The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 18, 1908, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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PAGE SIX WANTS What Advertising Does II you want to cross Ih<- rlvttr, tho Iwl way Is to take th<- ferry boat If tbon Is one. Some business men j •till foolishly try to swim the com- Itorclal s<ream, while the ferry boat of newspaper publicity Is ready to osrry tliero over swiftly and safely The consensus of Intelligent opin ion I* that iidveii ialng pays. Thv being so, advertising Is an asset rtther than a liability. Progressiva busiues men so r.-gard It and govern themselves accordingly. Advancement has been made In tti* science of selling goods as well as In the methods of manufacture Tim merrnant who does not lake «d vantage of thv latest arid most Ini proved method of selling newspapers advertising Is ss slow a coach an tin sianubo twrer who declines to use tli-t most imrarvsd machinery. It Is not the man who exerts him aoM most phyaleally that accomplishes most, but live one who knows how to t*k« sdvwitagr of ihlnm The most suoeessful merchant lets newspaper tffvortlslhg soil hl« g««'ds foi him While he saves bis breatb for tithe things. Advertising ami business suoeess go hand In hand like un progressive pass and business ata/nadoi WANT AD. POSTOFFICE. Replies to the following Want Ads •us In the Wut Ad I'ostoffh e They •hould be cal tod lor promptly, as after g reasonable time tboy will be ds Mrayud. C R 2l. D. It. We-*. H. T W.— i. r. Ac- 1. w. Z.-l. w. 8 II. —1 i T. Z -8. A. H H. t. L K. I>. L $. C. H.—'t. No. I—l. A. 11. O.—t J g F.—l. 8. J. K -1. Druggist- -1 0 fl L 0 R. T. 1. C. H—24 Competent 1. WANTED SITUATION Male. MOOKKKRI’KK. A I’OSITION WAN. ed either as bookkeeper, assistant, rnoelvlßg or shipping clerk or city or travallsg salesman; employment firm consideration, compensation second sry; satisfaction guaranteed Ad dress, P. U. Q, care The Hc-raTtl si Kx alax WANTED HELP Mule stbnooAaphkr a comvrtknt male stenographer wanted, must he Ismlllar with filing and general office work Address or apply P, J llerelT mans Co, Augusta, (la alfuf BALKBMAN: CIQAR RAMtBMAN wanted. In your loeallty lo repro sent us, expert it n<" unnecessary; lilt) iwr month and expenses tArlte for luirtli-ulais. Monroe- Utgar Co ,To ledo, Ohio alkp HALKMJCN: TWO LIVE BALUB men wanted, a good chance to make munay for two live, enngetk men with grit 111 their oraw a ha* been or never was, uued not apply Lite care Herald alKtf CI.KRK A YOUNG MAN WANTED to work In store One who has had some experience In ofTlru work Vouilg married man preferred Address C H. care of Herald Allc WANTED FOR D 8 ARMY Able bodied unmarried men. be twee agee of 18 and 116: rltlsi-as of United Slates, of good charaett-r and temperate habits, who can spesk, rtad and write English For Inform t tioo apply to R*-< itilting Officer, Mil ler Walker Building., Augusta, (la , or 21 12 Whitehall BL, Atlanta, tin., or 411 Cherry St , Macon (la. WICNTKIi CLERKS COTTON BUT era, farmers, warehousemen and others to learn grading and classify Ing cotton In our sample room*, or Ibiough corresponding course Thir ty-day scholarships completes you American tot toll College. Mllledge vllle, Ua Tuce Thus. Sun WANTED Agents AOKNTH IN EVERY TOWN ANIi ctl>\ to »«*ll high grad* houaohotd §p#<la)t>. no Utkina nwdM, noil** on atglit; writ** today for frro par ttculur* M K O'Nt'lll £ Co, l< V P No 1, Tampa, Da. alKp WANTED SITUATION Female. WASHING A COI.OKKII WOMAN desires a family washing Ai>i*ly gallic Oral*lord, ISIS Telfair Hi aim Lost and Found IXIKT KINO A PLAIN GOLD SIO net rtnn letter, old English K Uwt in May Psrk laal Saturds* night Reward If relumed to No Ml Broad afreet alßp .7 At* Al b J.