The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 13, 1908, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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PAGE TWO Women Burning Their Lives Away Over Hot Wood Stoves why? When You Can Save Yourselves By Cooking With GAS. . . Range $16.00 u&wn, $2 Month. All Connections Free. BABCOCK THF, VEHICLES THAT SATISFY. ! WILL ALWAYS be exactly as represented. have a construction as nearly perfect as pood material, skilled workmen of three generations with sixty-five years experience can make them. give that satisfaction and durability which honest construction insures. have that air of perfection in those minor details wnich either make or mar a vehicle. be so built as to insure user of the pleasure, comfort and the service, known and experienced only in the Babcock Vehicles. uphold the Babcock reputation of sixty years for building The Vehicles That Satisfy. WILL NLVFR be over enthusiastically described. “ give that endless trouble to the users which arises from poor construction. “ look and wear like those built “one every minute.” “ lack proper proportions, completeness of details anil good taste. “ “ prove excessive in their prices. " “ disappoint you, they are sold as, you have a right to expect them to be, and they are The Vehicles That Satisfy. HrH7cOSKEßY^oieAgents. SUND7 EXCURSIONS - TO— -1 YBFE VIA— Central of Georgia Railway $1.75 Round Trip SPECIAL TRAIN LEAVES AUGUSTA 7:00 A. M (CITY TIME) EVERY SUNDAY. JUNE 7til to SEPT. 13th, IN CLUSIVE. READ HERALD WANT ADS. HAVE BEAUTIFUItW HAIR fi \\ NOI, WHY NOT W Perhaps you've read Hip short story that has been published of late In all the papers about Miss Tlllle Knot, of Webater, N. V , ban such beauti ful hair that norm other In Webster ran compare with It. A 1 one time Mian Root had faded, harsh and fulling hair, but as she siivs herself, after vising Iwo bot tles of Parisian Sage Btie now has the flneat head of hair In town. Parisian Sage will make any wo man's hair soft, lustrous and luxu riant, and li Is such a delightful hair dressing, that once used It is always preferred Parisian Sage Is the moat Invigorat ing antiseptic hair restorer known to mankind it Is guaranteed, rlgldlv Eaurnnteed. to eure dandruff In two weeks, to stop fulling hair or Itching scalp, or money .Itsok It Is a highly satisfactory dreaalng for summer use, because It drlveß away all disagreeable odors, and leaves the nealp cool and clean. Alexander Itrug Company, the drug gist, sells It. and gaurantees It. Price Is only 50 rents for a large bottle. Ask Alexander Drug Co about It. or you ran buy It direct at the same price, express charges prepaid, from (ilroux Mfg Co.. Hullaln, N. Y * MARSHAL HAS ATTACHED FARMAN’S AEROPLANE Frenchmen Will Sail as Soon as He Gets Machine Out of Soak. NEW YORK - The last straw was added to the troubles of Aviator Henri Parmau last night, when a marshal attached his aeroplane for a claim of $l2O, and Carman will Rail for Prance on the first steamer ho can get after he gets the aeroplane out of pawn. Joseph Kowskl. a tent and awning tusker at Coney Island, who built the cant as walls surrounding the aero plane, was the man who got the lien |on the Heroplane Karmen was told jof the Hen st the Hotel Astor. snd I he threw tip both hands and said that jhe had had enough, and would go home without any further delay UNSATISFACTORY MENU. \ TIMPKINB I saw Wlndtg partake of a linguistic meal yesterday. Simpkins What do you mean by that* ' Tlmpktns Bl(Thins made him eat his words Truth and Quality *pp~i to the Well-Informed in every walk of life and an* roantial to pcrmaornt iuo'm* anj creditable «t Hiding Accor ingly, it it not claimed that Syrup of l ip an*l Elixir of Senna it the only remedy of known value, hut one of many reason* why it it the beat of |*or»onal anti family laxative* i» the fact that it cleanse*, taw lent ami ml.eve* the internal organs ■n which it act.* without any debilitating after eAecta and without ha\ mg to increase ihc quantity from tune to time It act* (A atantly and naturally and truly an a laxative, and it* component part* ait» known to an«! approval by j physician*, At it it frrr from all objection tl4r •itlvtTaiuvt To p*t ita beneficial I rffecti alwayti purr haw th<* pnumr - I ntmifact'.irvl l y thr California 114 Syrup s-10 » only, aud lor »alc by ail THE AUGUSTA EERAID. STAKEHOLDERSNOT j TO BEJOLESTED New York Justice Court Makes Important Ruling Hotel Bets Permissible. NEW YORK.