The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 16, 1908, Page PAGE TWO, Image 17

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PAGE TWO Cholera Morbus and Bowel Complaints "Over 95 c»hck in i very hundred o( summer complaint* could be avoided. ’ **ya a leading specialist, "If every one »■«« careful to keep Mh system toned up with Duffy's Pure visit Whiskey |f» the moat effective icerm destroyer known to the medi cal profession.' Duffy’s Pure Mult Whiskey U an absolutely pure distillation of malted grain; areal rare le in* used to have every kernel thoroughly malted, thus destroying the germ and producing a |. redlgested liquid food fn the form of a malt essence, w'hleh Is the most effective tonic stimulant and Invlgorator known to science; softened by warmth and moisture, Its pslatstilllty ami freedom from Injurious substances render tt so that It can he retained by the most sensitive stomach, It cures nervousness, typhoid, ma laria. every form of .‘tomach trou ble. disease ol the throat and itingx, and all rundown anil weakened con ditions of the Itody. brain, and nerves ft la prescribed by doctors arid Is ree ognlred ss the world's greatest family medicine everywhere, • (Mosei One teaspoonflll In each glass of dclnklng water during the hot weather w|l| kill all germs. If weak and run down, take u tea spoonful four times a day In halt a glass of milk nr water If you ranhol purchase Duffy's Pufe Malt Whiskey near your hernia w« will have shipped you In u potin case, express prepaid, as billows: 1-ess than sl» bottles $1 per bottle. 81k bottles, ss.sci. One citsp, 13 but ties. $lO 111) Remit to Duffy Malt Whiskey Do, Rochester, N. y , tn express order. Dost Office Mon*" order. 111 eertltled cheek I'pon receipt of order, goods will lie shlppid Immediately uecord- Ing tci directions. Itefcreneea Any Rot-heater llnnk or Truat Co, Dun's or Brndstreet'a Agency. • If In need of advice, v rlt» Consult lug Physician, Duff Malt Whiskey Company, Rochester, New York, stnl li’g vour case fully, tyur doctors will sencl vou advice* free, together with a handsome illustrated, medical booklet e ntalniug some of the many thou* npd« of grttlfylni letters received nien aid Women In all w.ilKh of life btitb old and young, who have I.W>| cured and benefited by the use Of the World s greatest uiedietne. MR. TWIGGS RANDALL DIED ON BEECH ISLAND Many Augusta friends will regret to laarn of the deeth of Mr. Twiggs Han dall. who passed away i»t the home of hla parent* near Heeeh Island on Tueada.v morning last, after an Mine** of Bra week* wtth typhoid fever. He waa the olden! eon of Mr and Mm. Jeter Randall and wan n proaperoua and well te do planter. by an honeat and upright life gained a spot l**a reputation both In tbe Ananolal and aoolal world. He was often a vlaltnr to Auguata. and on the KMh of UHt December The Herald anutal eoluntna announoed hie marriage to Mb>« Ihtlay l*aae, the beautiful young daughter of Ml. aud Mr* Rattiuel Page, of Augusts Krei vthtng that loving ear* and madteal aktll eeuld do waa dona to aava hi* life, but to no avail. Hu *a> 14 year* ol a«« Hl* funeral waa preached at Town Creak Baptist church on Wedneeday evening a large congregation being praaent to pav tbelr laat tribute ol lowa and reepect. M* wn» tenderly laid to real naath a mound o( God's faire«t blossoms at the family burial ground at Town Creak Mr* Randall will make her home with her parent* Mr and Mr* shun wal Pag*, who have a bom* on upper Bill* atraat PASTOR'S CONDITION IMPROVES KRW YORK The condition ot Ton* Pastor, the actor and theatrical manager, who la 111 at bia home In Kltnhtuat l. I waa