The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 24, 1898, Image 4

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fATUROAV V. a m— I - m*t*m « »u»i— > mm HalMMik tm- f» *< <v m*m» ** dm SfNi»* «•*•##* •*>»** *•* %•»« ; fug iww» ***<*#**-« ••Am A •*#» «*► *»»»«*«> *M *»- ?®i*# * •**»* «* >*• .«•» «*■* * «r »•••> mami *m *#* * f HBn-tlirr «Mm****m f%« M* «M WTO— piW<M»t lIHA LHWI* WTOt* •**% •** * * |A 11 Will 1 1 I'rnmm Tiii ia. tl «• •Am*!** katM*ia*» «*» **d a WT ii miirn «f re**«d* •«»•• •%»* *«•* ; •mm •>»» >»i hum i mi ftmrrm mn* rmim a mm> at »h# «<**•«• #•**•**“ mh! mm ae*ro««»D TH* ami * j IMM M»rk *** Milt *s» B»s*ro fit !#••• Ml h*e AM«|l| *»wa»d *• ■ taunt- an tut aim ml •!»«*• sa*»a ; rmrrmm* Mi MM, A A'lat'Ai) cMllti Km ••• Mcrtft after «M*t *M» M*" AT AMMAi* AMMAMM ara»d (Ac eaaigra** toiwti tM tccM #><*** ml fn«A*» s*d •Kmail■ 4 Mac, Mm Lgwaa. Om »b*" Mat ’M< »m* •rasas • mcmma* < «*»•*• , Ucci IV * I.MC C 4#m» «*. { grot CCttM fe*l W» •**#!» T*. AW'T m 4 unfit aammmic aim »** me mi -a vMmA iMa ■ «.jrf# l* MaM lew* «*•* MMCA Mat* ItMifcMccw W H (*»arAC«» >4 ****»•'■ •** I. V'. M Jrolrta* VcMca* H S. JM**ffß C«4 V*M Kate’* MMaAc*, <il M**h*»»k WIM only h»v« a f«w HuyW»r*« Fancy BaskatMof Candy. Fir*t coma, flrat •arvad. Shawmakat’. CONTEST LOG MAYOR. Ten Ram Ic la Haw* a LMt Wl- Oral Vrae Kam>*. Ol , lSc Jt.-fiAHIm !■ tti# thine mmm la IM bum** aatoifh <>l £mm* PWr aiMAt IccMc* apre «r mtmtr tb* HmoiMi O. H. Ai' ha* Iwn th* "Uman h of all h* »ur. ey ed* th Ba*t Rs#t>» Moaw might rail him tha tACI lull I* It** M* 'N*T maal admit (Mat h* Mac made a mlah»r «**>»•* AMA. Hut «* lb* Mood*? la January , whan Ik* Rml M«maaa will Ml a maAar aa4 two rosactlmen, M*y«r At- William* will have an W**" 1 Mr. R. M. Waal. f«r»*rl» ltra*ur*r I of n«f4 i 9a04 , >s«i i f*U km* 1 * n j «itia*o aapit** to Hi* acayonUty Rmm Rom* Whether hr will wave , aa tu. **#*fui «• th* ' Vmw>* I** hi"-1 rar who com* out 4 tb* W**l, or, aot, romaina to hr arrn. AA Mr. MljWllllaniC- frtrort* h.'if' rrafcWni of RMM Romr, ami woM feMown in jo ***t ttt* now h«*lrl Iqr H C lalndpav But IH# of Mr. Um\my do not | think it I* |K».IW. But thrrr a ill V • ttvnljr ritar. Them Br# l#t whit# and 16 eotMtd vottf* rpflftowd fw the Hes tlr»n Tnla tl t vwf Itrv* Hat. 01 it I* th# fliat tint# ift ytapi that tH#i# hm* h##n h co®teat u»r th# moynralt) >*f Kamt Horn#, and H ii isdtioi «mi»*h in frttt. See our new S2O Bicycles for Christmas trade, models for Ladies and Men. Thomas & Barton The Wheel Sellers. how They Are Treated Camp Maekenile. Dec. 23. Kditor Augnsta Herald: Dear Sir lie) or a reader or your papa* since coming to Camp Mackenste, I ask to l>e allowed a few word* to pass through the columns of your pa pci about the way the toys In blue have been treat ed since coming south, and the treat ment at our first turn out In your fair city last Wednesday We all fee! that we were treated coolly. If wo will have to again do so it will not he on our part, but because we will have to obey our commanding officer*. We came to your fair city in a body on the 19th of this month, not as northern soldiers but as American soldiers, some six thousand men In blue to do honor to your city, and to show the people of the south that the great contest be tween the north and the south was set tled for all lime to come: that we were all living under one great flag and constitution, and that the laws of our country have to he respected. We