The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 17, 1908, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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PAGE SIX WANTS SOME NEW ONES EVERY DAY. YOU’LL FIND SOMETHING NEW IN HERALD WANTS A HtU»> filthy curiosity In a good tiling. Good many people answer , real i Kiate ads. through curiosity — and become home-owners as a result, j Uometlmcs dry rot" seis In when, for ‘:personal reasons," an unfit ctu-| Is allowed to stay on. Try once more to find an ad that does not, In the slightest way, In ( teres! you. In the hunt you will I find a dozen that really especially appeal to you. Pul good news” for buyers Into your ad and you will be on» of the "popular authors." If s*;r failed to open Its doors for a time It would be hard to con vince people that things were pros jatrous. It your store ad. fails to ap pear for awhile It will he equally hard to make it appear that there Is noth ing amiss. Look at «ny atorp In the city and try to Imagine what ll wonld be If It had never been advertised. It Is probable that some article In the stores Is costing less today than It ever will again. Head the ads. ix>ok at some of the real estate ads today. It may be that you are near er ready to buy than you think. WANT AD. POSTOFFICE. Replies to the following Want Ads ere In the Want Ad Posh >fTlce They Should he called for promptly, as after a reasonable time they will he de stroyed. C H 23. D. It W. 2. It T W.— I. P. A— 1. W 7. 1 W. H. ll.—l. X. Y 7. 2 A. It H 1. 1.. K U 1. K C. H— 7. No. I 1. A. It. C.—l. J. B F H. J. B 1. Druggist—-2 O. O,—l. C. H. T. 1. C. II 24. Competent—l. WANTED SITUATION Mali). BOOKKEEPER: A POSITION WAN.. cd either as bookkeeper, assistant, receiving or shipping clerk or city or traveling salesman, employment first consideration, compensation second sry; satisfaction guaranteed. Ad dress, I*. D. Q., care The HeraW alki HUTi.KK A COLORED ROY, 17 years of age, desires position as butler, porter or yard bov Address Anderson Moore. 1801 Campbell Ht. al7i IHu'NO MAN WITH TllltlCE YEARS experience In grocery store, and Aio-ild merchandise store desire* pn- B on as clerk Apply J. 1.. 11., care HRraid ai7z HOOKKKKi’KIt IHMITION WANT t«J »»h bookke«|HH\ hhmlhihhl, hhli*- plug cltik or collrflor, AddrNi (l M 11., rare H»-raid al7x WANTED HELP Male WANTED: EVERYBODY TO UK All how 40,000 white Kirin art 1 wild an nunllv In thl* country VVlmt for? Ili ad, ’ Thi* illack Plague of llu* Am rrlcan Ooullaeut,'' Bent float i>«iil ftOc. Addn a* Halim Agent, 14154 Mil cox afreet, Augusta. lia al7p IF YOU WANT A PERMANENT roofing uee Proteetlon Itraad Thla roofing liati a all luch lap and driving nalla through the la|i only and ce mooting the overlapping sheet to It that no nalla an* exposed It can be laid by any hand* man Thla roofing la made • asphalt and containing no tar. Hold by W W. Jones, 117 Mein tosh St., Augusta. Slfitt WANTED RAO.WAY MAIL CLERKS final office clerks, carriers, $l,lOO yearly. Novemlier examinations Preparation tree Write Immediately Franklin Institute, Rochester, N. Y. WANTED CARPENTERS FOR FORM builders, large Job concrete work Address P U llox I'D!). Hsvsnnsh, tin st7c WANTED MK N ON'I.Y TO IlKAI) how 40.0(H) girls sre sold annual!- ly Into Immorality Head. The mark Plagua of the American ITmtlnent Sent float paid 50c Addreaa agent, 1424 Sllcox street, Augusts, Ua ’ g!7p STENOGRAPHER A COMPETENT male stenographer wanted, must hr familiar with hltng and general office work Addr< - a or apply 1' J ttrroK mans Co, Augusts, Us. stMf CLERK A YOU NO MAN WANTED to work In store One who hsa hsj some «xperlenoe In Office work Young msrrled msn preferred Addreaa C H car* of Herald AIKc WANTED Agent* city, to aell high grade household •peclsliy. no talking needed sell* on sight; write today lor tree par ttculara M h O'Neill « Co.. H K l* No. 1. Tamps. Fla. alkp WANTED SITUATION Female. WASHING: A COIjORKD WOMAN deatrea a tamlty washing Apply Sal Us Crawford. 