The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 29, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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THURSDAY 4 ,♦**» *.«»»*«* MWfV IMMt • * Ml gjptffi* ■»->- -*•-**» P»*#* to*s»fWF, «»* *»-. * * M|fW (pMRVN m * ■ r ** ,ti «P» wiapt ■»»■■>«**'«P ■lit- I tot Mto ininiik'fftotol to W** *«♦«•** ***«■**. «* I ££ j-- f ###•»«! #1 jfli * » 4 Mhjfrffkff • * f ».«nin> 4 INNk £j #N(Ni * t «** Ufcf _ 5 i . ■mossoo4BSo9o*oo**4oooHo^4^^ l mmmm ; icw^^jjj^ ' izy mmm " rr ' utMAXJD fWONR*, to*t*«M MM | M«—»■■ JUHfOi. -IM MM jKMisO'IMi *M*. *'»• •*«• *M* totsag •»**••** ** I !N|* I tit HI WA* t> m ja (**!>*• *• i«-"'-* * ■* ■■" »•■' v* »«**•*-- * * s»<•* • feto *• H* % * ■ &*» ; * v *■ : - *•* • A» * ****"* < - ' * TmHI •’V. Kl IMP* l§#f>*L Jl ** *«• FJF ’* |i«WMf «• TV M*r»M «•“ » *«.*#§* MM fN*itr*'M*<l* **B ■■****!* l * *f r*M#l % ** **« *• *•** i i i ins MimtM m* im •«> <■( iui -to »b , MfM tata tawgha tort.’’ «Im h tto bwrttos* n*** »to Mlki best ? *hr»r» «*♦ "» advertise* V«a m* tlMtok he thaam’t mwhii to mwk that tmm M l*f lo* *«>•"* far Mm MIMw krtfM «*• It'll M>« lit toagb am )<Mth> Ml) IMm. •» mmt, »m •« «h# ravvf h tm 4a M»*« *» *«»< *4*»rtUla* m M Mtt. > rar la n 4 yaw <aM The men wto laugh are all repee acute <1 la mar column*. Jala Ihi m Tto Herald a •ultimo* are ope* lo all i eoeirthutor# and sutoerltors la Hto r* I rraiw of 4heir tlraa ttopitMto aort pegucenl qn*»tlr»u» Bui the raal name of Ik* wrll«f abuald always accowiwniy the iwiir!ljuiu«. for H># newt alii be withheld when paired Contributor* aattat writ# onlr »o on* aide of paper Coanauairatkata will aoi he preserved or relumed Con irtbuloe* amt not expert the Herald lo publish personal at lark a The Her aid wit! !••• glad to pahiirh aar <•««»- roup leal! e that obterve* (hear rule*. Tier - are a number of maimunifi llosi la The Heiald ofllm that 1 antiol he published berauae tto nave areom paniea mam or be- auae they are errllten on both aidea of *he paper. The raal eaiue of the writer nmt a retire par.y all faareuilnUotn. aad they mu at baVriitea only on one aide Roaftaa. After Leigh Hunt liobMPn planed me when we met— ft was at a large metHlon; I Iran one of nmny, yet. IT admit wlthoitt deeeption. That, altbo' I'm fat and fair, Porte, too, and lore has misted me, I ran die without despair— Hobson kissed lue. —tlarrlay Dtinham, In N. Y. Bun. That love's what makes the world m> round la quite poetic, some folks think; Yet on reflection 'twill bo found The same la also true of drtnk. —Judge. That domino game up 111 Athens Is attracting the attention of the whole country. The Filipinos think that the Ameri can national air la "A Hot Time In the Old Town.” The Swift Packing Co- are now af ter General Miles on the “embalmed beef" question. ( ■ “Rumor" says that Macon la to he made o permanent army post but the rumor comes from Macon. Lord Rosebery defines memory aa "the feeling that steals over us as we listen to onr friend's original sto ries." Four cent American flags selling for a dollar apiece in Havana is a fairly good profit, but the cornerer of the market deserves it. Wasn't that communication of “Stockholder" a beautiful bit or sa tire? And yet The Herald has received one or two letters breathing dire ven geance on Mr. S. The editor of The Boston Traveler is undergoing a sentence of thirty days in jail for contempt of court —thq con tempt consisting of improper editorial comment on a mansiaugliter trial. Our esteemed South Carolina con temporary. The Greenville Mountain eer, yells from ts reverberant heights this question. “Hsve W.e a Monarchy or n Republic?” Yon'have the anti expanamn mulligrubs or cmmactionist convulsion*. N. Y. Sun. imtfiM* **«• wiMgprt m* «*■*•*»' m* m»»mm m mm ’iwMst'd* I** ■**>»>'*' f*xaf)M* <*•■** ' »*s tg «**t TTimw #Mkm tummt* *t« swsks'sw ¥ time# wf klvsw v-.