The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 24, 1898, Page 3, Image 3

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3 SATURDAY |ltH ****** •**»*» ON* ?»*«* *• *l# »0 «r#«Wl , ; i M ..... M « tyesftffl! *►«•*••>»,,»> «k • «f* gft»«V4 . .»»..••»*■•« 4 ©!■»•• ...'.fill »%** .»«,« M ...>.<»♦ ** «•*“ (ISmmm, «*t (mow ■■■'<««■ «i •* •** ' » Hero**, MMfIMMb, fl* . . I*l <»i» *e,irii •» •*•**»* CNNM % I wltew * *<*•. M to* •*"*. j % •shifty ■bl*"ts* *s*s* *** HI RAt4l lIHINIA Bn it am— tu* mm i M. Mwra>“HMi MM CM» mu**- *«* MMI »»»••**•* to- I** tt*«4 iNpr'llMt BNftVt **•■ \(H WILL I |N|» mil MI.HAI.O Id Afj>4ff4— At W*4*ff AfftfMl * fs . tfciistor** h *•**•—*-■*« <h# IM«I* **•*#• •M 4* IM*&* •• to* _ 4441*4 lit ttftrtoi At Mto Ur*** Wo**# *mm MMid LMW. Id CttttPnrt** •*i ‘ **• HM#i * 1 Id CdNMM*lto*** AV |.H ' * I f tdl OMMi. j Id Kim* <£*(**■«At tftMMA Ito* | fdfd dint Avidt* tttoto. t» lit**# la f|« |TV Hd , |l4 44 ! II li 1 Hi It's m«M Mi Imm my !•* that ••*• »h . Iau(l» Iml linilsHrt." vtiit ft til* kmifoi **• whe feral f \l* a> % Ik* hmb »lw advertise* Voe may think he doesn't amount to ninth that you ■>• lar too strong tor him - but M ha k**|M on ad. er Using ha’ll have tha touch on you by no# by Into**, of (Mru, you nr* wta* enough to Am Jwst na good adsartiaisg M b* ton. > ana In and year out The man who laugh arc all rapra •anted la out column.. Join them Pat Btr*hs* htoft a diary, dd ifiit fnuf ftvpnoad mill A marry Christmas to oaa and all. Hitchcock. » er Bliss, ii aJao a mil- Monalrr ftouifveil |§|| our ri|btcottt vnni work ii Jititt U*Kun ’’Embalmed Beef" la what tha Ban - tiago tation* war* cal lad. Tha I’nitad State* will hare nearly five acre, of apace at the Paris agpost tion. The war revenue tax on the will of the 'Father of Atlanta'' amount* to nearly 11 .MO. The Charleston constable la a elgll ant fellow. Ha wised the wine* for the New England dinner, McKinley has planted the seed for ■Otne great Oeorgta watermelon* nett caaaou. Richmond Time*. Now the* want an annual carnival, or instill era*, in Atlanta. Better not lartta tha Alabama legislature to the first one. The Columbia State think* that "lit tle old fighting Jo<- Wheeler la all right In other respects, but he lock* dignity dreadfully." The tight at the SehueUen Plata yriterday afternoon was mos* cheerful. It if Indeed more bleaaed to give than to receive. K new paper has appeared In New York, named Verdict, hacked by O. H. P. Uelmont. It« first issue Jumps ou the Vanderbilts. Savannah is being showered with compliments, through the kind words of the correspondents who accompa nied the presidential party. The steamer St. Paul arrived at Ma nila last night and gladdened the hearts of our boys in blue, with the Christmas greetings from home. Even If the constable hadn't returned the wine. Major Cummings' speech would have made Charleston’s New England banquet sparkling and exhil arating enough. > It Is small wonder that General Go bin Is so highly esteemed in the Key stone state. Ills Christmas contribu tion to the West End needy shows the charitable character of the man. The regimental standard for the Third Georgia was shipped by mistake to Neuvitas. instead of to Savannah Then they concluded to send the regi •nent to the colors, instead of bringing the colors back to the regiment General Lawton—who. by the way. rcujld not come to Augusta with the r residential party—made the shortest and most unique speech of the trip. After a great deal of eulogy of the vol unteers had been heard, Lawton, after repeated calls, responded and said: “I am not a speaker; I'm a soldier. I’m not a hero, either; I’m only a regu lar."’ IMh »***<*•» ttolitt M*M iserve Up IIP mPP 44# VtMfi UP r*** l 'to®* i '• st§ I It# | ’'mficck d" fiMt W#d la# « kfH Ad It<tid*# -*9 #*‘'o t ttHl t*toto* ##4 IkUPPP P 4toPltltttolto id 41 rnmrnmm* #4 PPPR fw* I ! p|tov d4M§ pMPPPRMRPi Us fRBPPUBPi *i* 1 i HnitM 4d»Uki |U» PMp-fPMi UMOI j % %dy d|pfkpvP ppa pum!# ip p ddP - nni | i ,*p m • •*»»** dHItfP «M' d't Id# • pw j i imp pdPNdt Y• YIPMPPi fVdYPiP ♦ ipdl ; 4 «*-*-»! PHMI 9m WUKT9- m M«Mp d«d‘MV* | ! APMMki pUpt TdPMI fpl-. ImP ! i«m 9 *4mm m *m*#4 ** mrtm tap **** * ..« pm ”1 am g&mi Hid MtaMdiMt lAp C'hni i UmfdMd audnip i icp fptMtUitfP.... Pi ' n't ru in m ifivti I ahi Id* 1 £ ppffd UNhpdtfla TIP P^pAPt 1 ' , mu td r« lll» miftirf to tIM •.* cdU*A ItoMton of Up ioptii I ! 4**pNpil Im» ••* • Inkmioi ■ 1 1*» itlto «toi*rp iHUMI «APt »-Nto#* turn [ 1,, sia f Ii ||ti# Ip lito Omt, t I maat ||f man | Milt 9nr to fUtPf M *, r (JW larua tifif'k til flpa um (|* Ortltiid had i*»«>r* hirfcbni# il III* I I uadi niißl »rt»ool» actd I want m'»H Tip Hffiid ii of ifep nyliioi that T TAPftoP Fortun* ahmi d hp *x»vpr+*rt vartiva words \V« rdcplldct Up Amy t hat Hdtr MoU *** pulidd put from | nndarpdatli bin M by tip Xp York j ppiirp for ppprrhtotP UUr. but tbpt ) hwtry Tfutou tu hi* won radical ippr< bps otrrr •dvon d Bion* Incan i diary meoacrat It)an this T. I horns* Fortuna. Anarrti .tr require* a strong band to | .oppress It. and the man who boldly !«dv-cate* assassination, the apply Inc • of the torch, who talks of the president shd the supreme court In such fashion. i should be suppressed and at ooce. | Buch a man la an enemy to hta own A BOOHEKAKO. The Herald has hid occmslon several times recently. In discussing the qm-s --tlon of territorial expansion, to quote the views of Mr. Andrew Carnegie on i the subject, A few years ago a little pamphlet. 1 called “A Look Ahead." was In circu lation. It bad been reprinted from ! the magazine in which It first appear ed. and subsequently was Included iu a book. | Here are two sentences from ( a book Ahead," which are still inter- I eating: j *rhr American people are favorable 10 the extension of national bounda ! rles. No evil but great good ha* come 1 from every succeeding addition to their j union," The author of ’’A Ixiok Ahead" was and Is Mr. Andrew Carnegie. He is ■ scared when he looks ahead now, luit the American people are not. They are still favorable to the extension of their national boundaries and they have not forgotten that great good has come from each addition to their territo ry. A HASTY ACTION. The Herald consider* Senator But ler's proposal to pension Confederate soldiers ill advised. Not that we would not like those noble old fe lows who wore the gray receiving a support at the hands of the American peop'.o. Theit struggle against overwhelming odds has made our common country a great, r sight to look upon and has added a lustre to the name. “Amer ican.” which will grow brighter and m%e resplendent with ,tne passing years. But the suggestion that it be done should come freely from the North, not from the South, nor should it be championed by Southern mem bers. We cannot go too fast, we can not rußh sentiment too far. The Pres ident ’skwords have done much to ob literate the last vestige of feeling whir remained, but time alone can be the perfect healer. When both