The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 20, 1908, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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THURSDAY, AUGUST 20 AUGUSTA TRUNK FACTORY. 851 BROAD—WRONG SIDE ST M. M. CLECKLEY, PROP. Great Annual Summer Reduction Sale Now On. r “* - S g Jpfp I If you don’t want to buy a New Trunk, let us Repair that Old One. We are On The Wrong Side of the Street, But On the Right Side (Where Rents Are Low) For Low Prices. Social and Personal WHAT'S THE USE? What's the use in fishin' (i,the fish won’t bite? What's the use of wishin’ If the wish ain't right? What's tie use in lickin'— If the child don't know? What’s tie use in kickin', When :ou only hurt your toe? —SO— Take iti'asy when you fish. Be migity keerful how you wish. Use yijr judgment when you lick; Lower Juir toe before you kick, And yot 11 call yourself a brick. I Know— Social Sale This Weak iYew line of $1 shirts, in a new var iety of styles 1 Mil and patterns, ■ SPECIAL PRICE A new line of 50c Ties that will ftr. please all kind /fIR tastes. £ SPECIAL PRICE I L. Silvester & Sons. Established Nearly Half a Century 4% The Planters Loan and Saving bank Tt7os Broad Street. The Oldest Savings Bank In the City. In successful operation 38 years and growing more popu lar with the people and stronger in their tonfidence each year. In selecting a bank for your Savings Account do not fad I to Investigate the facilities and strength of this bank. Rerourcee Over $1,000,000.00 Safe As “Safest.” The same careful attention A small accounts a* to the planter ones J Deposits May Be made by Mall. L. C. Hayne, Pres. 1 Chss. C. Howard, Cashier. LET US SHOW ycu The smart things Coral and Gold Bead Neck . T nd Gold Bead Necks, Gold Purse- Lorg •ttes, Lockets and Chain . Nc lot of Cold Bracelets. [ SCHWEIGERT Lie COMPAINY. $7.50 Excellent Leather Suit Case $5 68 $5.50 Genuine Leather Suit Cases $3 97 $1.50 Suit Cases, Leather Corners $1 t 4 $7.75 Fibre Bound Trunk $5 87 $5.00 Iron Bound Trunk $3 88 MISS COOPER HONORS MISS STACEY. Miss Eva Cooper complimented Miss Stacey, of Brunswick. Ga., on Monday evening. Games were indulg ed in and delightful music rendered. a l a tc hour delicious refreshments were served. Among those invited to meet Miss Stacey were Mrs. E. R. Beall, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Bailey, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Pilcher, Miss Flay Hicks, of New York; Miss Otelia Wha ley. of Mayfield, Ga.; Miss Julia Wha ley, of Mayfield, Ga.; Miss Et'fie Etta, Miss Lula Campbell, Miss Georgia McLaughlin, Miss Carrie Cooper, Miss Ahava Hicks, Miss Erma Cooper, Miss l.eslie Cooper, Miss Eva Cooper, Hr. ,1. Leon Beall, of Swainsboro, Ga.; Mr. Irvin Jones, Mr. Ollic James, Mr. Albert Ruston. Mr. Albert Beall. Mr. McEwen, Dr. Baker and Mr. James Cooper. PLEASANT STRAW RIDE. One of the enjoyable events of the week was the straw ride given in honor of Misses Ames and Fuseler, of Charleston, and Miss Jeffcoat, of Aiken. After a dip in the pond re freshments were served. Among those invited were Mr. and Mrs. John Lewis. Mrs. M. B. Griffin and Joseph Ergle, Miss Lillie Ames, Miss Minnie Fuseler, Miss Susie Jeffcoat, Miss Sybil Ivey, Miss Nettie Tiller. Miss Noia Livingston, Miss Ruty Lewis and Messrs. Joe Tyler. Hugh Carey. Henry McKie, Willie Griffin, Clyde Binion, Frank Griffin, Jule Binlon. Louis Griffin and Mr. Allen. FOR THE FRESH AIR DOME The Harvest Festival, to be given by the Light Bearers’ circle, of the King's Daughters, will take place on Tuesday evening, next, from eight thirty to eleven-thirty o’clock, on the beautiful lawn of Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Goodwin. The circle requests that all who can will attend and aid them in their most worthy effort to build a