The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 20, 1908, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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PAGE EIGHT WANTS HERALD WANT ADS. REACH THE PEOPLE YOU WANT TO REACH. Trying to ell It without th<- help I of a want a<l, la not "really and truly" j TRYING. If you make nine out of ten of your visit* to atorea In answer to ads. YOU'RE WISE. The man who "always has a want I ad working for him" la prospering— depend upon It. A fi line watil ad., repeated a few times, will definitely decide whether or not you ran sell It and you prob ably can. Most of the merchant's HEAL anxl tie* grow out of his absurd anxiety not to spend too much In advertising If the family Income Is earned by work, why not lake a little trouble about spending it to best advantage? Why not be an ad. reader? It takes a sort of courage, to ad vertise a store adequately—THE FIRST TIME. Small bank lialanees make rewards of many merchants. A hank balance that Is devoted to advertising usually "grows up" quickly. WANT AD. POSTOFFICE. Replies to the following Want Ads are In the Want Ad Postoffice They should he called for promptly, an alier a reasonable time they will be do s troy <ml C H 23. It. H. W - -2. R T. W ] K A I \Y /. I W H It I X Y. 7. 2 A. R S. 1. 1. E. I) 1. E C. H 7. No. I- 1. A It (' I j. k K.—l. H J. E 1. Druggist— l U. O.—l. C. R. T 1. C. H—24 (OfllI)‘M tit 1. WANTED HELP Male WANTED ACTIVE, HKLIAIII.U party to sell our teas, coffeea, bak |ng powder, spices, extracta, soaps, etc, on commission lo the consum er; large prize Indurrinenls to Hie coiihODicr and liberal commission to the agent For full particulars ad dress. Grand Union Tea Co., Havan nah, Ua. a22p WANTED: CLERKS, COTTON BUY ei s. farmers, warehousemen nnd others to learn grading and elasslfy tug cotton In our sample rooms, or tbrougn rot responding course *lhlr t>-day acholarshlps completes jo't American Cotton College, Mllledgo vine, tis. Tues. Thus, Hull. WANTED FOR U. H. ARMY: »Able tiodb-l unmarried men, be tao-e ages if IS and citizen* of ifnlted Hiales. of good character and ifmperat© habits, who can speak, D.d and write English For informa tion apply to Iteciultlng Officer, Mil let Walker Building Augusta, (la ,or yll l-I Whitehall Ht , Atlanta, (la, or 411 Cherry Ht., Macon Ga STENOGRAPHER A COMPETENT male stenographer wanted; must be familiar wilh tiling and general office work Address or apply P J Hercit mans Co., Augusta, Us ututf BALEMKN TWO LIVE SALEH luen wauled a good chance to make mnuey for two live, enegaltc men with grit In their craw a lias hewn or never was, need not apply. Life care Herald alHl! WANTED SITUATION Mnlc. ill TI ER A Yul Nil ('OLAHIED man desires position aa butler, eook or yard bov. Address Jno. Emerson, care Mam K. l-angley, Summerville. Anausta. Ua a-lx PORTER A YOUNG COLORED ■nan who baa had experience ile sires position am poitar or butler. Ad dress Robt. Ouihlu, Hcarboro. Ua. a2lx WANTED HELP Female W AN ! ED COOK AT 216 lIROAD ST a2oo BAI KHLADIKS WANTED CORSET and glove department; must be competent to til corsets. Apply In willing, slating experience and salary •spected R L. lCunler Dry Goods Co AGENTS OUR DARNING MACHINE dsrus anything; samples 2&e; our dime safety rasor shaves anybody, sample J>> mall 15c; like niulHtg mon e\ selling these Spet tal Pti., 211.1 p.arl SI New York. *3*l> WANTED Miscellaneous. TKRHIEK PUPPIES ONE OK TWO black terrier puppies wanted, stock must be goxid ratters. Walker and Walker. S2S* Reynolds Street a24c Barbecue Hash IIARHRCUE HASH EVERY SATI'II dm i<>nd' i ii oelJCk s in. lie quart Vandiver s Meat Market, |tm| Ninth street. )24tf Merry Widow. MERRY WIDOW I’KKKt'MK THE hit of th* seaaon Try It. Phone us No UK. Teaaler Pharmacy, 1.160 Broad J!3tt wood. ?»