sides appreciate and know the other as they should; when the North realizes tho South was Defending its rights under the Constitution and the authority of Ihe Supreme Court; when it realizes that it rase in its might to repel an in vading army and that It never surren dered as long as it could stand; when on the other hand the South appre ciates that North was not trying to rob it of its rights, but was trying to ! keep the Union from being dissolved; ■ when both sides appreciate and under stand the valor and magnanimity of j the other we shall understand each THBJ ATTO-XTSTA HEHALD flattop ptotoPkPPfrf Atoi iflP ■to*'* * I■ « fIPtoHNMI TfMflPk UP totol PU* IP «U j [ *%m «f #U b • twpiirHyppp #toi towwtt# ] F i injprur tum UP mm* «v«to«ft *« Ptopl f IMP p# ■* **»i *M iPtokitoNK topi Ip* ff »ip>' tat* Vfffll OITIK tip ipHk mi H*m ?m% j 3»i* tot Ip 'iiritipgtr -yir imp y*• | tt tnnpiip Uppip **p* itop* to tpMnNpit cut tt t<4 tofltPl fit* p* I##'** WflU K #9*9 } 11- i» fl» WMMfe top m ms Iff pi 4li ItoHf fbfli ■ 1**11» t tktti t Ml mm i i Wppi fli tow* MMI *ti toktp* **4 ' Tip ppfMftl ffpfpvffPtoP wbN*b <hft*D i | •avuto ah altmh wf th»* Is white durtwa th* srce.s of the feve' there mat also ha a sttchl dellrtwm. i mi 111. T ii iMjw §. - a .. R .hnnldl not goes flm tha atruats sad hagiacta pre- • Rut while grip hi rwntsglou* It I* not m> sever* aa It ha* beau la past times. I Berea or eight year* ago It was draad I ed for It numliarad Its dead la Ihi* couatrv hy thousand*. It e**mad at that time to have been Imported from Europe and was <ooi’n..n!, known »- , Kuwlan influenza On the other side of tha *es It was more d<wdly still snd Instant es ara recalled of fatal term Ins | lion within twenty-four hours afiar the attack > Tha pal lent may hare a recurrence of the disease every winter for several year*, for H does not leave him Im-; tuune. as smalt pox or measles will do: yet. as In diphtheria, there Is a leaden ry for each succeeding attack to find | or develop a greater resisting power In the patient, so that the pain and fever' and discomfort are more slight. The exact nature of this (ontaglous Influen aa Is hot known, but It appears to be at Its worst In raw. muggy weather, and when there Is much surface filth and decay In tha street* and surround lugs. What He Should Have Done. "Ah. no." she signed, "I am not worthy of you." ! The young man stood as one stricken ! ‘ with a palsy, A deathly pallor over spread ois countenance; he tried to spenk. but hie tongue would not obey j him. aays the Cleveland leader. Meanwhile the maiden’s cheek* hissed and her eyes flush** She clenched her little white hand* 401 flpreuly that the palls of her Ongers cut j Into hr tender palm*. At last, with n mighty effort. Vivian Osgood pulled himself together, and cried out: "Oh. ihl* will break my heart! I can- j not survive It.” Then he sank down In his chair from which he had risen up In his strong young manhood but a moment before, j and. resting his elbows on his knee* and burying his face In his hands, sob bed pitifully. Beatrice Biiaklrk moved upon him ns j a tigress approach<% her prey. Grasp- j Ing him by a shoulder she shook him j roughly, sod angrily cried out: "What do you mean by acting In this way?” He looked at her wllh a tvondir upon tlia visage. "Explain yourself, sir,” the beauti ful girl fiercely continued. "No man can come into my father's house and carry j on as yon have been carrying on the last three minute* without an explana tion.” •But—biM,” Vivian