The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 31, 1898, Image 6

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PflKpKrday t%t\ Ik T HA A T HA A T ftmrwir add irttn in Mr** in *«*, **Stile* : THft tlfcftr G«AI>«« OF H elp I ■ <X>JLX#» - ?Af>thyn<if- K— »ni Nm 'At w*fc IQWK»T HMCm 1 . #PW l *%# I f"* w g \ ;i l IJr Jfc pHk 1 ■yiST"** • H« #H £ 1* * *» .. >*.* ** t Hrvtite +4 It Mis .. *• * ,<1 ' * *®i**M *t, miLk K«llk, •# *4» to «N*4 *** *•*»- a %mm&* •• t» & ,f ciM Imjefft, Bi #•-» F i-3 r**u «* Sc BE & n***# SZTLa ; • . ~ .. •V* 4*4. 4 . fe *, M .# «* .« • F-4 IKS; - *. .. .. 1* *•* »r«r..»T- W«*l * .7 « I I I*., r KIM i * H n .. * ** HJ,, >‘ K*ng 4-4 A A ebwrileg .. * *-* Vtl u K ki'< « W u m*r K* O as* # jSu«, rr......... -«»•» ~., <> kh:< M bhi> »:* **« Island 1,1 J<w .' y. ftina ft’Wh lto*>*riur .. * « * Air*ri'-»l> JffftlnfS «««.. .- .. * 1-4 gSj T( ,Tr|. (hlrtißt •■ «>• « 9 W rb*M« “•-h' <n>« •(»!*• Wvle ■ ■ »■* < VaMt«'"« <•!>« <»««>u * >• •• •• •• * • * •• •• 414 tarn ate* •* ** ♦* •* .. 6 (mm «!..«>( «ott.*n. to* *<>» .. •• 44 A»«fc»n ludtg" blues, 94x94 .. .. 3 3*l . (tutor OU* (solid* *lxßl 4 TL lr „ I.dlfo blu*> ft*B4 *. .* * hl«r.»u» bUtk* «*«« .* •• 4 I Alim's etrßtMii W*l4 •• ** •» *• India Wue M*W #. ** •* *• •• •• * ißtitacitafn'* MtM . • .* * tfarth.-* Weabkigton S**N * *' 4 Osru*!'» r»4Un3» **»*» 4 CUriM Ouka, W«" *• ** •• “ * *’* TICKS. Hampshire .. .. .. * 1 * (mw 1 < ACA..*.••.. ■• 10 1 * anroKkraft A 4 ® Awli'M C .. .. , *'* yL>AID IJOMKSPUKft. cn> * ' * IToiir y.f A. 33 inch .. ...... 3 3 4 UA •KlfttAftA PteM .. .. *. •• *• 3 1-4 l«dl dr»»» ftiy>*ft 3ftxAo 3 14 •t. Clklr rti»» fttyle* 4 Ormn *uliA* •■ 99 4 Wsahtlnsttf fonHoft .. .. * 1-4 Mh«i'*lSßn*M** lini.d*, U*b( f.aeisa * yftrJ* ylniri •• “ * * TbomAiKo 3el .. .. *• *■ *» ** " 4 4 ' Jloix-utM .. “• ' 11 CfDKvQt .« .4 .. .. •• ** •• *• * ** B IMhKtn. C *>®* 140 4,01 * ,s V O f., » bftUk to bo* 14 |C. G. I*.. *» »UIU to lb K 1-3 |IIIKa(«a B .. .. •• •• •• •* •• * 3-3 »7 trib 4 1-2 »<3. bl«ia», bo»t nuke *tik finish fouUidx «1* #4.. .« *• •* *3 ‘4* * I*^ y.clflo mournlnsft M**64 4 1-S Shins »llk« M* 64 4 3*4 -* (tutor - 3 1-2 Concord, 6<*4W .. .. .. .. .....* 1-* Home * *' 4 -3 -* Fifth Avsnu* .. .. 3-* KKA»SIST B. jj*nvy Columbia, iieuvy Hearsay 8 1-4 Kincaid end other* - -• 9 14 L.IMJS, CEMENT AND PLASTER. Lime ~ W» (coeeiidale cement W- 45 I'ortlend cement .. - *2.76 to 8.25 Louisville cement 111 paper sacks ■■*loo I‘laster to bbl* 41 •‘ 6 HARDWARE. Well buckets, per do* .. .. . tt-00 Painted buckets, per do* *l.lO j h b B cider pails, per do* .. .. *1.76 jHHB cedar palls. P«r do* .. .. *2.00 Tubs painted, per nest *1.75 Hope. Manila, per pound .. .. .. 0 1-2 Hope, Sisal, per pound 7c flops, cotton, per pound .. lOcalle nX, wire.. .. *l-5 base Nalls, cut *l-4* base (Shovels, Ames, per do* .. .. *ll**ll. 6 Shovels, diamond, per do* .. .. *7 00 i Shovel*. riveted back, per do*. .. *4.16 blade* * *-* bß *e K«m. red top, per do* *2 -6 Kama*, red top root, per 4»s .. **-60 fftftww, *wk* (*»•» m# tm m - - •» ** »» lte*?