- mstgHk #VfeMl H W w*. . wii* miii piPKii ********* ] Z£m* *mm [ *14% **M 9m #*'**|w | I*NNI INNI tN»i»ii§Ml* *9*99s - t #m *9* *99 j 9*ot& W'%* #*l*l*4# 9$ liHft **!<•**** ' I tiMfi *4 Ml* *t m* so*mi4 j 11*1*1 H> Nut* »»#» wmm9*9** 09’ j 99 9* W%t%& W 9 *999 9*o* ] [ IN** tit IN** *®f 90#W&0099 **l* *** •* : ? mrum w* mm ♦•* <•* ‘ JMfe (Ml* **’!•*#■ wi** *“* *mmW‘ | , 999 m9 i *o*lU*o**9- *4 9109900 99 **• j '#*§*, j*jl*llt»<l ly * *99w s**99o*99 9*4 | • rkrtHSM toe*, win M« Its fwu «M jlacnifwaMi «&*•*. KSH ikwqk PtsnrVt f* fnirr of ittliM*** Nil **«*•* •N ; sglesti ami s»M tow Iw etok alwejs fMMpeetoe tom* -4*4* totovM M j ! g attaint Hnwr wrt‘. tfftstslr If *** * tmm i mm, 9990*909** it* *+** 1* iff 9*4 *4m *9 9909-, t* •** | ' *t**f‘*.. i&9s (N WIN 990909**• •** 9*999* I I liimatitn- I* the •WfWMhsry of* tV wlMle* to P»t* WWewdf •• I two wlrti it Me towt Itowttofw staftotM* <>f tto profx leww at mm* and rator 4mtmtm Hmr • declarations go «» show that a*l who take tip tto pfwWema to * gear He* I aad 1 hear frowi afar «• aad sbmg ftooret leal Ham. do awl amtertaUv differ to ttofr «*Huil<«* When «to stipartae Is plHbfttsd ta lead without qaeattou j and tto Isferior la panahted lo follow • iiboaf goMtkm. all rare qaestMa are 1 practically settled a gem Kg coiggmoi The Herald has knoih> r reproof lo ad mistskrc to ita friend Curtis, of ikt «’•!• 1 ago Record, 10-day: We have insisted that William meant Augusts s pretty gtrle. to ta* afdfc asent acallered over the conalry where in lie ie aald to have remarked on the beauty end Ins qualities of our horses —lt was the girts, that attrartad hie ad miring gase and truthful comment, aad qoe we are compelled to eek hlm right on another point, “Bill" sent the following to hie pa per regard tog the frantic waving of s Confederate flag from the window . f the Hill mansion aa the f'restdsotls! party were driving down town: "dome Barbara Freitehte of the Booth, some unrcconefrneted. onre generated sister of the Coofederney. who evldentiy does not approve of the tagoneilUHon or the sections nor ac cept the gospel of peace and love, ft was her protest, nndahe waved It wild ly at the President, who smiled and lifted his hat to her with as much re spect as he could birr shown to any woman or any flag, and he will remem ber the sight, too. as long as he lives." Now the facta of the flaunting of the flag are. that a vary accomplished end cba'inlng. patriotic, young lady, who is a relative of "Fighting Joe," was waving the dag at him, at hoc distin guished re.alive,fromthe wlndowof her Summerville home, amk as waa evi denced a* little later down town, on Broad street, had eyes and remem brance for him: was greetiug him In dividually, rather than the members of the distinguished party collectively. So “Blit” misunderstood the signifi cance of the waving of the Confederate flag. He should relegate such Inci dents to the pen of the gifted Sbrlver, of the Mall