The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, March 03, 1900, Image 2

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SATURDAY DIRECTIONS SENT OUT. JTr.Bohler Hasnot Received His. Operations (Under the Recent Supreme Court Decision. The following, it is officially stated, is lieing sent to the tax collectors of Georgia. Mr. Bohler has not received the instructions as yet: Comptroller's Office, Tax Depart ment, Atlanta, Ga. r Feb. 24, 1900.—T0 the Tax Collectors of Georgia: l desire to call your attention specifically to the recent decision of the supreme court of this state, wherein it is held that all laws exempting the property i f telegraph, telephone and express companies from state and county taxa tion, and exempting all building and loan associations, or associations of like character from taxation, except u tax on the unborrnwod stock of s- 1(1 associations, are violations of the (in stitution of tills state, nnd therefore null and void: thus making all real and personal property of telegraph, tele phone an<j express companies taxable In the several counties of this slate in which said property is located; and all real and personal property of building and loan associations and associations of like character subject to taxation in the counties where the head offices of .sai,i associations are located, in add!- tlon to thes hares of stock, ns prescrib ed by section 7 of the general tax net. Under this decision, therefore, all of these corporations are technically de faulters, not having made returns of their property to the tax receivers of their respective counties and not liav \lng paid their taxes to tie- tax colli - tors of said counties. This being true, all property, both real and personal, of telegraph, telephone and express ■ mop panles and building and 1 m am hi •tlons and associations nf like eharn ter, located in your county, Hi e the property of any individual taxpayer of your county, which Is In default, should he assessed by you from the best und most reliable information you pan obtain; stiid assessment being at If*, market value and said assessment -, to \h) made separately for each year in default as far back- ns said default ex ists. not later than the adoption of the constitution of 1-77. While you are clothed with author ity to assess all such property from the best mi most tellable Information you can obtain, T would suggest that, in making assessments on the property of these corporations located in your county, as the basis for this assess ment must In a great measure be ob tained from the repr sentntives of these corporations, you rerpiesl agent! to make you a sworn statement of the property and its value located in youi county. Of course, you will not In bound by this sworn return, but it will furnish to a great extent tin- Informa tion which is necessary for vmi to have in order to make an intelligent css ss ment of these properties. In the ease of telegraph companies, you should ascertain the number of miles of their lines in your count} and the market value of the poles, vb : and fastenings on the line, together with all personal property, such as of fice furniture, telegraph instruments, etc., located within the Units of the -county. In the case of telephone companies, you should ascertain as far as posdl 1 the value of its lines, wires, poles, fas tenings, etc., and also the value of th ■ real estate. Improved and unimproved, and the personal property, consisting Of instruments, boxes, office furniture, fixtures, cash on ljand, etc., and assess said property Just ns if It belonged to private individuals. Tn the ease of express companies, only the propeity of such 'ip,,rations located in your county can be taxed, such us horses, mules, wagons, office furniture, cash on hand, appurte nances, etc. in the ease of budding and loan as sociations ami other associations of like character all real and personal property owned by said associations, In addition to the shares of stock which section 7 of the general tax act re quires to be assessed each year at their market value on the tlrst day of February or March, ns may have been the law, for the valuation of property for taxation each year, respectively. MALARIA, GRIPPE and impnnblood are rapidly cured bySulj-tmme, which has completely taken the place of quinine for clearing the blood ami liver of fevnr-i>o<son serins. The injurious effects form the use of famine are never produced by tinlphnme. Blood Book and sample Cake of Soap Ffec. »ULPH JMI CO.. _ too Marin* aids., CHIUACO y>ou R X SULPHUIYJE . (UtUffl CULFHUR) jS blanks* of water make an invtgoratin, and CealthfnMilnk of sqjphor water. Nature's Blood wurlftey Price per bottle, (I.l*o doses) sl.