The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 28, 1898, Image 1

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Rfijgg « Ik T<>t MB, auaosia j i *«rur* unxo* t-kta* iaal zzz*r.'z: »< Wp dk ©BpoMIA VOLUME VII. COSTIiY i BUfIZE in BIRMINGHAM A l«< *f O 0»». Vumi l« 0m tw««M Uw W* »*. tkfw Oita" B*dl» *■!•*•*■ KtwtAM Aik. fa*. *• - *• taw* I ami S • ‘•ta* •** wmi th* W'k*>« ri the omm- Mur (V* M-pnahwa »’•*) CM». Mi f n-r'* a m* raadMi •» *h» <*> w rtw »*• niw'i»i hat th* r.*mm mm* l **fl*«»F «wd *** ll* main h»thdh*« B*d dfcdaMral »»H tmrned One bwkdrrti BWd «*»#• t, r.w ink# IMW ewnimd Awir»iw Aw th# pmripal MitttM* ta «b* ►*•* w dridroved mrnm • ton* ta IM, mm> Me loranMM*. Oft* Aw*. mo ta the ntah*#* Wfce A** KMkd • y.igb trartt* hat w« »*«• «t» m m 4 Ik* •*!# pkMM- to nmai ik* •*■ ««r km*, vm hi* lit*. Pkwwnra Km. Mori*.- •«>'>)• »w badly kartrid. The piaat ***** Mil a aUIkM Amur*. •■4 began optawtldn Uat •■man#' The ****** iwlk M kWH* !*• T* ONE OF THEIR MEN. Tk* PmirhMli Stadtar* MmU Sot Taka En»*tM Tk* merab*.. of tk* Eighth Pa* nay I v*«;a Raglment kav* «ak*a * bit «f * wept ion it tk* following artiri# that lltatM ia yeriardar a Herald *D*at tb* mmk- ta rka R#*tm*nf* Pam -Tk* two htmAa *r* mala. and U '* stated by a l’*»W »aal* a*M«*r that tmth ba*4* will try to kwt th' «*- air of Ik* other. When Iha two bead* mmt tk*rr «U 1 k* ww* hot mootc— on* band playing Northern act Ik* r:h*r Mouth*ra air*. Tk* Pennsylvania hoy* »aj\th*y hare a htek romin* yar.Mn Ik* Maryland boy* plana* a ymn* m tka aan* ti ght that th-y do Tk* l>nu»r boy* should aot Pool "aar*" oa Th* Herald fur U»* article aa oa* of tk* Realmenfs ow*» m n i amt to Ik* oßo*. and gar* tka taate tacßt. aad was wry *nt.«n»* that awch U printed. Th* Etghth * ban* dtd aot play any tbaoilow aira. howror bat <>• th* eoattrarv rendered ’’Dixie ' a* they marched I** tb* Arlington Hotel laat night. In fact, tk* Penney sold ier* ar* al right, and th*lr band U one of th* lh»*»t. PERSONAL MENTION. Captain J. RU# Smith *»« confined (o hi* room by tllncua yeeterday. Mr W. H. Gag* la down from At lanta (pending th* holiday atsaaon with hi* family. Mtaa Klla Ra* Boylan. of Whit* piiliu. ia a pending tb# holiday* with Mina Kthel Parka. Mr. and Mra. Harry Robert and t hildren, aho haw h**n th* guwts of Mr* Chari** F. Agr*ll, have return*d to Macon Th* boat* of fri*nd* of Mr*. William H. Brigham ar* d*light*d to greet U*r upon her appearance after h*r recent revere attack of lllnea*. The friends of Mr. M. T. Phlipot will. r*gr*t to !*arn of bia contlnu*d lllnea* at hi* bom*. No. 1332 Market street. Mr. Phlipot If suffering from )* grippe He baa been confined to hia home for a week. EN ROTTE TO CUBA. Regular* Passed Through the City Gulng to Charleston. . A train load of soldier* from Huets rlilc passed throtiwh the city last night <*« route to Char'eston to take trans port a for Cuba. Two other trains of soldiers imssed through today at noon,. They were regulars. During th* brief stay raude at the depot, their band dis coursed a bit of music. Southern Teachers Meet. yew Orleans. Dec. 28—The Southern 1 Educational Association was late In convening to-day, but there was a large attendance of