The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 28, 1898, Image 2

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W®ONBBDAV BMANOSI m%\ Values in N* w and | Aitractrve ifpngtiis I and Grands. Sl5O TO $750 Ohtmm ©# o«ir four »♦«*s• Irm rr»i»ki«MK, W#tMMr Evhc* mu, M*rv*rd, SlulU *m» Bffiuwr Organs Th# Firriwl A Vot#y Par or and Chanai sty**, walnut and quarter Oak caaaa. naw Marten* Wa can mvc you money on Sawing Mach'na*. Blry rla*. furmtura. Baby Car* ria«a«. ate. Everything naw In ahaat Music- Tbomas & Barton, 710 Broadway, Augusta, Georgia XmAs Ar WHITE MOUML H** tfc* rmtldwN J-prnl Ifc* Dap Timm. fOlilSItWMf fMMI Vmtf q»Mlv Cm Vs B»ti t» yl jhh Tfc* * taiM was mol 'ip. (• th* t,.»tA.«u*l «tr»l*. th* day was fc **rr -tat.t <*t Tfc* Ptarthai ••id Hr* IfiKlMw ha** m**r*i ft t*t.-ta fr .to !*».> al.-i-f-tna hi lb* »HH. h»tuw Tfc* ffcafatwa -uaa** •** *«u»->*-i Idrirr ih* rowing N*. r*tar» aa I Mt* (lag* and ri».«*t. r (Mnrrai and Mu, Han«t> tamltfc »UH aad *(*>«* «**•»* thm u tallv at lltr Ra«r*lhr Man*h<n Th* PtdMtM a«d Hot. M Klahr «** a t.antaa* <d th* «n* .«tht and **ni wot t*n • drive -lurtti plh* aft*.n—n. Th. BaailtH a-.t.miaWM-d hr M -4ft 'trwa Bari*m« Hr*. -V- K'nr*>'. glptl~~*. ailvnd.<l d»tine aartli* al UN. Nrlr.-|«itian rbtt* h at It (' <•!(». k and ... a wwnm hsr ih* m»% to MS«Mfc «h> la lha .-dir** .4 Hl* talk ••Thu wth-n ha* jtraeal.-d it. an ««*• ,»*.*.,! pa- Id* Ih* i»wi**kaM» gin >'t fr**d.*«i. f*a. and to Ih* world It h#a ■t»r ui*np Odd'* Chitai »a* plft of freedom luta irtm* to th* nun -ti and wronped thron eh th* •p«f., y of a natx-fi that »W .dw.JVnt to tfct Peaeeftly tall, and ha. aun-l th* rf-ttlV of lltAtf »»'! h*l'fuln*». erttt f *ilfc ,'rwi' naprU- lira- *-«•! will >o war-t awfc." 11 w w sol Iwlrrtl «»r 111 - •.ill toward any oalkm that ranaad thl* eanitlfT w nnah.ath Ihe aword of wa*. It to good will toward Ih* aulf rtn* •»d th* opprawed that Inaidred u* to hat 11* and victory. "(-■ad will ha. 1-ern «HattUal>*d tn *lh to South and from Kaat to Weal. Tht alma of our better tiatur* have h*en reooni Hln* m em **». oMlleratlii* Ih* wound* o*d .{•At* of war and strife and nwklnp tV »! -r* of th* old flap of tr*d*ot»No .hod a new :u*t. r,while every .tripe ha. t*.n t<)ewn.«d from every .tain North and Houth together .Ing at thl. Chrlatma* tim* a. th.y have not rung .tnc* w* ivere a nation .the bleaaed aong of i-t aoc and ftadwin.'* For Whooping Cough use CHENEY’S EXPEC TORANT. ,M»I ——.......i. * »■■'•--» I'lilW Mark Hanna'* Snore. A Weatern Senator who ha* the *n t-ee to thi' Executive M«muon tt-Ui.-d « funny limy lo a number of hi* ool htfui'f who were **-*t,*d in th»* senate restaurant taking luncheon. '’l hod ot’CAfltm to visit (hi' white house one night last sssslon,” wil-l ho. •’on u matter ot Imperative Import nice, and the hour wu» into. I wa« shown Into the resident pari of the mansion. The messenger took my card In to the Fresldent, who t ame out In hi* smoking Jacket ttnil slippers. 1 transacted mv business anti pool! bad* him good even ing. 1 coming through the corridor I heard a not** that sounded like th* fil ing of a saw or the buck of a dtaMnt coyote. 