«. - For »-'% by Dmr«nport-ptrtuizj Drug C0.,4M1« AcanM, Attaint* Oa. , nf Evidence m «S\ I of the most remarkable nature, from the best known Mm m I/ people, attests the power ol Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills aa ll No sufferer can read it without (reling hopeful, I\l no skcp'ic can read it without being convinced. M a ; B H Every disease of the blood and nerves is repre- EM £ - ■.H seated from a common rash to scrofula } from RSm ■ nervous from bone ,l. E. djf |Jjj| seemed to Uo mo uny good. - tExuO III!! People, and some of my friends recommended them nStiVRr lIPI highly. 1 made up my mind to try them, thought MjjfmJßft ///if tho first box lu March, 1897, anil was benefited from : : 111 "A box and nhalf cured mo completely, nnd lam ft j Pn9 I lib now rugged nnd strong, t have notbeen bothered with xajlxll// j! f' my troubles sltico I began taking tho pills. /HHHWIB fly *'l haverecommended thorn to many women who ars 7, ■hHHJ . ////k sum-ring us I suli'ered. They are tho only thing that inw 11]y liclped me til the trial that comes to so many women at //' li buhscrihod and sworn to before mo Mils 23(1 day of lii proceeding with the assesments of the corporations named, I would suggest, that, inasmuch ns the county nuthorlties of your county are inter ested to the extent of the county's taxes on said corporations, you confer wilh them from time to time anil ob tain as l’or as possible their cooper ation in arriving at a Just and rea sonable valuation of these properties. When these assessments are made un der the general law of this state, which m plies to all defaulters, a pen ally of a double tux is Imposed, and unless th s | enalty Is remitted by the county authorities having control of the county revenue, upon a proper showing by said corporations to said county authorities whereby the pen alty Is remitted, Iti s your duty to col lect said double tax. I do not, how ever, think that, under the pecul nr f'ireurnstances of the terhnieal default of thcs ( . port orations, the county offi cials will refuse to grant relief from this penalty: but if so, then you should collect t) double tax. When your assessments have hern made an I the state and county faxes calculated on each year’s default at ' in- : tnto and county rate for each of the Vitus for which said corporations arc in default, including interest on the taxes since IS9O at the rate of 7 per rent per annum, you should at once notify the officer or agent of the enr pioration in your county of the amount AUGUSTA 1 ST FA/A ! LAUNDRY*®* 1 ; due for each year and demand prompt payment. 1C payment should he re fused within a reasonable time, you should proceed against them Just ns in the case of any individual delinquent and upon the collection of these taxes they should he promptly paid over, the state’s part to the state treasurer nnd a report on tho same made to this office, and the county's taxes paid over ♦*> the county authorities. Very truly, WILLIAM A. WRIGHT. Comptroller General. -WITNESS ABSENT. Williams" Hearing Again Postponed —Comes i’p on Monday. The continuing of the hearing of Mr. G. W. M. Williams before Commis sioner Calvin was set for this morn ing at 10 o’clock. The commissioner, the reporters and several others Interested in the pro ceedings were on hand at 10 o’clock waiting for the defendant and the de fendant’s witnesses to appear. The tribunal waited. M-. Williams did not come, neither did his witnesses, who are said to be several miles from Augusta. At 10:30 o’clock Commissioner Cal vin telephoned Williams at the jail, and learnej that witnesses had not ar rived and that the defendant desired a postponement of the hearing. Comlmssioner Calvin granted this, and stated that if the w’tnesses were not here by Monday he would be oblig ed to bind Williams over to the high er court. If the witnesses arrive the heading will go on. It is understood that Major Black will not defend Williams. , -i .i »*a»» ■ ■ - ‘i'he Atlanta Journal thinks that the Republicans are weakening on McKin-. leir. y J J.ATO TO REST. The remains of Mrs. W. F. Mann were brought to the city yesterday anil wore laid to rest toda" the funeral oc curring from the First Christian church. Many sorrowing friends who ha f ] known and loved the deceased were in attendance at the last sad rites. I BISMARCK’S IRON NERVE Was the result of his splendid health, Indomitable will and tremendous en ergy are not found w here Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and Bowels are out ot order. If you want these qualities an I the success they bring, use Hr. King’s New Life Pills. They deveijp every power of brain and body. Only 25c. at r..l druggists. Hotel Dinner every day 1 2.30 until 3. at the Rose Restaurant. 