The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 29, 1898, Page 6, Image 6

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6 THURSDAY COAL-COAL-COAL • NKJMii’ *O9 MPT AH. P**>—i HmdAMh Jmtuem ”7tN« HIHT CiftADf * OR G#m JkMiKsd COAL Aai*,«« >«• B«f Nm« Jav tnm UttHH FMCM’i • «* rurrrr ««» «*« • • *** >%»*»* CITY ICE COMPANY. MAHMa fUllfcUm Win mi ttttty «*4 #ttattntfxtt «■ Ar4a*t ten** term*. fte'*y win"»» (A* ***** fteNi •*«•><*» »■***• *»***»■>* *** ; tmm hem 1 ******* «»*.*» *m *•» (ft | Mill aMD rw *T*t r« ■ •• l«»*k •*#« * ** . *»**«• • » • •* *-• •»' « .. > *“•• H p>< *M« ft <c «- .** it mi 1® **>«»** * > -** ■ I am «tete» •• *"• ** (**»* ** ** *“* ft - ,***.. »» mi w .. *mu » HateMnailn .. .. - . M»>* HL a** .. .. .. •« •* • 1 •” m** j| ** ** ' '* ****** *££ 90/o*o*o9 *• #HtlNi | i -t'S® «raf< •»*•**• •*»-* <• •■ , ’ 4 ,J * HmA M»M »« MOB . ** »*» Bar .»** *Hrm ***** »--><• ■MbMM, IHimmr» I* HU* TV- M* teak* tmi<i *»»*• >•■••• *• ' KaMNi *mw*. tew* i* i* ft* ~TV»u» « » * » «|M*| u*i. k It** »****#• ***** •«•• *«*-*•* j • •• - - * ? ttww* M 4-» te»te f*>» *•»•* -■ Mw* M tente Art* *•*•• ••*• ■*- *'* WOODWAW•. n Hr «•* ten* niter. • *- »** test ..; Maeftata. H* ten*. O. O . a** ten . t* n. item >»«»■ «*tet. *- A. ** rftte.. |||t; B'«|| ****** If 71 I* t* DRf' OOOtn* Hii»i RMrtlfta* «te ft*n l| »* r teMHIU* 1-4 tewtln* J* J **• nmn,t 'r 1* R ft aKrtlag .. .« > *•* Or*nn**w«. 4H • A ttiav'MM •« * Dr** • * r; <6NnHtlN‘T'|ti# M If II H *. ** »• » Mi* r. Km* M • • ablrtlag •• J *-* jg|te| j* Kin# 12 tnrh K O »• •root, §tl4t. Cartte.ui. iftft ate. ** *•*•< ft* r tea. » i »• fte *» tew**. te .lt. •IJIACHIWOft. l|tnrrl**iiwii* *i*i'*li •* .* *■ M ft *• " WiOOAM. Fran nf tin* ft**. * <**»*• .. ■• * J * FraH «f ihn tn»m. itete* .. -J • [ C*nM. M Uwten » » * c*tw. **♦ * * A.r*n* R>te. •• ’* |T of im win u * *• *'* ]« . p. Kin* J-ft H K KhlrtWl* .. * H Jmit V Kin* *-« A A rtralim .. ♦ *•* J. nn<t*l» - * *‘l jf,„ p. Kliil. INaeli o*i»fii* .... * fno. r Kite, n inch * C w* *• • Jn». P. Km*. * ** *« "ft l*:»na * **• jn«. r. Kin* M lw*» Hotwrtir .. > 1-t PRINTS. Amnriran ihtrttn**. i4 «*t J **< M«ri Imu k *Hirtta*». .. .* .. « H dnrtrr Oank *r»*« *tylte ***** •• * I' l Waahtr.fian Oil* Unnoff .. • Allen * Ifiwfl •• ** * *.mpw» * M P*rc*te ‘ C&HIMI ptf mm.:. *• ft* Americ*n lndi(> ntuen. Mrnftt - * .. * I** fttttier OU* tllli •* ••* American Indi*o W«n* *t**t •• • lßtetn*uon*l black. Kill •• •• * Allen * e*rtfln»li * Allen » lAton** •**<* Infll* blue * *** ln<W* biu* ft** 4 Rttnirlw.l • *t*M 4 Merthn W«eW*i*tnn tort* > S-« <J«mer‘* r*dl*nl* «4**« 4 Cberter o*kn * t - * TICKS. Himp*hlre .. **■* Amoekea* A C A J® *'* Amo*ke«* A ** , Amorten* * ■* ‘ 1-1 PL.AIP HOMESPUNS. CI«T Mill* * *'* Four y«*«J. for"* M tnrfc < 3-4 todl *hlrUng* 6**3* * } * Lodi dre*» *tyle* M*«o I »-* St. Clnlr dreee *tyiee 4 Ocean * *'* Marttm Waehlngtmt tenclee .. .. 1 b* Ml*cellaneou» bv»«a*. light weight .. 18 I--* l * *** ls»ett» * y*rd« pl«ln * * * Thorndike B * * •** *' 4 Amoekeag ~ l'r**«mt .. .. .. * *** Pelß*m. 33 bal Wo ho* .. 1» Fo.v •. » b»:>« 40 bo * J* It, G P.. 3» holla to 1b.... .. .. 1< 1-3 Muaoogee B .. .. - •• •• •• •• * 3-* 81 Uuh t 1-* yd. plold*. beat make Simpson aUk Bnliti (oularda «4x •4.. .. a* a. •• ** *** Pacific mourning* 4**4* 4 1-3 China silks «4X*4 t 1-4 * | **•* Sinter «t**4 3 1-3 Concord. * !' 4 Rdme » J' 4 -3 Keystone .1 .. * 3*3 Fifth •* * 3-4 . KBARSKT B. Heavy Cohinibla, ucovy Keerscy S 1-4 Kincaid and otliera -- -• » 3-* LIMK. CE.MKNT AND PLASTEK. Lime 70 » 85 Jtosendale cement .. .. *1.45 Cortland cement .. ~ .. 