<*w asm steet goMWAgu WLflLinr rA. 1A FOR RENT—Rooms ROOMB ELBE}ANT ROOMS WITH first-class board at No. 506 Telfair street. References; term* reason able. 'I hone 21(77. a2op FOR RENT-Real Estate! BALDOC NEW PARK, THIJKOt-riU. ,, equipped with ail modern a'Coii)mort;i tions for olcnlc paril#*, danclnf, bath ing and fishing Como lure for join outing Torros >l6 per dny. Addr*sn, J. il. Hewlett, b4*c'y, AlUndal*, 8 C «*F>dlOwkN 7 WARREN ISIXX'K, FRONT AND rear stores for rant; also 837 Ellis street. Apply to Jacob Phlnlzy. )6tf FOR KENT: RESIDENCE 1242 AND 1244 Broad street, 125.00 each. F’oa session at once. Jno. J. Evans, alktf 406 Marbury, C rooms, 127.50. Cor Green© and Marbury, over store, 10 rooms. $27.60. Established Grocery store, cor Greene and Marbury, S3OOO. Parties having houses and lots for sale or rent, please have them listed with u*. Cheap money to loan on city property. Apply Jno, J. Cohen, 735 Broad St Jl#tf STORES 321 AND 323 JACKSON BT., opposite opera house. Apply to Hulkc'h Steam Laundry. Jstf DWELLING OF SEVEN ROOMS, 414 Walker street; alao oho five-room house, all complete. Apply at 446 Walker St, D. Graham. at2tf COTTAGE: AN ELEGANT ' NEW eotlage near Hampton Terrace Ho tel on West avenue; splendidly nr ranged tor two families; will rent fur nished or unfurnished, ami also a ten room house 1031 Reynolds street. Apply H. c. Wall, 917 Broad St. Alttf FROM OCT I, THE FOLLOWING very desirable houses: 305 Ebls Ht 635 Telfair Ht. 731 Telfair St Apply to I-eonard Phlnlzy, Flat Rock, N. C J22-Hu-Wtf Lost and Found LOST, BROOCH: LOST ON ELIIS street brooch containing diamond and pearls. Under will be rewarded by leaving at Herald Office. POCKET HOOK; LOST BETWEEN Union depot and Richmond Aca demy pocket book containing money nnd cheeks payable lo So. Bell Tale phane aud Telegraph Co. Finder will lie lib* rally rewarded If returned to E It Storey, Telephone Exchange. a2op i,OBT. WATCH FOR: LOST BE tween KJ4 Broad slreel and Georgia Railroad shops, on Jackson street, a round watch fob on black ribbon. Ho ward if returned to No. til4 Broad St. a22c LOST, COW: STRAYED FROM Moor* A Kim's pasture, Monday, oue red cow; short horns. Reward If returned to 1. S. Taut, No. 506 Campbell St. *2l p LOST, CLOTHES: A SUIT OF rlothes lost Monday In upper part of city. Reward If returned to Davi son A Fargo, Mclntosh street. *2lp TOR SAL£ Miscellaneous FOR SAIJC; ONE INDIAN MOTOR ('yeli' at sacrifice price. Apply 2t»<i Greene St. a22c IMANO UPRIGHT KINGBRURY IN pwtect condition; cost 1450.00, can be purchaKt'd for a amall r**li con sideration. Answer B. W.. care The herald. *2‘oc AUTOMOBILB QOOO AS NEW; 40 her»e*owsr engine; can be seen at White'a garrage; big bargain for quick buyer. Apply at once, Herald office. if FOR HAI.E HALF CORD DRY pine wrood, delivered. for |1 SO Rustic awringe $2 00 and Reeking Chalra $1 60 each Some fine Coium blan Wyandotte*, 8 L. Wyandotte*. Light llrahtna* and White Rocha nt special close out price*. Kggi for hatching, all Breed*, ltelvldere Tool try Farm, Phone 1184, Augusta, tin WRAPPING PAPER OLD NEWS paper* for wrapping purpose* Ap ply at Herald Office. 