The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, July 21, 1908, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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PAGE TWO RULINGS CONTINUE TO HURT AMERICA’S CHANCES Americans Do Well in Heats of Short Dashes. Rector, of Virginia, Qualified. LONDON -Determining tn make th*- remaining du?s of the Olympic games count to declare them the world's masters In muscle, nkill, the Americans today plunged into the pi , ',!u at the ■ Hum prepared to win for two reasons. First because they knew they could stand and sec ondly to satisfy their outraged feel ing at the manner In which they have bens treatd by the “rltlsh sportsmen The weather held fair promise for the day and the program offered the Ann rlcan an opportunity to duplicate to some extent, their success of yes terday. Great Britain led by ten points according to the universal score, but this did not have the least effect upon the confidence of the Van kee contenders. If anything. It spurr ed them to extra effort In the balUi of brawn. The score of the United Kingdom w»b 56, United States 40 The anger of flip American sports men mid their friends In London has not. abated. There were angry mut tering; today over the unsportsinan like behavior of the English. From in dications It appears that the British went Into the games to win no mat ter whether they attained success by fair means or foul. Many fair-minded men among the sporting folk have al ready shifted ground and are consol ing the Americans with praise, ||ow ever, It takes more than words to mol lify James K. Sullivan, the American commissioner at the games. This morning Mr. Sullivan gave an em phatic Interview. "I threatened to withdraw our team front the SO meter heats owning to the drawing notwithstanding my ral ly assertion that we would light out the gunirti to the hitter end," said Mt Sullivan. "It certainly Is neither fair not lust, the manner In which we hHVj, been treated since our arrival. We accept ed the explanation of Lord Desbn rough that Sheppard and Halstead were drawn by pure chanc,. In )hc mile race, but in the 800 meter event when the same men wero drawn In a Ilk,, manner, It seemed to be carrying It too far. It ,ls not Juhi at all to make two of our best, men compete against each other In a race. "The more of the games I see th« angrier I get. Why, England Is 20 years behind the times whsn It comes to sports and the conducting of sport Ing events. Our men have had to compete here undci rules Invogue dnr irtg the last, generation.” Mr. Rultlvnn was thoroughly warm ••(I it>> ami hr dirt not miner word*. Huff, of Amorim made nil exenp llonnl run of 200 triors when hr wont that distance In 22 4 5 seconds this morning. In fnct, America showed Up well all through the morning hours In the running high Jump Gid nry. of America, was third with a distance ol live fret nine ami three quarter Inches to lilk credit only one] Inch and one eighth below the win- j ring mark. King Edward Is taking n jjioat ahare of Interest tn the games, and It la hinted he may give utterance to some tactful assertion on the dls sentlon between England and Ameri ca which will aid In giving the United States a fair ahow, and at the same time show the English a degree of their nnreaaonahleness. The king Is a keen sportsman and has always taken u great Interest In sporting events. In the Marathon race of Friday he has granted leave for the runners to sturt from the royal grounds about Wlmjsor castle. An other special concession which he has granted Is that the public will also be allowed within th ( . grounds. The following are entrants selected by drawing this morning for the final In the 100 meter dash; First heat, May and Stevens. Am erica. Walker, of South Africa, and Roche, of United Kingdom. Second heat, Sherman and Hamilton of America; Morton, United King doni; Kerr, of Uuuada. Third heat, Rector ami Huff, of Am-, erica; Duffy, of South Africa; Dun- - can. United Kingdom Fourth heat, Cloughen, Robertson i »nd Uartmell. of America; Starl. and deorge. United Kingdom. A team composed of members at the |>ollee force of Ixindon has chat longed the American team for a eon test at tug of war. The English In DIARRHOEA There is no need of anyone suffering long with this disease, for to effect a quick cure it