1215 Telfair St. iltxi wood mowawwrmm. _ "a&sttrxssh*-. If the Objects is Worth While, Make a Want Ad. “Campaign” of It—and Accomplish It In The Herald Pay 1c A Word; 25c Minimum Charge WANTED Miscellaneous. I WANTED: A FIRBT-CLABB WAITER i to work In a restaurant, or a good 1 colored troy to learn to wait on table. Apply at. once, 628 Campbell St. altitr WANTED: TO Rl'Y FOUR CON tracts available for loans. In either The standard Loan or Standard Trust Companies. Willing to pay liberal premiums. Thomas M Byrd, No. 23 Hunks Bt.. Gainesville, Ga. alkp FOR RENT Real Estate. FOR RENT: FROM OCT, IST, 118 Elbert street, 6 rooms, bath, etc., 818 per month. Edw. C. Dugan, 319 Dyer Bldg al*p FLAT: A VERY DESIRABLE FLAT with all modern convenience; cor. Kiii> and Elbert street. Apply 215 Elbert, street. al7p 7 WARREN BLOCK, FRONT AND rear stores, for rent, 931 Kills street and double tenement In rear on alley. Apply to Jacob Phlntzy. JCtf 405 Marbury, £ rooms, $27,50. Cor. Greene and Marbury, over store, 10 rooms. 137.50. Established Grocery store, cor Greene and Marbury, 130 00. Parties having houses and lots for sale or rent, please have them listed with us. Cheap money to loan on city property. Apply Jno. J. Cohen, 735 Broad Ht jlktf STORES 321 AND 323 JACKSON ST, opposite opera house Apply to llulse's Steam laiundry. J6tf DWELLING OK SEVEN ROOMS, 441 Walker street; slso one fire-room house, b!1 complete. Apply at 44*1 Walker St. D. Graham. *l2tf COTTAGE: - AN ELEGANT NEW j eottuge near Hampton Terrace Ho I tel, on West avenue; splendidly ar ranged for two families; will rent fur nished or unfurnished, and also a ten-room honi* 1031 Reynolds street. Apply B. C. Wall, 917 Broad St. A 1 ltf FOR RENT STORE 117 JACKSON street; four floors, elevator to top] Moor, four rooms in building, suitable for offices on s"eond and third floors; can he re-rented for sleeping rooms; also warehouse in rear, all for S7OO a year. Possession Pftvon October Is* or sooner. Apply on premises or ad dress I’. U. Box 280. Augusts, Ga at 8c FOR SALE Miscellaneous PIANO: UPRIGHT KINQBBURY IN perfect condition, cost $130.00, call he purchased for a small rush con sideration. Answer 11. W, rare The Gerald. »2Uc FURNITURE: BEAUTIFUL BRASS trimmed Iron bed. oak dresser, large mirror; bargain. Cull £25 Telfair Si. ai'Jc DIAMOND: DIAMOND KINO FOR sale at a sacrifice; size about 1-2 karat. For full particulars address L. H, care Herald. ul7c RICA OLE; RACYCLE AT A BAR gain. Call at Post off tea and ask for Slmou. alßp STOCK OF WOOD AND COAL mules, carts, drays; also large wood yard with side track and two tenant houses, for rent cheap. E. F. Shealy, No, 2 Charles SI., Augusta, Ga alkp FOR SALE TOOL CHEST FULL OF tools, wood horse and saw. whoel oarrow, Invalid canvas bottom chair, terns. Mrs. G. B. Walker, 42V Kol lock. al'-P WRAPPING PAPER OLD NEWS papers for wrapping purposes. Ap ply at Herald office. Jl6tf AUTOMOBILE: GOOO AS NEW; 40 horsepower engine; can be eeen at White's gsrraga; big bargain for quick buyer. Apply at once. Herald offtco. ts WRAPPING PAPER; OLD NEWS papers fur wrapping purposes Ap ply at Herald office Jl6lf FOR SALE HALF CORD DRY pine wood, delivered, for $1 50. Rustic swings $3 00 and Rocking < hairs $1 $0 each Rome fine Coium blan Wyandotte*, 8 1 W'andottea, l ight Hrshnis* and White Rock* t special close out price*. Eggs for hatching, all Breeds llelvldere Poul try Farm. Phone 1184, Augusts, Ua WRAPPING PAPER OLD NEWS papers for wrapping purposes, vp ply at Herald Office. jlittf ENGINE GOOD 12 HORSEPOWER Atlas engine, practically new, for sale at s bargain. Address Engine, care Herald. INCUBATOR ONE CYPHERS 240 egg incubator and brooder, only used three time* Must be sold at once, party leaving city Apply Ter rett House, Mlltcdae street. Summer villa. si bp Vegetables IF YOU WANT NOTHING BUT fr«*h vegetables come and see me, I receive them fresh each day from the garden Every thing in scaaon; prompt deliver) L A Crlmaud. 