and Express. ” TWO CItOSIO MBN One effect of T. Thomas For tunes recent Washington ravings Is, to emphasise the tact the he and Booker Washington are of a different type, al though of the same color. The one be lieve* the way to elevate the negro Is to give him public office and pass laws making the white people recognite him as an equal. Washington Booker believes that the way to elevate him is to teach him to work; to convince him that honest skilled industry leads to good citizen ship. Train the negro, says the latter to emulate the skilled mechanic’s work and leave politics alone. Fortune advocates politics, Wash ington advocates work. Unfortunately, as The Herald has ob served before, there are too many T. Thomas Fortune*, end too few Book er Washingtons for the good of the colored people. Elmer Dover, secretary to Senator Hanna, found upon his arrival at Washington, the other day three bushel baskets or letters to the seme tor awaiting answer. TB H 3 SHrBtAXaO 9*0999%. 90* 9*999* I m *m-*mm ***** fuarr. r «*$ ** * *■««*** Tto MM* «f toqdtot tov—eti to ' tmuto mm mtn* mm mm 4» a» to tto atourt xvwiuutoftoto fff wiiW Iwe mmi wntoews MM thrift* pwtoto wtof •h« Mi ihoto «M aa* kawfe !• ttoev to-1 MM>R—to to* auppmrt MM eiiMthifto to (to •**• at tto tow «M to tto we* j at tto atU tuwtwa tto ««M4i mamh toMtor'e iwmedtei r utttwewta iteeM to •• ItopurtMrt m tto letftwn "f «he ( tofto iwfhhißtiev Tto vhotuaghowa at tto aMita. hMh tto a»4 to- j ftMrtar* ehwtd'iwu i* pwtiMui fsrttor ; Ist farttov away tto p:w»pwt us fffvt-! toeM rau—Mb* «*4 rvturw mi raptta!. tu »—*«*. Auyarha*# frtMi III* to • w*to ’ to rnta* met at tto tewkhriltori' aaavt * to tto Mtegtowii of tto Mill*. Tto ■wl* paapte whoa# pat I* tot idtort*4 hf the ahUttoW* arm thnma am tto Mto* ry IIM sad tto to* an* laaarake* gai k StofS. Capitol aad UMk work a* harm**. arowsly aad tatalllgMiliy ingvther ran pap dtvMNMs aa* wapaa. They raa; crmlais atone* tato awary ntorkhold-1 •rT portota to tto nhapa of tot dt*t deads aad pat waeva lata the perhetn j of thousand, of lahortaff peopl*. Tto posweat citato awwns sUffttlne both to tto oyerattyes and to tto stork ho M •ra. - % lOfftOM According ta ser f tan*. Wra E Curtin, of the Chicago Record--tto gentleman, t will he remembered..who •(vomponied tto Prcntdtnllnl party ta Attguata. and waa much si ruck with our pretty girls -Lieutenant Hobson la an egotist, and a "queer person" gea ernlty. Mr. Curtin hat discovered n new trait or acconsp lohnwwt to the hero of -to Merrimer and that la. hi* epeci h mnk lag powers. Aad. “while thers to no mors question of hta ability, than of hto courage, hto Ideas are fn-queaily impracticable." Mr. Curtis alludes ta hto npeech msklna powers, a fact which has been noted In The Herald’s rolumns befora. "Hobson.” he ssjr*. "aever made a speech lo bin life until a meellng was held In Carnegie Hall last summer, to rnlaa money for the families of the soldiers killed at Santiago. Those who had been Intimately associated with him all hto Ilf# expected on that orraa- i ton that he would simply get up and make a bow an* blush. But he spoke for hslf an hour with great self-po*- session, a flue display of language, and considerable dramatic power." The reason he to being *ent to Ma nila. according to this correspondent. Is because the Secretary of the Nary did not know what else to do with him. “He Is *0 erratic aa to be wortbleaa