unrhnngcd thU morning Hla phyalclan *ald that bo SSd taken aom* nourishment during the night THE EXPERIENCE of thousand* of our depositor* I* Identical with that of the p«rton who ha* not begun to save Tbe hardes part about the whole boat, neaa for them wa* tbe STARTING POINT. After the lee was broken and the start made It we* found to be an eaay matter to lay aStd* a aarialu sum each week or month And It I* certainly aston ishing bow rwpldtv a bank account grow*, especially when t per cant Inter*»t t* added to It ouch alx month*. Com* In and make rour start tomorrow morning early. “WHERE SAVINGS ARC SAFE." THE AUGUSTA SAVINGS BANK Sn BROAO STREET. OFFICE STATIONERY. Bur your f«H supplies of office Stationery of us. Wo hare a full stock. Our prices are right. RICHARD A STATIONERY COMPANY. PORTSMOUTH JAIL STORMED BY Hi ! ANGRY MOB NORFOLK, \a. —Three hundred i white men made an attempt to storm ! Hit Portsmouth Jail this morning in | order to punish William King an I Henry Smith, two negroes, with win ■ tn.-.iy Justice. The mob forced tuc 1 doors of the jail, but were met by ! half a score of officers with drawn ! weapons. The lire department was i i ailed out and played upon Hie crowd j with heavy streams of water. Later In the morning after the ntob | had dispersed It was reported they ! were gathering In another section of I the city for another attack on tin jail, but they did not make a second appearance. The two negroes were charged with criminally attacking, Mrs. Katherine Powell, an aged wo man. FAMEII COHEN GETS TWO BALES Noted Agriculturist bring* to Market Conple of Richmond’s First Bales of Cotton. 'tlii title of City Attorney for An j go.*- a and the horn,! of being classed I among the leading lawyers on the state lost prestige yesterday when Mr Henry Cohen demonstrated hla abil ity as a tanner and brought In two bales of cotton from Ills country pitted near the city. () I course, Mr. Cohen didn't drive the wagon, for though he It adept In handling juries by pre- i st ating racts to them In a clear cu', | manner, he Is not ipmlltled to handle Hie reins with a couple ot good mules hitched to a wagon. Hut cotton was King with him. , Hardly a farmer for mile and miles | around has yet succeeded In getting mil two bales of cotton, but the fh-.-cJ staple grows with prodlguoiis result!, on Mr. Cohen’s farm. Until the re cent feit weather struck the section where the farm Is located It seemed as it there would lie no way to pre vent eight rents cotton. The bumper vM4 threatened to grow to record blinking proportions and nl course, I the world the beam of Wall street., the splntb rs of New England and th - i real Kttgllsh manufacturers over on the otliei side, all would use it us an argument against good prloes. Trovldt nee, however, lands a kindly ! bund, It seems, occasionally to the 1 furmcr of the south the cotton farm 1 r and unfavorable weather ram* down on the Ihiul with the,that high prices are once mode appar ently on ahead., The friends of Mr Dolten ait* of t-he opinion that he ought to have a Brest and glorious reward for h,x unceasing attention lo farm life and some have proposed that the two new bales l,e auctioned off and the funds donut- , • I to ome farmers that do not know , how to tarra, DR. ANDERSON WRITES ON TUBERCULOSIS Außinata Physician Com pletes Book on Modes of Prevention of the Dread Diaeaae. In connection with the work of the AnS ruberculcal* league recently orr mired In Augusta It will no doubt be Interesting to a large number to know that Ur. .1 Monroe Anderson, of Augusta, ha* just completed the compilation of a little booklet of about 20 page* In