want the people of Au gusta to know that we are not here for a drawing card, but we are here In the service of our country. There haven't been five hundred people nt a time out to Camp Mackenzie and when wc marched down your streets it scented more like a funeral procession than anything else. Now, Mr. K.ii tor. this is not the American spirit. Bttd unless we get better treatment In the futnte, than ve have in the past, we will simply go back to our respec tive states ancf tell our friends that the same state of things exists as du ring the sixties. These few words. Mr. Editor, are my sentiments, and when 1 say mine. I also mean they are the sentiments of my comrades all through camp Tours truly. Jno. R. Berringer. Co. At. 15th Minn. l arceny From House. Cases stand in the Police Docket ngainst Louis Hawthorn and William Bank*. The charge l* laveetiy fraui ths house They are reported s» takto* ar ticles from the store of Mr. Kress Shot at Policeman. A iuse has lie'll ttlßfle »le#tw»: We. W Smith. He shot at Policeman Spauld ing last night. __ Seasonable Holiday Articles Sacrificed at Lowest Price Store You tan procur, what you want tha corract thlnfto gly 10,t ‘ ‘ ' ] 250 Holiday Umbrella*. b#»t Silk and OlorU. BOcanU to $ rou. 100 do/on Silk and pur# Lin#n - ja f k«t* SOccnto on tha dollar for •« L#di«# Wjd Pll ,fh Ca^a# 50 *550 H\ n n£. M^uit%nd V.WRuV^« clmu Pu££°P.rfum.ry. . Al! Fancy good* R#duc#d to tuit th# time*. P. D. HORK AN & COHPAN Y INASOCIALWAY IMf A Chrtoltnac Mtou*ht Win'll day 4rawa n*ar It* rtoaa i Tha liberal radlaorr of Ike Maai*rh »ki#t O’of iiod And (#i M<»rt onr ®lndden#4 #y#> A iltfinov throm; And ChrinttiMui tiw# thus com#* M#*v#« wont, to light th# evening of th# year. And ecellrr kindly f/h*ran-r f»r and mu. k |’poti our heart* cod horn**. LIR up your ryoa, and fill Yotir mind*, my fnrtda. with frrrly* Riven light! Open yotir h*aru to rntlanrr atlll mot* bright. Tbr apirlt of good rill! —C. Jelf Sharp In Pat Malt Magaainr American Wlvet Abroad. Thar* arr now a nutnior of American women prominent in turopenn eoelal Ilf*. K»p*<'tn!ly In IxMdon are then* American wlvee exerda- Ing great perwmal inflvince in Kngllali politico. Th* Youfrc Companion give* an Intureeilng glatipue of thoc* notables. Th* New England vlfe of Joaeph Chamberlain It one of tie mod charm ing hoeteaae* In London loclety. Tall and han<le<>me and gTaechl. she It con- WINE OF CARDUI HOWE TREATMENT. Eewoan* 8 C . Jan W Four year* a* "he" >“•* b*hv .va* born, It- kooid, and h»v* .uttered greally *r ,*l.lo* Two dißcrentdoctoreti it«U meter u«n ralgid of the wnmh I »ent for your book. '‘Home Trcdnent of Keinale t)i»e*««". ami aler .tudynig it carefullr. decided tkt 1 had Inflam mation'of the w<ub. so 1 com mence.! to take Wit. Of . anlttl and Bleck-Oranaht. lueed only one bottle, but It did manure good than all the doctor* audmfdlcine*. and now 1 am in good b«lth Mild. *A GOOD. WineTOran* Maitv women require special treatment, besides taking Wine of Cardui. he Wine helps them, hut sometimes ad ditional treatment i needed. These women should write the Chattanooga Mediae Co.'s Advisory Department at Chatta nooga. Term., telliff their symptoms in as few words as they can Specialists in He treatment of "female troubles" will then give free and full avice by mail. All such letters are consid ered sacredly confirintial. A 128-page Home Treatment Book, bound in cloth, wii be sent for 25c, or the same book, paper bound, for 5c- Wh this advice before them, sufferers can do ’ the rest themselves. Your ' uoiES' ADVISORY cp*RTUENT. home doctors wilt not know For Ad#te# m c«w» flwrmi *p#- anything about your troubles, ?