11 t»tf ENGINE: GOOD IS HORSEPOWER Alla* enalne, practically new, for aale at a bargain. Addreaa Engine, care Herald. IF YOU WANT A PERMANENT roofing u»o Protection llrand. Thle reeling Uae a elv Inch lap ami driving mill* through the Up only and ce menting the over-lapping *heet lo It that no nail* are exposed. It can be laid by any handy man Thle roofing I* made asphalt ami containing no tar Sold by V W. Jonea, tit Mclu | losh St . Augusta Sltto Automobile Tires. IN STOCK 2Sxa, 80x5. 30x3 12; atao Inner tube*, price* right. Moore A ; Kdenfield Mlg Co- g23c Brick Masons ; THOMAS NICHOLS AND SONS. Practical Brick Mason* and Plaster* went to ngure with you. Try u* and yog will be pleased with result* Thomas Ntcbols, 1918 Walking St.. ! Augusta. Oa Bept2p Butter. (KUHN CLOVER BRAND IUTTKR, 80c per lawtid »* L. A Grimaud. 1210 t'uminlng St. Phone No 130'- a2op A Want Ad. Will Find the Best Man for the Job—and Find Him Quickly, Too. In The Herald Pay 1c A Word; 25c Minimum Charge FOR SALE-Real Estate- RESIDENCE: 8-ROOMB, 2-STORY residence on Ellis street; desirable location; price and terms right. E. F., Herald. al4tf AN IDEAL HOME. IT WILL DOU ble In value In ten years; stop pay. Ing rent; also 36 acres fine land at Gracewood. Apply to C. T. Schmidt, 442 Walker St. al6c HOUSE A BEAUTIFUL HOME, 122 Broad street, for sale; lot 45x120, house of 5 rooms, large porch, hark and front; cement sidewalk; gas, a new house. Price $3,350 cash. Ap ply on premises. &22c FOR SALE Horses, Mules, Livestock, Harness, Carriages, Etc IF YOU DON’T BUY YOUR HORSES and mules from us, we both lose money, Augusta Stock Yards. RED POLL CATTLE: A FEW choice belters and bull calves. They are hardy, clean stock, good milkers and with beef conformation. Just the kind of cattle you like to see around j the farm. For prices and estimates, 1 write Bowdre Phlnlzy, Grovetown, Ga. ! MULE: FOR SALE ONE BAY MULE. | No. 136 Centre St. a22p FOR BALE Poultry and Pet Stock MAMMOTH BRONZE TURKEYS; Tou.oae Geese, Muscovey Ducks; j Barred P’vniouth Rocks; all farm raised, hdLthy and from first class I stock. Prices Address ■ Bowdre Phlnlzy, Jrov.-town, Ga. ts BUFF ORPINGTONS A FEW NICE young cockrels for sale. From the ; original famous Cook strain. Bowdre Phlnlzy. Concrete Work. CONCRETE WORK: 1 DO ALL kinds of concrete work, such as cement walks, reinforced work. I have the latest Improved machinery, nnd an expert foreman, and am pre ■ pared to turn out work for big or ders. Estimates and specifications furnished. A. 11. McDaniel, Augus ta, Ga. J27tf Reward. FOR ANY CASE OF CHILLS AND fever that Randall's Chill and Fe ! ver lonic mils to cure. Guaranteed !to cure where otherß fall. No cure no pay. Phone 2214 -Randall's Phar macy. We deliver to any part of the city. ‘ a2c i Sanitary Lime PROMPT DELIVERY. CALL ME UP for anv quantity. A. H. McDaniel. Phone 16. Alttf Southern Cabinet M’f’g Works NORTH AUGUSTA. S C , IS NOW rebuilt and ready to fill orders, such a* stairs, bank and office fix tures, counters, shelving, show cases, screeu doors, window aud all classes of cabinet work We guarantee best work at low prices. Phone No. 714 •Me Plastering Material ! IVORY WOOD FIBRE PLASTER IK the best plastering material foi wiill* and ee»iing» It given addi tional strength to the building ana i H*a>B put forever. A. H. McDaniel, Augusta, Ga j!4tt Cheap Lumber A I.AHOF. M>T OF FLOORING, CEH, 1 Ing and wra.har noarding. all, grades; also a lot of rough lumber short and long leaf, from 1-ln. hoards to Bxlo fratnclng. All this atock must he disposed of In next 30 day* Address Standard I.umber Co., Exposition and IBth St, or K. J O'Connor, 855 Hruad