The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 29, 1898, Image 8

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W: fjpffeiiM; ' ’ I. Ih.!» thr Vpi a f * ' L=f fL . • 1’ *■ '- •' '*> KB ; ■ I '- r : fa hM<t« of fimi* ' *" '■' * B ’*• t-»* »*« < <>•! r--i »«'«' If s «,• 1 •« i*i •’ thought. W*«lv*lt 1 If on. If.-,. ' '/ f .; •' ” K»mfc i*« « x ) - ! • r ' '"■* ’ abundant. Be of coal STAKES A JUMP Bkiift * tsi* 3? 11,1 T ** |«(, n f'c«n* vs . '*si f ( Ik* Cwm I fto pnr* at coal la lugs**'* b*» **k Hfafe Jump iw,k pt* ■ *• * -I* - flf - pr..« i- ‘ ‘ < |H|p§jß|. »I> 4 H- t ■! > kiln-.! that ** G»or w onl th* raw. a* - >'•>«■! ' ■u ioformed a Herald man *o K |{-„«<>- bad "ma! to bun).' i> d th*' ■ train hart be#o dtaeontinued IHmI that sold for It ••> pet ton bo up to IS. This la Jalllro roal. HTwoutd M-ani that thr Alabama C< V could furnish this aaetion w.'h ■pal enough to make the strike So r F**cn»r!v»ul» "«ut no te**' with the de mand hare, hot a great deal of <*nr r«al a«a come from the mlues of the Kef atone State, and ao the rise It price, Maine PM* re' Umbrella Mat. Saturday. Benefit for the Elh*. The B. I*. 0. E have received the offer of the Andrew# Opera Company for a benrflt performsnc.. thr engage ment romoioo'SnK early hi Jaanary. It la understood that Mr. W. F. ravanaitflh, Bupertntendani of the RlhV t'lnh. haa hem given the duty of peaparing tha program for the benchi performance Mr, Cavanaugh aalrt this mornone, that he wonld make the program a flmt vratr of the Deration, such a eon vent r as would not only he preserved In Au gusta families, and by Kike all over the country, but which would be care fully treasured by lb»> officer* and men of Camp Markenxi*. ns a memento of an event In Augusta. Games and tovs. Our stock is enormous. A sniendid selection, 5 cents up- Gail and see at Richards & Shaver’s. TOMORROW NIOHT The First Maryland.* Play the Y. ft. C. A. at Bosket Ball Toniori'iw night, there n il). take place at the Y. M. C. A. hall « Kama of l as toll - The *«'«* will ho between the Hmwnis the well known basket ball team, and a tram from the First Ma ryland regiment. A smalt admission lee will be charg ed. Those who will play ore: First Maryland. T. M. C. A. Capt. Roman... ...Roger# Lieut, IMlry PhHt Sgt. Himmler McAutlff,. Private Montsa...... S|iclh Private Fredriek* Potter City Court. City court meets tomorrow, having been continued over from Wednesday last. Tile usual array of erimimtl rose* will be disposed of. Stole a Cage. Morrla Cuater. « colored party, been arrested for stealing n cape from Henrietta Titus, also colored. BEFORE PURCHASING Silver Novelties Call on LEWIS J. SCHAUL, Popular Priced Jeweler. A Tremendous line and no Broad street rent to pay. Can save you 25 per cent. • Ir yte° n Street, Arlington Hotel. BREWERY TAX GOES UP SIOO sls Ptr Wt*k Fit M Itlwmt DMA ‘ R*w Utf*m aod Chaagc* ha th* Ofd I k«*u> aod Ta> ktk*t» TiMNf'* wtMuf I duMtgm> la th# tu aa dltoM* orrti - umn Three gear ordinances were i adopted tag Couart! last night. Heretofore, to ie*payer». »h«> geld 'all their turn nt the April tun* of pny mest, a IftnAi of I*l of I pe* tnt. •taa aliened. Hereafter a dleeount of II per rent, nltl be allowed on nn> menu at all Urn at April eettllng i A* M Uranare. the license ins on V *ral brawerlr* la lncreneed from I*® to MM. On every agency for »rery brewer, located