which the method* of prevention, treatment and cure of consumption la fully discussed Many of the le idlng physician* of Ihc stale have endorsed the method* and plunk outlined In the booklet and ihere I* no doubt In the mind* ‘f those acquainted wllh the advice gl - en but that much good will re»ult Irom the distribution of the booklet. The dUltlhullon of the hook I* be ing carried on through puhlle aub script lon from those Interested and Ur Anderson will he glad to send a copy to any one who addresses at the Leonard htdlding, this city. S*e tbe gig Ad —Full Page. of lh* MtOlarky amt Pulltvan Co., tn tin* i**n*. It s bristling with bargain* of H* moat dealrahl* kind* as Dry Goad* of wh*t you wuat end when you went tt. They are havtns a great eurptu* stack rale now. hrld to clean up and region stork. since they hirva carried ih- Com kery good* down to their own alorr. th.y are much too crowded and mat tn.rVe apaoa for felt good*, epecktt reduction* are being held In ovary dvparlsm nl to cloae out lota, be eure to visit tlietr atnra Monday Follow the crowd*. they ate doing the I>ry Good* bu*lm-»a these days. IN cAUGUSTA CHURCHES FILE CHURCH NOTICES EARLY On account of Ibe confusion in cident to the haphazard manner and varied times at whien no tices for the church column are turned in, The Herald hereby no tifies all pastors and choir di rector* that copy for this de partment cannot be accepted for tire afternoon paper unless filed before noor,, and for the Sunday iecuc by 6 p. m., Saturday. They are invited to make their an nouncement, free of charge, In these columns, under these con diticns. There are apt to be fewer m.s takes in copy written piainy with Ink. A simple anne unce ment of one to two Inches is as useful as a half column of tedi ous detail, filling valuable space. St. Patrick’s Church, Very Rev. 1,. Bazin, V. (J., rector; Hev. .) Henneasy, assistant. Sunday masses; t>:3o, 8, 9:50 a. m. Sacred Heart Church Corner (ireene and McKlnne Sts. Rector, Rev, .1 Sherry. 3. .1 Pastors, Rev. J l-onergan, S. and Rev R. Mneready, 3 J. Morning service: Manses at 5.150, €.OO, 7.50 and 9.39 Benediction after lant mass, at 9.3 U No evening service. Christ Church. Sunday school, #;3O a. m. Morning prayer, 11 n. m. Evening prayer, x p, m. l.ltany Wednesday, 8 p. in. Reid Memorial Church. Rev. .1. T. I’lunket, D. D., minis ter In charge. Sunday school at fi p m. Adult Illble Class at C:lf> p. m., conducted (alternately) by well known Bible students. Attractive music. Strangers cor dially Invited. St. Paul's Church. Rev. (i. Sherwood Whitney, pas tor. Celebration of the Holy Commun ion, 7:80 a m. Morning prayer and sermon, 11 a. m. Sunday school, fi p. m. Evening prayer. (Lift p. m. Holy Trinity Lutheran Church. Rev. J. B. Derrick, pastor. Church on (Ireene street, in front ot the court house. Breaching at 11 a m. Sunday school at ft p. m. Come and worship the laird with us. Sibley Presbyterian Church. li a rn. and B,lft p. in. services by the pastor. Rev. J. A. Thompson. Subject for |l a nv. ' The Christian i» Relation to Different Classes of Peo pie:" for 815 p. in., "The .lust." All! tire invited to the services. St. James Church. Rev Richard Wilkinson. D. O , pas tor. Preaching at. 11 a. in. and 8. it) p m., hy Rev. Geo 1,. King. Sun ; day achool at s*.4ft o’clock a. m,J. K. Parker, euperlntondent. He otlonal meeting of the Kpworth League at 7 3(1 o'clock p. m. You are cordially j . Invited tn be pre*i-nt. Evening spv- I vice will be interesting and profitable f Church will he comfortable and ntu i etc good. Strangers and visitor* ara . welcome to all service*. Broadway Methodist Church. Preaching at 11 a in. and 830 p m, by Hei 1' II Tlmnion*. of Thom- 1 son, (la Sunday school at 0.30 a. m, Prayer meeting at 8.30 Wednesday evening, conducted by Rev. W. S. Nicholson. 