distinguished ed ucators. Rev. Dr. Sampson, of Boston College. Texas, gave the invocation. Professor Ha.sey C. Ives, of the St. Louis Art Museum, was to have read the opening paper, but his physician warned him not to attend the Con vention. Professor Charles W. Dab ney spoke of the higher education of the South. A .committee of one from eahe State was appointed on nomina tions. A Sad Mission Miss Ella B. Smith of the Western Union Telegraph company has returned from Washington, Ga.. where she was called by the death of her brother, Mr. .las. D. Smith, of that place. Her many friends deeply sympathise with her in her sail, bereavement For a Federal Prison. ' Atlanta, Dec 28 -—(Special).-—Toe 'Central Railroad of Georgia offer* the citv of Atlanta three hundred acres of land for a Federal Prison; The prog erty is adjacent to Fort McPherson. THE AUGUSTA HERALD. GRAND REVIEW OF Abb TROOPS «U< Tilt htff Mantkc at 10 OTtork. krtfJwttaMS IBs* OK*« »• hot j Tkw* tbtli hu a »w*s*m Masmm m ttitl «f lH fl* |pm4 ; KBW. Tka ala wgtmwta. tka *•*••** ; tka atgtaU toqa add tka ’>ta *•*»•» •«' tab* ptuw am tka tara* mrata put. PatlasatM la tk* •rdar it*adgamnara Ptowt WatataHi tuiat Amy Cat pa • 'am# Mark east* Oa., Dae. It, IBM. Ctam, Orders Ho «g Tk- traog* eg tkks satmaait artll m saetattad Tkaeaday Da A * » a'ek*rk a. a* by tka jMa»r Omareal ■aad.ea adit gir* ardaea far tk* lama Uaa of tk*tr twigada* at t ta a. as. j aad tk*p srttl k* ta pnalUaa at * « ! a. m. Tk* lamatioa rntll k* ta Uaa of I awn. Tkird brigade oa tk* rigkt. Owat car* will be tak*a to a** that tk* ragtawatai kaada play 1a tb* **- daar* of lje atap* par mtaat* tknmgk oat tk* rat law My eotaaiaad of Major Omni ffwat aar. John A. Harms. j Aetna Aa*i»unt Adjutaat Oraaral. Aa artar ha* bara taaupd that th* ao rta* Firm brigade will tans their dprtagftaM rifle* o»er to the com man i der of tka arsenal, aad recta re Krmg- Jrgaaaaa riflaa. Tht* look* a* ‘ though tk* troop* here will be kept 1 la tb* aarrirv and In nil probability go ; to Cab* Tenth Ohio. Tka entire nrtgmd* artll ha fitted out with Krag-Jorgeaaen rifle* today, starting with tk* Tklrty-ftfth Mlcfct gMM. Capt. Ptarer of Co. cl* officer of tk* day. U. Caldwell la commander of the guard Mare <4 Co. K and Martin of the j saraa company ar* the orderlies to th* adjutant. First Maryland. Uaoian *ni Constabl*. at Co. C. from , alck to df.ty Sergeant Bran*, of Co. G. from duly I to atek. Sergeant dhoop. of Co. B has berei honorably dlarharged. Captain Port*! of Co. O. la officer rtf the day. LletManant Constable of Co. C, ta ottcer of the gintid | Headquarters First Brigade, First Di vision, Second Army Corps, Camp Maekenite, Os.: j Commanding Officer First Maryland Regiment. United States Volunteers Sir—The Commanding General di rects that the Regimental Commander ; have the Company Commanders, be- I beginning with the companies of the i Tbtrty-flfth Volunteer Infantry. In ! readiness to turn In the Springfield ri de*. together with the bayonets, scab bars. bells, etc . to the Augusta Ar senal. The commanding officer of the Augusta Arsenal will, when the arms ere stacked at the Arsenal, return an equal number of Krag-Jorgecsen ri fles and equipments. It Is the