not aide th* city the license goes tram lid® to •***' On every »«*<H-y for the eale of be*r by the km (foreign brewed! the license I# increased front *l» 10 M®® A nee Been a* of »M> i year Is pul on every denier In wit. cnnl or wood, tell ing front car*. There need to be two electric light ing p’ .nU In Angoata Their license ta\ was I*oo each. The plant* consol idated The consolidated plant last veer paid but one license of PSOO The Iteenee tgx la now fixed nt **«o per an num on persona or corporatlona telling <fectric pcvfhr for lighting or pointer purposes A new lleenee is im pereone eelting iumlM-r from tsar*. II la |2& A nrw license If on every mill '»el for mixing or blending flour or meal. It I* S!R A now license of *25 Is upon every Isrreet vender of nostrums or mertn-tnes. A new license of *25 Is put upon (every plumber making connections of pipes finside plumber's work A new license Is upon every person claiming lo give special treatment for physical uHmenls, who Is not licensed as a physician hy the Slate. The li cense is *25 per week or *l5O per year. Nellie IVtera’ Vmbrella Mat. Saturrtav. RECEPTION AT THE Y. M. C. A. A Splendid Dinner to Be Olven nn January ad On January 2 (next Monday! there 1 will be given an elegant dinner at the V. M. C. A , to which all ihe young men of the city are Invited. The din- , ] tier wll begin at 6 o'clock in the as- Uernoon and Inst until *. ; After that a musical program will be rendered and other attractions of an, | entertaining nature furnished. 1 At i »> clock this afternoon the lo- Irties' roirniltlw of the Y. M. C. A. will j meet to dbropleto urrungements for the affair. Ko doubt the Young Men's Christian I Association halt will be well tilled next i Monday afternoon and evening. The 'ladiesare working hard to make the af fair a success. BROKE INTO STORE. The Maxwell Furniture Establishment Entered. The Maxwell Furniture Store, on up per Broad street, was entered from the rear by unknown parties at an early ihour this morning. So far as could be ; discovered, nothing was taken. Officer I VV. C. Williams discovered where the : store had been broken Into. Nellie Peters' Vmbrelbl Mat. Saturday. Tmm JI"U(3TJWPTJ** S3V3'AXfIX>. IN ASOCIAL WAY A ftswryf Awmwa* j trtibta th* flag th# paw* asggt Ana* IMta, am*. I TMftiag figM A Attn. m9m**om saw. I hftowd th* wail at mm th* iMi anw m mth flirt* Hl* finmmm %m* I %• * f% iMHk IS A fiwr —taw Iw a bh at fIMA' iflaaegk* a bright swaWgbt (aits, awrt •** owa tbtaks I Tb* •>• light fait*. Itfea lIMfl Tha flta* u*w» aM I Ursa lb* tbatr Isa wsMlw Tb* atafi* •U *tag wraatb* Has Tram r*atag* bearta flrea Tb* bon j Naswta wwbAiwin aaat, INwtb w*w»y baaaaa *»*• I ton. pram I AM Tm~r~ at tb* da* t aar*a strata •ad strafli . Ma I*. Wintlst. Two Owsrgtaa* Amwwg lawPag Amrt- Irani Tb* Bag flrsaeat*d to larway by Tb* Kew York Was Id I* of especial latarsa* to Atiaata tawstaach a* tba awtograpbs of two Atiaata woaww arv satoog th aaaaa* aaibrotdavad oa that awaign. j Those two wotaea Its Mra, Job* ( Oordoa sad Mrs Julia Ktag Orady. Th* alary of tha Bag I* tbit; It was list after tb# tattle that watda Daasay famous that Tb* ffnadav Wot Id rsflo**- ad to aawd Mm the moat beautiful Bag which coaid b# designed and to malts K doubly precious to tb* vtetoc by In eorpornilng with It lb* nanww aad good wishes of represen (at I*# Amerlepw •«- Th* flag ptmurad was a beautiful banner six feet hy four made of silk With heavy fringe of gilt. At The Sunday World's suggestion letters itl congratulation to Dawey and of com mendation of tb* n»g. war* writte* hy Mrs. Grant. Mrs. Jefferson o**l#, Mrs. Jobs A. Logan, Mrs. Flubugb La*. Mrs. rtampaon. wtf* of Admiral Samp son. Mr* J. B. Gordon and Mrs J. E. B. Stnart. wives of famous southern general*, by Mr*. Slgshe*. wife of the famous commander of tb# Main, and hy Mrs Grady, wife at th* late Henry W Orady. tb* southern orator-editor. Each ofith*** ladles sent a signal nr* to be embroidered upon th* Bag. Th* signatures were, first photographed t» ! the proper sit*, with th* lelt*ra nboat | an Inch tall: tb*n a *ktll*d ne*dl*-wo man. an artist In b*r Un*. embrv>lA*r*A them all upon tb* fi* shown In th* plrtur*. And then flag and letter*, the first pa* of lb* Sunday paper con taining th* account of the flag and a message from th* editor of The World, were sent to Manila. Atlanta Jour nal. Meeting of O A R, At the called meeting of the Daugh ter* of the American Revolution, he'd at the home of the regent, Mr. Jamea Moore, yeeterday. arrangement* were made for the donation by the chapter of certain needed *upplte* to the camp hospital*. A sum of money wag ap propriated for the needed article* re ported by the surgeon in charge, and Mrs. St. John Moore and Mrs. O. R. j Argo were appointed as a purchasing committee. AH of the member* of the chapter are especially urged to attend a meet ing at Mrs. Moore's tomorrow. Friday, morning at ten o'clock to do some ne cessary sewing connected with the hos pital donation. At the meeting yesterday plans were discussed for a New Year's dinner to be given to the soldiers in camp near Augusta. A committee consisting of Mrs. Moore and Mrs. Rountree were appointed to confer wllh Messrs. Car roll In regard to the co-operation of tha Army and Navy League In this un dertaking. Euchre Party. One of the most elaborate affairs of the season, was the euchre party with which Miss Clarice Barksdale compli mented a large number of friends yes terday afternoon. Miss Barksdale Is peculiarly gifted in many respect*, and shows to charming effect as a hostess. The double parlors were elaborately decorated on the occasion in bamboo and smllax. and palms and potted plants were used In profusion. Cut narcissus and growing Chinese lilies made the rooms redolent with their perfume. Pink and white were affect ed in the parlors; and white and green in th'e’lialls. Among the guests pres ent were the Misses Lena Ferris, Mar ion Rood, Louise Smith, Margaret Smith, 'Minnie W Pmkhsm Isabella Clarke. Stbnov, of Alabama; Margaret ! Jordan, AiuMtbePe Crsneton Willy* ' Row. Battle Andersen. WU i icfEs. K Rotj«rtaon. Itm» Wilcox, ■ Carry!l. Jamil* McCord, of Oraveiown; | Maud Roger*. Mattie D'AMignar. N?TI a (rangingf< ppmpmatmm .****»• am to Urn tU ma to Mtas rv«w Wsissngyr aad Mta* to • :-# WMFIMHk fJtoWFC !•#'• •'f-TTH Yflaaas Maaamte Halits. Aaflatta Hstd. IkHH H*«d Aadt«> Mown. Malß* Hat t(a MaUls Halits. K i**«-wh HaM. (Mt <l* Hwc*m*yns Itoth* hub* (alts Ftssh Lsowis ntarh Hsasts Marsh. Ltl Han Marsh. Flats Vnaagw. H» <ra Waistgwr. Manta Mltrat Lawia* Wrtgfc' Aanfa Unman, tana Onriiast. Anal* ; Owoas. Aaats RosrlaML t'srri* Gibka. tmry rtyna, Soma Hnlbart. ftsma i Honor. Mona, fhrr. Haiti* OowArkh Barr I* Ofitirt. at Maabvlttr Tana Meadamaa I. O L. tloh!