is only necessary to take a few doses of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy In fact, in most cases one dose is sufficient It never fails and can be relied upon in the most severe and dangerous cases. It is equally valuable for children and is the means of saving the lives of many children each year. In the world’s history no medicine has ever met with greater success. Price 26 cents. Large size 60 cents. NON-INTOXICATINQ BEER 6 Belle of Georgia in Bottles tj£ TRY IT ON DRAUGHT. “FRESH AND COLD.” the condition* of the affair have de clared that both Icaniß may be in their Blocking feet or attired In any way Matisfactor.v to the Americana. The rmulta will go to charity or tho content will be held for the pure love of Bport. RESULTS; Two hundred meter dash, flrnt hent won by tleorge, United Kingdom. Time, 21! 2-5; llenney, Holland, was the only competitor. Second heat won hy Huff. America, from Dully. South Africa. Time 22 4-5. Third heat, won by Roche, United Klgdorn, from Robertson, American. Time, 22 4-5. Fourth heat, won by Uartmell, of America. Time, 21). Fifth heat won by Ilalfalt, France, from R. (\ Duncan, United Kingdom. Time. 22 3-5. Sixth heat won hy LolTtmau, Swod en Time. 23 4-5. Seventh heat, won by Radoczy, of Hungary, Eighth heat, won by Cloughen, from Barroil. Italy, Time, 23 3-5. Middle weight wrestling, first round Coleman, England, defeated Wallis, England. Oraeco-Roman heavy weight wrest ! ling, IVtroff, Prussia, defeated Hump hreys, England Weiss, Hungary, de feated Jensen, Demark. 200 meter dashs, ninth heat won hy Hurdsfield. England. Time, 23 3-5. Tenth heat, won by Hamilton, Am erica, Time 22 3-5. 200 meter dHsh, eleventh heat, won hy Kerr, Canada Time, 22 t-5. Twelfth heat, won by Sherman, of America. Time, 22 35. Thirteenth heat, won by Reed, of England. Time, 23 1-g. Fourteenth hent, won by Guttorm- WHERE THE PURE AND HEALTHV Is Brewed; from the Best Quality of Malt and Hops, by a Scientific Up-to-Date Brewmaster ! spn, Norway, very easily. 1 Fifteenth heat, won by Hawkins, of i England. Time, 22 4-5. Running high jump. Section 3 and suited In a tie between Monson, of Norway and Leader, of England. Height of jump 5:10 7-8. (Sidney, of America, third Height, 5 ft, 9 3-4 in. Running high jupm. Section 3 and 4, Leahy, England, and Andre, France tied for first place with jumps of f!,2. Catch as-catch-can wrestling match Beck, England, defeated Nargaues, of America, Don't overlook Ihe Sunday of-nr solus to the Seashore ’la. the Char leston & Western Carolina Radwa". Trains leave, 7; 00 a. tn. Y- M- C- A- RELAY RACE ENDED TWELVE HOURS AHEAD OF THE SCHEDULE CHICAGO. —At 9:30 o'clock today the last relay runner In the 1,000 mile i Y M. C. A., race from New York to Chicago sped up to the LaSalle street entrance of the City hall, and hand ed to the assembled city officials th-' | message from Mayor McClellan, of I New York, to Mayor Hussee, of Chi ! j cago. This clipped nearly 12 hours off the schedule, which had called for the finish of the great race at 9:30 o'clock tonight. William McCabe, of Evanston Y. M. C. A. was the last runner who made the sprint of two blocks from Monroe and LaSalle streets to the elty hall, bearing tho silver tube eon tainlng the message. A ringing cheer went up as he dash ed up to the elty hall, where Vernon L. Mean, aetlng secretary to Mayor Busse, received him on behalf of the mayor. Chief of Police Shlppy and THE AUGUSTA HERALD. ® Augusts; <^a. other officials were also pjpsent in tho committee. The total time for the race was 119 hours, 38 minutes and 30 seconds. The boys traveled approximately 1,000 miles, making a speed of ap proximately 8 1-2 miles an hour. In view of the heavy roads and storms they encountered tn the middle and the last part of the journey, the time is considered remarkable. First Kid—Huh, yer got a new hair cut! Second Kid—Aw, wgan; it's de old one trimmed over.—Cornell Widow. BODY OF LOVETT NOT RECOVERED La« I ’s Companion Positive That He Was Caught By r. Shark. SAVANNAH. Ga.