The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 16, 1908, Image 1

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People who live In fumlehed room* come to “know the town" better than other people. They move when they see chances to better themselves. The ads. are IMPORTANT to THEM. VOLUME XHI., No. 228 Cop a* ONty department store GREAT ANNUAL AUGUST BLANKET SALE BEGINS MONDAY. HERE IS THE BIGGEST BLANKET SALE EVER HELD IN THE SOUTH. Its pretty warm to talk Blankets, but with such extraordinary price inducements as we offer below it is safe to say to assume that we will be able to create a brisk demand. We know of no better way to save money than to buy unsparingly of the following lots, and we know of no better Blankets than these self-same lots con tain. THIS GREAT SALE is the result of a BIG CASH deal recently made with a certain large manufacturer for his entire made-up stock, samples etc. One lot is subject to trifling imperfections, the other four are strictly PERFECT. Five Tremendous Bargains From Which to Select. $5.50 All Wool Blankets $3.98 10-4 and 11-4 size, White Wool Blankets, Pink, Blue and Red Bor dered; with two inch Silk binding. Worth in regular way $5.50 a pair, Special for this G* O fj O sale O SHEETS. SI.OO “Englewood” 81x90 size Sheets, special sale J DC 75c “Linen” Finish, 81x90 size Sheets, . special sale .... ....54'C “ANDERSON” 25c COLORED MADRAS 17 Cents 3,000 yards Anderson Imported 36-in. Colored Madras, in plaids, checks and stripes, suitable for children’s school dresses and men’s shirts, laun dries perfectly—sells the world over at 25c, 1 "7 Monday M ' T HANDSOME ALL-OVER NETS AND IRISH POINT MEDAL LIONS CUT IN i/ 2 and LESS Irish Point Medalions $4.00 yard, cut to $2.00 $3.00 yard, cut to $1.50 $1.50 yard, cut to 75 cts All-Over Silk Nets. $4.00 yard, Silk Net, $1.50 $2.50 yard, Silk Radium, .. . SI.OO $1.50 yard, Silk Chiffon, .... 69 cts Political Attitude of the New York Papers Scored by Watterson LOtTSVILLK. —Col. Henry Wat terson, editor of the Courier-Journal writes from his headquarters in the MarhaUen Club. New York, on the political outlook. In his opening para graph he says: 'Things political have awakened hope In those democrats who love their countiy, who think and feel; In short, who are democrats in the largest and true*; sense. These do not all live on the olher slds o' the Alleghenies and the Rlue Ridge. Somu of them yet abide in the east "It seems, however. Incredible— speaking under the spur of hones'. Indignation, It 1b shameful —that \ 000,000 of voters dwelling In the south and west—good Americans ev ery one of them—have not only no newsnaper in the great city of New PROMINENT TENNESSEAN CHARGED WITH DESERTION Pretty Yonnf; Wife of Paul Cline Makes Sensa- Aiona 1 . Charges. BRISTOL, Tenn. —Paul Cline, presi dent of the Tipp-Clty Lumber com pany, and a prominent young busi ness man. was arrested last night on a senaatlonal charge of deserllon pre ferred by his pretty young wife, form erly Miss Nellie Killings It is charged Ir. the warrant that Cllre wilfully deserted his family an t utterly failed to provide for hts wife and Infant baby.. The arrest caused a sensation Tchustep Veturns MEW YORK —Frederick Schuster, driver of the Thomas Flyer, that made the trip from New York to Paris, beatfng all competitors, re turned to New York on board the French line steamship I-a Lorraine He waa Accompanied by George Mil ler the mnehanlclaa, and George Me- Adam, the publicity agent of the trip. HEAT Orove’Vo SUICIDE. NF.W YORK—Otto H. Armbruster, j an arttat well known lo New York and residing In Mamaroneck. attempt •d suicide today by shooting himself THE SUNDAY HERALD We Will Reserve Any of These Blankets Upon Uie Payment of a Depo A Good Second to the Great Blanket Sale. Sheets, Pillow Cases, Bed Spreads, Towels and Damask. PILLOW CASES. 