2to Cummlng St Phone No 1105 atTp Brick Masons THOMAS NICHOLS AND SONS, Practical Brick Masons and Plasters want to figure with you Try ua and you will be pleased with results Thomas Nichols. 1916 Watkins St, Augusta, Ua SepUp FOR RENT—Rooms FLAT OF THREE ROOMS AND private hath, second iloor. Apply BC7 Broad St. al£p FOR RENT FROM OCTOBER* IST three rooms In new house on four hundred block of Broad; furnished or unfurnished, with use of hath. Ad dress New House. A 18c FOR RENT: THREE CONNECTING rooms, suitable for light housekeep ing; electric lights, bath and all con veniences; references exchanged. Ad dress K. M. J., care The Herald alSp FOR SALE Real Estate |DWELLING: FOR SALE ONE FIVE room dwelling and one store house and lot. on Georgia avenue. In good condition. Will give prompt Investor good bargain R. H. Austin, North Augusta. Al7p RESIDENCE: s' ROOMS, *2 STORY residence on Kills street; desirable location, price and terms right E. F., Herald, al4tf AN IDEAL HOME* IT WILL*DOU bIe In valuo In ten years; stop pay. Ing rent; also 36 acres fine land at Gracewood. Apply to C. T. Schmidt, 442 Walker St. al6c HOUSE—A BEAUTIFUL HOME, 122 Broad street, for sale; lot 45x120, house of 5 rooms, large porch, back and front; cement sidewalk; gas, a new houso. Price $3,350 cash. Ap ply on premises. a22c FOR SALE Horses, Mules, Livestock, Harness, Carriages, Etc IF YOU DON'T BUY YOUR HORSES and mules from us. we both lose money. Augusta Stock Yards. RED POLL CATTLE A** FEW choice heifers and hull calves. They ar-- hardy, clean stock, good milkers hrid with beef conformation. Just tha kind of cattle you like to see around the farm. For prices and estimates, write Howdre Phlnlsy, Grovetown, Ga. HORSE: A GOOD, GENTLE HORSE and wagon and harness for sale. Phone 1023, or apply 1724 Broad St. , al9c MI'I.E: FOR SALE ONE BAY MULE. No. 136 Centre Ht. a22p FOR SALE Poultry and Pet Stock THOROUGHBRED SPORTING AND pet dogs of all kinds. Pigeons, ter rets, rabbits, Guinea pigs, game roost era and swine. Write for price list Alfred J. Landis, Bowers Station, Pa a 19c MAMMOTH BRONZE TURKEYS; Ton.os,, Goose, Muscovey Ducks. Barred C'vmouth R ielm; all farm raised, healthy and from tirst-clase stock Prices reasonable. Address Howdre l’hlnliy, Crovutown, Ga. ts BUFF ORPINGTONS- V FEW NICE young cockrcls for sale. From the original famous Cook strain. Mowdro Phlnlxy. Concrete Work. CONCRETE WORK: I DO All kinds of concrete work, such a cement walks, reinforced work. I have the latest improved muchlnorv, and an expert foreman, and am pr. pared to turn mil work for big or dcr*. Estimates and ipeel float lon . furnished. A. H McDaniel, Align ta, Ga. J27t. Sanitary Lime PROMPT DELIVERY. CALL MR Ul for any quaultty. A. H. McDatih Thon* 16. Al2' Southern Cabinet M'f’g Works NORTH AUGUSTA. S C . IS NOW rebuilt and ready to fill ordi i such as stairs, hank and office fiv lures, counters, shelving, show ease,, screen doors, window and a!) classes of cabinet work Wo guarantee bos. work at low prlcea. 'Phone No. 714 a2>- Piano Tuning. WANTED TWENTY FIVE PIANO to tun* at a apodal prlro, $: 6< each, two flmt-drtMs workbun, Ci up Robt, J. \Vnt»on. t'able Co. 'Phon. No. 504. 