(l' gl’No f pock ktiiook ior r between I on'ii depot and Ulrhtnond Ar* demy pocket book contalniua money and check* payable to Ho Ill'll Tele pbane and Telegraph Co Kinder will be liberally rewarded If returned to K It 81 orev. Telephone Exchange aMp *noa. mom un urn (shX rsVutffvf jgSSgl * iM»i r*«e>»a t »i*pi A.OM» SJUi I UMIaN). TK WANTED Miscellaneous. WANTED: A FIRST-CLASH WAITER | to work in a restaurant, or a good j Colored boy to learn to wait, on table, j Apply at once, 62* Campbell St. aietr | WANTED: TO BUY FOUR CON 1 tracts available for loans, in either The standard Loan or Standard Trust Companies. Willing to pay liberal premiums. Thomas M. Byrd, No. 22 Ranks St., Gainesville, Ga. alßp FOR RENT Real Estate. FOR KENT RESIDENCE 1242 AND 1244 Itroad ktreet, *26 00 each Po* session at once. Jno J. Evaok, al*tf| FOR RENT: FROM OCT. IST, 418 i Elbert street, 6 rooms, hath, etc., ! *l* per month. Edw. C. Dugas, 313 1 Dy*i lildg »I*D 7 WARREN BLOCK, FRONT AND rear atorea, for rent, 924 Ellis street and double tenement In rear on alley. Apply to Jacob Phlnlzy. jets FOR KENT STORE, 117 JACSOsS utrent; four floors, elevator to top floor, four rooms In building, suitable lor offices on secoud and third floors; : can b< r« rented fur sleeping rooms; also warehouse In rear, all for S7OO a year. Posaesalon given October let or sooner. Apply on preml ■-s or addresa P. O Box 2*4, August a. Ga. a 18-21-23 c 405 Marbury, 6 rooms. *27.50 Cor Greiiue and Marbury, over store, 10 rootiia. *7.7 50 Established Grocery store, cor Greene and Marbury, *3O 00 Parties having houses and lots for sale or rent, please have them listed with us. Cheap money to loan n-i elty property. Apply Jno J. Cohen, 736 fjtuad 8t Jlbtf ' STORES 32! AND 323 JACKSON ST., opposite opera house Apply to Hulse's Steam Laundry, J6tf DWELLING OF SEVEN ROOMS. 441 Walker street; also one five-room house, all complete Apply at 44ti Walker St. D. Graham al2tf COTTAGE AN ELEGANT NEW cottage near Hampton Terrace Ho tel, on West avenue, splendidly ar ranged for two families; will rent fur Qlshi-d or unfurnished, and also a ten room hou* r 1031 Reynolds street, | Apply B. C Wall, 917 Broad St. Alltf FOR RENT STORK 117 JACKSON street; four floors, elevator to top ; floor, four rooms In building, suitable for office* on second and third floor*; can he re rented for sleeping looms, also wsrehouse In rear, all for S7OO I a year. Posaesalon fftven October la* or sooner Apply on premises or ad dress I*. O. Box 2*tl, Augusta, Ua. a 18c TOR SALE Miscellaneous PIANO; UPRIGHT KINGSBURY IN perfect condition; cost *460 00, can i be purchased for a small cash con toleration. Answer U. W., care The herald a-'Uc FURNITURE BEAUTIFUL BRASS trimmed Iron bod, oak dresser, largo mirror; bargain. Call C 35 Telfair St. a 19c DIAMOND: DIAMOND RING FOR sale at a aaerlflce; site about 1-2 karat For full particulars address L 8. care Herald al?e BICYCLE RACYCLK AT A BAR gain. Call at Postofflc* and ask lor Hliyion. albii STOCK OF WOOD AND COAI mules, carls, drays; also large wood yard with aide track aud two tenant houses, for rent cheap. K. F. Shealy. No. 2 Charles St . August*, Ga a!By CAN GOODS A BUYER WANTED for 1500 can* of hand packed can good*, consisting of peaches, black bcrrlea