Osgood said, "you have told me you were not worthy of me.” "Fool!” she returned, "you shon’d have declared that It was false—that you would take roe In spite of It! Go away somewhere and nerve an appren ticeship at lovemaking. Then come back to me. and we shall see!” He begged for pity, but she was ob durate, and es he stumbled out In'o , the unsympathetic night he was fol lowed by a low, mocking laugh. Why He ?tnld. Mr. T.. a business man of Cleveland, says The Plain Dealer, rents desk room in his office to Mr. B„ whence the fol lowing story: "Is Mr. B. In?" asked a caller. “No,” replied Mr. T„ thinking he re cognized an unwelcome caller. "Well, I’ll wait, for him.” said the caller, sit ting down. At 5 o’clock he was still waiting. At 5:30, still waiting. A *ew minutes before fi Mr. T. closed his <V>sk for the day, and prepared to go home. The caller ventured to ask if Mr. B. was likely to return to his jjt flee that day. Mr. T. answered: "No; he is in Buffalo, and will be bar k next Tuesday morning." The caller showed no anger. On the contrary he smiled. ••Don't apologize,” tie xald, "my 1 business was not important, and your office has proved a very pleasant loung- j lng place Fact is,” he added, blandly, j "1 suppose I’m coming down with th* | smallpox, and the dor tor Told me ioj stay indoors and warm.” * to* to* »4to fltotoi i* gtftrEsT Vi I *tot to't * tototo i i<» to*** tom %««'!• 4 40 to ito fptot mi fwflwtotoi to ito totoHt ffttoMwN* **mm ■ Vfffciiff *« #• im fNMMRt #*"*>* *»•» *** ■>* m *Mk* mom ihilfTr f 9m 11 t urator mmm Itow r m lnjny «p mm to dpMMHI* ton totohi RffflflV’fl * * (Ruitoffi sktoUtoJi'i j*v -«w &-* ■# t't* »win to Mfl« i««l mi till fliflßH*)| * * (flli* 111 llkfl *•*?# 1 .iftMt tqff (to *|to(NMfl $1 ****** 9090* iNfl'cm wltffllfl kfft*agtp#k WInM tftflavtbl k*#*tflffhffflfl| AgNt ill iSHtfi'd ■'• fl *9 Ito fl|t Uto toil if !■* <it tkHßifffl x>4 tofu fflflton*- j tt*Ww it 4 to#* uto* to ito 1R44 flrtn ito 4t0*"41 m J ntmmm tor*i* th#* tto p9*<4mt9--*m to to tto tow#t I to totoHtotok m+wm***** tin H* f f ! toto imfUtoi *«*4 guftotot ito itoMl tt lain *44 fl#4 iwfl fi-toifli ilto toMMto tto in**' 4tto *m»TTiiV<f ttoflfltot mi totoffvi , ft mi* <*« vto to«*4‘itoltoto, jtoPtoa-in tto Hrrw’MMl to Ito |4to*4 to ffttf? *i tto mm 4 4* ttin* tto tom!*»•*# Ulfifl tin« Ito 14t0*4 null ittoKUm m*9f9* Tti mmint- |t«t tottlU it it* HiriTi n Tto ton tot • V «»4to* tl#r *• **HRS to t**>i *' to 4totoi»#«l I tW a, m Wflfi AIM* Mri 1 ton IM Li m **#• «v«itto n *m*% m #to • ff-nnj-f* tMwt< t to#* Wttr« toUiti wmm to* to •*•** t*to» " Tw#*t**to ernrnmm «4MR4 mmm tto tto»l*«f *; • tmm mi Urnum rum. ka*»le N, V I a*tarn f pigranss. A Wise man get* his wi»to« from thorn vtbu have none.. Arabian. If the time does not *att you. salt yourself to tba lime. Persian. • 14 Whsn god* gave fools months. It was not that they might talh. but ant. *— • • • A woman’s tongue Is only three in -1 he* long, but It ran kill a man ala feat high.