81. Matthews Lutheran Church. In the absence of their pastor the member* of St. Matthew* rhureh will attend the service at Holy Trinity (church on Oreene street. The hour *!» 11 o'clock The Sunday school will meet st the usual hour, 0.30 In the morning. The regular service* a'. St, Matthew* will he resumed Sun day morning, beptetnhor 6th. North Augusta Baptist Church. Rev. Mr. Garrett, of Texas, will preach at the morning service at tl o'clock, and the public Is cordially In vited to attend Second Baptist Church. Corner D'Anttgnar and Eleventh street*. J It Holley, pastor. In the absence of the pastor, Rev. J K Duron. of Wadley, Ga. will preach at the It o'clock service, aud administer the ordinance of the Lord s Supper, and at the S 30 p. m. ser vice Rev T H. llarrott. of Rosebud. Texsa. who t* tn the city visiting his daughter. Mr*. Cook, who lives on Glover street, wlli preach. Rev J. K Uureit Is well known In the city and will be heard with pleas ure by hla many admirers. Rev T H Garrett Is au old friend of the pas ter H<- was living ti xt d 4to th pastor before he joined the Baptist church at Starr. S. C . and wa* on* of the council that ordained Mr. Hoi lev The pastor bespeaks for Mr Gar rett a good congregation and » pleas ant occasion. First . retbyterlan Church. Corner Telfair and Seventh streets Preaching .>4 tl a tu bv the Rev A W. Nlabet of Savannah. No eve j ntng aervtoe Sabbath school at 5 i o’clock Christian Endeavor at 7.30 I o clock. Jnnior Christian Endeavor I Tuesday afternoon at (i o'click. Wed ueeday evening prayer service at 8.30 I o'clock. Reid Memorial Chapel. Summerville. Sabbath school at 6 o'clock. Greene Street Presbyterian Churcn On the LOO block between Mil itary and McKlnne streets Rev Geo S. Guile, paatcr Preaching a‘. 11.1$ a. in, by the Rev. Thoe. WUkujeoD THE AUGUSTA HERALD. iNo evening service Sunday school ft.IS a. m. The public cordially in i vited to aii the services of tuis ! church. The seats are free. First Baptist Church Corner Greene and Jackson Sts. Sparks White Melton, D. D., pastor. 1 Breaching at 11 o'clock by Dr. M. L. i-awson oi Johnston, S. C. No eve ning services. Sunday school at 9.45 a. m. Asbury Methodist Church. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. by the pastor, Key. J. M. Bowden. Sun | cay school at 9.30 a. m- Prayer ervlce 8 p. m., Wednesday. Every body cordially invited to attend these services. St, John Methodist Church. No church services will be held to- j day. __ ‘ , Sunday school'service at 9:30, Mr. j 0. Goodrich, superintendent. Prayer meeting, Wednesday evening j at 8:30. A cordial Invitation to ail to attend all the services. ADD WHITE CHURCHES Curtis Baptist Church. The usual services of the day will j be held. Morning service at 11 a. m. Sunday school at 4 p. m. Evening service at 8:30 p. m. A cordial invitation is extended to I strangers to worship with us, and enjoy our singing. Colored Churche*. Gethcemane Baptist Church. Rev. T. H. Holmes, pastor. Early prayer meeting, t; a. m. Preaching at 11:30 a. m. by Rev j ; James M. Brown, of Johneton, S. C. Sunday school at 3 P- m. At. 8:30 p. m, a special sermon will be delivered by the pastor, Rev. T. H. Holmes. The public is welcome to attencL Canaan Baptist Church. i Rev. A. I). Dunbar, pastor. Preaching at 11 o'clock by the pas tor. Sunday school at 3 o'clock. Evening service at 8 o'clock. All are cordially invited. Metropolitan Baptist Church. Rev C. 