhl, *’ur«*# plmplM, blotrhee an.l bolla and give# a good (omplexlon Every bottle guaranteed. Sold at Howard * WMIWg drug store. ID cents per bottle. The Nallor’s Dance. What’s he that talk* of a Jig or a reel. Who ha* never tieen a tailor, err a hornpipe seen on a ahlo of the ljueen. f)r an Arctic ocean whaler? You hear the ring of the 1«> sun e call "For * dance, my lail'a all ready; The lie*it. I# high In the radiant sky And the old »hip going steady." Then It’s heel and to* To the tuneful bow, ■ f Ami It’s all so light and brerxy: i You may took In France or In Spa*, far a dance. But you'll say Any day That the hornpipe beats them easy. The tar alone has a dance of his own, And It takes a tar to dance It. Though a lassie sweet, with her two little feet. Is the one charm to enhance It. You dance with one or you dance with two. As the notion takes your fancy. In an Indian glade, with a dusky maid. Or at home with blue-eyed Nancy! For It's heel and toe To the tuneful how, And it's all so light and hreexy: You may look In France or in Spain for a dance, But you’ll say Any day That the hornpipe beats them easy. It speaks of home to the hearts of a crew. And It Bet# U 8 all a-dreamlng, A» we dance in tune, to the light -of the moon. On a lonely ocean gleaming. It taken us back to the hoiU£war<l track ~ To the friend* that aoon will greet us; The ringing cheer, as we touch the pier, And the welcome that will meet us. , Oh, It's heel and toe To the tuneful bow. And It’s all so light and breezy: You may look In France or In Spain for a dance, But you’ll say Any day That the hornpipe heats them easy. —J. L. MOLLOY, In Temple Bar. For Whooping Cough use CHENEY’S EXPEC TORANT. "What is your idea of a strong mind ed woman?" •One who thinks she can entertain a man without wearing frizzes." Buf falo Commercial. We have the best large type Bibles in flexible bind ings in the city. Our price only S 1.50, others charge $2.50 and $3.00. At Richards & Shaver’s. SHOES. THAT ARE KNOWN I Everything that b sty* h&h. artistic *nd com fortable. combined with the best of workman ship will be found in Hanan & Sons Slices. CASHIN, GOULET i VAUGHAN, 808 Broad Street. MMDVTB I ON MANAS B M»V I^^ jj The “Maine” Album! GfiDfirs Ibbco and Interesting scenes associated with the destruction of our Qlant Bat ship and her Heroic Crew. Souvenir Edition! Few incident* of American history have been attended by such publto excitement and national Indignation as that which followed quickly upon the destruction of the Battleship Maine. In response to the universal de mand for a pictorial history of the 111-fated warship, Ita capta ncy and in fact everything In connection with It leading up to and Including I s assas sination. we have secured and offer our readers this week n beautiful Maine Album or Portfolio, )he most complete photographic recoid issued upon the subject, embracing splendid photos of The Martyrs Which la now ready for delivery al our.ofllce, or by mull for Ten Cents. CONTENTS OF "MAINE” LAB CM. Captain Chas! D. Rtgsbee. General A Gtoud of Junior Officers of the Fitzhugh L e. Wardroom of the Maine. The Battleship Maine. Court of Inquiry In Session. The Destruction of the Maine. Funeral of the Victims of the Maine. Havana Harbor and the Maine An- disaster. Chorage. A Fruit Vender In Havana. MUk De- The