desire of the Brigade Commander, that the Com pany Commanders - have the rifle* cleaned and oiled before they are turn i ed in Very respectfully, D. G. BERRY. ! Asst. Adjt. Gen. Ist Brig., Ist Dlv., 2d Army Corps Dies tens ftt Evans, of Co. I. siting ’>r j his meo. gave the Chtef of Police 23d I loaves of bretid for distribution among the poor. Thirty-Fifth Hlchigan. Captain Sanda. of Co. A. Is officer • f the day. Lieutenant Hammimd, of Co. K, !» commander of the guard. Captain Seantor returned this morn ing from sick leave. Eighth Pennsylvania, lieutenant puffle, of Co. K, Is offi cer of the day; Lieutenant parr, of Co. G, is com mander of the guard. Corporal Rile}', of Co. G, has return ed from sick leave. Eckert, of Co. H. has been detailed to the Hospital. as cook. The aick call la gradually growing lees every morning. Colds and rheu matism are all tbal is suffered. Thirteenth Pennsylvania. Captain Corwin, of Co. H, is officer of the day. Lieutenant. Murphy, of Co. C. is offi cer of the guard. i w H. Smith of Co D. has return ed rrotu a furlough Corporal Coons, of Co D, and Pri vate Parry, of Co a, returned yester ; day from Florida Fifteenth Minnesota. 5 >i t»n*Jh Wilson. of On. v has re- Mened on amount of 111 health. I '■ "" AUGUST A. GEORGIA. WEDNESDAY. DEC. 38. ISSB. SIX DUEIiS WERE ARRANGED OW «T TWb Wdtilr*. in tka mitf lUrMt*. Friemda hata.M. N M -The Am* dm ‘ 4emn* grraagnd htaaeoa H.««asi» a *aasmkat of tka irawea hasoae as tka Bat, •ad M* nfftat aad tk# wnaadn «f i Hama tanaffv tka NanaartaM premthf 1 . *r*swtaf «mt at a dt*p»»* *u»l attaMP Had ta'twa<i|. th* two prtartpaia tmak plaw lodaa hatwaom Itatwa r#|*»**ty. ■MW of aotlutaal daNsa*. aad Canttat Karatya Ptatsd* mow Mai, bat 1 tka anraante# wa* khaudlsw Fdjar aary mumo* M* eppwaaat aad tk* pta tad at Kam'.ra mtnaad fr* Lmtor. j Handy • aansad. Oa>*ri end Horan* wth *#«rds. la tka Btdl *m***ai*r. i dnnear* anMNita hand Allay th* wtwa* waa kwamd «p tka data ail maimed and damn* waa again am ’■ eerety w mndsd oa Ik* head . Tk* aar oad* then mapped Ike fighting and a re# asset Halloa fat lowed A~it 55IAN PRINCE. Me Caret** Important lafarmatla* ta th* C«ar Nan Fraacl*ro, Dee. 3*. -Orend Duka ! Cyril VladuniraatUh. of RoaaU. Brta roaala of tka CMr. la a gueat ot th* I Pataca Hotel H» b** routs to at 1 ivtrrabur* Th# Prtnre ha* been *ta> Honed In China during U»* pant year, wgaaad In naral dot) Although not deffaittay annooneod. there ia no doubt hot rhai th# Prince rareim to th* Cur full report* upon the condition* now eilattag In Chinn with reference to the operation* of the post ora of the world For aswerat rear* Ruaaia saaHitalned a powerful fleet In the Orient, and (or nearly two <r«at* the Prtau* has been studying th* situation. The Prince rial lad Maolla Re apeak* In the htgh eat term# of the arhleremeat* of tbo liMfrtg force*. No Consolidation St. Loula. Dec. S*. —The Matement la a dispatch from New York to the *f fetfW that the Ulggett A Meyer* Tnhar cs> company of thla rlty will be ros«i|- ldated with the Union Tobacco compa ny. the purchase price being placed at twelve million dollars, la emphatically denied by Col. M. C. Wet more at the bead of the former company. Fatal