% # I «* 04 *•#.*>. I*. (Am . IH ... I’*";* TV."*«« m r: | A*PM« f M * IP*ta ft* *» *« »*' *«* : 1%. 99$f *■* >t>4 *• ** W® • i r r ; - \Z - Ats*«*ft * l*f» »*• »..«..**• ••• Ar»<i rt mt - .. .. .. .. w» l.niMii IM . .. .. *»» ... •uoMMb r». ttt» tu ... Jftruft* Fft. Ift33 . .•♦.«,#* 3ft* •»* flteteM r*, ** ** .* .. .* **• r*-C4 .. .. .* .. ** «• •*% SM9 m •• N •« If w:. r- .. 0««r«u « ». * *»« Oft ffllMi?i r-umi i 7 '*"a* m *** 1 amt*, ut r» w .... .. **f *■•! < Kr,ioit« «' •!»*• U* 4b Aft- A(|4M *»• *■ »•. I** 4 * »•• * C-. It It **M>*U» ««■ Cotiftt* ml Tr««i **». IWt ~ .. ~» M (toothorn RittvtT I’A t**4 ~ ~ f? ft fmtttt of Oooftftlft HnllftftJT. lot r««a«i m*n. I*** .... * i* e «< 4j. m ft*i ft •• •• f«fttr*l »f (ftorfft R*Bw»jr, M (w.f tftromoft, 14ft .. . 31 34 C. ft Q lit pnf ii B4t .. .. I 1 «i, it * r , i*t bi. >’*. I*4* .. tm m ft-ttitb Or.-v*Hi and Florida. ; (4 IMPS Iftt ... 2>, uth Oaoncta and Florlfta ta r*. imm m „. Or. an fttramabip Oft., 1M Fa Id T*a lift 194 ynUrprU* Mil Ob., l*t I’b. : iM3 .. .. in |HhI«T Ml|. Os.. I»t Fa. I*9l . I*9 unity MfC. Co, Ist Fa, U9l . !«• |Oa M It ali Os. alack .. I*T 109 laulhanlt'f 3. K. Stock .. 14 tft Auiruxta and Savannah atocb . ft 399 CHAIN AND FROVIftIONB. OAta. white, aaekad .. .. IS ’ Ooata, mined, aarkad .. » | earn, white, aaokad 12 I Corn, mixed .* .. .* .. *. •« •• ». 41 ; Meal, bolted, per bushel 4TH Flour, eammi-n ~ ~ .. ~ „ 1.10 Flour, fancy antra .. 3.71 Flour, second patent .. .* ~ „ ~ 4.90 flour, standard patent ~ .. .. .. 4.15 Flour, fancy tmtent ~ ~ .. .. 4.75 | Wheat loan, 30*1-13, aacka 10 | Fine feed. 100-lb sack* .. *0 I Haft—native, par ton .. 13 tw Hny—Timothy, per ton 11.90 Fay- -choice, per ton H.O# Hama chotca ».t*ar curad .. iOnilVl finx'kcd rlh aidea .. .. 1 1-1 I try sat riba .. .. 1 1-4 Lard, pur* leaf. In tlercaa .. .... 131 ~POPOUBTIC BMXS. Topeka. Dec. SI . —A bill has been In troduced into the house to tax compa nies organized outside of Kansas 2 per cent per annum on premiums received oa Kansan business. Poptllllta aaree that Ibis will raise *» f early. An other bill reduce* telegraph charges 25 per cent and telephone charges 20 par cent. . i Other hill* Introduced were: To prohibit the ra’e of clgareftea to minors. To reduce the legal rate of Interest to S per cent. To prohibit contract convict labor. To prohibit garnishment of yages of heads of families. To place state Institutions, the police and fire departments, schools and colleges under civil service. To prohibit lallroad companies from bonding property for morn than its val ue. To repeal the prohibitory law which has been in operation In the state for 18 years. To submit to the people a pro position for a constitutional conven tion. flow To Look Good. | Good looks are really more than skin deep, depending entirely on a healthy condition of the vital organs. If the liver Is inactive, you have a bilious look: If your stomach Is disordered, you have a dyspeptic look; If your kidneys are affected. y«u have a pinched look. Secure good health and you will surely have good looks. "Electric Bitters" Is a good alterative and tetilt. Acts di rectly on the stomach, llv /r and kid ney*. purifies the b,*.;l, cures pimples, blotch** and boll* snu .Ives a goad complexion. Every bottle guaranteed. Sold at How-ard A Wtllat’a« atar*. 