33.75 to 3.35 Louisville cement In paper aacks ..JI.OO ’"mater kt bbla •• •• *1.75 HARDWARE. Well buckets, per dot *3.00 fainted buckets, per do* *l.lO i: HUB cedar palls, per do* .. .. f 1.75 IHBB cedar palls, per do* .. .. *2.00 Tubs painted, per nest H.7S Rope. Manila, per pound » 1-3 Rope, Sisal, per pound 7c Rope, cottqa, per pound .. .. lOcallc Nalls, wire 7. .. *1.75 base Nalls, out • • • I 1 ; 45 Shovels, Ante, per dor - ..r*Ua*H.oU Shovels, diamond. p*r do* . ".00 Shovels, riveted back, per d*S. *4.75 Plosr blades •• * !■* base Karnes, red top. per Ooz *2.25 Hatr-ee. red top root, per do* .. *2 50 fft.irimm tMSt mmm $m mm m mm m m j mm»-* #*# fR. hum! S** fMki liteipH §m Ml m «• m m**m M %*$ . | tt o-iNKiK f*# 91 ii ] i fnMf mmm *#*•••»* m 9t 9i | ihaMm. Hi .« » s ~ MH \ * mm ►#*• ? 9* mm* m MHMn» e flMt MINtMi *t*l* mm m ' nm**** Hmlma Mm i. « * imi » *• mm HH# mp 4. w* «- M ate test tel Ml , f,'pftaMi pm mm #**#*♦■« N Ia *♦ immwpnm» ssm t §o* mm * *• * > mi ia 90 mmrnmm W** a vm* mm *• 1 A «P RMMHPA W 4 fp« #w* « ;. * • ! A WAN Ana t«AW»f *p # #NA,» *y. KaIA liNiAAPA m&m. m m $ m i IH, l» t M mtrnrm 9***rm Qippfpyiwpp dMtepii* <*iMt m&mom twmmk* i m h Mm w tmrnmt MpnhMa fa tm» ** ttt v,« I MtatdMA I §4P4 t**i M m h IV »•« j HipirgiA «l ti §**» », •• ». tm *a« IiNmWAIA 1 If* tsm «* M .• sa fAd *** ; .fii»p*t** i tr*. m h .. m .* m fAp*fi Cat*)?** • 9 ffi .. ** « m im rmr memm lAwwMa 2** iv*f *««#»« >• •• IMI *•«: *909*9 #4 SMt ,P *, MM IM be* 1 A*«•*<! 4*. UmM ,••**•* MR tea I $ ir* im „ „ « » 1 Attar-s* Fa, Hl* V. *..** .1' »• ... Alhl's Fk »*te .. *te ...I A'Sas'* r* IM .. «H Attaata 4 t-Ta. ttt* ... Atisana ra tuft . „ .< .. ~ m ... Aatsatuaih Fa MW „..!** ... I tevaaaah Fa ttt* w <a aa «• tt* ... , Roma Fa imi .. ~ u .. . Mi ... Cntamthaa Fa, Iftift » .« .« .. t*t ... .Cninwhaa * 1-Fa. 1197 ....»* ... ! Marwa * l-r» 1W IW : Mat mi Fa, M* . .. .. .. .. U* ... j t*rvdw«aMa V»-« a .. .. ..ft* ~. i Ch*r »»tca F% IW .. ftt ... | j •• utoM tuiUiUß RrtNrn. Georgia K R. A Bhg Oh. *«. HM ...... 11* M. i Georgia R. R. A teg Oa. . Fa. I*9 .IM ... j 'chatlotta C ’lhtnh'a A Aa- I gwsta. tat Fa. IM I« ... < Chcrtatto. Cotamhla A Aw i guata. M r*. Iftift If* ... ' Aagwsta •*. R. R . Fa. 1*34 . ... M CRH Hanking Oa. Odist aval Tn,i- Fa l W .... ..M ft* Aouinera Railway *'K t*ft* .. .. ftl M central of Oaorgia Railway, let cooaol Mart. Fa. I*4* .... *t M C of a, la; prrf Is 9 it featral of Gaorgla Railway. M ptef ineomaa. Ml* , ~ .. 1* 1* C. of G. let prof lit . t»4» .... 1 « <l. S A r.. Ist m. IK 04* . I** I*7 gotttb Georgia sad Florida. I 3d Fa. urn 19 Potitb Georgia and Florida td Ta. !«** .. 10» Ocean gteamaAlp Ca., lit Fa id ra tftftft l*« Rntr-prlee Mfg Co., let Fa HO* IM ... Sibley Mfg. Co.. let Fa IM3 . I*l ... Mbley Mtg. Co . lot Fa MM .10* ... 1 Oa. R. R. A B. Co. stock .. I*T saa Kouthaeslarn It. R. Stock .. H id Augusta and Savannah aloe* . H ltd GRAIN AND PROV|»IONB. j Oata. white, sacked II : Ooata mixed, sacked ti j Corn, white, sacked .. ~ ~.. *3 ■ Corn, mixed ~ 4* Meal, bolted, per bushel 47’d i Flour, common 1 54 Flour, (amy extra 1.7* Flour, an. oud patent 4.00 Flour, standard patent ~ .. .. .. 4.3* Flour, fancy patent .. ~ .. ~ 4 75 Wheat bran. Kd-lb sack* to Fine fred, 100-lb sack* .. ~ ~ ~ M ’ Hsy—nallte. per ton .. .. .. 13.00 I Hair—Timothy, per ton 1* 00 j Hay—choice, per ton .. 