Harbor Entrance to Havana. livery In Havana. Gunner’s Gang of the Maine. The Captain General’s Palace In Ha- Vlews of the Maine's Crew off Duty. vana. , A Minstrel Show on the Maine. Ship's General Blanco y Arenas. Company of the Muine. Looking Down the Prado, Havana. Please notice the Maine Album above advertised Is one of a "Souvenir Series’’ of eight portfolios, devoted to the great Heroes and Achievements of the Spanish-American War, each portfolio being a special number devoted to a great and principal event. . _ . Next week No. 2 will be offered as a Memorial of the Urst Sacrifice of the war. or the hc-ioi, death of Ensign Bagiev and his companions, Inclu ding many other special features of the early events of the war such as the vessel that fired the first shot; the first prize; bombardment of Matanzas, rutting of the cables, etc., etc. Then in weekly afui consecutive,order will appear the following. Tilt-. DEWEY NUMBER -The.Hero und’ buttle of Manila 'THE SAMPSON NUMBER— Bpnyjat’dmerit'-of-San Juan and Morre cas tU>‘HoßSo>: and THE MERRI wj th additional apeeial feature*. ADMIRAL SCHLEY—The Destruction of Cervcra's Fleet THE 'SrtAFTER NUMBER—Thi? Siege and Capture of Santiago. GENERALS MILES AND MERRITT Army Operations In Porto Rico and PhilippfrteH. . . . Be sure and get each number of-UilH Hoiryrfnfr Wrtes w hile you have ao opportunity, and advise your friends to do the same thing. Known from Maine to California as the BEST t!:at material and good workmanship can pro duce. AS PUX STTLK (lUMien _ * * ai IT WILL MAM! YOU IKLI. UOOD. Hi LSirS SII A M LAI NOffY. |#r• CNttlar# 2* * c*uffi*. If, SUNDAY'S HERALD “A Newspaper For Newspaper Readers; Something About Sunday's Herald. More News Better News Quicker News All the News Exclusive News The Sunday Herald is the Best Newspaper published in Augusta Give it a trial. IO Cents a month. 25 Cents 3 months 50 Cents 6 months* SI.OO 12 months. Postage prepaid or delivered to any ad dress in the city. Sign your name and address below and mail or send it to the Sunday Herald. Augusta. Ca. 1 o the Sunday Herald: Please deliver the Sunday Herald Months at the following address: No. and Street Name — *P*M*Haaßaßß#*B#B#M########l You Don’t Get The News UNLESS YOU READ SUNDAY’S HERALD, tv— — A FaANKCIVE.6 » / \ / \ -farnotf* / \ / \.9 CLsViiUD/ | / \/ \ ShT)*/ i / \'Po»S‘ble" 1 \ 1 / \only to a \ 1 / \ hard Hitter.^ y V Centre Ball\ A \ Very fine \ |k \ RightTwiaf.^. /■—- —- rrx • NEW BOOK OH BILLIARDS BY JOHN A. THATCHi* rmhlnn Caroui Chainuloa of OWo’M ’Vi kvlnnrr us a 5!. Low* Handicap «7, thH loiigfePt tournament on reeora. and tUe only wfco evar bag fk-haefer, 8lo»ot, aud Ivc* in tnc kbino teurnanufut. OF INTEREST TO EVERY BILLIARD PLAYER PL B ▼ I 8 t CONTCfcff -100 OIAORAMB OR a-CUSHION SHOT#. t,'JHAEFS*'O aTWAIOHT WAIL NURSi. r.VEAV STYLE OF BAhK-LINC GAME. ALL NURSING POSITION#. RAEI.OH CORNER GAME. STORY OF CHAMPIONSHIP GAME2* AHB IS’l 2ANATIONAL CONTEBTB. L:&T o* CHAMPIONS OF AMERIOA AN# TOVJSNAMr.NT RECORDS, FTO. Th,’, nuthox BIVPA many vblubMb Duggeßtioiii to Dovlcta which aerre to renaer i lcar the nißihud* employed of the world’s expert a. It win ahotr you HOW TO FLAY Cloth, 75 cents. . - ■ Flexible Leatftef, sl.oo* 244 pages Hite, 5 x lnctow, r Sent, prepaid, to any uddrcaa -4U . receipt of x eSt Aainsta Eveuini BeraJfl 7