huckleberries, snapbeans, to inatoca and tomatoes and okta A 4 R. 8 Rowe, Blythe, Oh. slip ITRRIER PUPPIES- ONE OR TWO i black terrier puppies wanted, stock must be good ratters. Walker and Walker, 839 Reynolds Street. a 14c AUTOMOBILE: 0000 AS NEW: *0 horaepower engine; can be teen at White's garrage; big bargain for quick buyer. Apply at once, Herald office. if FOII SALK HAI.F CORD PHY pine wood, delivered, for II SO Rustle awing* 13 90 and Rocking t'huire |l 80 each. Some flue Colum bian Wyandotte*. S 1. Wyandotfea. I.labt llrahmae aod White Hock- ut •peclnl cloae out prtci>*. Kicks for batchliiK, all Breeds Belvldero Foul try Farm. Photic 1184, Augusta, Ua AVRAPPINO PAPER OLD NEWS paper* for wrapping purpose* Ap plv at Herald Office, Jlfitf ENGINE GOOD 15 IIORBKFOWKR Atlas engtue. practically new. for sale at « bargain Address Kivgni". earn Herald. INCUBATOR ONK CYPHER'S 540 egg Incubator and brooder, only used three lime* Must be sold at 'once party leaving city Apply Ter rett llouae, Milled#* iiro'l. Summer .villa alhp IF YOC WANT A PERMANENT rooting use Protection brand This roofing ha* a six Inch lap and driving nail* through the lap only and ce menting the overlapping sheet to It that no nails are exposed It can tie laid by any handy man This roofing la made asphalt and containing no tar Held h* W W. Jon** 117 Mclti tosh St Augusta Sign Instead of “Just Wait in er.” Want Advertise! It Will Pay You. In The Herald Pay 1c A Word; 25c Minimum Charge FOR SALE Real Estate . RESIDENCE 8 ROOMB, 2 STORY residence on Ellis street; desirable location; price and terms right E. F , I Herald aI4M |AN IDEAL HOME IT WILL DOU j ble in value in ten years; stop pay. Dng rent; also-36 acres fine land at Grace wood. Apply to C. T. Schmidt, 442 Walker St. side HOUSE -A BEACTIFUL HOME, 122 Broad street, for sale; lot 46x120, house of 5 rooms, large porch, back and front; cement sidewalk; gas, a new house Price *3,350 cash. Ap ply on premise*. a22c , FOR SALE Horses, Mules, Livestock, Harness, Carriages, Etc IF YOU DON’T BUY YOUR HORSES and mules from us, we both lose money. Angusta Stock Yards, FOR SALE: ONE HEAVY DRAFT horse, wagon and harness; wagon built three months ago by H. H- Coskery; harness brass mounted;’ wagon and harness made out of the heat material Suitable for wholesale grocery or commission house. The : best looking team In the city. Price $2*5.00 cash. Can be seen a! 117 ; Jackson street. Mall inquiries P. O box 286, Augusta, Ga. alB-21-230 RED POLL CATTLE: A FEW choice heifers and bull calves. They are hardy, dean stock, good milkers und With beef conformation. Just the kind of cattle you like to see around the farm. For prices and estimates, write Bowdre Phinlxy, Grovetown, Ga. HORSE A GOOD, GENTLE HORSE and wagon and harness for sale. Phone 1023, or apply 1724 Broad St. al9c MULE: FOR HALE ONE BAY MULE. No. 136 Centre St. a22i> FOR SALE Poultry and Pet Stock THOROUGHBRED SPORTING AND pet dogs of all kinds Pigeons, [er rata, rabbits, Guinea pigs, game roost era and swine. Write for price list. Alfred J. I.andls, Bowers Station, Pa al9c — - - - MAMMOTH BRONZE TURKEYS; Tou.osp Geese, Muacovey Ducks; Barred .’’vmouth Kicks; all farm raised. he„.!hy and from first-class I stock. Prices reasonable. Address Bowdre Phlnlzy, Grovetown, Ga. ts BI FF ORPINGTONS- A FEW MCE young ctickrels for sale. From the original famous Cook Btrain. Howdre Phinlzv. Concrete Work. CONCRETE WORK » I DO ALL kinds of concrete- work, such as cement Walks, reinforced work. I have the latest Improved machinery, gml an expert foreman, and am pre pared to turn out work for big or ders. Estimates and apeolilcatlon* furnished. A. 11. McDaniel, Augus ta, On. J27tf Sanitary Lime PROMPT DELIVERY CALL ME UP for uny quantity. A, 11. McDaniel. Phone 16. > a 121 f Southern Cabinet M’f’g Works NORTH AUGUSTA. 