18c “Triumph'’ Pillow Cases, 45x36 size, . <•% special sale 1 12c “Eagle" Pillow Cases, 45x36 size, '7l/ special sale / York adequately to represent them In this national campaign but In most of the metropvlfan newspapers where I hey are not mlsreportedly they are blacklisted." Continuing, he says: "The Iron-clad party Is that of the Tribun fay be dismissed w-lth the ',ig, taken for granted.’ the prop rietary brand of the Hearst organs Is too evei prtsant to have itself serious ly consider «.d. Rut the Cormopollta indifference of the Herald, the pert cynicism of the Sun and the top lofty turgidlty of the Times —not to men tion the frisky pomp of the Evening Post, which seems still to he edited on the heaven side of Jordan —bode nothing less than a new sectionalism "This is of menace alike to New York and the country at large ” COUNT VON ARKOVY ATTEMPTS SUICIDE Bnninen* Failure the cause A guest at Gladys Van derbilt’s Wedding, NEW YORK—Count Richard Von Arkovy, a relative of Count Ladlslaua Szechenyi and one of the gues's at the latter's wedding to Miss Gladys Vanderbilt, having made n failure of Ihe career In business w hich he un dertook in New York against his father’s wishes, tried to itlll himself today In his home In the’ Almont apartments, No. 73 West Eighty eighth street, by Inhaling Illuminat ing gaa. Count Von Arkovy was found un conscious In bed by Paul Pate, with whose family he lived. He watt taken to the J. Hood Wright hospital where It was said 'hat be had onl.v the slightest chance of recovery. He had fastened a gas tube to his mouth by winding a towel about his head His struggles as the gas began to have its effect loosened the Improvis ed bandage and thus prevented com plete asphyxiation In the right temple. He was taken dying to the New Rochelle hospital. Hia mind was affected by the beat. $7.00 All Wool Blankets, $4.98 11-4 size strictly All Wool White Blankets, Blue, Pink and Red Bor dered. This lot shows trifling imperfections. Regularly worth $7.00. Sale ' QA 02 Price.. sp't.YO BED SPREADS. $1.39 “Fringed” Honey Comb Bed Spreads, sr*.’ SI.OO sl.lO Double Bed size Honey Comb £ q Bed Spreads OCSC EMBROIDERIES AND LACES ! READ ALL FOR ECONO MY’S SAKE. Embroideries. 15c yard Embroideries, .. .. 5 cts 20c yard Embroideries, 10 cts 25c yard Embroideries, .. .. 15 cts Val Laces. 25c dozen Val Laces, 10 cts 65c dozen Val Laces 37 cts $3.00 dozen Val Laces $1.20 TAFT AND WRIGHT CONFERS. HOT SPRINGS, Va. —William H Taft and Secretary Luke Wright held a long conference today regarding Cuban matters upon which the uew AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, SUNDAY MORNING, AUGUST 16, 1908 Keyser’s $1.75 16 Button Silk Gloves 89c In the following shades; Pink, Blue Lavender, Navy, Gray, Brown and Tan, Black and White. For Monday only, 8Q ft Miss Beatrice Mills I H(r f tfUjK&SM i AlMl wlm ; j IfatiL j* - Hw Mis* Beatrice Mills, daughter of Mr. and Mr*. Ogden Mills, and one of the famoue Mills twins, la now said to be the next American heirete to become belhrothed to an English nobleman. Report has It that she is engaged to Lord Oranard, Marqula of Falataff, Matter of the Hose to King Edward. Lord Granard came to tbit country on the same atrtmer wilh Mias Mills and it a guest at her home. Her father haa denied (he existence of any engagement. $7.50 All Wool Blankets, $5.48 31-4 size, Plaid and White, AH Wool Blankets, with two inch Silk Binding. Made for double beds. Worth $7.50 per pair, Special Price $5.48 * LINEN TOWELING 12c heavy all Linen Crash blue and red bordered, special o sale OC 10c Gloss Toweling blue special /L , and red checked, "L SILKS! These Bargains But a Few Days More SI.OO Sapho Silks, Messaline Sat ins, Wash Pongee’s, Shantung Suitings, in street and evening shades, such as we haven been selling at SI.OO yard, .49/ 50c Printed China Silks, light grounds with dainty Pink, Blue, Lavender, Red and Old Rose Flowers. Our Regular 50c qualities, O ‘fik // at f secretary needed advice Affairs In Panama were also discussed at. some length. General Wright will remain bare until Monday before going back to Washington. SCARFS AND SHEETING. 