St ts Plastering Material IVORY WOOD FIBRE I'I.ASTKK IS the best plastering material for. walls aud ceilings. It gives addi tional strength to the building and stays put forever A It McDaniel, Auguata, (la jl4i( | WRAPPING PAPER OLD NEWS paper* for wrapping purposes Ap ply at Herald office, JtOtt WRAPPING PAPER OLD NEWS papers for wrapping purposes Ap plv at Herald office Jl6tf To Piano Owners WHO INTEND MOVING; FKom this date on your piano moved. ! tuned and cleaned for $5 00. The ape | ctal price of tuning Is $2 50 Call up i lloht J Watson Phone 504, No. 666 I tread street, the Cable Co (All work strictly first class.) fjdc Notice NOTICE TO THE PUBIJC: WK ARE ready to give you the best work on your clothes and hat cleaning at our new stand, 416 Campbell Ht Our work guaranteed Alt work called for and delivered promptly. Phone No. 652. Harry P. Verdery, Mgr. a22p PRIN’CBM hat CLEANING AND Pressing Co., successor* to Verdery Pressing Club. 313 Mclntosh street Phone 3435 Expert cleaning, presa Ing and repairing Hats cleaned and tbocksd Ladles' suits aud Skirt* cleaned and pressed All work guar antied J P Stephens, Mgr. a2oc THE AUGUSTA HERALD WANTS SUCCESS ■■.'■'"J is sure if you plant Alexander’s Seeds. Big 7 Turnip Collection 25 CENTS Seven full ounces of the seven best varieties of Turnips and Ruta Bagaa, 25 CENTS They all grow. You cannot buy better seeds if you pay 25c PER OUNCE Alexander Seed Co. CAREFUL BEEDSMEN. 911 BROAD. AUGUSTA. MRS. FRANCES FOX, PHOTOGRAPHER, Residence Studio, 819 Telfair St. Opposite Union Depot. Kodak dims developed free of charge. Four Post Cards, 50c. alOtf Windsor Spring Water RELIEVES NAUSEA. DYSPEPSIA, Kidney trouble; 5 gallons delivered 60 cents. Phone 112. Alts Pickling Goods GREEN PEPPERS 26c PER PECK; green tomatoes 50c per peck; ap ple vinegar 30c per gallon; onions 25c per half peek; large while head -ab bage 10c and 15c; spleces and etc. Now is Ihe best time to do your pick ling. Please •ghe me your order. L A. Orlmaud, 210 Cumming street, 'Phone No. 1305 sloe ONE BOX VIOLET TALCUM POW der, 25ots. Krom Scalp iveniedy, SI.OO. Krom Soap, 25cts a cake. PARKS PHARMACY, Phone 369. Trunk Hospital OUR TRUNK DOCTORS (AND they are good ones) can put your old, disabled trunk, ease and grip In first-class condition—a new slat, lock, clamp, etc., and It’s In condition for years of service. Cost Is small. Trunk sent for and delivered free of cost. Or we will take your old trunk as part payment for a nice, new one. Telephone us, 593, or give us a call at our well-stocked, spacious store. Augubta Trunk Factory, 851 Ilroad. Wrong side of street, but right side of prices. M. M. Cleckley, Prop. SPECIAL NOTICES. Social Lodge No. 1, F. A A. M. A CALLED COM MUNICA tIon of Social Lodge No. 1 will be held In Lodge Rooms Masonic Hall .. Thifi sdav ’night, 20th Inst., at !-.;!() o'clock. The E. A. Degree will be conferred. Mem- A bers of Webbs Ixidge No. 166 and transient brethren are fraternally in vited to attend. By order — B. H Rosaon. W. 51. Win. H. Crane, Secty. p2oo. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: The reward of two hundred dollars, put Into my hands for the capture of the murderer of Charlie Lee has been withdrawn. GEO. S. MURPHEY. a2lc I WEBBS LODGE. A called communication of Webbs Lodge No. 166 F. & A. M. will be held Friday, August 21st. at 8.30 p. m K V Degree w ill be conferred. Mem ber* of Social Lodge and visiting brethren cordially Invited. J H. FLYTHE. W. M. W. H. SHERMAN. Secty. ailc Bid* for coal and fresh meat for the City and umar hospitals will be opened September l»t, 1908 For de tailed Information appiy to T. K. Oer. tel, chairman. bM I ISC STURMAN'S PREPARATORY SCHOOL 1289 KIR* Street, 'Augusta. Ga Phone 1511 Fall and winter session begins Monday. September 14th. Thorough mathematical and classical course* For full particulars, address W.M H. BTURMAN, Principal s3c THIRTEEN ARE HURT IN RAILROAD ACCIDENT FORT SMITH. Ark—Thirteen per sons gn> r< ported hurt In an accident to passenger train No. 13 on the SL laiuls. Iron Mountain and Southern railroad between Little Rock and Kan sas City. The train left the rails and was ditched In Oklahoma near Illi nois Details of the disaster are lacking and It Is not known whether : any of the Injured are dead or noL A Trial WUI Prove 25 Words or Less Of Help Wanted 25c LEGAL NOTICE STATE OF GEORGIA, COUNTY OK RICHMOND, By virtue of power of sale contained In Bond for Titles from H. S. Card u» Wade Davis, April 6, 1907 (defriuit as therein provided having been made, and having continued for more than 30 days thereafter, and the 30 days written notice* thereof having been given to said Wade Davis), will be sold at public out cry before the Court House door In the City of Augusta, Richmond County, Georgia, on the First Tuesday in Sep tember, 1908, between the legal hours of public sale:;— All that lot or parcel of land situate in the City of Augusta Richmond Coun ty, Georgia, known and described as lot No. 27 ’on plan of lots made by R. T. Barksdale, recorded in Clerk's office Richmond Superior Court in Book 3 Z s folios 302-3; said lot having a front of 38 feet on Gregg street, and extending hack of even width 100 feet and bounded North by 10 foot alley; East by lot 26 on Haid plat; South by Gregg Street, and West by lot 28 of said plat. Terms cash. Purchaser to pny for pa pers. WADE DAVIb. By His Attorney in Fact, H. S. Card. A5-12-19-26C PROVIDI~!NG A rFprTsFnTATIVE FOR BEN HILL COUNTY. A Proclamation. By His Excellency, Hoke Smith, Governor. Atlanta, Ga., August 6th, 190 A Whereas, the General Assembly at its pesslon in 1908 proposed an amendment to the constitution of the State, as net forth in an Act approved August 6tn, 1908, to wit: Hoc. 1. Be It enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Georgia; i’hat Paragraph one of section 3 article 3 of the Constitution of Georgia, as amended by an Act approved July 27th, 1904 is hereby amended by striking “183 Rep resentatives’’ in the said paragraph ot the Constitution as amended and substi tuting “184 representatives.’’ Par. 1. The House of Representatives shall consist of not more than 184 rep resentatives, apportioned among the sev eral counties as follows, to-wlt: To ino six counties having the largest popula tion, viz. Chatham, Bibb, Floyd, Fulton. Richmond and Thomas three represen tatives each; to the twenty-six counties having the next largest population, viz. Bartow. Bulloch, Burke, Cobb, Carroll, Coweta, DeKalb, Decatur, Dooly, Elbert. F maun el, Gwinnett, Hall, Houston, Jack son, Laurens. Lowndes Meriwether, Monroe. Muscogee. Sumter. Tattnall. Trop, Walton, Washington and Wilkes, two (2) representatives each, and to the remaining counties one representatives each. S»*c. 2. Be it further enacted, by the authority aforesaid; That when said amendment shall lie agreed to by two thirds of the members elected to eacn house it shall be entered upon the Jour nal of each house with the ayes and nays f thereon, and published In one or more I newspapers in each congressional uis trlct