1 Mopped and listened, and the noise, which tame from a room Imme diately off the corridor, seemed to grow louhev. One of the messengers up proooftad. and 1 enquired the cause of ihe disturbance. There whu no re- WfHSTI **<*.. 'What's the matter?' 1 aeked again, the meppenger attU wearing a puxxled expteptdon. Suddenly he reeogntaed it, and Mtid. smilingly; Why, that'g Murk Hanna snoring.’ "I have heard enorlng before,” said the senator "but the noise Hanna waa making wap sufficient to stroke the raf ters <>f a barn.”— Washington Letter to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. Will nine Mica Rome. Cla.. Dee, !*.— Mr. A. Tt. Mc- Donald has sold his place near this Hy to Chicago relatives. Tho tmnsae ilen, it is understood. Involves an cx hange of property in Rome for Chica go real estate.. The place here is juat beyond the Keely Institute, and Is a handsome piece ot property. Mr. McDonald will go to Alabama for anotlror year and mine mica and kaottn. He wilf leave shortly for Chica go to parehsMMrtnacMnery You can get a Ane BUI* cheap for cash at E. J Henry & Co.'s. 216 and 21* Cunipbell street. HOLD MEETINGS IN THE SOOTH Ia an dafUNi t amti H»» » in I si Jg»*f« ftdwa :«* taw* *M4 MW« w WWn A FfcwpkHw Ouwa awMswA *4 mm Thm* tiMum— »fc* a • ****** ** himfi r C «M **■* aw aw»w Imi ***** as*# U* ****** mw-a wa «ia*l M HU»|M •* IWM Hl# mtiU-t «»ttw CUtwaMM aw «fc* u *•*•# «r w«w tacwMi «w> g»t. *.«•• *w gt. gw*# <t* aa#M w* * «m «mm *4 aaw » ***» "■*»*«> j I t iwt a*** w ***•*• t»w «***• ,«i will* iwaarfcevw Ml fcwHfc nwMI i m mu an* •# m an** •* «a* I | wfi «r nr-M ** inrmmm » Ma, to iw<i» at an ***** •*> *** ** ***• »m*mu *»* a*** ••* ****** . a# MS*** »****»• •*•*»• «M»^«*Si - m m** aha** **** aw* I** 1 ** •** Uii aa*. I *”** ** rH?* trvuwi •**#*•**a it* #»* •*** <a »** nasi* >• •«** nwiw *>» •» mmshmi a a* aipini l ,n Ih# •*•* * «jm> i«* m *** is* * *m* a** 1 u* whj ***t»*y aa - ••* "•»■*** iTmwmmm* W**lM* MUw.Wwmi* w tta M*N«t lawA*** CM *w tar# in*-' M»a awwth. a T*w* awwtlag. 4« Ua msm aw ham thaa »*4 a*4 *1 •«** ta MU* Ifc* «bti* «*••*■* ikM asribtag I »•* «*• Tta Lea rWa IMI Mar *»» «mUWI «*•*»• Lwml Tfcal U ua* ** •** *•«*•' is agAlbat Ila »** Tfc* •**•** I • i«m *a mm hi »*• ana*. •****• aattfc Tfc* evil add rtaadi af* hoU la ifc* tntMb 144 th* hMd#r» rail a wwtdlag •har* ifc* Jpwhtsas **d mtmgrn rwe ruafUda—'Orrwf. sad ia*M* «h* •bit* add rokiwd riiiam* of the im naunity, tan or rHP- to «mh ln«*»h*r L4t iher* b* a aMWla* al Phornit. S C„ and at Wliaaiagtoo M- <*- Tk*ra ax* fair Mtoded and eoeaeraatltr *fcn* rittasa* la every eoaatauatiy la ih* atmth aa4 tfc* rohwed men a»*at *p peal to tfcM Haw I aag to Ifc* tyaefcer* ‘ *l*o. If poaaihte.t fur Jaetia* Tfc* ap ! (mat* i« th* prwld*»l or congraw do Im> good, for Ifc** **» fcowerwa. If tlw pres Meet plate a aoldler at ernry [ negro a door la tfc* south It would only | make mailer* morae. aad «he rae* I would aufer awe* ihaa they do Boat.; (The governor, of th* south*™ atal** ar* power)*** We