** Starmao Bollard Jail* Uatar tMlinw. H M. Mtloar W X. Hmitah. T. 9. Brahe*. T. It. KsnAkH. R M Mitwu. R. K L Mania, (fiwwrl# Taßa. Jaa. HalUagaworfk anA Madam* Emery. Cabseb Pan* I Mts* Manoa Data* rompflmaatad a r,units’ of young Mead* with a charm lag cubwah party last avaatng. Om tha eu.taf met filmy strand of tbs cdffw-b If be sound was a souvsa'r Tha «Ot at schsma of ytnk tad whim wars rbarlklngly earrtod Oot In the darora- Uom and sdttborntA menu Mias Bate* ia k dainty gown of fllnk orgaaidi# wlto white lac*, waa assisted In nnelslng to tor gueat. Me* Joaa*. of Orsaaahoeu. who arms gowned In yellow satin Among th# guana pra#*ai wees tto , Misses Sarah I.o*ls# Jores, Ixmtse Howard. Annie Tmrrt*. Bell* Fargo, Hkttir Bmkln. Louise Tsnnsb li. Msi tl* Belle Fakla. Hd« Carroll. Ma rie Jordan. Myra Renb, SHte Blsall. Lot I tie’and Ixmiaa Fotrre. UHl* Raidgie. Messrs Char'ey Clark. fKaelsy Msth ewson. Frttt Clark. Horton Mattowaoo Cols# Phloit). Jam** Both well. Rodney Coton. Will Cranston. Cedi Al*dge, George Hossartl. Harry Chattel. Herbert narfr. Joseph Fsrfih. Will Miller and 8i i fldant Briton. Miss IF Antlgnac^Compllmantad On* of th* most uoltju* and thor oughly enoynblc parti*# of tb* season w»* the pink t*a,T ~h »b*'h Msjitr l.owudes nud several othsr officers ot tb# First Maryland gompliroentad Mies MniUe d'Antlgnac at r-gltucmal haa*l quarinrs last evpning. The color , scheme was carried out exquisitely In th* decoration* and menu. Among those present were: Mr. and Mra. C. H. Cohen. Mr. and Mrs. traula Schtey. Major and Mr*. Llttl*. Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Evans. Mrs. J. E. Campbell. Misa Collin* of Macon, Mia* Eleanor Carroll. Mis# Annie Foster. Mis# Allle Eve. Ml*# Lucy Alim, Mis# Timberlak*. Miss Mattie d'Antlgnac, Mr. L. Co!#. Mr, H. H. d'Antlgnac. Jr., Mr. Ernest North, Lt. Faulkner, Lt. Wilson, Lt. Smith. Col. Duvall, Lt. Smeldtoirg, Dr. Hicks. Mr. Bowdre Phinlxy, Mr. Henry Hammond. Euchre Party. The euchre club of wHtoh she Is * member, was charmingly entertained this morning, by s}i#s Willy* Ronty, who is one of the piosi K |f!od y° uu * hosteeses In the cjty. The prixe* of the club ere awarded at the end of the year. Miss Rooty's guests were Misses Lizxie Allen Gertrude Crane. Lillie Run tree, Lucy Doughty. Leddie Clark. JLixxle Seott.Ganahl, Smith, Ruth How ard. Belle Walker. Julia Carmichael. Aunle Branch. Acnatigllc Cranston Merlal Bla<?k. Mrs. Will l-aw ajid Mrs. Richardson. Luncheon For Hospital. The luncheon held today in the va cant store next Uie Western Fnlou on Broad street, by the December corps of the Hospital auxiliary. Is for the laud able purpose of raising money to pur chase some greatly needed blankets for some of the hospital wards. The delicacies served are especially appeti sing and the public at large, and the goidiers especially, will find there a warm welcome. Miss Cleary’s Recital Mine Annie Cleary will give a very delightful pupils’ at her home. 589 Broad street, tomorrow. Friday, afternoon. She cordially invites all of her friend* and the frlenls of her pu pils to be present Reception at the Arsenal. Major and Mrs J&ha Pitman at the arsenal have Isauedlsards for a recep tion on the evening ai Monday, the sec ond. a; • to ;hhwns*ifld ■■ "f *» »to todMs | njirnti at toe »**#• » * AtaMtaA, I #s£§ a»| rtM# ft 4 ... . - W- r** 1. I p ll » ■ I ... j| ait ItmMtofih* f&t # mjpgg (R Rwi : *tn,t u ft*# jpurrt *4 H«* !