in said State, for two (2) montns I previous to the time for holding the next ! general election and shall, at said next | general election be submitted to the peo- I pie for ratification in the following form , to-wlt: “for ratification” or “against | ratification,” and if a majority of the : electors qualified to vote for members iof the general assembly voting tn*»ron shall vote for ratification, having writ ' ten or printed on their ballots, “for rat | ideation" which votes cast at said olec | thin shall be consolidated as now retjuir i etl by law in elections for members ot the general assembly and returns tnere- Yt' made to the Governor, then he shall Jd* clare said amendment adopted, and make proclamation of the result of said 1 ••lection by publication of the result ot j said election in one or more newspapers jin «ach congressional district of tne Slate. Now. therefore. I. Hoke Smith, gov ernor of said State do issue this, my proclamation hereby declaring that tac foregoing proposed amendment to the - 'institution is submitted for ratification or rejection to the voters of the state 4iuaUfi**(i to vote for members of the gen eral assembly at the general election to be held on Wednesday. October 7th, 190 s. HOKE SMITH. Governor. By the Governor. PHILIP TOOK. Secretary of State. Aug. 6. It a wk. till Oct. 7. Debtors and Creditors Notice. Notice is hereby given to all cred itors of the estate of Benjamin Skal i owski, late of said county, deceased, !to render in an account of their de mands to me within the time pre -1 scribed by law-, properly made out. And all persons indebted to said de ceased are hereby requested to make immediate payment to the under signed. This 13th day of August, 1908. HELENA SKALOWSKI, Executrix of Benj. Skalowski. Al3-20-2753-10-17C STATE OF GEORGIA RICHMOND COUNTY. Administrator’s Debtor and Creditor Notice. Notice is hereby given to all credit ors of the estate of Martha Peeples of said county, deceased, to render in an account of i~eir demands to me within the time prescribed by law, ! properly made out. And all persons ! indebted to said deceased are hereby | requested to make immediate pay ! ment to the undersigned. This lit .n day of August. 1908. ROBERT C. WILLIAMS, -ministrator of Martha Peeples. a2O-27; s3-10-17-24c MAN SHOOTS WIFE AND COMMITS SUICIDE DETROIT, Mich.—Albert Weir, re siding at 3(M> Crawford street, today shot his wife and immediately com mitted suicide by swallowing carbolic acid. The wife died shortly after be ing shot. Ihe cause of the tragedy • is not known. The Hor*e Blew Flret An Irtnh hoi>* 1 own»r, whoer hornr hud b«*en pmiorlbctl for by a veterinary sur geon. ran into the latter's office, and with tears In his eye* and his face the J picture of bntl luck' cried. — “Oh. Pr Moriurity. I'm poorly. powdher's kilt me cntolrely" “The p'wder" cried Dr. Morlartty.- “Why I didn't tell you to take the p'w d*’r 1 told you to place it in a paper j tube and put one end of it tn the hOiTi'-’e j mouth, end blow hard." ->•» **Yea. sorr.” said P»t. **l put the pow dher in the chubc. and 1 put the end of It In the horse’s mouth, with th* cihrj end in my mouth, but begorra he blew first. -The Scholars’ Own. MI EXHIBIT DREW HT OLYMPIC CROWDS STADIUM DESERTED WHILE THE FRANCO-BRITISH SHOW WAS LARGELY AT TENDED RARE PICTURES ON VIEW French Paintings Disclose a Greater Sincerity Than Those of Englishmen. LONDON. —Everyone fancied that '.hi great attraction of the Franco-Britisn Exhibition would be the Stadium with the Olympic