Duel. Orovtll*. Calif.. Dec. 2*. Tho*. J. Grubbs, aged 40, and Harry Roberta, aged 70, fought a duel with pocket knives. at Mooretown. Grubb* liter ally hacked the aged victim to death, and was himaelf shockingly wounded about the face and neck. Grubb* *as arrested. Dead Men's Features. Experiment# to reproduce dead men's features from their skulls are being made in Germany. Tho method pur sued is that proposed by the late Pro fessor Hie, of to reconstruct the face of John Sebastian Bach. At the University of Grax the skulls of crim inals who have been executed are used. Casts of these will he taken in plaster, and given to different persons to treat according to the rule* laid dowu. The results will then he compared with one another, and with photograph* of she original owners of the skulls, taken either before or after death. Should they prove al all successful In obtain ing a resemblance there is likel" to be a painful rumaging among the hones of the great men of the past. A Remarkable Country. In Iceland there are no prisons, and the Inhabitants are so honest in their habits that such material defences to property as locks, bolts and bars nr* not required. Yet its history for the past thousand years records no more than two thefets. Of these two cases, one was that of a native who was detected after stealing several sheep, but as he had done so to supply his family, who were suffering for want of food, when he had broken his arm, provisions were furnished to them, and work was found for him when he was able to do it, and mean while he was placed under medical care; but the stigma attached to his crime was considered, sufficient punish ment. # The other theft was made by a Ger man, who stole seventeen sheep. But, as he was in comfortable circum stances and the robbery was malicious, the sentence passed upon him was that he should at, one.; sell his property.— Pearson's Weekly. Captain - Bond, of Co. I. Is officer of the day Lieutenant Eofcies, of Co K, is com mander of the guard Captain Barrows, of the Fifteenth Minnesota, Is officer of the, day of the Third Brigade. Opstritl Is rum. of the Ten* Okie, is Brigade Officer of the Day. ANSWERS HIS LAST RObb CAbb >**M Kklgpi MMfcfatgfc M M| It In l*ia»i n* maa nit* th* Tkird »d«ta»i I wdsst* *" Awgwia The wad Mnita «ks death egkwwaa Nctaard mi# >Mdk at fytwa tlataed ■ Msitat wd* pecetaad he** *hM mar MM ■ The arp*a *** aats* a »h*» a ta ‘the assay r+flß* as 'M* *•»>«•« t -wa* man. ie ta w*a am arwMtata that h* had kwta A. A Ksrtss't Ktaahswo*« ta# taee* MkM ■tarita* ataan ha eataated in IN tktrd artlUerv *f ragmlnr*. and had l»*n g»o* lirnta .«* Tvtwe (Stand with the ttauad Man# that tnna. Ataaat thaw* sasetaa *#». a# *dd tartak *n with lyyhatg gavwr aad had had* Mi th* peat taeanl'at «»• loot otter naan, shmtk edamsad Mai **d th* mas* . a*4teen w*M Mr M* Mat mg caH Taostf Tttani i **gta wo* ahong M inn 'ta ad* M# had *pe«H <na*t ta hta Ilf* to Aagnat*. when* M* made away "\T~. a araSher ta Mr. Fmith Kimtw«w*k. twaPtaatawr at ik* Augwm ta •*rinse Hank. A amthar aad mmar ah«> aarvtva him Mi* tool her bad been ItvtM at Reck Hill. ». C.. and taft that ptao* last *f larwwm «<* racglpt ta a lumpy*** an kwan ins in* dsgith ta