• IJI ' ; t## gfr, Wt-ti- **m Hf, [mu HnM»% [lt In.. *iMfc • ***s ***** »f<«ffti' H»«aB Bmm* l Immi s•* wf%iMft f tIdMMi § vtalt in Hr* Ibh WHiilf* t# INf= i ftHVINS 4MHMMF* mm mmw Wriftfc* In m l»rt ' *&imm t# • IwiMtaNNi t* tm #*** AM * . r«NMI9 Hi. u***wt *mk 9s*#* tm*-- ' wm m# wmfms ANn* amwf hi ai -1 a Al * ton, C. <* WHitarns has mwhssi frtoi aa snuwdsg shut, to Mold** . IW. aad Mrs. A Ist t#SM* has* **» i twrwad Ms Chariaotr.*. riNKRIL THIS MOBMIffO. tto Hsmatas at (tabard hlmhrwwgh Laid la Raak. Mo asdatr fnnarni toa # r*r ooenrvsd from HL Fnal • Ckarcfe than that of Private Rtrhard Klmbrnagb. wheaw dwMA oocorvad Tuesday, ft. m typhoid raver at th* ha HoapitaL la Tytma. j Tto wwra brought to tto | city an tto Tta train thia morning. *r-1 remnant-it to Mrs Kimbroogb and Mr Frank Kimbroogh. • Aarnaoni front tto .company of tto A.raansd Tto rsnMiia* wet ptnead to tto Htnn |ca| of At Feat's Charvh wtorr they rested tratl! II o clock, when tto last sod rites of tto Rptoropsl Cbutrb war conducted, by Or. C. C. Williams Ap proprtst* hymns wars i end trad by th# rhotr. *od ttoee sis a kot. a dry ay* In tto church as tto r*«*)*» were borne out on tto shoulders of bt# frieads and comrades Mo Aowera war* uornl na tto bier, but the cask#* waa t! -sped with tto rsglmepMl flag aa- j der shirk, to rallsird and for which b# gar* hi# youag Uf*. aa truly a* though he had fallen on tto told of battle Tto pallbearers were friends of tto dacenasd. four of whom war* member. J of his company, tor* og a furlough. DEI. IOMTEIC ioc I ABLE. .Has Daisy Dkkt Complimented Last Rvaalag. I Mies Musi- Dicks c..«»pllm<-nts.t her ] •ousin. Miss Daisy Dirks, of Barnwell. H. C., with a soctpbl- las! Tuesday eve ning. and all present enjoyed a moat de lightful time. The vocal eel..’lion* of Mia* Katie Burch. Mr* Ft eh and of Mr. G-orge Edward* and Mr. Thoms# rtsvts sdd. ,1 very much to the pleasure of tb* occasion. These who enjoyed Miss Dirk* chst ntltig hospitality «ere Mts* Daisy i Clicks, of Barnwell, A. C t Mies Clan* Vaughn MIS* Hettie Vaughn .Miss Ro sa Prescot ft of Burin*. On.l Miss Kati»> Hurch. Mr. and Mr*. Bents. Mr*. Ford, .Mrs. Fish. Mr. and Mr*. Mather. Mr. L W Hill, of Haroihorne, A. C.| Mr. Tltonias Da via Mr Albert Evans. Mr. Hruat* Dunking. Mr. Albert Edwarde. Mr. Qsorge Bdward*. Mr. M. B. Smith and Mr. E. P. Dicks. SOLDIER EVANGELIST. Mr. Frank W Sm Ith. of New Y ork Will Be at V. fl. C A. Mr. Frank W. Smith, of New York, known as the soldier evangelist, will deliver an address at th. Y. M. C. A. Sunday afternoon at 3;SO o'clock. Mr. Smith is an Interesting talker, from all that ran be learned, and will Interest those who attend. Hl# subject will be "True Blue Soldiers." WRECKED. The American Bark Evle Reed Li*t Near Bermuda London. Dec. 29.-The Spanish hrig Gabriel. Capt. Pages, from Cardenas. November 22. arrived at Corunna, hav ing on board ten of the crew of the Am erican bark Evle Heed. Capt. J. I>. Steelman, from New York. November |5, for Bahia, which la lost. The crew were rescued near the island of Ber muda. BURNED WHILE ASLEEP. Fire In a Stable in New York Cremates J Man and Beast. New York. Dec. 29.