14.00 Homs—choice sugar cured ~ tAelltt Smoked rib aides ( 1-1 Dry aal ribs I 3-4 Lard, pure leaf, In tierces M 5 AL REACH. Somethin!; About the (treat Baseball Magnate. “Thirty y»r# ago 1 helped put up those Iron columns and girders" sank AI Reach, the ml.lionnire baseball mag nate, as he glanced around the case < f the Fifth Avenue Hotel, at the League mcotlng the other day. "Then, 1 was an iron worker, employed by a firm In this city. I remember how I used to hustle to get through my work, so I could go out und play baseball." For y*uns*Mr. Reach was a. profes sional baseball player. Then he em barked In the spurting goods business and the manufacture of baseballs and bale. Ho Is thought to be worth tl.-, 000,(100 at the present time. Mr. | Reach looks to Ire the youngest of the baseball magnates. Aside from Me. Sodetr he ts prolatbly the oldest. AI Reach Is probably 55 year* of age. yet; he doesn't look to be over 35. He Is ' strong, athletic and well preserved,! and often during the season takes part In the morning practice of the Philadel phia players. Not many men ot 55 years of age can do what Mr. Reach is capable of doing. An Enterprising Druggist. There are few men more wide awake and enterprising than Howard A Wil let. who spare no pains to secure the best of everything In their line (or their many customers. They now have the valuable agency for Pr. King's New Dlacovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. This is the wonderful rem edy that is producing such a furor ail over the eountry by its many startling cures. It absolutely euros Asthma Bronchitis, Hoarseness end. all afleo tiors of the Throat, Cheat and Lotjge. Call at above drug store and get a trial bottle for 10c. or a regular sire for SO cents and Sf.OO- Uuaranteed to cure or price refunded. THE jA.T7OrJBT.A* HKJR^IXS MKINLEV AND THE SOUTH skrth 9mm TvA-i i| Ht Ths* ' «m>% mmmm HcmHi 4#i>Mf %■* jfamm*** t wwrn (i *mmm mimm&mm m*4 wmmmmm* mm* j TYm* f'TwPWNP'* inpjiPPfSipFA *(M® pPSPNPI ] [ «gs #Ap HMjPlfl RWA 99 W* 099 *0909 ■'» 'A* : [Pmm *||pt A# 9* lA*#* **4 HR j psrrTtifrflt *9* 9fh)so*?9t 9099 * »f> t, IA 1 199*999*90 *O9 0*999* 990090* 99 ***** [•A 909m* m iHP |<*fA 4999090990 ' \m mmtmmm «* mm *■+* mm mm 9**4 »MAi 900 09 90*9909 099- *9 A** <fc***i *Mi ♦««rjr Hm* 99 9*09 Ml AAR *009*90 •* llt FllMli 0009099* 0099* %9& 90090*% I Impnhp m mm 090009* 90m. *o*9 mmm* m* 00 0m 090009% 0m 09090 09*m' -*TO» 000009*0% 999 •?<***• *'*•*'• 4<Ms f fc *i < ««M 90 00* 900900 00m Mm **oo *4 90* pp® m# «• *1 f VNPI fift** t Mi#*® 1 At riwpHt •# 1 Ail A* •Hf’HP* 8 * 000 09*99*** ■ r IK# *m *O9 *90*9*91 rtepwmi * pSteUrtteg wan* ta W Im»mw*mo ip mr*f9s mm m *m* mmm | **Ml Mr *990*900: m* tfIHM 0 0090900 •# rii (HATitl n «*«• 0m "f 4 '"T00 *9OOOO 0999*0 *• •• *9*99 09 , MMP f KPP 000 900 *990 *9*oo. All **** * f«r fttejittr tin fpmßprl. ft* i*to* t ilmm* Hh [«ppftoM I «««i «hpt tip mm* I.*l* {f Ah« »* s 09m p-ptl «4p**' |#4 tNtf poll Ml IP ti* 00949009*9 ** \ 40909*# «n(ifpiH T*t v*r* M *OO rwlf pt pMmh i|nnrt> 111 tiP fMHRiVMIfitMMI r ** half a anlHtoa dotiara a year f o taasMa | tifiinfii frr«m fflppmii t tip HUMMP tws ■ aPTfis Ti#%' «»«M ifpp'R it | fttowM 1 jppt 00 pppti iifpppp* 1 ipm ***• ; grown tint •## mVHV f* r Up Hlamm* i o** *fep* ti* 4 ««»tfftpft 4m ( Hv« Ip m 9m4 ' g*p#tp»pgc •4n it Innl pH ti*' 9*9t ■uni IHirtrg Mia Rot aaaanw tw 0099009*9 «iI fpAPpr t oiiM lm gt<»« l«ig Pti*"i ingump# 90 *9*9 t»tep*. •and vetch and tte va*»rt heaa G**r gta last year pfihtecad aewaaa t»na of -otton seed, snogab t” FHten all the to* son head of raGhr sMr* •* ahtwnrd abMad. If mixed with corn fodder. <rab gtaaa «r aay other nwicant It » the beat kind a* fattening material "Dwlry pradtretg ere In demand Ik* world near The young farmer* »f th* south ahrtuM all he seat t« agrtcrihuml s. hoots that have dairy aehoot* In ar tier to study th* science of butter and cheese making. The