8. Williams. D. D.. pastor. Preaching at 11:30 and 8:30 p. m. by Rev. Scott, of Charleston, 8. C. The public is cordially invited. Colored Y. M. C. A. There will be no meeting at the colored Y. M. C. A. rooms on Sun day afternoon, on account, of the exer cises at the Tabernacle Baptist church at 3:30 P. m.. in connection wllh the "quarto-centennial" of Rev. C. T. Walker, D. D. SILAS X. FLOYD, Sec. Thankful Baptist Church. Preaching at 11.30 a. m. Sunday acnool at 3.30 p. m„ L. G. Harmon, superintendent; Charles Germany, assistant superintendent. Preaching at B.t>o p. m. Sunrise prayer meet ing. All are invited to attend these services, rtev T. R. Wallace, D. D., pastor. L. J. Mays, secretary. Christ Presbyterian Church. Corner Telfair and Cttmming 3t*. Preaching services 11 a. m. and 8.39 p. m Sunday school at 10 a. m. Wednesday evening. 8.30 p. m., pray er meeting. All are cordially invit ed to attend these serviees. J. S. E.ilb, Pastor. Tabernacle Baptist Church. Rev. C. T. Walker, D. D., LL. D, pastor. Early prayer meeting. 0 a. m. Preaching at tl a. tn by Rev. J. S. Ford, D. P , pastor Bethel Institutional ehnrcb. Jacksonville, Fla. Preaching at 3:30 p. m. Preaching at 8 P m. by Rev. P. S, Klugh, D D. pastor Bright Hope Haiitlst church. Princeton. N. J. Collection during the day for the pastor's “quarto-centennial purse." j For Real Estate call on or write j hackett Bell A Bendy. Planters Loan & Savings Bank Bldg. Special Sale of Furniture Owing to the death of Mr. Bo.i Sko.- lowaki, the entire etock of good* will be anld »t low price* during the next few iliy* The atock Is being put on the market by Mr Goldberg, manager, who ia alao a local furniture man of known ability, Mr. Goldberg baa been In the bualneaa for a number of years and Is a capable man to have tn charge of the sale There wIU be nothing reserved In the entire store and the price* hnve been stashad until they are unrecognis able Mr. Skatowekt had a varied line of old and new furniture and the wants of all classes can be ailed from the store. The sale will begin Monday morning and will last until the good* are disposed of. For Real Estate call on or writ" Hackett. Bell A Dendy. Planters Loan A Savings Bank Bldg. Bright Outlook for th* Bowles Furniture Company Tho J. L. BowH** Furniture Company th** oldest in the city, and ha* a rep utation to be envied. Mr. James L Heminic has been nt the head of tn* ‘•usiness for a number of year* anil still retains the office of president. M as a very nble and competent corps ot t Mist ants under him who look after the business and the futuie of the score will be ns food as the past. One of *he largest and most varied stocks ev\ ur rlrd hy the store in on hand is being ffered st reduced prtc**. - Greatest Ivtr KnUwn. The Augusta Trunk Factory still ha\e on fhelr great summer reduction saJo. Never before hare such bargains been offered tn Trunks. Valises and Huh ! Suit Cnm. See ihelr new Hu* of Jnp- I a nee* Straw Suit Cases and Valise*. So J light, so easy to carry Give them a call a< Broad. "Wrong" side of «*/**!. aßMwmni' IV^TO-NIGHT —r f | 1% <*V| ft 11 VSTjieWT am \ V asgg-B* j m Union Sayings Bank OFFICERS WM. BCHWKIGERT, President A. 8 MORRIS, Vice-President. THOMAS S. GRAY. Cashier. This Ba nh is De positaryt.for the U. S. Court North eastern Division, Southern District of Georgia. REDUCTIONS Railroad Schedules CENTRAL OF GEORGIA RAILWAY. (Current „v.,.«uuiw 10 (75th Meridian Time.) DEPARTURES. For Rax'annab and Macon .... ••7:SO«m For Dublin and Savannah •?:46pn* For Savannah and Macon ••B:4opm For Savannah arid Macon !!9:4opm For Savannah, “Tybot, limited' !17:U0ain ARRIVALS. From Savannah aixd Macon ... •*7:§opm From Savannah and Macon . ..