6t»b Hroad atrret. al.v Plastering Material IVORY WOOD FIBRE PLASTER li the best plastering material fo walls and reolngs It gives add: tlonal strength to the building ane stav* put forever. A H. McDaniel, Augusta, Oa. juti Merry Widow. MERRY WIDOW PERFUME THE hit of thq season. Try It. Phone us No. 1166. Tessler Pharmacy. 1366 Broad J22t( Cheap Lumber A LARGE LOT OF FLOORING, OKU. Ing and weather boarding, all grades; also a lot of rough lumber short and long leaf, front 1-In. boards to sxto trametuc All this stock must be disposed of In next 30 days Address Standard Lumber Co., Exposition Ave and 15th St., or K. J. O'Connor, 855 llroad St. ts Plastering Material IVORY WOOD FIBRE PLASTER 18 the beet plastering materia! for walls aud ceilings. It gives addi tional strength to the butldtnx and stays put forever A H. McDaniel, Augusta, Oa Jl4tf THE AUGUSTA HTRALB WANTS SUCCESS Is lure if you plant Alexander’s Beeds. Big 7 Turnip Collection 25 CENTS Seven full ounces of the seven best varieties of Turnips and Ruta Bagaa, 25 CENTS They all grow. You cannot buy bettor seeds If you pay 25c PER OUNCE Alexander Seed Co. CAREFUL SEEDSMEN. 911 BROAD. AUGUSTA. MRS. FRANCES FOX. PHOTOGRAPHER, Residence Studio, 819 Telfair St, Opposite Union Depot. Kodak films developed free of charge. Four Post Cards, 60c. alOtf Barbecue Hash BARBECUE HASH EVERY SATUR day. Heady at 11 o'clock a. m. 25c quart Vandiver's Meat Market, 1001 Ninth street. J2stf Notice I WISH TO NOTIFY THE PEOPLE of Augusta that I will move on or about the nrat of the month. I will atm remain on the 500 block of Broad street, and 1 wlbh my customers would place their order for repairing aud upholstering at once. Hammond Ansley, 519 Broad St. Alßc Notice NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC: WE ARE ready to give you the best work on your clothes and hat cleaning at our new stand, 416 Campbell St. Our work guaranteed. All work called for and delivered promptly. Phone No. 652. Harry D. Verdery, Mgr. a22p Hair Work HAIR-WORK OF ALL KINDS: puff*, braids, etc., made from combings; satisfaction guaranteed. Miss Benson, 123 Broad St. alßp PRINCESS HAT CLEANING AND Pressing Co., successors to Verdery Pressing Club, 313 Mclntosh street. Phone 2425. Expert cleaning, press ing and repairing. Hat? cleaned and blocked. Ladies suits aud skirts cleaned and pressed. All work guar anteed. J. P. Stephens, Mgr. a2oc Horse Shoeing lIRINCf YOITR HORSES TO J. R. & B. L. McElmurry, 623 Ellis St., Crumptons old stand, if you want thorn shod proper. I employ nothing hut first-class men to do the work. I give all my personal attention and prompt service. Do not forget the place, 623 Ellla St. J. K. & U. L. Me- Klmurry, Propß. Alßc Windsor Spring Water RELIEVES DYSPEPSIA, Kidney trouble; 5 gallons delivered 50 cents Phone 112. Alts Prickling Goods IRKKN PEPPERS 25c PER PECK, green tomato.-s 50c per peck, ap le vinegar 30c per gallon; onions 25c < r half peck, large while head '*sb i,;e 10c and 15c; spleces and eic. ow Is the best time to do your pick ng Please gho me your older. . A. Uimand. 210 Cumming St hone No. 1305 sloe NE BOX VIOLET TALCUM POW dor, 25cts Krom Scalp nemedy, ,1.00 Krom Soap, 25cts a cake. PARRS PHARMACY, Phone 369. Trunk Hospital ilt TRUNK DOCTORS (AND they are good ones I can put your 1. disabled trunk, case and grip In rat class condition—a new slat, lock, lamp, etc., and It a In condition for • ars ol service. Cost Is small. Trunk eal tor and dt Ivorod free of cost. Or we will take your o'.d trunk as art payment for a nice, new one. Telephone ua, 593, or give us a call it our well stock'd, spacious store. V.igusta Trunk Factory, 651 Broad A on* side of street, but right Bide -*f prices M