35c. Try it. i * ’•* MU. STOFFEL’S FUNERAL. The funeral of Mr. W. If. Stoffol occurred at 10:30 o’clock this mim ing from the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gehrken, No. 405 Greene street. The funeral was largely attended. Representatives from the Irish Volun teers nnd Knights of Pythias were present to pay a last tribute of respect to the deceased brother. Bss USIEST FUNERAL OF MR. PLUMB. The funeral of Mr. Alortzo F. Plumb occurred at 11 o’clock this morning, from St. John church, of which he had for over forty years been a member. Dr. Kendall performed the last sad rites, which were attended by many friends. STORY OF A SLAVE. To In' bound han<j and and foot for ears by the chains of disease is the worn) form of slavery. George D. Williams, of Muneheters, Mich., tolls how such a slave was made free. He says: “My wife had been so helpless for five years that she could not turn over In bed alone. After using two bottles of Electric Ritters she Is won derfully Improved und able to do her own work." This supreme remedy for female diseases quickly cures nervous ness, sleeplessness, melancholy, head ache, backache, fainting and dizzy spells. This miracle working medicine is a godsend to weak, sickly, run down people. Every bottle guaranteed. Only 50 cents. Sold by all drugglstsu FUNERAL OF MR. VAN PELT. The funeral of Mr. John G. Van Pelt, whose sudden death Thursday so shocked and grieved his friends oc curred yesterday afternoon from the First Christian church, an was very largely attended by many friends. IfIEALTHIER THAN BEFORE. My little girl was caught In the rain on lupday, being drenched from head to root. A very bad cough developed that/night, and I at once began giving symptoms jjCgff ■ *•1“ ■well now ns ever. ' W fits. A. T. POTTS, ■s, Aik. THEE -A-TTGrTXST_A_ TTTTT?. A T.n ORDERS AS TO YEAR' BOOK. -m-nr n_ Explanatory Fig= ures to go in it. The Realty Tax Assessments In Au gusta. Mayor Robbe ordered yesterday af ternoon that an expanatory showing he made in the year in conjunction with the statement of the assessed valuation of real estate. As It has been appearing in the Year Book, this statement, which is really a credita ble one, is nut, on the face, a good one. In the last year hook, for instance, it is shown that in the 1898 valuation the realty was put at $14,321,225. In the 1892 book the valuation was $16.- 468,950. It appears, therefore, on its face, that the city realty has de creased $2,000,000 or more in seven years. The figures for ten years are as follows: 1883 *15,241,450 1889 15,402,858 .1891 16,041,973 1892 .. 16,468,950 1893 .. 16,278,450 1894 16,572,650 1895 16,588,330 1896 J 15,940,612 1897 14,190,435 1898 14,321,235 1899 13,536,602 The city has not been retrograding. however. As a matter of fact, it is, and has been, rapidly increasing. For 1900, with a million dollar (ire loss, thi real estate digest, through the natural increase, does not show a decrease over 1899. During the year 1897, when Capt. Wm. B. Young was mayor and Mr. Daniel Kerr was chairman of the fi nance committee there was a hori zontal reduction of 10 per cent in the assessed valuation of property. Agn n, during the term of Mr. Jacob Phinlzy as mayor—he, also, by action of coun cil, being chairman of the finance committee —there was an additional reduction of 5 per cent In the assess ments. At the same time there was a reduction of 25 per cent in the assessed valuation of the big mills engaged in the manufacture <-f cotton. The year book showing, therefore, Is as solid a* a rock. Instead of the ap parent backward movement indicated, there has been a forward movement. In addition to the per centum reduc tions In assessed valuations, there have also been hundreds of individual eases of lower assessments. It Is the purpose of tho order of the mayor to show all this in connection with financial statement alluded to. It had ljeen hoped that the ne* di rectory would be in readiness in order that its compilation might be utilized in the statement of the city and ur ban population. The directory, how ever, seems to have gotten tangled up In some kind of a law suit and wi.l not be published early enough to be available for the purpose indicated. To Cure a Cold In One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if It fails to cure. E. W, Grove’s signature is on each box. 25c. THREW ROCKS IN WINDOW, f Because no One Answered Knock P-tlff • chor Forced the-Door Open. A Joe Pilcher was arraigned bo'Mb the recorder tilts morning on a JT serious charge.. Mr. -Pilcher tit the Enterprise factory, nnd days ago he employed a (Miss Burch to make for him some wear In the mill. Yesterday on a grand razoo and lost might pro ceeded to call for and demand hie aprons. When Pilcher Mies Uuroll's door no one ty^^^kkl til-' All.