games. And what has happened? As a matter of fact, the Stadium was frequently deserted, while the stu« 'o palace devoted to French and English art has awakened Immense Interest. The national exhibits are beperately grouped, and it is well for the more re cent painters of Great Britain that they are not forced into close comparisons with thier French brethern. Fortuna tely for the Britons, the dead masters or both nations have been admitted to the exhibition, but the French hflve availed themselves only sparingly of this li berty. The British, on the other hand, have drawn unhesitatingly upon their masters of bygone generations. Yet, even with th© tremendous edvan tage to the British exhibits of having supplemented the galleries of living painters with a museum of retrospec- ! tiy© British art, 1 saw more life and i more truth in the French art section. Both, I make haste to add, have nobly in their fight for honor. In fact in this Franco-British palace one suffets from a positive plethora of a.ti&tic wealth. FRENCH SCHOOL IS SUPERIOR TO ENGLISH. What most impressed me was the su periority of the French over the British school in the matter of sincerity. One sees that, while the British school lias labored more or less steadily for the past hundred years to atain beauty of a ! conventionalized kind, the painter across ! the Channel have worked in the direc tion of truth. Nor do the tendencies of the two schools seen to be changing to any marked or noteworthy extent. Only the Ideal of beauty of many of the British painters has of late degenerated into an Ideal of prettiness, while the French iiow strain at times less after what I might call truth tastefully edited than after realism. With rare exceptions, too, the BrUish painting lack the temperamental quality. They are seldom bold, more seldom rug ged, never compelling. In the French galleries there are paintings which at the first glance startle one. But they are usually the results of temperamental sincerity. As Instances of supremety British con ventionalized art I may mention the “Bower Meadow” of Rometti and “Le Chant d’ Amour’’ of Burne-Jones. The compositions painfully and most serious ly ordered on the pattern of the early Italian masters, the figures all artfully posed, the original humanity of the faces replaced by idealizations. To preceive what comes of the T#er< worship of prettiness in art, you need only look at the works of Poole and Mor ris—all grace, all sickly loveliness and ‘ simpering charm. One of the worst and most popular, pictures in the exhl- I billon is Poole’s Seventh Day of The j Deearmeron." Both the ladles telling naughty stories and the gentlemen who ; ‘ listen are too sweet for anything, j ! “Among living artists classed as dashing and effective Portraits of the Elche. ] I Lady Tennant. Mrs. Ade.ine and Mrs. I Wertheitner. Herkomer. exemplified in j ; ‘ The Last Muster ’ and “Portrait of the | Duke Of Devonshire;” Orchardman, wltn | “The BorolaAlma-Tadema. Rovnter, Fllles. Shannon. Vicat Cole. Colin Hun -1 ter. Macheta. Charlton, loidy Bretler .'re presented of course by “The Roll CaU, lent by King Edward* and less favorite j jrtist*. There are nearly 1.500 works in : »he British section. Including odly interesting pieces of sculpture. A THOUSAND FRENCH EXHIBITS. The French exhibits number about 1.000. exclusive of paintings, sculpture .tod engravings Among them are ex ample* though not very considerable ex amples. of Ingres (represented by his “Portrait of the .Sculptor Bartoloni’) a sketch of the "Decoration for the Gal lery of Apollo” and the rather well known “M Ira beau nnd the Marquis de Dreux Raize.” by Delacroix; three marv«*U of microscopic art by Meissonnelr; one oil painting “La Herse.” by the Incompara ble Millet, works by Troyon. Dupre Daubigny. Corot and others of iheu time :i.nd groupe, exquisite compositions, full of tenderness and yet truthful, by Casin. Jules Breton Depme and others; a lo’.ely "Return of the Flock.