£? T’A'cA';™’;: ;> and yoJr friends will wonder at your return to health. LARGE BGTTLE IF WINE OF CARDUI COSTS »LOO A DRUG STORES. . WINE OF CARDUI AUOUBTA TfJTl?Jkr*lD. IhV.X- m-*T to amooth the pakh of ImM I i.aam aU|#(|Hftt) #k) |f||| |»# prlfn# nsiniittr Ml .nr 4iv %uoth#r IhMd # gu##t« gr#«iOM#lv. and h*» a irff, graft litformad ttnf Th# l*t# | ! 4»fd Randolph ('htirrhfll, who with alt I hia «cf f mtrk lt)#« had i flafttlar t*i#ni. fur foraraat tug tb# fore®# of pul»lic ; opinion, vi* ably wpfofiH through*, out hla pottttral #ir##r by hla Atn#ii*; ran wtf# Sh# ar(H»mpaiil#d him In alt hla political rtfDpftign# and vai bit: moat «»a#fnl #l#rtlon ag#nt. Shf ®aa th# organlx#r of tb# Primrua# !d#ago# th# now#rful a aao# tat ton of Srjtlah ro»##rratlv##. m#n and wofn#n of which h#r hutbaad wa# th# fiml pro j. . k „„ p*.n*AißMl almam his ■ poarr. nw# naa rrimmm " ! death a prominent and brilliant flgut# in London society Another lnft«#n- I tial American in Uiu(oq i* Mti Geo., Curaon th# wife of th# tmdar **#cr#- tary of atat# for foreign aff«i»» Hh# ha# beauty, grac# and c harming man n#ra. and ta doing mtich in her own way to pr«*mot# her hnitwnd'i political ambitions It la a mlatake to aaaomc that whev i American women marry abroad they are a!wav« intent utH>n hunting for tl* tie#. Mr*. Chamberlain. Lady Har- I court, Ijidy Randolph Churchill and j Mra. Cur*on hare b s en Ideal wirea for ' Kngllah statesmen, snd have represen ■ ted their own country abroad with dla -1 Unction and success . Man's Dress For Dinner. In some families the sons, after they I reach theli eighth birthday, are re- K. * jaMlr fa ##. nM*| fe#t**d« ! h# Wfft not make aa e*#rla»tlng biw pure Miwdn*#* waa at the laitumi of| i.u «mv urtiM men act 11**01 fktllilf j . nloS* nMit I Kata* i op thc»r evonlog ciotae# aim i ighotit decided that It la all of «H»« and j ‘ha f a doa*a of tV-yh*r." w omen !S*f V anted fleee Tkere It only one territory of any •I, and n***r has been bn* *m* by any .s.aslderable funuia I Moll from which •omaa la absolutely escladMl. Yet suck a plwe enlais to day and has e»l«l*d for realurles. As far back as hlatory rearbM. lo alt /•maim It has been forbidden ground This rim#ry wllbotit sun** is stltt-j atad on a *>ld plateau between the old | Peninsula ..f Acte, la the Ore.-lan arch ipelago. mod the main land Here In Ike raid#! of cult I rated flebis and ex-! tensive woodland# dwells a m«HiastlC| ron federal ion of Greek ('hlivtlan#. B'lth twenty-three ronvpnt* and mini tiering more than 7 non w»ul* Not on*j of the monaatarle* ilates fr"*n a later tlm* than the 11th centurj A fewj soldiers guard the borders of this land and no woman Is allowed to eroat the | frontier. Nor is this all The rule |l* extended to erery female ervature. j I snd from time imm-morlal cou i mare. hen. dm t or goose ha* Issen p. r-1 | milted to enter this territory. Of La* ender or Violet. One of th* moat charming huts of th* j season Is of s beautiful shad* of laver- I derT hellotrotie or violet, ahsterer th* indlvidtia) prefer* to call It. but any way » beantlMt. soft, light Shade of velvet. It has a moderately wide rim over which the velvet Is plaited, and around this I* a cluster of two rows of asters, the upper row of the soft purple to match the velvet, hill with that shaded .