—Japan***. « s a A wise man take* a step at a lime] he establishes one foot before ha takes up tha other. Blnshrlt. tv a • • Ha that Is without merry may aa a’all b*. buried In a rice tub with ii » mouth sewed up -Chluesa. / • • • 1 4 A man of little learning Is Ilka the frog who. having never seen the ocean, thinks iu well a great sea. Bur mese. •• • • As a spoon taste* not of the flavor of the soup, so a fool In tha company of the wise learns nothing. Bur mese. • as From small profit! and many ex pen toft Come s whole life of sad consequen ces . —Chinese. Christmas Carol. Chrlstnia* day now t* here. But somehow we all do fear That lor u* the day will bs Not a day of Jollity.. Don’t you wish we’d have some fun With the Christmas time begun? Don't we wish that We could be, With Cncle Sain across the sea. Cnde Main I* ery kind. If we could hut him remind Of tjic troubles that we fear, All hi* good thing* he would share. Don't we wish that he could know How to him we want to go? Don’t we wish that we eould he There with him across the sea. Cncle Ham Is very good. If he knew he surely would Take us there with him to be Part of hi# big family. t Don’t we wish that we eould tell That we love our friend so well? Don't we wish that e could he With Uncle Ham across the sea! Now, Christinas comes hut once a year, And many a heart does It cheer, 80 let us pass this Christmas here, And wish you all a happy New Year. —W. O. Adams, Troop D., Third V. 8. Cavalry. A writer says sleep Is conducive to beauty. Perhaps it is, but we have seen some rather homely policemen, nev ertheless.. —Chicago News. I— Young children, to avoid marasmus, scrofula, or rickets, and develop healthy tissues, bones and teeth, need fats and hypophosphites. Dr. W. Gilman Thompson, Prof. Materia Medica and Therapeutics, in the Uni versity of New York, asserts that Cod-liver Oil is the best fat for the purpose. Scott’s Emulsion is cod liver oil partly digested and combined with hypophos phites, it gives children material for rich blood, solid flesh, hone- and teeth. goc. awl- $ ( .00, all 4piggi«ts. SCOTT & BOW NT, Chemist >, New York. ODR SUGGESTIONS. DORR’S DORR’S * * ***% T<44*l4 , lijUiifim * mrn*m ■ tsP44s* to**»» t w»*epMgn ” «***»* * |ge*'k Vi >fg<w 1 t gvtswltgn * L<*4*»* * Walking gtwks, UWmw* * JtMvbtsesf * the*** ««* * u«w« MMiHi “ mmmm \ m kat* H pg* >fw * flMflpgtgef* * tot mi it *4* its * He* * ** Hrv*»MM H-aswi u*rt#'’» ** Wm* tt* lUto m lastoto j * tttoili itoi* itoMTtttos [ * Ito *4 lUi Upton* * 11-4*4 *• Ufliii pis** ** Ito * *%m C«if * tout# m H#ff ttftoill 99 1 i * sh ■ n rflii •* cvutito *• tffruwto* j On lUt toil*• m tttgfet Mto ** FnSMtoPim ** ittPtorttoß. Ittitt m Ito* lluff*. ** fiNtototoßf. * Ol(of4 ** Fs|s«444 Mtffllffik ** Ctoltoß * Ulto si>4 Cm** j Ms tom. * Cto*t * flMffltof* Frntorffm# ttoßttoilrm. ItofltißkHtof* “Good Taste Apparel." DORRS 718 BROADWAY 71 8 What Shall I Give? Hand Ps<m*4 Novsttln In no end ol dslniy J«k»« st>d sbspm yopalsr as gilts and sure y chest—Bs* them. Colotrrifls In Fancy Dres* ICautJiul n s gift—of otir Hell* L mttt Xtoogii# ti PffMl hundh’di of bolt I* » tftrr Cbr»»m«*-Aiwu« as m cr tibia t flarun— ernl* to Yaiif i ufffffto Ii ittl ’ Collar and Cuff Boxes Kins leather snd newest shapes. Sterling Top Pungents Cut Glass snd prsllr styles— SOceutslo •LX*. Decorated Toilet Bottles Hand painted—told in pain. You can ( *#t a prattler gift. Send Nunnally’s Csn iy You can’t do belter—Won't you oblige us by leaving your order.on Mohd.y snd Tues day If you want sjecisl size boxes. Send a Box of Cigars We have them put up In boxes of wl b sj*eeial Christmas csrd—ad 10 snd J 6 cents t'lgare—PrlOO ez 00. * slid *3.00 box. HITAII of these slid more for Cbristnins gifts “t Alexander Drm CompanY 108 BKOAB BT. 221 (»th) CAMPBELL STREET. E 3. "W. DODGE Rubber stamps. Seals, Brands, ic. 221 9th St., Next tu Holman’s Meat Marke AUGUSTA, CA. EACH DAT iEES THE HERALD \ (3kS-.ENttA.Rs sun ImonHt JSlwib thu I ssti ii at r T ‘ «T5~ -4- sTeTiJ & s> io