65c, 20x72 in. Hemstitched Sideboard Scarfs, in special O/L $1.25 Linen Sheeting, 90- lnches wide, heavy quality, CC.. yard Ot/L KING PETER OF SERVIA MAY ABDICATE BERLIN.- King Peter of Servla, has long been the least enviable of European monarchs, Ik now In an In tolerable position. Either abdication or a coup d’elal—that Is the dilem ma that confronts a qniistitutlonal monarch. Since the recent cabinet crisis no Servian statesman has con aented to form a new ministry, al though five attempts have been made As the king Is apparently not strong enough to establish himself as an au tocrat it Ik likely that he will either appoint a dictator or abdicate. Mean while the garrison is kept in constant readiness for emergencies or to en force the threatened coup d'etat. Recently King Peter held a birth day reception, which Is described ns a pitiable farce. King Peter, looking weary and forlorn, without premier, ministers or parliamentary dignita ries, received the good wishes of the diplomatic corps, and cdmplalnlng of the heat, hastened to his private apartments. The king shows the of feet of the great strain to which he has been subjected since the begin ning of the parltamcrnary crisis. ARRESTED FOR CRIMINAL QUACKERY. RERUN.- For the "criminal quack ery” of selling pig:,’ blood to credulous peasants an the blood of executed murderers, with curative powers In all allmenta, Charles Albrecht has been sentenced lo three years’ penal servitude at Brunswick When Albrecht recommended the blood of dead murderers hk a un I ver bal remedv, there was an enormous demand for the gruesome “medicine.” Albrecht sold hundreds of bottles of pigs' blood at I" each, and, of course, made handsome profits, while the stuff was eagerly taken In the belief that. It was the miraculous blood of dead rnurdwers, which would cure •vc»/ UL $9.00 All Wool Blankets, $5.98 Full double bed size, in bright attractive Plaids. Made from se lected California Wool. Regu larly worth $9.00. It $5.98 TOWELS. 18c Genuine Hack Towels, good heavy ciuallty, .-j special IZC $2.25 dozen fine Ml-Llnon I luck Towels, special t /Y "«le 4>Z.IU $4.50 LEATHER SUIT CASE FOR .. ... .. -...54.50 One lot of brand new $6.00 Leather Suit Cases. Regular made, 24 inches lung, shirt fold inside straps. Loop handle, straps, good lock. Regu lar Price $6.00. Monday’s Sale G* A Price, Each SIX GOOD ONES IN WHITE GOODS AND WASH GOODS. White Goods. $1.65 English Nainsook, $1.09 20 yards Daintless Bleaching SI.OO 22 yards India Linon SI.OO Wash Goods. 12 l / 4e Percales and Ginghams ,7VaC 9c Amoskeag Ginghams .. .. 6V2C 7c American Prints 5 cts DAILY AND SUNDAY, $6.00 PER YEAR AUOUBIXU OtOY DEPARTMENT SJ'CJTE sit*. TABLE DAMASK 45c, 65-!ncb full Bleached Table Damask, 'J/xr' special sale ZOC 75c 72-In. half BJeaohod Table I llamas k (all-linen,) r ,al . 