(feet lo lie seen In some | blossoms, while the row below, which ; real* on the velvet. Is of a soft pink which blends Into rather than eon i IrasU with the darker color. The hat j turna up at one side, where there ta a mass of the pink and lavender ashes i Box Parties. Composing one of the charming box : parties at the Grand last night were: Mia* Lenn Ferris. Miss Mattie Lee j Loekharu Miss Eleanor Carroll Miss Hertle Anderson. Miss Bessie Wilkins. | Mr. Will Twiggs, Mr. Edgar Miller. I Mr. Fielding Wallace. Mr. Amoty ; Dunbar and Mr Jim Doughty. In the; ! lower left hand box were: Gen. and j Miss Young, Maj. and Mrs. Howard j Col. Dyer and Mr. Sanford Cohen. v Cars Party. Miss Clarice Barksdale has issued iu vitatlons to her young Indy friends to a card party to be given oil December 28lh. > -j Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Howland of Waynesboro and Mr. and Mrs. Will' Rowland, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rowland of Athens, are the guests of Mrs. C. A. Rowland on Greene street. Miss Marguerite Bowles has Invited a number of her young friends to a Christmas tree party Monday after noon at 4:30. Mr. and Mrs. Will Fulcher of Waynesboro passed through the city yesterday on their way home from At lanta. Mr. aud Mrs. W. T. Richards are ■•pending Christmas in Savannah, the guests of Mrs Baudry Moore. Mrs Haralson Bleckley of Atlanta is’the guest 04 Mrs. C. A. Doolittle, on Reynolds sweet • ITof. ajtd Mrs. Whitman eve visiting friends in Port Royal. Ill## AMMfeNt# jHfel#y k*o I fn® ts*ry C«fefc I# c®»ft«ft Ik# koU4*y* lft*« 4 a*l# m##k «f AtlftSti I* lk# «> t »f Mr# Wi»«f®l4 ## Gr##®# ('minor I® r#t«ni#4 Just received, a nice I line of Childs Iron Beds —bras* trimmed, white enamelled. 1 homas& Barton. TOOK PISTOL AM> nONFY. Jm Simmon* From IkeCmilrtrv l.fcee to Take Thing* Ju# h*« u##b #rr#«t#d for doHii th# MkllM W‘. M# #••# k### | Ik# ko«## of G#*>ri* Kitk#r rok>r#d. Iflnxm ml*##d hi# pwrtol #rh#«i jo# *#« { * III# Mportwi th# Io#» t® *h# r»H## ' 4#fd**> Jo# r«*»ir#4 in helpiii* • l»rty I from kt# part of th# rotmty to m\\ #om# h*nr#. In ***** "*f h * *** ht i?l lof #om# of tk# rtnih to th# iriwifti tit •nd th# oih#r man hid him #rr##t#d Tk# money tai fouoo on ctiin nnn *•#»•- «rtv# Georg# Kf«h#r # pkitol Jo# i# n Younfit man. your best girl may not tell you so, but •’Huyler’s" is whatshe wants. Shewmakes’. v. n. c. a. \MAS oin ! To the PuWk Will Be a Special Lec ture by Chaplain Stall. Th# men of th# ritv will I# Hiv#n an excellent Chrteiro## *ift at th- V M. It'. A Hun4#y * t#ftit>on at 3so o'clock m the »hape of on kddreaa '.y Chaplain IBtall. "f the tlth Pennsylvania. H* l» | a |K>llah< d *p*akcr. and his ad<4t*-s» Sunday afternism «m be ' nc *' f i»t*i* *f and cnthuiduam Th<- men of the city, all stranger* and the soldier* are in vited. SUITABLE HOLIDAY PRESENTS Piano Scarfs in Silk, Vel our§. Brocatles. Plush & Satin Damask or Covers in Embroidered Felt and Persian Plush. Thomas & Barton. At the Commercial The following guests are at the Com mercial: C. H. Parks. Atlanta. P. H- Prescott. Ne" York: P. A. Chisholm, Jackson S. C.: G. 11. Hair, H. Martin, it Martin. Pelxel. S. C.: -P- J on**. Burke county: Dr. L. A. AllewTSaluda, N C.; J. M. Scaly. Savannah: J. Wil liams. Allendale. and A. Jackson. Al bany. Ga. CASTOniA. B«,r,th, mltw Kind Vw Haw Always Bought WE HAVE Still quit* o number of holiday goads, which