her map. Mr* out Office in Maiaagak thla nftatMW'ta. , TV remain* Will be »*' ugH' •» *•' ga.ia loswnva morning, sad lb# la*t and men sin ta conducted 4mm tat Paul* Church at It oriotai tiswmw T. ih# giita mtHtaen riMattvee th* deepc. *ym*Mky la c«tcnd*d A da* tpehmeni fKuh U»# peat «»». no doubt, MM#rr i •he remsmr her*. Th# fbllowipg gentlemen will net aa pall bearer* Meaars Ales. Cranaton W. K. Miller. A. H. Ruaacl Brnnk I arts*. Rnbt coffin Dr Fargo snd Dr. Teague SENATOR MORRILL DEAD. He Aw»t ii kb Earlj Hn«r This Muffling. Hr Waa i* Ike sloth Year ol Hta Age. WruhlsiloQ, D. C . Dec. J*.—A# pn.phcelcd in theae diapatchea yester day. Hon Justin d. Morrill, the #•- j nlm United tamtes senator from Ver iue-iu. dle<l at l:M o’clock thla morn tad Mi the mh year of tat# aa*. after •a lllneaa of lam than a »%*k. With him a ben th# and cape were hi* stater- In-law. Ml** Louise tawnn ; his son. James. Mr. Menja min Durfe.-, for a bint: time asaootatot with the senator In finance committee work at th* c*p- IPM. and Cotfmel S. E. Chamberlain, an Intimate frelnd. Senator Proctor waa in th. houtar at the time, at were also never al other friends. The senator never recovered from the unconscious state into which he lapsed early In the day. and his death wa# calm and oeaceful. The Immediate cauae "f his death wa* pneumonia. LIQUOR MEN WILL PETITION Mflfdd tdtflril A4#4 it U«»r Ilf Umnf i# Ihion m Itm. tkev Atay H Now A**K* Tkasta fli.paa a Yattf t* lh* Isilwm Mem U* . Da* 3*. Tka Whtahay I Heavy* Aassmmtiata ta Mm* proavwt- | eg a pattatam la fkatmeti ****** <h*i tk* Kauai I •*•<** itadta** h* red seed from fltd* ia KKd* or Maw Mr th* naat veta It te wad liv lead that r - twiHtam la atsnad b* p*nrU#wily Imjk taMdl daalerv thouth it ia ht\.' a»m# ta them doubt the wtadotiPTYk# tnave Theae Pmtta ta Nt that by twdtaMtg lh* tlrtnae <h*t will (lata - he (ask tag capita' for Ike prahtMitamlst*. a* many ta tb# Mtlar have openly aipr***- tk* hop* that tka Hgtata man #4 • » mak« »urh a mtattaha, Tka Il#ttor me* eMm that tk# pr#w •Mtat** them la a hnrdtahtp amount lag. •* M dona. In atmta It.gsta tar the average ataktota DT this amooat. Pad goes to tk* ritp Tb* dipt* licetms baa recently bean reduced «M making th* fftatc **4 county license tor newt year. |2«d The Oovayammii tlctaine I* t». bat in addition to thla. th# aakmn me* pay It tat on every barrel of beer, be sides a stamp ta* on rignm. wlnew atr, which for the ******* aeloon meana from f»M to K*«i annuatlr The meat promtneof liquor mew say (key do not object to the awwt rigid restrictions, but th** do aot think a hardship should he Imposed on ih# r*p nisb'c dealers In order '«> leeaen the number us dive* etc. They any that the proper way t* for the Mayor and ; Council to rafus* to taaur n Itrenac io a dive keeper at any pries They ad , mil that thars ar* aeveral *u<h place* 'la Macon wow. and they say theae iehould not be ll.enaed again But. In the meantime, they think the burden ! placed OB the reputab # dealer should be llgbiataed One promtnem dealer said that he .knew of al leaat tsu aaloon That would : go out ta hoatneaa on the Br*t day of 'January. If the llrenae remain# a* It la. Card of Thank a. Me Uay. chwirmwn ta ih«- relief com mittee a' the strikers in \\>#t End. da jslrs- to leturn thunks to th. (list Mary land regiment# for the favor* hi# com mittee had received from them In the past few days, and especially to 00. 