must crawl# wo ' t intent la rvef* eownty. home, arhool and pulptl The Lett el*«B*Bt of the i minted rare will bt.r to la» band, oa 1 the lawless. Idle and erimlnal popata ; non and bridle lb*m. Ula atraage. | hat It I* Ira*, that ih* battler da** of | th* while rare la th* south, aad lb* same rlaaa al n«tg r "«* At* *U»»•***• lor they hardly ever »*ei The lower .lass of the white* and Marks know eat h other, for they meet la barroomw alley*, bouaa* of 111-repute, and in the darkness. Therefore 'my people are destroyed for the lack of knowledge.'’ To lay that all ruoaa look alike is not true, for f have seen while coons In the swamp* w well ** black one*. Th# negro race I* advertised dally on , train*, corner* of the afreet*. r*tlw*y niatlon* and on the lynching ire** by this unbridled element that 1* known of *ll men. The time ha* come for the better class to meet and come to some understanding; at the wm* time guard against social equality, for that will be WINE OF CARPLH Anxious Moments. Globe. I. T., Dec. t. V I used two bottles of Wine of Cerilui, with Tbedford’e W g Black-Draught, before confine- ldV ment last summer, and got y, »*&,■' along better than ever before. yr-Ay VH I used one bottte after child- HKKM mBfB birth and recovered quickly, b#** : |4i. V7T(r and am In .better health than for years. This is my fourth t M MRS. ORA PAGE. j ' f WneTordc' The new bom babe largely inherit* the disposition of the mother during pregnancy. Too often she is needlessly anxious and nervous. She permits her system to "run d iwn". and she be comes Irritable and peevish. If women only knew it, there need be little discomfort during this trying period. Morning sickness can be largely overcome by a faithful use of Wine of Cardui. This great woman’s remedy tones up the whole system, makes the nerve* strong and stimulates the heart s action. It greatly reduces the pangs of confinement It keeps women in good spirits, and this condition, in turn, is imparted to the child. It shortens labor and helps to effect a rapid recovery. Wine of Cardui does the most good if taken during the ladies' advisory oEPARTUERT.I entire time of gestation, lb For advice la ease* ragulrlua *pv- , elaldloH’lleus, a<Mrvs»,glTtn*«jrirp. i benefit* flit marKCu Upon , nun. isaMW Adeuory Urtmrtmml, i , ... Th» c h»«i»ii,>uit« Medicinei*. ! both mother and child. Wo - Ch.iwnooaa, T«o. , —-—> ■ — men who tak« it all declare » they "never got along so weH before”. SOLD BY DRUGGISTS. A LARGE BOTTLE TOR SI.OO. WINE OF CARDUI Tmm [an# m 4 Ifc* Hfß't'lpftt t fewt* IIS [ **4 •*** id §** I* H f •#•#** W* ! mujMffffl Ml *%» in 9* im rijat #tr# i'lns * m* i«*M fen *«•. fta feawM* ffcfcf ludtjft'iliMf"i SKnI MMtA* - Mm* I Ban sm4«*nM i|p pNiNNSi# # sinr im mm* *** j I «t'«t H i* HBtffc* •**# «| mm W* I«NN4 HKlf «*•) IB# puyiflfrr &**mm temm *so mm**- ** ts# mwm% ti*w ?** pn it mi mwpb Imp **m» • npV - •** MaaS was **H», MM «** * *• 4 '-mm mm* Uaat* «*•* ••• *> Him isa *** *•*•** ** aa*** M 4 •**• *M ta SM* Ml tall** ** ***** P»f***Ma a****** | M* «****. •* ****** r*w» * M. WWW# «*» na rta **** * ll i SmW« awaSMNw «*** * | w*w*' * mm **ia* «*• r»« •• * **• MM M* «dt WWS •« •* ***** *.