The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 20, 1908, Page PAGE TEN, Image 10

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PAGE TEN FOR RENT. 1347 Broad Biroot, 7 rooms SIB.OO North Augusta, 6 rooms ... 26.00 666 Reynolds slri-rt, 17 rooms 41 67 106 Reynolds street, 6 rooms 12.50 338 Walker street, 7 rooms •• 25.00 STORHOi 1224 Broad street * ..$3500 1252 Broad street 65.00 570 Broad street ... 35 00 1286 Broad street (store and residence) 40.00 524 Campbell street 45.00 222 Campbell stree-t 20.00 526 Campbell street ... 50.00 OF’I’ICHS) No. 765 Broad »lr»<-t $20.83 No. 8 Library building 18.33 Offices In Planters l/.un and Savings Bank building. WILLIAM f. BUSH , I'Ok kI.M PHOM OCT. I. 508 Third fit.. 6 rooms and bath, being built $30.00 41.3 Telfair, 8 rooms and bath $33.33 506 Telfair, 12 rooms and lath,. .. $55 00 533 Broad, 7 rooms and bath.. .. .. .. .. .. S3O U 0 618 Broad, 7 rooms and bath ..$30.00 614 Third, 6 rooms and bath.. .. $20.00 828 Reynolds, 6 rooms and bath.. .. ~530.00 SKil Crawford Avi-. 5 rooms $14.00 446 Bay. to be built, possession Nov. 1, ! rooms, steam heat and open grates, electricity and gas $32.50 1242 Broad Ht„ 6 rooms and bath $25.00 1244 Broud St,, 6 rooms and bath.,. $25.00 1288 Broad St.. Store $33 33 205-207 Sixth HI., store $30.00 IV!A RTIPN <Se GARRETT, dykr building. =— STOCKS —= ORDERS EXECUTED TO BUY AND BELL 6TOCKS, BONDS AND INVESTMENT SECURITIES ON THE NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE. WE SOLICIT YOUR BUIHNESS. ARGO & JESTER. 7 Library Building. Phone 12. Bhrewd snd Intelligent observers predict the Wrlghteboro Rosd will be ”The Pike" In a short time. Seven lots heve been listed with ms for ssle. Will located between Telfair street, Summer ville, and Monte Sano avenue; 100-foot front each. Feces North and South. The prices range from $8 00 to sls 00 per front foot. HEALTHFUL. Summerville and City water mains. Gas, sewer and electricity. Apply to Clarence E. Clark, Real K«t«to. - 842 BromJ St. EDUCATIONAL Miss funk’s (ommercidl School. Harison Building Auguota, Ga., trachea abort hand, typewriting, bookkeeping, •pelting, arithmetic, Engllah and penmanahlp. Practical methods and torma reasonable. Day class. Night data. Write for catalogue, or call phone 427. SA(Rll) 111 AKI COIll (il 1306 EMU 61 reat, Augusts. G» For day trholsr* only. Ktnpow •rod to cooler all Collegiate De gree* Thoroughly up-to data The curriculum Include* Phil osnpby, Literature, Ancient an I modern History, Phytic*. Chcml* try, Aatronomy, Mathematic*. Arithmetic, Bookkeeping, etc , Hte nogrephy and Typewriting al par eii I a option Modern l.tomungcs without extra charge RC OPENI TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER IST. 1908 Far Catalogue and particular*, ap ply at Mi* Collen* JOHN J. SHERRY. S. J. President. FOR RKINT RESIDENCES Rl6 Kill* St , 5 room* 5i2.50 1021 Jarkanti SL. 6 room* ~ .. 11l 66 5J5 Calhoun St, ; room* ~ ~ 35,00 431 Utoad St . 4 room* IS.0(1 206 Kills St, 4 room* ~ .. ~ 15.00 614 Cranford Av» , 6 room* 10 00 HiS rhafiT Ave., 6 room* .. 23.60 *ll Pisa St., 6 room* 10.00 Druid Park Av*., 4 room* 16 oo Druid Park An’, 5 room* JO.OO libs Fenwick St. 4 rooty* ~ ~ SOO 1100 Ulook Walker St.. 2 hollar*. 3 room* each . . 750 North AURuata. 7 r<K>m* .. 26 00 STORES ins* Brood st s4l r-« 633 Kill* St. .... 13.00 101* Campbell St 33 00 LOCKHART ftCO RENTING. REAL ESTATE. FIRE INSURANCE. j ROMAN CATHOLIC PRELATES GATHER IN ST- BERNARDS KOCMKBTKR. N. Y Di»tlngut*h<al prelate* >f tht* Kotnau Catholic church o f tht* and other eounrie* gathered at st Bernard’* Seminary tor the dedication of the new hall of theol spl*t-ed addltton k> St UcrnuiU* AIR DOME THIS WEEK POLITE VAUDEVILLE New York's Leading Vaudeville Artists. BEST MOVINQ PICTURES IN TOWN Proper place for Ladioa and Children. ADMISSION .. .. 10 ots CHILDREN .. .. 