—The justices of tha court of special sessions handed down a decision today which makes betting i Iri the hoteln, either on the races or ; election or anything else, so long as j It la between Individuals permlssable and entirely within the law. The de cision also states specifically that the st get; holders in such bets cannot be molested by the police. The decisTon, which was written by | Justice Hoyt, was a result of the ar rest on July 25 of Charles Mahoney, manager of the HofTman House case, after he had accepted S6O on a bet made by Nelson A. Herzog on a horse named Enfield, then running on one of the Metropolitan tracks. The de cision says that Mahoney was guilty of no crime and he was accordingly discharged. 1 he justices, both of whom concur with Justice Hoyt, say: The envious intention of Section 351 of the penal code Is to prohibit the business of bookmaking or pool selling and to make any participation In such a business a crime. Mere In dividual betting unconnected with the carrying on of the gambling business has been decided not to constitute, In itself, a violation of the statute.’’ 10 ACTION TAKEN IN OLIVER CASE Case Against Savannah, Augusta and Northern Ry. is Continued Until October. MT. AIRY. —The ease of Oliver against the Kavannah-Angusta and Northern railway and restraining an order before Judge Speer today, was continued by the consent of both sides until October on account of the de fendants not having the evidence ready. No receiver lias been ap pointed. CALIFORNIA PRIMARY ELECTION BREAKS EVEN Democratic and Republi can Parties Control Re spective Conventions. SAN FRANCISCO. —A primary election was held throughout Califor nia yesterday for the purpose of choosing delegates to the state, dis trict and congressional conventions. At 10 o'clock last night the returns showed that the regular organiza tions of both tile democratic and re publican parties had won victory and would control their respective con ventlons. In the republican party there was a contest between the organization ami the Lincoln Roosevelt League while in the democratic party the organiza 'lloll or ' McN'ah faction” contended with the faction led by Theodore Dell, the state leader The nomination of Congressmen Kahn and Hayes Is assured The regular democratic organization car rletl all but six of the local districts. The Charleston A Western Carolina Railway will operate their Annual Ex cursion to the Mountains August llfh, tickets good returning until Septem ber 2nd For rates, etc , apply M. C. Jones, C T. A Ernest Williams, G. I’. A.. SOT liroadway, Augusta, Cia. Al-2-1 6 9-11 12-liic FIVE MEN CONFESS TO MERCANTILE THEFTS Operations on Pennsyl vania Avenue Prove to be More Extensive. PITTSBURG, l'a Confessions wrung from members of the band of I conspirators which has been looting the wholesale inerrantile houses in the Pennsylvania avenue district sot the past year show that the conspl ! racy was even more extensive than ! at first supposed. . The five men who committed tho | actual thefts have been arrested and j four of them have confessed. These 1 eonft sslous implicate nearly a dozen I other per- >ns who have profited by I the operations of the band, but the i Identity of the man who secured moss ot the plunder and who is believed to I have planned the -operations of the baud. Is still shrounded Id mystery. A conservative estimate of the value ol goods stolen places It ! at s|tm,»Mio, ATLANTAN KILLED SELF. ATLANTA Ga It K Pullen, trav j ofing salesman tor an Atlanta bouse. : »as found dead In his room at a | hotel in . eery, Ga . this morning w ith | his throat cut Pullen left s letter to j his house and mailed a special deliv ery letter yesterday to his wife at j Mineral Wells, Texas. In his pock, jets were found $lB In money and a i newspaper Clipping REPUBLICANS MEET. NASHYH.IK Tenn The Evans Sand i: faction of the republican par ty In Tennessee met In stale con vcm lion a! |0 o'clock this morning Them are between f(10 and 500 del* ’ egates In attendance. Hon George N. Tillman of Nash , 'Hie will be nominated by acclaaia Jtioo for governor. Eat What You Want And let Kodol digest it. There can then be no fermentation, r no pain, no distress —no indigestion.