mutton sheen thrive# adailrxhtr In th* south. It nan gram all th* y**r round and can b* fattened at late expetta# than In any other section. The southsm farmers should supply the northern market silk early lamb# aa they do with early *eg rtahtta. The south ha# long been tame.t# for tt* lacon but th* people never!hsios# import ton* of K from the packing j houses of Chicago, Omaha. Kama* Ctty and othsr plans* In lha north. The extension of the dairy industry would j support an Immense number of Rog* as a bt-product. '•j don't see why the southern farm ers don't produce mors first da** sad dle and carriage horses They hay# •» few now, such a* ft **• In Augnsta. but they ax* far behind the north In this particular .notwithstanding their superior advantage* The agricultural department Is Just non issuing a report on the foreign market# for horse* ami th* southern farmer* ought to studv It. The poultry interests might b# In definitely extended with great profit. I There I* no reason why »'* should have to buy eggs and chicken* In CHnada, If the ftsrmnr* of the aouth wilt take hold of it and find the Vat breed* for their oHmale. The leading men of the south, In the citle* and elsewhere, should take the farmers by the hand. The railroads should offer them freight facilities, and the state end county au thorities should hold agricultural fairs, with tempting premium* for all classes of stock. The towns would share the benefit of the development of the ag ricultural region and he amply reward ed. I “They are doing something in the way of agricultural education. In the south, but not half enough. Tuskegee fumlshea «n example of what ought to he done In every state mid county. Northern people nan well afford to study the methods of Booker T. Wash ington, because they apply Just a* well to one section as to the other, and to the white people as well as to have hlr.cks. But the whites should have more Institutions for higher education In agriculture, such as Is now afford ed by the state college* endowed by congress. The rudimenis of an indus trial education are taught at Tuskegee. That institution Is turning out urtlsana and educator* among the humbler and poorer classes of dtiaens. The state col leges endowed by congress furnish a higher grade of scientific learning. 1 am glad to see that Alabama is get ting schools of lhis sort scattered over the state. I understand that the legis lature Is now appropriating *3,000 a jear to sustain on agricultural college in each congressional district' and tho teachers come from the state college. No county, no section need* the appli cation of scientific knowledge to agri culture so much as the south, and to no section does It offer such great prof its." CASTOR IA For Muu &ni GMLdran Ttis Kind You Hava Always Bought »«*««« ftf £4<rsc&+'. rooD U& BAKING POWDER ■ STtltBKiT * iSotlHElfil Hffi C A*nLANtA. OA MVf non oft l» M l Ail. A xhAAga teamtev f «prv>aa* ftftm* ate* Ml Mas IRg t'gMwAs I f Riirggia |*w JR’’* TKs Rse . fnsl It lii tear psvaslhte tester at He mill r MartsvMaa cTHarrR Ksa«4lkfft<sa Kte s»*'m4* th AH tftvteg Star* was i "f Aa fan te <k* ftswag a*f* la waft* Pi (A Haas* A4g tear l nAlty I* Id HMpOHHiMI ? 11>fl. M*o 9$ (09T9* %00 9M* ft# i*« i■ .*m 4 fV# f*MO 90 9m* mom% 00000 o**9M MMH 000990 >9 tip* «*«£# . ♦ «jfi «ti*r mnm I }tngp of inOM»«H . 