M. Cleckley, Prop Dr urs WE ABE NOT CUT RATE PRUG glsta. but are satisfied with small profits Prescriptions filled right or day Remember the place—Randell Pharmacy, 1559 Walton Way. J. E ltandelt. proprietor, licensed druggist. Phonw No. 2214. We deliver to all parts of the city. s2e Repairing Headquarters IE YOU WANT AM REPAIRING to be done or rubber tires to be fitted on baby carriages, go-carts, give me a trial; I also repair sewing mi chines pianos, organs, furniture and etc I buy aud sell second hand fur niture and pay the best of pttces for tt I also seii tewing machine needles oil and ail parts for ail makes of machines, all I ask of vou Is to give me a trial order, and I will guarantee you satlwtsotlor. 'phone *s6, Lewie E Moseley, 537 Broad Ht., Al 6 Sun Mon., Tues , Mo. c A Trial Will Prove 25 Words or Less of Help Wanted 25c LEGAL NOTICE. STATE OF GEORGIA RICHMOND COUNTY. To the Superior Court of Said County; The petition of Nathaniel L. Willet, John Phlnizy and William B. Marks, uii of said county, respectfully shown. 1. That they desire for themselves, their assocates and successors to be In corporated under the name of tn*- “.V L- Willet Seed Company,'’ for a period of twenty years, with the privilege Oi renewal at the end of that time. 2. That the object of said corporation Its pecuniary profit, and the particular business they propose to carry on Is the buying and selling, both at wholesale and retail, of seeds, poultry supplies, prepared roofing, pet stock and other animals, and the buying, selling and manufacturing of animal feeds, animal remedies. Insecticides, spray machines, fertilisers, farm machinery and uDpli unces, together with ail articles and merchandise usually sold in connec.ion with such business and to do a gen eral retail and wholesale seed and iced business. 3. That tho amount of capital to L*» employed by them, actually paid in, js *26,000.00, divided into 200 snares oi SIOO.OO each. That your petitioners K sire said corporation to oe empowered to Increase said capital to an amount not exceeding $100,000.00 from time to time, as the stockholders may determine by a majority vote, to receive propciiy. at a fair valuation as well as money in payment of subscriptions to stork; and that there shall bo no individual liability to any stockholder, exoept for ills unpaid stock subscription. 4. That the principal place of doing business of said corporation is to be in*, city of Augusta, in said county, with the right of establishing otner places of business at such points as the direc tors may determine. 6. That your petitioners desire said corporation empowered to buy, sell, own, lease and hire real and personal proper ty; to contract and be eontracteu witn; to borrow money; to execute and nego tiate its promissory notes and oilier ob ligations; to secure its debts by mort gages, security deeds and in any other manner recognized by the laws of Geor gia; to sue and be sued; to have a seal; to make by-laws and cnange the same at pleasure, to do and perform every thing needful for the successful* conduc. of such business and generally t.> n ive and exercise all the powers incident to such corporations undtr the laws u: Georgia. Wherefore your petitioners pray that they and their associates and succ«s»- ors be incorporated with the powers and privileges, for the purposes ami th»* term, and under the name aforesaid. lIAMIL'i UN PiilNlZY, Attorney for Petitioners. .STATE OF GEORGIA, RICHMOND COUNTY— I, Daniel Kerr, deputy clerk of the Superior Court of said county, hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the application lor char ter of N. L. Willet Seed Company, of file in this office. Witness my official signature and of said