8. C„ IS NOW rebuilt and ready to till orders, such us stairs, bank und office fix Mire*, couuter*. shelving, show cases, screen doors, window and all classes of cabinet work We guarantee best work at low prices. Phone No. 714. a26c Piano Tuning. 1 WANTED TWENTY FIY'E PIANOS to turn* at a Apodal price, $2.50 each; two ftrat-claMh workmen. Cull 1 up Kobt J Wat non. Cable 00. Phone I No. 504. Broad atrtHH. +* alS< Plastering Material IVORY WOOD FIBRE PLASTER IS (he heat plastering material foi walla and ceilings. It gives uddl tlonal strength to the building and stavs put foreter. A. H. McDaniel, Augusta, Ua. * Jl4tt Merry Widow. MERRY WIDOW PER FI’ME THE hit of the season. Try It Phone us No. 1166, Tcssler Pharmacy, 1366 Broad Cheap Lumber A I-A ROE LOT OF FLOORING, CF.IL Ihg and weather liolirdtng. all grades, also a lot of rough lumber short and long leaf, from 1-In. boards to Bxlo frametug All Hit* stock must be disposed of In next 30 Jay. Address Standard Lumber Co.,' Expo I. aic and 18th St , or 8., J O'Connor, 88b llroad St. ts Plastering Material IVORY WOOD FIBRE PLASTER IS 'he best plastering material for walls and ceilings It gives add! llonal strength to the building aud stay* pul forever A. H. McDaniei, Augusta, Ga. Jldtf WRAPPING PAPER OLD NEWS papers for wrapplug purpose#. Ap ply at Herald office. Jlgtf Butter. ELGIN CLOVER BRAND RITTER. 3oc per iKHitid at L. A Grtmaud, ; .'lO Camming S: Phone No 1305 alOp WRAPPING PAPER OLD NEVA'S paper* for wrapping purpose* Ap ply at Herald office Jldtf THE AUGUSTA HERALD WANTS SUCCESS la sure if you plant Ale*pnd er '® Be*ds. Big 7 Turnip Collection 25 CENTS Seven full ounces of the aeven beat varieties of Turnips and Ruta Bagaa, 25 CENTS They all grow. You cannot buy better aeeda if you pay 25c PER OUNCE Alexander Seed Co. CAREFUL SEEDSMEN. 011 BROAD. AUQUSTA. MRS. FRANCES FOX, PHOTOGRAPHER, Residence Studio, 519 Telfair St. Opposite Union Depot. Kodak y films developed free of charge. Four Post Cards, 50c. alOtf Barbecue Hash BARBECUE HASH EVERY SATUR day. Heady at 11 o'clock a. m. 25c quart. Vandiver’s Meat Market, 1001 Ninth street. j2stf Notice I WISH TO NOTIFY THE PEOPLE of Augusta that 1 will move on or about the first of the month. I will still remain on the 600 block of Broad street, and 1 wl6h my customers would place their order for repairing! and upholstering at once. Hammond Ansley, .519 Broad St. Alßc Notice NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC: WE ARE ready to give you the best work on your clothes and hat cleaning at our now stand, 416 Campbell St. Our work guaranteed. All work called for an* delivered promptly. Phone No. 652. Harry D. Verdery, Mgr. a22p Hair Work HAIR-WORK OF ALL KINDS: puffs, braids, etc., made from combings; satisfaction guaranteed. Miss Benson, 123 Broad St. alßp PRINCESS HAT CLEANING AND Pressing Co., successors to Verdery \ Pressing Club, 313 Mclntosh street. ’Phone 2425. Expert cleaning, press lng and repairing. Hals cleaned and plucked. Ladles’ suits and skirts cleaned and pleased AU work guar anteed. J. P. Stephens, Mgr. a2oc Horse Shoeing BRING YOUR HORSES TO J- R. & B. L. McElmurry, 623 Ellis St., Crumpton’s old stand, If you want them