00099*9 omt*o9*m * 4«tr« * 190 HI <N«M 09f%n0*9 tW9%*»* #*"#t *t*4 of i riipiriri * . If 09 i#<l f njp %00 ggMk# MlO 99 i Ifftpti Imt# tl* (promt fi)U*t fij i' jsg: t fmMMNI ti liHpr 9m&Umm HMH ; §*# 000 W$ 9*n*9o9 00/9*oo ti” » ;y«s f |Kg . Ilf mall In |i* rimmtrr Witi •#* rimri to ti* 4*o9** df ms oiMWiPiiY Mi it# mm j 1 W tit itfifY #NMri ml lir# vmfi y&mmm MMiti 1 0909*99*9 *0 f 99 f 990 IIR*- "9m% §*m*i*h9om 99 Mm oniriMtt i#fm of lit HttrMßiM*, i 0090*0**99 9m §&rtmy, Ht 414 0 4094 09 0019**9* »Y|! mnii if* mmm* t*mm4 *OO 1* rs 4 H« n»m# b»4 Imph 09** 9 iomooini® mtvn f Hi rwmt (ft AM Ilf# an i mNfoob#l ji^ro nVifti MHgit lot |p« Bit hiVF tMoi* Tit pmiflr omljr ihMlt *9 hIM 00 IHI MMipM pf*oToo4*f Ti# f#»- bH|iv of if# Botom pm to Ism 4®*# *• m < tffp 1 mao « »> n| Hi# i#wvmi * f ti*’ apZh.Amvrlraa War. Mawy pWaNW II jW«irt of lAs ullloo iwaHte A’*. Wlflr* w»ll-po»ate Nut racier hw cou.d hare easily mail'd the ladder of , fame a* high aa the Ppssldeatial ehalr. hat. alas! th* eosrted prt*e has vanish #4 tli# 9 4to9tm, oil 09099*9! 0 «ooi»f'd ktas ha* sfolaa the aplend l honor* that awsffed him in the aarset to-mor row of hi* Ilf*. ’How are the mlgj.v fallen.' * Mow To Look flood. Good looks are raoily m»r# than skin deep, depending entirely on a healthy • Qtidlttoo of th* vital orgaaa. If th# liver la Inactive, you have a Miloua look: if your stqtn*< h l» disordered, you have a dyspeptic i<mk. If yoor kidneys are affected, you bar# a pinched look, occur# good health And you will gorelv hav# good ;oofc“ 'TSleetrlo Blitora" la a gefid alterative and toale. Acta dl rectiy on the Minna* h. liver and kld cey*. purifies th# bipod, cure# pimple*, hi jtehrs ami boila and gives a food coaMßlon. Eveiy hoHle guaranteed. Sold O! Howard * WlllaF* drug (tor*. M vrnts per bottle. 1 , —c "I I<fp, — 1 ■' Some Verbal Oddities. ,i In Blr M. Gnmt-Dufr* diary there are some amusing stories of mistake* In the House of Common* A loyal Ir ish member ones exclaimed with fer vor: "Sir. 1 acknowledge the vener able widow at Windsor to be the lore moat man among her sitbircta." The London Spectator not long aince publlahed a collodion of modem Irish bull*, some of them perplexing buouc'i from their singular topay-llrvlnee* of meaning: but the English peasaii' is as apt to giva a haxy answer aa hi* Ir ish cousin. An American, strolling through the Green park In Lomkm. on day laat sum mer. naked one of the gray old guar dians of that bU of historic woodland who lived In a stately palace near Staf ford house* “It's lanky Blank Uvea there. 3he removed to Scotland yesterday to be hurled." was the reply. “Nou have a miraculous ro*e tree in Wills that bloom* ,at Baster?” the same American asktic! an old fartne". “Aye, we have. Only It's not a -ore, but a thorn, and It blooms on Christ mas. and not Enster, and It's growing not at Wells, but at Glastonbury," was the am ,er. ~ • Mr.,Frederic Harrtaon defines s good style In writing to he first clearness of Idea, and next dearness of exp 'esclon. Bulls and mistakes such as these which we instance, are the result of haxy ideas or of exdtment In speak ing. The American, with his nimble brain and habit of ready speech, sel dom makes such mistakes. His errors are usually born of Ignorance or hasty generalizing, such as was the iapoued questmn of a man In WashltMfton soon after Dewey’s victory. “HcAv did the PhlUpplans fall In such gross savagery after Paul wrote his epistle to them? —Youth's Companion. Bucklen’s Arnica Salve. THE BEST SALVE m the world for Cuts, Bruises. Soria. Ulcers. gait Rheum, Favvr Soras, Tettvr, Chapped Hands, Chilblains. Corhs, and ell SWr, T-ruptlcos and positively curse POse. or no pay required. It le guaranteed to give perfect sativfaci,!