1 of that regiment. A Mountain Tumblea. London. Badland. D*r. 2*—Pari of Red Rock mountain, according to a .1l»- patch from Airolo. Swltacrlund. has fallen int.. Atria, destroying the hotel, and several huuse*. Three persons wi re injured. Claimant tc Million# Die*. London. England. Dec. s*. Mra. Saunders, the claimant for twenty mil lions left by an uncle, named Leake.who died intestate In America, died recently In Wale*. 'Field hospital at bloody word, san juan creek, from harpers Weekly A root A Dbawiko *■!«'* Lll-b KY P«««Me «r*CM*o* Reproduced from Harp W«k(y. By PeriniMioa , a . Copyright, 1808, by H»rpcr A Brother* 4 RED HOT SATIRE IN I THE AU6USTA CHRONICLE! Ttf M*«t MißCihl ( art ts Air lfcr< Mill i adUMfltralttafl' fttfllH . Ih TIBI Riper r*WB "MflrkkdMff TaAflf. ! "Tk# idea ta • Few M mkww Altatay ta Wbmm cantata Head. YryMt »• *4rib* Agnkata smh Pwsvt# ** tk* Pra# Ids at* ta Owe /MM*** .>*t**h Han* tk* Negvwua ta Owr city Uri. Tkad Prwswa le Yarn that tk* ftW tVspt* C«a th« amh*Cwt*n Pay ’ ••hi Ar* Tired ta hewing l ectors ttarts liveased aa thsr Umsgblerv ••Mars* Ik* Factery People Bash t* Meek." Th* lo.lowtas commaalrwDo* ap wared la th* (tauanaa ta our morhing rxairmpnrwry today: To tk* Mltw ta Tk# ChriNtart* Atr —You have been publishing • STVtat mans write)** on tb* mill situation # t would Ilk* t* any n Nw word* myaetf.: Now I thlnh the praeldetata of the mill ’ have dun# start!y right. Tb* Idea ta j a few worker*, many ta whom ran am read trying to strtk* against such pao pl* a* Ik# prvsldanta ta our mill*' I* w*n# fanny to roe Th. action tal lh# whutesaie groear# *u right. They 1 ought to stares lb* mill op*raliv*a out i They are the poorest paid wetahnen is die city—-th* most illiterate workosai. In th* city' What right ha** thay to rid# on the sireal car*, *s to th* lb# atr*. or haa# auy of tha lugurte* ta Ml* in the i tanking gad food tin#? Why. thay can Hv* on titty cents a day and ttav* plenty of fat meat and corn brand to ant. Thay Haven't the right to **- perl to rcrid* In anything but a bouse through which the triad and rain beat. Thay ar# the v-.moron people. l*»oh bow tb* negroes of our city !|v# that prove* tp you that the mill people can lira oil sixty cent# a d*y, and a gr*wt deal lee* if the mill president* Dad It necessary for the well*re ta th* starv ing to death gtockholder* to make sm other reduction. I am a gentleman, and I believe in everybody stopping In hia or her place; and the operatives ta (be mill should do this. Why, von sec some us the factory girl* down town dre#s#d as well aa soro# of the beat ladles of the city. Some of them are Just aa polite and rounded in their speech Now. people of Augusta, is this right? Ought nor their wages be cut so that they cannot wear* such fin* clothe*, thereby making a disiinc thm between factory girls and our beet ladies’ T believe the presidents of the mill are right. They aee that something Is wrong, snd generous, noble minded men that they are. they have taken it upon themselves to right this wrong. I «nv the whole city of Augusta ought to praise them. The cltiaens of Au gusta who have contributed to the sup port of the striker# ought to be put lh Jail. They are no better than the tink er*. tmm PLANTfRM LOAN AND RAVI NOS BANK »s> any# a *#♦*?