5 cts 3 PERFORMANCES DAILY; 7:30 to 11:30 p m , SPLCIAL SALE 3 ll». cans lona Tomatoes 8c lona Green IVas per can 8c lona Sweet Corn per can 6c A. \ I*. Milk, 3 cans for 25c Velvet Tip Matches, a box 3c Tomato Soup, 1 cans for 25c Pull ('ream Cheese it ll>, 15c HAM BOILER FREE To <ill purchasers of one can of A. A I’. Baking I*owder. Butter Finest Elgin Creamery, always fresh, pure and sweet. i I | SU HROAI) STREET. Phones 867 868 317 Stores in U. S. ogy and celebration of the fortieth anniversary of the episcopate of Utah op McQuald, and sixtieth annl'ernary of ht* ordination to the priesthood Coromonlea began when Moat Hi" Diomede Kalcoulo. of Washington D |C\, papal delegate to the Butted Stale*, dedicated Uw recautly win Victory of Savannah Uniform Rank Was Big Advertisement For Georgia Captain A. J. Renkl, of Augusta Company No. 6, K. of P., baa just returned from Boston, where he at tended the supreme lodge meeting ot the organization In America. He was accompanied on the trip by Mrs. Henkl. "In Class A ,” said Captain Renkl, “the Savannah Company won first prize, defeating crack companies from Terre Haute and New York city. The prize wag $1,500 In caah. Sa vannah was the best advertised city In Boston. On every side people were talking about the fine company from Savannah. Others who didn't remem. her the city were talking about the Georgia company,' and others were praising the company from the South. It Is almost an unprecedented vic tory for a Southern company, al- AUSTRALIANS WELCOME FLEET Extensive preparations are Made for the Americans’ Entertainment. Si UN BY, N. 8. W.—Apparently forgetting that they were aliens, the people of New South Wales today united wltn hundreds of Visitors In ! giving such an ovation to the Amer | leans of the battleship fleet as they ; had not had since they left the Pact i lie coast. While the gallant, ships of war rocked at anchor In Sydney har bor thousands of excited Australians thronged tne beach from Bondi to Munly drinking tn the Inspiring sight, cheering and waving flags. Despite tho early hour of the ar rival of the battleships, the city was aatlr and the streets were filled with surging crowds, all hurrying beach ward and intent upon getting the most commanding position to see the state ly ships swing Into view and anchor before tho town. For weeks preparations had been going forward and they culminated In one grand effort to make the event [of the visit the most memorable as nalr In the history of the place. Ev erywhere (lugs and waving colors ' were to he seen. The American col ors were mined with the I'nlon .lark of Old ICngland. There were pictures of President Roosevelt, King Edward i and many, many inscriptions printed ; upon huge banners which were either flung across the streets or hung upon j the fronts of buildings. Houlhhead. a promontory on the - coast, offered the best point of van tage, and It was crowded all day. The harbor scene from that point was beautifully Interesting In the offing the big wall sided ships lay at anchor while the foreground was tilled with hundreds of small craft, plying and careening through tho waters with flags flying from every peak lanineh es and nail boats tilled with men and women In holiday dress, helped to make the scene one to be long re i membered. The roar of cannon announced the fleet this morning. And tt was only t shortly afterward that Alfred Deakin. j Australia's prime minister, forward j ed his words of welcome. Lord North cote, governor general of Australia, j likewise forwarded a message of wel come to Admiral Sperry. The admi ral responded In spirit. Not less than $50,008, It Ib estlmat | ed. will be spent tn Sydney alone tn {entertaining the Yankee visitors. An ' elaborate program has been made up [lneliidlng several diversions, official visits, excursions, sports and a grand pageant Not the least Interesting are native sports arranged for the vts Hors, Including In the program sheep shearing, boomerang throwing, wood chopping, sheep dog trials, etc The flpet will remain In the harbor until next Tuesday. THE LOVETT BROTHERS PETITION BANKRUPTCY A voluntary petition in bankruptcy whr fllrd before l?nit*d States Coin | mtsfttonor Qodwln Wednesday aftor ' noon bv the Arm of H P Lovett. Jr.. A Brother, of