** or rrjone- re funded. Price 2* catrts oar bax FOR RALE BY HfyiteßO A ftTLLSF. CALL FOR Augusta Brewing Co t cxfOftT tirrn te. «w BELLS Ob" ti K O R Q. I _A_ Our Draught Beer Has None Superior. AUGUSTA BEER. MONEY TO Toll In any sums desired from $!IOO upwards, in straight 3 and 6 years time, or on 10 years time, payable in equal annual instalments. Lowest rates of interest. No expense to borrower except the usual attorney and record fees. No delay in getting the money. AHer&Joln Agan't Pcotttsti •uM-rc»R Mo!irace Oartnr, 70S Broad St IF YOU WANT TO GET BEFORE THE READERS OF AUGUSTA PUT YOUR AD. IN i in ii B. R. MITCH SIX, A! EX M« OOVAI.D thipt, <h i on. Hec. & Uan. Mgr. Augusta Electric & Construction Company 212 Melntnsb Street. Electric huppnse—r peaking toW, ete., etc. to >ll Electrical apparatus. Electric Light Wiring a specialty. BallTbone 1602. - - - Mrowgft 070. LOMBARD IRON WORKS and Supply Company. Builders and Deali-m in ENGINES. BOILERS, HAII.ROAD. COTTON. SAW, FERTILIZER OH and Ice Machinery, and Supplies and Repairs. Shafting. PoUeys, Hangers. Leather and Rub ber Belting a*d Hoar. MILL SUPPLIES AND FOOLS. Foundry-, Machine. Roller and Bridge Works. Capacity lor 300 Hands. Agsnts for Atlas and Erie Engines. Ashworth Cards, Kortlug and Leader Injectors. Turbine Water Wheels, etc. AUGUSTA, GA. Augusta Southern Rail road Company. Schedule Effective OcL 2nd. D9B. Lv. Augusta . .. *3O a. m.| fi ll p. m. Lv. Bandereville . 1:1* p m.| 9 0* p. m. Ar. Tcnnille .. .. l:3t p.m.| 9:21 p. m. Ar. Macon 3:45 p m.| 3.55 a. m. Ar. Dublin 4:20 p ut.J Lv. Dublin ‘lO 00 a. m. Lv. Macon .. .. 11:38 p. m.flLta a. m. Lv Tennille. . . 5:15 a. m.| 3:10 p. m. Lv. Sandersvllle. 6:25 a. m.j 3:21 p. m. Ar. Augusta . .. 9:00 a. m.| 7:10 p ni. ' Eastern Time. Close connection made at Tennndle with Central R. R. for Macon, and with Wvtghtsvllle and Tennille R. R. fur Dublin and Hawkinsville. C. W. JACKSON. Gen. Fgt. Pass. AgL James U. Jackson, Joseph H. Samis. : Receivers. We have the best se-1 lected subjects in pictures in handsome frames at popular prices at Richards & Shaver s. | RAttAtIAD MlAM>t't,«A Char lesion A W Carolina 9090900 # 0» «*»#**♦ 0 090999 < • I 00000900 *0 09*00 09* ***o I ft [tt - *AMPteaiite «—aa«» f MP®** 4 **#— I ’lMKtau eeae * ffWiawa* " Kgj *» jAiiriAl ; ‘ "T I * I f# # . L .„»s» i * *t**nafa*» M«*S» .«V»B #AA Atete t' 11 mu i”x 1 •.: ttrm t *"#"• . .... li>.» * Vvw A*4, ssaa..«««. •. .... *•»• ( •tARMMM,,.,t, ,»<*•' Mm ,*»••**» • te* ate | ..,„. l .«m.> flff I*# Ixa »aiteaa ttt*. ,»m.. i F4>lte«»»s *»• * ££rz r=:.rffe.™ • Killllftiggl .......... «MA ..saste * |Rglltetei»v»W»*«»Ve» ■ •#!#’ •* ♦*♦• !• MMAmi : is 1 —{ Mftte AS aSeteM ........ teftte j * fltel—a...- -7 «in ..«■•••—.. ( * ava * »h* ~ faas AG ate ate * A»aa * RgR Hates***. I*A asai 1 tea* ’ frnasKSrrr *t— l **• - ha» iisrt..T... 4 "tea eJAaI ><■*!...« .-»■ .»».« I * ♦*’ ’7-A ’ Efteftte*. >teis* |A-.-« *S2 j • J't55eteta....™........f~.. VAAMA A. *—g*te. w ........ - i... ! at a list* A«4A ###»•»** vases AA* I wt.avs *n#i».e» »• v Si* alt yaaa* ' aa ft. A. I. , Uaeoieilft *• ta«*te A* *A wav *a ft. ft. L n* ‘ A A gaffatga ate ftraetaakteg *Ah *rw*v»v Rat »•» Vasa*, v vteatea ft*4a«-.s m k«A*4» j latsa gfiteih ••*. aAaate At. i I RAW. ftA AAL g W. 9Wm, ftethima* Ate T. H. » VIBA'i 7>ate Maaagsv. Aaaaam. te. BLUE RIDGE RAILROAD. 8. C, BKAmS. Rare tv ay Gt><s te XFsaxAa* a« 4* fam •*«'• Cites Ctea* F. eta** Claas Niri a Mix'd ptv Dty, r fttatl-te Dty IF#- Nell K»4 | *•*H !»vJ AM ,F 9.1 |A(*lva Laav* -FM.iAl*. I*l* I A|„ Ate—A ..a) ft IFlt M M M I m Dsaves ....f > «lil* ** ta ftfl ft MiMj Atsfwa ft » All M i *■**’ t lFtf . Paedtvtaa ..M 3.lWt:*» | ft-tv* 7 aal* tTArrry F 4 ft* II U ! » 4. *:« M AtLte'v Orateg fl * H U *» • •ttt l:» *41... 