The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, July 22, 1908, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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PAGE EIGHT Greene Street Home Containing oiglit rooms, with modern con veniences, can be had by a quick buyer for $<1,500. Lot 10x175 feet; location good; terms to suit purchaser. WILLIAM E. BUSH, 3 AND 4 LIBRARY BLDG. =— STOCKS ORDERS EXECUTED TO BUY AND SELL STOCKS, BONDS AND INVESTMENT SECURITIES ON THE NEW YORK BTOCK EXCHANGE. WE SOLICIT YOUR BUSINESS. ARGO & JESTER. 7 Library Building. Phone 12. WANTED! 5 room cottage, below Centre Street, price about $1,500 to SI,BOO, also <> room house down town for ABOUT $2,000 MARTIN & GARRETT. *Phone No. 224. Roal Estate and Renting. better Start Ihdt Savings Account To-Day. Ramembrr, delays are dangeroua. Many opporfunltlea which would prove virtually "gold nugget,” to people. have allpped by owing |o delaya or hesitation. When you have a Bank Account, you Have aomething on which 10 fall back and can alwaya grasp op portunities aa they pretent themselves. Besides, your money will noi lla Idle. THE AUGUSTA SAVINGS BANK allow* FOUR PER CENT. INTEREST. THE AUGUSTA SAVINGS BANK Si’3 BROAD STREET. FOR RENT. Building No*. 1029 and 1031 Brosd street, consisting of store (now occupied by New York Bekery) end el* room dwelling. Will rent in tire building to one party, or *ep*ret*ly ae deelred. Store good etand for any bueinete but particularly bakery, aa It I* equipped with flrat claaa oven. J. L. ARMSTRONG, PHONE 698. No 8 Library Building, Bth. Street. Sam Lee, I. a u n d r y, No. 1281 BROAD ST. Tha cheapest Laundry In th« elty Flrat claaa work, wan guaranteed Give mi a trial and you will coma again. Look at that* pricaat fthlrta, 7o| UndaraHlrta. 4c: Col lara. 1e; Drawers, 4c; Cuffs. 2cs Handkerchief*, Ic. QLOtS AND DOMESTIC FINISH White Mountain, Glacier and Ice Kins Why buy an inferior Ice Box and injure your health. We handle the best and our prices are cut from 10 to 30 PER CENT Set your own price on some of the Boxes. We are orerstocked and they must go. The J. L. BOWLES FURNITURE 904 BROAD STREET. LAKE VIEW I>ARK AND CASINO. Different Play Every Night "Under the Lion'a Paw”. Monday Night Married at Midnight" TweatJay N'ght t iat Lynne" Wednesday Nigt i "Greed for Gold" *■»y Night ami Friday "Ten Nighta In a ilarroon" Sat. Night "Peek's Dad tloy" Saturday Matinee Pitres 10, 20, 30e Seats on Sale at Savoy PARK ATTRACTIONS IN FULL BLASi WHEW BUT ISN’T THIS THE TIME TO GET YOUR REFRIGERATOR ? WE CARRY THREE OF THE BEST LINES IN THE WORLD- AS TO RESORTS AND NEAR RESORTS There are several burning quote lion* before the public just now. One la, of course, the weather, but there i la another that aeema to be engen- J dering almost caloric aa t.he nun it | aeu—viz: 'la a preacher a compet : ent Judge or a summer resort?” It all came out of an article publlah ed In Sunday s Herald In which an eminent Auguata divine extolled the glories past and present of ‘On Hath." There are some who read It ! but are not familiar with the man!- | fold attractions of the place Itself that It must perforce be an Ideal aura rner resort heeauae its very name sug genta a cooling condition In the warm weather. Other residents of Grove town among the number. Incidentally, arc not so sure that the paramountcy lof “Orj Hath" la a foregone conclu sion. In fact, there are a multiplicity of reaorta In und around Augusta. In i deed so numerous have the claims ol the resorters become that It will re quire a vaat knowledge on the sub ject or resorts to decide the question of comparative merits. Hence there J ha a arisen the question as to the com ! petency of preachers—no matter how i erudite or distinguished—to pass upon I this question. Take a map and draw a circle with ‘ a radius of fifty miles using Augusta I as the central point and every place I wlihln the circumference Is a resort —or a near resort. There are some i who gay that, the nearness Is In direct ratio to adjacence to Augusta, which therefore becomes In the eyes of these the resort. But that there are others—or least one other—ls lndl caoil by the following letter to The Herald received this morning. It advances the claim of Belvedere In no uncertain language, though wheth- BOYS’ SUITS That have all of the latest cuts and brightness, have been mercilessly knifed. Boys’ Dress and School Suits, in two and three <t| A ft T pieces, which formerly sold for \ % X $5 and $6.00; now going at .. 