* 10c A WEEK SS.OOYE/I I Th* mui pewstaMrt* did right, law t «t an taw. m bwdripg «m tk* Mb** ' p»N# and Augusta bauds Dam uu*n. *»*»»• the want# ta ikes* until Ikffl #»- ♦die tan >*M* a dny Mr PvugMMl at *b* Milie | ## anpSlkM* Witt frm- (• this toot Mrs* ta triiuhla fkw/gp# bit sratiriueu ta th* fit*! watta I- | I re* that h la u«» was* tw «*dp «♦»*#• ing 'he brier# b>Mesa tbaawMljM <er Mu **e« ta aostety. yuu have Mil triad taiu a work ta vharity that wtlll ; team*** t» vow# er. rteatlhg htaMT.' OeWldUriU I tut roy Wei Us VOU t | a*y a# aught to start saury ouo ta ywd praatiieai* ta the UhMad Wat** Ttna era aa bone# to aa. Yam bare außnNMt much, aad bMtM«d are they who -ednru i ibsdr suffer twa wttbowl a awnar, hiarve Ibose fartory people faurli to w.irb they daws#** to he drive* buck lib* so m*av <#tti*. that* ary opta* tear Hera I want t* *ay a word to im# OSSVE beau ta Ward Mhd They kerw bee* mabing too murb peuftt off ilw Miod, The opurattvaa have bud urn mm h nsouey to spend We M* going Ito rogk* tt hnt for you people Well I hkv# truupgay statu* hi ibe near fa tare Thea you'll be ta M. I gu#ee you'll wish you hadn't evatpaihtwd with the rtrlkera You gfe aa heller , < ksa fnrtary operatives say way Tow , ought to he made to sand .>ur e hildren | to tb* factories ami esc wilt make yaw do It eat. You ar* not good enough to k s# the ground oO whleh the preat rtenu ta the mill trend. That's a)K I bate to say to you. Now. Mr President*. In conclusion, I want to any to you that you bav* tb* sympathy of the beta people ta the city. We arc tired ta seeing factory girls dressed •* well aa our daughter*. You are nice gentlemen, all of eoa. Gentlemen. b#cp nn the fight. Tour cans* I* lust. The *t ark holder* are all with you. Htocklralder#. From The Chronicle, Dec 2*. Ikffl, SATOLU TO VISIT AMERICA. Pope Wishes to Show Sympathy W ith 1 »pension Rome, Dec. it.-I< I* said that Car dinal flatolll will vieit the United State* surly l» the new year. At the’vatichi> It Is admitted that hi* eminence con iemplates such a trip, hut all inquirer# are gravelj- assured that it I* due en tirely to the urgent call* of private bu siness. y It in it y safety he declared that the cardinal has no private huridgss In Am erica which could not comfortably l-e arranged by mail. The Pope la well known to he anxious that there shall be no doubt In regard to his benevolent and symuathetlc interest In th" new American policy of extension. In re garj to which It seems misrepresenta tions have been matte in Interested quarter*.. .Moreover .the gt#nt i-hsnge in the po litical lies tiny of Cuba .Porto Klco and ihe Philippines neceaaitate* rndiaa! re arrungementa In the system of church government, and the Pope ha* an idee ihdt such changes rnuld beat he mad- In a friendly If unofficial co-op*ratten with tb# Washington government. f«yr ****** I *r fMfSppifl A*. *f fl -m wAffir ] rl r.ltfflsWsffkpl « e k# >rt«« losgeri