80 cents per bottle. mk TBB AUOTJBTIA HUHAI® IWTof .WttTjMt. 141 m. lAHW Wff- N"-INft. lew* 4 *wf|ill**9 j : te-«t I te**® te®#*. MM | fir-'" M## n . it»* Mi) | f m+m i'imm tte* M t «- Mini 4 M - -Htn m IftMMwNL.- MM; I | if**#%«.# m »*— lifwtefte Mte®"'* l ®' j MNtei te'i#' i-jpf' * ItffFF '] | HMteP AiMta# Item * I . H it»• ft 1 tifi *• ■ g .rfmrAmm Mtet' L - Wi-ffik (t*Fte' Ws4n*f | j Jgf MfteMi- i KfFiy cm®*** , WaftlT CftKwftdL _ ■ p .ltkMt i>4*« M <2- DftMtata. !j..ten» ftfttrta Jaemw ft DewM*. A*td ' 1 ha* Dftftarr'Wt. D T- IK»**daoft I K P « »sd*arda. T J MtaftW. 11. F J*4ft Ftersftnt O- -Okf* 4 Or*»»44. *- F Green, y j. T H«a*3-»**». J** H**W f - * t. Itftwr ill, Wlllt* mm M HedeburM .A L. H**f7 l „tt 11, J,.tywM«ff. F ft. J<>44*«. f* U Jam■'*»■«. -at-.lla Jenkins, Mftaoe J*> k* H H AAb»«Mi K ft r If htw. i. R Ifettar t-j. fa Ur.dler. O. 0 l-eftder. fer ry II 3-aniAr. 4,1. L4f<fttt. i. ft- 141- 1 tie. S. T- l-v«»»r. | M—W J N'T*! H T Mattehwa, E. i j Hager. FrafSl Marna Edward MW*. I m-4. A. ftewafttaa. H. D Jfaachel- ( Isr. - O- Michael O’Neill (•_ E. ft Rnoaer. W B Penn.Ol»«de pry tea Joha Fatteraon. W. O. Pitt- j | M —Alfred rtoardl M. R. Rlmadee, twwt* Hnberle <edl>, I J. N Smith, feels ftttlcliff. 0. R [ Uwn hardL R*v R M Shiva. E t ! fttokea. Blackford Sle.ver. Maynard (Smith. Mack Smith, R. T. Sillers. R E, fttuart. J A Stoan. J C. Skinner T -fvljw Thomas A. J TremWe.Pe- ' [ ter Taylor, 4ohn Tolaa, J. P. Thomp-1 i son. i W— C. E, Workman. L R Wlnatork If Jr 4. M. Weatmorrland. Aaron I VFright. Willie Wlllksm* John T White. W M Wilson. Willie Wing field. M It Willi*, J*me* UcWalker. H C. IVtlltame MiPrET,ANI9r>t*S To the Beat Bakery. Meears. Lyons A James, Messrs. R. K. Roeael ft Po.. Graven, Cog ft Co,. Augusta Bill Post ing and Advertising tiurwul. Franklin Supply f>.. Belcher Bros., Augusta Publishing Co. SOLDIERS’ IjIST. A—lA-wla E Axford, Sgt. Wilbur Ayer. First I Jest. Waldo E Ayer, Jno. |C. Adams. I B —l. H. Briggs. Mrs R. Bellows, (ffgt. John B. Batchelor. Mattehw Bcnn (2). Albert Holsclalr, John llsrrett (21. ,?. W. Billon. John Brenner. E D. Be rett. T. B Beard, \3'm. L. Blanln, Will iltcrenl*. C. M Board. Fred Berber, ipgt Wm. F. Bowers, Corp. M 8.,1- land. Adrian Bmrkenreed. Philip Ba ker. »gt. C. R. Berry. Walter Butler. Edward J. Brown, Joseph Butler. Oyer C. Bonne, John IT. Brubaker, Lemuel It. Bobh. E. O. Brodle, F. P. Boa*. C- -Frank Clark, Harry Clark. Allen T Cowan. Sgt. E Couley. Malor Tbo mas Cruse, Daniel Carroll, Victor J Ca bana. Harry J. Caatle*. Chas. T. Cle ment, Jas. H. M. Crannell, John Cro mer, John E. Connolly. D—Dr. Warren A. Dennis, Miles L. Driscoll, Joseph Duvall. Harry McE. Doro, Dr. J. C. D. Dovl*. W. L>Dren