«**•* wat* «•*». UP ** :mm ’'Maw * lm ******* * Wan «* IwaMM «.*a»a Wf* HI wrtan *» ] rtww *a iw r«o * «*• •*•• - i it*** MMM P* IMP •** f**» ; 1 W*HI «*IIM •** t*» e*l*4 PM**." i (M«4M***ariMi* itfMS TW M*w. >IM» Uwwn Mi-» | tSpUMfIINP 1 BM<I pstlPlNf# HKi tVB tW*** •M *•<• Ua* m wa* mm i**M * *• ! M it mmm • Mas nw* «* Mala aj ”w»fli •* ifc* Haimaww* * •** •**• ! pm, - ||M» f>M IMP iMwa M fama *a, lapiT TITT lan* M I*. 4*» f"*» •ha* Ila f*««*4 *** *»wa I*a» j ■»i Hair wuiMwiash *• »** wW»iaa«» — b*4 linTi-mr'r **4 am al l *» i -What PW*"' It I aw. * Math CW*M* M Manila, n WW*M t *aM | H^h**lOMaTMU awwtrt W»*f M* i .* .taw a* hi I*** ***» *U »•*“* Mr r*aor» h» Owaar ItHWta aHh a* •p. MM* hwa Mah MdHiaw «Hh <M- rkn* atrwa* «»i <ha MM Ihl.hiM Mrmlara at Urn **- ! 0r.4 rw* la* ila WHI* * T** Mw*'*, rail* Ifc.Wl all! 4m aa* a«4 ifca* M* •*• wmilhh* *M W **•] ■onMura *alwal Ma 4... M I* W, itav r«w* TW s*r»*i*» »•* • •o alar* tw diwaw a *w» «**» am** • 4Um»o» > at W* raw and .pa r »*. | ranaMw at Mm»4. Tk* tw* m««* •*• pwi io Ha taa* of ifctwM* •*! «*k* , imUmrit alar* It “HI Wt It »•'! gur 4o lo Mtaht to *r*w **»»*»* a Mg, »»r*M I- gralarl llalr how* Spa Hal •!* Ihlratw* If d»r »l*l»‘ I again r»**at. Mt I** ***• *l.ia*ai chit Bunin* *a4 !n*H* tfc* afcltr W»*- M*. ... ’ _ Let those who wish t* Sgfct. kef*, ate., row* on! and apaak la tb*w awn ing* Del t kern come nearer th.n Chicago New Totk or Washington.' aad If they ar* auf* <** vac* qoeatloa ran he sen led forever, and there will be so hereafter 1 will eall«t w a prl vale In the ranks and obey order, from the superior oSMer. But I Iwlleve we •111 p. rlafc''wlth .word.” and I prefer a more egradient way Coroe now let n* reason together ye colored and white men lad ua agrea lo oppose rrtme. raps, theft, tynehlag*. murder Hoi. de rail. drunkennea* adultery, dirt, the devil. Idleness, lewder*, and ail man ner of lawlessness Ju.tlce before the law and fair dealing on the pan of the lawmaker, and breakers (in the paid anil cause thla aOtlthland to put <>n a new garment, bud and blossom aa (he roa*. while Ih* tthelrl children iff darkness will skip tike lambs In the green pasture* and the southland will exclaim. ’Th*** are my Jewel*.“ To Cure a Cold In One Dav Take La.allv* Bromo Quinine Tablet.. All druggists, refund the money If tt rail, to cure. »r Th* g.nutn# ha* U. B. Q on each tablet. Loafer—An animal that feeds on a worker’s time. _ GEN. BATES IS 'OFF FOR COOI ,1 si ———- H* «*4 Kb Ml »w Tsl» • TnanfMi »t t MMMUai Mmmmt. »MN laa M IS ft* AaS* • IMwa.. IM • • <■*■»*» mu «»*• Mtt tiatwMw aWwa a* tw mi --nmn •***• imp »#• wm> t«Mwa*** *a <a* Ml aaa "J ila M>«a4 o*«a atn «a a«* «aa»r« KhM* ** a a#**a** «a*r4 H r*ara*MP M p*» fc* M*** 4 ** ***| Mhi* OMa Hpipaai MaM'^*" .4 mm inapa aaa i*sia«a*4 Mg* •« a IMMM UP I** t*MS nan* tmm l*M SM» •«* nt»fc all! uT* iwumU «a taw PMri lap a* j •as ta* AhnwaPw MarasaP *MW j •war at ta* Tfctrs Man* nwattsaj at ts. A, IMa* <wl »W IW TW4 Hl' rax sssnuMil la i*» •>** Hw m « Hwnaa MM* **•' rahnP aw* 4maa Mt a irtaasaMr aMuMtat waM* fatawa* AM«aa4sr MM •*• •*•* hath aw <Ma4 hhamaWr aw rap i*r*4 *r ila paPM 4rsa*4 aaS a aw* alar aP4aMfti *w Maw im Harm of lM» T*»r4 lagMi«*r» w«Pi •Mm m n**a ail Ml* aaS M aaa M •*• iMMpMai ilMMSfci la la *M| !