1(1 U■ w U BOYS’ STRAW HATS AT ... HALF PRICE McCreary’s 742 Broad Street. Augusta, Ga. tVesf End Local News Dr and Mr*. K. P. Culver received a telegram from Greenville, S. C . calling them to the bedside of their ami Mr. .1. P. Culver, who Is very tuck with typhoid fever They left at 10:10 yesterday morning Tomorrow, Thursday, night at 8 o'clock the St. .hums Kpworth league will conduct a prayer meeting at No 135 Flrat street, Uregtown. They ask that all who will, to he sure to come | praying for the meeting and the lead er, and tor the general uplifting of that part of the city. ' Mr: I (' VVllkerson and child, hot* of whom have been sick for more tliun a week are improving. Mrs. (\ K. Jonu* and little dnugh liSr HI COMPANY AUGUSTA, GA « THE AUGUSTA HERALD. 1 er as a bona fide or as a near resort leaders are left to draw their own j conclusions. "SMOKE UP.” Mr, Editor—After reading your nice ly written editorial entitled, "Is a Preacher a Competent Judge of an Average Summer Resort,” I cannot re frain from saying you are “off your d«al" for you failed to mention the greatest of all summer resorts adjac ent Augusta—Belvedere. Nestled upon a mountainous hill over-looking to the south that majestic, nojile and historic stream Savannah, and to the north the wealthy and beautiful Aik en with visions of hills and valleys surrounding. Where breezes always blow, where every known fruit of southerq clime j is grown, where the coolest, purest and clearest water abounds—ask Col. Herry Benson and others about this. Where more fresh eggs are laid and more yellow legged chickens are giown than at any place near Augusta Where the ozone Is so pure that 1 mosquitoes cannot thrive, where gard [ ens run riot of blooms and blossoms, | Where roses and honeysuckles red, I white and golden, tumble over each other to claim the homage due their beauty. Where mocking birds, Bob White and Whippoorwills sing out 'heir joyful thanksgivings both day and night.. Where for five cents It can be reached every thirty minutes by that well equipped Inter-urban trol ley line Augusta-Alken, and where crickets, Juncbugs, katy-dlds locusts, red hugs, etc. Join me In asking you to smoke up and get on. Very truly, SUMMER RESIDENT ior left for their homo In Roanoke, Va . after a pleasant visit to her fath or. Mr. C. 11. Toole on Crawford Ave. I’rof. and Mrs. K. M. Osborne re ceived a telegram and telephone mes -1 sage today Informing them of the death of a nephew in Winder, (la., but the Interment was to be after noon so they did not go as they could not reach there in time. Mrs Mattie Marker of Hdgeflold, S C , came over to the city yesterday to see Mr. .1. W. Thurmond, her nephew, on business and stayed only a few hours In town. The many friends of Miss Edna Goodwin on St, Luke street, will be glad to learn that she Is very much Improv'd and expects to be out in a few days, Mr and Mrs John Weeks left for ’■outh Carolina some time ago on a a cat ton to their parents, unfortunate both of them were taken sick .in'? ,d to stay longer than they in ended. \n elegant business man s lunch rvod every weekday froln 1 to 3 in Your money hack If not Bat tled Price, 50 ceutß. Hotel Ge < sta Case. )23c TIFFANY FOREMAN SHOT BY DIAMOND SETTER. Aanailnnt, Believing He Had Killed Victim, Com mitted Suicide. NEW YORK John Van Posel. a foreman Jeweler employed by Tif fany & Co., In this city, was shot and seriously Injured today by- an un known man whom he formerly em ployed as a diamond setter. Van Posel w.. boarding a train for New York at HulgeArld Park, N. J . where he resides with hts wife and chit dren. when the attack was made The would be murderer, after In dicting what he believed to be a death wound shot himself through the head and died Instantly V score of persons watting to board the train at the depot witnessed the attempt at murder, and the suicide It was said at Tiffany's today that the dead man's name was Rurgunian He had been tn the employ of Tif fany's more than a year ago, and worked under Van Posel. The men had some trouble then which led to the attempted murder and suicide to day—Van Posel will recover, Ho vau •'at* Well, cat well! Gene* t Cate J23c Hsu you tried CUnchddd Coal?” BOOSTERS WILL GET TOGETHER FHjDW NIGHT Formal Organization Will Be Perfected At Chamber of Commerce. Every Mer chant Asked To Be Pres ent. The Booster Club of Augusta wlil he formally organied at the offices of the Chamber of Commerce Friday | night and today notices and Invita tions are being sent out to more than a hundred people asking theffl to at tend and bring some friend with them. The organlatlon plans to push Augusta’s interests to the front at ev ery available opportunity and definite plans will be mapped out at the meet ing. The promoters hope to have at least a couple of hundred people pres ent Friday night and arrangements have been made to serve refresh ments. Everything possible will be done to make the evening pleasan' as well as profitable to those attending. The