nlng, Asst. Surgerm fi. Chase deKroft, George D. Dersh, Frank Douse. E—w*ss« Ely, W. S. Edgcrly. Mike Enright, George W. Emlery. F--Roy B. FMckey, Sgt. Roht. If. Fisher, Cha* Wesley Foster. R. J. Fernandex, J 55'- Fn«l*. q James Groom, Burton Garrett, Pgt. C. K. Grier, John Oare'f, Capt. C. W. Gilmore. H —li. Hvmnn. Hold. Howard. Charley Hedrick (2). W. 11. Hastings, Tho*. ifeyes, Corp. Fred Hoops, Lieut. Harry Hlil, Eddie Hawes, Michael Hol brook, P. J. Hickey, Corp Harry Hut ter. j._Thpodore Taraelson. Corp. S. Irvin. J Charlie Johnson, Chaa. Jones, Dr. Jordan, Arthur C. Jewell. Randolph Johnson. William R. Johnson. E. Jor dan. L—Frank Retry. Geo. A. Llttell (21. Lester P. Lord, Robt, Laufhlln, Capt. Landstrect. Harry B. Lohr. Wm. Lew is. Ross Laird. Frank Lttchard (2).San ford B. Low, Edward Lee, John Leon ard, Corp John Leppert, Rev. F. C. Lanrtsettle, Raymond M. Lose*. K —Krwln Kramer, Samuel Kurts, C. R. Koperhefer, Elmer Kramer , Otto Kohlhase. M—Harry S. Meals. Acting Steward John F. McVey. Samuel F. Meade rA-, thur L. Moore (2), W. V. Morrl* (5), Joseph Meyer, Roy M. Miller, Joseph A. Moor*. Lieut. J. B. Mitchell, Thos. Maloney, James Malloy, George Mul holland. N—-Frank A. Neble. Ben Newman. O—Thoma* G. O'Connor (2), J. A. Oliver. r—Fred Porter (21. John Patrick, H. J. Purnell, George Peuttridge. R—C, I. Resell. Clinton Reider, Si mon Rendolpk, Willie E- Rowe, Jemes Guy Ramsey, Mr. Ridgeway, dorp, POOD 1 teifMi iSM-Al* J te *Wm t IMPte AlteNTI 9NtM><A, A* I(frw4 M) UNtrftlM* V9 , ®#ll teMNMte tfi. *#% N taeftf fthe*« »- 1 9 >«aa ftigHaftniw Ita *ft> 3* ftk-Kt, W. I v (NMftM Tvwn.hatl tw ©-. T'wm JimH, rjftvwr W. T|*mftamA J-k* Ttmlft- I r--perft Th ftajiftsgylft. Ow* • taw. v*«rtm wwa*. v.grt. • »*••• ue- h Taa Wrest, * k I W Can*,. Wm4MM Pm ***** Flee* ftWMas, J*» Wllpsft. Frv-4 W*g»mr Wm J, Wlikeww, tgiwiftfte* ft Wa—tyerrl Alfred if Ah* Nsg rr.FHTII cteAMk Ma) (kWrtaft AiklftfW*. Gsmsga ft »V*d rwm, N- Mfih, irwm John. Mrisser Wm A. rVM'pa Kftgh "Teorftfty. 3-*<m**d J. Weavsg. 3T n rrAIXINGft P. M. A FIRE I*l*o OVER RKACIIED. "Th* Mft barefftced aeftsms of rods ftery that has ever bftpymaaG la ant !MftftjF.** rewiarkrd Mr. J. F. Black, at Phßadwiphia to • writer for tft* Cm ciaaatl Enquirer, ’arcurred last sum mer An old man. well oft to th.a world’s goods but yftry ava. ir4»u*. wm 34mp ftnessaanr at est 034 ramsto- kt* frame holld:ng Is h«> bed a atm* of rwfasir to ha hatißdb's, god It* wm (blnklitft aertaMty of keying It tore down end hui'-Muf * new honeta On# Any while Was log tfcs pramUee he me* 9 yitaeg fellow who was lounging aft ->t on the sldeaglk ‘i.Jßtr tftat old Aw* don’t burn down" “ ‘Why V naked th* old Nilow sharp ly ’’ •Oh, I don't know, tt doesn’t seem good for much. I suppose K la ln*ur e«r ■ Tea I Insure *ll of toy property,* answered th* old men "The young fellow kept step with (he old mum until they reached ■ sa loon. and (hen Invited him to tnke a drink * • "In n fi»w minutes the young man unfolded n scheme that caused «he old fellow to open hi* eye* to their fullest extent. He then produced a small tab let with a number of addressee written upon It. whleh he banded to the old grniiaman. who scanned the paper ea gerly. - Aftd did *ll or ates* hum down?