home. Refreshments will be served on the lawn. —William Ellis is the name of the handsome young son who arrived yes terday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Shackelford. Jr. —Friends of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Keenerm, of Saratosa. Fla., will re gret to learn that their lovely little A DOUBLE SAVING. Don’t buy goods "on install ments." Save your money be forehand. Then pay cash. You'll probably pay one-quarter less. We’ll pay you Interest while you ar e saving your cash. This will amount to a double saving. FOUR PER CENT INTEREST PAID, COMPOUNDED SEMI ANNUALLY. IRISH AMERICAN BANK. “The Bank for Your Savings.” Harry Thaw's Noble Sister \\ i - . ??i^fe?fe*t'v'i*^*iiy* lP \\l [ *~ >l vu Im?»>vs9Bss«. Tlie Countess of Yarmouth, formerly Miss Alice Thaw of Pittsburg ancl whose fortune is said to have been exhausted vu meeting part of tho expenses of Harry Thaw’s two trials, finally obtained absolute divorce from Yarmouth. daughter, Elina, has been quite sick, and it is feared she is threatened with appendicitis. —Miss Mamie Pournelle by>s recov ered from her rerent illness, which will be pleasant news to her many anxious friends. Mr. and Mrs. William F. Walker are receiving congratulations uptm the arrival at their home of a beau tiful little daughter. —Mrs. F. F. Starr and Master Fred Star, Jr., are in Savanuah for the week. —Miss Bessie R. Starr is visiting in Savannah, Ga., where many enter tainments have been planned for her by friends in that city. —Mr. Bev. Pendleton is expected to morrow from North Carolina. PAGE-SHERt. C The Dublin ' inrier says of ihe romantic i of a popular young couple of cfiis oity, the bride being the verj pretty and attractive daughter of Mr. Foster Sherlock: "A marriage which was not with out a touch of romance occurred in this city Sunday afternoon at the res idence of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Jackson. The contracting turtles were Miss Laurie Mae Sherlock and Mr. Howard K. Page, both of Augusta. It was the same old story of love laughing at opposition. Miss Sher lock had been visiting in the city for several weeks, as guest of Mr. and Mrs Jackson, and had made many friends and admirers here. Mr. Page, who holds a position as book keeper at the National Bank of Au gusta, came over a few days ago on a short visit, and, finding it hard to return alone, he persuaded Miss Sher lock to return with him. Rev. J. W. Stokes, pastor of the I resbyterlan church, soon ac quainted with the desire of the young couple to be joined togelher in mar riage, and, haslet,ing to their assis tance. Ue performed the ceremony in his usual imprssive manner. ' Only a few friends were present ; to witrss the ceremony. Parental objections were occasion ed by,the youthfulness of both par j lies. Mr. and Mrs. Page will remain in ! Dublin a few days hefore leaving j for their home In Augusta. —Judge L. P. Cnary, his daughter, I Mrs. K. J. Erhelding of Augusta, Ga., and Miss Helen Clary and Miss Mary | Kern, together with Mrs. Erbelding’s children are In camp at Sauk's Head lake, and are enjnvlnfe life In the ! wilds immensi Daily Evening Journal, lucrum ■ Mich. Miss Margate , ■ bouts, daughtei of Mr. ( and Mrs. Theodore Shunts, t ailed last week for Ireland. She will i visit the Duke and Duchess of Man chester at Klyemoro castle. Early in ! September she will go to France and join her mother and her sister, the i Duchess dr ('haulms, who are now at Dieppe, Miss Shunts will return to this country about the middle of Oc itobtr.