court this Bth day of August, 1908. DANIEL KERR, Deputy Clerk Superior Court H. Co. Ga. alO 17 24 31c STATE OF GEORGIA, RICHMOND COUNTY. To the Superior Court of Said County: The petition of Frank and H. Gould Barrett, of Richmond County, Georgia, and A. W\ Reynolds and \\. W. McElmurray, of Aiken County, South Carolina, respectfully shows; (1) That they desire for themselves, their associates and successors to be incorporated under the laws of this state under the name and style of the Au gusta Canning Company, (Nr a period of twenty years, with the privilege of re newal at the expiration thereof. (2) That the principal office or said company Is to he in the City of Augusta, Georgia, and petitioners desire the right to establish branch offices within this stnte and elsewhere whenever the hold ers of a majority of the stock may so determine. <3> 'l he object of said corporation is pecuniary gain for itself and stocitnola ers. •4) The business to he carried on by said corporation is the buying and sen •ag of real and personal property, buying • ? i selling of vegetables and iruU of ill kinds, and the canning and proserv ng of vegetables and fruits, and tho airylng on of a general commission, produce, -storage and brokerage bust ness. (5) That the capital stork of said cor poration shall be Twenty-Five Thous and Dollars ($25,000.00). with the privil ege of increasing the same to One Hun dred Thousand i$100,000.00», upon a ma jority vote of the stockholders. Said stock Is to he divided into sh ires of one hundred dollars tsloo> each, twenty per cent 120 per cent) of the eapl'al stock to bo employed by said corporation having already beerv actually paid it.. (C> Petitioners desire to txcrcti* nil the right* generally incident to ations. such as to sue and be sued, make all necessary by-laws, rules and regu’a tions. execute note?, bonds and otiitr evidences of indebtedness, ana secure the same by mortgage or security dei «1, to acquire and sell the stock ot o* hor corporations, and to discontinue and wind up their business at any time upon the vote of two-thirds of said siockhold ers. (Signed.) W. K. MILLER. Petitioners Attorney. Filed In Office this loth day of Au gust. 1908. WM. DA. WALKER. Clerk Superior Court Richmond Co. Go. STATF: OF GEORGIA. RICHMOND COUNTY - 1. Wm. D’A Walker, clerk of the Su perior Court of said County, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a tiue and correct copy of the application for char ter of the Augusta Canning Cd.npuif, as It is of file In the office of said - ourt. WM DA Wv Clerk Superior Cour* iJchmowa Co. Ga. a 10 17 24 31c. SPECIAL NOTICES Bids for Coal. THE BOARD OF EDUCATION WILL receive bids for furnishing the pub lic schools of the city of Augusta and the A’iUage of Summerville with 200 tons soft coal and 100 tons hard coal, more or less, as needed. In ton lots delivered during the coming school session. Bids open ed Sept. Ist. 1908 LAWTON B. EVANS, Secty. site THK REGULAR MO> TIiLY Communication of W«t>b'« Lod«*. No. 144 F au- A M will be hHd Mon<ift>. Au*;uAt Kth at S3O p. m. Members of Social No. 1 and visiting brethren ar# c>r<llai- 4 ly Inrttfd to attend. J. H FLY THE. W. M.. W K. BMKKMAN. Soc # AVc I/Vesf End Local News Messrs. Robt. Glisson, of Sylvania, Ga.; Joe Glisson, of Langley, S. C., and Geo. Giisson, coroner of Sa luda, S. C.; sons of Mr. G. B. Glisson, who lives on Cooper street, are in town. They came on account of the illness of their father. Prof. E. M. Osborne left for a com bined business and pleasure trip to Atlanta and Tallulah Fails. He ex pects to return during the latter part of the week. Mrs. Hood, of Dearing, Ga., Is the guest of Mrs. Geo. Sharpe, on upper Watkins street. Rev. J. K. Wright