*«*■■ I. SaHh a aHi ha-ar» har Magw. aa* ai'tuHaS *a «W a»aww *••* a«a m tfc* Mara, aha «ar* *»»•* »*• IW a*an»***r Harm aaa la Ifc* maw ’ •tih ifc* mrxmm »Mmi Hair** w ww* 4MwUw«WMla«a4.na4las !*• +«" it»h«H. rala*4 a SMtarlaw* dW*a It I*4 t» mtmrn MP Ifc* 4a*t aw harW tpaa aa4 fca aaa >«**H *T * •alMl aMrfc *«*«< *M rttM M**. pawHaa hi* iwwa. Matifc aar* a* caa pr»*« aa aHfct. TWr* la a p*n4*l*ai rawsr Ml* M*. un la la W *aa4* a pmaanml paw. la ifca raortaalaalloa at l*a arwr. Satesih ho news. Th* I In ttoa el orficwa a 4 Ifc* BMW- Irarc to4g* tafcw Wac*. Npnlal to Tfc* HtrraM Hatwamrs 8. C. Or*. *T. *♦ a rrgular maKautiialltS of Hataahars Ixt4«*. TU. A r. Ifc* Mkalll «#- Srwa *er* aMrtaS to aartr* far tfc* *a ■alas rear W H . Mr. T. S. W W. K Natl*h• I W. I. C. fal- Inw. Wrmarr. H. B Hnwbart; Tftaaarar. K H. Maadmaa: 8. 8,. J. B. Tu«rt!l: J. D.. J. M- Kr.uoltM. Tr- Mr. M Haro. «Hn*ar4a. ■. P- Htrothw and J. r Km*(*. Th* tod** Ml» pond anrkles ordttr awl roa»l<MrabM lat*rml Is Meiag Ukna to It hr Um mrcabara. IMranil mt-iaWra ham joined the lode* darlag **• prrwat rear. _ . Prof. P W. Pan ltd of Ckwaon -dl |*S* aaw la ta*o th* Prat of th* ar*h flatting frtanda lie aw prliwlpal of th* Bale*burp twnitata for two r*sre before be aw elected U» a profeamr- ■hip la Clemson college. Hon. V. X. Gunter, the efficient aa sisunt mtfcrney general of South Of* ullna, *Mnf Ih* ChriHroa* holl4ay|lal the home of hla f*HT*r. CapL VMX. tinnier # Mateahurg. Hr. I*. C. t'ullum. a fofmer Hudant of Richmond college. Virginia. l» teaching whool near thla town, and I" giving entire rutUafanlon lo both pa tron. and pupil*.. Rev A . C. Walker of the Smith Car olina conference, baa been assigned to the Methodist church at Bateaburg. as paator for the next year. Mr. Walher Is no stranger to the people of this community, a* he was paaiqr her* once before. Miss Etmna Crouch of Bateaburg haa a flourishing achool In charge at Kttlala In Saluda county, with an enrollment of fifty-five pupils. She ie spendlg the holiday* here with her parent*. The case of Mitchell as administra tor C. T. A., vs. Lee et al. w»x called at the last term of court at Saluda a few weeks ago. The plaintiff la rep resented hy Edwin Folk Strother. e*q . of llateaburg. aud the defendants hy ex-Oovernor J. C. Sheppard and other lawyer* of Edgefield and Saluda. The Standard oil eompany ha* put up a tank at Bat.shurg that will hold upwards of 20.000 gallons of oil. This Is probably the largest tank along thi* ' Mr James D. Bean, a member of the senior class of the South Carolina col lege was In town Friday, on his way home, at Springfield. 