* he naked. • ■Within the psal moeub.’ calmly answered the younft'hnsn 'I can ahow yon the ruin* of *R of them. Every on* war Inaored, and *ll wer* painted with mr preparations,! "An appointment Ira* msde. and two (k)V* later the old gmileman met the young fellow, who handed him a quart bottte of colorless fluid In exchange for five »100 notea. The old man feyerlsh ly grasped the bottle and .est. Two (lays later the neighbors were surprised jfo see painter* erect a scaffolding ahout the old house »nd begin to paint It The day the painting was finished the old gentleman purchased a ticket and left I for Chicago Ten days later h* re turned, and. It Is said, hs* been very grim and taciturn ever since "The young man had Bold him a preparation to place to the pelnt which would cause the paint lo Ignite of It self two day* after U wa* thoroughly dry, and while the owner was far away on business and seemingly could have no connection with the conflagration. The young man was a gorgeous fraud. The house Is still vacant and looks very ghastly In It* decayed con dition, with its gayj covering of new paint, and the old plan’s friend* are wondering what mused him to loosen tits puree-string* to tbs extrait of the paint bill.” Games and toys. Our stock is enormous. A snlendid selection, 6 cents up. Call and see at Richards & Shaver’s. ” A WOMAN'S AGE? What do you think? It has been left for a man to discover how to tell a woman's age! And the wicked creature does It by Hie simple and at first thought • lul scheme of watching what she Not how, but what, mind y;" <1 what is more, he says his sebf ever fails, provided the fair one h. lot been prepared for his little gap. His theory Is that from sweet lti# t. 20, the sum total of a girl's happiness Is wrapped up In Ice cream. From 20 to 25 she finds her soul hns yearnings even beyond Ice cream, and takes to chicken. At 25 she begins to outgrow her love for the nice white meat and degenerates into a heef eater, and after 30 she so far forgets herself as to become addicted to cheese. Yes, brave reader, when you see her dallying with cheese riefi : nets, you needn't doubt she Is past her thirtieth birthday. Great scheme. Isn't .~.: I . I CALL rOA ' I lugWa Brewing Co’s KXTOHT MUM BELLE OB 4 Q- B 301. C i I A Bi# / Our Draught Beer Has None Superior. —CALL FOft AUGUSTA BEER. MONEY TO M In Rny turns desired from SAOO upwards, in straight 3 and 5 yaars time, or on 10 years time, payable in equal annual instalments. Lowest rates of interest. No expense to borrower except the usual attorney and record fees. No delay in getting the money. AleiaDierUobDSOi) Ages'* Hcctttek Americas Mortgage Company, 705 Broad St IF YOU WANT TO GET BEFORE THE READERS OF AUGUSTA PUT YOUR AD. IN 1 li Di R, K. MITCH ELL AI.KX McBONALD