shod proper. I employ nothing but first class men to do the work. I give all my personal attention and prompt service. Do not forget the place, 623 Ellis SL J. R. & B. L. Mc- Elmurry, Props. Alßc Windsor Spring Water RELIEVES NAUSEA. DYSPEPSIA, Kldne) trouble; gallons delivered 50 cents Phone 112. Alts Prickling Goods GREEN PEPPERS 26c PER PECK; green tomatoes 60c per peck; ap ple vinegar 20c per gallon; onions 26c per half peck; large white head -ab bago 10c und 10c; spleces and etc. I Now Is the best time to do your pick l ling. Please give me your order. IL. A. Gtniand. 210 dimming SL Phone No. 1305 s!sc ONE BOX A’IOI.ET TAI-Ct’M POW der, 25cts. Krom Scalp nemedy, |IOO Krom Soap, 25cts a cake. PARRS PHARMACY', Phone 369. Trunk Hospital OUR THUNK DOCTORS (AND they are good oneal can put your old, disabled trunk, case and grip In first-class condition—a new slat, lock, clamp, etc., and It a In condition for years of service. Cost Is small. Trunk sent for nnd delivered free of cost. Or we will take your old trunk as part payment for a nice, new one Telephone us, 693, or give ue a call at our well-stocked, spacious store. Augusta Trunk Factory, 851 Broad Wrong side of street, but right side of prices. M. .Al Cleckley, Prop Drugs WE ARE NOT CITRATE DRUG glsts, but are satisfied with small profits Prescriptions filled right or day Remember tha place- Randell Pharmacy. 1859 Walton AA'ay, J. E. Randell. proprietor, licensed druggist. Phono No 5314 We deliver to all parts ti the city s2* Repairing Headquarters IF *Ol va.aNT ANA repairing to he done or rubber tires to be fitted on baby carriages, go-carts, give me a trial; I also repair sewing mi chines, pianos, organs, furniture and etc. I buy and sell second-hand fur niture and pay the heat of prloee for It I also sell sew ing machine needles oil and all parts for all makes of machines all 1 ask of vou Is to glr* me a trial order, and I will guarantee I vou satisfaction, 'Phone 646, E. Moseley. 817 Broad St , Al 6 Sun Mon . Tttee, Mo. c A Trial WUI Prove 25 Words or Less of Help Wanted 25c FOR RENT—Rooms FOR RENT—FROM OCTOBER IST three rooms in new house on four hundred block of Broad; furnished or unfurnished, with use of bath. Ad dress New House. Alßc FOR RENT: THREE CONNECTING rooms, suitable for light housekeep ing; electric lights, bath and all con veniences; references exchanged. Ad dress K. M. J., care The Herald alßp ROOMS: ELEGANT ROOMsTwiTH first-class board at No. 506 Telfair street. References; terms reason able. ’Phone 2377. a2op FLAT: 5-ROOM FLAT, IST FLOOR, 433 Broad; bath &c., electric Ughi. Apply Geo. C. Chambers, Grovetown, Oa. I alßp FOR RENT—Park BALDOC NEW PARK. THOROtJOMW equipped with all modarn ac«#X)nmoda tlons for ptpvilc partlea, danolnf. bath lnt and {tolling. Com* h«re for your outin*. T*rm* sls per diUT. Addre»«, J. H. Hewlett, Sec'y, AllenaA!*!, a. 0. •0411 twice Brick Masons THOMAS NICHOLS AND SONS, Practical Brick Masons and Plasters want to figure with you. Try us and you will be pleased with results. Thomas Nichols, >1916 Watkins St, Augusta, Ge. % Sept2p SPECIAL NOTICES. Bids for Coal. THE BOARD OF EDUCATION WILL receive bids for furnishing the pub lie schooxs of the city of Augusta and the Village of Summerville with 200 tons soft coal and 10<f tons hard coal, more or less, as needed, In ton lots delivered during the coming school session. Bids open ed Sept. Ist, 1908. LAWTON B. EVANS, Secty. alßc Notice—Transfer of Stock Portsmouth, N. H„ July 31, mot. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN TH Vl* after four weeks It is our lnte llt |„ r ..‘ to transfer 120 shares of sto,-k of the Georgia Railroad and Banking Coin pany lo the hires of Mrs. Elizabeth C. Wadley. rvAD/S’ CAPBHART. Kxecutrix, GEORGE P. WADLEY. Executor! LEGAL NOTICE. North-Eastern Dlvlelon of the Southern District of Georgia. In the matter of Home Furniture Com pany., Bankrupt. By virtue of un order of the Hon. Joh. Oanahl, referee In Bankruptcy for said Division und District, there will be sold at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash at the store and warehouse of the Home Furniture Company, at 1025 Broad Street, Augusta. Ua., at 12 o’clocit noon on the 28th day of August, 1908. All the stock of merchandise, consist ing of household furniture, bedroom, crockery, lamps, chairs, etc., such as are generally carried by furniture stores, an 4 the lixtures. accounts, a horse, a mule and other property belonging to said bankrupt. The merchandise, accounts and live stock to be first offered separately anu then togather, the trustees reserving the right, with the approval of said referee, to accept either the aggregate ntd fo»* all or the separate bids for each, which ever appear to be for the beat interest of the estate. , No bid will be accepted unless acconi .uanled by a certified cnees or other sat isfactory security for at least ten per cent of the bids. All bids subject to confirmation by referee. Any further Information con be obtain ed from the trustee, at 313 Dyer Building and the property Inspected upon request. A. F. PCRDx. Trustee in Bankruptcy A 18. 24, 27c LIBEL FOR DIVORCE—PROCESS. STATE OF GEORGIA, RICHMOND COUNTY. The defendant, N. L. Chaee is hereby required, In person or by Attorney, io De and appear at the Superior Court next, to be holden In und for the County afore said. on the Third Monday in October. 1904, then and there to answer the Plaintiff in action of Divorce, etc. As in default of such appearance, said Court all proceed thereon, as to justice may appertain. AVitneas the Honorable Henry C. Ham mond. Judge of said Court, this tstn day of August, ISOS. WM. D'A WALKER, A lfl-S! S U-M clerk. BANKRUPTCY AGAINST SANDERSVILLE CONCERN An involuntary petition % in bank ruptcy was’ filed In the Office of Unit ed States Commissioner W H God win yesterday by I. Epstein a Bro. Co., Of Savannah Rnughfot % Ihurton Co. of Macon and the First It ional Bank of Sandersvlllc. against \ firm of J. T Blount A Compa: ' I dare'tile Liabilities are approxn Ved at 11.000. INJECTION » BROU ro* GONORRHOEA and GLEET so atNin TRtxtMtAi acQurro Sold by all Druggicts Scabrook Personal Items SEABROOK, S.C. —One of the most ! delightful affairs of the season was a ; crabbing party last Tuesday morning down on Whale Branch river. Great interest was taken trying to see who would be the lucky one to catch the most crabs. Misses Annie Kale and Lucile Butler proved to he the li-olty ones. After catching quite a num ber Mrs. R. H. Butler had them de viled lin the afternoon entertained the crabbing party at luncheon. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. McLeod and children who have been spending the summer, in Beaufort are expected home in a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. J, L. Butler, little Miss Mary Butler, Master Harry Carr and Mrs. J. E. Exley were the guests at dinner Sunday of Mr. and Mr 3. R. H. Butler. Mr. Andrew Hlnley is expected home next week after spending three weeks in the mountains of N. Car> Una. Mr. T. J. Belcher Is spending this month with relatives in Virginia. Miss Annie Kale Butler will leave In a few days for Savannah. After spending a few days there with re'a tlves will go to Exley, Ga., where she will take charge of the school Sept. Ist. Mr. Keyserling and little son, Har old, are In New York now. The high tide at night and the foil tnoon makes the time for bathing fine. Several times last week parties were out. Batcsburg Social News BATESBURG, S. C.—Miss Minnie, Youmans left Saturday for a month's j stay on Suliivans Island, after which she wilt go on an extended trip to ! New York, going and returning by water. Miss Juanita Wilkerson has return ed to her home in Spartanburg, after spending some time here as the guest of Miss Nannie Gunter. Mrs. Clark and little son, of Wards, spent yesterday in BatCsburg with Mrs. C. W. Sollse. Mrs. T. A. Quattlebaum, after a : visit of several days to her father. Mr. J. C. Glover, has returned to her home In Graniteville. Misses Kate Wright and Kate Alex ander have returned from a pleasani visit to Ridge Springs. Mias Mabel Tarrant is visiting friends in Newberry. The Misses Lester, of Prosperity, are the guests of Miss Rosa Ridgell. Mrs, Mary A. Haltiwanger has re turned from a week's stay at Lexing ton, with her son, Mr. D. R. Halti wanger. Mrs. A. C. Mitchell is visiting her parents at Johnston. Mr. Graves Cooner has returned from a trip to Atlanta and Harris Springs. • Practical Advertising in Its Last Issue Has Some Nice Things to Say About Augusta and Its People The Augusta Herald, in Its Issue of July 12, gives an unusual glimpse into antiquity, devoting two pages to the cards and special mention of firms that have been doing business in that city all the way from fifteen to eighty odd years Bordering these pages are the cards enclosing Interesting reading matter on the firms that "have made Augusta famous." Commercial activity began in Augusta with the settlement of the town In 1736 —just an even 272 years ago almost three centuries. The population then was 57, men. women, children and Indians. The Herald new ambitiously claims as many thousands, Indians not Included. Augusta has many claims to fame, lo cated. as it Is. close to the heart of the wonderful Georgia peach and rat tlesnake watermelon section. The Herald, with characteristic energy Hiid enterprise, gives faithful and fre quent refieetlons of these claims, hacking them with convincing fig ures. But admission to this honor roll of Augusta firms demanded mature years, as witness the following: John J. Miller, established 1593; John W. Dickey, real estate, 1885; John J. Evans, hardware, 1882: Klee & O'Con nor Shoe Company, 1876; Heggle Brothesrs. livery. 1875; Planters' Loan and Savings Bank 1870; National Bank of Augusta. Land's Pharmacy. August Dorr’s Sons, clothing, and 1* Sylvester & Son*, clothing. 1865; \A'. Ed Platt, undertaker. I84h: 1 0. Levy's Son A- Company, clothing. 1S48; and oldest of all. Richards Stn A *ughty-one year > Then there are M. Shernn A Com i"ty. who are selling candy at the I ue aland where th< grandmothe/s I the present generation of Juveniles ji uaht caramels fort odd ''-ars ago. P -fer A Brenner and his father hive sold pianos to the daughters of three TUESDAY, AUGUST 18 WANTS The young people of Seabrook Ajh more fun In bathing than anything else; (unless it is baseball, aud the boys are wild on that subject.) Mi’s. J. E. Exley, of Rincon, Ga., Is visiting relatives here. She is now at Mrs. R. H. Butler’s and