-s tiered Pilcher tc quit t'l ■ which lie dl-i: «>t It lo’olv't^^^^p ttinted und "binding <n the x recks li the window. hreukii^^H^ >1 panes of glass, and !ng the building. Miss ordered Pilcher to leave he refused to romnly with her site went out unil ejected from the yard. Her uncle to this nnd swore that he saw rock 3 thrown. Pilcher also threw knife Into the house. Hp The recovdcr told Pilcher ne had been a little too boisterous nnd the high-handed way In which he hnd de ported h-lmself was Inexcusable, and he Imposed a fine of $25 or 30 days on the gang. WHAT TO DO UNTIL THE DOCTOR ARRIVES. It is very hard to stan<f fdty by and see our dear ones suffer while await ing the arrival of the doctor. An Al bany (N. Y.) dairyman cnlled at a drug store there for a doctor to come and see his child, then very sick with croup. Not finding the doctor in, he left word for lilm to come at once on his return. He also bought n bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, which he hoped would give gome relief Until the doctor should hrrive. In a few hours he returned, saying the doctor need not come, as the chlla was much bettor. The druggist, Mr. Otto Seholz, says the family hnji since recommend ed .Chamberlain s Cough Remedy to their neighbors a*d-ijrlends until ho has a constant flemJbd for It from that part of the For sale l y Alexander prug A.’ Gardelle; U. F. Mathdnyjß Hotel day 12.30 Rose i t- SAVE YOUR COUPONS and secure a copy of the latest SHEET MUSIC FREE Arrangements have just been completed with the publishers and we are now prepared to offer the readers of the Daily, Weekly and Sunday Her ald copies of the very latest 50-cent sheet music: FREE. THIS WEEK The Beautiful Eastern Descriptive Success “I Promised I’d Protect Her And I Will!” Now bein« sung with great success by Helene filura, the greatest living descriptive sdnger. This great hit is printed on Lest music paper with beautiful lithographed little page. In fact you can not buy this compositioi at a music store for les3 than 5u cents. CUT OUT TWO COUPONS Of different numbers nnd mall them to the John A. Nelson Co., Music Pub-i Ushers, St. Louis, Mo., with six 2- cent stamps to defray mailing ex penses and ypi will rereive “I Promis ed I’d Protect (ler And I Will," by re turn mail. BUT Under this aTangement no more than the copy will be sent Uo anyone person. No mutilated coupons will he accep-.- ed. NO - 6 l ..Music CuupflD.. I 1 This Coupon «?”*£•{& * Stamps to de dray mailing expenses, entitles the sen der to a beautiful 50 cent lithographed copy of “I PROMISED I’D PROTECT T HER AND I WILL I” NAME ADDRESS • •D” The Jno A. Nelson Co., St. Louis, no NEW MUSIC EVERY WEEK Cl I VPD 88. NORTON’S “Silver ■ D ' DMoon” Female Regula tor brings relief in 12 hours. Not injnr ious. Safe and Sura. Ask IHpoid your Druggist for it. Price I'lCUll fl.Ou or Alai led NORTON REHEDY CO., CHICAOO A frozen Tumps, Pipes, Valves Injectors and Fittings and Fire Hose. We carry a large and well assorted stock for sale at our works. Lombird Iron Works & Supply Co., 631 12th Street. Monte Sano Car Passes Our Door., inuowaiHi , jgk A mr Conversation Occupies the Following Tim* t M words 1-4 minute; TO words 1-2 minute; 160 words 1 minute; 450 words 3 minutes. ~— Subscribe for a Bell telephone and you can converse with all Long Distance stations from own offloa beside* MO telephones tn tbs city. H. W. BUXTON, Jr., Manager. PORTNER’S BOCK Now on Tup at all Saloons. Guaranteed Six Months Old and brewed, from our choice Malt and Hops. ASK FOR IT. I -V a ESTABLISHES 1858. s Mill Work OF EVERY* DESCRIPTION. YELLOW PINE LUMBER FACTORY AND SAW MILL EQUIPPED WITH LATEST IMPROVEMENTS AND ORGANIZATION THOROUGH IN EVERY DEPARTMENT - FULL LINE IN STOCK AND PROMPT SHIPMENTS ASSURED —=- PRICES. CATALOGUES.ETC,UPON APPLICATION. -==— [6 I?erkins Manufacturing CoAugusta. Ga ii ,'JCUSTA ER^WIHG^SI3 Notice To Contractors and Home Builders! HAVING PURCHASED A LARGE STOCK BEFORE THE ADVANCE 1 In prices of metal goods I am prepared to fill all orders, at lowest market I prices, for Tin Plate Solder, Zinc, Copper, Black and Galvanized Sheet Iron. I Corrugat d Iron Tarred Rocking and Building Paper. »* J Stoves, Ranges, Mantels, Tiling and Crates. J GALVANIZED IRON CORNICES AND SHEET METAL WORK A SPj fl ‘ IALTY. \ J '-i M REPAIRING PROMPTLY DONE. i DAVID SLUSKY, - 1009 Broad StreeJ PHONE—BeII, 100; Strowger, 611 .(AUGUSTA. GA. JB 16 PER CENT. For Sale—One two-story house with 8 rooms! Good lot. Also 6 room house in good repair. Botlfl has a No. 1 tenant and in good locality. Call on VERDERY & MORRIS, Real Estate, Renting and Insurance Agents. ICE! ICE!! TceTh From March Ist prices will be as follows: % _ 12 lbs, Ice Sn.- 25 “ “ 7c 50 “ “ 12£c 100 “ “ 17£e Get your supply of coupon books before hot weather. CONSUMERS’ ICE DELIVERY COMPANY READY FOR SPRING ARRIVALS falhionable Ready to inspect—Ready to try on—Ready to buy if you wish. You are welcome in either case. We cannot convey to you a strong enough impression of the quality and quantity season’s Clothing. Nothing can do that justly but your own ej’us. If you are a judge you will perceive the saving on high-class apparel here at a glance. If you are not a judge, our reputation should be a help to you. The prices were never lower than now. If you don’t care to buy you are welcome to look. The New Spring Hats and Furnishings are also with us. A Bounteous Line of New Spring Clothing For Boys HI BUM! iS CALL FOR "iijwiffl’ Augusta rj Brewing Company’; f jNE [XPORJ fjEER Our Superb Draught Beer l on Tap at all Saloons. ! MARCH 3