••S:so*ni From Savannah and Macon ♦... !!l:10an > From Dublin and Savannah •12:45pm From Savau n “Tybee Limited"! 112;45am •Dally. ••Except Sunday. !!9unday only. Drawing Loom Sleeping Cars between Augusta and Savannah on night trains, connect* at Mllien with through sleep ing cars u» and Irom Muxm, Atlanta. Columbus, Birmingham and Chicago, Jlia. F. F POWERS. W. W. HACKETT. Com‘l. Agt Trav. Pass. Agt. 716 Broad St. Charleston & Western Carolina Railway The following arrivals -...a departures of trains. Union Station. Aughata, Ga., as well as cpnections with other compa nies. -tre simply given as information, and are not guaranteed: (Effective May 31. IJOS.) DEPARTURES. 8:30 n. m.—No. 7, Dally tor Anlersoo Seneca. WalhaJla, etc. 10:10 a. m.—No. 1, T»ally for Oraenwood. Laurens. Greenville. Spartanburg Hendersonville and Asheville. 2:06 p. m.—No. 42, Dally except Sunday, for Allendale, Fairfax, Charle*ton. Savannah. Beaufort. Fort Royal. 7:00 a. m.—No. 38. Sunday only, for Al lendale. Charleston. Peaufort, Pori Royal, Savannah. 4:40 p. m.—No. 3, Dally for Greenwood, No. 5 leave* Breen wood at 6:50 a Ol- for Spartanburg ARRIVAL# No. 4. Dally from Greenwood. SSS s. m. No. 41. dally except Sunday, from Pharlesion. Savannah. Beaufort, Port Loyal, etc.. No. 37. Sunday only, from Beaufort, Port Royal. Charleston and »a* van nab. 110 a. m. 12:30 p. m No. 2. dally from Asheville, Spartanburg Greenwood. *tc.. 6:15 p. m. No. 8. dally from Anderaon. McCormick, etc. 7.3» p nv Train* 41 and 42 and 37 and 31 run •olid between Augu»ta and Charleston Effective June 16. 1008. theie will be Tli"Weekly Parlor Car aervlce between Augusta and Aahevtlle. leaving Augusta Tuesday* Thursdays and Saturdays AahevtUe Mondays. Wednesday and Fri day*. Train* Nos 1 and 2. KRNIC9T WILLIAMS. General PnunngT Agent. No. 107 Broadway. Augusta. Ga A TL. ANTIC Coast Line SCOTS — The*, arrival* una departure* are given as information, but arrival and connection* are uot guaiunteeU. No. 11. No. X* North. May l. I*M. South J :10pm L» Auguata .. . .Ar. BMW 4 orpm Lv B.irnn'ell .. I.v. 7:sSnn 4:3Cpm 1.V..., Denmark ....Lv. I:4san st*9pmT,v.. Orangeburg ...Lv. 7 tSa:n I i sopm I.V Sumter Lv. SrMam i " '-i-pm L.v Florence ....Lv. 4 40mis 5 ’.OantAr ... Rlclimond ... .Lv. T-jspm I 50am Ar . WsshlngtCJi ...Lv. 1 41 pm 11 team Ar. .. Iteltiroor* ... Lv. l ljpir 141 pm Ar W Phil*. .Lv. U SSam « !ipm Ar N#« York. SJd St Lv. » 7ions PtT.t.MAN PARLOR CAR* betarevu Ausuata and Naw York without chan** Dining Car Service, Florence to New York. L. D M'CULLUXi. remmeretat Agent. «ei Broed 4t, T r WttlTK, w J CtiAJG Gen Psa* Agent. r*a* rralt Mgt WUmlcgten, N C. Never Forget t»he Fact that a SAVINGS ACCOUNT in this UNION SAVINGS BANIm V not a V mere transient protection, but that the sixteen years successful record of this bank, its ample capital and surplus and Its well-known conser vative management, all conspire to make it a place of deposit that may be fittingly chosen as an investment for the money you are laying by to protect your old age. ’ Saving is not for today or tomorrow but for the years to come. Ro member this when you choose a bank, and choose this one. CON TINUED - We are not a great rush, bargain sale, but xvc'are offering every thing at genuine bargain prices. Our store Is literally full of good tilings for the homo. We cannot make n complete list of them here, hut we in vite you to sea our stock and compare our prices. That’s all. A FEW REFRIGERATORS AND FREEZERS. left to be sold actually at cost. THE J. L. BOWLES FURNITURE CO. AIGUSTA’S OLDEST FURNITURE STORE. 