—Cornelius Mc- C.anny and ten horses were burned to death In a lire thnt destroyed the two story brick stable ot Mrs. ■ James Brooks, of West Fifty-fifth street to day. MeGanny was asleep in the loft. The Operative Hillers. St. Louis, Dec. 2ft.—At the meeting of the Fraternity of Operative Millers of America, it wag decided to hold the next annual convention at Detroit, June, 1899. Supplies For Manila. Philadelphia. Dec. 29.—The auxiliary cruiser Yosemlte (formerly Morgan JUfter El Sol) left League Island Navy Yard this rooming for Norfolk. After being fitted out at the navy yard she will proceed to Manila with supplies and tour hundred men for Dewey’s fleet. She will go <0 the Philippine* by way of the Sum Canal. \ ! The Lumber Yard. | iltA% F. Utotfff f&m CmriCAt. At MMIAMfItI JUM INI •to ttammmm Riot*. f th*Ry $f AWAAwftiA iM 1 ■ in ArPMwi#* j 4#yyo.'sdNft | iMg m ttm A Awl ttm* ' fUglNiiiv C|M> 9AWM> *• om#W>4*is * Al* 4H»fRWI * i#ni +* <A. t Mm mm Ml Aa Anpknmh wMrt- I m«m*mm* wm* Vm* I <mr(| iir 1 -«# ni • mi-imr m- 1 *n §m »>i rgFfrmg fti mwmti** I ** inf ifr* itTt'i*** ? • **«w* Cmm 9s#** , • him . ttm • n *** Imii «4i ftrtd tMowfi y mi h*H « T•*** I nmmk ***** 4*mm*4«4 mmtmmm m !*Ap *%mw* *4 **4 • m+m •t»F|irttod| Im i»*A \*-m* M 4 *t s**mmmm*m*i m**4*9 *» \ |a.fNg«fMß% mmr**r #f VAMrt. •"4 »•> pswmat tto HH.WW iwwsal »Hk * straggly-snsttod yme'S is riw aweew appeafs bw p,-,ae.«a*a aad to |AAINI lANMhrtAtrtiß- •*,#4# *tf mm*Mt* Awn bt film f***tf*i smrtMRfAMA *F%* 4* nt. Mil t*f'f l :nfto •fag Tto n»s*|*p»rs cwidam »ega , mews tto satoart At W toless. • Whet***. OA ■ Owe St —Mbs# Etßa Rbewey eg* 01 Aagnma's must egaras lag daughter*, la apewdtng a few day* at WO View, tgs boapitatde bsm* at Mr. and Mrs. c. R Rtoswr. Meow* John Stafford and kIII Ren aham. *f totmr % tatted aor village Mr Marry Cialg apeat Monday wnn Me parenrs at Dawsgsmnter. Mr W i. Rogers, Jr., an* of oaff moat popular * «gag men. has revuneed tram Eat«ry Coilfr*. am* la apendln# MM Ip-HtoysvWith Ms parents The family at Mt W J Hngera.who moved Into (to rtty pome time »fktav» returned lo Ito village. Mr, Jaogflh Worker »ll! entertain hie friends with a party FVlday sight at Ms baaotlful bom# eg tto MtU*d«eville : |Otd. • Mts*-* FiWhu Morrla and KeMt* *T» at our beat efforts to make yowr pare base* entirely satisfactory MAHONEY & ARHSTRONG COAL AND WOOD. . Stronger 'Phaae , ■. , , »#• Bell Office aad Yard No. i McCarUa Street Welgl* of Augusta have been visiting Miss Mary Wilson. Miss Willi* Hudson, th# popular tea cher of the Bay Vale school. Is spend ing th# holidays at her bom* In Hephal hah It ts very prohabl# that some soldier in Camp Msrkensle 1* mlnu# one mas cot as • 'posaum was captured yes terday, wearing s collar, but no name attached -110 given away tonight. OLD GLORY RAISED. Ms riel Is Now Under the Dominion of Uncle Sam. Havana. Dec. 29.--Colonel Seyburn, of the 2020 New York Regiment, raised the American flag yesterday over the municipal building of Martel, In the presence of a number of notable i persons and the people of th* town. ■ The Colonel caused 500 ratlops to be ! distributed to the poor, snrt the event i will be celebrated by a ball at night. Colonel Seyburn goes to Cabanas and Bahia Honda from Martel, In order to dtairlbute rations. Time. A. J. Kenkl has received a large lot of pretty new year good*, which he I* offering at the most reasonable prices. It would be well to see him If you need anything in hi* line. Mr. Sam M. White, who wa* sent ! here by the laboring people of Atlanta Ito look in to the cotton mill strike, left i last night. He will return Saturday, and will lie here for several days. (to given away tonight. CLARK MILLING CO.’S WHOLE WHEAT FLOUR Cooks whit* and bakes equal to patent. Most nutri tious Flour made. Strongly recommended for dys pePtiCS' TPTsOTTIEI for batter cakes fully as good as Buckwheat. Give it a trial. Ask your grocer for these goods. 