8. C.. where he Is spending the holiday*. Nearly all of the college boys are spending Christmas with their parents her*. ______ If troubled With Dullness. Furred Tongue. Bitter Taste In Mouth. Bloat ed Feeling after voting. Conattpatlon or Sick Headuche .use Dr. M. A. Sim mons' Liver Medicine. ROW AFTER THE RIDE. A Case In Which Hr. Bryant Waa the Loser. Three parties named respectively Bryunt. Renew and Johnson took a jiuggry ride Inst afternoon. Today ail appeared before the recor der, for the rid* had ended In a row. There had been some dispute about the ownership ot the vehicle and Bryant threw rocks at the others. Renew said he had been cut o«i the hand hy Bryunt. Bryant denied having a knife with which to do the cutting .saying he nev er carried a knife, but, a pair ot scissors. Bryant wa* lined 26 %nd ali the others dismissed. Case No. 2 against Bryant—a viola tion of the 460th, and a fine of 22.50. If vou feel Dull. Dftnguid. Broken- Down, Debilitated, have Weak Stom ach, or Indigestion,huse Dr. M. A. Simmons Lljier Medicine. WIT IS. i (raps *pt-MTt»M». TN* aaath ala iiPa.'i i wt*MliM * Math »* 1 Wham *e IS' •" w* as amsMMMMM ' m*m aa* w«aa # •*.« a a.oa H •*** lias p*a« caw. pa HI aa* hi ilpp, MW I (hip »*al aw aaa 4* has .aa* rw ■ a«H S» a a* a*»* a«4 m watMfcMa: laSTw? 1 zszfjmjxz SITUATION'WANTED** WIPTHv am ‘At*OM ** A «** 1 •««*> mm w<w m *w*a>s»p tta •aw 4. «•**#•{» aw*. A Wi*** p • aaa HMraahM ****** a* p ' A «na * »%TBt» A* CHICHI IHI T»» •«#|l is l> > SB® sf •a r**d M>» AM | p«f m ism 'laaaiiu aw s»* M j w Agntth A rraamng A* PWtn* I raiH AI*MKM aad «.*»«« h* a . ' tMM**** I Ml M4*. ******* Mlaa ; M * HaaaHTa Mer * C. WAMTttP Ttl |g» APT KIPP or » ***** w«Mas fca ana* ArWr *H | Mm a team. 4a* SO •Aimti *»NK or AMV KtMD ; ,44cm* t *r* ha*, g* I thaaa AM t MT. *f*H Had *w MS> ’ WAHTfSt*- A roamOß A* BtftJt*. [ ww *»r tMd aa*. arMlas I* 4* leap hts4 as aarfc. A»p<r aH Bna4, |4M » MSLP WANTED ttpNTnt a oc*r»t» oait *ntf •tih t*f»i*mr*a la «■ Twlhir anat. I See SI TO RENT. TO LET-TWO HAXPW’UE not RLE I ufl*—. IS l*t p*» mamth, mU mu4*r* l wg»»tiiiir tii. JLmnbi*Hl *1• Ur<>4ml mnrnU !*•* tt FOR SALE j WANTED TO WBJL-02IW or THE twwt paylng *.!*(„. *».. tfi tk* **itr 5 MU*fart>Vf riran iti If selling *4 dr-as Riaforw raw N*told Sw ■ r<»R RAUMndkHMfI WAOOje aa4 kiniM. gaa a*, sis Ninth IN. d*r t 7 FOR SALE AT A BARUAIN-A rasas awl gentle k«r - amm4 so* alright. ntisMa fur Jrtvtai cod Ughi d»llvrr> Apply 1W Om»« atrvwt. dvc » CREAM—CREAM AT M JACEROH *T. FOR BALE-PAPER FOR WRAP PINO purposes Chao pad In rity < >n« rml • pentad Apply ot Harold uflleo, Bulk whtta and n«»» paper. Nov I a POR rale-is*-acre farm, on* mil* float city limit*, o bargain Ap ply W. C. Jobou. Mo. IM Jockaao Bt. Oet t CHEAP -PAPER FOR WRAPPING i I parp»*s«. IP rants a handled old aa rhangra Whitt papßT 1 rent a irounJ. Not I j - (roil HALE—IWS OREENE RTTIEKT. I with a little outlay ran be made Into i a handamne and modern realdenc*. iTerma SI.OPP «-aah: balance, three years with seven per cent interval. Apply to | K Sheehan. Manager. Robt. Fortner J Brewing company. dec U ts “lost an dT~found7“ BICYCT.E STOLEN—I**7 RAMBLER. No. »«1, model !1 tllnrk frame, cherry rolored wood handle trora and rlma