we have reduced 25 per I cent. ! We would be pleased to have you call and examine our line. We do not expect to carry a piece over, and if close prices and nice goods count, we guarantee to please you. CELLULOID GOODS. COMB AND BRUSH SETS. MIRRORS. POCKET KNIVES. CIGAR CASES. ATOMIZERS. We carry a full line of TOILET ARTICLES / ---and PERFUMERY. Roger & Gallett Extracts and Soaps. Colgate & Co. Extracts and Soaps Palmers Extracts and Toilet Waters, i We have the following in bulk at 30 j ceuts per ounce: Lttgelis, Seely's. Pul | mer’s and Violets of Sicily, Howard s ! Imperial Cologne. Sold In any quan tity at $1.25 per pint. C. H. HOWARD, JR., Druggist, - - 905 Broad St. i Tkibclaik>.>> TOLU AT 1 Kim. NA», 111 HI #H*' < He(f I A |, t rmi wmi nil# •H*#t *■*# I j f• I f > }| *■ «(*■ in t?»,*l Im lKHl!l , : •rttw.rt tb* rmm t.«t ••• *d«»*d metbrni 'ban v*b*« a i.wfaY. f** »-. I th t mm tM llfc#* W I I Hr «•* f bargnf «*ifk vlrttiirm l !»• Lfo k#y Tk# key #»4 u*\4 *! |t#l# of «ub tk# wmy k# k#4 j I t>*#n #n«trk#«l *kiut tis Mr K>«»t»#v i into Kr*#*’ pt#rf «f)4 that H had ##» n ■ ristfft tk# #t#r# m kl# p#r*«wi H# bad . -u«pt«»-u#iY and mm had »<#• n a*ar«'h#l It la m itam*! r at th# corfti. T##* nm a fHamt «tti a ju«. nnd ih#n k# | ;t#»tt4# mat ton. Ht wafd k# k«r 41 ymmrm\ lor dir until thin mo ruin*. Th# Judjr# m> th# lad*# *»ut A woman Kfiitc<] out to t»H hi# fi<)r **f th# mmt#r rtuftfht him Mill talk in* If th# JixUr# j had not cut hi# htitanicu# nhort and i Bti# K\an# ***■ Ifatii# Rim# - Laura j i Jortca Anna Willnby | Alt of tti“ *bov# hav# b##n i*#for# th# | r##ord#r mar# tim## than they #»n r#r-' «*ll#c t nr th# Juda# can r#m#mh#r Th#v j ; w.*rc th#r# thl# mornln* Wltnraa## 1 •Mid that th# quartet had b##a tiulldiw iin«. A# th#r# la no taw aaainat hulkhm- Injs th# «a##a a*ain#t them w’crc *di«- • , mi###d 1 Mr. Shaoero. He I* a youth who bad nied o(T * *ky 1 rrx ket. Now, firing off *ky rw-ket* I* a v iniutton of the city law*, if the ffring ,i* done In Ihe city limit* He *»id be knew it wa» against the law.but he saw | ! other* doing it. and *o did ilk*» i*e. Hi* j ! due na* tl i Ed Darby. Ed met Mat Mahoney, a dusky dam- j set last afternoon, and took 50 cents from her Mht didn't *eem to mind the j loss very ranch, but aa it wa* a viola-, , tlon of the city law*, a fin* of sf.s« was, levied. The case looked very much like! a larceny from the perwm one. Ed Doxier —4®0 —$2.50. J. W. Speron— 480 —$2 50. SalHe McManus —486—11.50. For Asthma use CHE NEY’S EXPECTORANT Xmas Dinner The old reliable Ellis restautant " ill serve on tomorrow. Christmas dav. tiom 12 to 3. their annual Christmas dinner. The price will be as it alvvsvs is-23 cents, and no advance; so read the bill of iare. and tome and get a first class dinner. BILL OF FARE. Oyster Soup Mock Turtle Soup Turkey Stuffed with Oysters Cranberry Sauce Prime Ribs of Roast Beef, au Juas Chicken Salad Macaroni j Steamed Rice Stewed Tomatoes Creamed Irish Potatoes | Sugared Yams English Peas Sponge Cake Plum Pudding. Brandy Sauce Coffee T * a Mllk ELLIS RESTAURANT. J. T. & 'V. C. Wise, Man. A- Prop*. DON’T FORGET THE BABIES Children’s Go-Carts and Baby Carriages, the finest line ever shown in Augusta Thomas & Barton. .Mies Sadie JUlcox of Charleston. Miss : Oussle AdgntS of Bamberg and Dr. L. M Cieckley, of Columbus, are visiting j Dr. and Mrs W. C. Cieckley at their j home on lower Greene. Elegant Line Solid Mahogany and j Oak Desk from $1.50 to s2s.oo—Fltm i ing & Bowles. OlCfMllt* 94 AIMfKAN t»l MINI » W Km kffiMj U> Herd • command »« I mm»rm » MHaos. ' lddl*r I* <Yi rmmm Itonari. Om* ml th* h* mmm who **•* jg»t th* h*'lot of Kmtmrw #:1 !