^ Eat a sufficient amount of good, wholesome food every dsv. Eat what the appetite calls tor. be cause that is what the health and strength of the body require. Then don't worry about indigestion or dyspepsia; but take Kodol occasionally—at the times when you need it, and your food will be digested com pletely ; but don’t diet and don't deny yourselrthe food you like, for dieting is unnecessary; it is wrong to be hungry. Food is fuel for the laxly. It furnishes blood, bone, health and strength ; but it must be digested first, and you are not going to be healthy or strong as long as your stomach fails to do its work. Don't fear to eat the food you like for as vou know the body requires a variety of it and tliat which you don’t eat may be the very thing you need to supply the necessary strength for your body. TVe say eat what you want and let Kodol digest it. Nor do you have to take Kodol all the time; you wouldn't want to have to take it all the time. Take it just when you need it, and in that way al low it to help the stomach to get strong and well. But when you do eat what you want and what you like best, be sure that all the food is digested; you must be sure that the stomach is able to digest it. Else that portion of the food, which remains in the stomach undigested, irritates the stomach lin ing, and that is what causes pain. Then again un digested food ferments in the stomach and that is what causes sour risings, gas and belching. NEAR BEER GOER WITH LOCAL FOLKS Maddox’s Claim That Near Beer Violates Law Not Entertained Here. * The near-beer question which has been virtually settled In Augusta by Judge and juries Is still vexing At lanta people and Solicitor S. P. Mad dox, of tile Cherokee circuit, claims that the sale of the drink is contrary to the prohibition law of Georgia. He cites the case of Eaves vs. the state in which It was recited that the unlicensed sale of malt liquors, wheth er sueh liquors are intoxicating or not, is illegal. An old law is brought to bear In the matter in which it is made a penal offense to handle with out license spirituous, vinuous or malt liquors. The prohibition art of last year ■prohibits the sale of alcoholic, spirituous, malt or Intoxicating liquors or Intoxicating bitters, of other drinks which if drunk to excess will pro duce Intoxication. While no action has been taken in the district over which Solicitor Mad dox presides It is presumed that he Is keeping a watchout on the situation snd will take the first opportunity to test the law. In this city half a dozen cases have been tried here In which near-beer figured as “other drinks." but in the estimation of the jury front the evi dence introduced, and possibly from personal experience In a few in stanees, they were clearly of the opln lon that near-beer did not and does not come under the bane of the law AUGUST 14th to Norfolk-Richmond $10.50 round trip via ATLANTIC COAST LINE. Through Pullman cars. Tickets good returning until Scptem bfr Ist. inclusive. Make your reser vation and go. A most delightful trip had /Treason. “Not going on the straw ride?" No.” “Why not?" “1 went on a straw ride once.” "Cllnchfleln, the Foal of quality.' THE FARMER’S ANSWER. "Bv the way.” said the summer boarder, "how do you harvest your Ice crop here?" 'With a islckle, tiv course," an swered the old farmer, with a large, open-faci d grim There is no need of anyone suffering long with this disease, for to effect a quick cure it is only necessary to take a few doses of Chamberlain's Cells, Cholera .and Diarrhoea Remedy In fact, in most cases one dose is sufficient. It never fails and cafr be relied upon in ihe most severe and dangerous cases. It is equally valuable for children and is the means of saving the lives of many children each year. In the world's history no medicine has ever met with greater success. Price 25 cents. Large size 50 cents. These are the things you have to get rid of but you can't do it by starving yourself. Weakening the body is not strengthening the stomach. Yet you do weaken the body when you deny yourself some article of food you find does not agree with you. And here is where Kodol is so effective. It di gests what you eat and does it completely. It en ables you to eat just what you like and just what your appetite demands. Kodol doesn’t simply digest certain kinds of food— it digests every kina of food. It acts as Nature acts and it assists Nature in assimilating the food it helps Nature get out of the food what there is in it—strength, blood, bone, muscle