bupt. « I on. bee- A B*n. Mgr. Augusta Electric & Construction Company M 2 Mclnttali Mr eel. Electric Supplies—rr peaking Tub**, etc., elc. Repair, lo all Kleciriuai »p|arsius. Electric Light Wiring a eprcsalty. Ball’Phone lIW2- - - - Mrowger fTS LOMBARD IRON WORKS and Supply Company. Builders and Dealers in ENGINES, BOILERS. RAILROAD. COTTON, SAW, FERTILIZER Oil end Ice Machinery, and Supplies und Repairs Shafting, Pulleys, Hangers. Leather and Rub her Belting and Hose. MILL SUPPLIES AND TOOLS, Foundry, Machine. Boiler and Bridge Works. Capacity for 300 Hands. Agents for Atlas and Erie Engines. Ashworth Cards. Kortlng and Leader Injectors, Turhine Water Wheels, etc. AUGUSTA. GA. Augusta Southern Rail road Company. Schedule Effective Oct. 2nd, ISB3. Lv. Augusia . .. 9:30 a m. ( 6.21 p. m. Lv. Sandersvilla . 1,19 p. m.| 9 09 p. m. Ar. Tennllle .. .. 3780| 9:21 n, m. Ar. Macon 8:45 p m.| 8:58 a. m. Ar. Dublin. .. .. . 4:20 p m l Lv. Dublin *10:00 a. m. Lv. Macon .. .. 11:88 p. m.|11:55 A m. Lv Tennille. . . 5:15 a. m.| 8:10 p. m. Lv. Sandersvtlle. 5:26 a. m.| 3:2i p. -m. Ar. Augusia . .. 9:00 a. m.| 7:10 p. m Eastern Time. Close connection made at Tennn l'n with Central R. R. for Macon, and wt h Wrlghteville and Tennille It. R. lor Dublin and Hawkmevtile. C. W. JACKSON. Gen. Fgt. Pose Agt. James U. Jackson. Joseph H. Sands. Receivers. We have the best se lected subjects in pictures in handsome frames at popuiar prices at Richards & Shaver’s. cLlesiontWCaroma T/- t*ft* * ♦•»#*»***<***•* ft*4MMA» m o*o4 ««»». WtaHl® - i ;^*JsS2s! i rr''7 fifty - urn* « BSC " ' * ] ® iiitlifi «• *-: ** •* I '*** ■ > '*** | * r iftii.liprWllWi'flte' l " ■ r■ ‘ a " *****. , fa 'L'" f * >e»r»|i» w fig LBirn ! ‘mXn£**** | * pirif ■ - Umm i SgPJJ: 1 ****** *«*#♦*! I £>•***„' **t # *Ti I a# j til*S«p ' ****** I *fiteteßi «(**♦*'»*♦♦•*f ******* < i 1 jT # ! * a£3|' ** l«e«fteg*e| | «fXK7..M.T..... j-. i,... M MIN 4 *-%-Js I - iZy ft ,e 1... ...... toft** I T - rii -- - -*“ r..«». * J aftmas | «|nS..L.ftww.t.,o. >lka 1wan....0.a.>! LMmM !#*■* I ~li> i *-~f ■ ■ j jHim -fmsmam. Fasy' I its 1 i ii 11 a mi ini’ ’ | I.XNftft I A’.^kysw 4 * ... , - i 7 ftf y • Jtei* KsSs ft as as** • aftm e4as nme.siaa (a-4s ft* aft ***** 1 **( tree e.mSaeet'rNS ** ©lasaweftft Ne (ft ***** tab A. I. *»ft f-ft* fiwag* i est Ji JljVwi *l» *«*•».'(* Railway »• •Sy4r ,*«•*. *•*>«• **«'*• 4* *«*•«» am eft Sft sASfta* 3 K. i Sam*, a#* ft** a*a k SR yotfl,ftft*U*i Asst f. If KftlßWlX left Msmmw Aagufta. 34ft blue ridge railroad. M. C, aSATTia Sweat see. I Maait-- aft*. WmiMaw r*e*4 (ft. ij swa* ftsa'ft Cft > i las* R C»aa* C3*«w Hi* 4ft M 3« < Mr t»r 2 StoSorn Wf. »!• KsU NalJ Halt X»A AM PM.I lAtetva lA*e* 'PM lAM. I* » tm a 7. AftAaeaaw ,J| * 1P33 *• It i* | Ml ij... Iftaeae ..,.1 * 41:31 »» u C; I M IN Autaa ft l.iafM M i y !.» t.iatn... r** ift'oei ..