Band«*r«vtUo. sotting forth the existence of liabilities in the approximate aunt of $50,000, with no assets The Lovett brothers were ! engaged In the cotton buslnesa. WOMAN OF BEAUTY. HOMELY AND ATTHACTIVE WO‘ MIN ARC. LIARNING THE CICRIT OF 3EAUTY. | Nt»w;(4*y» ih* elrvcr American Woman i j nturita* haraalf Hh» hat laarmai that to l»# bom URAttracttve »t >e»n t inmn | [ (hut she mu at at ay *»» All Ilsa, j Rehmor has put into h«*r hand** cf I'HUtlfyiHC h#r*< if. unit It In .» • y \iv I ignorant, slovanljr ami carcb ** who rt fU** to ACiMSpt tills hslp. A ««iiMi c«n have the put nr s', face lm.MttMs»blr, but If she has bmutlful Halt shn will he attractive; nmi any wuma i can have bMiutlful htilr Just go to Alexander Pn.| r«* thr tlruggiat. ami art a botllt of ParUtan fuif«\ Uir ladbs favorttr hair d)es*b| amt dantlruff cure. l*»« It two week* and jrour hair will be »oft. silky, lustrvm* and luxuriant. l\»n*Un fUge t* guarunterd oy Alex andrr l.hug Co. to stop fueling hair, to cure dandruff or Itching scalp In two I weeks or mohry back. It Is the most delightful hair drrosmg I m the world It Is not sticky or greasy. I •nd In warm weather It coot* and tleunt ] he ocalp. and drlvwa away ail tllaagree- I able odors. Ales * ider IVug I*o sella It for ItV I a large bottio. or you can get It tllrrct ! fkons hta American Manufacturers at I -he aama phis, all charges prepaid. Gl tiovu. Mfg Buffalo, *N. Y. THE AUGUSTA HERALD though the Savannah organization took second prize at New Orleans two years ago. The drilling of the Savannah troop was almost letter perfect. "Ohio was not represented at the supreme lodge. I understand that companies of that state boycotted the railroads because they were unable to get reasonable rates. In their opinion, i for the round trip. The state donatbd *2,000 to defray a part of their ex penses, but they still refused to send a representative, being dissatisfied with the rates.” Captain and Mrs. Renkl visited many points of interest in the North and Hast, besides Boston, New York, Atlantic city and the other usual cit | ies, while away. They report having I had a delightful trip. POLICE GET FUND | FOR ATTORNEY ■ Members of Force Snbscrib inK Sums for Lawyer who Defended M. O. Matthews On the orderly sergeant’s desk at Police Headquarters is a letter read ling as follows: "We, the members of the police force of Augusta, Ga., do hereby give the amount opposite our names, to the Hon, O. A. Plcquet, for services rendered as attorney in defending our brother officer, M. O. Matthews, who was charged with the murder of Kd Turner, whom he killed, In our opin ion, while acting In self-defense.” The petition has been signed by every officer who has seen it, and it Is thought that every niun will sign It some time today. Thinks It Saved His Life. fainter M. Nelson of Naples, Maine, vayn In a recant letter: "1 have used Itr. King's New Discovery many years, for roughs and colds, and I llilnk it Raved my life. I have found It a relia ble remedy for throat and lung com plaints. and would no moiv be wlthont a bottle than I would be without food. For nearly forty years New Discovery has stood at the head of throat and lung remedies. .-Vs a preventive of pnenmo nla, and healer of weak lungs It has no equal. Said under guarantee at all drug gists. r.e. SI.OO. Trial bottle free. SOCIALISTS MEET AT COURT HOUSE SATURDAY NIGHT Mr. Sumner W. Roue, of Mississippi, will speak at tho court house Satur day night at 8 o’clock, under the auspices of the Socialist Party of America. Tho subject, of Mr. Rose’s speech will be, “How to obtain a Living." He will also speak on the Socialist candidate for president, Mr. Eugene V Debs. On Sunday night at the Air Dome Mr. Rose will speak on So cialism. All persons who have questions to ask on Socialism will be answered by Mr. Rose. A large crowd is ex pected at both meetings and the gen eral public is invited. A Grand Family Medicine. “It givns me pleasure to speak a good word for Electric Hlttters, writes Mr. Frank Conlan of N*<. 