00-4 BROAD STREET. Interesting Picture Appears In New House After Rains A well known drummer, who makes Augusta at regular intervals, xvhose name, If printed, would immediately be recognized by numerous customers ; and a host of friends, blew in Satur j day with a story that'll keep the trophy about twelve months, unless a ! close competitor gets mighty busy. He told a Herald reporter the yarn. ! but asked him not to print the au thor's name. It runs like this: “lip at Social Circle—you knoxt where that is a hustling town on the Georgia railroad, about 33 miles from Atlantty It's growth in the last five j years has been remarklible, and 1 predict even greater things for the j bailiwick. But that ain't relevant. I was about to tell you about Mr. Mli- I ton Allman's new house, and a strange | thing about that house that’s brought | people from miles and miles about. | "Well, as I was about to say; This public spirited citizen—yes, he's a | customer of mine—just finished him ' self a swell hangout last Wednes day. It was a turn-kej< job, as the contractors say. and everything ac cording to Hoyle. The night before the family was to begin moving in the furniture, there came a big rain, a tremendous sprinkle it was. too, if anybody should ask you. The roof leaked a bit, because the shingles were not swelled good yet, and a portion of sky-juice trickled down a side wall to the immaculate plaster ing of the reception hall." Here the traveler came to a dead stop, like as if he were finished. And his audience viewed him with min gled wonder and disgust. "I say! ' quoth one. more bold and better ac quainted with the drummer than the others. “I say. we’ll al, be damned if you ain't a scream at telling yarns. Suppose the roof did leak, what of it?" The fat visitor shook all over with laughter. Then his expression be came serious, and in a stage whisper he said: "Ease up here closer. Do you know what the water brought out on that plastering? No, you don't; you're not a bunch of Edgsr Allen Poe's. Well, the first man to get In side the reception room behold a sight that froze the blood in his veins, i Traced on the pure white wall, in [ilnes of lurid crimson, was a scene j Itoth pathetic and terrible. A drunken | husband, standing with uplifted right hand. In which he grasped a knife, while with the other he choked the poor woman into submission. And kneeling in piteous appeal at his feet two horror-stricken children, tn fran tic prayer for the Ilf* of their poor - mother. “Ah. boys, tl»; was a terrible pie ; ture. I saw It. The wall was white washed again, and that night it rained again, and next morning th* very l ** wr picture was there again. They BAR SILVER t OWE3. NEW YORK—Bar silver in Lon don today waa 1-16 lowar at 3* 5-8 pence per ounce. Today’* New York prtf * was 1-8 cents lower at tl 1-8 Mexican dollars were i&?.31. SUNDAY, AUGUST 16 say the spot on which stands the new house was once the site of a haunted hovel that nobody would go near to, but which was finally torn down and forgotten in the growth of a flourishing little city. Who knows, who knows? Truth is a dern sight stranger than teu-cent fiction, you know." BABY’S Skin Sap Cuticura Soap and Ointment preserve, purify and beau tify the skin, scalp, hair and hands and afford the most speedy and grateful treat mentfortorturmg,disfiguring eczemas, rashes, irritations, inflammations and every form of itching, scaly hu mours of the skin arid scalpof infants, children, and Guaranteed absolutely pure and may be used from the hour of "birth. rfwH'f-X-r'SifTrS numtu Cfetttt It**** t>rrm m.i J#pul Minn. Lftf. Tdkul Rne*. itati