—The body of Harry Lovett, the young lad of sis teen years, who was drowned off the north end of Tvboe yesterday after noon, or who was caught hy a shark, has not been recovered. It is feared it will be useless it Is found on some nearby Island. The lad went down almost where Lieut. Morgan did several years ago. Lieut. Morgan's body was found on an adjoining is land. Wyll.v Brunner, the son of Dr. W F- Brunner, city health officer who was with young Lovett, whei h ( > was drowiu-d Is positive a shark caught his companion. He says he heard the 'swish' of the shark’s body moving through the wat< r ns It swift ly made for the body of the swim mer The accident happened several hundred yards in front of Fort Screv en, The boys having swam about four miles. The Tybee authorities declare that the story of the shark is a myth Augusta Brewing do., Augusta, Ga. Hotels The best place , for the best people CH A LFONTE—ATLANTIC CITY Every comfort and convenience in the house; every amusement and recreation in the city. Outdoors: — Yachting, bathing, fishing, golfing, riding. Indoors: —Good rooms, good table, good service. Write for reservations to THE LEEDS COMPANY Always Open On the Beach Hotels. New York’s Most Accessible Hotel, THE HARGRAVE 112 West 72d Street. A modern fireproof house. Six lines of transit within a block, including the Express Subwav Station, the Elevate-1 (6th and 9lh Avas ), and all west side surface cars. Five minutes from Grand Central Stution and the amusement and shop ping centres; yet in the midst of the west side residences, between park and river—cool, comfortable and homelike. Special Rates from May to October. Write for booklet and map. yCA^W 1/ -rated BPirmt Ihe I frAt)(Wi of tb« API'S I Uchi*ti mountains, alii -1 WfT fi«l. clunat* I tit surpassed. mi* I iosmi Irewtsl ) U>nf I •HslAnr* mra c.'tiuer I lions, all spo'ta and rr- I rrealoiua. mitten I phy- I sioian. Extensive im- I l>ro««m*aU, many rot- I tags* F-.r ipwil family I NtM, nformal •.» writ* I C. C. GEER, Mgr. (sMar'iHMAF. C. I as there are no sharks of the ▼.n eating variety in the waters adjac ent to Savannah. The mißslng lad was at Tybee with several students from the Benedictine oolleg who were camping on the island. Keep Your Money at Home. Boost Augusta. Hotels ATLANTIC BEACH HOTEL AND COTTAGES. RATES: $lO, sl2, ?15 per week; $2.50 and $3 per day. Half price for children and nurses. Special monthly rates. Apply to JOHN J. COHEN, Mgr., c - ' TGIfIWAY INN m rauwn luAfjWHl Hill Lane of Hie Sky SITUATED away up above the rest of the world, amid the coolness and verdure of the Sapphire country mountains, this magnificent hotel is abso lutely without a peer as ar aristocratic place of resort. There is every recreation, pleasure and sport, which moun tains, water and genial social life afford, and hotel R«r vice in every way as superior as are the other attractions supreme. Guests will be received on June 11th. Very low rate 3 for the season will be granted for those arriving in June and early July. For reservations, booklets and other in formation, address, TOXAWAY INN CO., cere of Piedmont Hotel, Atlanta, Ga. After June 19th, address Lake Toxaway, North Carolina. •SI \ THE ST. CHARLES, ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. Mont select location on th* Ocrm Front. Distinctive in its elegance, ox clustvcneaa, high-class patronage an<i : liberal management. B*.\ water in ail | baths. Illustrated booklet. SBWUN HAINES. 1 TUESDAY, JULY 21. Augusta Brew on Draught .'/IV Chicago’s Great European Hotel 1 jk The Virginia Absolutely Fireprool. F.c!s«, $i 59 and tip RiS a high-class Transient and Residential H itrl. In the most I OflM select part of thecity—near the Lake, convenient *.<■ beautiful I Bffl North Park System. Rotundas a harmony In Italian marble. I SUS beautiful statuary and cathedral 400 handsomely fur n:*hcd outsiderooms. sinrlc or ri suite. Large bright Pining: ijjfn Hall, with finest cursine. Ev-ry convenience appeals to "i!a the most exacting: patron. Far enough from city noise for restful quiet, yet within ten minute*' walk of nn*me»* center. St. cars (2 block* away) in 5 minutes take you to the shrp- IM ping district, parsing all leading heatr ». Booklet free. , GEO. W. REYNOLDS. Prop., Rush and Ohio Sta., ChlcagoJ Greenbrier Whit** Sulphur S'urine’,?, WESf VIRGINIA. t The “Old Vhlte Sulphur”) Noe open. Famous for if** Sulphur Baths Permanent or< heat to. Terms. sl6 to f £ weelvc flift «.o IkO/per month. Write for illustrated booklet. Add ree* GKO A. MILLS Manager. Greenbrier White Sulphur Springe W. Va. Hotels. Sullivan’s Island, Opens June Is!