from thera will go to Mrs. J. L. Butler's. Mrs. Aray delightfully entertained ! last Monday evening In honor of j visiting friends. After the party had I enjoyed progressive conversation for a while, Mrs. Aray played quite a | number of the latest pieties on her I fine new phonograph. As t.he partly ! Was leaving each one assured their hostess that their evening was a most delightful one. Miss Hudson and the Misses Crews of McPhersonvllle are the attractive guests of Mrs. Aray. Miss Sadie N Little Miss Marie Tickens spent last Friday very pleasantly with hbr grandmother at Early Branch. Miss Ruby Crim is visiting friends at VarnviUe,, after spending several days there will go Co Hampton, Fair fax and Augusta. The young people of Seabrook are anxiously awaiting her return tor she is greatly missed In her set Mr. W. H. McLeod, accompanied j by relatives, Mrs. A. E. Moteweiler ! and Miss Ruby Moteweiler of Rincon i and Mrs. V. H. Naramore of Savannah j left last week for Biitmore, N. C. I where they will spend a month. Miss Ruby Watson has returned from Harris Springs. Dr. Ernest Sawyer has returned to his home in Saluda, after spending a few days in Batesburg. Miss' Rosa Lou LaGrbve, of John ston, is visiting Miss Viola Bodie. Mr. Loyd Jones is spending a while here with relatives. Mr. Barrett Jones is visiting his parents at Kershaw. Mr. Cuthbert Shealy, of George town, is here for a few days' stay with his parents. Miss Leo Gibson, of Johnston, is visiting her friend, Miss Hattie Ether idge. Mr. W. H. Sills returned to I xmji ■hsrt Saturday, after spe'.tfitg tt».-4 weeks with his family here. Mrs. W. H. Silis and children and Mrs. Mary A. Haltiwanger spent yes terday at Kneece. Dr. Seigler, of Florida, spent a few days with relatives here last week. Rev. J. C. Collum, of Palatka, Fla., is spending his vacation w-ith friends and relatives in and around Bates burg. A much needed rain fell here this evening. The severe heat and drouth ,of the past week has injurd th# i crops considerably. generations of the same family. Jones & Shewmake have been dfelivc. mg sugar and salt, prunes and pepper to the same families for twenty five years and more. The Georgia Ral’mad Hank, one of the ''most substantial financial Institutions in the state, suc ceeded the Georgia Railroad and Banking Company In 1892, and the latter was established in 1833. Such dates and evidences of endur ing prosperity would make the citi zens of the average modern town hi the United States stop and wouder bow many of their business institu tions will be able, in the dim and, dis tant future, to point backward to so many years of successful existence. Says The Herald editorially: "Years of service, year* if honest dealings, years of business with the people of any community are a record that ■speaks well; It is record of achieve ment that speaks for itself. The test of time ’miafis a great deal in the mind of evejyope who wants good goods, ad' mate service. reliabtlU# and responsibility." > » i OR. HENRY SPEAKS WEDNESDAY Dr. Henry will speak to the men at the C a- AA .C. shop \ ler the aus pices of the Y. M C V tomorrow. Mr. L S. Arrington .will give a hor; talk to the men at Lombard's Thursday. l« lct-r-,t7 l »i,d .h-'HtiUlJiow i **ljc*ii th« wotjdprfoi A id Aft VEL Whirling Spray B Id* WSW !•«•••! ►yrlßffc m rww-vimt rDDTffo- Aw Tfrr 'imrr t fr* U. vV. a * - U u+ »n - r ti* X f i/ otter, hnt v * Btmifip for TV/ m 111 „■ Jiv'► * #-•*!. lt»*YW CaJ* m f.i.i i.a*? i* ** an-i > in* Q/tLimUiMB itr.i-t tow.