TTT2T3T4 is je if ITlg 16 2 t2f23„Z4 z 6|g Tr\SS[29 3Play / PORTN HR’S j C Itoi |tP At *nd 1 / VIENNA fuAlilNl.r l / lIHANht or / | Export \ j Beers | ? ARE THE BE9T i Tor Rent Farm of thirty acrflfl just t>fll<*w city. Dwelling*. Morva and f in ail Aflctiuna of tha city. Several of J. B. Whlte'k new Broad «treat houses are ettll unrentod. Specie' price* will be made to de sirable parties John W. Dickey I A t tstenry **-sfMin« CLOSING OUT SALE In order la rkse owl nr snttiw stock of woo lops by th* first of rebrggry. i»y the psilern or made to order, I *lll sell St Mil bti-tW , -ejfl* TERMS CASH. WM.E. BENSON \ttrr am Tillor, 7fS Iff toad 111. REMNANT OF Holiday Goods CLOSED OUT AT pi's REGiRDLESS I OF COST. Xmas Presents. Pilk Hspendrrs In Boxes at 50 cents. Gents’ to Neckwear at 25 and 50 cents. Ladle# hd Gent's Hilk Gartars at 25 and 5 n ent? JLadlea and Gents' fine Silk Hadkerchlef# from 25 cent# to $2. Ladle# ltd Gent#’ Silk Umbrella# from $1.23 Ut Fine Walking canes from 25 rent# uj Gents' tine Gloves nf, all klndx. lain and fancy Socks, Shirt# and Uiycrwear and all other thing# not itlrrioiied at reasonable prices. F. (5 Mooli*, the Tailor and Gent's Fur ntshel opposite Planters Hotel. ——— — In Dressing and Mani cun collar and cuff sets in Drisden and other popu lar vares at Richards & Shaver’s. DECEMBER 24 Beautiful Uecorstsd Toilet Atomizers For SO crnlfl. and only 26 c**nt» to fill with ffh# finflflt Cologne. It rnftkot * nice Chriet mm proirnt. I L GiHUIUL Drmlfl. Ludloe’ E'eg.tnt , • IS css • Completo with Mani cure Brush and Comb. Toilet Bottles, etc., at SB. $lO and sl2. L A GARDEUE, Drucgbt. [ <;«•**' Tt« .to, cmm m GkMfi i PROF. P. M. WHITMAN, •09 7lfcßL Airwtk. OS Btm PMCf EYE Ts BTB ke sF .itor* « Sight, po ts IV. pens* sir xlsns. aa* W AW. wurrw ih.<» laosss cut ato vow Are— vrhttt fom so. FREE OF CKARtiE. ormr torn— COAL and WOOD —Pi Ufl THE North Ao*of tg Coal k Supply Co N* sctliy gr-d ustl'y UusrsMs^d F W SCOFIELD, PRESIDENT Bsil i'tinß. Uu4 Mruvtgsr 2M Eastmans KODAK! 1 y / We sell Eastman’s Kodak* and all size FILMS. Call and see how cheap we can supply your wants. We have a full stock of latest styles of Staflone.’y. All goods finest made. BiM & Shaver, 827 Broad St., City. Paine, Murphy & Co. lOMitn-BION MERCHANTS. 803 Reynolds SMeleplioiiei 1 livsle Li-sira tv im* f liKt to Nsw Yorx Chicago sad N’sw Orleans. Orders executed ovsr our wire# for Cotton. Stocks, Bonds. Grain snd Pro. ; visions for cosh or on margins. Locsd s.rurltles bought and sold. Reference —National Exchange Bank of August* or Mercantlls Agendas. FOR SALIL Number 22 Telfair street—Four room, house—Lot 40x150 feet. Ten acres of land on the Sand Hills. near Hotel Bon-Alr. Dwelling of 13 rooms, stable, barn and servant house. Will sell at a sacrifice. Three small houses and lots on Sand Hills. Will Bell separately or all, at a bargain. 87 Acres of land near Wrlghtsboro road, one mile above city’s Few water basins. r 50 acre* of land near MilledgevlUe road, seven miles from court house. APPLY TO Clarence E. Clark 832 Broad Street. NEXT! fM~ f beg to notify my friends and customers that I have udd d another chair to my lturber Bliop. making six first-class Barbers, and I hope to accommodate uiy cuxtomere without wuitin*. Hot and cold baths. COME KAKLY AND OFTEN TO Hickey’s Barber Shop 212 & 214 Eighth St., OPPOSITE ARLINGTON HOTEL. $ BAND OUTFITS \ PIANOS, ORGANS and ) MUSICAL INSTftunENTS. Everything New In SHEET nusic THOMAS & BARTON, Aiipsla.Ga.