and life. Kodol is for you. Kodol is for anyone and every one who needs it and we want you to try it now and be convinced that you can eat just what you like if vou will only let Kodol digest for a time that which you do eat. Our Guarantee Go to your druggist today and get a dollar bottle, and if after using the entire bottle you can honest ly say you have received no benefits from it, return the bottle to the druggist and he will refund your money to you without question or delay, and we will pay the druggist the price of the bottle pur chased by you. This offer applies to the large bottle only and to one in a family. The dollar bottle contains 2*4 times as much as the fifty cent bottle. Kodol is prepared at the laboratories of E. C. DeWitt & Co., Chicago. When Rucker Reached Age of 96 Insurance Company Paid Policy In Full WASHINGTON.—Brigadier General Daniel H. Rucker, U. S. A., declares that although he is “retired," he is a i long way from dead, and can prove it if the insurance company which charges him with being on the other side will only give him a chance. In its letter to General Rucker, the company said, in effect: “Under American experience tables of mortality, ail lives are assumed to have expired before the age of ninety six; and officially you will have to be dead, so that we can pay you off and cancel your policy.” General Rucker declares he will live as long as he likes, insurance companies or no insurance companies, and tables of mortality to the contrary notwithstanding. But the company has offered him his award, which amounts to a large, round sum, and ,as he accept- American Prisoner Horribly Tortured In Mexican Jail PITTSBURG, Pa. —Because they re tused to "squeal" on their “pals," im plicated in the robbing of a bank mes senger, William Moffatt and Edward Maloney, of Pittsburg, were strapped by their wrists to the bars- of a cell, while Mexican police officials tore the nails from their finger tips with | forceps, such as are used by dentists. MISS LAURA SMITH DIED AT TUBMAN HOWE The death is announced Thursday | of Miss Laura Smith at the Tubman Home. Miss Smith was 76 years of age and her death is sincerely re gretted by all who knew her. The funeral services will take plaee at .the city cemetery chapel at 5 o'clock this afternoon. The Rev, G. S. Whitney win offileate. The Interment takes place at the city cemetery. Miss Smith is survived by three nieces Miss Mary Radford. Mrs. T. E. Ed wards. Mrs. Chas. Brown; two nephews, Mr. Ed. Rintz and Mr. J. P. Rintz. NEXT? Liberty wears a Phrygian cap And we may sc-e her next, mayhap. Trailing along through dust* and dirt \ new d'rectoire sheath skirt. THURSDAY, AUGUST 13. ed it, he will be considered dead. At least his name wyi be cancelled, and a big rubber stamp will put “dead" In red letters on the policy sheet. General Rucker has an illustrious career as a soldier. He entered the service for 1837,and fought through the civil war with honors. He displayed such gallantry that he rose step by step, until 1882, when be retired with the rank of brigadier and the brevet of major general. Mrs. Irene Rucker Sheridan, widow of General Phil Sheßjdan, is one of his daughters. Buckl.n's Arnica Salve Wins: Tom Moorr, of Rural Route t, Cochran, Ga., writes: “1 hart a bad sore come on the instep of my foot and could find nothing that would heal It until 1 ap plied Bucklen’s At nica Salve. Less than half of a 25 cent box won the day for me by affecting a perfect cure.' Sold under guarantee at all druggists. According to Captain of Detective? McGough, who returned today from Mexico City, Maloney, Moffatt, Jameu Russell, a well-known Chioago crook, and two Baltimore bank sneaks, held up the messenger in broad daylight and escaped with several thousand dollars. The two Baltimore men escaped with the money. CONDUCTOR CHARGEED WITH ROBBING CARS Harry Marshall Arrested For a Series of Freight Car Robberies. RICHMOND. Va.—Harry Marshall, aged 26, of Manchester, was arrested last night, charged with a series of burglaries In freight cars. Marshall was a conductor and had charge of the train he is accused of robbing. Seven pairs of shoes were found in his possession, and a search warrant was sworn out. in the belief that he has many goods stored in his home. Atlantic Coast Line authorities have missed many goods, but Marshall was not suspected until he was caught last night in a trap se» hy the police