for the ordinary duties of an officer on board a man-of-war, ami hla original ity and egotism make him the object int constant survnllUioca tn the con struction bureau." The author of “Laura Doona” ia now In his ecventy-thlrd year. There are sixteen British battleships either In course of conetructlon or pro jected. The present population of New Mex ico Is 230,000. Including about 26,000 Indiana. The most perfect whispering gallery In the world Is in the dome of St. Paul's, in London. Br. Charles Neufeld. the German ex plorer, who was icscued at Omdurman by the forces of the Sirdar, Is now In Cairo, hard at work upon a book In which he wll recount the story of his years of Imprisonment among the der vishes. .Miss Ada L. Hanford, the daughter of District Judge Hanford of Seattle, has been placed at the head of the movement among citizens of the state of Washington to purchase a suitable testimonial for the battleship Olym pia. Theodore Roosevelt is the youngest republican governor ever elected in New York state, being Just turned 40. Governor Black was 43 at the time of his Inauguration. John A. Dlx was 73 and IsVl P. Moiton was 70 years of age. , . .. . i ttusywai mm*4a""¥>***•*•• to e*w-»»s 1 fww.ius gR jNasdjga W tw» I ton* amt pe«to» set wmruso *a* Nn—t It Mt lip* jtiNMf kto*wM*i mm* ■ • mm *9o* 9909*9* N N WIN %rn*9 *w mm*-mm tmm*** ’'4v , fMwRM [ig ini 99909* mk i|( lon 1 4 90mm hm*m *99*m* ' *9* 99 omm # f 90*mt 9mm 9mm mm 9 m ***** 9*9 tsm liTßiig tmm mmm l mm. #* mm **# tmm ¥ 9*m* ■ m* *** p*m9*m *9 IjuiNw Or %m ’* ( ***** tmmnit «| tm Ptmmwmm 9*9*m *4*m* hwwd > **M fmm mm 4 I w***»4 *%Jjg**s m$ o* m 4 * 9*9 mm 99mm pm 9990*591*m m 4 tmo*999*m. fit. *0999*9 P*mmm NIW* iff i*t m.*** mm. ■ 994 9*4 t**4H9 9909 0999 *»f4*i»4 f 990 09m*l* so* 99094$ - 9*4 ***** • $99999 *O9J 4*99 Om* NoriNif OMwhi *W. t 9*009*4 «•!! fno Now 9t*WMW ■ ■■ ■ A«k4 $94- tffW <w»NK f m* rno wwNßr# * fN ihw* tmm 9940* Ifcot *f*opi »» tco IN *n4 AM I«o**o ow ihmtm 9* No*if o* to* . 9t9 *o9*' WONI • I* 1 } <*• t* VOW ObM Hr** ivthOt **9 tOwfii fltvff for tt» t« 9*f* Aatl toth p» am e'er lito's great gtep ytag *• awes AIM t.eiibsr murmur* at the esparate way, Tau hava toms kiad ts ma. I toatl re Tour k'Odessa wttb atacerrM grata And 1 have i"'sa yaur frteadL and that was all! Wat all, whet would to more or tone? And p*t. now we am part in*— batter aa, I would not that an torn U u* to spared— There is one (blag I wish that yen might know. Tie ( I could have laved you had I dared. You smile perhaps, jot If you knew tto oTsmt heart*' lortnr—lf you knew t say, You'd understand me dearly, whew I say this tour. If I hail dared!'—but there, go on your way! The mysteries of Ilf# am complex, friend. And h< «rta am rtddlra strangely hard to read; The human and <i!eloe no atrangrlv btoad, And love to made subservient to Ufe'a n*t4. Your way could no* bv i»y way. tMt I . know: And no I dared not let this heart of mine Four out It* richest wealth of love to you. Nor till this hour ll* feeling quit# davits*. Good-by*, dear friend, I shall for long retail 1 The xtod. bright day* that you und I have shared; We need not mourn; friend* were we, that Is all— But, oh, l could have loved you. loved you, had l dared! —Maude Smith, tn Midland Monthly. The Gambling Bacillus. Successful sport* know that tn the highway* and byway* are counties* Id iots who skimp their famines, borrow, beg. and even