-ft i su it i y-t*: l Mftft Ckrwy Craafts f 4 «*,ll M *-.42 3 993 A A4U*n • GWI »1 «:I4 U N |t* I 25 71 . ’tftNACA .ft 4 XftU M •■Mi T j I » : **t * est U. Weatt Datoa .ft • aft • Ml lift... Wnlhafta ...ft 1:371 AM PM | thaaea Arete. PM ,FM. belt Me * **ftU “f* S Ra«utsr ftatftc. P. Flag fttattoa. ! AS raewia- tratar tram Andaraoa ta ;W* halts har* rigki la track ***» train, at th* same c»aa* amvlng *■ «•* peaMa 4tr*« a* anteaa olharwla* **wc lled by trata *4.™ j Will aiao stop at fattewln* etatlona to take a or lat off paaaengsr*: Phtn- I nay’s. Jam*# sr * Sandy ftpr.ngn. 1 No. U ronnortn with Soutbara raU *ti No 32 at Aftdarft n. Noa. 8 and * *nn«i*ct with Reathaaa railway No# !* a*«l « •« Sswaca. I J R ANDERSON. ftup#r!BHmA**3. B OF 08080I A ATLANTIC COAST LINE. kHOßllurr AND QUICKEST ROUTID TO THE KA*T AND NORTH. B:2*pk>i Lv. .Augusta. Ga Ar I 7:sßam 2 o»pm| Lv Alban ... Ar IT: ifsm 4:l7pfn| Le... Dekmark.. ..Ar j B:l7pm l 59pm. L*..,.Dr*k(*irg....Ar | l:4C*m * o*pm! Lv Sumlat, K C.■ ■Ar 4:29am t:ftpm{ Lv.. Fl<w*nca....Ar l:7Sam 1* 22pm Lv FayettevUl* .. Ar |:l4pm S 21am At reterstmrg.Va.Lv 9:l2pm 4.90 am Ar....Rt< 9:l2pm 7:4lam Ar.. W»shia'gloa..Lv | l.ltpn 9:o2am Ar... Baltimore. ...Lv I 2:25pm 11:88am Ar. |l!:o9pm 1:03pm! \r... New Turk. . Lv j 9:SO»m Pullman palse# buffet sleaglr.g car* from Macon snd Augusia to New Tork without change. R. A. BRAND. Gen. Agt-. 721 Rr'-ad fit, Augusta. O*. T M EMERSON. Traffic Manager, H. M EMEiiffON. Gen. Paae. Agt. Central of Georgia Rail way. Schedule in Effect SEPTEMBER 11TH. 18*8. {9oth Meridian Time.) LEAVE AUGUSTA. No. * Foe Savannah 1:20 P. M. No. 4 For Savannah, Macon Atlanta 8 40 P. M. No. « For Macon, Atlanta. and Way Station# .. 8:20 A. M. No. 82 For Macon, Atlanta, and Way Stations .. 9:30 A. M. ARRIVE AUGUSTA. No. 1 From Sevananh .. .. 1:40 P. M. No. 3 From Savannah, Ma con, Atlanta 6:35 A. M. No 5 From Macon. Atlanta. and Way Stations .. 8:50 P. M. No 63 From Macon. Atlanta, and Way Station* .. 5:30 P. M. ”n<**. 1. 2. 8 and 4 dally. Nos 6 and 6, dally except Sunday. Nos. 62 and 53. Sunday only. Sleeping cars on night trains between Mlllen, Macon and. Atlanta and be tween Augusta snd Savannah. For fur ther information as to schedules, etc., apply to I M C. JwNES, C. T. A. W. A . *G ytBES, Depot T. A. j. w NALL Commercial Agent. UP-TO-DATE METHODS ' ' n UNTIRING ENERGY, BRAINS AND PUSH, HUSTLE, JUDICIOUS SPENDING OF LARGE , SUMS OF MONEY SOnE OF THE METHODS THAT IMAKEl MAKE THE HERALD FAfIOUA. DECEMBER 81 rAtijsaiam mmmnnm* So L I 6* MftslM cl iih|Mgte«te in 4MML- \ MPte r » • .t?-##*# Wmm teuite lie isa-Maa i4m» f I -’■stat I 414 t •< .■***>- , tefiwft' I * % teftdl \ #-# * |*#» =mo||i vLteßte :AA JN^tetaWlbifiit f iT as :‘ t ~ 0 ’ll §|)| fjNf# # j u fggyTTTyii .ywHjpg I a* r%iiif)K: mm f* t-«iMMiteMiteßi 1 a# <Aw» m At *- ..te. % amtHtfi 9 * p -INtete :a\ It l a-- •« . 1 a., m !• PM Seal - ft* I . - -* • 3 •• 1 i* f .»»* raa MWwm hntasft MHHj 1 A < i e,/ eeiNs»»*- tv-* L* * \ ’ I A* -A-4»® ■? iA • N »e*~w * * -•-• A* * fttßJiSssSS 1 [ iiWniTi nfy 8 i *mm 9®B» j A imgpMrtifts 8- it, teMMMte AijLfltH A* t uM.UOi^ATteteL ■- I BUR AM* 880 teHTfM ?!* ; Of if «M flteMl NNfir vUM At A»*an..