organlatlon will take a speial line of work acting in co-operation with any association furthering the Interest of Augusta and the commun ity at interest. There is no doubt in the minds of [ the promoters but that the people will ! sanction the work of the organlza | tion and the enlistment of the public will be earnestly sought. The new j club will be more of public nature than any similar organization In tho j city and any citizen, working man, ; business man, or professional man i will be welcomed. The meeting will be called to or I der at 8:30 o’clock and there is ev- I ery indication of on e of the largest crowds ever seen at the Chamber of j Commerce being present. The pro ! ceedtngs of the organization will be watched with great interest not only throughout this section but over the j entire south, and according to reports, j much good will result from the move i ment. i its something to mention when you i can take kinks out of cranks. Its fnn to see them come In with a frown and go out with a smile—an every day occurance with us. Hotel Ge nesta Case. J23c TWO THROWN FROM CAR AT EXPOSITION CURVE. Mr. B. Skalowski ami Lit tle Grandchild Tossed Out. Injuries Not Serious Louis C’nnnert, aged five years, and his grandfather. Mr, B. Skalowski, fell from a belt line troliey car. cemit tery-bound, near the “exposition curve, 1 ’ on Monte Sano, about 8:30 o’clock Tuesday night, and sustained painful though not serious injuries. They were riding backward on the front seat of an open car. No other passenger was on the seat. The child snt about three feet from the guard rail, on the "off side.” his grandfather sat about the same dis tance from the open end of the aisle. The car is said to have been running at a very rapid rate. As the car swung around the exposition curve the child was thrown from his seat, falling headlong to the ground, under the guard rail. In his excitement the grandfather attempted to alight from the car before It stopped, and was thrown to the ground, striking on his back. In an instant the greatest excite ment prevailed. The child's mother, who was sitting with Mrs. Skalowski on a seat that faced the one occupied by her son and Ills grandfather, faint ed when the boy fell, and several oth er ladies on tho car became visibly agitated The injured passengers were picked up and given a seat to themselves. At Greene ilnd Jackson streets they were alighted and taken to the office of Dr W. H. Doughty, Jr He says their Injuries are not serious. CLEARS THE COMPLEXION OVERNIGHT Pimples, Rash, Eruptions. Etc., Quick ly Eradicated by New Skin Remedy. % Since its discovery one year ago, Poslom, the new skin remedy, has tin Its extraordinary accomplishments) exceeded the most sanguine expecta tions of the eminent specialist, who gave It to the world It has cured thousands of cases of ecsema and era dtcated facial and other disfigure ments of years standing. The terrl hie itching attending eczema Is stoo ped with the firs: application, giving I naif of its curative properties at the very outset. In less serious skin affections, such as pimples, rash, herpes, blackheads acne, barber s itch, *tc. Results show after an overnight application, only ; a small quantity being required to es feet a cure. A muddy or sallow com plexton ts noticeably improved .by i stngie application Those who use poslam lor these minor skin troubles can now avail themselves of the spe cial 50-eent package, recently adopted to meet such needs lloth the s<»-eent package and the regular 13 Jar may now be obtained In Augusta at the Cabantss Drug Co.s and other ,ead tng drug stores Samples f"r experimental purposes may be bad free of charge by writing direct to the Emergency l.sborato ries, 32 SVest Tweaty-nfth street, New York City. A PIN MONEY SALE! THERE ARE JUST TWO WAYS OF SAV ING MONEY ON SHOES AND ONLY TWO. ONE WAY IS TO PAY THE PRICE YOU HAVE ALWAYS PAID AND GET BETTER SHOES. THE OTHER WAY IS TO BUY THE SAME SHOES YOU HAVE ALWAYS BOUGHT BUT PAY A GREAT DEAL LESS FOR THEM. This You Can Do Here, Now. OUR PIN MONEY SHOE SALE IS NOW ON AND WE SHALL FORCE OUT OF OUR STORE BY CUT PRICES, EVERY DOLLAR’S WORTH OF STOCK WE POSSIBLY CAN. CALL EARLY OR YOU MAY NOT BE ABLE TO GET YOUR SHARE AT THIS GREAT BARGAIN FEAST. Boyden’s SB, $7 and $6 Est shoes, Pin Money price is vT’-dv Dorsch’ $5.00 Shoes, Pin £0 7R Money Price m)u. IJ Walk-Over $4 shoes, the 00 OPT Pin Money Price is ou.uJ Kelley’s $2.50 Shoes, Pin 01 QE Money Price vl.uu Laird, Shober & Co., $5 Shoes, for women, Pin Money 00 EH Price Ou.JU Armstrong’s $4.00 shoes, for women, Pin Money price $3.15 Armstrong’s $3.50 shoes, for women, Pin Money price $2.65 Fred Todd’s $3.00 Shoes, for women, Pin Money Price $2.25 Callahan-Dobson Shoe Co. WEDNESDAY, JULY 22.