—Washington Post. Mrs. Beverly Pendleton and Mas ter Edmund Pendleton has returned I to the city after a pleasant visit of two weeks wilt Mr. and Mrs, Allen Rendleton on M rite Hano. —Mrs. .1 P. O'Donnell has returned ; from a vlab to Thomson. —Mrs II 11 If II has returned I from Sparta. —Mr W. H. -Barrett was In Atlan ' ta yesterday —Mis .1 J .Stephenson left tod*:/ I lor h r hunt" in Memphis after a de I llghtful visit to h< r mother, who will j visit her In the next few weeks, —Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Verdcry and Mrs Malcolm Ilendeo are at Brevard, when Mrs. Hendree is rapidly re gaining her health. —Mr. and Mrs Edward Reman I have returned from North Carolina, I h»lr return having been made on , account, of the Indisposition of Mrs. Reman, who 1 "’ friends will regret very much to learn Is rick with fever. —Mr Wilfred Lyeth ha* returned j to the city after a delightful visit to ! Waypesvllle, N. C. —Mr Leroy Lyeth and Mr. Mi 1 .edge Murphcy left yesterday for ! Wavneavllle —Miss Ames, Miss Fussier and > Miss Jeffcoat ieU yesterday for a THE AUGUSTA HERALD. short stay in Washington, Philadel phia and Boston after which they will return to their respective homes in Charleston and Aiken. —Mrs. T. C Bridges is spending some time at White Oak. where she will attend ramp meeting and later visit Mr. and Miss Estes in Saluda, N. O. —Miss Nora Keith has returned to Charleston after a visit to Augusta relatives. —Mrs. Frank Hargrove and Miss I Irene Hargrove have returned from Nashville. —Miss Annie Bello Peterson, of Wudley. Ga.. Is the attractive guest of Miss Irene Hargrove. —Miss Annie Daniel is visiting friends in Savannah. —Miss Annio Parker has returned from Dunbarton, S. C. —Miss Eva Walton is spending a while with Savannah friends. —Mr. Henry Michaelson has re turned to Blackville, S. C. —Miss Helen Hatch, Mr. Albert Hatch and Mr. Hamilton Hatch left this afternoon for Brevard. —Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Brand, Miss Hazel Brand and Mr. Tom Brand will leave on Saturday for Jackson ville, Fla., and will sail from there for New York. —Mi. and Mrs. S. Lesser sailed for America today. —Miss Mary Hall will be with Mrs. William Burnsides at 1024 Reynolds street after October first. —Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Percy Dan forth returned today from a delight ful sojouin among the North Curp ’.lna mountains. —Mr. and Mrs. Lee Ehetrldge and little daughter have returned from WayiK'sville, Aslivlllt, Toxaway and Glenn Springs. —Mr. Charlie J. Crawford has pur chased the Shavi r home on upper Greene street. Week-End and Bunday Excursion Tickets lo Tybce, Via. Central of Georgia Railway. Week-end tickets, $4.5.0, sold Sal unlays and Sundays. LlmVod to leav- Tybee and Savannah not later than Tuesday next following date of sab'. Sunday tickets. Sold for Tybeo Limited only, on Sundays. $1 75. limit ed for return on date sale. Ticket office, 725 Broad street and union si t tlon. ts-s-ts THE SULTAN DEMANDS THE SURRENDER OF MOROCCO Tangier ougui, a miiiiarj leader In the service of Alulni Aziz, tin Huilau, Is encamped outside lh< walls of Morocco City, according to new s naa just reached here from the Interior. lie has given the clly three days In. which to stirpend -r. Abdul Aziz with the main army, Is eight hours away. Habitual Constipation Mi i) * V i lay be ovmom«Qy propfi personal effort* witM/ie assistance iff he cm- truly IjencjifUi ( llAutivC remedy, Syrup ojhg* and £li«lr ojSenn* wKuK enables on* to (arm regular habit* daily So that as >i*tance to na ture may be gradually di£pensr<i*'th *h«n no longer needed as the best oj remedies,when required, are to assist nature and not to supplant the natur. •I function*, which must depend ulti mately upon proper nourishment, preper efforts, and right living generally. To get tit beneficial effect*, aLo»a buy the genuine Syrup*f?l£s* ,> Eltfir # f Senna CALIFORNIA Fig Hyhup Co. only SOLO ar/ALL LCA&IMC DRUCavrs «fl» tut #ul/, *M w iHIU %(Go? (/ AUGUSTA'S ONLY DE.PARTNMLNT STORE , There’s