conducted the ser- MM CASE TO BE HARD FOUGHT Preliminary Tuesday Af ternoon. Will Witness Stuborn Contest by At torneys. The preliminary trial of Policeman M. O. Matthews, charged with the murder of Ed. C. Turner on the nigh; of Tuesday, August 11th, will be held before Magistrate B. L. Strange at 2 o'clock Tuesday afternoon, in either the city or superior court room, at the Richmond county court house. The prosecution will be vigorous and determined. George T. Jackson, Esq., employed by Turner's relatives and rrlends on the day after the kill ing, has been active and energetic in his preparation tor the preliminary. He has secured much evidence and will Htroduce numerous witnesses. He hopes with this to outweigh the evidence and testimony of police of fleers and friends of Matthews, sev eral ot whom testified at the coro ner's inquest. And with equal determinnation will C. A. Picquet, Esq., conduct the de fense. He has an advantage, in that the testimony of Sergt. Broggerman, the nearest eye-witness, will exoner ate Matthews, unless his statement at th preliminary is at variance with the one he made before the coro ner's jury. slr. Picquet was in con ference today with A. J. Matthews, a brother of M. O. Matthews, with Mat thews's uncle, and with other interest ed parties. There will be nothing veiled about the preliminary. One of the large court rooms at the court house was selected so everybody who desired to be present might have room. The hearing begins promnaly at 2 o'clock. PRINCE HENRY AUTO ID, m KAISER BERLIN.—When the Kaiser learned that his brother. Prince Henry, stood from 10 A. M. to 5 I*. M. during the re cent automobile trial race in Silesia, he exclaimed: "Henry must be going daft on autos. I will have to speak to him about that.” *‘Hls Royal Highness is cetainly a motor enthusiast,’* said the friend wttn whom Wilhelm was talking, “but he doesn't quite forget his surroundings, For instance: When it began to ram on the occasion mentioned he at once jut on an overcoat, and observing a non commissioned army officer nearby, who was braving the wet, called out to him ‘Didn't you bring a coat along?” The sub-lieutenant replying In the negative. Prince Henry ran to his auto mobile some hundred feet away, got a rubber blanket and handed It to the soldier. 1 leave before you do, just send it buck to Kiel and don’t prepay charges, please, said his Royal Highness. MRS. E. WILLIAMS SUES STREET R’Y Says She Was Injured by Car Last October and Asks $5,000 Damages. Mrs. Eliza Wiliams entered suit thl* morning against the Augusta Railway and Eelectrlc Co., for $5,00*1 The plaintiff's claim Is that on Oct. 18, 1907, she was at the corner of Crawford avenue and Walton Way f v the purpose ot boaidlng a car com ing from the direction of the Bon-Alr ! hotel and that she waved her hand to the motorman to stop and that she was dangerously c'ose to the t i the motrrman did not stop the ear | and It siruck her. Mis, Williams claims that she was sick for two months and had two doctors In at tendance and that she ts a nervous wreck and will be for the remainder of her life, and that the sight of a street car sets her Into convulsions. Mrs. Williams avers that the cars come down the bid at a high rate of speed and was coming at a high rate at the time she waved her hand for It to stop. The case will come tip In the September term of the city cour*. MONDAY, AUGUST 17. WANTS vices at St. Luke’s church vesterday morning, and Rev. R. ~ M. Dixon pre sided in the evening. ReV. Mr. Dixon having recently recovered from Ill ness felt unable to conduct both ser vices. Rev. E. P. Tant went to Linwood yesterday to attend revival services. Miss Lula Carr returned to Bates