'IKNACA 4 Ml* * •:tt| < i I *-m s tftt ‘r. Wettl Cnlaa M *:*»; • ft te... WalAaUa FIT) AM >FM ! (Laav* Arrive PM jFM.' Ns.ll Nvi »vM ft**.* • Regn'ftr ft latino F Fftag fttatten. ! A!l rva liar trala* from Aodetate 1* Waihalla Aav* right t* »r*«-h awr fra ins <4 the sani* rises msvlswr la ep postt* tfirvcnoa. uvleaa eth*f«ta* gw Hied by trala ardscx. WUi also atop at faßowAift atai! -e# ito tab# oa of Mt off naoveogers: TCI*. joey e. Jamea and Bandy Spring*. ' No it connect# with Bouther* yall | war No. 13 ft* AAderaon. ' No* ft and ft aonnect with South** t railway No* 7» and *7 at ftrt«ac*. j J. R. ANDERSON. Bu*#ri*i#*4*»t. ATLANTIC COIST LINE. VHOrTKKT AND GUICKBBT ROUT* TO THE EAST AND NORTH, t-.tvpn! Ly7Auga#ta Ga. Ar ! 7:item 3 sep-oj Lv Aiken Ar I Mftsrn 4:l7pmj Lv....Denmark....Ar j «:17pm 4.*oprn| Lv.. ..Orf *gl'g.... Ar ( {:4oam t eapmj Lv. Sumtrr. S. C...Ar ; 4:7Som t Hpinj Lv riervnca ..Ar | I:2sam 10 34pm! Lv...F*y«lt*vill* ..Ar I t:!4pm 3 21am Ar.Petersburg.Va.Lv ! I:l2pm 4:oo*mi Ar.... Richmond ...Lv »:12pm 7:4lairi Ar.. Washington..!.* < *:4ftpm (:o*am Ar... Baltimore. ! 2:lspm 11:25em| Ar .Philadelphia...V# |l2;o»pra l:#3pm! Ar....Nrw York...,Lv ] » Jo«m Pullman palace hoffrt sleepk-.g can from Macon and Augusta lo New Tork e-tthout change. R. A. BRAND. Gen. Agt.. 7*l Broad St.. Aeguata. Go. T M EMERSON. Traffic Me-osger, H. M EMETtRON. Gan. Paaa. Agt, Central of Georgia Rail way. Schedule In Effect SEPTEMBER UTH, IMS. (80th Mertdlaa Time.) LEAVE AUGUSTA. No. I Fer Savannah 1:20 P. M. No. 4 For Savannah, Macon Atlanta Fl® P- 31. No. « For Macon. Atlanta. and Way Stations .. *:2O A. M. No. *2 For Macon Atlanta. and Wav Stations .. »:S0 A. M. ARRIVE AUGUSTA. No. 1 From Snvunanh .. .. 1:40 P. M. No. 3 From Savannah. Ma con. Atlanta *'3S A. M. No. 5 From Macon. Atlanta, * and Way Stations .. 8:50 P. M. No 53 From Macon, Atlanta, and Way Station# .. 5:30 P. M. No*. 1. 2, 3 and 4 daily. Nos. 6 and 5, dally except Sunday. .Nos. *2 and 53. Sunday only. Sleeping car# on night trains between Millen. Macon and Atlanta and be tween Augusta and Savannah. For fur ther information as to achedules, Otc.. apply to l M C. JONES. C. T. A. ! W. A. GIBBES. Depot T. A. 1 J. W. NALL. Commercial Agent. ~ ' \ UP-TO-DATE METHOD'S ' 5 " N L I; UNTIRING ENERGT, BRAINS AND PUSH, HUSTLE, JUDICIOUS t SPENDING OF LARGE | SUMS OF MONEY i SOHE OF THE METHODS THAT .MAKH THE HERALD FAtTQttA. 9 B E L L E O r a B O HQI A DECEMBER 29 halMtuan ftftftfttKlUte * t t t C. RAILWAY CO 00*9 • 0*90*0*099900 *49o* liwiiritria IMU omm- I*9o 94*09909 f**m9 0 »«# 0 0m t*o- % « fl« *%-?«*#•» MW** T * thm imm I 0* i • I *0190*49, 90*000 t * * ■ i * *•>#»!■ *-,m j lUtft fljiirf II # # v-dfc# & *» * M*#%*■% •‘■>■9ooo I 4* fi- nip iwwtf f‘ M |Wr I * twftMßpfttfr,# **9oo I 0* «» ##**•«# *# ok# *OO9 ~ 0940 9 *• '#•« t I- o#*9o 9*000007 ¥OOOO9 [ t* *'**Gmsm clHm#^l ♦'ll#-:** "ZXtSSi [[ * 0909009 'll 000m* ** *<mm*9l t '*f9f4j*oo \| * %4* ,-#• •* t 09m L* *■-* 000% M+*- ItMH i ? 0900 I* ti m*o 1# w%* -t. i mm v * 9m9 0* 909000000 *%«*’ i* lo»*mo*9 \mm te * 4 t I '*' kite 9 »■■■ ■L 1 • fo* mtt IMIF 4000 9*o •a ftllft-efta# ' 00000 aiK aft A4x umHast>at MR ffaaft* ft #*•*# tei, a* 11 I* ****** *•<« L* att-e. . 4lha ft? *•»•».., 7tew ft* ft’oruste ftjgaas , *4>t'lM 11* ftteMTftßl T*f«»a4» ftweeav te ate teas *4XI task is a aefftte. *s— f 4 >*4B TaftftJAefte Itftlftw..,. A'ftfS L ftaA uaftftxA at I-nwasu. alfvxt t* JAummß. ? »»wt : at 1 -le 4 Afi*r lv Ihaawft.A Ifttei 'ftf A saft'see .tftliaiftf A Men ...7 l*ft XI ! At A*U V**%lft*y*s »f ft ftg tea .. t ftKfti "' CM*Mi»» ■*■ •* (Hit MR* «MA Ate : Yr-t "ewe aim ».