clincher tires, rubher ptdala Re ward If relumed to 122 S Elllt ttreet. <rr No. * Library building. L. J. Henry, den » ' MISCELLANEOUS. accommodations wanted on the Hill. Ut a private family, by an elderly lady with her maid. Would require parlor and large and tmall bed room with board. No service In room* needed. If satisfactory expect to re main several month*. Address H. L. Center. Poatofflce. dec 21 2* WANTED—GOOD SECOND HAN'T) typewriter If cheap. Demerit* fully, p. O. Bo* 7H, City. e o d ts Special Notices: Special Notice. The National Exchange Bank of Au- gusta, Augusta, Oa., Dec. 9. 1898. THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE Stockholder* of this Bank will be held at It* Banking House on TUES DAY. January 10th. 1899, between the j hour* of 12 and 2 o’clock p. m., for ! the election of seven director* to servo for the ensuing year. TEBCY E. MAT, Cashier. DIVIDEND NO. «. The Planters Loan and Savings Bank. Augusta, Ga.. Dec. 20, 1898. THE USUAL SEMI-ANNUAL DIVI DEND of three and one-half per cent (3H) on thegapltal stock of this bank has this day been declared, payable to stockholders January Ist, 1899. W. C. WARDLAW, Cashier. A Kansas septuagenarian was burled last week, and on Christmas day his supposed dead body was taken up, and after a vigorous rubbing, at last ac counts, he was walking about. Mrs. Annie Epps, Harlem, GAe writes —Have used Dr. M. A. Simmon* Liver Medicine 15 years. It cured me of Stom ach axid Liver Troubles caused by Tor pid Liver. Would not give one pack age of It tor a dozen of either Zerlin * or Black Draught. FlneAt sau»ajfes Finest Beef Finest Pork FINEST MEAT MARKET IN ADQUSTA. call and aac eon youksclf B. H. ILLE. 1266 BROAD STREET p 11 ui 'OOO R s AS h CN O BU ND s !4H Mill Work OF IVCftV OtICRIPTION. M J YELLOW PINE LUMBER „ • ■ternttm*** ViU (*»•»« **Ta lA»t*» ipSSCVIPihTk A 1.9 eai*a»t*.TisH 1B0*0U«" •* talMe Of*•*tmsht. * Li Li 'ruutlfct I?l Si iCKIfcOFFOMP! SFIFMtMTS ASSURE ' tatn.U’AtHOtttK.PH ASMitAhO*. I Perkins MANi'F*cTiißiM6 Co Auc»st>.6a. *' B“C. B. Allen 830 BROAD bTREET. I SELL THE 01 D RELIABLE Ellsi Cut M I HEITING STOVES of tIIKINOS ■ PARLOR MARKET. e: i Bred BKIX rfl'lNK PS. VIM R CHRISTMAS ILRKKV W Wd b» lat. jahr. loder and mrcaMat, a*d au>dOt at th* Slat i.««h «f th* hatlc a war »Mh Tar hep >*n h* at 44a4 If 14* < a."-** »--or bird fr >m lha efcrlw M that are Wins fattened for oar martlet. We »«! hat. »♦»«» la hM •ice*, and tmMor-d lih* Snaln’a • tailM Ktnp OH a. ar* readr Mr them A lurhay or atirlillof r»g from aar alwh maaa a t**M. Our Coal Promotes Health. Wealth and good Cheer It burns throuffh and through and leaves neiiher slate nor cinder and but very little ash. OUR JELLICO AND CROSS MOUNTAIN Household Coals are unequalled lor cleanliness, heating and lasting qualities and money is saved daily by their use. F-EJC. Nut and Steam Coals of best Grades and at Lowest Prices Telephone* i FRASER & CUMMING. Leasees, B»tl >W ** r !ia i CO-OPIiRATIVE COAL SI PW.V CO., 1041 i*ck»o* St. FRESHEST AND FINEST HEATS , DRESSED POULTRY OF ALL KINDS AT THE LOWEST