steal, In order to bet on horse race* at odd* of four to one against them In the long run, on stock* at tweuty to one, on slugging matches at everything to nothing. The gamb ling baculhis Infest* every legitimate sport and soon roU it. Criterion. When an unmarried woman die* In Braxtl. the eofTin, hear** and livery of the coachman are scarlet. Tn Buffalo a planer la In operation which at each cut removes a shaving full twelve Inches wlilt*from solid cast Iron. The knife ts between twelve and thirteen Inches wide and does good work. Thin, pale and consump tive persons should use some constructive tonic that will enrich the blood, in crease the nerve force and renew wasted tissues. Scott’s Emulsion is based upon scientific principles. We digest the oil for you by mechanical processes, thus strengthening your di gestive organs by resting them. It stops wasting, and produces energy, vigor and warmth. The hypo phosphites in it invigorates the nerves, and brain tissues. s©c. ami all drujyjists. SCOTT & BOW NE, Chemists, N«w York, DOB SDGGESTIORS. (lm«# # !M| Pw9m4o *w*mm * soowkM* I * ir£to***' so4tm * Him*# mmmk * M 9 mm* * pNr* j w 0% || «mo§ Mfifc m *090*94*00 E * *09*9000 fk'M*Mh *ooo4os* I * sm* 4mm*9* ** I * NlS*# JMNA, ** *%M sss9o9o* JJr Rtm " ffrrti 00mt*9bit9k. 099% -aiiMVINNi “Good Tialc An>«rel." DORR’S 718 BROADWAY 7^B r Larger Than f / Ever Before / w It tfe* estiNt of »•-* ■s* / / * AlNril *f ** tlvle ?*"** \ J VtvWue* f 3 «r MW-vta* Nv *fff mm- % V \ J C \ %*m only f I Dm** 9*4 *mt s9*tm 09 € m * tmm '--»*<*- *4* I 9m f*mi M C turn* U» fill* C \ Hot Water Bags \ fr*4 M'A* i*t »A*e bmp J ( * |oM.ti stive soli s phy.t- C J rtss SMito >. « 1 .am—s. J f 1 or) fMwlly st •• <1 have M \ am. tints tot Ms best aad \ J will set ink # r Family Syringes C # of .very aisk* end atve. C \ ttwod own frees toe uptsanls, / C Fountain C / Syringes x » Popular and h*n4s. AU / C au-os Fnooi art right. \ S Our Cucumber Sc £ ( Almond Cream S S surely row ehavped, rough f % tkia sad ksete tto face sod V v baud. *. smooth and soil at # J a babuft—.oc bottle. # / Jlfiatier Dru Ccmpssf < J * ns BROAD ST. C an nab) CAhirtiEi-L BTRKRr. ID. W. DODGE Robber Stamps. Seals. Frauds. 2c. K 1 Oth fk., Next to Helatsn't Meat Markt AUGUSTA, GA. j *r.V» ntww BALM Is a!veciirf*. r Apply Into th«!!*. It It quickly stworhed SS cents St rtntcrir'r or by m»!l; ssmp’r*! Or. by msib SLY BKOTirKtUI, MW.irai Sc, Sew YukCttp EACH OAT MEJ TttE- Ilf KALD ‘i" 0 * JtGILENIIAa 5Cn ImoN TUt 'VveOtTHUI #su !sat" IxIJ 4- 5 7 » SMTo lrTi?l3l>4ilS I6||T S' is ioiii I? ~%3tzm t 2 2»fo3T —A uryghF-' - 1 ■ ~:vJV: 1- > POETNER‘B < ? 110 l HWAI RfMi S i f \ tI.NNA WADINbr l 1 / It AAN tm CMP f j Export \ ? Beers | ? ARE THE BEST i N *>a t%<m tm C For Rent Farm of thirty acre* Jufft below Hty. DwdKingt, RtortM nod ff ice* in all taction • of the HI 000 lof J. B Wh te'ff new B#tM»<* wtredH hootet •re still unrented. Special prices will be made to de sJrabie parties, John W. Dickey I S t l.toaty to Muse CLOSING CUT SUE la wtor tm etawt mat tog aa’trt VPtsrh at ttuuigkt by th* tt a iuf I s#riaery. by tto pattern to psad* In s* to. I wilt toss M aad beta# 0004 m a TERMS CASH. WM E BENSON Marrl Ml Tli.r*. TM hretol to. «amwuetoto*totoßtototoWMtoWg™tototoWWtotoMMtogtototo«Wtoto*toismi» Gonorrhoea. Gleet, Stricture A CURE IN j TO g DAYS. If ;oi wilt aa Ex'rraal k#BKfv ta be i>H wit! Sjrlsjc* Ny -Sf. is:, w. (50c) H