«a rtUWHpI Ms JseftaaxiVftiWk Ftt e# *# r.f Avgwwa . a *4t, tt* 4we#sla fteft •* ate fntt aMftftMS* Max aa 4 ftrxwK !. H Bx A ttt. I. ft FMgKWW 4 se-ea Matte. Ttuttf As**i*»- f |l, Fxaaeft, tSaft. ft *4 #< fcxata * SOUTHERN RAILWAY. * x, * VXaaa ttrtweee* eliiwftM liftftte PttttH *• It—< "• o*o*9 H * 9999 * • k««A*NAM mm • 9*9" Mrti Hl—«H®# J>9M *, It* -— •rm-n —mem fbttV*tilN—teAi rattiif C Ptiifs"VtifWP.Ry -j ft 2? £t IltTlS •I’tifllK Ep6r**“vji|: :8| £ ftjertasherx- Be NT TBeHf 1-* A, ftaftanila. ■•••• ** ®l *~F !|B iSE t Z&zrr. .. 1 s &%%*:• IS i?«SLa- itj Ls. P-faster. •? L ft, Ar.Nerfct* . | ! **»i • “ - »»w ji i ki» At FU-Awteft ■ I **>} ***A 0 jju‘-*'ff < Hs Rft i J»• l » SS 1 ;K«3.,ra ■ h.M>| «»» - - - '» ftt'lte *a —a. telly.] telly. L MwTGKftl « Vy ~!Sa4 itlladelpMa fifty »*>* • Rjßtinrtfr ft tty ll* Its. VafS t » so Ry A tty U Ua L* Jnefciooad | I?tei Mots* lTumsUi. ... . .. ;~tta « lly L* NorfUift .. .......( ttty . Ar . <»re««fb,'.-e ... ) e 45a Lv i*reen*ic'-o tt.* 7-Jy *• OuirkAM »»* to ft y • h - Rill h tt* B Mly • Uwta MMs UXp • WtauAoe* . ... U«ls lltts Ar Col te Btsod **t CIMa IK* ur. i ehustsat’a deo'a 114 •* |y* • u Jaasteas 1 tWp *®f» “ Vreotoa J I lay *2s* • 11 ran.-evil!* 1 a tty 1«T s Ar Augusts . , 4 14: S U>» ryTAttaviU*:' * " ■ "iTai*; ..nip r. S|*srtaunarg ; It Sts; 8 i’-p ta ConxsTKC *Gtty ft.Pp ; "T*«,» Jr. CksHtew .. . .! *»i>[ II W). L» "csThi*. rc’aPdty. ! . 'll" (4*' lie a Kftvwin»H *4.p !(►• 4*. kLfttTiifSTig ttbrlfft Us'-silent '!*uy ps~..-»fer amo bafwe.* Flunds sod New Voids KoeKsnrt ,K—V> sahiuatnaandSautfewteera Llh.ued build V.*'i"U T “rl f r.sin with .ilnlef «»»» usit Cist eimeost-be. north tbsrlo-i* rallmsu ■lrswtcxroofnsleeptoxi-srslatweea Tstiii'K .TsetnunvQla, waianos* Wsshuijt"* sou V. w V j.-k. Puiimsn e:«vpln* Car* b-twees Chariot!. J aad Kiehmon.t. ' rntlmaa drewlny ruom sisalni swrs I— i tu<iß„ »reetwl.nro and Norfolk pose e-'nree- Ron >i Norfolk Ipr OLD POINT COMFOUT. ' orrivlng there la tins* for hre»kf.»« fir-lid train, with Perm- ears, hat wees Chsrlteoo and Asheville Sow IB and tt-U. K Fs«t Mall. Pullnaen drawlnx r *m Ucfl.t siseidu* cars he twwm Jarksoamll* sud New Y.-Bt nod Pub misi tevnloy ' .ra b*;wern Angusts si;d Char loti* Pulltusn weening rwr» betwarn Jack yoovill. wad Columbia, en rout* daily let wee. JsokewvlU. sod ' i),-Irm*!l. via Asoenhw ! FHA MRS. HANNON. J. JftlT i.P, , Third VP. A (fsn Mgr TM . Wsshlngto* tt A. Tb’KK S H. 17 A K!i\V II -ft : tt. A. A. tv.sxlagtoa tt P A Aiuwta. GEORGIA - - RAILROAD. (Kith Meridian Time.) Bcliedul* Effacllva April 24. 138 ft Pulluiau eiaaner# batneeo Macoa anl Nvw Tork. Through Pullman S.euper* betwaan A». gus,a and 84- Loula Lv Augusta ..| 7:05am1 I:2opmilo:3opia Ar Allan ta ...!«.36pm! B:2«pm| 6:00*..-* Ar Macao ....lihUauj | *:isatn Ar Alhent ... |ls:l*pmj 710pm| - , Ar Gtilne»vlll*l*3:46pm| I ' Aft White Fl'#i*l:oCpm! | Ar Miirggl* 10. tCfim) I 4:3oam Ar WA.h'ton ..|lß:Mam| 7:lopm| ... ... — -—ta Picayune tralo leaves Augusta dally except Sunday at 5:15 p. m„ and ar rives at Mli'edgeiltle at *:ia p. m Train, arrive at Augusta 6:11 a. ex, 7:45 a. m.. 1:» «. rn . and 3-.JT p n». A. G JACKSON. O. P A. JOE W. WHITE, T. P. A. CAROLINA AND KORTHWEST ERN RAILWAY Schedule In Effect, March 6. 1595. j Eastern Time Standard, Leave Augusta, Southern By. 9:3» pm. Arrive Chester, Southern By . 7:18 a m. Leave Chester, C. tt N, W. By 7 45 a.m. Arrive Lenoir, C. &N. W Ry 1:18 p.n>. Leave Lenoir, Stage •• 9‘ 20 p.m. I Arrive Gteen Park, Stage .. -.7:00 p.m. 1 Arrive Rock, Stage .. 7:B* p.m. ; crw~ld “rpep., c. f Harper] | President. O. F. A. I