PRICES, v HIGHEST CASH PRICES FOR CALVES —>, ROBERTS’ MEAT MARKET Strowger ’Phono 824- - Bell Phone 433 ■morphine«>*»uon or PHYSICIANS Mlietwd.HsntaWlat.rr.wfpm*. («rtt|wmltntt »6»- HOME TREATMENT CO.. T ea pl. Coort. N«* \odL The Nicaraguan Canal. The must casual reader of the tele graphic new* of the day must have ob served the widespread Interest that is manifested In the proposition to push to early completion the Nicaraguan canal. Apropos of this subject la the favorable expression of the general as sembly of Georgia through Mr. Cal vin’s joint resolution. This resolution, which graphically sets forth the advan tages w'hleh will come to this coun try. especially the South, through the agency or this great waterway between the oceans .followed closely the able ! and exhaustive deliverance on this Im portant subject before the legislature by Hon. George T. Barnes. The Resolution. Whereas, recent events have demon strated the necessity for tho construc tion of the Nicaraguan canal, under the control of the government of the Uni ted States. whereby the effective strength of the American navy wilt he doubled: and Whereas, the opening of this inter* oceanic water-way between the Atlan tic and Pacific oceans. yIU not only re duce the distance by water between the eastern and the western coasts of <B*r country about ten thousand GO.OOO) miles, but will place our Atlantic and Gulf states in touch with the great populations of Japan, Corea. North; China. Australia. Polynesia and the western coast of South America, giving us a very—superior advantage In trie matter of distance, and opening to Am erican traffic e very large area of the earth’s surface, whereby new and ever expanding markets will be opened to the cotton, coni and tobacco of the South, and in American in inuliu turns okTWSI^W irenerally: therefore Be It Resolved, By the House of Re presentatives. the Senate concurring, that our senators In congress be In structed, and our representatives lie re quested, to use their liest efforts in fur therance of the speedy construction of th Nicaraguan canal, under the control of the United State* government, and to this end give their *<ol-u» support Ito such legislation as will insure tho completion of this great work at their earliest practical date. Resolved, further, That his excellency, the Governor, he requested to have each of mtr senators and representatives In congress supplied with a certified cony of the foregoing preamble and reso- lution. Approved 12th of December, 1998. A. D. CANDLER. Governor. A splendid assortment of of fashionable Pocket Books and Card Cases in best leathers for men and women at Richards & Shaver’s. No attention will be paid to anony mous communications received at this office. It is trite enough to be remem bered that all letters should be accom panied by the. name of the writer—not necessarily for publication, bat as an evidence of good falQi. ~ Dr. M. A. Simmons Liver ’MediCins has since 1840 steadily risen In public favor, and the demand for it far ex ceed? that of any other Liver Medi cine. ' jf