Only Two Bays More, Friday and Saturday Annual August Blanket Sale NEARING THE END. ONLY TW () I) AYS MO UK LEFT VOL IN WHICH TO I’ALT IGIPATK JN TIILS ANN UAL AUGUST BLANKET SALE AT MANUFACTURERS * 1 MUCKS TWO DAYS IN WHICH YOU MAY EFFECT THE MOST POS ITIVE K INK O SAVINGS ON AN A RTICI Ha Til AT YOl' WILL SURELY NEED LATER. AT THE SAME TIME WE OFFER SPECIAL BARGAINS IN THE VAJ flOl'K DEPARTMENTS THROUGHOUT Till 1 , STORE. We Will Reserve Any of These Blankets Upon the Payment, of a Deposit $5.50 All Wool Blankets, $3.98 10-1 and II I size, while, Wool Blankets, pink, blue ;iiul red bordered with two inch silk binding worth regular d* 7 QO way $5.50 ;i pair, Special for (his sole $7.00 All Wool Blankets, $4.98 11—1 size, strictly all-wool, while Blankets, blue, pink and red bordered. This lot shows trifling imiperl'ec- QO tions, regularly worth $7.00, Sale Brice -eO $7.50 All Wool Blankets, $5.48 11-1 size, plaid j».nd while nil wool Blankets, with two inch silk binding, made for double bed, worth $7.50 ff C Ask per pair, Special Sale Price $9.00 All Wool Blankets, $5-98 Full double bed size, bright, attractive plaids, made from selected California wool, regularly worth tT QO $9.00, Sale Price SIO.OO All Wool Blankets, $6.98—11 I size, California all-wool Blankets, with two and hull' inch silk binding, pink, blue & red bordered, regu O' A larly worth SIO.OO per pair, Sale Price UMBRELLAS SI.OO Grade for 69c A good umbrella for 69c Isn’t this pretty well worth coming for'? Well made, over para gon frame and steel rod. Covered with a mercerized Venetian taffeta of good strong quality, fast black and rain proof. A barge variety of handles in plain and fancy ef fects. Regular SI.OO value, special 69c MUSLIN UNDER WEAR Women’s 69c Skirts at 39c Women’s full made, lace trimmed Skirts, 69c QQp value, at Women’s SI.OO Draw ers at 59c Women’s embroidery and lace trimmed Muslin Draw ers, SI.OO Pon value, at - • FIGURED SILKS. 50c Printed < hina Silks light ground with dain ty pink, blue, lavender, red and old rose flow ers. Our regu- Qfp lar 50c qualities Sterling Aluminum Double Coated Gray Enamel Ware, 25c. A Sale in Response t»o Your Demands. This sale Begins Friday Mornin al 9 o’clock, not a piece in this great lot worth under 39c, from that the value- mount t.o extra ordinary figures $1.50, you can pick from the lot for 0n1y.... What this lot contains: Dre-den, Sauce Pots. Tea Kettles, Saucepans, Foot ‘Tub-, Milk Boilers, <toffee Pots, Milk (tans, Water Buckets, Preserv ing Kettles, Dish Pans and Covered Buckets, Choice WASH GOODS. 12t/oe Percales and Ginghams ... .7% cts 9c Amoslceag Ging hams, 6% cts 7 cents American Prints 5 cts 36-,in. Bleaching. 5 cts SHEETS. $1.15 “Englewood” 90 x9O size sheets, 7C« Special Sale .. .. • 75c Linen Finish 81x90 size sheets, C/U Special Side .... PILLOW CASES 18c Triumph Pillow ('uses, 45x36 size, lOp Special Sale 12c Eagle Pillow Cases, 45x36 size, 7| p Special Sale . ... •ju BED SPREADS $1.39 Fringed Honey < ornb Bed Spreads, fri Special Sale 01 sl.lO Double Bed size Honey Comb OQn Spreads, PAGE THREE LINEN TOWELING 12c Heavy All Linen < trash, blue A red o. bordered, Special. 0u loe Glass Toweling blue it red checked, Qr, Special Sale Wo SCARF & SHEETING 65c, 20.\72 inch Hem stitched side hoard T-Qp SearlV, Special .. .wwu $1.25 Linen Sheeting, 90-in. wide, heavyQCp quality, yard .... 00u TOWELS IKc genuine Huck Tow els, good heavy iQp quality, Special . $2.25 doz. fine all Linen I Iliek Towels, If) Special Side TABLE DAMASK 15c 651 in. full bleached Table Damask, OCo Special Sale AOL 75c 72-in. Half Bleach ed Table Damask AQp fall Jinyn),Special**wu Napkins and Doylies $2.25 all Linen L’lx24 size, Dinner Nap 0] 7p kins, Special V'*' 0 $2 Large size Knotted Fringed Doylies,Cl QQ Special Side ...C'M 25c 25c