«4ftaym U ?aft’Wm » fteNi sfcaiiEEtttfiE AS RaWM-fat***: sv *th«e - ..fHMS At Saw Taft I »*>*uA« Aa*<a*h. • »*•■ **" (aneaseesaa ’" ‘iff (bafteaft* wwh »## fas* tsftft ftw #«h imam *w b.ftwit» hswfthifta: Aoft-to war ft* »io>ey*a waft mnmi tern* nu »•*•** New aa * waft, J. M UMk *’ *’ "rftSTVaeMp Aft- taftW * SOUTHERN RAILWAY.* f^ioOte gMtejjteo uv.T, Xaiixm* .W l ■»«*• CT^.— ■>--• jsil 2 51 I baa - - " i fc Bg3tf 0 “t fgßt fc .::- j|£| ffSc J*t "poaelUo ... 11 *1 1 **? Ar Wksswat * *®* *** V •LlJf'-'JJefa X R lit 1! Sp »u IE - IrifcJW *.« br ff*w MriTivV ft 425 y tXUnta T E*3r : ::::::: ! U :S| lw wwt™. Ry «J uuj £». Mebmft* ItKal BWrJ to lanrito lea '« Mj to Norfolk "l»j M Ar <»r.,ori».c» e <4 a • Urifttu ’ .M"'"'." M»! I. B • 1 >-.••» Mfta tt fl • * ..oftoro It 41 * B)■ Ar Ooi Me Ban' e a tt 4*as 1 A 3p '.\frpgQftWk I® 4 jl : - ’bwST’ |S| }■ ' Keasi'eetUs Skip Ug Ar . 4Up ( l.v td-.S-lP r». 11l to rfiMr’aaeurf It «ls * , tv" Col’Vie. Ar’ku'.fty. I «p 7 Zr CkarftsMn 3 40p U I Q to.OubarcAPHj.. it »a U ffß • Ooraaaak . 4Cp t Ai J.-kn-i.ri;:* , » 3*y, » InP , & *t.KKPINfI f»S skkVlfE ! Rirelleru j|ft waft mrwUn bwas ! UumS*®*** VeaUtrafrd* tnSa erttk"dfn'lnj : ears eoU first else* eoachee north of ' "her '-a j PeUman drswing rossn slesjon* ears Wlweea Tsups. JarksoarUU, naesaask. and See »»k _ . Poi'.msn tusspug Oar* b*«w*m Chariotia and Hl.-hcjond. j Puliaisa itrswtarrvwn rtaaftkA enr* bw i ! arrivto* Uisr* In Uni# for brrskfast. ‘ Bond train, with Parlor cars, between C Noa>Sf 1 *rtd n »-^ h^ i Fost Mall. Tbrourb Fnilmsb drewui* room tmffst »ir*r>l»* cars ba* twaftJsokaonvtil# sod New Toft sad lOjß mna sleeplnx ears beiwsen Atignsta sod Char lotte, Pullman slewing rora Iwrwaon Jack -1 aonville and Columbia, on roots daily twitwow i JarkwATiU* nod i lnrinuft't, ria ArbaviU* Franks sannon, j n <*nDr. TUriV?. * Oan Mgr. T. 14., Wasklnrto* w.f niK. 6 H KABDWICK. ! arp. A- Washington. & P A., AUftft GEORGIA - - RAILROAD. (PXA Meridian Time.) Gchedule EffecUva April 24. ISM. Puilmau Siaenars betweco Macoa anA New Tork. Through Pullman Bias par* between Am. •lute and St. Loialn. Lv August* .-1 7:«*am| 3:2opm|lo:3optn Ar Atlantn ..U37i3Spm| »:20pm| s:ooam Ar Ma (‘cm .... jll: l&srn |..,. | 4 l&uia Ar Athene ....|l2 lßpm| 7:2opm| Ar GBlne#vlll*| # B:46pm|.. j Ar Whit* Pl*|»l:00pml | - Ar Mlll’gwle .|10:10am| ...| 4:3oam Ar y> vh’ton ~|l9:loarn| T:lopm| Picayune trstn leavea Augusta dally except Sunday at 8:18 p. m„ and ar rives at Min-dgevllle at «:10 p. m Train* arrive at Augusta 8:18 a. ft. 7-4 S a m., 3:!* tv m . and 3:25 p ra. A. G. JACKSON, G. P A. JOE W. WHITE, T. P. A. cahollnTTnd northwest- ERiN RAILWAY Schedule In Effect, March 6. 1398. Eaxtern Time Standard. Leave Augusia, Southern Ry.. 9:3* p.m. Arrive Chester, Southern Ry.. 7:18 a m. I cave Chester. C. A N. W. Ry 7.45 a.m. ■ -'ll Lenoir, C. & N. W. Ry 1:16 p.m. ,vc Lenoir, Stage !'■« P-m. arrive Green Park, Stare .. .. 7.00 p.m. Arrive Blowing Rock. Stage .. 7:20 p.m. gT W. HARPER. c. F. HARPER, President, jC,., g> P ‘ a "