49c TAMMANY’S LEADER PREDICTS BRYAN’S ELECTION NEW YORK Ohas. F. Murphy, load er of Tamrnay Hall Is quoted as hav ing predicted the election of W I. Bryan at the November election. "Mr. Bryan,” he Is reported to have said, "Is much stronger In New Yo-k state today than he was In either of the previous elections Why, 1 do not know but there la u variety of evidence on which I base this asser tion I believe one of the reasons Is the dll-satlsfacllon with Roosevelt and hi* policies which Taft has p!dg ed himself lo continue. A great many men who were with the republican party In the past will be with the democrat* this yeat It means a great deal when men like Morgan I. O’Brien and Dditneey Nlcnll, who op posed Itrvun In the past come out flat-footed for him I believe also that Bryan will uld the stall: ticket.” Mr. Murphy said that, fhc demo cratic candidate tor governoi had not been decided upon. DIRECTORS HATS MAY BE BARRED IN PARIS THEATRES PARIS. —The enormous Dlrcctorie hats now fashionable are threatened with police Interference when worn In the theatre. The theatre* commit tee of tin. M tin lit p» | Connell have d elded lo put In force Ole following new regulation: "It Is forbidden to spectators In any manner whatever, and specifically by wearing hats o( unreasonable dimensions." This is the llrst official attempt in Parts io deal with the matinee hat, although the Marseilles city council has gone as far as to forbid hats of any kind In place* of amusement In < nforclng this new regulation the troubles will be to fls a standard beyond which the dentlnslons of it hat become "unrefl tunable.” Rut ~e matter Is not likely to be a burning question until the theatres open In the full. SIO.OO All Wool Blankets, $6.98 11-4 size, California All Wool Blan kets, with two and half inch Silk binding. Pink, Bine and Red bor dered. Regularly worth SIO.OO Lirtt... $6.98 NAPKINS AND DOYLIES. $2.25 AU-Llnon 24x24 ilzo lilnner Napkins, "Pedal *P I • / O $2.00 large Hlze Knotted Fringed Doylies, apodal -j aalo FINAL CLEARANCE OF SUM MER WAISTS AND SKIRTS. Waists Waists $1.50 Lawn Waists, .. ...69 cts $3.25 Lawn Waists .. .. ..$1.69 $5.00 Lawn Waists .. .....$2.98 Skirts Skirts $1.50 Linerie Skirts, .. .. „.69 cts $3.00 Linen Skirts $1.69 $5.00 Linen Skirts $2.98 NEGROES WOUND OFFICIAL OF COUNTY ________ 1 -fi.; SPRINGFIELD, Ills.—W. 11. Bow<% assistant county treasurer, was this morning attacked by a crowd of ne groes who after firing three bullets Into hts body, rldf-d his pockets of a large sum of money and took a largo diamond and other valuable Jewelry from his person. Ho was left In .til alley Ir, a dying condition. At » o'clock he’revived sufficiently to say he hud been attacked by six negroes and dragged Into the alley where they declared he was "the next victim and scores of others are to follow bo. fore we get through with this thing” The mob hearing of the attack on Rowe have again t tailed to ward the tenderloin and troops arc being rush ed along the levee where for a time It looked like order would be restored. Murth-l law has ntot been declared. Governor Denern declaring he will not take such action until hu has con terred with Mayor Reece anil Sheriff Werner. FAMOUS OPERA~SINGER IS ARRESTED FOR ASSAULTING ELEVEN YEAR OLD GIRL PARIH. Hlgnor Alfredo Venturing the renowned bass singer on return ing to Milan from bis triumphs at t'ovnnt Garden lias been arrested on a warrant Issued last April charging him with assaulting the eleven-year old daughtei or a Milanese family which has accorded him hospitality. The singer loudly protested Ills Inno cence lie Is a widower forty years of age and Is the father of a boy of sixteen and daughter of fourteen, who are at college in his native town of Ancona. As the authorities absolutely re fum'd to grant tiallH the slowness of Justice In Italy renders It probable that the fatuous singer will he con strained to cancel hu engagement* for sumo time to com* Are you making It “pay*, this occupation of keeplr boarders? Perhaps a belter wi to put the question would b< “Are you advertising the fa( THAT YOU keep boarders!