436 Houston fc*.. New York “It's a grand family medi cine tor dyspepsia und liver compiler!- »!•*» s. while for lame back and we*\K kidneys it ennnot !»»■ too highly recom mended." Electric Bitters regulate the liK-mlvr functions, purify tin blood, and impart renewing vigor and to the w* k and deMlftntod of both Hexes. Sold under guarantee at nil druggists. faOc. AMUSEMENTS. The Air Dome. Changng tonight at. the Dome will be Hlied with new songs And uovel- I ties. professor Cannon will put his won derful trained cockatoos through all new tricks. It is wonderful how the birds arc trained to do such wonder ful acts. Entire change of pictures also will l»e put on. ami they will be very fine. Tin* Dome no doubt w*ill be crowded at all performances tonight. It is a great show and all should see It. Three performances—7:3o to 11:30 p. ui. A Wholttomt Tonic HORSFORDS ACID PHOSPHATE I* i ' »* ■ »n ‘ i ft>r iho relic* of that tired fading during spring and summer. NEGRO PORTER ARRESTED ON THREE LARCENY CHARGES ■■ i John Green. a negro porter at the Augusta Drug Company, was arretted Wednesday by Detective* William* and Hartley. There are three cases attain*! the negro, a* he sto>e on three ditfi rent date*. It *eema that the negro ha* been stealing for aome time. When ht* bouse was searched about S2O Worth of goods were found 1 Green was bound over to thr city 1 court for larceny from the house Bond wa* tlxed at $l5O. BRIGHTON BEACH RACING ASSOCIATION PLANT SOLD NEW YORK.—It has been learned I hat the Brighton Beach Racing as ! social.ou plant ha* been sold to a laud developing company and that within | a week laborer* will be at work cut ting the famous race course Into street* and but'dtng lota Who the new owner* of the racing j property are and at what price the big tied was disposed of. !* not J known by the observing men at Coney U.aud aud Brighton Beach. SURPLUS STOCK SALE, - A T ========== Mullarky & Sullivan Co A COMBINATION CLEARANCE OUT OF TWO BIG STOCKS, OUR OWN AND THE BALANCE OF COSKERY’S WHICH WE HAVE MOVED DOWN TO OUR OWN STORE. NO REASONABLE PRICE REFUSED— TO MUCH MERCHANDISE AND WE MUST REDUCE STOCK. OUR LOW PRICES ARE OUR ATTRACTIONS AND ARE CATCHING AND HOLDING THE CROWDS MORE THAN THEY EVER DID BEFORE. Linen Center Pieces, Squares and Scarfs, in Window. Hemstitched and Openwork corners. 1 Big lot that sold from 50c to 85c, now in the Clearance Out Sale, at O 1 Big Lot in Center Counter All shapes and sizes, former price up to 49c, all at two 41“,! nn J Ifln prices to close out, |Ju dill! IUU Men’s Furnishings, for Friday and Saturday Men’s 50c Negligee Shirts, now going at 39 Cents Men’s 50c Knit Underwear, Shirts and Drawers, at 39 Cents Men’s 50c Elastic Seam Drawers, now going at 39 Cents Men’s 25c Bleached Elastic Bib Undervests, low neck, no sleeves, at 19 Cents Men’s 19c Athletic Undervests, low neck, no sleeves and short sleeves, now going at • 12% Cents Men’s 25c Fancy Socks, are now going at 19 Cents Linen Squares, Scarfs and Center Pieces Embroidered, Hemstitched, Handwork in corners, all imported fix (O and pure linen, for retail price from $1.75 to $3.00 each, AC all at one price in the Surplus Stock Sale MULLARKY & SULLIVAN CO., The Live Dry Goods People. Agent for McCall Patterns. Mrs. Willie Collier 5; r:zjK 1 £ Mrs. Louise Allen Collier, wife of Willie Collier, the aetor, threatens to sue an Atlantic City hotel keeper for damages for having caused her arrest for the alleged non-payment of Board Bill. She was promptly released of the charge when arranged be fore the magistrate. PERSONALS Mr. C. A. Price ha* returned from Wilmington. N. C.. and is with Mrs. Baxter for the coming cotton season Mr*. John Schley is down from Adairsvllle. Ga.. for a week or two. Mr and Mrs. Schley have reconsid ered their determination to spend the winter at Adairsvllle and will return In September. They will have with them Mrs. Schley's sister. Mrs. May Nicholson, of Athens, for the win ter Mr. Thayer Broome has returned from a pleasant visit to Mr. Charlie Broome, Jr., in Atlanta. —Mr. and Mrs. Jones Gardiner will occupy their