burg, S. C., yesterday, after visit ing friends and relatives in the city. Mr. Fox returned to his home in Aiken, S. C., today, after visiting his brother, Rev. O. E. Fox, for a few days. Him BILL HILL BE CONTESTED Local Railroad Men Say Govenor Will be Asked Not to Sign it on Account of Technicality. Much interest is evinced through out the state over the bill now await ing the governor’s signature, which calls for electric headlights on all the locomotives used in Georgia. Thera is much speculation just now as to whether the bill as it now stands will become a law as the railroads are fighting it on technical grounds. After the firßt passage of the bill, which was carried unanimously in the house, the measure has been fought vigorously by the railroads. Ths sen ate failed to pass the original bill, but passed a substitute referring the matter to the railroad commission of Georgia. When the amended bill came back to the house the legisla ture refused to concur, but passed again the original measure and sent it back to the senate, which receded from its former position, but did not actually pass the bill. On this technical point the rail roads will contest the matter to the limit. They will do this, it is under stood, not on the grounds that it will cost them more money, but upon a genera! rule they have established. It is said, to fight every piece ot leg islation which tends to compel them to take any action in any direction. Those who are behind the bill claim that it has legally passed and are endeavoring to have the measure declared a law. They state that It will cost the railroads of the $140,000 to equip all engines witY.' electric headlights and that the cost of maintenance is even less than with oil. In addition to this they declare that a few wrecks averted would more than save the railroads the ori ginal expense. With the oil headlight it is stated that objects 60 yards away are barely dls cernable while with the electric head light objects 335 yards away are plain ly observed. The reflection of the electric headlight can be seen for miles and the light is regarded as one of the inoat desirable of all mod ern improvements. LOCAL MILITARY RECRETJO RANGE Departure of Georgia Team for Fort Clinton re calls Lack of Practice Place Here. The Georgia Ride team left Atlan ta Saturday afternoon for Fort Clin ton, Ohio to participate In the na tional rifle shoot now in progress there, without an Augustan on the team. The local military officers are very much chagrined but Au gusta has not a range it would be v-orse than useless for a man with out practice to try to compete, first, with the state men and then with tho regulars. About two years ago the Rtato sent a committee here to select a site tor a rifii- range but they couldn't find a suitable site on thla side of the river. The committee located a place in North Auguma but the range could only be made with the consent of the South Carolina authorities. The local military and the authorities couldn't get together and that was the last of a rifle range In Augusta. Allan a. Savannah and Macon have ranges. Capt. J. Coleman Demnsfy, of the Richmond Hussars, said this morning, that It was an easy matter to find a range for the old Springfield rifle but the new rifles have such long range that It Is a hard matter to find a suitable location, as it must be at least 1,500 vards long MaJ. George P. .Elliott said: A rifle range In Augusta would be the best thing that could happen. It would gl'e the men aomethlng to Jo and would stimulate Interest In the miiita. The reason that we haven't one Is that the country s not suit able. Before his removal to Augus ta Mai. Elliott was a men|4r of the South Carolina team.