you weal at Merisi Remedy buy mi nt i:r’s swecifk. got -Only Fur Mlt M- Tbe Heward & Wiilet Drag Cs. Sea Broad St„ - Augusta. O*. CROUP CAN BE CURED AND CAN BE PREVENTED _—by ttbino Lanfl’s Cronp Drops BO CENTS A BOTTI.S. MADK. AND W*LI» ONLY BY H. H. L^ISTD m NINTH fiTUBKr. ASOLIIEKfIJn Universal Tooth Powder, Wild Cherry Cough Cure Tooth Brushes, * Hair Brushes and Qom tw. Land's Headache Capsuled. Soaps. Suspen sory Bandage*. Rose Cream for Chapped face and handa. Dr. Gli der's Liver Pills, Eventhalma for blood purifier snd tonic. THE HOWARD i WILLET DRUG CO..' 81S Broad Street, AUGUSTA. GA. Substitution . is a fiaud. We handle the genuine— Jeilico, Blue Gem and Cambria Coal. Oak, Hickory and Pine Wood. Bell ’Phone 074. IMPERIAL COAL CO.,' J. H. Milton, Manager. Corner Centre & Fenwick Sts We have the best large type Bibles in flexible bind ings in the city. Our price only $1.50, others charge $2.50 and $3.00. At Richards & Shaver's. DECEMBER 2* TOILET SOAPS. 1 carry • fu»» >tm of (Ho mow* to togftlM <«*»« eoe*>«. 3 « mk off for as MHfttft. 9m* at* oHFftoftoffrt bfAiMle. bo» •If pun «oode. ood mm 9* tiM‘l by ibff rtfHjffl kMMiCtotto iff Mbs* L. A GAROELLE. ROGER* A OAUfT. 1 MlfV I full Htlff Of Bog* ora A Ca • tifta (OHffi RT* ttrite, wurh •* m>ao«. toiicrt w#ktore, ffiiricU. end now* doff» 1.1 GIROEUE. Oucfnt. ' ONION SETS. Now ie the time to rMent for mo fftriy c’Oiv I keep nothing but the very beet Fattorn grown Mltli ape* ciet tow pr»c«t to market gardeners in large qvMintf* tie* L 1. filßmil Driani. /T2tz£S> PRO F. P. M. WHITMAN, pw TtISL tffCffO*. Or R-XCS net m ft»T» (M e* totoas m Sum »Rt» |rTilir 4a*9*oo *m mm 9*m *9 ** m *4ok pm *9OL FREE OF CKARmE ■ii—.sssn<ff#|g> f£ H l»»fg COAL and WOOD .—nun rug- ! North Afffffftta Ccel A Supply Co gwseUty am Utotoy kwtUM T W S( OFIIU). PRESIDENT to. ' Fhast* net HMto to Eamai’s KODAKS. We sell Eastman's Kodaks and all size FILMS. Calk and see how cheap we car j supply your wants. We have a full stock of latest styles of Stationery. Ail goods finest made. Richards & Shaver, 827 Broad St., City. Paine, Murphy Sc Co. CfiUMIMUON BKhiHANTb mtvm Et—TeltJßhoQeiSfeSi;.^’ 1 rivet* i a tore Win* Um to hew York CLtrago and Few Ori»«na. Order* .executed over our wire* for 'Cotton. Stock*. Bond*. Or*ln »nd Pro. vulona fur roah or on n.erglna Local eacurille* bought and *old. Referenceß -National Exchange Bank of AtiftWA or Mercantile Agenda*. ■ FOR SALE. Number *2 Telfair street—Four root* houee—Lot 40x150 feet. T»n acre* of land on the Sand Hill*. it ear Hotel Bon-Alr. Dwelling of Iff room*, atxble, ham apd servant house. Will sell at a sacrifice. Three small house* and lots on Sand Hills. Will sell separately or all. at • bargain. *! Acrea of land near Wrlghtsboro road, one roll* above city’s new water basin*. 30 acres of land near MHledgevllla road, seven miles from court bous*. APPLY TO Clarence E. Clark 832 Broad Street. NEXT! £tqp-l bee lo notify mv friends snd customers that I have add d another cbalr to my Barber Shop, making six first-class Barbers, and I l.ope to accommodate my customers without w aiting. HOT AND COLD BATHS. COMK BADLY AND Oi'TKN TO Hickey’s Barber Shop 212 & 214 Eighth St., OPPOSITE ARLINGTON HOTEL. A 50LDIER after the spree needs LAND’S HEADACHE CAPSULES. Tney cure 36 out of 37 headache*, 2 for Ee., 25c. ace box of 12. THE HOW ARD * WILLET DRUG CO, Sl2 Broad St., Augusts, Ga, ,