>•■> ml Gov imp t* «• AaftsM drhtM hi *w lx ||* ••• •Imtdv • p-tinlmr hoc tt*t_ with • 'arg* peart Ic*. ahaa aha l«av <ho Eap*tnr • fa■ <wito ■ *'•* Va'- imi r»liod '•!*•■ h a aad aahodL Ih 4ha . nan** of h»* ta-wef. if th# Coatlat torn ’d : rims the arv day at 11 »'cinch In tha iforvauoii ta th* royal ■ a*t'<* *nd *x*ai * i ate th# Knpenit * troth Th* dont'of .■•lied aad *atd Toll Mta Malaaty I that I < anaat attend patient, at that# ! bocae* 7hi* la <ny olhh* It la a# »e'l igaoiaiNi with ovary ntaaall aad orory rotafor* aa even the moat exact ! lag nation) coatd denand Ida all of | ray dental work here end I ha*# to do lit h#r# V'l r** ahoutd I ware break ' « pale I should hav# to visit many p*ttent* at their knan, where the rhnnrro are I *hauld not i|o ray work half an nsoll. No. It ta tranoaxlbl# that t f**id the Emperor at the rantle hut I ahottld be moot proud snd happy to ai'end Hi* Ma|ro'y hero, and Ht* Maj esty • rat'd Anil every mm fort Tell Hl* Malaaty »h»t pleas# " Tb# valot ara* dnnfniiaded It araa th# Brat ::rre be had ever h-ard of anv one «avtng h* enuidn’t and w >uldn t do what the F.mpert r *aetrd ll# left and reported hi* me****# An hour later h. rt turned, saving HU Majetly wool come at 'he hour *pggroted. but that the .ha-tor waa lo buy a who'* !y for fit* Emperor's •'•<-. to which, of course, the (lent, readllv agreed. Th* story leaked mil aad it has been mu# t commented upon In Berlin It was a good stroke of hualn*** on Ibe part of th# itentiat Not only ha* the Empe ror remained his pa tent no other dentist is ever ai'owed to touch the Im perial tee'h but th# Eutjyror'# en'lr# family and th* court, ihe h!ah**t aris tocracy and th* generality and admir alty al*o by preference seek him when their teelh 'need Axiug ” Several of the wealthiest fami'iee among ihe aris tocracy pay him annual billa of 20,600 mark* (*& (kW). and whll# hi* best cus tomer. the Prince** Hobenlohe. wife of th# Imperial Chancellor, recently died, other* bav»n taken her place. Hl* in come is now eel i mated at about $2-»0,- 000 mark* <*B2.oofl> per annum. Just received, a nice line of Childs Iron Beds —brass trimmed, white enamelled. Thomas & Barton. Indoor Baseball. On Tuesday night. Deo-iOber 27, at 1:30 at St. Patrick* hall, will occur the last game of n series of In door baselaUl. that has befn arranged between the Sacred Heart Cadet* and the Eighth Pennsylvania Regiment. The band of thi* regiment will ren der popular selections before and du ring tl.e game. Indnot baseball is Juatly popular as tin- most entertaining and interesting of Indoor athletic sports. It equal* In interest the outdoor game, requiring even gieater sktll and quicker Judg ment In playing. The Cadets are ihe champions of th* fliat series with the C. L. A., and as the Eighth Pennsylvania ha* an ag gregation of One players an exclttn# and Interesting series us games can he expected. YOU SHOULD Plant Some SLIiDS IN THE OLD 12 DAYS. HYACINTHS, TULIPS and other Bulbs can nnw h» Planted. Trices Reduced SWEET PEAS Eight choice Ounce 10 cents—4 ounces 25c. ggrWt have still a few Pretty Jar «iulets and Hanging Baskets. We would be ple»*«d w give any ip toimation uc Seeds that we can. We invite vou ro cell on ns. ALEXANDER SEED CO. 6X2 Broad Street.