*’ charming in tone and sentiment, by Gaston Gulgnard. wonderful still life studies by Yollon; THURSDAY, AUGUST 20 WANTS Woman Who Can Keep a Secret Mias May Dowling, the official telephone operator of the Republican head quarters in New York. She was picked out for having the ability to keep a secret famous portrait by Carolus, Duran, Bonnat, Benjamin Constant and Duez; two Rosa Bonheur, and many more de lightful canvases. Taken as a whole the French pictures and the French sculptures in the exhibi tion are singularly sane and honest Few ! of the perverse eccentrics who flaunt i themselves yeear after year on the walls jof the salons have been admitted Lo tne j galleries, while if one may judge from j the dency of almost all the compositions on view-, the juries responsible must have selected the exhibits with a predeter mination not to call a blush to the most sensitive cheek. In one of the rooms, I was glad to see “Les Foins,’ (“The Haymaker.”) a work by Bast Jen-Lepage, which, twenty years ago, caused excited controversy. Timo has mellowed and dignified the realism of the painting. The peasant gurL who stares at vacency, while her male com rade, stretched out on the haytield, snores in peace, has lost much of the coarseness which shocked one when tho picture was first exhibited. She seems less bestial. Picquant by the contrast is suggests is the charmingly delicate “Young Wo man at the Water-Side,” by Heilbutt. It was hardly kind to send no better example of Puvis de Chavannes than his “Beheading of John the Baptist.’ The John who kneels in the center of this [ composition, awaiting death by tno sword of Herod's myrmidon, hus little in common with the hero of the Salome episode. MANIAC, WITH RAZOR, THREATENS MAN’S LIFE NEW YORK. —Demanding a targ* sum of money, a man believed to be insane forced his way into the office of Mayor Stiles, of Hoboken, today and, drawing a razor, threatened to kill the executive unless the money was immediately forthcoming. Mayor Stiles, seeing he had a maniac to deal with, told him to watt, and go ing from the room, summoned the police. After a struggle the man wai locked up and taken to the county jail. SIX CROATIANS ARRESTED WHEN ABOUT TO LAND NEW YORK. —When the Deutsch land arrived at the dock today six men in the steerage received the shock of their lives as detectives calm ly picked them out of the crowd and held them apart from .their ro«*- rades. The men were seized at the qtu/it of the Hungarian government as being concerned In the robbery of SB,OOO and the attempted murder of a man in Vacz, Hungary. AH the riien , are Croatians. They gave their nanys as Lynbiea, Arnessa, Ostenik, Jand’e, Cunlra and Bochriz All will be held pending further advices from Hungary. fgg « n T<*>r d -•lar'e for If he car.ncl rusri, Oi* MARVEL, emi .no M ettfr, Nit m \ *t»n,p for V PlcrtxalM SvoX—*ra> I Titles fell —r«.*l»»» **4*ljW t !ln«* le vs. WWr to l*dl*S. M»R'M ‘H ♦traetMlirrrt.M* VORK. Every Woman L ia lateral**! aud tip aid kaow Ebout ttM woiiti rrfol AMARVELWkJgllnaSpray A" 1 *- “ w --CTW l«rt. II clean*™