1 §? | fp **x ff ft- THE MIRKEIS. HAAIfegFf lltpilif 1 $ m(f mm . pv, A f Ml tAAMAF» sWrrti|to’-c TltiHTf (»Ht far toil %i«tAr, tAiMMIArtP Aw WMI MA MtoifaAMF* -1 ■iiiiMg mmmn **#«•• ♦* —*. ,4 D A : tot * A i|, Kfak f*U M! nCIMIt MUR. MRRP, sMIPMC.X "M Weeh rndsog IM* (A WM TWswtor ........MX Ms f rt* vy*dn ,wday . tfflf : if —— rat Thursday ... MSS am V— * S 1 Twsl SMI lAM tt HM grow uenn* ISM MW Ns* receipt* Mfkay n MS tsd i Thr-ugh oat two today .... * W , (iron* reevdpts today . Ml l*M fITOTK-RECEIPT* I AST tkrt j At, r* la Aagwat* .... .. (tflfl* tWB i ll—e>p>* store kept* I ■ AIMS nsfSfl NEW tore corm* / JfeW Y-tk, fW Future* openaA steady *» tb* advance. Jnnnary ..... M » k.W PwtMrwary .. .. g.. .... * • March .. .. .. ~ .. .IB April .... .. .... - lb Ma* *•« Jon- .. .. - July ~ .. * «Wk n Auflwrt .. .» > 7> Ortobss* .« .. .. ... , . I S: choatelsThf. man. He His Beei ( Iwei fw Amlmsw- A»r It EBgtaN. The PissUmU Hlmselt Is Authority for tto Statement Washington. Iter. » When ray greas sascmhle* after the holiday f# ■ess several Important mesaagM* sk\ uppotniments wilt be seat to tto sen ate. Tto Prealdent. since congress ad journed. has had a quiet time, and du ring tto kuugew days Washington hiss town desert eg. Wh. n several senators {•oiled to bbl him good by and wish him I* merry Chrlstmae, he Informed them 'ln a diplomatP way that he would nominate an ambassador to England In i January. He also gave them to under {stand, a* so often predUted In ttoea 1 dispatches, that Mr. Joseph H. Choate 1 would be the man. - Nellie Peters' CmhrctU Mat. Saturday. A BLOODY ENQAOEMENT. British Troops Attacked by Rebels la East Africa. Calcutta. Dec. 29. Advices reeel*- ed here from British East Africa, sari that on November tenth a force of reb els attacked a detachment of thirty; men belonging to the Twenty-Seventh Ealuchis. commanded by LL Hannyn ton. which waa marching to Maaindl. A native and twelve men were killed and nine wounded, including Lt. Hannynton. who was shot through the right arm and bad his left arm shattered by a bullet. Tb* rear guard repulsed the enemy and the wounded were conveyed fourteen tnllek to Kltsaliii. which is held by a compa ny of Baluchi*. The reheia lost one hundred men. Later the rebels attack ed Ktsaliii and lost twenty-five men/ The casualties on the British side were two men wound d Troops wore dis patched to pursue the rebel*. The Ba luchi* engaged originally belonged to Col. .Martyr’* expedition which left l'g#nda fn Octo' er. going in the direc tion of the Nile, with the object of Joining Gen. Kitchener's forces. Th( Baluchis were left behind in Unyore ik order to disperse a remnant of thd Sotidanee force which rebelled trader Macdonald and took refuge In lra yon. Misses Bessie and Lillian Marsh ar« home for the holidays. lost TUESDAY OR WEDNESDAY Infant"* gold lock bracelet. Liberal reward for it* leturn to this office, dec 23 -10