Telfair street residence after September. —Mrs. A. M. Winter, Mrs. Eugene Verdery and Mrs. Hardy Jackson and j.iss Ixtuise Rowland are delightfully situated at Balsalm, N. C. —Miss Louise Adams, of Durham, N. C., a daughter of the late Mr. Lau rence Adams, is the attractive young guest of her brother and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Adams. —Mrs. Proser Berckmanns will leave next week for a visit to Mont Clair, N. J. —Mrs. John B. Connely and Miss Caroline Beane are expected to re turn from Columbia next week. —Mrs. Charles Warren Davis ha 3 been moved to her home in the coun try, having recovered from her recent indisposition. —Mrs. Charles Smith and Mrs. Westmoreland returned to Atlanta this afternoon, after a brief visit to Mrs. James H. Mayes. —Miss Annie Burton and Misses Louisa and Sarah Alexander have re turned from Virginia. Mrs. M. O. Eifftrd and little daughter, Julia, are expected from Florence soon and will join Mr. Elfflrd ai Mrs. Baxter's for the winter. —Mrs. |. C. Levy left this after noon for New York, where she will visit h< r mother, Mrs. Brady. —Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Williams, of Allendale, s. C\. are visiting Mr. ana Mrs. Heath, on Monte Sano. —Mtss l.esa Fargo was the guest today of Miss Hazel Brand. LETTER TO C. A. LINDSLEY, Aucusta, Ga. Dear Sir: You know Barnum said people like to be humbugged; but no body ever gave more for the money than Barnuin; and nobody sold more goods. Paint humbug is different. There are more than 200 paints, ail but 8 adulterated, all but one of the eight ate more or less weak, only one is as strong as paint can be made. What Is wanted of paint is strength. p«:n; strength; nothing else but paint strength. When you paint your house, bear In mind what a gallon costs and look out for your gallons. The gallon itself $1.75 or s little less; It has to be spread on the building; that costs $2 to $4. The gallon put-on Is $5. Strongest paint, least gallons to buy atiu put .'on at $5 a gallon. Look-out for your gallons. Strongest paint, of course, wears longest. Ixmk-out for your gallons; lock-cut for nothing but gallons. Strength is all; paint strength. Least gallons is all. All else Is the humbug that Barnum told-of but nev er did—lt wa* worth a quarter to see Joyce Heth and the Woolly Horse, say nothing of Barnum himself, who was half the show. Yours truly j 101 F W DEVOE k CO I Alexander Drug Co. sell our paint. THUHSDAY, AUGUST 20 GLENN SPRINGS WATER Don't Blow Your Money On Waters THAI NEED AN INTRODUCTION Dr. Crook On the Water. Dr. James K. Crook, author ox "Mineral Water* in the Unltea States." and recognized as ;fte foremost mineral water expert in the country, classifies QLENN SPRINGS water as second to only one of Its ktud in the world, the famous Lorenz-Quello Springs m Switzerland. The following is a voluntary setalement /ecsntly made by Dr. Crook which ha* never before been published: "An examination of Prof. Mal let's analysis shows Glenn to be long to the Alkallne-Sallne-Calleic group of mineral waters. They resemble In chemical constitution the waters of Leuk. iLoren*- yuello), Vulais. and of «t. Moritz, (Grand Source), Grlssons. Switz erland; Wlldungen (Stadt-Bun nen). Waldeck. Germany; the Alkaline Spring at Carlsbad, Bo hemla; Bagners de I.uchon ,<La Heine), Haute-Garonne. and cl Borage, (Boucherles), Haute-py renee*. France; of Holy-Well tn North Wales; and of the B«*h •sdu Clysmtc .and Hygea Springs of Waukeha. Wisconsin. With the “xcrptlon of the Lorcns-Quelle at i-euk, ’it* GL2NN SPRINGS cot.- tn'-: a larger mineral content per V w Gallon than any of these i * e; rated waters. FOR THE LIVER, KIDNEYS, STOMACH AND SKIN. CARBONATED WATER AND ALE OF QUALITY. GLENN SPRINGS CO ’PHONE 806. COLOMBO—The battleships Ala bama and Maine left today for Aden, where they are due at August 27th. Don't overlook the Sunday excur lions to the Seashore via. the Char leston £ estem Carolina Railway, Trains leave, 7:00 a. m. —Mr. Culley. of Columbia, 8 C„ Is spending a few days with bis tuas in Augusta. . v